HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-9 I. ; '.- ,:/ .. RESlDfMilAL" APPLICAT!DRMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Looation: ' ~Lo~ 4 0r\n,\. i \){eio \) " " Aooeeooro Map N \ l-) CYd- 0,hL\-j 'TC% Lot N D~ SO \ Subdivioion: ~~ S, '- Y\n.~ -', RcoeiDt " '. dJ .. (,WY1l1-- 1; i" GUner: \')f7C\() \r\ ~ ~ ~~ ' ~\W~ ' , ' , Addree.:44,\ \~'m:- '" N ~ 1:L~f\ Phone: ,{\ \ ~'-r\ Ilo City~f-)~t) ~ ~(\ zip: Qfj4f)Pl . . ... . Describe (\'01'1:: . ~~ 3 ~~~~~~~, 0~~ W \Ci<L lQ '~,29 Valuo \\ (n n n n NplJ Addition Remodel ~~ze Hom~ Date of Application Contractors ,General \\\\C\-i(','S ~~_ ,Plumbing - \\.. ~ \'- i Hechanical ~ leu I El""trica 1 I SuperviJlin~ Electr,;"i,," / , j Sirmod: Date: QuJ' , (oA qJ XCi) I 1 ( AqQrp~s Li~c, " \ '1$0 ~\J ,'lL\ "\'\v 'Bldrs Board R~g. ~?-'G\q Phf\np' D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC'lION: ' To be mads after aU insulation and . '. roqu-:'l'ed vapOl" barriers are in p laos but befo1"li any lath~ gypsum.board or . wtz. ooperinU. is app7.i.d~ and befoN any inauZation is conoealed. D DRyr/ALL INSPECTION:, To bB mads artel' all drylJaZl. is in plaoe~ but prior to any taping. .' O MASONRY: Steel location, boiui beam3~ g~uting o~ verticals in acco~co uith U.8.C. Boctien 2415. D WOODS'1'OVE: Aftol" installation i, ccmplotcd. o D CURB I APPROACH APRON: After fO'l'mB aro Droatoa but pM-or to pouring 007Ulrets. SIDEfIAT.X .( DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete paving within st~sot M.ght- of-/,.)CY~ to be mado after aU 6%ca- vating complote & fo~ work I cub- base material in pZa:1o. ~, EXDlres \ j \4/q() 'I ~.. .....- It is th. rBsponoibility of ths pBrnrLt holder to SBD that atz. inopections' arB mads at th. props.,. tlrM" that IJCDh ::ddzollS8 i. l'D~=ab:e jitom tho stroot, and that the permit oard is l.ocated at the front of ths p~pel'"tJI. 4Buitdi~ Divi=io~ app~oved plan 8halZ remain on the Bu~lding Sit3 at all timBS. P,~OCSDIJ~E FOR 1I1SPECTION R"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (pecopdep) etate your City .:Iee~gnated Job rtUl7'.b..., l"aqucstcd and when you lJill be ready [01' inspeoti.on, Contractors 01' "lNn6rs ncm. and phon6. number. t..>ill. be made the same dc;y, requosts mado after 7:00 am uiH b3 rmdo tits nC%t 1J01'kinu.day. , Your City Deaigr.atad Job Numb<p'IO:' Aq ~,lJ2'{p ~":"'l>; T""q"p~t,:r.""q D SITE INSPECTION: To be 1rr2de after excavation, but prior to set up of fOmle, 0, UNDERSLAB PWNBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made bo[ore any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATIOIl:. To be made after trenches are ercavated and forms arB e1'ectad~ but prior to po~ring ccnc~et~. W.'D!RC.WUND P!.UM!JINC. SSWER. WATE.If, DRAINAGE: To be 1rr2.:ie prior to fH- ~ir.g tronohee. o o UNDERFLOOR PWMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inDtaZlation of 11001' insulation 01' deckin9' POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal.Lation of floor inslo:lation or decki7l{j. ROUCll P[,U.'!8I!!C. ET,ECTR!CM.. & MECH- ANICAL: No work. is to be cOl.'Bred until. thess inspectior.s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing matoMals and beforo framin9 inspec- tion. o D 10 o PRA1~INr.: ~~3t be roqueoted altol' approv~l of rough plUff bing. aloctri- cal & mechanical. AlL roOfing bracing ~ ohimneys, et~. nr.4st be ; completed. tlo IJOrk is' to be CDn- . cealod until thio inspection has . be~n made and approved. !'ENCE: When compl.te -- Provide gateD 01" molJablo sDotions thl"OUgh P.U,E..' o 006hed~ ' ) ~": ,(SU a~ job add:iocss, typo of in3pec~iclI Ro",,<et. ".ceivod bafore ?:OO "" DEmLITION OR !-/OVED BUILOII1GS =:J Sani tory o~~r "ap~~ at ~~opcrty tir:o , :=J Saptio tar;k pumpad, tmd.,fi nld Io1i th a",ml ---, Pinal ~ When abovs'items are ocmplBted -..J ar.d when domo7.itior. is oompZ.to 01' otrl./":- tur~ moved ~ pl'cnriaBB ,oloanea up. 'Mobil. HCMBS Rl Blocking and SIt-up, gJ Plumbing oonnect~s ~- SNOI' ant! watal' ~ ElDotrioal Conneotion -'Blocking, Bot-up ~ and plumbing ODnPulotions nr.lst te approud InforD l'IIquesting eZllctncaZ inspoc:ion , \ ' ~ 'AocessoJ'"'J Bui~i.ng. Vl FinaZ - Aftt:}l' p~I'01:BS, ~ eto. aPe oompletod.. , , 'skirting, dooks, EJ :All project conditions, ouch as the instalZat~on of stroot trSGS, c~lotio" of th.'. .1"oquil'od landscaping, cto., mus* be satisfied bolore the BUILDING PINAl. ~~n.:bo r6quost3d. o FINAL PLUMBINC o FINAL ME~IIA.VICAl, D FINAL ELEC'mICAL o o FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Bui!.ding Inopeotion /llUet biJ requooted aftor the Final PlWllbing Eleotrical, and Meohar.ical Inspeotipr:"' havo beGn mad. and approv,d. 'Al.L MANIIOLES AND CLF.ANOUTS /lUST DE ACCESSIB~E, ADJUST/teNT TO BE: M1DE AT NO COST TO Cl"!'Y I Par' ! of 2 NO, f905ftJ& SOLAR ACCESS W~ OcaU~: " Lot Sq. Ftg. 'LOT TIPE ,::,', . I..'., s ~f lot c~'l'agc Ints~r\,,:>:. Ii 01 StO"BB Comsr;.,.:~f:' Total H.ight Panhandls Topography CUl-d.-.;;o , JOB I Zona: I I TTm I "bin 1 CrJ"nne I Carnott t: I ACCr.ROOt"~ I ' , I /s.o,c. "SQ.FTG TOTA~ VAWE (""'.oJ 1. S 0: x valua I I I I I '.. , .' B.i1.ding P"""';t ,Stats SUroh01'!1' ,Total Charogs., lITEM I Fi.xtUI'BS I Reeidential (1 bath) I Sani tat'JI $6fJQl' I WatR1" I NO./ I I I II I I Plumbing Penr.i t' Stats SUro~41'ge .' l',' Total Chams. lITEM I R1!8. 5(1. ftc. I Naw/Eo:tsnd Circuit. I Temporary Se1"lJiC6 I NO. I I Elsatrioal PIIl'm'lt State SUroharas Total ChaJtC68 lITEM I PuJ'"n.:zoe BTU'S I E:z:haus t Hood I Vent Fan .1 W~d8 totJQ I NO. I" I !'.. Ptumt Is.utinca\ "Msohaniaat P"""';t '" Stato sur~~e'~ Total c1W:zr(f~n' . -- ENCROACNHE:NT -- I SecurltL D:ZOO3it. ':'J., ,.. ""..,...iih;"....."." ; """"tl'" StOl'ago FEE CHARGE ,FEE I I 11~1)t? I I 7j-:' I I I&) 7~1-, I CNARGE I I I J I I ,1/5.(JO I 1,7,<) I I /t:).'75'l- I I I I I I I: FEE CTlARGE I I I I I,,' I ,I. ..' "". ': iI,..,: 'I"" : . I","" : "J'" l' ";1 'l~", ~.......... ., ".'j"". Maintmzanad I Permi.t I I Curbcu~ I Sid_lk .I Pcnas ,j Electrical Lal"d. I Mobils N()Iff. Total Cha7)708 I TOTA~ ANOUNT DU~:'; _~,_......, ~,.n_.. I I I r, I I ,().M I 'I' I I , ,- lo~n~ ,2.~~O /;;;'" . ;;-7751.- 'REQ,-'AJ~."~- , \ -. L-COC.... Type/Cor. Bedrooms: I enerrru SOi~r~aG iieat WataI' !fnat,.,. Range Fircnlaca Wood:; tOL:1J T:/re I Lot Face. - I Setbacka I P.~. Tlo.es Garaqe 1N0r th IEaet ISouth lWe.t Access. -- Fea8 Building Value & Permit Th1.0. ptu"J7fit io rJI"Clntcd on tht1 arprt10n condition that the n.lid conotrud.i.on shall, in all rallpccto, conform to the O,'dinm:()(! .'ldopt~,l H!J dIe Ci.ty of Springfield, inc!udina the Zon'ing Ordinance, l'n(]ulct.ill!1 tha cClIatrtl.=ticll and UOB of buildings, and may bo suopended'or ravoked at CI:Y t:.r./(] upon vic- lation.of any provioions of oaid'Ordinances. . ". IPlan Chock Pac: 'Date Paid: I R~c.ipt. /I,' Sl,.gned: Plumbing Permit No perean ohall conotruct, inata.U, a!ter or Chal1(}C any neW CI' e=isting . plwnbina or drainaae syote.71 in iJhole or in part, w:lcoo ouch ;:61'S0I1 is the legal paOOBSnof', of 'a valid plwnbar'6 License, excapt that a pa:osoll may do plumbing LJOl'k to propm.ty ",hich is olJ71ad, leascd 01' operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permi t Where State LahJ requires tr.at tho eLectrical /JOrk be done by all Ele::trical Contractor, the' electricaL portion of thia penmit shalL root be ualid until the Labe l ~s been Di(Jned by the ELec trica L ::011 trac tor. Mechanical Permit I , ' I I I I ( - / Pl.an Ezaml,.ncr ",,,. 'I HAVE CAREFU~~Y EXAMINED tits oompteted apptication for pe"",it, and do hereby certify that all ir;fo':"l1Jation hereon is tl"UR and C01'l"cct, and I fuI"ther cel'tify that any ar.d atL work porfor:ned 8hall be darte i.n ac::ol'- daMS L1ith the Ordinances of the City of Sprinafield, and th~ La'..JS of tho seats of Ol'e(J:m p:;rtaiitin!] to tho ~rk doscl"ibcd hS:l"a-::n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will bs made of any otl"uctura'witho~t p3rmioaion of the Building Di- vision. I fUl"thcr cel"tify that ortly cont1'a.=tors ar.d e.'1lpl.?yees who ar'e in compLiance ",ith ORS ?Ol.OS~ ",ill be used on this projsct ~!d~t7f~, 600A~ j Stonsd P L _ p_8Cf /Ju.e . May 19, 1989 Mrs, Hazel Byers 4475 Daisy Street Space 55 Springfield, OR 97478 ~,.t' ..." " .... . ~,Ju ~) ~/ Subject: Placement of mobile home at 3624 Industrial Dear Mrs. Byers: The exis t ing mobile home at another mobile so long as Because your mobile home is intensifying a pre-existing approvals are necessary. the above mentioned address may be replaced with the replacement unit was constructed after 1976. shorter than the existing uni t, you will not be non-conforming use therefore no further zoning Please feel free to apply for set-up and other appropriate permits anytime up to 90 days before you plan to relocate. Cordially, Gregory S. Mott Development Code Administrator