HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2018 Regular Cit} of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MET I ING OF IHE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY MARCH 5, 2018 fhe Cny of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday March 5, 2018 at 7 00 p in ,w ith Mat or Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present Were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Stoehr, Woodrow and Pishionen Also present were Cm Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith,City Recorder Amc Sova and members of the staff PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led b} MaN or Lundberg. SPRINGFIFLD UPBEAT 1 Mayor's Recognition. a. Women in Construction Week Proclamation. Mayor Lundberg read from the proclamation recognizing National Association of Women in Construction (NA W IC)Chapter 77 and its man3 dedicated volunteers who Work on behalf and support Women in construction and proclaiming March 4-10, 2018 as Women in Construction Week Robin Langkamp, Local NA WIC President,came forward to accept the proclamation b Kris McAlister Recognition. Mayor Lundberg read from her letter to Kris McAlister thanking him for his efforts in the Cn'N of Springfield and throughout the Eugene-Springfield communit) to bring awareness and solutions for housing and homelessness Mayor Lundberg noted that Mr McAlister was instrumental in the Work done during the Point in Time Count(PIT), spending 17 homs collecting surreys throughout Springfield. Mr. McAlister came forward to accept the letter from Mayor Lundberg. Councilor VanGordon said Mr McAlister W orks tirelessly and attends any meeting rrcearding homelessness. Councilor Stoehr said it is great to work with Mr. McAlister and see what he has accomplished in helping homeless people. I Other a K9 Tlenco Retirement Recognition ON of Sp ngfield Cominl Regular Meeting Minutes March S.]018 Paue 2 Sergeant Brian Humphreys presented this item and introduced K9 Tjenco and his trainer Officer Daren Kendrick. I Ie noted the accomplishments of Officer Kendrick since joining the Springfield Police Department since 3002, and of K9 Tjenco during his time with the department from 2011 until his retirement in 2017. During his tenure as a police dog. K9 Tlenco assisted his fellow police officers on over 1200 calls for seryice, and was responsible for capturing 200 criminals and over$25,000 in recovered propem. Tjenco is known for his love of people and his community. He has participated in a number of fundraising eN ents for the Special Oh mpics including Tip-A-Cop and the Polar Plunge Tjenco made Officer Kendrick jump in the ice cold Willamette Rn er the past 3 tears. including this past February Tlenco was awarded a Gold Medal by the Eugene/Springfield Special Olympics for his participation and commitment to Special Olympics. Elven in retirement K9 Tjenco remains a department liaison. appearing at many department functions. Officer Kendrick will miss ho%ing Tjenco as a partner at work, but Tjenco is quickly adapting to his life in retirement as a family pet. The newest member of the K9 Unit, Gryff, is now partnered with Officer Kendrick Sergeant Humphreys introduced the other K9 officers in attendance,and their partner officers. Chief Lewis said the K9 program has ahvays been an asset to the department, but had been exceptionally effective over the last d or 5 months. He introduced AT Carlson, the founder of Springfield's K9 program in the 1980'x.who was in the audience b Groundwater Guardians Presentation EnN ironmental Services Pech Nleghan Murphy presented this item and introduced Amy Chmitz from the Springfield Utility Board. Ms Chmitz said this was the 21"year of the Groundwater Guardians in Springfield. She provided data on groundwater everywhere and specifically in Springfield. She noted the many ways we can all keep our groundwater clean The Groundwater Guardian learn is dedicated to spreading the NN ord and educating students and citizens about groundwater. She displayed signs that are currently,at all Wdlamalane Parks in Springfield Councilor Wylie said the park signs are more friendly than those along our streets. MaN or Lundberg asked if theN could look into making similar signs for around the City. Nis Chinitz said She would look into that. CONSEN I CALENDAR 1. Claims a Appro%al of the January 2018, Disbursements for Approval Minutes a. January 16,2018—Work Session Cyt? of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes Meroh 5, '_018 Page 3 h January 16, '_018— Regular Meeting c January 22, 2018—Work Session d. February 5. 2018—Work Session e February 5, 2018—Regular Meeting 3 Resolutions d Ordinances 5 Other Routine Matters a Amend/Not Amend the Springfield Museum Committee Bylaws so that all Applicants are Interviewed by the Ott Council after which Council will make Formal Appointments. b REMOVED IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH ITEM 5B REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 5. b. Approve Amended Springfield Arts Commission(SAC) Bylaws and SAC Charge. This item was removed due to some changes proposed during the preceding work session PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers mat not v field their time to others 1. Supplemental Budget Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2018-07—A RESOLUTION ADJUS LING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS GENERAL, STREET. SPECIAL REVENUE. BANCROFT REDEMPTION DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS REGIONAL. WASTEWATER CAPITAL. SANITARY SEWER OPERA I IONS, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS AND VEHICLE & EQUIPMEN F FUNDS Finance Director Bob Duev presented the staff report on this item. At N arious times during the fiscal year,the Council is requested to adjust the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues,or to make other required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department on an annual basis. This is the second of three scheduled FYI 8 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The supplemental budget being presented includes adjusting resources and requirements in General, Street, Special Revenue, Bancroft Redemption, Development Projects, Regional Wastewater Capital, Sanitan' Sewer Operations, Storm Drainage Operations. and Vehicle S Equipment Funds. Cit} ut Spongfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 5,2018 Page 4 The oveiall financial impact of the Supplemental Budget Resolution is to increase Operating Expenditures of$225,078, inter-fund transfers$55,823 and Capital Projects $4,538,250. These are offset by new revenue $192,771 and the use of reserves($4,570,557) Mr. Duey reviewed the changes in the supplemental budget. Ma-Nor Lundberg asked about the SWAT rifle and long range communication device Police Chief Rick Lew is said the rifle is a sniper rifle and the optics are N cry expensive The) no longer need to purchase the long range communication device through this process because they were able to get it through mihtan surplus. He explained its capabilities Councilor VanGordon asked if the equipment listed was purchased with General Fund dollars Mr Due} said the equipment fund is department specific for replacement of computers, printers, etc This is new equipment for the Citv Attorney's Office.Next year the department will start setting moneN aside for replacement Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.2018-07 WITH THE LONG RANGE COMMUNICATION DEVICE REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIFNCE I (iris McAlister. S minefield OR Mr McAlister expressed his support for the ADU changes. Ile appreciates the work done by the CitN. He is also representing the Springfield Shelter Rights Alliance(SSRA)who also supports these efforts Thee feel this is a great way to help with infill as well as provide opportunities for those less fortunate. 2. Mike Eyster Springfield OR Mr. Eyster commended the City on the work done on the ADI I ordinance. He was able to sit in on most of the discussions and was impressed. It was hard work and there was a lot of deliberation. Homelessness and poverty is extremely complex, but he felt this is an action that is a step in the right direction. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1 Correspondence from Melissa Ziering, Springfield, OR Regarding Library Use for those outside City Limits Councilor Woodrow asked if anyone had contacted Ms. Ziering. CAN of Springfield Counul Regular Nieenng Minutes March 5, 2019 Page 5 Library Director Emil) David said she had emailed Nis. Tiering to find out iffier children were in the Springfield School District, in which case they would qualify for a Libran card She also let Ms Zicring know of an initiative where Glenwood residents would be allowed a Springfield Libmn'card which could be another option if they live in Glenwood The club,contact information she has with Ms. Ziering is the email address IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI TO ACCEPT THE CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING.THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS ORDINANCLS ORDINANCES 1 Aniend the Springfield Dew elopment Code to Make it Easier to Add an Accesson Dwelling Unit, Journal 9811-17-000057-TYPO. ORDINANCE NO 6376—AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT EASIER TO ADD AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT BY AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE SEC FIONS 3.2-210, 3.2-115,3 3-235, 3.3-915.AND 3.3-940 TO ALLOW ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN THE MDR AND HDR ZONING DIS FRICTS AS WELL AS THE HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT, AMENDING PROVISIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN SECTION 5 5-105 THROUGH 5.5-145, AMENDING DEFINITIONS IN SECTION 6.1-110ADOPTING A SEVFRABILI FY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DALE Councilor Pishioneri was recused from discussion and action on this item due to a potential conflict of interest. Community Development Manager Sandy Belson presented the staff report on this item The City Council has developed an affordable housing strategy with the goal ofincreasing the supply and accessibility of housing in Springfield throughout the housing continuum. One of the strategies is to encourage the construction of accessory dwelling units(ADUs) One way to encourage ADUs is by revising the development code to make it easier and potentially less expensive to add an ADU. The proposal is to encourage ADUs by providing more flexibility in the development code requirements and allowing ADUs notjust in the Low Density Residential zoning district but also in the Medium and High Density Residential zoning districts and the Washburne Historic OverlaN District. The proposed code amendments were first developed based on Council direction, staff input.and public comments. The Planning Commission then held a public hearing on the proposed amendments and forwarded its Order and Recommendation The City Council held a public hearing on December 4 to hear comments regarding the Planning Commission's recommendation The Council left the record open for written comments through December 18. The Council held work sessions on Jarman 16, February 5, and February 12 to rev iew these comments During regular session,the Council will conduct a fourth reading of the ordinance and deliberate toward a decision on the Ordinance The City Council may adopt, amend or extend review of the recommended code amendments. Cio, of Springfield C'ounul Regular Meeting Aluiutes March 5,2018 Page b M, Belson noted an additional change on Attachment '_, page 8 of 13 regarding pas ing Councilor Stoehr said he believed the additional amendment was consistent with pas ing requirements Ms. Belson said that was correct She explained Councilor Woodrow asked about the entrance of an ADU in the Washbume Historic District. She is not sure why there are so main fine details in the Washburne District that are separate from requirements of the rest of the City. She would like to leave that out and if it becomes an issue later then can address it at that time She wants to be able to allow whatever looks best and fits best with the property. Along with that, she is still confused about the parking in Washburne. Councilor VanCiordon agreed and would like to strike that section. The parking pros ision seems too complex for what is being done throughout the rest of the Cits He would be in favor of striking sections 2 and 3, and base the Washburne District follow the same rules as the rest of the Cit) Council agreed. Ms Belson said both of those provisions came from the Historic Commission. By the nature of the Washbume Historic District, any ADt I would need to be reviess ed by the standards of the Historical Dverlas District which may address those issues Councilor Woodrow said she understands, but feels the regular standards should be citywide,making it simpler for someone wanting to put in an ADU anywhere in the Citi The Washburne District has specific standards already in place which would then come into play for someone scanting to build in that location Councilor VanGordon agreed and said his intent was to make the process easier. Mayor Lundberg said when they first started with the ADU discussion, it was to get more affordable housing. Someone brought up recently that ADUs could also be used as short term rentals, which defeats the purpose and is not the intent of doing this. Bend and Hood River have rules around conditional use for ADU,and a percentage limit of number of Airbnb's She does not secant to encourage the rental scenario of quick turnos er at high cost She would like to look at that at some point and bring that discussion to the Council Councilor Woodrow said it could be worthwhile to take care of it up front and address it now. Councilor VanGordon said he is comfortable going fors and now, and coining back for a work session for the short-term rental discussion. They need all of the facts to educate themselves Ms Belson said this was brought up at the last work session and Council did ask for more information so she reached out to a professor at the University of Oregon who has graduate students who do this kind of research. She will work with her to encourage one offer students to choose this as a topic over the next term. They could also address this subject during their update on the system development charges(SDCs)wan er and they could consider not allowing the waiver for short-term rental use. Councilor VanGordon said that would be a good conversation. Basic data about what that industry looks like will be important. Cap of Spnngfield Council Regular Meeting Minute March x,'_018 Pale 7 May or Lundberg asked Nis. Belson to look at Bend, Hood RI\'er and other communities that address short-term rental, Councilor Moore agreed and would like to consider some regulations during a separate work session. She feels they need to move forward with the ordinance tonight. Nis Belson said Council requested re mn,mg sections', and 3 under B of Section 3,3-940, and the other she had presented regarding paving IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1 WITH THE AGREED UPON CHANGES. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(1 RECUSED— PISHIONERI). BUSINESS IROM THE CITY COUNCIL I Councilor Monre commended Ms. Belson on her presentation on Council's strategies to meet the housing needs that she gave recently She noted that the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisoi3 Committee (BPAC)is pursuing what it would take to get lighting along the D Street bike path She met with Kate Reid (Willamalane)and Niel Laudah about)arning with Willamalane to apply for the HEAL Cities Campaign. M, Reid is laking it to the Willamalane Board to get their input A draft resolution will be drafted as the first step in the application process,and may be brought to the Council for a work session If accepted into this campaign,the City would come up with policies for a healthy city, many of which were already in place. She reminded everyone about the Friends offlue Library Book Sale this Friday and Saturday Councilor Woodrow said she would like a work session on the HEAL city. 3. Mayor Lundberg said she met with Kaiser Permanente and so far they are budding things in Eugene and not Springfield The new director didn't know what I IF,AL cities was,but the person that works more closely w rill Springfield knows. She encouraged them to open a clinic in Springfield. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER BUSINESS FROM THE CI fY ATTORNEY 1. An Ordinance Amending the Springfield Municipal Code Regarding Criminal Misdemeanors and Violations. ORDINANCE NO. I —AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 5.100 AND 5.104 ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE OREGON REVISED STA P TES FOR CRIMINAL MISDEMEANORS AND VIOLATIONS AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILI I CLAUSE(FIRST READING) Cu, of Spnngfield Council Regular%lectin_ Minutes Nan.h 5, 1018 Page 8 City Attorne} Mary Bridget Smith presented the staff report on this item. Springfield Municipal Code Sections 5.100 through 5.101 adopt by reference and make state misdemeanor and violation crimes an offense against the City of Springfield so they may be prosecuted in Springfield Municipal Court. This Section is updated on an annual basis to capture am changes that have occurred in the incorporated statutes during the most recent legislative session She reviewed some of the changes during the latest legislative session. (here is no financial impact with this ordinance Mayor Lundberg asked tithe State was looking further into distracted driving besides cell phone distractions She hoped the\ would look into that issue Ms Smith said she was not sure if they were looking into that at this time. Councilor Moore said she read a report about distracted pedestrians. She asked if the State had addressed that as well,and if not whether or not it could be addressed in the Cit} Ms Smith said she would also look into that issue. Councilor Pishionen suggested looking at ORS 811-507 regarding distracted driving. NO ACTION REQUESTED FIRST READING ONLY. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:53 p.m Minutes Recorder Am}' Sova Christine L Lundberg blavor Attest: LGG 'A. Citv Rec der