HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-6-23 .. RESI'NTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SpringfieZd, Opegon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 S-+O I J-..Q, ~'n0' , ~S;}/ (J &nd1.&t-n'oJJ Phone: ~ ~oJjt H } nQ Zip: \i),o, Pi-S'-x, 1:4./7 Wv~~' LULM m,{j Job Loca:tion: 2> 5 d-.lo O::;l ';") 6 ABDesao,s ,Vap # '7 SUbdi:.r:.sion: Q.mer: Addrsss: City: n n n n .V"".l Addi ticn RemodeZ ,'.!Obi.Z2 ,:{or::a t.o- d-3-f;0 Address Data of AppLication Contractors ,5 ~ ~, GeneraL Plumbing Etect1""':caZ Mecnar.:i.c::Z CO"8t~~ction ~~ndp.r (' 1)'(\ <\-V;-, 0 -\-n-r SPRINGFIELD. . , - Rcce7.pC " ~ '1:J- 'iQ{ IiiL: l Qn{'iU.DlxJ.il 0 I-l 1 3 T"" Lot # 6( 5 6 6 - cntf'f De8CI""~be rlor>k: VaZue (\Ii't- '/2 x\.rnA.H\-J ve, siqr.ed: Date: ~' , ,~~ In 'd?~-K:r Lise. Ii Pr.onc CJ::iil'C8 lt is ~hs responaibi1.ity of' the permit holder ~ see that at: iru;;pections are r.:ade at the propOZl' tim6>.J that ~cch .:dd:rsa8 is reada.=:., I J100m ths stl'eet, and that the permit card is 'l.xated at the front of the property. .4euit.di~.g Divi=io:-: crpprol,,:ed plan shell remain on eha BuiWil'lf: Sit.: at an times. P.70CSDU.~E POR INSPSC'!'IOtl RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recoreuJ state your City designated Job number, job aacrc8S, typo of in~pBc;icn r~questcd a;~ u~en you ~Ll be ~eady for inspection, Contracters or Owne~s ncme end phone ~~er. Requests recei~ad befers 7:00 ~ :..'aL oe rrr:.de the scme de:;, requests made afta' 7:()O a-n t.Jin ba rrru1.e the nat :.)Orkin; day. .::?P.tlJl1:l"~rf r,..,r::\,.,~{:-:O:_r.rq o o SITE INS?SC:ION: To be nruie after e:cavction, but prier tc set up of forms. UNDERSf.AB P!..ll,'.JBI<'lC. ELECTRICAl. & ~.'ECHAtJICAL: To be rr:atie before any work is .::overed. o POOT!.VG 5 FOU,VOATIC/l: To bf) m::zCe after trenches are excavated and ferms are erfJctad, but prier to pourir4 ccncret6. UNDSRC,WUNO ?U'MEINC. SEWER. W.1.TS,Q, DRAINAGE: To be r.r:z.::ie prior to fil.- "Lir.g -:renches. o o UNDERFWCr? P!W~IYG i :.u:C.9.ANICA!.: To 06 mads prior to in3taZ,lation of 11001' insuLction or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be I'1Ifllk prior to install..J:tien oj" floor inst.:Lation .01' dfc.<i"f;, ROUCH ?!.tP.!BI!lG. ~1.EC':'RICA[, ~ M!':C.r;- ARICAl.: No ~rk is to oe co~ered until these insoectiar.s hcve beer. made and a:ppl'oved. FIREPLACE: Prior to ptaair.g facing materiaZs and before f1'UJ'tting inspec- :ior.. FRA.'!I!IG: Must be reqwwted af-:er approuc:.l. of rough plwr.bing, i!Lectri- ca l & mecr.ani::a l. A Z. Z roofing bracing ~ ch~~cys, et~. ~~st be . compLeted. .'10 I.JOrk is to be con- . cealed until thia insoection has . b66'fl made end approt,'ed. o o D D lour City, Oeaigr~ted Job ~h€r I3: O INSULATION/VAPO.q BARRIER INSPECTIO,'l: To be mads after all. insukti.?n c::".d . . . required vapor ba:M"iers are in place but befers any lath, gypsum beard or r..nZl. coverin.g is c:pplied.. and bsfors CJ'I.y irt:3ulation is concealed. D ORY""/ALL I,'lSPSC'!'!O!'l: Tc be made after aU drywZl is in place, but pr-;or to any taping. MASONRY: SteeL location, bona beam3, grouting or J)er~icaLs in accordcnce :.r~th (j.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is acmpLeud. 55 d-Oi d-I DEUQLITIOH OR .~:OV!; SUILDI:lCS ~ Sani:cry se~er =apped =t ~op~rt;. l.ir.. ~ Septi= tank p~~.;!d C~~ fiLZed ~th ;ra~.~ :J Pinc.l - rrnen cb....-V13 its:::s a:re cC.":'Olsted and when de~litior. is compLete 01' st~~- ture moved ar~ pr~mi3es cLeaned ~p. I Mcciie He;r:es ~ SLocking and S~t-~p ~PZ.umbing connections -- sewer and wet.r ~Ez.eCtrical Connection - Blockir.;, elit-up and plwnbing connections nr..:.st :8 appro~id before request~ng Blec:rica! inspec:io~ =:J Ac.::"es~o1".;i !Juil.:i~nq ~E'inal - Aftcr ;':lrcr.es, I etc. are Ccmpl8:~d. l sidl't-ing, deck:J. o o o CURB & APPRCACH APRON: Afte:" forms erre are='ted but p1"':'or to pOUl""':'ng .::oncrete. D ALL proiec: cor.di:~~~, 3~ch as :ne {ns:aLZation oj s:r08t ~raes. =~.~Za~~Qn of the required i..andsccpir..g, etc., must be satisfiad before tr.a BVILDI:,'C FI:!AL ::-=11 be r3qu98~3d.. o FIUAL PLUMSH'G o PIllAL ,'.(Er:?A:1ICAL o FINAL ~!'ECT,9IC:"L 10 o FINAL BUILDING: The f~naZ 3uild-ing !nspec:ion ~~: be ~e~~eGted ~f=el' the Final ?!~bi~~ Elec:ricaZ.. and Mecner.ice! InspectienD r~va been made ar4 ~?Froved. ~ o SIDEW'ALK & DRI'l'ET;AY: For aLL con- crete paving ~ithin street right- of-wey, :0 be ma.:1e after alZ e::ca. vatina ::arroleta & foro:n wrk .f :ub- base ,~teriaZ in place. "ALL- MAl/HerES AND Cl.EANCUT[; ,'/UST EE ACCSSS'i3LS, AD,jUS7'.'~,~'T TO 32 .'.:'1:i~ !~:'" ::0 C::ST ::-0 CITY I ~""'e of:: o ITNCE: Wher.. camp Z,;te -- Pro'.Jide ga:es or movable 3ectiens tr~cugh P.U.E. D I JO B NO, 'Kd-.07;)-l I Z01"!e: Lot Sq. Ft.;. ~ ~l L?t CJf)erag& ,~ of' Stories 'I'otaZ Height I I Topography I I I~2",1 .~fain I~ac. I i (;'::::::l"':'c:"~ j .-ic~essor':J I SQ. FTC :'07' A [, ZJ.LUF: Is,D,c, 1,5 = , vc:~...c; Bu.i ld-:.ng Fermi t State Surcharge Total Cfo.aroges I [T2N NO,) IFL-:;-.4:!'BS jResid2t1tiaZ (J bath) j Sanitary SewSI' ;'C:2...'" IfJDlli.lo. '/..JnfY\Q., Plw:rbir:g Pen::-i t State Surar.arge Tatal. O.c::~aes j !TS:.! I Res. Sa. fto. jN3<W/E=tend Ctl'cuits I Temr;ora:rv Seruics I iiO, 1 I I D1o.bVo ~I E!€::t'l""~caZ Permit St.=.te Sur~ha..:"ae Total ctlC:!'ces li'?;,\! I .tUrro..:::ce ETU' S I E.=haust Hood. I Vent Fan I I i/ooasto:.J8 1"0'1 I I Perm-~t Issuanc2 He::nanic::l Perr:rit State Sur::hc::rcr; Tot.:::Z Charael1 -- ENCRCAC1:iAfENT i SeC:-.lT"";tu I Storc.qe I Nair:~er.ar.::e I Parr.r!.t I Total C:~.arf?cs !)z'Oo:;tt fC'.a'';C'..I::: I SidelJa!k. I :'en08 I ~!tlctr~ca1. Lebel , ! .'>lobi Za Hame 1 I'OTAL A.....I()U.'JT DUE:-t SOLAR _55 OC~.A.::anc:J Gl'C'.l:;: LeT TYPE Ir.r;ericr Conter ?~te Cut-de-saa X Value "CC ,.. :;'"'';' ,'''5500 ! 01. 60 I . P::.qa 2 I 'L-COG-lJ:' I j I I I I J I I J R EQ,- T":J'oe/Cor.3t: 3edrooms: E.'12rGu Sou.raes Hea; :.rater _::~r!t;?'!' Ranqa :~:reolace Wood;;;-;o!.:13 T:r~e I Lot Faces - I 2,L, INol"~i1 lE'cst ISouth IWest 1 Aaaess. I I I I I i II II Se-:bc:1k.s I Heuse I Camee I I Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I I ! I I I, This perm:.t is granted on the express condition that the sf1:id. aonstMlc~ion shall, in aZl respects, conform =0 the Ordinar.ce ~doFted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zonir'.g Crdinance,' regulating :he ccns:r:t.:ticn ar~ UGe of buildings, and m~y be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time u;or. vic- laticn of eny pr~vi3ior.s of said Ordir4nces. Ipran (-heck FIJI!: I Cate Paid: Recdpt #: I Siw:ed: Plumbing Permit No perean shall construct, instal!, aZte~ or change any r'~w or e=isting plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in part, unles~ such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is OI.,"ned, loosed 01' operated by the appli- cant, Electrica I Perm it Where State La:2.J requires tr.at the eleat'I"';cal !Jork be done by an EZectrical Contractor, the elect1'1'cal ~ortion of this oe~it shail r~t be valid until the tabel has been signed by the ElectricaZ.~ontl'actor. Mechanical Permit I I, I I j o ;B -f' -<-.., -Plcn =x.....--m.r.e:r uao;a I HAVE CARSFU["y =}()..NI.'IF:D the co:yleted czpplica.r;icn for pe~:, c:nd de hereby certijy that all i~jo~a~ion he~eon is ~e and cor~cct, 0"4 I ,...1':;:61' certify that any ar.d all. wor,I(. perlol":'rled shatz be do;-:e in accor- dance :Jith th.e Ordinances of tr.e City of Spr;ngf:.eZd, and th~ Lc:,,;s of tr:G * State of Oregvn p~rt.::ining to the 001',1( cescr-;bcd herein, O".c t,..a~ ,'/0 OCCU- ?i-WCY will be r.a.:ie of any sr;::-uct-.u>2 withou't permi33io~ of the 3uilding Di- vision. I fUl';r.el' certi/;i :hat '.J:"lty contrc=tors ar.d ~l.:;yees !Jr.t? era in compliance ~th CRS 701.05$'!JilZ be used on this projsct A~\ cK'~ ~ " Sigr.2d- l" 7_,) - ~( DS!e