HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Planning Commission Interviews AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/26/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Greg Mott, DPW Staff Phone No: 726-3774 Estimated Time: 30 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct interviews of the following Planning Commission candidates to fill one (1) vacancy resulting from a resignation: Marisa A. Aieta and Grace A. Bergen ISSUE STATEMENT: Two candidates have applied for a Planning Commission vacancy created by the resignation of Commissioner Nick Nelson. The expiration date for this position is July 31, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Interview Agenda 2. Interview Questions 3. Applications 4. Planning Commission Current Roster DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City received two applications for one vacancy during a seven-week recruitment process. Marisa A. Aieta, who resides in the urban transition area at 2038 Harbor Dr., Springfield 97477 and is a Principal Broker at Emerald Valley Real Estate; and Grace A. Bergen, who resides at 2308 15th Street, Springfield 97477, and is a Realtor at Re/max Integrity The Springfield Planning Commission is a seven member volunteer Commission appointed by the City Council. Positions are “at-large”, and do not represent specific geographic areas. The members serve four-year terms that are staggered to avoid more than two positions expiring at the same time. Of the seven members, two appointments may live outside the city limits and two appointments may be involved in the Real Estate profession. At present, only resigning Commissioner Nick Nelson is involved in the Real Estate profession; all commission members currently reside within the city limits. The Council decision on this appointment is scheduled for the Regular Meeting of Monday, April 2, 2018. Agenda – City Council Interview of Planning Commission Candidate 5:30 – 5:35 Council review and adjust interview questions 5:35 – 5:43 Interview of Marisa A. Aieta 5:43 – 5:51 Interview of Grace A. Bergen 5:51 – 6:00 Council discussion/deliberation Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Updated 79/20/2017 BJones Planning Commission Interview Questions 1. Please tell us what you think are the most important planning or development challenges facing the city in 2018. 2. Developing within existing neighborhoods can generate strong objections to increased traffic, noise, loss of privacy, etc. As a Commission member you may be called upon to solve these neighborhood impacts; what would you require the developer to do to address these objections? 3. Attracting new development to Springfield is a top Council priority; can you think of any ways to entice new development to locate here? 4. The City is experiencing a severe housing shortage; would you support any of these actions to incentivize new housing: waiver of fees and charges; reduce or eliminate plan submittal requirements; increase zoning density to allow more dwellings per lot any others? 5. In your opinion is it more important for the City to promote infill and redevelopment to accommodate growth, or expand the urban growth boundary to provide vacant, development-ready sites? 6. The time commitment to serve on the Planning Commission is usually about 6-8 hours per month, including two night meetings of about 1-2 hours each and 4 hours or so studying the issues. Does this schedule present any difficulties? Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper City Manager’s Office • 225 Fifth Street • Springfield, OR 97477 PLEASE NOTE:  When possible, council will not appoint people currently serving on another governing body to the Planning Commission or Budget Committee.  When appointing people to any of the other city boards, commissions or committees, the Council shall take into account whether that person is being reappointed for a subsequent term, is currently serving on another governing body or currently appointed to another city board, commission or committee.  When possible, the Council will appoint people to serve on one City board, commission or committee only. Board / Commission / Committee applying for: (A separate application must be completed for each board / commission / committee) Name: First Middle Initial Last Home address: Street City Zip Mailing address: Street City Zip Day Phone: Evening phone: Email Address: Preferred Form of Contact: Do you live within the Springfield city limits? Yes If yes, how long? No If no, do you live inside Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary? Ward number (City residents only): Yes No Are you a Springfield property owner? Yes No Are you a Springfield business owner? Yes No Are you a registered voter? Yes No Occupation: Place of employment/School: Business address: Education: Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: How did you hear about the above vacancy? Newspaper ad Newspaper article Radio/TV Mail notice Word of mouth Board/Commission/Committee member Internet (Over, please) Attachment 3, Page 1 of 12 Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Please print or type: 1. What experiences / training / qualifications do you have for this particular board / commission / committee? 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board / commission / committee? Why do you want to become a member? 5. Most boards / commissions / committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Please read the news release for this position which contains the normal dates and times for these meetings and can be found at www.ci.springfield.or.us/CMO/newsrel.htm. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? Yes No Comments: I certify the information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading statements or missing information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to claims or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. I hereby authorize to permit the City of Springfield and/or the Springfield Police Department to review my background information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to serve/volunteer in the desired position. I also authorize to permit any materials listed above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorize the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without limitation attorney fees and expenses; except for losses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Signature: Date: Attachment 3, Page 2 of 12 Supplemental Questions for Planning Commission Application 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? 2. What personal or professional experience has prepared you to be successful on the Planning Commission? 3. What positive turns do you think the future holds for Springfield and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? 4. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group; was the decision-making process consensus, consent, super majority, simple majority, other? Do you have a preference regarding decision-making rules? 5. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental values if a proposed development was appealed to the Planning Commission on the basis of harming the neighborhood or environment? 6. Do you think the City’s comprehensive planning objectives and development regulations are consistent with the achievement of the Council’s goals of facilitating economic prosperity while maintaining Springfield’s livability? 7. The time commitment for a planning commissioner is about 10- 15 hours per month which includes public meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and adequate time to review the reports and documents submitted for the agendas of these public meetings. Understanding this is a volunteer position, can you commit to this level of participation? Attachment 3, Page 3 of 12 Supplemental Planning Commission Questionnaire Marisa Aieta 1. See #4 Main Application. 2. See #1 Main Application. 3. I believe Springfield’s future is bright. Over the past ten years I have seen Springfield embrace its past and invest in its future through countless renovations in buildings and new businesses coming to the area. I am amazed at all that is offered in this small town from it natural beauty, amazing parks and recreation center, excellent schools and a profound sense of pride. My preference for Springfield shows in my work as a realtor, since most of the homes I have sold are in Springfield. I like to think that I am part of the positive future of my city. 4. See #3 Main Application. In addition, I am familiar with various decision-making processes. As an educational administrator, I found that a consensual leadership style for policy formulation was effective. When there are many viewpoints and agendas at stake, balancing decisions is critical so that one sector does not continually have all matters decided in their favor. 5. In the economic development of a community, balancing environment with profit is paramount. Historically, across this country, it seems that the environment has suffered at the expense of the bottom-line of profit. Springfield is heavily industrialized and honestly, I cannot say at what expense this had come to those that live here. Yes, perhaps they and their families have generations whose livelihoods have depended on these industries, but as far as future development of heavy industry vs. service and/or retail commerce, I believe that a long-term policy would be a key ingredient in creating a community that has criteria that are characteristic of “Top American City” award status. 6. I am currently unable to honestly comment on this question. Given what I see regarding the rejuvenation of Springfield’s downtown and the use of historic buildings, the beauty of their parks, I would say yes. Overall, the appearance and care of the town are well planned. I particularly like ordinances that make panhandling illegal. Drug addiction and homelessness are indeed related and any activity that encourages the further use of drug addiction, such as panhandling, are not wise. 7. Yes. Attachment 3, Page 4 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 5 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 6 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 7 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 8 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 9 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 10 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 11 of 12 Attachment 3, Page 12 of 12 City of Springfield Planning Commission MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT DATE RE-APPOINTMENT DATE EXPIRATION DATE Michael Koivula Vice -Chair 723 Crest Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 mkoivula@springfield-or.gov R: 541-746-1805 3/16/2015 2/5/2019 Gregory James Chair 457 Mountaingate Drive Springfield, Oregon 97478 gjames@springfield-or.gov B: 541-914-1116 10/4/2010 10/15/2014 10/2/2018 Sean Dunn 525 10th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 sdunn@springfield-or.gov B: 541-632-3545 3/16/2015 1/18/2019 Andrew (Andy) Landen 6721 Glacier Dr. Springfield, Oregon 9747 alanden@springfield-or.gov R: 541-222-6706 4/20/2015 7/31/2018 OPEN POSITION C: 7/31/2017 7/31/2021 Troy R. Sherwood 280 S. 35th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 tsherwoo@springfield-or.gov (U of O Telefund Supervisor) C: 5/5/2016 5/5/2020 Tim Vohs 3708 Cherokee Drive Springfield, Oregon 97478 tvohs@springfield-or.gov R: 541-747-4325 1/17/2012 5/5/2016 5/5/2020 Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate. Representatives to the City Council are on a rotating basis CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Anette Spickard: Development and Public Works Department Director 541-726-3697 Greg Mott: Development and Public Works Department, Current Development Manager, PC Liaison 541-726-3774 Brenda Jones: Development and Public Works Department, Current Dev. Management Specialist 541-726-3610 Council Liaison: Councilor Leonard Stoehr; lstoehr@springfield-or.gov ; 541-285-3792. Edited January 2, 2018 BJones PUBLIC Attachment 4, Page 1 of 1