HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-8-10 .. RESIDE..NTlAL" . APPLICAT.PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street ' Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ' Job Looation: ?<""/!<I /4Z?U~;T??/#.c::. ~(/E.. AsaesaorG Map # 17.-o;:z.~ - B4P Tax Lot # ..,.h Subdivision: I Rcae-;.pt #- /02103 Sa.?<'>:S (A.mer: e7?~ ~rc 5t:B:/p?-~ Address: Llt!;>,~ M-/S 0/ ~~;~' ' SE/V7> /$I'-1/'O ~/CE~~ 7n ;1"~?.?#"CC:?- i!!"21~~,;/--:::> / v , I#) n ??/.b~ e: ,....-=-2:::> r:::;OU .R~/ 2-3:B Value Contractors Address Genera! ~"'1.R~.7?"~~/<, ~ ,,";,' . ~ /R_......,.-A-~ , PZwnbing K-=__/ H ~ <' -n--</,,/~~ EZectl'ical - ~~~- l.Jechar.ic::! Con~truction L~nder It is the rosponoibility of'the permit holder to Boe that a!l inDpeatiOn8 are made'at.the pzoopel' tim€, that ec:.ch ~e83 is l'oa::aa:e from ths street, and that the permit card is Located at the front of the property. A:BuiZ.di~ Divicio~ approved plan sheH remain on the Bu~Zding Sit$ at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION .RE'QU~AL~ 72?-37~ccol'del') state yOUP City designated job number, job a.ddPcss, type of ir.::;pac;ic1i l'equcstcd a~d W;.:en you lJ1..n be reau.y J "'~' ........!-"'........,:t.on, Contractcrs 01' Oz.me:'s ncme end phone number. Requests l'eceived befero 7 :00 c:; :.JiZZ be made the same day, requests made afta 7:00 am loIi.ZZ b. made the noxt :.;orkin;; day, or>f\_ ~I J Your City Desigr.atcd Job Number Io: fJ ~ \ } 1 RRnui~~1 r~~Qf~~ir.~~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but priOl' tc set up of foI'1Tls. O . UNDERSLAB PLlJl.fBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any UJOl'k is ~overed. City: n n n r<1 NR1.l Addi tien Remodel .'.fobile lloma Date of Applicaticn [lJ roOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms aroe erected, but priol' to pouring ccnCl'et~. UNDSRGF?OUND PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1Tl!!J DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- l ir.g tl'enahes. CJ o =:J UNDERPWOR PLU/.!BING & MECH.ANICAL: To be made pl'ior to inztalZation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulatior. or deoking, ROUGH PLU.'1BIlJG. F;T.ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to bc cot.-ered ur.til thcse inspeations have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: PriOl' to pLc.eir.g faeing matel'ials'and before framing inspec- tion. FRA..!~ING: Mu.::;t be l'equested aftel' approval of l'ough pl~hing, eZeatl'i- cal & mechanicaZ. AU roOfing bracing & chinmcys, etc. TTr.lst be . completed. No lJOrk is to be con- ., ceeZed until. this inspeetion has 'be~n made and approved. o o ~ =:J FIliAL PWMBIIIG :::J FIliAL MECHAIIICAL :::J FINAL ELECTHICAL :::J \~ ~ Pr.one: il; l/j() 74'/-/C>fS'Y ??~ ;:> '8; Zip: Describe florl,: I i.4! \ '5 Sigr.ed: Date: ch.~o-J 8' -/~ -8'0" Lise. Ii 43h 99 EXDires Phone \lr~4'/~~ " D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER TNSPECTIOll:' To be made aftel' aU insulation ar.d . required vapOl' barriers a1"e in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wU covering is applied, and beforo any inauZation is concealed. . DEUOLITIOH OR l.:OVEE BUILDIi.'GS ~ Sani taroy se'.Jer aapped =.t P:.OP<:rtif lir.a ~.sePtia tank p~~d and fil1.iJd uith 31'a~e~ O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc .be made after aU drywall is in place, but pl'ior to any taping. I Final - rl'hen ahcve ite:ns are cc:m:1letcd ~ ar.d when demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. O MASONRY: s:~ez. beam:;, gl'Ou.,1..ng aceordance 14th 2415. o WOODSTOVE: Aftel' instal.Zation is ~ Blocking and Set-up ocmprsted, 50 ::21 PZwnbing oonnections -- s"",er ar.d water D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftero f01'tTl/~ -x1 Electrical Connection - Bl.ockir.g~ set-u~ a:re erected but prior to pouring S-: ~ and plumbing connections rrr...:s t te approv~d cortCl'ete. . before request-:.ng electrical inspec;io~: location, bonJ 01' verticaZs in U.B.C. Section I Mobil.e Hemes o SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Fol' aU con- crete paving within stl'ect right- :::J Acces::;or>,i Build-:.ng of-lJay, to be made after all exca- vating cC71l~l.et~ & fom work & sub- ri::-x=J Final - Aftar porcr.es, ba::;e'mat~z:t-al .1..n place. . ':) ) ~ etc. aroe comple;cd. skirting, decks, D PENCE: ...'her. compl.~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. D o All. project conditions, sueh as the install.ation of street trees. ca~lation of the required landscc.pir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be 1'3qu.esccd. FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection 'must be requested after-the Final PLwnbir:;; Electl'ical., and Mechar.ical Inspectiono have been made and approvad. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS }/UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!F:UT TO BE r.~1DE /'.T NO C~ST TO CITY I Pa~c 1 of :l ,';i '::~ , ...... I JOB NO, Zona: Lot Sq, Ft;;, S Df lot C:JVeI'ag~ # of Stories Total Height Topogl'O.phy I lITEM I Main I CcJ>ace I Carncrt I Accessol'lI r-r/H*'r " Is,o,c, ~ L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- OcauoonCl/ c4 WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac , SQ,FTG TOTAL VALUE fvat.uc) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Charoges I ITEM 1110, I Futures I IResidential (1 bath) I 1 Sanitary Sewer I I Water I:M-a~.<<. ~&J~ PZumbing Perri t State Surcr.arge TctaZ Charaes i ITEM I Res. So. fto. 'New/Extend Circuits jTemporary Service NO'I I I I :fXz::zr ;,$'~.J.b I EZe~tI'ical Permit St::.te Sw>cha:rae Total Charges IITSM I Furnace ETU' S I E::::haust Hood I Vent Fan I ' IlIoodsto,e 1110, I 1 I I I Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcharoae TQt171. Charo(M1J FEE FEE FEE -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC!"lIlntll Deposit I Storage I Maintenan..:'!G i Permit I I Total Cha1'oas lCurbaut 1'-' ' -,c." I 1 I ~~-I" I I ;'/'.4. j - , I It::?-- 1-)- -91 /.9,,501- . I I 1 I I I~~,-,;> 1 /~- I~~I I ,/'~I I /s:;?,S l, I I I 1 I I /.').~ I I t/S: COi!P 1- 'n I -?.>I I /5..75'"'1; I I I I I I 1 I I , - x 1 SidmJa lk I ~ F(m::e i Electrical Label 1< I::I..L.:L 8 ' 'Mobile Hame ") 1'"'/ V?- ~ci-I - 5% ;VI', I l I iTOTAL ANOUIIT DUE:' #11'9 c~: I I I I I I 1 - Value CHARGE CHARGE C/JARCE '- ~ ,. Type/Cor.st .' . I Lot Faces. - I I P,L, INorth lEast ISouth IWest Bedrooms: I En2PoU Sources i Heat I Access. , II Water Hp.otp.I' Range I I Fireplace I I Wood:;tove 'II" TUDe Setbacks I House Cal'age I i 1 I '.1 '\' ......-... -~' Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sa"id construction shaZl~ in all respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning CrdinanceJ l'eguZc.til1g the ccnstr"a:ticn and use of buildings, -and m:lY be,suspended.or l'evoke4 atc:r:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Or>dir.ances. . " " /- IPlan Check Fee: 6.5'2> I Date Paid: R - J 2- -Be IReedpt, #:. / Z..J-.Q.3. I Signed: ;=f ~:u.- Pe r m i t ~'\ "Plum'bing No pereon :lOOll constM-lct" install, alte'I' or'chango any 1'.eIJ 01" e:::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~Bon may do plur.:bing work to property which,is .0l.Jned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. - .' '. '" .... .:, ' -. ,- .. ~ . :'\ Electrical Per m i t Where State Law requires tr4t the electricaL work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the lahel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit 1 I I I- I /'Z, ~ Pue/~( A , By-=< 'S'8 vat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA1tJINED the completed application for permit, c:nd do hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is tpue and correct, and I r~rther certify that any arn all work perfo~ed shall be do~e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ Ur~s of tha State of Oregon pertaining to the work describad herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be r7l1de of any structure without p~rmi8sion of the Building Di- vision. I further ce:rtify tha.t o-:tly cont1'ar:tors and e:nployees who are in compliance with ORB 701.055 will be used on this project I ~G> )-1;,lj 2.S':'-LIl;: k~ ',015 I /J . 1 ,A fez.. ' 9,.-u.ul,E ,;'1,) ~ _ Signad I // 7/.:2 -f"1 Date --.