HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-4-14 " BUILDING ~L.f-. SAFER , BETTER STRUCTURES THROUGH TEAMWORK City of Spnngfield, Development Services, Community Services DIvision 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3759 8 00 am - 5 00 PM Monday - Fnday " 9_--'00\ ::s 51 ,~, SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM . " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD , COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL INSPECTION SPECIAL INSl'ECllONS AND WIlEN TIlEY'RE REQUnmD A spt..clalmSpectlOll IS the lllo11ltollng of the matclIals and wOIkmanshlp which ale clItJcal to the IIltegllly oflhe bulldmg stluclurc Many bulldmgs and structures ust- specialized malu mls or methods at COllstrucllon ThiS IS In addition to the stilndard Inspections perlOl med by QlIl City lnSpLctors (I e toundnllOl1s, hammg, phllnbll1g, Illcchanll..,al, electrical, IilSUlntlOl1, sheetrock, tmal, ete 1 he use at specmlmspectors IS 110t dlScletlOl1my The OICgOIl StluctUlal Speually Code (OSSe) Clmptcl 17, Section 1704-115t5 the condItions when spcualll1spedors must be used GencI 'lily special mspcdlOns mcludc Gwdlllg, excavation, and fill, Pdl1lgs, Concrete and rClIlforclOg, Stluclulal1ll3solllY, wood, or steel, Welding, IIlgh strength, slip lolltlcal, exp<lnSIOl1, or epoxy tenSIOn boltll1g, Single ply roofing, Spl ay- applied tilcprooting, and Smoke conllOl Wh,It IS '1 spccl'llmspcctol and who IS <]ualllicd? A special lllspcdor IS a per~on who has becn Jpploved by the bulidlllg officmllo pedorm locrtall1 types of IllSpectlOfls The spechlllllspector IS IcsclverJ tor complex lllst,dlatlons Ihat lequlre highly devdoped lI1Spectlon Skills, normally a pClson employcd by a pnvate testing laboratory The specmlll1speclol shell! be a qualJfled pelsull who shall demonstrate competl.llloc, to the satisfactIOn ofthe bUilding offiCial, [01 IIlSpedlOl1 of tile partlculm type of constluctlon OJ opelatlon requiring specmllllspcctlon The leBO cerll[icallon IS recognized by the bUlldlllg official as havlllg met those lequlremcnts The holder of the celtlflcallOn wlil have satlstactonly passed a Wlltten eXam1l1rttlon, an orallnh..rvll..w, and havlIlg a fl,Vlew ofthcu relevant education and wOIk c'Xpellence A list of mdlvlduals WIU be malntamed by the City ot Spllngficld of those pel sons who have been accepted as speCial IIlspectors and III what partH.ulal dlsClplllles they have been apPlOvcd WIIA TARE 1 HE RESPONSlIlILlTIES 011 TilE OWNER, ARCIIIl ECT, COMMUNIl Y SERVICES, SPECIAL INSPECTOR AND CONlIUCTOR? 711e OWJler The Qwnel, 01 a pClson actmg as the owner's agent shall select a qualified speCial lllspclotor and employ them to conduct the lequlled speclalmspectlons 1 fu Afcflllec( The mdllteLt 01 engineer ot lecold assists lhe ownel With the selectlOll 01 a spLclal lIlspector The AlcllItect or engmccl shall specify types at SpeClallllSpedlons n..qull cd III the l.onstruet]Ol1 documents !:...OJltf1lflfUll,SelVlCeJ D,VlSWH _ The City ICVJCW5 the constructlOll documenls for 1.0mplml1l.e wllh spc("lalmspectlon requllements The diVISion apploves the speclUllllspectol and lTlOllltUlS the speclalmspector and the Inspect]on actlvltlCS Tile ContraLtOI .111 addition to 1l0tdYlllg the Community SC]VJct.s that the wOlk IS lead)' lOI regulm InspectIOns, the conti acto] shall noti/v the speCial lIlspectm when WOl k ]s rcady fOI speCial IllspectlOn The SlJecUlIIJlsue;c(OI TIll. specmllllspcctol observes all wOIk fOl whIch they are Icsponslble tor compliance With the rtpploved deSIgn dl dWlngS Jl1d speclf1callOns, Identltlcs non-conlolllllllg wOlk Immedmtely, pJovldes timely inspection lepolts on a legulm baSIS IIldlcallllg the Inspections conducted ,me! test pCI fOllllcd, lists of any nonconlOlllllty anu how they \Vue lesolvcd and any unauthOllzed clwnges by the archltect/cnglncel, submit dlsuepancy lepOlts listing unresolved Items, pal tIes Ilotlfil.d, times and methods, and ~ubnllts tl final Signed summaJ)' repOll It )'ou have fUllher llltel est III the pi ogl am OJ would like addltlOnalmfOlmallon about speCIal 1l1Spectlons, thJS office has a copy avallablt... ot thl. ICBO Speclallnspectol Ploglam Booklet, whIch olltlllles the plogram lequlIements In more completc detail It IS the lesponslbJllty at the applicant ..md lhcll deSignated Icplesentatlves to l1ndelstand whL.ll specmlll1spectlollS are IUlulled Bdole a pel 111 It loan be Issued, the ownel shall complete sign and submIt to the CIty lOI I(~VleW and approve the spccmlll1Spectlol1 Jlld test agl cement Jnd schedule We CIlCOUl age the deSIgn/conti actOJ tcam dnd specmllnspectors to lekl to Olegon Stluctu1<l.1 Spt..loJally Cod\" Chaptel 17 and a,vlt-w the "SpeCial lnspt-ctlons" section It there arc any questIOns about the pJoglam 01 the lequllements of the spccmllnspectlon contact the Development Selvlces, Community Services DIVISion to! Clallhcatloll~ ~tKA"1 "',~ O"..f2X Project Title .. , :Y!fU--Dr Project Address Ctty of Spnngfield Commumty ServICes DIvIsIOn 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Telephone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 } ll\ 01f}Q-,-('J)\(-B BUlldmg Permit # M./>.F'LL SPRINGFIELD ZIf) q Spccml InspectIOn and Testmg ., 4~ \4~ffi Date SL-tJ(~L. <~fl2.J~n u.o To dppltcant<. ofproJccts reqUlnng speCIal mspechon or testmg as per SectIOn 1704 of the Oregon Structural SpecIalty Code Please reVIew the lllfonndtJon below When yotl have fil1lshed, acknowledge an understandmg of the mformatlon by sIgnmg below, and return this form to the CIty BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED The owner or owner's representatIve, on the advice of the ~esponSlble Project Engmeer or Arelutect, shall complete, sIgn, and submJl to the CIty for leVlew and approval thIs fonn completed on both the front and back .. The owner and General Contractor, where applIcable, shall also acknowledge the followmg condItIOns apphcdble to SpecIal InspectIOn and/or Te'tmg Conti actor IS re~ponslble for proper notification for the Inspection or Testmg of Items hstcd 2 Test1l1g laboratory shall take appropnate sdmples and transport them to theIr laboratory for proper evaluation or testmg . CopIes of allldboratory reports and mspectIons are to be sent to the City by the Testmg Agency 3 Specwl JnspectlOn Agency IS to submit names and qualIficatIons of on-site Special Inspectors to the CIty tor approval 4 SpecIal Inspector shall proVIde mspectlOn reports to the bUlldmg offiCIal of allmspectlOn actIvItIes 5 Contractor IS responsIble to review the CIty approved plans for addItional Inspection or testmg reqUirements that may be noted BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED The SpecIal InspectIOn Agency shdll submIt to the BUlldmg OffiCIal a statement that all Items requlflng mspecllOn have been fulfilled and reported and were to the best of the mspector's knowledge, m conformance WIth the approved pldns, speCIficatIOns and applIcable woIlandnslllP plOvlslOn~ Those Items not tested and/or Inspected shall be noted tn the statement The report IS to be subtmtted to the CIty pnor to a request for final InspectIons ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS , I Sf'~I""flf"LI'\ PC>rM-'L 'YA<'~(5 (If'V7J,( ~ ~-7/ Ownel Name (Pllnted) . Owner SIgnaturfj Q _~-\LU~ A~ . Q~);;S2. Engll1eCl 01 Alellltect Flfm (pnnted) Engll1eer or Arellltect SIgnature . -V 51- 0 n \ \ /)0~:> 1\C\'1I^OIIA v- ~~~ ~,l~ ~lM~~ Testmg Laboratory Name (pnnted) Testmg Laboratory Rep SignAture eJ6FFIf'&f J)W,(' /J1 r;-j Gen ContractOl Flfm Ndme (pnnted) ?SI ~l InB;w_":-4ency Na~ed) ~?' '\ \..1.<C:..'>-.J B1I1ldll1g OffiCIal Name (pnntdi) ~~. P QII\ (710 ~ i(."I';)r,,,.j,l, V, ~{I..!v\(. ~ ~ Ill>f"'1' " ~~:l:S "\ '=~ Bmldll1g Offic,"1 SlgnatUle , SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE Relllfolced -':Onclcte, GlU lte. Grout and Mortar Concrete GUl1lte Grout Mortar Xl Xl X -x )(, Xl X Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete PIles Post-Tens Pre-Tens Cladding SMOKE CONTROL Leakage testing Control VerIficatIOn ROOFING Insulation ll1~tallatlOnlR-Valuc* Test stnos/seams I I Aggregate Test of MIX DeSI2.11 1 Remforcmg Test I MIX DeSIgn-Weighmaster Cert '" 1 RemforclOgllacement 1 ContinUOUS Batch Plant Inspect 1 Inspect PI acme; 1 Cast Samples I SamDles (PlckuplDehvered) 1 CompreSSIOn Test'" SEE S ...002- 1 j 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 Aggregate Tests Rcmforcmg Tests Tendon Test MIX DeSigns'" Remforcmg Placement Insert Placement Concrete Batchmg Concrete Placement InstallatIOn Inspection Cast Samples Pick-up SampJes CompressIOn Tests FIREPROOFING Placement mspecllou DenSity tests Th1ckness tests Inspect batchmg GRADING, EXCA V AnON, AND FILL Acceptance tests * PSF X Establish final grade X. Fill placement inspection/continuous SOli DenSity STRUCTURAL STEELIWELDING Sample and test (list specific members below) J6 Shop rnatenalldentIficatIon (mIll cert) )( Weld inspectIon ~Shop ~rleld X Ultrasolllc inspectIon --X-Shop ..LFleld V HIgh Strength BoltlI1" X Shop -K- FIeld A325 _N _X 1\490 _N _X )(, Metal deck weldlOg Inspectlon k Remforclng Steel weldmg mspectlOl1 y Remforcmg steel mill certIficate k Metal stud weldmg 1l1SpectlOo j(j Concrete Insert weldmg mspectlOo Moment reslstmg steel frames _F _F STRUCTURAL WOOD Shear wall l1aIlmg mspectlOl1 Shear wall anchors InspectlOl1 of Glu~lam fab >I< _TIC pSI Inspectlon of truss JOist fab Sample and test components FabrIcation weldmg of steel access ones MASONRY Special InSpectIOn ,>tresses llsed* fm f g Prelimmary acceptance tests (masonry Ul1lts, wall pnsms) Subsequent tests (mortar, glout, field wall pns111s) Placement mspectJon ofumts, and remforcement Masonry, mortar, grout, and remforcmg steel certIficates ADDITIONAL INSRUCTlONS, OTHER TEST, & INSPECTIONS EXPl'N5lON At-lffioP-. I'LAU'J-\J;N1' ())rJ~ DltluLO PIIiJ.~ - i l.0-HiI'rlS. ~!',Y-1)~ lillLWlRDrL, 2.- ~A% yj,l11 fl,l<AIl.l~t.- Fonn Completed by Date i I' N1iA1l}O~S O~(j,J1r' OItJI "L.IN&- npUATlONS! %ltlt''! UJCAliotl~. PLU>Al'>NI<SS. O,,1".f:1Y.jb , " c'!1l"'" CA~~u't'l. S\I~-e.oAP-D S\.\i"AIl"Au.-S - ,\liiliJlItS i.- S0ZlO.'.J iNSPf:_W_ON PROVIDE STRENG rIl REQUIRED BY ARCIIITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES