HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Transportation Funding Priorities AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/9/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Emma Newman/DPW Staff Phone No: 541.726.4585 Estimated Time: 30 min S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PRIORITIES ACTION REQUESTED: Provide direction on priorities for the City of Springfield to apply for regional transportation funds. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has transportation grant funding available. The City of Springfield needs to decide which projects to prioritize for submission of funding applications. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1 Council Briefing Memo ATT2 Regional Brainstorm List of Projects ATT3 MPO Transportation Funding Flow Chart DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: City Council began its discussion on Transportation Funding Priorities at the March 26, 2018 work session. This agenda item is a continuation of that discussion in response to Council’s request to have a follow up meeting. The Central Lane MPO is starting the process to determine programming transportation funds for federal fiscal years 2019, 2020, and 2021. There will be approximately $16.5 million available for the region over the three year period, after accounting for continued funding of MPO staff time (including $45,000 for City of Springfield Transportation Planning) and Point2Point program costs. Based on Council discussions, staff has developed a range of funding scenarios to facilitate further discussion of City of Springfield priorities. ATT1 Council Briefing Memo also includes some additional information in response to questions raised by Council on March 26. ATT2 is an updated version of the MPO brainstorm list in its current draft form. ATT3 is the MPO transportation funding flow chart that was provided at the March 26 meeting. The regional staff Transportation Planning Committee (TPC) will make a final recommendation later this spring or early summer. Subsequently, the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) will make the final decision on regional funding allocations. Mayor Lundberg and Councilor Wylie are City of Springfield MPC representatives. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield 4/5/2018Page 1 Attachment 1, Page 1 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 4/9/2018 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Tom Boyatt, Development & Public Works Director, Interim Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner BRIEFING Subject: Transportation Funding Priorities (continued) MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has transportation grant funding available. The City of Springfield needs to decide which projects to prioritize for submission of funding applications. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BACKGROUND: The Central Lane MPO receives funding from the federal government through the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for transportation. These funds consist of Surface Transportation Block Grant – Urban (STBG-U, formerly STP-U), Transportation Alternatives (TA), and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funds. There will be approximately $16.5 million available for the region over the three year period, after accounting for continued funding of MPO staff time (including $45,000 for City of Springfield Transportation Planning), and Point2Point program costs. Regional staff works to identify prioritization among the agency partners, and then to fit those priorities to the various funding types noted above. As mentioned at the March 26 work session, the MPO is considering early award of “off-the-top” funds to pay for staff (MPO agency partners, Point2Point, and Safe Routes to School). The MPO partners and Point2Point funding has already been accounted for, outside of the $16.5 million shown below, but the Safe Routes to School program funding has not. Historically, the City of Springfield has received between 20-30% of the overall regional funding. The MPO estimates the following availability of funds for the next three years. Minimum local match amounts are 10.27% for STBG-U and TA and 20% for CMAQ, except for special circumstances. MEMORANDUM 4/5/2018 Page 2 Attachment 1, Page 2 Response to City of Springfield Project Questions New Franklin Blvd Design Cost Savings – Council asked what cost savings would be achieved with moving forward with New Franklin Blvd design now and staying with the current consultant. Approximately 30% of project design costs could be saved by funding continued design now and avoiding re-contracting for this service in the future with another consultant team. This could approximately equate to around $225,000, recognizing this cost increases over time. The following areas of the project could substantially increase costs if the project were paused until a future funding source became available: Contract Management: time delays, City and ODOT staff time costs, re-bid and re- award process Cost Escalation: labor (increasing 10-20% per year for consultants), starting fresh vs. keeping same team Design: potential for duplicating design costs if consultant reworks design approach 19th Street / Marcola Road Intersection - Council asked what other alternatives to truck traffic at the 19th Street and Marcola Road intersection exist. Marcola Road is designated as a City Truck Route and serves a wide range of industrial and commercial areas. The 19th Street and Marcola Road intersection needs to accommodate freight. Willamalane Projects Moe Mountain Path Design and Construction (Willamalane Project 4.3b) - $ 600,000. Council asked if the Moe Mountain Path project was included in the last Willamalane bond. Moe Mountain Path is included in the Willamalane Comprehensive Plan (2012) as project 4.3b, but it was not included in the last Willamalane bond. Point2Point Projects Council also asked questions about the various potential Point2Point projects on the brainstorm list (see ATT2). Staff heard from Council that core Point2Point program funding can cover some TDM work in Springfield without needing to fund additional projects, and staff will communicate that to Point2Point and the other regional partners. Because the MPC agency staffs are early in the process of developing applications it is too soon to say what Point2Point will end up applying for. Once applications have been submitted, City staff will share the P2P priorities with Springfield’s MPC representatives and if desired also communicate those to Council. Application Priorities Based on feedback from Council during the March 26 work session, staff has further refined potential funding scenarios for Council to discuss, and prioritize project applications. These scenarios prioritize preservation and maintenance of the existing transportation system based on MEMORANDUM 4/5/2018 Page 3 Attachment 1, Page 3 Council feedback. Some of the scenarios include enhancement and preparation projects, since those are the other two key components of transportation needs that are eligible for this funding. Enhancements are important for improving the Springfield transportation system to support community growth and fill in missing network gaps. Preparation projects are important to prepare designs in order to be ready to apply for construction funding in future funding cycles. The current project cost estimates are high level planning estimates and will be further refined when preparing the applications. The scenarios attempt to achieve a funding package total of about $4.5 million, but depending on regional negotiations the exact funding amount Springfield projects may receive is uncertain. Smaller projects could possibly be fit into a complete funding package, or some projects could be scaled up or back. Scenarios that exceed $4.5 million may need to have projects scaled back in order to reach agreement with the regional partners. Staff would like direction from Council on a preferred scenario. The scenarios below are provided as a discussion tool and the projects within a given scenario can be reordered depending on level of priority. The lowest project(s) on each scenario list may risk falling below the funding cut line, depending on regional negotiations. Below is the City of Springfield initial brainstorm project list, not prioritized in any particular order. Draft City of Springfield Project List: Mill Street (South A to Centennial) Reconstruct - $2,500,000 o This project is identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan as a Pedestrian-Bike Project (PB-20) to restripe the street with bicycle facilities and signing. However, the street cannot be restriped with bicycle facilities in a way that will last until the street is reconstructed due to surface deterioration and maintenance needs. Mill Street is classified as a major collector. 28th Street (Main to Olympic) Preservation - $1,500,000 o 28th Street is classified as a major collector and is in need of overlay preservation work. Sidewalk infill along this segment is already funded and could be scheduled to occur at the same time as the preservation work. 14th Street / Mohawk Preservation - $1,800,000 o 14th Street and Mohawk Street are classified as minor arterials and are in need of overlay and preservation work. Project would also include update of all ADA facilities and medians. Marcola Road Preservation (19th to County Line) - $2,100,000 o Marcola Road is a major collector and is in need of overlay preservation work. Marcola Road / 19th Street Intersection Design - $200,000 o Develop intersection design to reconstruct this failing intersection, conduct public outreach on tradeoffs, and seek Council design approval. Funding to reconstruct the facility would be a priority recommendation for the subsequent funding cycle. New Franklin Blvd Continued Design (to east of Henderson) - $750,000 o New Franklin Blvd Phase 1 is close to wrapping up construction. 30% design and NEPA categorical exclusion have been achieved for the remainder of the project, to just east of I-5. This funding would complete another section of the corridor for full design from the existing Phase 1 western project extent to just east of the Henderson intersection. Completed design for this next section will help to position Springfield for the subsequent step of securing right of way and construction dollars for the next phase. This is timely since it could enable the MEMORANDUM 4/5/2018 Page 4 Attachment 1, Page 4 City to extend the existing contract to keep the same design team, which would be more efficient since they are already familiar with the project. Pedestrian Bicycle Master Plan - $250,000 o The City of Springfield Bicycle Plan was last updated in 1998, 20 years ago, and does not encompass pedestrian elements. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan would engage the community in design concept development for key corridors, identify missing projects to be eligible for grant funding opportunities for implementation, develop a comprehensive city-wide bicycle wayfinding plan, and further develop pedestrian wayfinding. This project will help to further implement policies adopted in 2014 in the Springfield Transportation System Plan and position the City for securing construction funds to deliver projects that complete the pedestrian and bicycle networks throughout Springfield. Lane County is about to start its Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan process, which could present opportunities for some coordinated outreach. The intent would be to program this project in the later years of the funding cycle, such as 2020 or 2021. Traffic Signal Controller and Cabinet Modernization - $250,000 - $1,000,000 o Springfield traffic signal control infrastructure is outdated and needs replacement. This funding would help to modernize some signals throughout Springfield. Scenario A (original 3/26/2018 staff recommendation) Project Cost 1 28th Street (Main to Olympic) Preservation $1,500,000 2 14th Street / Mohawk Blvd Preservation $1,800,000 3 New Franklin Blvd Continued Design $750,000 4 19th Street / Marcola Road Intersection Design $200,000 5 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan $250,000 Total: $4,500,000 Scenario B (Mill St., no New Franklin Design, no 14th/Mohawk) Project Cost 1 28th Street (Main to Olympic) Preservation $1,500,000 2 Mill Street (A to Centennial) Reconstruction $2,500,000 3 19th St/Marcola Intersection Design $200,000 4 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan $250,000 Total: $4,450,000 MEMORANDUM 4/5/2018 Page 5 Attachment 1, Page 5 Scenario C (Mill St, no New Franklin Blvd, no 28th St) Project Cost 1 14th Street / Mohawk Blvd Preservation $1,800,000 2 Mill Street (S. A to Centennial) Reconstruct $2,500,000 3 New Franklin Blvd Continued Design $750,000 Total: $5,050,000 Create Your Own Scenario* Project Cost 1 2 3 4 5 Total: $4.5-$5 Million *This template has been provided to create your own scenario. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff is seeking Council direction with the understanding that the funding amounts could be adjusted or a project could potentially drop off the list. U:\Community Development\Transportation Program\Central Lane MPO\MPO Discretionary Funding 2018\Brainstorm List of Projects 032818.xlsx TASC Brainstorm List of Potential MPO-funded Projects FFY19 - FFY21 rev 032818 Coburg Street Sweeper TBD #2 Coburg Willamette / Van Duyn - crossings & sidewalk infill $45,000 $45,000 Eugene Seismic Bridge Retrofits $2,700,000 #7 Eugene 8th Ave Two-way Conversion $2,000,000 Eugene Downtown SmartTrips $250,000 Eugene TDM Program (2yrs)$200,000 Eugene Prairie Rd / Maxwell Rd Sidewalk Infill $385,000 Eugene N. Delta Hwy Sidepath (north of Green Acres)$1,000,000 Eugene S. Bank Path Rehabilitation & Lighting $1,000,000 $7,535,000 LCOG Ride Report 3-year subscription $200,000 #1 $200,000 Lane County Maxwell Rd and N Park Ave Ped Crossing & SW Infill, TSP #87 $313,000 #11 Lane County Gilham Rd (Ashbury Dr to Mirror Pond Way) Sidewalk, TSP #52a $272,000 Lane County Lake Dr. / N Park Ave Neighborhood Multi-use Path, TSP #93 $125,000 Lane County Grove St. Neighborhood Multi-use Path, TSP #57 $75,000 Lane County Gilham Rd. upgrade (Ayres Rd to Ashbury Dr.), TSP #52b $1,500,000 Lane County Awbrey Lane upgrade (Prairie Rd to Hwy 99W), TSP #12 $1,200,000 Lane County Green Hill Rd (entire length) Preferred Design Solution, TSP #56a $500,000 Lane County Hyacinth St. upgrade (Irvington Dr to Lynnbrook Dr), TSP #89 $700,000 Lane County River Loop #1 upgrade (River Rd to Dalewood St), TSP #121 $1,400,000 Lane County Beaver-Hunsaker Project (partner w/ Eugene?)TBD Lane County Delta Hwy Overlay $2,000,000 $8,085,000 LTD Frequent Transit Network Program of Improvements $1,500,000 #4 LTD Vehicle Procurement Plan $125,000 LTD Fleet Procurement $1,000,000 LTD Moving Ahead (design / prelim. engineering)$1,000,000 $3,625,000 P2P SRTS Regional Program Support (3yrs)$500,000 #8 P2P SmartTrips New Resident $125,000 P2P Gateway Revisit Effort $75,000 P2P SRTS Program Assistants $60,000 P2P/Coburg Coburg Bike Hub Demonstration Project $40,000 P2P Information Kiosks – Stationary Mobility Hub $20,000 P2P Bike Fix it Stations $20,000 P2P Expand Bike/Ped Safety Education $347,730 $1,187,730 Springfield Mill St Reconstruction (South A to Centennial)$2,500,000 #8 Springfield 28th St Overlay (Main to Olympic)$1,500,000 Springfield 14th St / Mohawk Blvd Preservation $1,800,000 Springfield Marcola Rd Preservation (19th to County Line)$2,100,000 Springfield Marcola Rd / 19th St Intersection Design $200,000 Springfield Pedestrian Bicycle Master Plan $250,000 Springfield New Franklin Blvd Continued Design (to east of Henderson)$1,200,000 ($750k - $1.2m) Springfield Traffic Signal Controller and Cabinet Modernization $1,000,000 ($250k - $1m) $10,550,000 Willamalane Springfield Open Streets $45,000 Willamalane Moe Mountain Path (design/permitting/construction)$600,000 #6 Willamalane EWEB Path ADA Improvements $40,000 Willamalane McKenzie River Connector (feasibility / prelim. design)$50,000 Willamalane Mill Race / Middle Fork Path Connector (feasibility / prelim. design)$50,000 Willamalane Thurston Hills Path / Weyerhaeuser $200,000 $985,000 Total #47 Total:$32,212,730 SpringfieldCityCouncilDireconCouncilprovidesdirecontostaregardingprojectfundingpriories.SpringfieldTransportaonFundingNeedsTransportaonSystemPlanCapitalImprovementProgramLeverageOpportuniesCouncilPrioriesOtherNeedsRegionalStaDraProjectBrainstormListLCOGstarequestbrainstormlistofprojectsfromregionalpartners.SeeATT2forearlyMarchregionalbrainstormlist.CityStaRecommendPrioriesSeeendofATT1.RegionalStaSubmitProjectApplicaonsStacreateandsubmitfundingrequestapplicaons.RegionalStaRecommendaonRegionaltransportaonplanningstacommiee(TPC)reviewsallapplicaonsandcreatesstarecommendaontoMPCtomatchavailablefunding.MetropolitanPolicyCommieeDecisionMayorLundbergCouncilorWylieTheMetropolitanPolicyCommiee(MPC)reviewsapplicaonsandregionalstarecommendaon.MPCtakesfinalacontofundapplicaons.MetropolitanPlanningOrganization(MPO)RegionalTransportationFundingProcessCouncilinput3/26/2018worksessionLateSpring2018CouncilinputviaLundbergandWylieatMPCSummer2018FederalFunding(STBGU,TA,CMAQ)CentralLaneMPOreceivesfundingtoallocatetotransportaonprojectseveryseveralyearsMarch2018LateFebruary—earlyMarch2018Ongoing