HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 19 Springfield Library Board Application Review and Appointment June 16, 2008 Work Session! Regular Meeting Department: Library Staff Contact: Rob Everett ~ SP R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: X3756 C IT Y CO U N C I L Estimated Time: 05 minutes/OS Minutes ITEM TITLE: SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY BOARD APPLICATION REVIEW AND APPOINTMENT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: ACTION REQUESTED: Review the applications of Kristin Dahlin, Jocelyn Harley, Marilee Woodrow, Helen Cramer, Kathleen Howard, and Christine Stole for membership to the Springfield Library Board. Appoint Kristin Dahlin, Jocelyn Harley, and Marilee Woodrow for membership to the Springfield Library Board. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Library Board has three vacancies on its board. Members Ruth Haberman and Jonna Van DeWalker terms are expiring on June 30, 2008. Neither one has chosen to reapply. Member Matthew Bunde has resigned. His term expires December 31, 2010. ATTACHMENTS: Kristin Dahlin, Jocelyn Harley, Marile~ Woodrow, Helen Cramer, Kathleen Howard, and Christine Stole have applied for the position. Attachment I: Library Board Charge Attachment II: Applications of Kristin Dahlin, Jocelyn Harley, Marilee Woodrow, Helen Cramer, Kathleen Howard, and Christine Stole. Attachment III: Library Board Profile DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Library Board has reviewed all applications and met with an candidates at the regular May 2008 meeting. The board recommends that Kristin Dahlin, Jocelyn Harley, and Marilee Woodrow be appointed to the board, two with terms to expire June 30, 2012 and one with a term to expire December 31, 2010. Kristin Dahlin is a lifelong Library user and graduate of University of Idaho with a B.S. in accounting. She is currently employed at Moss Adams Accounting Firm. Jocelyn Harley is an educator currently employed by Eugene District 4J as a high school social studies teacher. She is involved in education related activities and a life long user of libraries. Marilee Woodrow is a homemaker and community volunteer who is also a SMART reader in the Springfield Schools. She is involved in the Community Parade Corp. and is a member of the Springfield Chamber. Marilee is a life long user of libraries. The Library Board believes the other three candidates to be well qualified as well and has expressed a strong interest in encouraging them to re-apply for future openings on the Library Board. The appointments are scheduled to be ratified at tonight's regular session. June 9, 2008 Library Board CHARGE The Library Board acts in an advisory capacity for the City Manager and City Council with respect to opinions and recommendations for future Library development, expansion of Library service, and Library policy. Source of Existence , Bylaws: Code: , Council/State of Oregon/Charter Yes Springfield City Code, Chapter I, Article 9 Sunset Date: Council/Mandatory Membership Number: In City: Out of City: 5 4 1 - one board member may be a non-resident of the City if an owner of real prope~y or tangible personal property subject to assessment and taxation situated within the city. Term (2 max): 4 Years Ward: Qualifier: No Yes, 4 in City of Springfield Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time Monthly - Second Thursday - 4:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. (Except July, August a~d December) Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Rob Everett, Library pirector, 726-3756 Council Liaison: Anne Ballew, 744-9324 Cmo/commonlbcc/I ibrary Last Revised: 02/02/05 Attachment I - Page 1 APPLICA TION APR 2 2 20p8 City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477. (541) 726-3700 fora City of SPringfield""i " Citizen Advisory Board'/ CommissIon / Committee Please print orfype: Board I Commission I Comm. ittee applying for: S rin ie..Lib"a.r " " o'Cu....J -~ (A separate apph ticn must be completed for ch board I commission I comfJ'littee) ~ First ~. ._-~~ . j 2-h ;~' -~~..~~ ' _ "" ". MI~dla initlar~ ." . "2:~~ nl1~tieJI Street .' fty . trame..r Last. Name: HeJ~' Home" add res's: ~ 5" ~ 5 Q. f( . <11 Lfl. %' 'Zip 'Day phone: '14-10" J.. i 13 EveninfJ phone:'. S a..m~. Do you live within the Sp.ringfield city limits? ~ Yes c> If yes, ho~ lo~g1 J It, \ j j d- 00 '1.0 D.No c> If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban.growth boundary? .' . Dyes . 0 No \ '.~ Ward number (city residents only): . ' ..I Are you a Springfield propertY owner? 111 Yes D No .. Are you a Springfield business owner? . DYe~ ',~No Are you a reg'i~tere~ voter? ISZ[ Yes o N'o . Occupation: Cff~ " .~ Business address: J\ I a.. Place of employment: "Y\ 0 Y\ e, Education: 1-1 i(J h S~~OD I ' j 5 en1'\. e C.o ~ e. ('.. 0 U {" se 5 .. pe r.s 0 \'111 e.l m a.n ctj e melt ~ ]Dc..l..s. i n e..s..s Jaw ~ ec.eL,/..:V\-c. \ V\~1' (Over, please) ATTACHMENT I I ,-_ Page 1 ~::ItIi /J..PPLlCA TlON for a City of Springfield Citize~ Advisory Boardl CommissiC!n I C;mmitte'e __ Pa~e 2 , ' , " . ',' Please print or-type: . . .' .~ .' . I 1. What experience' training', qualifications do you have for this 'particular board I com'mis~ion , c~m,mfttee?' \J b r ~~ 'j "? N -(; r 0 h .$; n <c e.. ;i <l G 5". , I i\,r ;lrj iic i tm t.. <" r - 10 ~ =-~s -: Pel d. 0 ~{(1rLRJ Ii <:- l i br a.-r.:1 l~ bi~r loo(J rJ . \~..:n",he.\'" -.3 t e.ars t.ha~'r e.r$o)')'-) \ z.' 'e:cifS '~ri Of, 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? Y1 ("L"t)de..rsta d,i} at Lbr r -5-C'(;L {.F -a \l J bC)a~d } l bra r- J \ .lTta. r~ ,f\ ~j5 l \-t- cL C?-C'0\\l\~l'-l~_ " 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevaflt community groups and activitie~. (~ac~ of previous involyel1}ent will not necessarily disqualify you from con,sideration.) Lj 'ye.a.rs. Po rt 0 r--tord t i t'j (~L<.'r\';i i --- .1 'ie.M~ Port D~rcrJ y o'ri O'r~Q'Id Ll brd-r ' B tl-d e..t.. e'Glyn ",' uc:,a,s det of R"rlSpf. C.om m: .;;L, J,ear,,; Pori (j r f o.-J. PaY: k Co rn m i= i <> 11 4. What community' topics concern you that relate to this board, commission I committee? Why do you wa'nt to become a member? ' " . ".. .' .1.. L\bra.\u ~ 'exa:....t.l.\\ 6u.-d e-t ;2; ,L\\'Yl,~ti~ Q e..'fa.t\V\ '~ou..'rs 3. L.~bra...\ pr6 a.-a ,."s.J9r ~H:s .' . 0 ' 5. Most. boards I c~mr:nissions ! committees meet mo.nthly. Subcommittee,s m.ay meet more frequently. Mee,tin'gs generally last,one and one.-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meetiQg before submitting, the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings.' " ' ,D Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) ~ Noontime (noon-1 :30. pm), .' 129 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) ~ E~,enihgS 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad ~ Newspaper article D Board I commission I committe~ member D RadionV D Mail notice D Word of mouth D Other /J. . (j~l't.L,V h:A.pplicant's signature ;j -17:.-{)~ Date c) Retunil this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, o.R 97477, For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 oft' p,rinted on recycled paper ~I '04/30/2008 16:38 15416869573 MOSS ADAMS PAGE 01/04 ~ ' . . .. - ~: . . . . APPLICA TIQN fora APR. S. 0 2008 . ,,( City of Springfield '. . Citizen AdvIsory BD.srd / CDtni1!isslDn i CdmmlHee' . . City, M.anager's. Office 225 Fifth Street. Sprinsfield, OR 974"n (541) !26-3700 " P1GDSQ print 0; ~e: Board I Cor:nmission I Co'mmitte~ applying for~ L-', b.r-Q.r''1. Boa-r.d (A .separate application must be complet.ecl for each t!cal'd l'commh~9ion t committee) ,"\. N'ame: . k.....~S-\i('\ Firat L Middle Initial Do.h\\f\ . Last Home address: .Q5t\"1 ~l~ 5\TeCr. Slree~ ~\)' '00. \~ e \d efty Evening p'h'~n~.: ('dO"b ') S6 \ : ~t.l~3 . C11i-lll Zip, , . Day phope: (SL\\)\iY>b'" \{)~(J 09 yo.t1live within the. Springfield city. limits? t . , . M .Yes Co If yes, how long? . ; ~ 'f e <?- rs . . D.Na q' If nO, do'ydU Iive'inslde Sprir.lgfield's ur.ban groWth boundary? . . . DYes D N'o' 'Ward numb~r (citY. residenls only): ~re you. a. springfield property owner? '0 .Yes ,00 No' Are you a Springfiela business owne~? D.Ves .~N'o O~cl:Jpation: Ac.C.OJCl1-Ctl1t. ~ Yes:,:;.:~. . o No;';:~~f~f. . .' t C\'~ ~\r fY~' Place of employment mqsS 1\d..Ci.0(\~ . LL-Y Are you a'registered voter? Business address: '\ '1 S OQ'.::.::Y;f e e'\ J Su.', \ SoD 't= u q ~t'\lL 0 R:.. C\l ~() \ Education: . ~.s.. '\ A ~S\ N.. S 'S -h1:l1'Yl -\-hL . ~ l'I \ \f f( (\ \-v O~"I ~ 0:- y\() (OveT, plea$~) , ATTACHMENT II Page 2 I 1541585~673 HOSS ADAMS PAGE 02/04 7- .;38 ';Y, ( ,:~ /" . :\', ;:~,,~.1 . .' t . . .~~Pl-;-CA Tlq'! f~r ~ .trrr, o~ Sp;in'gfleld Citizen' frl~iS,~ry B~arn./qqt:n.rr:!i~slC!!1"~ C~rn.mift~'e. ': . '. ~2 -:. . . . .... . . .. . ;~... .' . .' . ,0 :~:., . :;.r ,'I. . . to . , ,. g]l,\ .' . .: e\~~~I~i(l~ 1 qUal;flC<!ticin~' d~.Y~~ ;;av~ ~~r'.thiS p.a~~'~r 'bof'!~? ~ ~mj,,~~i~h 1 cO'~Ii:J~~?'. i~, . ;e.J ..' .' ns-t.i..i-e:r. . '., :'" ': " .' . ~.':-w ~ ....:. .' . ~ ',. . . I _ .... ~: r' . . ". ",. -;' ... . .- . . .' . . '. '. . ", ~ I .01 . .. . .: ' " ., I' . . '---0.. '"10 . " I I' ,. . I.: .' . . , .' 1001 . ,. '. .' , to. ~.. . , ,I . ," ~ ," .'ul . ',' to t' I . I . '.. I 01 .' . I I I , ", . . 10 . '. .: II:' I: . I.. ',. '. ...: .... .... :. . . . II.. ~ ': t: ...... ::: .....:.. .:'.' '::'.:. : ..... .:' . . ..... . . '. . '0 . ..' ','. . I ~ ...... I..'..,.... 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P .~!=3i!fi~o't19~: tJ W?.rd'Ofjn~uffi'~ ;'. . .' '.:' . . '. '. ....'.:..: " :. . .1, " '. '. .' I . I' .. '. . I,' ',', .' . 'C6~_mrttee':m.~~b.~~-:. '. '~.,'. ...........0 btli'~i. .. ,~. '.. .:...,...... ..;' I' . ..... ":'.' '.. . : .: ". . '.:' . '. '.:. .... .... . ....:,'.... .:.~. .... .;..... "; ..:.... '''. ',",':' ... f . . . , I .;. .... , ,:.:-:.... '4/'36Iri6<:,' . .' ...... . ....:: -..:...... : :::':; , , .,.. .......... ..' '.:..':.,;: :". '."'. . .:<.>::::>;~'."':.". . . , . ..::." ......, :: .f,":. ":.. ~~~':"'",:' ". .,:: :: : ..:.:..... ',.>"'. :'.' '.' '.~' :' ,:".::.:',,> ::'.::. :.'.:., :.:::: "'CitY.MEm~g~~,~..?fti:q~'r.~~?:5:~.i~h"$.t~~~t!"s,p'~n~~~~'d~I"P;R'.~i47!~ ,'..:......:...,.:. .... ,'. . '. e~b:11 the..~itY.Maflag~r's,.9ffic$...af726;~ioo. : ~ -: ,:.: .,.~. ::...:'.:' ........; .,:~ :~..:" :". .,8' . .' :. . . .... " . .... I.:.: ..' .:- :.. (. ,... ..'. ,'. ~.. ~ :. .... . : .j? . .. ".,.,. .....: . .':r.l~.t.~'~:o~{e~y:cl~tJ.piJp'~r :'-;f' 1 "A;tTACHMENJ .. . P' "", '3' . ." " '.; ". 'I 1 . ,., .:;. . a g.e '.,.' . . . '. . .. . c~. '. . " ..' . . I" ..... '..., .': '. .' .... . t . } ~ .' .' . . '\ . I' ~ .... t' . . . . ., .:' ,,' .... '. .: . ~. . ,..... 0':."" .'i! :'.': .... ..' f . ' ~.' '. . .. '. 04/30/2008 15:38 15416869673 fv10SS ADA~'1S PAGE 03/04 Application/or a City ofSpring(ield Citizen Advisory Board I Commission / Committee K1.zslin Dahlin . . Page 3 ' L "TIlat experience I training I qualifications do you have forthis particular board I co~mission / committee? I grew up in.Salem, Oregon, and was a member of the Salem PubJ~ T .ihr~~ from , ki:od~rgarten through college. I love reading and am a great believer in the value ' ofpublic'1ibraries to enhance the learning and knowledge of all ages and members of a community. I am a 2006 graduate of the univ~rsity. of Idaho, gra.duating with a, B.s.ln ~IIOh-Of\..1.1 , . Accounting. I a~ currently \\7or.1dng~t Moss Adams LLP and live in Springfield. \' My accounting background has taught me not only about business, but has also . taught me critical thinking an.d organization skills. In my job, I am required to manage several proj ects at one time and maintain relationships with colleagu.es and clients. As many of our cli.ents ate local, I am also fainiliar with a diverse group of Sp.ringfie1d and .Eugene businesses and individuals., r believe that this familiarity would give to.e insight into people in our community. 2~ \Vhat specific contributions do yon hope tQ make? I \vould bring with me my energy and ~nthusiasm. Since moving to' Springfield in July 2006, I have been Jookin,g for. au. opportunity to be involved in my new community. In my business, 1. h~ve worked for many non-profit agencies. My previous volutJ.teer ~c.tivities h.ave taugh.t ))J.e the value of civic involvement. I think I \\ri11 bring analytical skills, organization, creative thinking and the, ability. to work collegially to the board. , , 3. Briefly 'des~rjbe your involvement in relevant comm.nnity groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will.not necessarily disqualify you frorn consideration.) ill college, I worked for the U~iversity of Idaho's Vohiriteer Program, ,vWch promoted volunteerism on campu.s, in Mosco'w, and elsewhere. For example, I . organized ,and pa,rticipated i.n a trip over spri:o.g break to Waveland~ Mississippi, to help people who had suffered severe damage in Humcane Katona. I was also a regular volunteer at the Humane Socicty in 1-1oscow. 4. What conunu.nity topics concern you that relate to this board / commission 'committee? Why do you 'want to become a member? I believe that libraries are important for communities. Libraries provide citizens the opporluT.Jity to freely educate and enrich ihcmsolvcs. Ifa co~unity's citizens are educated and knowledgeable, it not only benefits the. individuals of the community~ but the community as a '\vhole. ATTACHMENT IliI Page 4 04/30/2008 15:38 15416869673 t\1QSS ADAMS PAGE 04/04 Application/ot (l Cit)J o/Springfield Citizen Advz'sory Board / Commis.fii017 / Com!1titt~t: Kristin Dahlin .page 4 . . . It is, important to me that our com.mun.ity pr.eserve its library for futur.e generations, but also recognize that th~ 'world is changing and the way \ve receive media is growing to not only include written media, bu~ also visu.al and au.dio media. It is my belief that our library should work towa:r.ds~ at some level,. incorporating these other forms ofmeclia so' that it can provide, our community with the best possible sources for education. ATTACHMENT III - Page 5 APPLICA TION APR $0 zOO8 . ,City Managers Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 72~-3700 fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Comll!isslo!, I Coininitt~e .. Please print. or type: ' ~oard I Commission I Committee applying for: L,- nt, I oaY'd ation must be completed for e,ach board I commission I committee) Middle initial , I !fa y ley . ' Last . tn~!1~/c:( . 9.7 'i 77 ,'CI " . . ZIp Name: .\. )Oc.,.e{j~ First Gr tiome address; 5D3. 5"f"1\ Sfree, f Street ~ay Phon(51f0 7 lt1 .; '3S&-cq;, Eve~.ing phone: S~ . , . Do you live within the Springfield city limits? @ Yes c> If yes, how lo~'g?' '5 t- "!J.~) - D.No c> if no, do you Iive'lnside .Springfieid's urban' growth' boundary?' . . ,DYes 'ONo' Ward number (city residents only): Are' you a Springfield property owner? D 'l':~s G'No Are you a Springfield business owner? DYes GrNo' A~e you a regi~tered vot~r? I [a'Yes o No Occupation: fectc4-ze.,~ Place of employment: ~ t: /I1.L . .schoo JDISn-L 'Gf LfJ Business address: 'fDO ~' lCf h--- Sf. ~ lA-j e Jtt ~ M e.d. l zc,o I ) o~ ,Q7tf77 Education: 'BA ~+-i~h~ (\.q~~) (Over L.P.leas~) ATIACHMENT III - Page 6 ~ ~ ,:::;;ICA TION for a City of Springfield Citizen Ad~~5~ry BOard~ Com~i55jc;n / C~mmitlee Please print or-type: " . 1. What experience I training / qualifi~ations,do you have for this 'particular-board I com'mi~sion I commHtee? ," ~e tJt...C. h~Y '- 'htjh ,'5c..h oaJ . " <50 c.,.'cJ. . 0-1-vtdl'~, <; : , ' " f"eq theY- -adYVl IYlI.S!h:tfn.".. - seY\I(.d OY'L ci<:S,fr.I'L1- CJ)mml.I-/~~ @rd Y'eff.'~ ~.:e.fc j d J5 r- CP JJ IW1j (DO rd /YI fJ ft>>.- (v-r f~) t:h- -f1AJ1iiiL~rY1d tiff S Jw,,/ (,i..605 -2-00 la, 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? , ' I hDpe- +0 JuLp0tu'nla/n 'f- \<;h.Y1jtJ...R..~ 'ftv- fes~uYoLJ (Sfec.if1'l.cU~j ~_ ~ \"1-2L.':j) i ~ 61AX CO I'>"-m.~"1:J -f1" "'-0 ~ . ~- D UA." 9' 67. .dJ fi;Ua:-ti'v-G t4.eLl S ~ :J'd:J,~ffi~- rc.IN>fJiVla-{;...1/Y1 17M' :}oJs . I ' 3. Briefly descfibeyour'i~volvement i~ 'relevant commu~ity groups and activitie!? (La.ck of previous involvement ' , will not necessarily disqualify you from, consideratjon.)' ." . MDSf ~ WO' ~volr/~m1A1.f .-0 JCW>JJf>>k AlIaTul ~';/1 ll,d'(//:s~ {D. . . . 61v<AM ~( ~ ~lu-flr,J, . ~ AIu24id5. W~~ /ft'- Ceadut.s'Ij;. lulls tM1d f,/OM (.I(;{iv//:/ e5 ~ /lIk .AU..ut ft'1--Aa.d. a... fi1~ k;sf,'v:a.i 'fha..f uk;.; C.C!4i.-I . 6~{- fV\..cuU.' -;-,.Ims' . ' ' ..'.. " . 4. What community' topics. concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to ' become a member? . I . - , -" ,'" . - " II 'ANt, b{)of6-1 a/VlA trC,'t ':h '-ht.L /~/;rnd .' J. ~aPl-r . 'To '-j1A A . ,--eihY4'" bld:;:'~ -lYby, (Yl.trrr C/.-c.Uz,<;/b t.t II , hi ~ hu.-b . , v/', I IS . IV 'A)~H ~. it>"-{>>Y/--tJf.M:tr; ou.YU... - j;. 'wtu...T- ;>b' p::trfic-ifP...V ~ ~(J ,b) . 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees. m.ay meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours~ ' It is highly recommended you attend a meeting, before submitting the application. C~eck the times whe'n you could attend meetings. . . D Early morning ~6:30.;.8.:30 am) D Noontif!le (noon-1 :30, pm~ 9 L~te afternoon.(4-6 pm) ~ E~enings 6. - How did you hear about this vacancy? GY Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 RadioAV 0 - Mail notice . 0 WOJd of mouth' o Board I commission I committee'member D Other 1 Ilf /O~ I .. , Date q Retu~fil this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, O.R 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 , ft Printed on recycled paper '-, APR a 4 2008 APPLICA TION fora: ' Ci~y of Springfield .Citizen AdvisoiyBol;lrd,/ ~,:,ml7Jission 1.,CoJj1mitttie. ' , City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street.. .' , Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 . ~ .' Please print or type: . .". .. Board I Co mission I ComJ11ittee applying for: compl~ted for each b~ard ,J. cqmmission I committee) Na~~~b/Y~' ~<L) /ti" //z;M~ . , First, ," lddle initial " . ,~ Last ' , Homeadclress: y.y.y ~V~>#~ Jijj ~5*)//~~~L~?/Y77. . . . '. :. . . . ,?~rE~~t. ' ..' , . qlty, ' , '.' ,'~' ' ',:' ',' Z.lp, ", :'.', :,' .,,' Day phone:' '7~/;7//~' EVeni!1gphcin€):7Y/'~ 7//~ .' ,', . '.' . ~ . .. .. .' ... .' D~ you Hlle within the springfiel~ cityiimiis?pt. Ye~';;;',. 'I( y~s. tio~ IO~g?' .' ~ }/ /f~~ . . .. . . ',' . D.No', c:> .j'f no, do you live inside Springfield's ~rban grow~h boundary? . Dy~s Ward num?er '(city res~~e.nts o'nl'y~:. /' 'O,No' ''1 , ..' . , Are yo.u a ~pringfield, property ~~~e:? . , % Ye.s .. .0 No.. Are you ,8 Springfield business owner? DYes . ~NO , , 'Are you a registered voter? .~Yes o No , \ ,. . ' occupation:h.r/~ .~<"~ Placeofemploynient ~L!'N?"'4h~.A-~P , . . . '. " . . .. ..' ~ Business. address: Education: ~/J-~r~~ .&>rc1?./~~~ /.n/ .h~~/7~/-- /!,~7 (Over, plea,sa) ATTACHMENT III - Page 7 ~ ~., :;~;ICA TlON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Boardl c~mmissi~n /c;,;mmitfge. . Please pririt'or,type: ,. . . . 1. What experience I training / qualifications do you have for this 'particular board I commission I commfttee? Bp;H~~~~/~ 'n:/~~ 6;;;7- b7" 7.0 ~~ r~~ ~ ~/. .d-~p/Y'&~/~::' 70 ~~f ~2--.' t0L/Ln/~A? //V'6~~'P.~~~' . / .,P cA;j{2...6pJe e//Y'~AJ (;7J'~J'7' ~lu/V~~. 4.J"TH 71J-9 ,dr>/~-, ~43#~c/ C?r~#:J.4~5 J4/~4~ ~~-:rF: 2. What speCific contribution do you. hope to make? . ~~J/hL. ~/Y"77,Y~. 70 ~?PL/ ~. d$Lf4cS P.F oiue ~~/ &~/L!;'~ ~DL! ,~u. ~~~" ~ " , 3: Briefly describe your inyolvement in relevant community groups and activities: (Lack of previous involvem~nt . ,. will not necessarily di~qualify you from consideratjon.)' : .' , /J~m )#/~,# _ a#vfi1~(/lA-P6lE7- &F .4Y~~!"d d'~~A~-5) ~ ~)'Jt1..e..r -.~ fC7./4P'Q#.#/. fl~ ~ ..,p"rA-',gL--.. .. . , ~p~.eJ /:-'lP4.5,R~~~rP/Y"". P~i:Ja~ ',/9" Plff~;&e' ~ ft"AJ/Sp;er ~IY~~~~ ~~ '/17P?~/~/ eHA~~.M , 4. What community" topics concern you, that relate to this board I commissioi\/ committee? Why do you want to become a member? " '.. .' .' " ~ /'1" ,/?/~~.F/4.. CJr ~ ~j:../J, raJa,u,/).. b~4" /0 rJ-4c . Eu.~ d.JdA?/./Y'~F/p/~' n-a~b ~ru:LJG:;,<<;r #-~E. r#~ #~~ 70 ~ L/A!JLA-.Ly. --:Z;' AI~~..G7 AJ-L:sn ~/~ , r /,' / C> c;5-,fE/ /J1d~ff ~p,y4/4~ ro~ $x.~~' #t:?~ -r-6"-~/r?;r~.. , 5. Most boards! commissions,! committees meet monthly. Subqommittees m.ay meet more frequently. fv1eetings , generally last one and one-half hours. It is higf1/y recommendedypu attend a meeting before submitting the appIica'tion. Check the' times whe'n you could attend meetings. ' D Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) D Noontime (noon-1:30 pm), . ~~ afternoon (4-6 p~) ~E~enin'gs 9. How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad D Newspaper article 0 Radioirv D Mail notice ~,Word of mouth, D Board I commission I committee member D Other LJ /~~/ ~ d.n/#/l!~p/ )t;1'~~ ~ ~~~*O - Applicant's signatur.e -Y-~3~tJ~ , Date q Returm t~is ~,pplication to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, o.R 97477 For more informatio'n please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 , ft Printed on recycled paper \1 APPLICA TION ,APR'232008 City Manager's, Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora , ,City of Springfield , Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / ,Committee Please print or type: , ' Board I Commission.! Committee applying for: ,-...~l-~ '. . ' L- ) 6 ~A <<- y (A separate application m' e completed for each board I commission I committee) .' Name: GH ~'I' S'il tJ'tJ First ' t<l Middle initial SJDce . . . Last ,~f(j. ~. N ((}{-t i=J-;{) City' ,', O,'ltfl'7 Zip . Home address: ~ dL{ I g tA ~T' Street ~,ay phone:S'Lll-t,,1.LC- Lf l Q -=3 Evening phone: ~<-{ I - tf. ?JV,:.-'Q ~;Z 1 c~ ( d 3;). - II L::l- Do you live within the Springfield city Iimit~~es Q If yes, ho";" I~ng? 0 $-+ ~ Vl D.No C> If no', db you live inside Sp~ii1gfieJd's urban growth boundary? . DYes. 0 No' . Ward number. (city residents only):~ Are you a Springfield property owner? .;&"Ves ,0 No . Are you a Springfield business owner? o Yes ';ErN 0 Are you a registered voter? ;ELves D'No Occupation: f3 X e c,.. A.S ST: Place of emp,loyment: (.AJ) L...LAY-n ~m '~J ~ Y Business address: l..., t ) c ~ 5 H1 ~ t\ V [ ) El t C. e; is (j (L q I) 'foDd- " Education: ).J, C.9W ~#J.tH~L '((A-Q ~ SDf'<\8 Co LLiS<;e (Over, please) , ATTACHMENT III Page 8 .~ :rti. APPLlCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen !\dvisory Boardl c~mmissj(;n / C~mmitte.e .. Page 2 . ' . . " .' . . . Please print or,type: . . . . . '.... .1 1. What experience I training I qualifications do you have for this 'particular ~oard I commissio~ I ~of!1mfttee? ' . A~.J t () ~ ~. L):.'Py.f!-4 ~ 'LIt U L\fil' \ }Ja..~~. C;We-t::VLF,(~1 ~ .,-' ) ')' I . . .,) '\ ,2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? f I\-f't'\ \ ~ f12..;l5 (\-r:-yJ 1 (' ') (J u e 1-'; ~. ~ E {2. V t ~ ,t! L ~ v [. .~o . . t ~'" ,) fi cv~ i),,< L.,. J\J 1/\1 ~ . ) 0 ~ -e ~ \ IV ("~ F-Un...R.'.J' Ay.J D. --..,; N\ ~. l' b Y.) Y, V 0 i€ 1'0 Dc, c,a-. ~~ T (: PnJ..-.C'e L,')' rc fl- 1--4- '(' . '.' 3. Briefly desc,ribe your involvement in relevant community groups and activitie~. (tack of previous involvement will not necessarily di$qualify you from consideration.)' 50'!2-1;) ~~ \J fYI" , \~. ~ ~ 11 ~.cJ ~ ~~-6 t-\~ A, ~ S '\ ~i f~ A-{J '~ I I...) .C; }.Ii L ~ C. t) 1 A -:T ~ 6..0 f! '- ~ f- P,) ~ t:t ~.~ rs--:f2... f.-~1? -- lJ.AVP~'. ~ . . ~ lA,r tA. !\S -r:' E: .<2.11'[ 4: 'fJha~ community topics concern ypu that.relate to this' b'oard I commission f committee? Why do yo'u want to . ' become a member? . . . .' . , ' , Tl.. J . .p ~/) -N"\.o \:\ ~ O\.A (L Q ~ ') ,,. '- ' P-. /J /J- jJ l('" ' G0 l\ -r-J T ---r- D. ' S ~ V. ts:, . ~ t --" '?'... ~ '\ ,I l r- ~.~ c. i ~y 1 hi ^.T l A fY' i !'9~( () ,1" \) L-l tJF" '; rJ r 5., Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the titn,es when you could attend meetings. . . ~ Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) ~ Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) 'i(] Late afternoon (4-,6 pm), ~ E~ening~ 6. How did you hear about this vaGancy? D Newspaper ad 'D News'paper article 0 RadiorTV D Mail notice D Word of-mouth . . D Board I commission I co'mmittee member D Other C l. 1.- '( r{\ A<v.4- C, e:rLS <J,~.lCf ~'~~0C2-.~, Applicant's signature L-I'__"d-j~ ()"-Z Date . . q Returfil this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield; O.R 97477 For more info'rmation please call the City Manager's Office at 126-3700 ft. Printed on recycled pap~r \1 ~\ , . APR J ~ ~oa8~ 'APPJ.;,ICA TION fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Com~ission / ,ComfTIitt~e " City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 Please print or type: Board I Commission I Committee applying for: Ll ~ RA-~\..J' BQt\~{) . , (A separate application, m.ust fje completed for each board I commission I comm~ttee) , Name: ('tYAR\,lGG' . .S \JJ . () o' lJ'R b ~ .... First. Middle initial Last " Home address: l,OO~ Soun-\ Sq~l 'ST Street 'S p,(< \ N6.. \Z \ E: Lll City Cf14-1r. Zip Day phone: 9 J?'? - cct ~ S- . Evening' phone:. 8Clrne. Q,eJ \ S ~.D,- ,+'~~ 9 .'. .~ Do you live within the'Springfi~ld ~ity limits? . ~Yes q If yes, how long? t \ . '4e.Ct4"S' , . ,0 No q Ifno, do you live inside'springfield's urban grow,fh, boundary? . . . DYes 0 No' 5 Ward num.ber (city resid~nts only): Are you a Springfield proper:tY owner? 'g( Yes o No' Are you a Springfie-ld business owner? - 0 Yes .I2rNo Are you a registered voter? ~Yes D No' ( ~ rn{)'\ uN ITV\ Occupation:I-\omElhA~G' I vOLU 1VT't;~ Place of employment: I Business address: l\J } A N)A " . Education: 6A \.Ql:h. l SO rf\e. P 03+ q~lcluCl'k ~dUc..CLt-i'O() ~ Q.ouASe\.l1 t Q.e€'+~{\(.to.i-/()." I' _ - f=\~+ ~ -e \ e.m . Spa (\l' S ~ L tt me ""f " ,(Over. please) -+ tf\q' t ~ l\ L (t. . \. G'''" ATTACHMENT III Page 9 '. ~ ~ ~'. :;~L1CA nON for a City of Springfierd Citizen f.,dvisory ~oardl c~mmissiqn / c;mmittee.' . <', . Pl~ase print or. type: 00. ..' ;, '. I.: ...... . . 10. : .. . . "\ . . ... ':"' .; f: .!' . 1. What experience I training I qualifications do you have for 'this 'partic~lar bO~~d icommis~ion I c~~mftt~~?" :r. M. \I'lL Q. \\(e.\ 0 ~ pt:S~1 Q 04' at. U:l rM\.U /I:d-If~' btar\ es~ rend ;.1\.9., j: \\411e, ; ~ c~"Ct r 0 Ij r-4 err e. ,.:..\. r)\ ~ -t Q.~ \J C-CL{- i d'\"\ .. L (\ f'i\a. Mere ('r\. e f\+ \ b f5Q<\l 2.c.rh 0 ~~t: sk",.\ \S.,. . ~ci_ \\ \ N: D-+ r ea " tOtlt\re.lt' , C'Cl I'D Q. ~~~ i 6'il: ~Do i' ell- ,~., 0 (\ .. 2. Wh'at specific contribution do you hope tq make? .t. lCOO i cl 1 ~\<,<Z. -\<> I-.d f I i\ e.;>lPIlr4.; ~ \ \ bt CtfJ hOll tS. .1:. l Do ~ -b i-~ci. Ni -\.;,.' be; l\.~ "\\vo\vu:!.\O !Xc: , to'e.:.cts c ' Cl.c..+t\h~~>S lt~d betU\' 0.(\ ','.ar(\ s.s~d~(.':., ..~.,.. --\M... \' \~1Ct ~I '\ (\ (' () fi\ N\. U r\. i ~ Ctl <t ('cc!. .tin CI. ~. ~ u ~ p /) r- +. '. . . . . 3. Briefly describe your involvemel'Jt in relevant community' groups an~ activitie~. (Lack of preyious involvement . will not nec~ssarily disqualify y/?u from consideratjon.): '. ' .!. . ,'. , . . .' . . :r V ('; \ 01\ kef s 1\01.1' S <I.. \UIL -e\:z. I. ~ 0\ i: (g h ~U).~ Q~ "'a.. SmAil" ~o.d.~i ,:... :~:- t\.1'O' u\.s 0 ~ . , ,(6ocu-cl ('{\~,N"\Io~r ~-th-Ll.tta.\ 5ffi~T~ ~hart-ull::ot\iLO mer" b~{"i- &~r'~-t<x.~'i: ~~ ,S.,P.~\~C\:~\,e\t Cammu!-l ,r!t ()~lf'.1) e ~p I tJl$~~~~~ ~ "(J)fI\f\' &Uti' I AUJ\ Re)'. +;fuf\l.fi !<."f\~$17~ foe:' ~~LS~, . , CO~\ ~ :rAP:\,(\l~a. . C H,rJ fJo a. (Z1!stli e I k-q UN \:T $uPfa({....~... " , 4. What community. ,topics concern you. that relate to this board I commission I committe~? Why do you want to become a member'?' '.' "., . : ' , t\ en Gj<('~'T€b "TO) see ~E. Ll ~~!\L\\-\f} 'Pr-cnv"cr\l~-S l ~(2,()6..~~'K\S" c,XPAN cQ' ~~~ -r.. \ 1) . .L\ \!..~. !D. {?:>"f A PM. T 0 f! -ptJ\'f Ri c. 6 6lJ I i I ~o- i 1'5 V \. T i'lL P LAC. ~ ltl '" 6 ;'lJ61~\.~ j)' R1:.0 \~ f\L1'ZAl1 )LA-t0S I 1:. BE. L\e.Je . IT \ S l\LSD 'A \J t\'Al. {<:cSQ.\;w-ce- fD,(L cO f'(\ ffiu o~ ~:-Hi ; LL1"b{<A(..'f \ E s'p. L {t\ LOR e~.)' J L I.. "T'6 g.'f\(),". I A U j} 'T-r\'6 '.:5 P ~ l i'J 4. v:- \ E. L,t) C (~ f'(\ (Y\(') N t J\.f' A }~... , ,A \..,.() t-\ () LE- . ~ , 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly., Subcommittees m.ay meet more frequently. .Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. . . o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) ~Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) ~ Late afternoon (4-6 pm) ~ E~enings' 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? o N~wspaperad D Newspaper artide 0 Radionv D Mail notice D Word of~outh " F '< ' o Board I commission I committee m~mber ~ Other iN \J l-D; J) 11> A prLLf g'-l . . o e 16 ~,e . S:'fei tJ ('{\ A ~ ((VT. L\ &. 0 f2..c.Tt I .' I m~'\t/cAJ~---.J , Applicant's signature , ~-c90" Or Date q Returlil this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, O.R 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 ft. Printed on recycled paper '- I . Library Board Membership Ruth Haberman was appointed to the Library Board on May 19, 2003, and currently serves as Board Chair. She is a retired librarian, with nearly 30 years of professional library experience. A resident of Springfield for five years, she resides at 4685 Hailey Court. Ruth was a member of the Citizen Advisory Library Commi~tee appointed by Council in 2001, and is an active and dedicated library volunteer. Jonna VanDeWalker was appointed to the Library Board on Mar~h 15, 2002. She has lived in Springfield for fourteen years, residing at 1558 D Street. Her library expertise is in the area of computers and automation; she ' is employed as a Work Station Technician at Pentagon Federal Credit Union. The Library Board is her first volunteer activity in the community, although she has been a long time supporter of the Library. Betty Adams was appointed to the Library Board on February 7, 2005. A Springfield resident, Betty lives at 276 38th Place. She is employed by T. C. Transportation Inc. in the dispatch area. Betty is a former library employee, and also has eight years of experience in the wholesale book business. In addition to serving on the Library Board, Betty also works several hours a week as a library volunteer. Trevor Lian was appointed to the Library Board on February 21,2006. A Springfield resident, Trevor lives at 5065 Forsythia Street. Trevor is new to the city, and this is his first community board activity. He is particularly interested in cultural development in downtown Springfield. ATTACHMENT III - Page 1