HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 9/24/2007 i>. ) ~Mf " AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Irv [E @ [E 0 IT] [E ~ 1R1 PR~~~~ ~~D1,. ~ , By A fFP.O.,A'f' srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of ZOtJ200b-ooo~ 1>~~ ~ (~ p{4N\ ') ~18 ~o~ (See attachment "A") on .-1124-- ,2007 addressed to (see Attachment S"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. bu~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 6" ,2007. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Prog m Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ~~~,wj Commission Expires: 1/ /;2 /2(){)g I I My OFf:"ICIAl SEAL SANDRA MARX NOTARY J:lUBlIC. OREGON _ MY COM~~~~~~~~~S3~~~512, 2008 .... 1. TYPE I MASTER PLAN PRE-APPLICATION REPORT STAFF REPORT Site Map Project Name: The Villages at Marcola Meadows Project Proposal: Construct a phased commercial/residential development on 100 3 acres Case Number: ZON2006-00030 Project location: Northwest Corner of Marcola Road and 28th/31st Streets Assessor's Map#: 17-02-30-00, Tax Lot 01800 and 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 02300 Zoning: Community Commercial, Medium Density Residential, and Mixed Use Commercial Refinement Plan: N/A Metro Plan Designation: Community Commercial, Medium Density Residential/Nodal Development Area, and Commercial/Nodal Development Area Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: None Application Submitted Date: July 20, 2007 Report Issued Date: September 24, 2007 Related Applications: ZON 2005-00028, LRP 2006-00027, ZON 2006-00054 ~nd SUB 2007- 00037 ZON2006-00030 Pre-ApplicatIOn Report - Marcola Meadows Page 1 of 20 . . APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner/Applicant: JHB, Inc 7510 Longley Lane, SUite 102 Reno, NV 89511 Attn Jeff Belle, President Planner/Landscape Architect: Satre Associates, P C 132 East Broadway, Suite 536 Eugene, OR 97401 Attn Richard M Satre, ASLA, AICP Project Developer: The Martin Company PO Box 1482 Albany, OR 97321 Attn ~ob Martm Architect: 2fORM 225 West 5th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Attn Richard Shugar, AlA Civil Engineer/Surveyor: Branch Engmeerlng 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attn Lane Branch Transportation Engineer: Access Engmeerlng, LLC 134 East 13th Avenue, SUite 2 Eugene, OR 97401 Attn Mike Welshar PE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD/OTHER AGENCY'S REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Gary M Karp 726-3777 Transportation PlannmQ EnQmeer Transportation Gary McKenney 726-4585 Public Works Engmeer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Matt Stouder 736-1035 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Wlllamalane Greg Hyde 736-4544 ODOT Mark Oberle 465-4721 LTD Andy Vobora 682-6181 Lane County Transportation S BaJracharya 682-6932 PURPOSE OF THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT A Master Plan IS a comprehensive plan that allows phased development of a specific development area over several years The Pre-Application Report application IS required prior to the submittal of a Master Plan application (Ref SDC 37 020(2)) ThiS report IS mtended to ensure a complete Master Plan application that addresses the 1 14 conditions of approval specified m the ZOning Map Ordmance (6196), mcludmg Section 4 of that document that requires the mapped delineation of the Metro Plan designation and zOning boundaries, 2 Issues raised by the neighbors m testimony dUring the public hearings for the Metro Plan and ZOning Map amendments, 3 Master Plan submittal requirements specified In SDC Section 37 030, 4 Master Plan criteria of approval specified m SDC Section 37040, and ZON2006-00030 Pre-Application Report - Marcola Meadows Page 2 of 20 .' 5 Issues raised by City staff and the various agencies attending the September 6th meeting that reviewed this application This report 1 Discusses the current Springfield Development Code reqUirements applicable to a Master Plan, 2 Is not an approval of the proposed use or phaSing plan, and 3 Does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any course of action The applicant should be aware that 1 Development Issues reqUiring the application of local, state and federal requirements, or additional permit and review procedures that are not specifically addressed In thiS report may be Identified dUring subsequent of the Master Plan application and other applications e g , SubdiVISion and Site Plan ReView), and 2 The status of known opportunities and constraints described In thiS report may change over time as development conditions or standards change PROPOSAL The applicant proposes a phased, mixed-use development on 100 3 acres called Marcola Meadows, comprised of reSidential, office and retail "Villages" The proposed development consists of a total of 518 homes/apartments on 504 acres (11 4 acres of which IS Intended to be common open space), and a total of 441,600 square feet of retail/office use for the remainder of the site (Plan Sheet 6) Note: While the number of proposed reSidential Units on Plan Sheet 6 and the project narrative (Page 7) match, there appears to be a discrepancy between the reSidential/commercial acreages on Plan Sheet 6 and the response to the eXisting Metro Plan deSignation and zone classification diSCUSSion In the project narrative (Page 5) Ensure that the acreage figures In both areas are the same SITE INFORMATION The subject site 1 Is located north of Marcola Road and west of 28th/31 st Streets, 2 Is located entirely Within the city limits, and 3 Contains an eXisting, vacant bUilding which IS proposed to be demolished Note: During the meeting, staff suggested that the applicant contact BRING Recycling to see If that organization would be Interested In deconstructlng the eXisting bUilding In order to recycle bUilding components such as lumber and Windows Properties north of the subject site are separated by the EWEB utility COrridor that also serves as a multi-use path North of the EWEB COrridor IS property owned by Wlllamalane Park and Recreation DiStriCt, Briggs Middle School and Yolanda Elementary and Single family reSidences Properties west of the subject site are developed With Single-family reSidential dwellings Property southwest of the subject site IS developed With a variety of retail commercial uses Properties south of the subject site are developed With Single-family reSidential dwellings Properties lON2006-00030 Pre-ApplIcatIOn Report - Marcola Meadows Page 3 of 20 southeast of the subject property are developed with Industnal uses. Properties east of the subject site are developed with single-family residential dwellings PROJECT BACKGROUND In July, 2005, the Martin Co submitted a Development Issues Meeting application (ZON 2005- 00028) to generally discuss a proposed commercial/residential development on the subject site In May 2006, Satre & Associates submitted a Pre-Application Report application (ZON 2006- 00030) Staff had a number of concerns about that proposal and contracted with Crandall Arambula for a peer review The application was placed on hold until approval of the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map amendments occurred In September 2006, Satre Associates submitted the Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendment applications (LRP 2006-00027 and ZON 2006-00054) These applications were determined to be complete for review on January 11, 2007 The City Council approved these applications on June 18, 2007 (Ordinance Nos 6195 and 6196) On July 20, 2007, Satre & Associates resubmitted this Pre-Application Report application The majonty of Crandall Arambula's recommendations have been Incorporated Into the current proposal On September 6, 2007, City staff held a meeting with the applicant's representatives and Interested outside agencies to review this Pre-Application Report application PREVIOUS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO BE MET AS PART OF THE MASTER PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS Zoning Map amendment Ordinance 6196 listed 14 conditions of approval The Master Plan application must demonstrate compliance with each condition either In the project narrative, or by reference to speCific maps, plan sheets, etc , as necessary A number of these conditions were not addressed In the submitted matenals Compliance with the 14 conditions of approval listed below IS discussed In other sections of this report "1. The submittal and approval of a Master Plan application prior to any development on the subject site shall be required. 2. Submittal of documentation from the Department of State Lands and/or the Army Corps of Engineers with the Master Plan application demonstrating the existing drainage ditch is not a regulated watercourse! wetland, and if necessary, submittal of a wetland delineation for other wetlands that may be on the subject site. 3. Submittal of a Master Plan application that incorporates the relocation of the existing drainage ditch and conversion to a major water feature that will be an integral part of the proposed development area shall be required. The construction of the entire water feature must be completed as part of the Phase 1 development. * * The applicant has stated that Phase 1 will include the home improvement center. This means that this and all other conditions referencing "Phase 1" must be incorporated into proposed Master Plan Phase 1 development. 4. Submittal of a Master Plan application that addresses compliance with the Drinking Water Overlay District standards in SDC Article 17 and how these regulations will be applied for each proposed phase. lON2006-00030 Pre-Application Report - Marcola Meadows Page 4 of 20 5. Submittal of a Master Plan application that addresses the relationship of the proposed development to Willamalane's future park on the north, side of the EWEB Bike Path and an explanation of any coordination efforts with Willamalane concerning the timing and development of the future park 6. Submittal of a Master Plan application that addresses coordination with EWEB to determine if any easements are required in order to cross the EWEB Bike Path to access the future park. 7. Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the proposed home improvement center building exterior design similar to the existing building in Scottsdale, Arizona or a building design that complies with the current building design st~ndards in SDC Article 21. 8. Submittal of a Master Plan application that demonstrates that residential development will occur at not less than 12 dwelling units per net acre. 9. Submittal of preliminary design plans with the Master Plan application addressing the proposed mitigation of impacts discussed in the TIA. The plans shall show the proposed traffic control changes allowing left-turns from the eastbound ramp center lane at the eastbound ramps of the Mohawk Boulevard/Eugene-Springfield Highway intersection. The intent of this condition is to have the applicant demonstrate to ODOT that the proposed mitigation is feasible from an engineering perspective and will be constructed on a schedule that is acceptable to ODOT. Provided that construction of the proposed mitigation is determined to be feasible, then during Master Plan review and approval a condition shall be applied requiring the mitigation to be accomplished prior to the temporary occupancy of any uses in Phase 1 of the development. 10. Submittal of a Master Plan application that incorporates a "Development Phasing Plan" shall be required in order to comply with SDC Section 37.030(12). The intent of this condition is to: a) Address the ,"internal trip" issue by requiring a certain percentage of the residential portion of the site to be developed with a similar percentage of the commercial portion. The specific percentages will be made part of the approved Master Plan, and b) Ensure that, for each type of land use, the amounts proposed do not exceed those shown in Table 4C of the TIA. 11. Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the entire length of the collector street from Marcola Road to V Street being constructed as part of Phase 1. 12. Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the construction of all streets serving the CC and MUC portions of the subject site being constructed shall be required as part of Phase 1. 13. Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows proposed connectivity between the residential and commercial development areas. 14. The Master Plan shall be submitted within one year of the City C,ouncil approval of these applications. " In additIon, Section 4 of this Ordinance states "The legal description of the entire property is specified in Exhibit B. The proposed zoning is shown on the map in Exhibit C. The specific boundaries of the zoning districts shall be determined as a condition of approval of the required Master Plan." IMPACTS TO THE ESTABLISHED NEIGHBORHOOD ZON2006-00030 Pre-ApplIcatIOn Report - Marcola Meadows Page 5 of 20 The following issues were raised by the neighbors who testified dunng the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map amendment public heanng process and must be addressed by the applicant In the Master Plan application project narrative Please feel free to add additional responses, as necessary 1. The impact to the established neighboring homes and the quality of the proposed homes. . Explain In the project narrative that at least 35 acres were already zoned for multi-family development, Include a pnce range for the proposed single family dwellings and a proposed rent schedule for the proposed apartments 2. Medium Density Residential density questions - if the minimum density is 10 dwelling units per acre, why are they required to have 12 dwelling units per acre and why can't they rezone to a lower density/at the public hearing the planner mentioned that the Master Plan could include 20 homes per acre. . Explain In the project narrative, In layman's terms, that portions of the property have been designated as a "node" and that reSidential density within nodes requires a minimum density of 12 dwelling Units per acre to comply with State and metropolitan transportation regulations You may want to explain how dense the proposed residential development would be If the total acreage was developed at 20 dwelling Units per acre (the maximum allowed In the MDR District) and that this limitation IS a balance between the allowable reSidential and commercial development that IS governed by the required tnp cap 3 Place the two and three story apartments placed in another spot. . Explain In the project narrative that single family homes are now proposed for a portion of the 31st Street frontage, which previously showed apartments, and that any three story apartments will be located elsewhere on the site, but not along the 31st Str:eet frontage 4. The impact on Briggs and Yolanda schools. Yolanda Elementary School has large class sizes now and Briggs Middle School has children doubled up in lockers currently. . Submit a bnef letter Signed by the School Dlstnct 19 Superintendent that speCifically addresses this Issue based upon the School Dlstnct 19 study already in the record (ThiS letter should also Include a response from the school district to Issue #8) Resolution of this Issue IS especially Important In light of the recent passage of Senate Bill 336 which now requires school dlstncts With over 2,500 students to prepare a school faCIlity plan In cooperation With the City and removes a statutory proVISion that school capacity cannot be the sole basIs for approval or denial of a residential development application 5. What would happen to wildlife that live in and/or use the open field? . Explain In the project narrative what Will happen and/or what can be done, If anvthlnQ, to the Sighted fox, geese and other Wildlife currently on the property 6. Drainage issues. There is flooding to abutting properties the west and to the north. . Explain In the project narrative the eXisting flooding problems to the north (park land) and west (reSidences) and how the proposed development Will address these Issues Refer to the appropnate Plan Sheets ZON2006-00030 Pre-ApplIcation Report - Marcola Meadows Page 6 of 20 7. Extra persons on the bike path and crime (houses and cars broken into). . Explain In the project narratl~e the proposed bike path connector lighting systems, proposed bike path Improvements, If any (see Page 14), proposed access across the EWEB Bike Path to Bnggs, If any, and how the proposal complies with Cnme Prevention Through Environmental Design standards, etc. 8. The Willamalane Park property should remain as open space and School District 19 property designated open space/playgrounds might disappear due to school expansion. . Explain In the project narrative that the Wlllamalane Comprehensive Plan lists Wlllamalane's property as a future park, but that Wlllamalane has no current plans to develop the park, submit a letter from Greg Hyde addressing this Issue . Have School Dlstnct 19 follow up on the school expansion question, Ie, will school bUilding expansion Impact the school's open space/playground facIlities (See neighbor Issue #4) 9. Increased traffic caused by the development/difficulty backing onto Marcola Road from existing houses across the street/the intersection of 1-105 and Mohawk. . Explain In the project narrative that a revised Traffic Impact Study (TIS) IS required to address traffic Impacts on the City street system caused by the proposed development State that based upon the findings In the required TIS, traffic signals and/or medians, and nght-In/out dnveways may be reqUired to mItIgate the traffic flow on Marcola Road 10. We (homes on the south side of Marcola Road) will be the most adversely harmed by this proposed development with the backs of retail stores on and parking lots directly across from our homes. Our view of the Coburg Hills would be almost completely blocked off by unsightly buildings. Anything over one story high along Marcola Road would be considered too high. I would like to see the businesses spaced at an appropriate space so they would be appealing to our eyes. . Explain In the project narrative how the proposed commercial development will occur (typical bUilding height and either one or two story), that there will be a 30 foot-wide landscaped setback from the sidewalk, the same landscaped setback required under the former Campus Industrial zoning, that Lowes will be sited as far as possible from Marcola Road With the parking well landscaped to Include many trees, etc 11. Safety issues for children crossing 31st Street at V Street. . Explain In the project narrative if the required reVised TIS may require a signal at this Intersection and the timing of installation, If necessary If no signal will be reqUired, explain what other safety measures will be utilized 12. How is 31st Street going to be improved and will this cost be placed on the current property owners? People should not be forced to financially compensate the City for the negative impact they will have on our community. . Estimate the cost of full street Improvements for 31st Street There are a number of Improvement Agreements along the frontage of'propertles on the east Side of 31st Street However, Will the developer SUbsidize Improvements (curbs, gutters and street trees) for the east Side of 31 st Street? Will the developer Install street trees and landscaping for property owners along the Marcola Road frontage as part of the response to neighbor Issue #11? ZON2006-00030 Pre-Appltcatlon Report - Marcola Meadows Page 7 of 20 13. Big trucks would be delivering freight at all hours of the night. Will a wall be constructed to protect existing residential properties from noise generated by the development? . Explain In the project narrative what IS proposed to be done to mitigate nOise on the proposed Lowes site and at other proposed commercial developments For example, state that a sound wall is proposed at Lowes and establish limitations on delivery/parking lot sweeping times, state that offices Will typically be closed at night. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Note: Staff has commented on the matenals submitted for tflls Pre-Application Report application and suggests what needs to be done In order comply With the Master Plan submittal requirements and pass the Master Plan application completeness test SDC Section 37 030 states "A Master Plan shall contain all of the elements prepared in a clear and legible manner necessary to demonstrate that the requirements of this Code are being fulfilled and shall include but not be limited to the following:" "(1) Existing Metro Plan designation and zone classification." The Metro Plan Diagram/Zoning Maps Exhibits F and G do not accurately address the speCIfic approved Metro Plan diagram/zoning boundanes . Prepare revised maps based on a survey addreSSing Section 4 of the Metro Plan DiaQramlZoninQ MaD Amendment Ordinance In the project narrative state that the finalization of the plan deSignation and zoning boundanes were deferred to Master Plan approval . In the project narrative diSCUSS the amended Metro Plan diagram and zonmg dlstnct acreages and any discrepancies Note: These acreages should not vary much from those approved by the Council and see the prevIous note concerning the acreage discrepancy between the project narration and Plan Sheet 6 on Page 3 "(2) A vicinity map drawn to scale on a street base map. " . The VICInity map on the Plan Cover Sheet IS adequate as submitted "(3) A legal description of the property together with a map drawn to scale depicting the legal boundaries of the subject property." . The Alta survey, Exhibit A, IS adequate as submitted However, due to the timing and processing of the Property Line Adjustment (PLA) application, the Alta survey may be required to be revised to reflect the outcome of the (PLA) "(4) Topography map and narrative depicting present uses of the land, existing structures, roads, significant vegetation, wetlands, drainage ways and other relevant natural and man-made features. " . Plan Sheets 2, 3 and 4 are adequate as submitted . A Similar map depicting eXisting wetland boundanes should be Included for continuity, the Wetland Delineation Report can be referenced In the text of the project narrative lON2006-00030 Pre-Application Reporl- Marco/a Meadows Page 8 of 20 . Exhibits B C, and D should be Included to address this requirement Any map prepared for Exhibit E should also be Include to address this requirement, the text of the more detailed Geotech Report for the site can be referenced In the project narrative "(5) A site plan showing location and type of all land uses proposed, approximate acreage and approximate number of units or square footage of uses, adjacent property uses and relevant features. II . Plan Sheet 6 can double for the Site Plan as submitted making Plan Sheet 5, redundant However, there should be a connection/reference to' the revised phasing Plan Sheet Most of the project narrative submitted under the response to SDC 37.030(5) should be addressed In Subsection (6), below . ReVise the project narrative and affected Plan Sheets accordingly "(6) The density or intensity of proposed uses. II . Explain the changes In the development scenano between the Metro Plan diagram/Zoning Map amendment submittal and the proposed Master Plan application submittal In the project narrative Explain that the former submittal was a "visual" to aid In the approval process and that plan was not formally approved Descnbe the proposed the residential denSity and commercial square footage Demonstrate compliance with the 12 dwelling unit per net acre standard speCified In Metro Plan Diaaram/Zonina Map Amendment Condition of Approval #8 . The statement ''The overall net denSity of the residential villages IS 13 3 units per net acre" IS Incorrect because only the single-family dwellings require Cluster Development review which IS based upon gross acres Compliance with nodal development standards IS based upon net acres Explain thiS denSity anomaly between net and gross acres In the project narrative If thiS anomaly causes a problem In order to meet the nodal standard, staff needs to know Refer to Plan Sheet 6 and the phaSing Plan Sheet "(7) The maximum height and size of proposed structures." . Explain In the project narrative the proposed bUilding heights and size of structures and refer to the appropnate Plan Sheet . ThiS IS the requirement that should be used to refer to applicable deSign standards that are listed In Attachment 3 In addition, In order to guarantee deSign continuity though out the commercial portion of the development the following must occur. 1) All Community Commercial development other than Lowes, must comply with MUC deSign standards (exception - the FAR will not apply), and 2) The proposed Lowes bUilding must home Improvement center Incorporate a bUilding extenor deSign similar to the eXisting Lowes In Scottsdale, Anzona or one that complies with the current bUilding deSign standards In SDC Article 21 as speCified In Metro Plan Diaaram/Zonina Map Amendment Condition of Approval #7 . Attachment 3 must be modified to Include a reference to Condition #7, cited above, speCifically explaining the speCific bUilding deSign standards pertaining to the proposed Lowes bUilding . ReVise the project narrative addressing thiS tOpiC, Plan Sheet 6 and Attachment 3 accordingly ZON2006-00030 Pre-Application Reporl- Marcola Meadows Page 9 of 20 "(8) A public facilities plan showing existing and proposed streets, utilities, sanitary sewer, natural and piped storm drainage system, water service, bike and pedestrian ways and transit locations (on-site improvements)." a Streets . The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) submitted with this application was the same document that was submitted In support of the prevIous Metro Plan Amendment/Zone Change (PAPA) application It should be updated and revised as outlined below to support the Master Plan application 1. In addition to intersections analyzed In the PAPA TIS the Marcola Meadows Master Plan (MMMP) TIS should Include analysIs of 28th/Short Street, 31st/'U' Street, 31st/'W'Street 2 AnalysIs assumptions should be consistent with the details of the submitted Master Plan In regard to the amounts and types of proposed uses, development phaSing, access pOints, etc AnalysIs results should be calculated and summanzed for completion of each development phase 3 AnalysIs methods should be consistent with those used In the PAPA TIS and Metro Plan DiaClramlZoninQ Map Amendment Conditions of Approval that apply to that decIsion 4 In particular the MMMP TIS must demonstrate how the PAPA TIS assumptions regarding "Internal tnp capture" Will be kept valid over the anticipated time penod of phased site development to comply with Metro Plan DiaClram/ZoninCl Map Amendment Condition of Approval #10 . A dimensioned plan IS required that depicts proposed street nghts of way, lane Widths and typical cross sections . Show the entire length of the proposed collector street (Martin Dnve) from Marcola Road to V Street being constructed as part of Phase 1 to comply With Metro Plan DiaClram/ZoninCl Map Amendment Condition of Approval #11 . Show the construction of all streets serving the CC and MUC portions of the subject site being constructed being constructed as part of Phase 1 to comply with Metro Plan DiaClram/ZoninCl Map Amendment Condition of Approval #12 . Note: In order to utilize the name "Martin Dnve", the applicant must obtain approval of a street name change as required under Spnngfield MUnicipal Code 3 248 The same IS true of any proposed street that lines up With an eXisting street and a different street name IS proposed ThiS can be accomplished concurrently With SubdivIsion review b Utilities . There was no representative from SUB electnc Submit a wntten statement from SUB stating the site can be served with electnclty and that the service Will be underground Explain thiS Issue In the project narrative . Explain In the project narrative that gas, cable and telephone can be/are available to the site ZON2006-00030 Pre-Application Report - Marcola Meadows Page 10 of 20 c Sanitary Sewer . Capacity IS available In the 42 Inch public sanrtary sewer system located onslte for the proposed development . The eXisting sanitary sewer line near the Pierce Parkway and 28th Street IS shown to be located under newly proposed bUildings The bUildings In this area will need to be revised such that neither the line Itself nor easement IS located under any proposed bUildings . The eXisting sanitary sewer line IS accurately shown ,to be located within an eXisting 20 foot sewer easement Due to the depth of thiS line, an additional easement IS necessary for sufficient maintenance and access . Placement of the proposed water line In close proximity to the eXisting sanitary sewer line may not allow for sufficient maintenance access In the event the City were required to dig up and/or replace this line The location of the proposed water line needs to be relocated to aVOId this issue d Natural and Piped Storm Drainage System . The stormwater drainage report and/or mapping do not Include hydraulic grade line information or associated calculations Hydraulic routing calculations were also not Included with the report ThiS information IS critical In the design of the stormwater system, as It will determine how the system will function dUring a storm event Specifically, It will dictate how the onslte system will need to be designed (due to surface water elevation levels and any possible associated flooding) Additionally, the applicant will be required to look at surface water elevations (HGL elevations) and the Impact these elevations may have on adjacent property owners (for instance the weir proposed 6 feet above the 10 Inch outlet pipe may result In flooding of the subdivIsion to the north and west of the site) . The stormwater drainage report and/or mapping do not clearly indicate the locations of the proposed detention pond areas, or at least the sizes/volumes of each area and how they will function . There appears to be opportunity at thiS site to direct stormwater runoff from rooftop areas to infiltration basins onslte to help eliminate some capacity Issues which may eXist downstream Onslte sOil types onslte consist of 75 - Malabon and 118 - Salem sOils Both sOils have relatively low clay contents Salem sOils have high infiltration rates (on the order of 20 Inches per hour In some cases) . Additionally, with permeable sOils onslte, there IS opportunity for low Impact development techniques to reduce the rates of stormwater runoff from the site Consultation with the City and Springfield Utility Board's water diVIsion would be beneficial prior to designing these techniques . Maintenance of the large swale green area will be of concern to the Public Works Department The City will assume responsibility for the functionality of the area - It will be the responsibility of the property owners/developer to maintain the area aesthetically. . More information IS needed for the drainage system with regards to the northern water quality pond Specifically, the applicant should provide the amount of flow received by thiS pond, and provide a comparison and both pre and post developed flow rates ZON2006-00030 Pre-Appl1catlOn Report - Marcofa Meadows Page 11 of 20 . Flow line Information will be needed for the storm drainage system . Revise the submittal materials as specified above and demonstrate that the relocation of the eXisting ditch and conversion of that body Into a major water feature that will be part of the on-site drainage and IS required to be completed as part of the Phase 1 'development In order to comply with Metro Plan DiaaramlZonina Map Amendment Condition of Approval #3 e Water Service . Rebecca Templin, P E from SUB submitted written comments concerning water service (See Attached) Explain SUB's reqUirements In the project narrative . Amy Chlnltz from SUB submitted wrrtten comments concerning wellhead protection (See Attached) ThiS area IS highly susceptible to contamination from chemicals that may be spilled or leaked onto the ground surface Special precautions, including but not limited to safe handling and storage of chemicals, Will be required durrng construction and operations to prevent groundwater contamination . The project narrative must address drrnklng water protection measures that Will be employed for thiS site. . Address compliance With SDC Article 17 Drrnklng Water Overlay Dlstrrct standards for each phase of the proposed development as speCified In Metro Plan DiaaramlZonina Map Amendment Condition of Approval #4 . Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall stated that the fire hydrant layout should be coordinated With SUB Water g Transit Locations o The text did not discuss and Plan Sheet 6 did not speCifically Identify bus stop locations . Will Meuller and Andy Vlbora submitted the following comments "...LTD currently has three routes which run on Marcola Road along the southern edge of the proposed project. The 18 MohawklFairview and the 19 Fairview/Mohawk routes provide hourly service in each direction during the day on weekdays and Saturday. The 18 MohawklFairview route provides hourly service on Sunday in a westbound direction along Marcola Road. The 13 Centennial route provides only limited weekday and Saturday ev~ning trips in both directions once per hour. In the future, L TD believes "The Villages at Marcola Meadows" development will become an important residential and retail area to be served by public transit. It is unlikely that L TD service will be provided to the area north of this development in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the most effective transit routing to serve this project is envisioned to run on 28th Street along the eastern edge of the development and then use Martin Drive (most likely in both directions) in order to best realize the "potential for transit-oriented development" referenced on page three of the proposal's pre-application report application. In this fashion, the residential areas in the northern portion of the site can conveniently access transit service as can the customers and employees of the general and community retail villages in the southwest portion of the project. This routing also assists the residents of the development to access the retail possibilities on site without use of their personal vehicles by providing such an internal lON2006-00030 Pre-ApplicatIOn Report - Marcola Meadows Page 12 of 20 circulation pattern. In order to facilitate bus service on Martin Drive, the developer, City of Springfield and L TD should work cooperatively to site viable bus stop locations along the street and also ensure that the street and intersection geometries and structure support transit use. The professional office and neighborhood retail in the southeastern portion of the site will have access to the buses running along 28th Street. The implementation of this future service scenario to the "The Villages at Marcola Meadows" development would occur when the project had attained a certain critical mass level of completion (especially the northern residential villages) and would be dependent on L TD having the resources to provide the additional service...." . Coordinate the proposed,locatlon and type of bus stops proposed for Martin Dnve with L TD and City staff. . Show both eXisting and proposed on-site bus stops on Plan Sheet 6 and discuss the location and type of on/off-site bus stops In the project narrative "(9) Maps and narrative showing off-site public improvements necessary to serve the proposed development and/or to mitigate impacts to adjacent property or public facilities." a Streets - Lane County junsdlctlon . Lane County Transportation Planner Shashl Bajracharya, P E venfied that 31st Street along the frontage of this property IS entirely within the City limits and thus within Spnngfield's junsdlctlon However, Lane County Will require a TIS demonstrating the proposed development's Impact on the County street system Coordinate directly with Shashl . Incorporate the results of the TIS In the project narrative and Include any additional street Improvements on the applicable Plan Sheet b Streets - City Jurisdiction . Explain In the project narrative and show on the applicable Plan Sheet proposed Improvements to the east Side of 31st Street and/or Marcola Road (see also nelghbonng property Issue #12) c ODOT mitigation condition . Submit a letter from Ed Moore and submit plans showing the proposed traffic control changes allowing left-turns from the eastbound ramp center lane of the Mohawk Boulevard/Eugene-Spnngfield Highway intersection that have been approved by ODOT In order to comply with Metro Plan DiaaramlZonina Map Amendment Condition of Approval #9 ReVise Plan Sheet 126 as necessary Note: Plan Sheets 121 through 12 5 are not needed at this time d Natural and Piped Storm Drainage System . The stormwater drainage report does not Include any "off-Site" flows In the analysIs As shown on the submitted plan, the eXisting drainage dItch will be relocated and enhanced ThiS ditch conveys water from a large drainage baSin Inclusion of thiS lON2006-00030 Pre-ApplicatIOn Report - Marcola Meadows Page 13 of 20 water In the analysIs IS necessary because It Will Impact detention reservoir requirements, hydraulic grade lines, routing calculations, etc . Explain the off-site drainage Issues In the project narrative ReVise Plan Sheets 7,90, 9 1 and any additional attachment pertaining to drainage, as necessary e Bike and Pedestnan Ways . Mark Oberle, EWEB Property Manager raised the issue of the EWEB utility corridor and the blke/pedestnan path He states "... The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) owns the 60 foot wide utility corridor north of and adjacent to the Villages at Marcola Meadows. This utility corridor contains two large water mains, an overhead electrical transmission line, communications lines and a bike path. Lane County obtained a revocable license from EWEB in the 1970s to build the path on EWEB property. The path is used heavily by the surrounding neighborhoods and is deemed an asset to the community. The Villages at Marcola Meadows is proposing over 500 living units in addition to professional offices and retail uses. This will increase the traffic on the path significantly. People living in the development and from the existing neighborhood will most likely use the path to get to school, for recreation, and to get to the commercial center in the new development. The path is in need of maintenance/resurfacing. EWEB does not object to the three proposed path connections on its property but does suggest that 'the development seek permission from the County to provide an asphalt overlay to the existing path from 31st Street to 19th Street...." . City staff concurs With the EWEB representative that there IS a nexus between the proposed development and Impacts to the bike path In order to determine the nexus, obtain current bike path usage information and determine additional usage caused by the number of proposed reSidents . Coordinate With the vanous public agencies to determine what needs to be done to form a "partnership" to address the Issues raised about the bike path itself, e g , the overlay, consider pedestnan level lighting as part of the resolution of the safety Issue raised by the neighbors, discussed above, maintenance, etc . Explain In the project narrative and revise the applicable Plan Sheet(s) shOWing proposed connectivity between the residential and commercial development areas In compliance With Metro Plan DiaaramlZonina MaD Amendment Condition of ADDroval #13 . Submit a letter from Mark Oberle stating that EWEB Will allow the three proposed crossings of their property by easement dunng the development review process In compliance With Metro Plan DiaaramlZonina MaD Amendment Condition of ADDroval #6 . Explain thiS Issue In the project narrative and address maintenance of the bikeway connectors as the responsibility of the owners of Marcola Meadows, more specifically detailed In the Master ASSOCiation document discussed on Page 18 f TranSit Locations . Show proposed bus stops locations on 28th/31st Streets on Plan Sheet 6 and diSCUSS thiS issue In the project narrative. ZON2006-00030 Pre-Application Report - Marcola Meadows Page 140(20 g Parks. . Greg Hyde represented Wlllamalane Pars and Recreation. He had concerns about the capacity of the proposed detention pond at the north end of the site with possible Impact on Wlllamalane's park land north of the EWEB Bike Path . Mr Hyde stated there are no plans to develop Wlllamalane's park property In the Immediate future Submit a letter from Wlllamalane stating thiS fact In order to comply with Metro Plan DiaQram/ZoninQ Map Amendment Condition of Approval #5 . The letter required above should also address any potential future relationship between WI llama lane and the proposed development concerning ownership/maintenance of the proposed on-site park and the relocated ditch . DIscuss thiS Issue It,l the project narrative "(10) The Director may require additional information necessary to evaluate the proposed development including but not limited to an ESEE analysis, geology, soils, stormwater, sanitary, tree preservation, historical, archaeological, and traffic impact. All related maps except vicinity and detail maps shall be at the same scale." a ESEE AnalysIs An ESEE analysIs IS not necessary b Geology/SOIls Report Submit a Geotechnical Report and SOils AnalysIs with the Master Plan application c Stormwater Management Plan Submit the reVised on-/oft-slte Stormwater Management Plan with the Master Plan application d Sanitary Sewer Plan Submit the reVised on-/oft-slte Sanitary Sewer Plan with the Master Plan application e Tree Preservation Plan A Tree Preservation Plan IS not necessary However, If more than 5 trees 5" dbh are proposed to be removed, state that a Tree Felling Permit will be applied for In the project narrative f Hlstonc/Archeologlcal Significance Explain In the project narrative whether or not anything of hlstonc or archaeological significance IS on the subject site g TIS Submit the reVised TIS and Incorporate any reqUIred Improvements to the Lane County street system With the Master Plan application h Other additional information to be submitted With the Master Plan application . A wntten statement from Ralph Johnston pertaining to the timing of required permits from Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) . A wntten statement from Nancy Golden or Steve Barrett, School Dlstnct 19, In response to neighborhood concerns about school overcrowding that references the Dlstnct's long range plan (See Page 6) . Documentation from the Department of State Lands and/or the Army Corps of Engineers demonstrating the eXisting drainage ditch IS not a regulated watercourse/ wetland, and If necessary, submittal of a wetland delineation for other wetlands that ZON2006-00030 Pre-ApplJcatlon Report - Marco/a Meadows Page 150'20 may be on the subject site In compliance with Metro Plan DiaQramlZoninQ MaD Amendment Condition of ADDroval #2 1 Submit a copy any Army Corps of Engineers permits necessary for the relocation of the eXisting ditch 2 The Wetland delineation submitted determined that there are 1 58 acres of wetlands on the subject property Explain that this area will be incorporated Into the proposed open drainage system that will serve the entire site "(11) Provisions, if any, for reservation, dedication, or use of land for public purposes, including rights of way, easements, parks, open spaces, and school sites." a Dedication of public rights of way . Street dedication must occur as part of the phasing of development The prevIous diScussion on this tOpiC primarily addresses the required collector and local streets serving the proposed commercial areas However, If the proposed reSidential areas are phased, street dedication and construction must also be addressed. Street dedication can occur through the SubdiVISion approval process Explain this Issue In the project narrative b Easements . The 20 foot-wide PUE over the eXisting sanitary sewer line must be Widened to allow better access for City Maintenance crews . Public easements Will ,be reqUired for utility service Within the development area TYPical street frontage easements are 7 feet-wide . Easements are reqUired over the EWES corndor In order to proVide connections to the bike path Include the Width of the proposed easement . An Access/Maintenance Agreement With the City Will be required for the storm drainage system (the relocated ditch and detention baSinS) c. Parks . Explain In the project narrative the WI llama lane Parks and Recreation posItion on the future development of their park land . Specify when the on-site park serving the proposed development Will be constructed (phaSing) d Open spaces . The open space areas Illustrated on Plan Sheet 6 IS acceptable DeSCribe the phaSing of the open space areas e School Sites . No new school site IS required for the proposed development . Submit the letter required above deSCribing resolution of the overcrowding playground Issues raised by the neighbOring property owners lON2006-00030 Pre-Application Report - Marcola Meadows . Page 16 of 20 U(12) An overall schedule or description of phasing; and the development to occur in each phase. If phasing alternatives are contemplated, these alternatives should be described." . The A and B phasing proposal shown on Plan Sheet 8 and the text responding to this tOpiC are not acceptable The submitted matenals discuss sub-phases A-1, A-2 and A- 3, and refers to Phasing Plan Sheet 8. The last paragraph on Page 9 discusses the general relationship between each Increment of site development and Infrastructure needed to accommodate added development "beyond Phase A" Plan Sheet 8 depicts only the boundanes of Phases A and B, and makes no reference to sub-phases There IS no exhibit showing anticipated land divIsions and relatronshlps of future parcel configurations to "Commercial Villages" . The project narrative addreSSing the Internal trip Issue and Table 4C of the Metro Plan amendment TIA and Plan Sheet 8 must be revised to comply With Metro Plan DiaQram/ZoninQ Map Amendment Condition of Approval #10 ; . Phasing Issues discussed In other areas of this report also must be incorporated here For example, the construction of the proposed collector street for ItS entire length IS reqUired as part of Phase 1 as well as the storm drainage system (Including the relocated ditch) . Submitted matenals do not contain a proposal to address Metro Plan DiaQramlZoninQ Map Amendment Condition of Approval #11 which requIres the entire length of the proposed collector street (Martin Dnve) from Marcola Road to V Street to be constructed as part of Phase 1 It Will be crucial for the applicant to detail out speCific phaSing on the plan set In the planning for the entrre length of the collector street, the applicant Will be reqUired to Install the necessary utilities as shown on the plan set, and to plan for locatrons for utility crossings, stub outs, etc The utilities associated With the collector street should be shown as part of work to be constructed With the appropnate phase . Explain In the project narrative and submit revised Plan Sheets depicting proposed subdiVIsion of the property . Be sure there IS consistency between the project narrative and Plan Sheets regarding development phaSing . The phaSing as proposed IS scheduled to run until 2015 If the Master Plan IS approved In 2007, SDC 37 010(5) states "Approval of a Master Plan shall be effective for up to seven (7) years; however the approved Master Plan time limit may be extended pursuant to Section 37.060, MODIFICA TIONS TO THE MASTER PLAN AND SCHEDULE. " U(13) Where off-site or other infrastructure improvements are required, the applicant shall specify the timing and method of securing the improvement, including bond, letter of credit, joint deposit or other security satisfactory for said improvement construction." . The text submitted responding to thiS tOpiC IS not acceptable There must be a more speCific diSCUSSion pertaining to the timing and method of secunng vanous Improvements An application has already been submitted a Property line Adjustment application to allow for the sale of a portion of the site to Lowes Future subdiVIsion of the property Will also potentrally Increase the number of property owners who Intend to ZON2006-00030 Pre-Application Report - Marcola Meadows Page 17 of 20 develop their portions of the property This IS another reason why the phasmg Issue described above must be addressed . Explain m the project narrative how thiS requirement will be addressed, utlllzmg the options listed above "(14) Designation of responsibility for providing infrastructure and services." 41 The text submitted respondmg to thiS tOpiC IS not acceptable Currently, there IS a smgle property owner of the subject site There must be a more specific diSCUSSion concernmg future changes m ownership of various portions of the property as development occurs (phasing) Specific language regarding designation of responsibility for proViding Infrastructure and services must be contained In a document establishing a single "Master Association" that also addresses CC&Rs, the contInUity of commercial (see CC/MUC diSCUSSion on Page 9) and residential design standards, a street tree plan, coordinated rear yard fencing for the reSidences along the EWEB Bike Path, etc . Explain In the project narrative how thiS requirement Will be addressed and submit a draft Master Association document for staff review "(15) A general schedule of annexation consistent with the phasing plan if applicable." . ThiS requirement IS not applicable; the site IS entirely wlthm the City limits MASTER PLAN CRITERIA OF APPROVAL A Master Plan. may be approved If the Planning Commission finds that the proposal conforms With all of the cnteria of approval listed In SDC 37040 In accordance With SDC 37.050, the Planning Commission may attach additional conditions as may be reasonably necessary to minimiZe negative Impacts or to ensure that the proposed development can fully meet the requirements of the SDC A Master Plan may be approved If the Planning Commission finds that the proposal conforms With all of the follOWing approval crltena In the event of a conflict With approval criteria In thiS Subsection, the more specific reqUirements shall apply (1) The zoning of the property shall be consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. . Explain in the project narrative that the Metro Plan diagram and Springfield Zoning Map have been amended and state the acreages applicable to both . In order to comply With Section 4 of the ZOning Map Ordinance which requires that the speCifiC boundaries of the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map be determined, either 1 Prepare a Survey and submit It With the Master Plan application, or 2 Explain In the project narrative that thiS Issue Will be addressed during the first land diVISion application (Partition or SubdiVISion) after Master Plan approval (2) The request as conditioned shall conform to applicable Springfield Development Code requirements, Metro Plan policies, Refinement Plan, Plan District, and Conceptual Development Plan policies. ZON2006-00030 Pre-ApplicatIon Reporl- Marcola Meadows Page 180'20 , . The Master Plan application will be reviewed for compliance with applicable standards contained the reformatted SDC effective on September 17, 2007 (thIs means the Section numbers cited In this report must be changed to comply with the new Section numbers and other Code references), the City'S Engmeenng Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM), and any other applicable regulations (3) Proposed on-site and off-site public and private improvements shall be sufficient to accommodate the proposed phased development and any capacity requirements of public facilities plans; and provisions shall be made to assure construction of off- site improvements in conjunction with a schedule of the phasing. . Comments concerning proposed on-site and off-site public and private Improvements are addressed In staff's response to the submittal reqUirements, above Compliance with those Issues raised Will assIst the applicant to submit a complete application (4) The request shall provide adequate guidance for the design and coordination of future phases. . Comments concerning the design and coordination of future phases are addressed In staff's response to the submittal requIrements, above (5) Physical features, including but not limited to, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse (WQLW) Map and their riparian areas, wetlands, open spaces; and areas of historic andlor archaeological significance as may be specified in Article 30 of this Code or ORS 97.740-760,358.905-955 and 390.235-240 shall be protected as specified in this Code or in state or Federal law. . Comments concerning phYSical features and areas of historic andlor archaeological significance are addressed In staff's response to the submittal requirements, above (6) Local public facilities plans and local street plans shall not be adversely impacted by the proposed development. . Comments concerning phYSical features and areas of historic and/or archaeological Significance are addressed In staff's response to the submittal requirements, above ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA OF APPROVAL CITED ABOVE MUST BE ADDRESSED AS PART OF THE MASTER PLAN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL PACKET . The submittal reqUirements Will be the basIs for addreSSing the Criteria of approval How well the criteria are addressed Will determine whether the Master Plan application Will be approved (') The applicant IS adVised that after submittal of the complete Master Plan application staff Will not accept supplemental information (such as reVised plan drawings) unless these are part of a formal application for Master Plan Amendment, speCifically requested by staff, or a condition of the Planning Commission deCISion on the application. DURATION OF MASTER PLAN APPROVAL . In accordance With SDC 37 010, an approved Master Plan remains In effect for up to 7 years However, the developer can request a modification or extension of thiS tlmellne pursuant to SDC 37 060 ZON2006-00030 Pre-Application Reporl- Marcola Meadows Page 190(20 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . In accordance with SDC 37 050, the Planning Commission can require conditions In order to grant Master Plan approval MASTER PLAN AMENDMENTS . Upon approval of the Master Plan, any subsequent changes or revIsions initiated by the applicant will be subject to Type I, II or III Amendment proceedings In accordance with SDC 37 060 WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE In accordance with SDC 3050 and 37020, a completeness meeting is reqUired for the Master Plan submittal matenals This meeting IS typIcally scheduled three weeks after submIttal Upon determination of application completeness, staff will schedule a public heanng before the Planning Commission within approximately 45 days, depending upon agenda availability. Please submit a copy of the submittal matenals on a CD to facIlitate staff report preparation Please consider meeting with me pnor to Master Plan application submIttal In order to resolve any questions you may have You may contact me at (541) 726-3777 or by email at Qkarp@cl spnnQfield or us PREP -- # A Gary M Karp Planner III ZON2006-00030 Pre-ApplicatIOn Report - Marcola Meadows Page 20 of 20 SEP709-2007 21:16 P.01/02 . . SPRlNGFl [I n U'J'ILITY l30ARD \\ \ I J.I~ '11(\ I. I '"I 'l i"11~ 202 South 18th SLrccl1 Spr'in,~fi,.ld, OR 9741?-!>~'40 r"!54' 7)62396 I-..x 541.7477348 w,^,w ,,,,hilt" ,-o'n Gary Karp Clty of Springfield 225 N. 5th Strcct Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Gary: SUBJECT: PRE-APPLICATION REPORT #ZON2006-00030 SC SPFLD (Marcola Meadows) Tax Map 17-02-03-00, Tax Lot 1800 & Tax Map 17-03-25-11, Tax Lot 2300 Marcola. Road and 31 sl Street Listed below arc our comments for the above referenced developnlent proposal: 1, The proposed development 1S w1thin the: Springtield city lImits and will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) The owner's representatives have been in talks with SUB about waterline and hydrant placement. 2. All new water system facilitiEs and modificatIons to watcr system facl hoes both tnslde and adjacent to the proposed development s'1l111 be placed in strt:ct right-of-way at a location a.nd dcpth of bury that meets the standards ofthe SUB Watf:!: Division. 3. All water facility materials shall be to Q standard that must meet SUB Water DIvision specificattons. 4. All workmanship sha.ll be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water DiviSion construction standards. 5. SIze ofwatcrlinc;: and other facilit"ics, mdudmg water meters. must meet the needs of the SUB Water Division and the long-range need S ofthe City. These needs include, but are not l1mited to, met"f location and acct:&S, Si:l..efol of water djJ:itrihution and transmission ltnes, pump1ng facilitie:-., and communication lines. 6. Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water Division for detailed in:formation on the materials and construction standards, dc:'taIled costs for installing SUB water faCIlities, and a schedule of construction. ConstructIon expenses may be reduced with good planning of l'eqUtred water [acilitil:s, sood timing of faciHt1e~: installation, andjomt trench opporlu.nities" ' 7. All water meters will be placed m publu: right-of-way a.t a location idennfied by the developer. Each lot or parcel must have Its own Wilter sernce. 8_ Water servIce facilities wil1 be installed upon collection of development charges. Development polIcies and charges identified in this letter are subject to change. Actual charges will be those In S.\SITEPLAN\MElt"colll M~dQW$ Pre-Applicallon 9-10-07.docx SEP-0'3-2007 21: 17 r . ~~/ ~~ effect at the hme water servicc is request::-d_ 9 Springfield has several wI;11hcad protectlOn areas. Ninety percent of Spnngfield's dnnkmg water comes from wdls, Tn every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination, Contractors/developers/owners shan be r~sponslb1e for the safe handling and storage of chemlcals, petroleum products. fertilizers, and the prevenhon of groundwater and storm Wrll'-r runotI contamination. Special reqmrements may be necessary f,.lr groundwater protection at thIS development Contact Amy Chinitz at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details at 726-2396. 10. Bacldlow prevention dev1ces will be reqlllred for thiS service. Please contact l.nuck Davis at 726-2396 prior to inst.alling water servIce Chuck can help In the selectJol1 ofthe most economical device and locatlOn. Water service Will not be provided unhl a backflow plan has been submitted to SUB Water Engmeering and approved for illStallatton. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid directly to SUB Water DIVISIon and SUB Electric Dlv1s10n. SZL_ z:fL Rebecca Temp1ml P.E. Civil Engmeer - Water DIVlSlon RA T:rok c:c; se Spnngfield, LLC, 5440 Louie Lane, Suite 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 Rick SdtTc, Satre AssoClates, P_C, 132 East Broadway, Suite 536, Eugene, Orl.:gon 97401 S'\SITEPLAN\MW"cola Meadows Pre-Application 9.10.07,docx TOTRL P.02 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SF)RINGFIELD, OR 97477 Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ^~W.' LMIe, 'P:> rtUlc..h CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 JHB, Inc. 7510 Longley Lane, Suite 102 Reno, NV 89511 Attn: Jeff Belle, President CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Satre Associates Richard Satre 132 East Broadway, Suite 536 Eugene, OR 97401 ~0 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Access Engineering 134 East 13th Ave, Ste 2 Eugene, OR 97401 Attn: Mike Weishar PE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 2fORM 225 West 5th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Attn: Richard Shugar, AlA CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 The Martin Company PO Box 1482 Albany, OR 97321 Attn: Bob Martin