HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-2-3 , ~ .. RESIDENlIAL'. , APPLICATIO.RMI1' ~25 North 5th Street 'SpringfieZd, Ol'egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 tOb SPRINGFIELD Location: IIBSb /#~L')~T". To: Lot N 4Bce8Dor~ Map N Subdiuisio,,: rl.mp.r: 7?,6r;' U/~cr:: ?Cc.r~ /~;S'"fb /#~) ~9 ~;z>.A;.b. _ ~. / IIddran:;;: ~ity: C-l ::I ~I :l N,.!J /'1;on,,, 71/7-b ~<;b zip: CJ/fl77 Deocr:bc llorh: ,1ddi tien. !!#i5F1 ~;:-;:.....~~ c:-n::-r ~~?1'/7 5"'~ ;r~~ Value AddJ'eoa ~~~ 7~~~ , Ramadel .'!obileHlYrl:J 7-7 ZS"/ .rz;e:~ . Date of Application 't:orltJ'tlctol'e Eenel'a7&i~#h !lwnbi"') f.lectl'ical ..!.fR~har.ic.:ll Construction ~cndp.r 4P~- Rccr.:,pt ,Ii /3/-:;5-) .. .. fool I {f ( I)" -1 , /' r.io~.d: -::2'~-- Date: // "'2-?-&"5 fjiac. H Ex{d..r'C8 phone 4f8Y'~ ::7'Yifl It io the reDponoibility of tho permit hold61' to see tJlat a.U invflcctions arc r.radc at tI,e pl'oper timr., t,J;at ~~ch .::.ddrp.s3 is rca:!aa:t! from thB street. and that the permit card is tocated at the front of the property. .tBui!di~ Oiui::io!': approt:ed plan ahaU J<>cmain on t1l.s Bu-:.ldill(1 :;f.t;; at aLl times. EPOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordel'J otatc your City .ienig1l.7.ted ,joe nur::ber, job addrcss, type of i':3p6C~ic'l r(Jqucoted a~d when you lJHl be ready for inspection, C0l1tMctor8 OJ' Ctmero ncmlZ end FhOl:C number. Reql4€8tB received befcre 7:00 a":"l :.,'iLL be made the Dame dc.y, requests made after 7:00 CC1I !JiLL be made th.e n:::rt :JOJ'ki'1J day. 10ul' City Dcaig1:ated Job Numb€r I(J:fl?'~~ Rem~irp.d In[]v~cticns ] SITE INSPECTION: To be nude e:rcavation, but pM-cr to set forms. =:J after up of UNDERSr.AB PW/oIBING. ELECTRICAL & NEC1/A'vrCAL: To be made bofore any work is .::ovcred. ~ FOOTING & FOUND.1 T ION: To be made after trenches are e:rcavated and forma are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret.s. UNDERGROUND PLUMBINC; SSWF:R. W.1TEt?" DHA] NACE: To be nude prior to Ii l- Ur.g trenchee. ~ =:J UNDEHFWOR PWMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatalLation of Jioor inoutation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatton of floor inouLatior. or deckil1{j . ROL1Gl/ pr.m!BI!JG. Er.ECTR!CAL .c MECll- ANICAL: No ~rk is to be ~overed ur.til theso inopp.ctions have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing mcterials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA1~INr:: "'WIt be requcoted after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechaniaal. At! roofing bmcing 4 chimneys, Bt,J. ,",,,,,st bB complotad. No work is to be con- cealed until thio inspection has 'bGen I1Xl.de and approved. =:J ~ ~ Xl ~ D INSULATION/VAPOR lMHRIl::R nJSP!:;CTroN~ To be ronde after all insul~ti~n a~n l'cqui.red vapor barriers are in place but coforo a1ly lath, gypswn boaI'd OJ' LXIll covering is applied, and beforo any inaulation ia concealed. DRYWAr.!, INST'!:CTTON: Tc be made after all drywall La in place, but prior to any ulping. O MIISONRY: Steel location, bond boama, g1'outing or verticalo in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 241~. o o WOODSTOt'F.: lifter itlotallation io ccmplctf:cl. DEI!f)LITIO!.' OR ;'SJVE;; 8UILDIj!(;S :=J Sa,ti tal'Y BC'JeJ' ::apPBd :::t p~op~rt;; linc :=J Septi~ tank P:A.7~d a:1d Ii zt.,d uith ara:Jo ~ -, Final - rl'1ton ab.::vo i.te:.,s arf! ccmpleted --.-J and when :1el.1ol~tior: is complete or 0::'/0':- ture moved cI1tC pN:mi3os cleaned up. . Mob i le /lcmes :=J Blocking and Sat-up :=J Plumbing cotlnectiono 8:;.1.101' and water --, Electrical Ccnr.ec!tion - Blocki1L.:J, Bat-up .--J (md I'lumbin(! clJm:cctiotls nr.<:lt !:e ap;)rot:G'~ before J'aqLwoti'l(J eZac~rl~;:al in8""~lJ:.io": ~ ACCOSDOl'i; Bui ld~>>g --, Fi'Ial - Aft.:r ;":1rcf:eo, skirtina, dacka. ---l etC. are c~plo~~d. D FIIML PLUMBl/IG All pl'ojcai condi.tions, mw!: 00 the inatallation of s!.J'cet traea. ":O":7pZat~v11 of tile required lantlscr.pir'':;' et(!., muot be satioJ'icd bl~fol'e the BUILDI/.'C FIt.'AL ca'l be raqueot.=d. :=J :=J ~ ~ FfN.4L BUIl,DINC: 'l'h(~ Fiulll Buildi1lg !nnp(wt;iolJ muot bo requeoted after' ell,) Pi11.'ll PlumbillJ Electrical, and Ncchar.ie,:l btspccti01lD 11ave been made and approv~J. , FINAL ME[;/IANICIll, FINAL F.U;CTHICt.L o CURB & APrnCACf/ Al'.WN: Aftor' form.'1 arf! ,-:!J'f!.::ted hut p,'ior to pourin!J '::on.::rl1tl~. AAU, f.fANlICLES AND Cl..F:IlNOUTS }f[}ST TJF. ACCF.SSTBLF., ADJUST!tEUT TO SE ~~1Dr. .t!T NO C~lS'l' TO CI'!'Y I P::'tZC ! of ~ o SIVF:l-lA[,K ,~DHIl'}i:Wt.Y: For all con- crete paving within stJ"eet right- of-lJ<;Y.. to be made after aU e:rca- voting Cc;fnpletn & fOr:;! wrk & :;uh- ba:;e 'rrtel"ial in pla:!e. D !'KNeE: J{Jler: compl.zta Provide gates OJ' movable :Jcctions through P.U.E. D I I JOB NO. I ,,,ne: [.at Sq. Feg. ~ ;;[ lot C.7verag;: .1/ of Stories Total !!aiaht Topogl"llphy I TTi:1I ,\Ia1.11 SQ.FTG Gr.:raaa Carpcrt 1/1CC'C890PI/ TOTAL VAWI: Is.v.c. , vct..UCJ ].5 x Bui ldinO Pcrmi t Sta to Sw'ch.1r(Tc Tota l Cluz:'ge3 SOLAR ACCESS Occu~ancy G~ WT TYPE Interior Corner Pan1ta1UJ Le Cut-dc-saa x Value I /.?~<ri>" I fiX , 1 1 .$8 I 1/8.381. , 1 1 1 1 I I lITEM ,\, NO. I fixtu.res I Residential (1 bath) I Sanit.11'Y Sewer -I Wr..t.Al' I l'lwn}J::na !'(!1'T::t: t State Surc1-.al'fJc Total Chr.:rgQ!f 17-~ CIIAIU;r-; ,111'1;11 I!lO, Res. So. rta. N~/Extend Circuits I Temporary SI1PUicc Ele::tr'ical Permit; St::.te SUrdlllpqe Total C}lIlrc:es I I . -I CUIlUI';j.; f'KIi f'Sf: C!1ARCr: l.In'lI I F'urna.ce ETU' S 1 E::hmlOt Hood I Vent Fan I I Waod!:to:JC I NO. , I PBl'nri t T:;sll:m(!~ Me::hanical Parmi t State surehr.rr>c .~(m::a Electrical Label I Mobile Home 1'1'fl'1'Ar. M.rntJ.!JT fJUP':4 ~ 9. 76 Il EQ.- L-COG'I< I Eat Faces - 1 I fl,l" INol'UI I":mlt ISouth 11v'{!llt Type/Cm:3t: . Bedrooms: . I I En2r'frl/ Sources 1 I !leat At!r:a:w. 1 1 Water .IIIy/t(n' 1 I Rallgc 1 I Fit'C1Jl(l{:(~ I I Wood:; tOl.;e II TlIPC Setback:; Houae (:m'w,/! FaeS Building Value & Permit This permit iu grontcd on the express c01uJition that the said construction ulU7.LZ, in all reopccts, con[ol'ffl to the Ordi11ar;ae ::ldopted liy die City of Sprinafield, incZudill!l the Zoning Crdinal1ce. regulating the cCllntru.::ticl1 and use oj'lJldldinal;. and m..!J be cucpended 01' revoked at CJ:y time utor. vic- lation of any pr:>vi;;ior.s of sa.id-Or>dir.a!lccfJ. . ') rr \' I Plan Clleek Fee: tl. 7:1S. lvatc Paid: ::<--= -,," :=.-:,. IR~dpt'/I: (?'/""??~ I s>g,:ed:. ./,/ - ~ - . /?!?' ~~...;...l_i "r ' ,/ Plumbing Permit J J , I - No percmt :11Ulll a01wtnwt. instaLL. aLter,ot' change (my ne/J C1' e:ifJtillg plwnbht() 0)' dminage syste.71 in ;,u~ole 01' .in .part; unless SUdl pet'fJon is the LegaL po:;r;essol' of a vaLid plumbel"s Liccmw. except that a pc:'son may do p~u]::bi':lg lJ~rk.. to propel.ty /Jllich is oz",'71ed. leased or operated by the appli- crwt. . ." .... , . Electrical Permi t W1wre State rnw requ-il'e:J that t11l1 electrical work be done by mt Elc~triaat Contractor'. the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vaLid until ! the labeL JU18 been Diglled by the E:Lectrical ~olltl'actor, I. I Mechanical Permit I. f ~ ~J/ Wr!1..Iwr ~ r ./ ~ z-"?'U> = VaLe I . I I 1l,1VE CAREFULLY !::XIINI/lED t,w completed application for permit, and do Ilerehy cel'tify that all i:-oforomation hereOl1 is tl'Ue and correct. and I f'.Jrther cel,tify that any ar.d all work per[ol":T/ed shall be do;1e in ac::ol'- dance :Jitl1 the 01'din:moeo of tile city of sprinaficLd, and ilu: La:.JS of the State of Orea:>n p::rtJining to the work c!er.cribcd herein, coo that NO OCC!J~ PI:.NCY will b2 /Tr'I:!e of any otructUJ'<1 without parmis:Jion of the Euilding Di vision. I fw,thcr certif:; that o:1ly contl'a~tor8 and e:npl.?yees /J1:0 are in co:::plimlce with (}UB 701,05!: /JilL be used on this pl'oject ~ ~-?-, ''2-- ~-15"'\ Sign"d (I ~ ~. ~"'-o'<:..-<--\~ /Xlte