HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-6-4 CCB# 138448 Po Box 897 WALTElMLLE OR 97488 PHONE: (541) 747-2724 F~(841)744-1047 BURRELLB'-'v,""o&.NTEGRAONUNE.COM FAX. To: 311#1/ FAX: 72'6-5676 PHoNa: RI: .JoB LocA"TlOH. FROM: J/F~/ tf - f/-tJ 15 @ DAn: PAGBS: cc: c u_ C FoR RIMI!W C I'l..I!AIII! CoMM!NT C f'u!A8e ReJ'I.Y C PL.eASe RECYCLE 'CoMM!HI'll: (t?t-1I/ ~ - bl ~ 00 f1 C sf, I 9d d 91.9[92.0 01 , " Lv0l-vvL-lvS-l ~lJ3l3 SO~8 ll3~~n8 wo~~ dlv 20 8002-v-Nnr " IIlAFETY ... DUALITY The Com-PakTM Plus OWNER'S GUIDE The Com-PakTM Plus Modal C SIde GrdlFronl Wall ean S.de "". r- 1 ~ '" IT~ " " " ~,~- .. ... ,~ '" F ,~ WolI Con Bottom "'.. "'" ". !.i-~Irr.1 tl~!1 J~ ~.r ,~~ ,,. IT QlJ " "\' ~ . 118 I-J'se-l ~~~--l The Com.PakTM Twin Plus Model CT Side GrrllFront WolIConSldo t I~' ~," = '" .", '~J ! ,':..f .. "" \ ~ Wall Can lG.1D Bottom 1 I TOO~S REQUIREO P~IUIP' Sar.wdnver $trtllght Strewdrl~er Wire Strippers , UtJhty Knife 4 1 W' Wood Screw.s 3 Insutoted Wire Connectors t-:stnml RalJefCan(lectot Feiltures & Benef'its . Primary and secondary thermal safeguards . Commercial grade high temperature manual resat . Over temperature one.tlme thermal deVice @ lIIItII Nichrome element wrapped around mica msulators for durability Powder coet pelOt process eliminates sharp cullmg edges . Two year extended warranty . Wall can deSigned for ease of mstallatlOn . Factory tested MODELS The Com-Pak'" Plus C051 "C05lT C052 "C052T C072 "C072T Cl02 "CI02T C122 "C122T Tha Com.Pak'" TWID Plus CT252 "CT252T CT302 'CTJ02T CT402 .CT402T CT408 "CT408T C152 C202 C208 CIOl C151 "CI52T "C202T 'C208T "Cl0lT "C15lT CT102 IMPORTAI\JT 11\J5TRLJI:TIOI\J5 *Standard bUIlt In thermostat IS Single pole and has no "OfF" pOSitIOn ~&'WARNING I Turn the electrical power off at the electrical F Canel board (cncult breaker or 'use boxt and ock or lag Ih. panel b..rd door 10 provanl ~ tomeooa from turnmg on power while you are working on .~o h.o..r Falluro.o do so could result In serious alGclricllshock, burns. or posslblo doa'~ 1 Read allmstrucbons before uSing thts heater 2 Read alllntormatlon labels Verify that the electrical supply WIrOS are tho ume woltoge.s tile huator 3 All electrical wort and matanals must comply with the Nebonal ElectriC Code (NEC). the OccupatIOnal Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and all stata and local codes 4 Connect the groundmg plgtelllcopper wIre) prOVided In the wall can to the supply ground wIre 5 If you need to mstall a new CirCUit or need additional wIring Informabon, consult 8 qualrfted electnclan 6 Pnnect 91&ctncal supply from kinks, sharp obJBcts, all grease, hot surfaces or chamlee Is 7 Lt WARNING OrerheatlRD or fire may occur Do not Install the heatsr In a floor, behmd doors or outdoors 8 &'WARNING fire or explOSion may occur Heater has hot and arCing or sparking perts tnslde 00 not Install heater m any area where combustible vapors, gases, liqUids, or excessive Imt or dust are present 9 &'WARNING Burn Hazard ThIS hootor IS hot when 1M use To OVOid burns, do 1I0t let bare skin touch hot surfaces Use extreme cautJun when any hester IS used by or nepr children or invalids end whenever the hallter IS left operatlOg unattended 10 &'WARNING Risk of Eloctflcal Shack Keep all foreIgn obJilcts out of heater 00 not oparata after heater malfunctions or has beell dropped or damaged In any manner II &, WARNING Risk of Fire 00 nol block baater Heater must be kept cleer 011111 obstrucbons 8 minimum of 3 feet In front. 6 Inches above and on both Sides Heaters must be kept cleBA of excessive lint, dirt and debriS (See Melntenance Instructlcns) 12. Use thiS heater only 88 deSCribed In thIS manual Any other use not recommended by the manufacturer may cause fire, electncal shock or II1Jury to persons 5AVE THE5E 11\J5TRLJI:TID1\J5 9/2 d 3&0-&93-i!505 Fax: 3&0-&94-&66& P.O. &DX 1&75 Vam:Du"er. WA 9&&6&-1&75 9L9[92L 01 L~0T-~~L-T~S-T ~lJ3l3 SO~8 ll3~~n8 WO~j dT~ 20 8002-~-Nnr _ #. P.art One ow. ao l instlllll!!!.fJ'cfi,lI, i'i';', ~ wltL or. moJ/BJsIUPJtDJt5jJQ4'<<ii.!!J;,!!II1!!,'!!I!!!J~ .........'" Mount the Well Cen The C Se"es REQUIRES A MINIMUM dlSlance of 6 ,"che. from alladlacent surfaces However, Cadet RECOMMENDS 12 Inches from elladlecent surfaces for long9r and cleaner performance Important De nOl mounllhe hID..r In low.density flberboerd or 18lse ceIlings Secure the wall can to studS/raners on oppoSite SIdes ISee Figures 6 and 7) with 4 screws Inot prOVIded) The fece of the well cen must extend 'f, or 'I. Inches from face of rafters to allow for thickness of sheetrock Insulating materials msy touch the wall can however, "blown 10" msulatlOn IS not recommended as It could be drewn ,"to the heeter through gaps behind the gnll F.D~ cBlll!i1i1lfiStsnatlon1.the ;well;\can must,b boxed n Itl1 woodjonl,alll,Sldestana~~~s~~~'{~ ~ from en~!!!l91\!)~Jt1eatertnrough the'celling cevlty _.....,.... Route Supply Wires Route supply wile from CIICUIt breeker to thermostat to well can Models with 0 burlt"ln thormostot oro not recommended for ceiling mount Remove a knockout '" the wall can and attach tho supply WIIO WIlh e strem rehef connector leavmg 10 mches Wife lead for later use (See Figure 31 Connect supplV ground Wife to grounding plgtallm wall can Proceed to Part Two . FiguroB Pert Two Aftar you hovo lollowod oil rnstructlons rn PART ONE you are roady to instaUthe heator assembly How do ImsBrt thB heetBr esslImblv mto the well elln? .'ii~a Install Heater Assembly Turn heet.r assemblv upSIde. down lelement down) With motor faCIng you Connect the supply w"es to the heater wires With wire connectors (See Figure 8) Now rotato the heeter so tha olement end fan ere facmg you IWlth the element up ) Insert the bottom edge of the heater assembly Into the tabs In the bottom lip olthe wall cen (5.. Flgur. 9) Important Push wires ,nto bottom of well cen dunng ,nsertlOn Be sure that supply w"os ara not ceught between motor and wall cen Attach assembly at top WIth screw prOVided ..........- Install Grill Socure gnll With the screws provldod If you heve a bu.n-,n tharmostet model, sl,de thermostat knob onto shaft Turn power on at the electncal panel board Warranty Ie void ilon, motellollS sprayed on tho slemonl or blower 9/E d 9L9E92L 01 "'..., """. WlRI!. CONN"""" FiguroB +- OROUHDINO l'1OT~L -WIRE CONNiCTOR HI!ATERWlRI!EI' ....... - . l&.'~~:.liIJ . . = ..:::----.:....... GIlILL- ~ ~;o' ----.......:: s__ ' ___~ TU ____ FiS.reS WARNING Risk of Electrical Shock Connect grounding laed to grounding wire prOVided. Keep all forulgn objects out of huater WARNING Risk of Fire. Heater must be kept clear Df all obstructions' a minimum of 3 feet in front; 6 Inches on both sides end above Heeters must be kept clean of lint. dirt end debriS. WARNING Turn the electricel PDWer off et the electrical panel boerd IClrcult breaker orluse box) and lock or teg the panel board dDor tD prevent someone from turning on power while you are working on the heater Failure to dD so could result in serious electncal shock. burns. or pOSSible deeth 3 Lv0,-VVL-,vS-, ~lJ313 SO~8 113~~n8 WO~~ d2v 20 8002-v-Nnr , . . r CONSULT LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES TO DETERMINe WIlATWORK MUST BE PERFORMED BY QUAUAED ELECTRICAL SERVICE PERSDNNEL Brellker triPS Immedlatelv upon energizing heilter Syml.tom Prohlem Solution Huater fan operates, but does not discharge warm air HeBter will not shut off Hellter discharges amok" Dr limItS II burnt odor Element heats for II moment Without the fan tummg, then Immediately stops heatmg Haater does not run 1 Incorrect supply voltage 2 Over1oaded circuit 3 A shalt Circuit exists In tt1e supply or heater wlrmg 4 DefectIVe Circuit break.er 1 InsuffICient element tl3mperoture 2. Incorrect supply voltage 3 Element hes failed 4 (Model CT only) One oftha hoater umts must be reset 1 Heet loss from room IS grellter than haatercepecrty 2. Delectlve thermostllt 3 Thermostat WIred Incorrectly to hallter Dust, hnt or other mlltter has IIccumulated ,"side hester 1 D9factrve motor or mlamel connection 2 Fan or motor Jammed Thermostat set lOo low 2 Heater has tnppad the manual Illgh temperature reset control 3 Heater has tnpped the secondary over-temperature SWitch .4 Power nat on at the Circuit breaker 5 Broken or poorty connected wlra(sl to heatar 6 Defective thermostet 1 Verify that supply voltage matches the heater rating 2 Tile total Bmpa-ratll:l 01 all heaters on a branch Circuit must not be more than 80% of the amparaga rating of the CirCUit breaker and lwpply wire retmgs Use 8 lower wattage heater, or reduce the number of heaters on the cIrcuit 3 Shorted supply or flealer vmss may be accompanied by severe sparking Inspect all supply and heeter wlr1l1g insulation for damage Do not reset the Circuit breaker until all electrical sllans have besn repolrsd 4 Replacll the Circuli breaker 1 Allow 8 few moments for alement 10 reeen operating temperoture 2 Verify th8t supply volUlge metches the heater retmg 3 Replace element 4 CT models have twa heating umts with Independent over temperature controls One of the high-temperature reset switches may tnp and cut power to ono of the hootmg umts, while the other remains running, resulting In only half output Reset the heater unrtthet IS not operating (see "Operation & Memtenence" section for InsU'uctions) 1 Close doors and wmdows PrOVide addltlonallllsulatlon, or mstalla higher wattage h88tar or multiple heaters If necessary (If your CirCuit IS rated for more capacity) 2 AdJUst thermostat to Its loweSl Slltung If heater continues to run (allow two minutes for tha thermostat to respond) and room temperature IS greater than 50 degrees, replsce the thermostat 3 Refer to thermostat documentation and correct wifing Clean hester (see ~Operotlon & Mellltenance" section for lI1structlons) 1 Heeter or fan motor reQurres replacement 2 Remove obstruction and press heater reset DuttOn latter allOWing the unrt to cooll Test heater operatlon .If raset button hes been pressed (be sure to Ilslen IInd feel for 8 cllck.lndlc8t1ny n has bean reset}, but heater does not run, heater reQuires repair or replacement Adlustthermostatto e higher temperature until heater operates ISBe Problem #6 If the problem perslstsl 2 Press the manual reset button (see "Operatllln & Mall1tenance" sectlon for instructIOns. 3 A severe over temperature condition has occurred Repelr or rllplace heeter 4 Turn on the correct CirCUIt breaker III the main psnel 5 Turn off powllr at circuit bresker Check supply wire continuity and proper connection to heater wires 6 The entIre neater, or any of Its components may be checked for continuIty to determine the CBUSII of eny problems Repelr or replllce the heater Warran1:y Ma.ntGnanae For more effective and safer operation Bnd to prolong the hfe of the Ileater, reed the Owner's GUide and follow the maintenence Instructions ,"eludad wrttJ eech heater Failure to properly melntaln the heater Will VOid any werranty and mey ceuse the heater to function ImprDperly Warranties ere non tnmsf.rabl. and II~PIy to anginal consumer only W.rranty terms ara set out below UMITED ONE-YEAR WARRANTY Cad.t WIll '.pa" or '.pl"e any Cad.t product Includmtl thermostats, found to b. defective Wlthlt\ one yeor gher the date of purchase Extended Product WDTrDnty L1MITEO TWO-YEAR WARRANTY Cadet Will r.p"" or r.place ony Com- PllklM Plus (C~ Com Pak1Y TWin Plus ICT), senss element or motor found to be defective wlthm two years after the dete of l1urcnese. Then warrantiel do nol applr 1 Damage occurs lO U19 producllhrough Improper mSlallatlon or lI1correcl supply yoltage, 2 Damage occurs to the product throUlIh Improper maintenance, misuse, abuse aCCident or alteration, 3 The product IS servIced bV anyone other than Cadet 4 If the data af manufactura of the product cannot be determlRad 5 If the product 1$ damaged dutlng ShlPPlAg through no fault of Cadet G CADET S WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO REPAIR DR REPLACEMENT AS SET OUT HEREIN CAOET SHAll NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES SUCH AS PROPERTY DAMAGE OR FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES AND/OR INCIDENTAL EXPENSES RESULTING FROM BREACH OF THESE WRITTEN WARRANTIES OR ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY 7 IN THE EVENT CADET ELECTS TO REPLACE ANY PART OF YOUR CADET PRODUCT, THE REPLACEMENT PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE SAME WARRANTIES AS THE PRODUCT THE INSTAllATION OR REPLACEMENT PARTS ODES NOT MODIFY OR EXTEND THE UNDERLYING WARRANTIES REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF ANY CADET PRODUCT OR PART ODES NOT CREATE ANY NEW WARRANTIES 8 The warranties gIVe you speCIfic legal rights, and you may also heve other rights wnlch vary from 818te to atete Cadat neither assumes, nor Buthorlzes anyone to assuma lor II. any other obhgatlon or hatulrtv In conneCUQrI WIth Its prOducts other Il1an 8& set out herein II yvu bohayg your C.d,t product II dofol:tlvD, plea... contact Cadat MaoU'Dcturlnu Co at 360~693.Z505 dUring the warranly period, for IRllruc1lonl on bow to have the replllT or replacemem proc.lled Wananty claIm. mede after the werrllllty p.nod has ..phed will be denied Products relurned Without aUdlOrlIlltlan Will be reluaed Parts and Service VISII suppol1.cadetco com for information Gn where In abtam parla and S8Mce 9/17 d 9L9E92L Dl C2007 Cedet Manufacturing Co 5 Lf70T-f7f7L-Tf7S-T ~lJ3l3 SD~8 ll3~n8 WD~~ dEf7 20 8002-f7-Nnr Prtnted In USA. Rev 11107 "720080 LEER TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES E INFORMACION ACERCA DE LA SEGURIDAD i Importante! Es extremadamente imDortante que usted venflqfJe que IDS cables de sumiDlstro de enemia electrica lilI.B'I dBI mlsmq VO.tSIB Que el calenl8dor (es daclr un calentador de 120 voltlos con un sumlDlstro da enargia de 120 vollios y un calentador de 240 voltlos con un sumlnlstro de energia da 240 VOItIOS) SIVa a reemplazar un calentador eXlstente, venfique las el1quetas del calentador vle,o y reamplace utlhzando el mlsmo voltale.ll conecta un calenlador de 240 vollloS con un summlstm de enerar8 de 120 volhllS ..I desemoeilo del calentadorse reducln1 de fonna dn1stica. Si CORsetsr un calantador de 120 volllos con un sumlOlstro de eneroia de 240 va.bas daslrmra el calentador. 51 conecta su calentador con un sumlOlslro da anergia InllOlllpatlble 8e anularala gerentia. 9/S d I. Parte Uno Ub,e.eIOn Inst.lar.1 Com-Pak" Plus (modalo CI da forma v.rtleal (raeomandada) u hOrizontal EI Modelo C puoda ,"stelarsa an el techo (para los modalos da hasta 1500 vatlos de mexlmo} EI apereto Com Pakā„¢ Tw," Plus (0 modelo eTI sa debe '"stelar con les fiechas an la camara da para. apumando ham amba Termost8to 58 reqular. un termostato pBra todos 101 modulos que no Duunten con lennostato mcorporado Sa raeomlanda el Termostato ElactrOnlco Cadat 1T4700 0 T4800) 0 Termosteto de Dlafragme Duel Cadat (T4398) para obtener 10 ultimo en cuaOlO a control V comodldad (NO utlhea el T4700 nl el 14800 en 10. S1gmanta. modalo. C02!. COSt Cl01, C151 y CT4021 lC6mo hago para Insla/" an una construcclIln nueva? .:1,'-'11.. Montala de la Camara de Pared La se"a C REDUIERE UNA D1STANCIA MINIMA de 6" de I" superficies adyacentBs Y 0" del plSO Y 18 sene CT REQU1ERE UNA OISTANCIA MINIMA de 6~ de la9 superficies adyacentes yO. del pliO Sm embatgo CadetRE'COMIENDA 12- da dllrtancla de todas 185 super1lcles adyacantes V 12- del plSO para un desBmpeflo mAs largo y limplo Los calentadore$ debao coloC8rse 8 pOt 10 menes 3 de d,stanCl8 Aevuse Ie etlqutJl8 de la camara de pared para determlnar Ie dutlt:t:16n OOrT8t:t8 (tal Dumu 10 mdlcan le8 naohas ascendentDB "UP"') aDtea de montar la camara en Ie &berturs ED II poslci6n de mantslB VERTICAL la.elementol del conlunt. del calentador quedan en la parte supenor mlontra. que on la poslc,on de montBle HORIZONTAL dlcbN elementol qued.n a 18 Izquierdo Modelo C Asagurar la camara de pared al puntal con dos tormll05 (Vor las Flguras 1 y 21 Como opcI6n,Ia goma provllte puede colocarse alrededor de 18 climera de pared para poner Ie cllmata en eseuadra con al puntal Modelo CT Asegurar la cAmara de pared a los puntales en ambos costados con 4 torRlllos FIgurlll1 La superficle de la camara de pared debe sobrasahr de 112 pulgada a 5/8 de pulgada de Is auporflcI8 del puntal II fin de delllr espaClo parllla lllmlna de veao Figural Colocor la camata de pared en el punta I con 105 tormllos (Vista del Modolo C) ...!^\lJ... ConexI6n de IDS Cables de SumlOlslro Colecar el cable de SUmlRlstro desde el Interrupter de clrcUlto 81 termostato al calantador Paralos modeles con term()ll'l8to mc:()rporado, coloc:ar al cable de SUmlRlstro desde elmterruptor de clrcurto al ealentader QUltar una de las plazas des monte bias y eDlocar 81 cable de summlstro con un conector de shvlo de tansI6n dSlsndo el conactor de cable de 10" pera poder utIlizarlo mils tarde Conectar 81 ceble de SUmlRIstro a lIerrs al cable fh:lxlble dB con8J(16n a tlerra an 10 cemara de pared (Ver la Figura 3) Contmuar con 18 PARTE DOS _...".... ,--=: , ,. .......... -=- __ -11n Figura 3 Lb0,-bbL-,bS-, ~lJ3l3 SD~8 ll3~~n8 WD~~ dbb 20 8002-b-Nnr ..... 9L9E92L D1 l C6mo hago para insta/ar en una pared ex/stante? _~,.~I.._ Cortar onficlo en la parad Modelo C C:artHr un onll&IO de 8" da ancha por 10 W' de alto ell.do del puntal del. pered Le sene C REDUIERE UNA OISTANCIA MINIMA do 6" dalas superfiCIes adyacantes v 0" del plSO Sm embargo Cadet RECOMIENOA 12"detodas las superfiCIes adyacentas y 12" del plSO (Ver la Figura 4) Modelo CT Cottar un anficlo de 143/.- de ancha por 10 V~- de alto all.do dol puntal do la pared La sOfie CT REQUIERE UNA OISTANCIA MINIMA de 6" delas superficies adyacDnte8 yO" del plSO SIR embargo Cadet RECOMIENDA 12'" de todls las superfiCies adYBcantes y 12- del plSO (Ver 18 Figura 5) i~~Il: /~;r5:;, (lnDur",A ,.r~,-- ,""~~IO \" ,--, . "..",' ~ ~""';'j:;' ~ t.}~%;' ~~~ H~"'{4'l l,.-.....~')< 1~4~~ltj r 'I'-r,jf.<\:>~~ .,( JA;j ...~...I if' fI (~""o1>'..;}~"'1~-~';': "~ ; '\;..<~ ..:: ~.J"l"-::A; ,;,;;~"!._~ ~ .:,.,....,..,.. ConexI6n delos Cablas da SummlStro ColDcar 01 cable de aummlstro dasdo 01 mterruptor do crrCUlto el termoslato al calentedor Pant los modelos con tsnnostato mctlrporodo, eolocer el callie de summlSll'o desde el mterruptor de CIrCUrto al calant8dor Qultar una de la5 Pl8ZiIS desmontables y colocar el eabla de sumtRlstro con un conector de ahvlo de tomll6n dOlondo el conector de cable de 10" para poder utdlzarlo m6s tarde (Var Ie Agura 3) Conectar 81 cable de 5umlOlstro a !Jerra con el cable fleXible dela camBra de pared .:'I;:.I.c.. MOl1taie de 18 camara de pared Colocar Ie cemara de pared en Ie apertura Mantenlando 10 camara de pared al ras con la pared, 888gurllr el Modelo C 81 puntel dela pared con 2 torolll05 y 81 Modalo CT 8 ambos puntlllas de Is pared con 4 tomrllos Conbnuar con Ie PARTE DDS Havllo III etlquBt8 dele c6mera de pered pera delemllnar Ie dlr&ccl6n correctl (III como 10 Indican 1.1 nechlls IIlCondontol "UP") en"l de manlar la camata en la lunuta En 18 pOllol6n de mOnlel1 VERTICAL 101 elementoa del confontD del calent:udor quedan en 18 parte.upenor, mloDtra. que en la p08ici6n de mom.,1t HORIZONTAL dleho. elementol quad.n ilia aqulBnla IN5TRLJl.:l.:1 IMPORTANTE5 . 11\ IADVERTENCIAI Doseonoclolo oloctnc,dod on olloblo,o dol p.n.1 oleclnco (cortocor.u,lo 0 c.i. doluslbles) y l,ebo 0 c.loque un c.rtol .n I. puerto dollBbloro dol p.nol pe,. ovl.s, qua .Igulon v.olv. . .onoelo, I. .norgl. ml.nt'.. .. ..110 t,.b.l.ndo .n .1 caleRtldor De 10 contranD podriBn produelBe gravel golpS8 electrical quemaduras 8 Inelulo 18 mUlrte Como haCB' funclonar IU calsnlador 1 Una vez que 18 IRstslaCl6n have sldo completada V que 59 haya ,ostable.,do Ie ene'gia aloct".a, haear glrar ie pa"lIa dol termostato completamente en 91 sentldo que ~lr8n las maneclllss dol ,aiD) 2 C~ando la habltacllln alcenza un mval cOmodo, hecar glr.' I. penlla del termostato en sentlda contrerla 01 que glren las manecllla& del raiD) haste que 81 calentedor a8 epegu8 EI calantadar cumphr6 SU Cicio autom6tlcamente conforme a su temperatura preestableClda 3 Para reduclr la temperatura delsmblsnts, hllesr glrar 18 penlla an sentldo contrano al que glran las mansedles del relol Para 8umentar Ie temperatura ambients, hag8 glr8( Ie perilla en el mlsmo sentldo an 81 que glrBn las manecll1as del relol M8nt.nimiento Segun 10 nscasano 0 cada S81S mesas como mlmmo A\ IAdvertancIIll Antes de quitar Ie rejdle, deacon.ctar Ie energl. .Ieclllc. en ollobl.,o d.1 panal.l6ctrico lI_terr.plO, do c,,,,.ltos 0 c.j. de lualbln) l,ebe, Ie poone d.lteble,o dol p.nol el.ctnco 0 colaclr un cartel para eviter que 81gulen aoneate la elecll,cldad .ccldent.lmante m.ontnls usted ost6treb.j..do con .1 calo.lodo, No hace, oSlO podrle resulte' en oloctrocuclon, quemadur8s 0 balta la muorte 2. Antes de proceder, es importante que usted vanfHlue qua sa hays desconectado Ie altmantacI6n y que 91 ealentador no reelbe energie LoscortaClreultos no sueton OSt8r correctamante marcados V 8p8(lsr ellncorr8ctc podrfa slgnlflcar qua slgue f1uyendo ' elactricidad al calentador aun cuando btB parezca no astar funclonando 51 no se slente c6mada al trebuJor con 8rtefactob el6ttrlco8. no est6 en condiciones de acatar estas pautas 0 no euenta con los equlpos nacessnos, sohclte los sarvlclos de un t6cOlCO electrlCI&ta cahficado 3 UnB vez que venflque que se ha apagado la ahmentaclon cortectamonte, proslge con al paso slgulente 4 Qu,tar los tomlllos y 'e~r.' la ,eJllla The Com.Pek Plus S,n al tarmostato The Com.Pak TWID Plus Sm el termostato ~~ ~ I~\\J ~--J" 6 [-~~)] L...n-J If--r- J. G 4 9/9 d 9L9E92L 01 Lv0.-vvL-.vS-. ~lJ3l3 SO~8 ll3~~n8 WO~J dSv 20 8002-v-Nnr 5 Laver 18 rSlllls con agua cahentB con JBbon y sa car do IMmedlato 6 Mlentros sastlono al ventllador (plH'a evrtar qU8 88 clefts u onduls). utlllzar un secedor de cebellos 0 asplradors en el CIcio de soplado para soplar IDS reslduos a traves del elemento superior (No toear al elemental 7 Asplrar 81 araa del ventlledor sin toeer 105 elementos 8 Volver a eolocsr 18 rOlllla V osagurerta con los tornlllos 9 Colocar 01 ta,mostato . I. graduac,On dasa.da 10 Volvar a ccnact.r la ena'g" an 01 tabia,o del panalalectnco Ace... de IDS Controles dol Umlte d.l. Tempe.atu,a d.1 Calent.do, EI calent.dor asta protagldo po, do. cOnlrola. dallmlta dBla temperatura (para 81 modelo CT Ba utlllzen cuatro controlasl La prlmero as un controlllmltador de raglale menual de alta temperatura, dlsenado para abnr el clrculto del calentador cuando se detectBn temperaturas de operacI6n oxceSlVB8 EI problema debs avaluarse V 91 limite dabe conhgurarse nU8vamente pere que vuelva a ruOClonar 58 proporclOns protacclOn edlclonel par medlo de un IOtarruptor s.ecundano de sabre-temperatura. 01 cua) ebrlf8 81 clrCUJ10 del calentador en condicIones de sabre temperatura severas 0 en case dalall. del componant. SI asto ocurre, el calent.dor dab. raperar.a Q reemplazarse COmo f '.,' .,; .' ,'~'I rei control de limite de regl8)e manual Sial control dallmlta de 'egla)e m.nu.1 ha Bblarto 01 clrcullO dol calentador deblClO a temperatures de funclonamlento exceslvas. el calentsdor no ft.lnClonarA SlRa hesta !:Iue 59 opnma 01 botOn de regla)8 dalllmltB Oa.pu6. do daj.r qUBI. umdad .. aniMa du,anta uno. 10 mlnuros y resolver 01 problema que causa que 59 dlsyume el Intarruptor do IImltaIgeneralmante al calentador am bloquaado 0 necesrts hmplezsl. ubhee un ob,eto punbagudo como un bolfgrefo para accedar al baton de reglllJe a travBs de Ie secclon mfenor IlqUlerdo dela '.,llIa del calentador Opnma BI botOn FIRMEMENTE y ase9.re.o de escuchar y sentlr un chasqUldo IOdlcando que S8 ha resrablecldo Tenga eo cuent8 que restablecer el controlllmltodor manual puede no ser suficlente para restaurar Ie operaclOn del calentador en C8S0 de que S8 haye producldQ una sltuaclon de sobretemperatura grave Con.ulle la GOIa de ,oaoluclOn dB probloma. an la prOXIma pogma pa.. obtener mb IOformacI6n 01 respecto . . Tho Com-Pek Plus Con al tarmostalo The Com.Pek TWin Plus Con ollarmosl.to A m.. I~\ ~ ..... ] ] J. G G = Cona.,On a tier.. III = TermoSlBto do un solo polo