HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 7/25/2007 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ~- ./ DISTRIBUTION DATE Jul) _J,2007 TO: ~ Planning Staff Gary Karp *Matt Stouder, Englneenng - Public Works Department *Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EnglneenngJPublic Works *Chuck Gottfned, EnVIronmental Services *Gary McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department *Gllbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & life Safety Department *Ed Black, Maintenance Manager, Public Works Dept *Greg Hyde, Planner, Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct *Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electnc) *Bart McKee, Spnngfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Spnngfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chlnltz, Spnngfield Utility Board (Dnnklng Water) *Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authonty (If applicable) *Dave Puent, Building OffiCial (agenda) * Greg Ferschweller, Keith Mlyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept. (agenda) *Cralg Frtzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) *John Pearson, Building Plans Review Engineer *WIll Mueller, L TD Ed Moore, ODOT, State Highway DIVISion Steve Barrett, Asst Supenn of Operations, Spnngfield School Dlstnct (agenda) Mark Oberle, EWEB A request for land use action, as descnbed on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development SeMces Office SpeCIfic concems of your dIvIsion/department/agency should be addressed If you have comments or requirements of thiS proposal, please send them In wntlng to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 If your written comments are not received by Friday, August 31, 2007 specrfic concems of your divIsion/department/agency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on September 6, 2007 The Development Review Committee will hold thiS staff review meeting on Thursday @ 900 -noon. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Thursday If you have speCIfic concerns so that the Planning Manager's representative can discuss them pnor to meeting with the applicant If the Planning Manager feels It IS necessary for you to partICIpate In the public meetings he/she will let you know on Thursday * will receive a full packet Date Received: JUL 2 5 2007 Original submittal ..., \ \ \ I AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW , COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT , 225 FIFTH STREET : JESSE MAINE ROOM I I Staff Review: I Thursday, September 6, 2007 @ 9:00 - Noon I , , I 1. PRE-APPLICATION REP0RT #lON2006-00030 SC SPFLD (Marcola Meadows) 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-02-30:-00 TL 1800 Assessor's Map 17 -03-2!:j-11 TL 2300 Address' Marcola Road &'31st Street EXisting Use' Vacant : , Applicant submitted plans for a residential/commercial/office mixed-use development Marcola Meadows. Planner' Gary Karp PRE-APPLICATION REPORT APPLICATION FOR MARCOLA MEADOWS I The former Pierce property, now calle:d "the Villages at Marcola Meadows", IS a 1003 acre tract of land that has recently been rezoned to allow the proposed commercial/residential development discussed In your packets. The proposed development IS to be phased and the applicant IS applYing to eventually obtain Master Plan approval from the Planning CommisSion This approval IS reqUlr~d pnor to submittal of any Site Plan or land divIsion applications, and subsequent I bUilding permits i I The Spnngfield Development Code r~qUlres the submittal of this Pre-Application Report application pnor to the actual Master Plan application submittal The Intent of this application IS to provide information to the applicant related to the current development conditions and standards and to convey the status of known development opportunities and constraints I I The number of City staff and outSide ~gencles reqUired to review this application IS larger than the "typical" Developm!3nt ReView Committee group There may be some indiViduals who have narrowly focused comments and every effort Will be made to accommodate them early In 'he meeting process The format of the meeting Will Involve an exchange of information With the applicant Therefore, It is stronQly recommended that any comments YOU may have be in wntlnQ and brouQht to the September 6th ORC MeetinQ I Thank you very much for your cooperation Date Received: Gary M Karp Senior Planner JUL 2 5 2007 Original Submittal ---- City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone. (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Pre-Application Report ProspectIve Applicant Name SC Springfield, LLC Address 5440 LOUie Lane, SUite 1 02 ~ Reno, Nevada 89511 @] Property Owner Name SC Springfield, LLC Address 5440 LOUIe Lane, Suite 102 @] Reno, Nevada 89511 0 I ill Phone @1 775-853-4714 0 Phone 775-853-4714 @] Property Address na @] Assessor's Map No 17 -02-30-00 and 17 -03-25-11 ~ Tax Lot No. 1800 and 2300 Size of Property 4,368,691 Square Feet or 100.3 Acres EXlstmg Use of Property Vacant, underutlhzed agricultural field, one small industrial building DescnptIon of Proposal Residential/Commercial/Office Mixed-Use Development See attached for additional Information Date Received: JUt!5 2007 . (v~ "'-:r~! ~~, Original Submittal ApplIcant Signature Date May 12, 2006 , ! ;' For Office Use Only: Journal Number' -z.OAl2tJD6- 00030 Received By. --b{L,(jf _ ~. Assessor's Map No /7- o~ - 30 -OD Tax Lot No ~e;,o;:., 17-03 25 /; "fz;7V(T Date Accepted as Complete ~. 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