HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 City Board, Committee and Commission Bylaws and Charges Review AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/26/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Gino Grimaldi/Amy Sowa Staff Phone No: 541.726.3700 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Foster an Environment that Values Diversity and Inclusion ITEM TITLE: CITY BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION BYLAWS AND CHARGES REVIEW. ACTION REQUESTED: Review the current City Board, Committee and Commission (BCC) Bylaws and Charges to see if they still reflect the Council’s vision for citywide public involvement. ISSUE STATEMENT: Currently, the Bylaws and Charges for the many City BCCs include variations on qualifications and residency requirements for applicants. Council leadership asked to bring this topic to the full Council for discussion. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Board, Committee and Commission Bylaw/Charge Comparison DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: During recent review of some of the City’s BCC Bylaws and Charges, it was noted that there is little consistency in the membership requirements, including being a resident of the City of Springfield. Council expressed a desire to make sure that our City BCC’s reflect Springfield representation. After review of the City BCC Bylaws and Charges, Council may direct staff to make changes to some or all of the BCC Bylaws and Charges. City of Springfield Boards, Commissions and Committees Bylaws and Charges BOARD,COMMISSION COMMITTEE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHARGE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPOINTED BY OTHER SOURCES Arts Commission a. The Commission shall consist of nine voting members, selected on an at-large basis. b. Commission members shall be 18 years of age or older. c. Commission members shall be registered to vote. d. Commission members shall have specific expertise or interest required to carry out the commission’s objectives. e. Commission members shall have either a residential or business Springfield address, encompassing zip codes 97477, 97478, or 97482. (Changes discussed at the 3/5 work session included keeping the zip code area for residents, adding Glenwood residents, requiring the businesses be located in Springfield city limits, and adding employees of businesses inside Springfield city limit.) In City: Majority Out of City: Minimal Qualifier: Area residents with a 97477, 97478 or 97482 zip code only are eligible. They may reside outside the city limits, but must have a qualifying zip code. Council Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee Membership of the Committee shall consist of 10- 16 voting members. Non-voting members may include one City Councilor, one Planning Commissioner, Willamalane staff, the Springfield Safe Routes to School Coordinator, and at least one city staff member. The non-voting members are in addition to the 10-16 voting members. Other non- voting guests may participate at the request of the Committee and may represent other government agencies or City departments having an interest in pedestrian and bicycle issues. (Need updated Charge) Originally Planning Commission as CCI (2012-2015) Council began appointing in late 2015 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 6 BOARD,COMMISSION COMMITTEE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHARGE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPOINTED BY OTHER SOURCES Budget Committee The Budget Committee consists of all members of the City Council and a like number of electors, totaling 12 members Ward: Yes (not required by State Law) Qualifier: 6 members from the Council and 6 citizens by Ward (Citizen members may not be officers, agents or employees of the City, per ORS 294.336(4). Council ORS 294.414(2): The budget committee shall consist of the members of the governing body and a number, equal to the number of members of the governing body, of electors of the municipal corporation appointed by the governing body; Community Development Advisory Committee (DAC) Eight voting members: a. Six citizens who reside within the corporate city limits of Springfield, or within Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary b. One Planning Commission member chosen by the Commission c. One City Council member appointed by the Mayor 8 (6 citizen members, 1 Councilor, 1 Planning Commissioner) (City policy gives preference for membership on the CDAC to persons likely to be affected by the local CDBG-funded activities, including lower income persons, residents of lower income neighborhoods, racial and ethnic minorities, senior citizens, disabled persons, and single female heads of households.) Council Development Advisory Committee (appointed by CCI) The DAC will begin with 11 voting members as follows: Business Owners – 2 Residential Builder – 1 Consultant Services – 2 Citizen-at-Large – 2 Developers – 1 Sustainability Advocates – 1 City Council Representative – 1 Planning Commission Representative – 1 It is understood that committee members will represent / advocate for their respective interest group. However, as an official representative appointee of the Springfield City Council, all DAC members are expected to promote the good of the greater community as well. (From their Operating Agreement) (No Charge) City Council or Planning Commission as CCI (has been CCI) Attachment 1, Page 2 of 6 BOARD,COMMISSION COMMITTEE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHARGE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPOINTED BY OTHER SOURCES Downtown Planning Citizen Advisory Committee (appointed by CCI) Membership:  General Public  Plan Area Business Owner/Renter  General Public / Planning Commission  Chamber of Commerce  Chamber of Commerce - alternate  General Public  Historic Commission  Community Development Advisory Committee  Willamalane  General Public  Washburne District  Realtor/developer  Area resident  Area resident  NEDCO Downtown Program Coordinator  Designer  Designer  Springfield Downtown School Representative (No Bylaws) (No Charge) Planning Commission as CCI Downtown Parking Advisory Committee (No Bylaws) Membership: 6: Desired, minimum of 7, maximum of 9 In City: Yes Out of City: No Applicants must be one or more of the following: City residents or property owners, business owners, or an officer, partner, or employee of a business located in the downtown area. Council Attachment 1, Page 3 of 6 BOARD,COMMISSION COMMITTEE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHARGE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPOINTED BY OTHER SOURCES Glenwood Renewal Advisory Committee (No Bylaws) Membership: 9 – Position #1: Resident of a mobile home in the unincorporated area of Glenwood ; Position #2: Homeowner in the unincorporated area of Glenwood; Position #3: Retail business owner/operator in the unincorporated area of Glenwood ; Position #4: Industrial business owner/operator in the unincorporated area of Glenwood; Position #5: Glenwood Water District Board Member; Position #6: Resident of a mobile home in the City (incorporated) area of Glenwood ; Position #7: Homeowner in the City (incorporated) area of Glenwood or for the area at-large ; Position #8: Retail businesses in the City (incorporated) area of Glenwood; Position #9: Industrial business owner/operator in the City (incorporated) area of Glenwood In City: Yes - 4 Out of City: Yes - 5 Attachment 1, Page 4 of 6 BOARD,COMMISSION COMMITTEE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHARGE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPOINTED BY OTHER SOURCES Historic Commission (No Bylaws) Select recommendations from Willamalane Park District and Springfield School District #19. Members appointed to the Historic Commission shall be residents, electors, or property owners within Springfield, appointees of other Springfield public agencies, or specialist with expertise in the fields of architecture, history, architectural history, planning or archaeology, who live within the Metro-area General Plan boundaries. The Development Services Director or authorized representative, and the Springfield Museum Director shall be ex-officio members. 2. Majority meeting professional qualifications for State Certified Local Governments (CLG) for accreditation is desired for State funding. Council Required by the State: a majority of commissioners are specialists with expertise in the fields of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or archeology. Municipal Code 2.502: The historic commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the mayor and council. In making the appointments the council shall solicit recommendations from the Willamalane Park and Recreation District and Lane County School District #19 (Springfield schools). Members appointed to the historical commission shall be residents, electors, or property owners within Springfield, appointees of other Springfield public agencies, or specialists with expertise in the fields of architecture, history, architectural history, planning or archaeology, who live within the metro area general plan boundaries. The development services director, or a duly authorized representative, shall be an ex-officio member of the commission. The director of the Springfield Museum shall also be an ex-officio member of the commission. Library Board Seven members appointed and confirmed by the City Council 7 members  In City: 6  Out of City: 1 – one board member may be a non-resident of the City if an owner of real property or tangible personal property subject to assessment and taxation situated within the city. Council Municipal Code 2.452: There shall be seven members on the library board, who shall be appointed by the mayor. Attachment 1, Page 5 of 6 BOARD,COMMISSION COMMITTEE BYLAWS MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHARGE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS APPOINTED BY OTHER SOURCES Museum Committee Four members In City: Majority Out of City: Minimal Qualifier: Skills, abilities, knowledge which foster the mission of the committee Council Planning Commission (No Bylaws) Number: 7 In City: 5 Out of City: 2 Council Municipal Code 2.404 (1) and (2): (1) The planning commission shall consist of seven members, to be appointed by the mayor and council, two of whom may be non- residents of the city. Members of the planning commission shall receive no compensation but may receive incurred expenses. (2) No more than two appointed members shall be engaged principally in buying, selling or developing real estate for profit as individuals, or be members of any partnership, or officers or employees of any corporation that is engaged principally in buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit. No more than two voting members shall be engaged in the same kind of business, trade, profession or occupation. Springfield Police Advisory Committee (SPAC) Section 2. SPAC shall have ten members consisting of: a. Four neighborhood/citizen-at-large representatives b. One School District 19 representative c. One Willamalane Parks and Recreation District Representative; and d. Two representatives of the local business community e. One representative from the cultural minority community f. One representative from the faith community Four neighborhood/citizen-at-large representatives, one School District 19 representative, one Willamalane Park and Recreation District representative, two representatives of the local business community, and one representative each from the cultural minority and faith communities. Number: 10 In City: 8, unless Council approval given Out of City: 2, representatives of School District 19 or Willamalane Park and Recreation District Council Attachment 1, Page 6 of 6