HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-6-12 BUILDING SAFER , , BETTER STRUCTURES THROUGH TEAMWORK """ - tlv (L'i3fD~ CIty of Spnngfield, Development ServIces . ' Conunurnty ServIces DIvIsIOn 225 F lith S trcet Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3759 8 00 am - 5 00 PM Monday - Fnday .f)~~\)\s\~ SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL INSPECTION SPECIAL INSPEC'lIONS AND WIIEN TIIEY'RE REQUIRED A special lIlSpectlO1l IS the manllo, lIlg of the mate! mls and workmanship which 31 e clltlcal to the lotegllly of the buddlllg stl uclurc Many bUIldings and structures use specialized matellals or methods at constructIOn This IS III additIOn to the standard inspectIOns perfOlmed by Olll CIty Inspectors (I e toundatlons II alnlng, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, lIlSul<1tlon, sheetrock, fmal, cte The use ot special mspectols IS not dlSClctlOllal)' The Dlegon StluctUlul SpeLlalty Code (OSSC) Chaptcl 17, Section 1704--lIsts the condItions when spcl.l<ll Inspectors must be used Gene1 any spccnllllspecllolls melutlc Gladmg, excavatIon, and fill, PillllgS Concrete and remforclng, Stl ucluH\!m<lsonry, wood, or steel, Welding, j-hgh strength, slip clltlcal, expansIon, or epoxy tensIon boltmg, Single ply rooting, Splay- applIed tilcprooJing, and Smoke conllol What IS a speclalmspector flud who IS qU'lhlied? A specml IIlspector IS a per::.on who has been approved by the bulldJllg oUlcml to pel form certain types of II1spectlOlls The specldllllspector IS I eservcd tor complex mst,t1lntlOlls that require 11Ighly developed inspection ::.kllls, normally a pel SOil employed by a pflvDte te'itmg laboratol1' The SpeClallllspectol shall be a quail tied pClson who shall demonstrate competence, to the satisfaction of the bulldlllg oHh,ml, fOI IIlspedlOll of the partlculm type 01 conslluctloll 01 opelatlon requiring specmllllspectlOn The ICBO certificatIOn IS recoglllzed by the bulidlllg officml a~ havmg met those leqUlremellts The holder of the celtlficatlon will h<lve satlsfactonly passed a wllttell eX~\Imllatlon, an oralllltervlew, and havlIlg a revIew oftheu relevant educatIOn and wOlk e'<pellence A !1st ot mdlvlduals Will be mamtamed by the CIty ot Spllngfield of those persons who have been accepted as speCial mspectors and III what partlculal dlsclplmes they have been apPloved WIlAl ARE ll1E RESPONSIllILlTIES OF TIlE OWNER, ARCIlITECT, COMMUNITY SERVICES, SPECIAL INSPECTOR AND CONTRACTOR? lIfe OWfler The ownel 01 a pelson acting as the owner's agent shall select a quallhed specml IIlspector and employ them to conduct the lequlIed specl3lmspectlOns TIle Ale/ltleel The mchltect or engineer 01 lecOId assists the ownel With the selection 01 a spLclal lIlspector The AIc1l1tecl or eng1l1cel shall specify types ot speclallllspectlOns requlIed 111 the constructIon documents C011ll1UIIlllv Sel vIces D1VISIO/l_ The City I eVlews the constructlon documents for compliance With specml inspection requlI ements The dIVISIon apploves the specmlmspectOl and monltols the specmlmspector and the IIlSpectlO1l actlvllIes ., , The COfll1ac(OI In addItion to notilYll1g the COmllllll1lty Selvlces that the wOlk IS leady 101 regular IIlspectlons, the conti actor shallnotlfv the specmllllspeclOl when wOlk IS ready fOI speCial Il1spectlon 1 he SvecUllJIlSIJeclOl The speCial IllspectOJ ~bserves all wOik fOI whIch they are responSIble tor complmnce WIth the apploved deSign dl..=twlngs and speCifications, lch.,nutlcs non-LonfOllnlng wOlk lInmedwlely, plovldes timely inspection ICpOltS on a leglllal baSIS Indlcatlllg the tnSpectlolls conducted and test pel rOl med, lists ot any nonCOnI0J111lly and how they WUG Icso\\Jcd and any unmlthollzed changes by the alChltectJeng1l1cel, submIt dlSLlepancy lepmts listIng unresolved Items pal lies notified, tllnes and methods, nnd ~ubll1JIS d final Signed summal)' repOlI y It )'ou have fwthel lIltuest In the plogJam 01 would like addltlOnallOfOlmatlon about speCial lIlSpectlons, tillS office has a cop)' avallabk ot the lCna SpeCial lnspectol PlOglam Booklet, which olltlmes lhe plogram requllements 1I111lore complete detail it IS the lesponslblhty ofllle applicant and thell deSIgnated Jcplesentatlves to undelstand when speLwllllspectlOns are lequlled BLlme '1 pel III II can be Issued, the ownel shall compkte sIgn and submIt to the Clt)' to! ICVlew and approve the specl3ll1lSpectloll ,llld test agleement and schedule We encoUlage the dC~lgn/contlJctOl team Jnd speclallllspectors to lelel to Olegon Stluctlll<ll Specmlty Code Chaptcl 17 ~\I1d levlew the "SpecJal Inspectlons" sectIOn It there me any questions about the plOglU1n 01 the lequllements o( the speCial IIlSpectlon contact the Development Sel Vices, Community Services DIVISIon tOI clarlticatlons ~U-MWrArzx SCMt'6L ProJcct TItle lMmrbJ--l ~ J SPRJ^-l1fl\~U1 Project AddlesS ~)C() -.1/61 City of Spnngfield Commumty Selvlces DIVISIOn 225 Fifth Stleet Spnngfield, OR 97477 Telephone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 BUlldll1g Penlllt # ---- Ilkt) 01; 0.",'\ 7?-f+< Speual InspectIOn and Testmg ~ 11 an Date To J.pphcant~ ofproJccts ICqulfl11g specIal InspectIon or testlllg as per SectIOn 1704 of the Oregon Structural SpecIally Code Please review the 1l1fOrmdllOl1 below When you hdve fil1l:,hed, acknowledge an understandlOg of the mformatIon by slgnmg below, and return thIS form to the CIty BEIl'ORE A PERl\lIT CAN BE ISSUED The owner or owner's representatIve, 011 the adVice of the responsIble Project Engmeer or Arcllltecl, shall complete, :'lgn, dud submIt to the CIty for reVIew and approval thIS form completed on both the front dnd back ContldGtor IS re~ponslble for proper notificatIOn for the InspeclIOn or Tesllllg of Items lIsted The owneI ,1Ild Genelal Contractor, where applIcable, shall also acknowledge the followmg conditions applIcable to SpecIal Inspection and/or Testing 2 1 e&lmg ldboratory shall tdke ,lpplOpllate samples and trdnsport them to their laboratory for proper evaluatIOn or testmg . Cop~es ot an labordtory reports and mspectlOI1S dre to be sent to the CIty by the Testmg Agency 3 SpecwllnspectIon Agency IS to submIt names and qualIficdtIOns of on-site SpeCIal Inspectors to the CIty for approval 4 SpecmlIuspcctor shall plovlde lIlspectlOu reports to the bluldmg officIal of alllllspeCl10U actIVitIes 5 Contractor IS responSIble to reVIew the City approved plans tor addltIonalmspectIon or testmg requIrements that may be noted BEFORE A CERTIFICA 1 E OF occur ANCY WILL BE ISSUED Tbe Special InspectlOn Agency shall ,ubUllt to the BUIldmg OffiCIal a statement that allllems requHlIlg m:::.pectlOn hdve been fulfilled and reported and were to the best of the 1l1spector's knowledge, In confoffilance WIth the approved plans, speCIficatIOns and applicable workmanship plOvlslOn:::. Tho:::.e Items not tested and/or lllspeded Shdll be noted 111 the statement The report IS to be submitted to the CIty pnor to a request for final mspectIons ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ~ SFY0/10fl ("LCI PCl,,-u<_ <~oo<-5 (;t',,),( ') ~;:;:L_/ VEFFif'EfY DtI!fM/k} Owner Name (pllllted) OWl1Cl SlgnalurU'j CJ Gen Conlractor Fllm Name (Pnnted) ~ -" ~ ''"PSI ~~~~ -- EngmeCI or AlchltectS;gnature ~nspec~ Name (Pnnted) . ~(,..Jl ~, 0.0 ~~-\\~ri!~,:'~,It~ v. "- \ ~L ~A"7' u -:- Testmg Laborat;;;hzep Slgli~ture BUlldll1g Official Name (Pnnled) f\.....kLU"," A~ Engll1eCl 01 Alclutect F1lll1 (Pnnted) -?~ Tcstll1g Laboratory Namc (Prlnlcd) c1f:~:!e~ R ~ -~" I I lit { 1:\'(..-\"-;)I'I\:)>.J" V' Ii /:Jv\J\J' (l1~ f.U:19"rll ~"~"ITn~lgn ~ "'-_ h_ v~ BUliOll1g VIllelal Slgrlatmc SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE \ Relllforced Conclete. GUllIte. GIOUt anc' Mortar I Concrete Gumte Grout Mortar I ^' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I Xl X I Aggregate Test of MIX Design I Remforcmg Test I MIX Deslgn-Welghmaster Cert * I RClIlforcmg Placement I Contmuous Batch Plant Inspect I Inspect Placmg I Cast Samples J Samoles (PlckuolDellvered) l CompressIOll Test* SEE $..00'2- I I y ~ 'X, x. I Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete Plies Post-Tens Pre-Tens Claddmg Aggregate Test<; RemfOlcmg Tests Tendon Test MIX Deslgns* ~ Rem[orcmg Placement Insert Placement Concrete Batchmg Concrete Placement InstallatIOn InspectIOn Cast Samoles PIck-UD Samoles COI11DreSSIOIl Tests SMOKE CONTROL FIREPROOFING Leakage testing Control VenficatlOn _ Placement inspectIOn . Density tests ThIckness tests Inspect halchmg ROOFING InsulatIOn lllstallatlOn/R- Value* Test stnps/seams GRADING, EXCAVATION, AND FILL Acceptance tests * PSF X Establish final grade )<. FIll placement mspectIOn/contmuous SOIl DensIty STRUCTURAL STEELIWELDING Sample and test (list specIfic members below) ~ Shop matenalIdentlficatlOn (mill celt) X Weld mspectlOn --"'---Shop ~Fleld )( Ultra:::.onH...mspechon --..-X-Shop -X-FIeld V HIgh Strength Boltll1g~Shop -k-Fleld A325 _N _X A490 _N _X X, Metal deck weldmg IOspectIOil )( Remforclllg Steel weldmg InspectIon y RemforcIng steel mill certificate X Metal stud weldmg inspectIon Yl Concrete msert welding 1l1Spectlon Moment reslstmg steet frames r r STRUCTURAL WOOD Shear wall nallmg inspectIOn Shear wall anchors InspectIOn of Glu-Iam fab * TIC pSI InspectIOn of truss JOist fab Sample and test components fabncatIOn weldmg of steel access one:::. MASONRY Specml InSpectIOIl stresses used* fm _fg Prehmmary acceptance tests (masonry UnIts, wall pnsms) Subsequent tests (mortar, glOut, field wall pnsllls) Placement mspectlOl1 OfUlllts, and remforcement Masonry, mortar, grout, and remforcmg steel certlficates ADDIIIONAL INSRUC nONS, OTHER TEST, & INSPECTIONS Form Completed hy Date ~P}\NS'(ON ANcHO/l. I'LA<-&\ENI, ())Niff~ 1I1tlu.W PIIi:R.~ - _, 'LN'i/lVOU'!.!I"UNIt' OIZIl-l-llJI,- 0 PUATIaN~/ 1/(R\f'-'1 UJCAllot/;: / PL-\J>A9>tl~ I DIA.l\W-P Lft.l\i\\\S" 8I'IPkJ)W'J'llIJ/rn &EJJlUJrj(. 2< AoM\IA"ff.- f~1) /',~ilJN6- <.11/Jl.Th CA~~Ll"N. S\1~-&oAP-l) S\.{0I.IU/Au..S - ANu.tnlL'> 1,; SU/b1,J INS,cmON . PROVIDE STRENG nr REQUIRED BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES