HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1982-6-25 .. RESi'NTlA'L" APPLICATION/PERfrHT 225 North 5th Street Springfie~dJ Oregon 97477 Bui~ding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlEl..O . . ". ,I '" , , ~ ~ A JJV\ ,JJ 1 ~:d1i.J;" () \ f")D2~l""j.\. ~ - ~-iu~,~, 5A~A, rvJ:W~<r-h-"'; .' ~ 9-...,:., J()../J ( ~.!~ Job [.cc.:ltion: ASD8saors .\1ap # SlJ.bdi:J{.sion: Q...'ner: Add.....GS3: City: n n n n ,'Jpo.J 0\ t:f-.r'{) Tez Lot II Phone: '74. - (~on ) Zip: Ot'7J./7 7 De8C1"'~be f{ol'k: Addi ticn ~~ Ie is the respcnaibitity of the permit hoUisr to 868 that aZZ incpections are ~ade at ~ha propar tim~, t~at ~h =ddrs88 is rB~~~~:~ from the. st:roeet, and ehat the permit card is 1.ocated at th6 front of the property. "Suildir<.g lJi.ui::io'!: app:!"ot:ed Flan 8;'.aZ.Z."r~, 011 tr..; Bu-:.tdirt{1 Sit.: at aLl. tUnss. P.'?OCgDU,~E FOR INSPECTION R::autsT:C LL 726-3769 (1' cordeI'J state your City designated job ntQ;;ber, Job adbc83, type of inapru:-.;icn r3questcd ar.d when lioU :.JiH be ready ~ inspcctio J Contl'acto'l's or Owne:>s ncme end phone 1".ur."".oCl'. RequGsts receit:.w. befcrG 7:00.::'1 :."iZl. be made the SCJr:S dcy, requests mc:de a :00 ~ !JiZZ ba lMde the next :.lOrkin; day. y';"" City, D..ifl".ated Job Nu.~.ba' I.:~O 7r2 f/( D INSU['AT!ON/VAPO.l? BARRIER !.'lSP=CTIO.'l: . To be made after aU insuk:ti:m (Z"'.d required vapor aa:M"""~ers are in p'Lace but befcrs any lath, gypsum beard or wll covering is applied, and before any irwulation is conceaLed. Remodel ,'.!obi-l2 .=lor.:" General Plumbi"" i Electrical I Mechard.c::.l I Constl"".lcti071 !.~nder' h -,..()5- g 12 u,~ Date of ApplicJ;tie!! Contractors ./) Ul J ~ _~'uru1:"''''r~ r"'pr:oI'Jrti..(':rJl. O SITE INSPEC::O,v: To be trJ2ce e::cavc.tion, but prier to se: forms. o after up of UNDERS[,AB P![},'..rBI.'lr;, ELEt:TRIC1L MECHA:JICA[,: To bs tr'.ads belors work is ~ovcred. o FOOTI.VG ~ FOl),VDATICl/: To be ~ after trencnes ars e:::cavated c:nd ferms are erectad, but pr:.cr to pourir.g cancrst,;:. UNDSRGROOND ?U},tfEING. SEtreR. WATE.'?, DRAINAGE: To be rrr:L:f.6 prior to fil.- iir.g tTfmches. o o UNDE.9.FWOR Pr.WfBDlG i NECHANICAr.: To DB r.:ade prior 'CO in3taUati011 of fioor insuzation or decking. POST AND 3EA].f: To be rr'ICUic prior to instal.Laticn of' noor inst.:Zation or decking. ROUGH ?'[.[P..#BIHG. ~l,EC':'RICA!. ~ MECH- ANICAL: .Vo "..JOrk is to be COt,'el"ed until these ~nsvecticr.s ~ve beer. mads ar4 ap?~~ved. Fn?EPLACE: Pr-ior to pkcir.g fc.~r.g mc:teria!:-s and befors frcc:rir.g inspec- tior.. o D o D FRA.'1IUG: Mu.st be rsquem;ed after approval. of rough plwr.bing, electri- c:al & mecr.anical. AlZ roofing bracing ~ chimneys, stc. m'~st bB . compl.eted. .'10 IJOrk. is to be ccn- . cealed until this instlection r.as . been made and approL'ed. Val"" tN, --:IJ...(}O Address ~ r Lisc.# , -::<;~ I. J M".f} 11^J7ili d'l 1/ & any D DRY"tlAL[' I,';SPEC'!'ION: Tc be made after aU ar:luall. is in pLace, but pr-'~or to any taping. MASONRY: Steel. location, bond beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance ~~th V.B.C. Section 2415. WOODS7'OVE:: After installation is r:cmple-r:ed. .. .=?.::ce~..,t ;,~9\:~~ o o D CURB & APFRCACH APRON: Afte-:o fo~s ar'e arected but P1'"';01" to pouring con.:!rete. SIDEWA.LK .5 DRIt'ET';Al': For all con- crete paving :.Jithin street right- oj'-LX:.y, to be made after alZ exca- vatina comvZets & fo~ work & ~ub. base ,~te;';az. in '/lace. 1~~~/'6,~O I I I I I I I Sigr.eti: Date: ~ ~6 -.o.'")--1<1:J D d !'SNCS: :/her. cO:Trpl~te -- ?ro..,ide ~ gates or movable sections t;'~v~gh P.U.E. D Enil'c8 Pr.onc I DE'f(J[,ITIO!! OR .~:Ov::; aU!LiJI;lCS ~ Sani:a:ry se"..)or ::apped =t r:.opc;rt"d l.ir..l =:J Septic tank p~.d ar~ fiZZ.d ~;th ;ra~eZ :J Pi-nc.l - ff'nen ab...-v~ ite:::s arB cc.-:1:'let€d and ~hen d~Zitior. is compZe~B or 8:~~- ture ~oved ar~ pr~~~3es ::teaned ~? I Nobi Zoil Hames :J az.ocking and Set-~p :J Plumbing connections -- s.wsr and ~:ar ~ Electrical Ccnr.ectior. - Bl.ockir~, set-u.p ~ end plumbing connections r.r~8t =a appro~.d before request~ng eZec:ricaZ ins~ec:io~ ~ Accesco1"i 3uil.:.in.g :J Fin=l - Af:~r ;orc~es, s~~rt~ng, etc. ~e Ccmpl8t~d. r!.~ck3, D All. project cona~:~r~J auc~ as ~he inBtalZ.Gt~on of street trees. ::~~tac~n of the required ZandGccpir..g, ctc., must be satisfiad bctor'e the 3UI!.DI:;C FI:1AL c!:n be l'SquOSC03C. o FINAl. PLUUSD;'G o FINAL ,',fEr:P.A.'IICAL o FINAL SLEC':'.9IC:"r. o o FINAL BUILDING: The Final. Building Ir.sPQction ~st be re~.leDted =f:er the Final ?Z~bir~ Electrical, CZ1'1d .'-1eciu::.r:icc.l Ir.specticr.1J ;.,ava been mc.de ar.a c.pPl'()L'ed. '. "ALL MAllHCLES AtlD C!.cA,';OU'!'5 .'ruST BE .4CCES$r3c'~, AD,lUST.':2;'l'!' TO 3E ,~~'1DE I;::' :,'0 :::s: ?O CI':r I ~fO""~ 0.'" I JOB I Zona: No)5'f)()7.D1r 50LAR "55 Lot Sq. Ft.;. ~ ~f lat C.7IJerag:: ..~ of stOM.es ! TotaL Heigh" I I Topography I !'!'EM f Sr:;: FTG L'lain I~cc~ i i ~ar:'c!': I, 1.;c~e3sor':J TOTA!. ZJ,LUE Is,o,c, iVC~...C) j,5 = Euild-:.r:g ?~t State Surcharge Total Ci'.a:'fie3 I I'l'!N I f'i...-::u.res I Residential (1 bath) r Sanita1'"-1 Se'..Jer :'cter Pl:.untr:.r.g Perri t State Surcr..:ll'ge ~f. Ch:!'ges lITE.'.! I Res. Sa. fta. I NIWJ/E-""tend Ci.l'C'~i ts I Terrrpol'ary Ser-Jice I Elect~~cal Permit St.::.te Sur=ft.a:'oe Total ct'.C!'ces IIT~.v r..L('nace ETU'S E=haus t Hood J Vent Pan I I ;;oodstO;;8 I Permi t IsSUOtcs Mecnanic::l Permit State Sur~hc::zo.:1e 1'n't,'!l,~"t:t!J Oc::u:;CV".c:.o Grc-..l:i: LOT TYPE: IntClricr Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Va Zue INOol I I I FEE CHARGE 1.'/0'1 I I I I I I CHARGE 10\0'1 I I I I :':;'? CHAliCE I I I , . l 1 j I I I. I I I j l~IK,()l) I i I I I I I I ! IJJ> ) ?),DO ~ -- EflCRCACfiNE,'!T -- I Sec-..Cl"i..tu I Storc:.ge 1"1ain.terrar.ce 10 '. .a..~.. D2~o3it I 1C'.a"bcu: I SideLJalk i Yen.::e , ! !Zectr-ica Z. , ! .\fobiZa H:;me Total~ CiU:;r-r!C8 U::1;eL 'I :OTAL A....'OU.'JT DUE:. ?=gc 2 , 'L-COG~ REQ,- T:ipe/Car:st: 3e6>ooms: I Lot Faces - I I 2. [,. House i'lO'l'th I I Crier-a:; Sour~es I I Heat II II II II II T:;:-e E"r::sr: South j;,;est Se=backs I Caraqe I I :ire-oU::.ce Wood;;:;o!:e I Access. :.late']" _t!t!.at:.>!' RaY'.ge Fees I ) I j I I I ,. , I I I Building Value & Permit This permr;t ta granted on the express oondition that the said.cons;~~c~ion shall, in a!l ~espect3, oon.fcrm to the C~inar.ce =dopr:ed ~y the City oj Spri~4f-:.eZd, i~~Zuding ;r.e Zon-:.Y'~ C'l'dinance, regulating :;he ccnstr~~:;icn ~~ use of buiZdir~s, and m=y ce suspended or rBvoked at cr.y time upon vie. Za:ion oj an~ pr?vi3ior:s of said Ordtr~ces. I Plan Cheak Fee: I Date Paid: IReodpt .: ISiiP'ed: Plumbing Permit No perso~ chall aonstruct, ins~lZ, aZte~ or' change an~ r~w or e=is:ing plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, ur.les~ such person is trA legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person .~~ do pLumbing work to proper~~ which is o~~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. / I I. I I I Electrica I Permi t wr.ere State Laz,; requires tr~t the electr-:.caL /JOrk be done by an Ele::tricaL Contractor, the elec~~'aal ~ortion of ~his ~ermit shatl root be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elecrnca( ~ontrac-:or. I I. Mechanical Permit P '-an. :;zam.ner var;e I !fAVE' CAREFUU"Y ::XA.1,fI:1ED the corr.pleted appli.caticn fo!' pe-r.m:t, c:n.d do hereby certi;y ~r~t all i~;o~ativn hereon is =rue ar4 correa:, ar~ 1 f.crther cer--:if'y that arty ar.d aZZ work perlo'(':":'led shalZ .;e do:-:e ir. ac::o!'- dance "...lith til2 Ordin:::nces of t;..e City o[ SpPingfidd., and tit& lc::..;~ oj <:.1:.:3 St.:J.te of Or-egar. p~rt.:i.ning to the ~r_1,;: d.es~;bcd itere-in, end that ,'/0 OCCf.,,'- ?I"!lICY will be r.:ade of any st:-UCr-..<.r2 without p3~-ission of the 3uildi.r.g !r:"- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ~~ ~l~yebs whq are in cQ~pliance witil ORS ?Ol.0SS'will be used on this proj2ct ~^,,-r:;1 5isnza 'V ' , ........ ' " (..,-a::-~? !k;.:e