HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 9/6/2007 ~[Hra [E 0 W IE 1m UJ SE? 6 20t11 ~ Ml~ By 'P 1U3" Mf I1A-lCJ MARCOLA MEADOWS PREAPPLICA TION MEETING September 6, 2007 PRESENT: Gary Karp, Gary McKenny, Matt (Fire Department), City of Springfield; Rick Satre, applicant's representative; Mark Oberle, Eugene Water & Electric Board; Andy Vobora, Lane Transit District; Greg Hyde, Willamalane Parks and Recreation District. Gary Karp - noted the approval of the Metro Plan amendment and zone change and indicated the master plan was the next process step and required the pre-application meeting. - Gary K. - not sure frontage on 31 st Street was in the City's jurisdiction, and Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) had questioned the jurisdiction of the bicycle path- seeking resolution of those issues. Gary K. - Ralph Johnson of the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency indicated permits would be required for large parking areas. Gary K. - received correspondence from Lane Transit District (LTD) about its interest in bus service on the new collector street and 28th Street and in installing bus stops along the collector frontage. Gary K. - requested feedback on bus pull-outs on the collector. L TD staff (Andy V obora?) - L TD prefers on-street bus stops and asked that thought be given to service and bus stops during the development phase. Applicant's representative (Rick Satre?) - note that Martin Street to be extended from Marcola to 31 st in Phase 1 (2008). Anticipate Branch Engineering, Jeff Bond, Mike Howard would work with L TD now to reflect those decisions to the extent possible and coordinate facilities. L TD - Will Mueller will be L TD contact. Open to discussion of pull-outs, but they have hampered L TD in many areas and would not likely be installed again. Anticipate that L TD service will be on the collector streets in the area to the extent possible. Gary K. - could be additional L TD stops to serve the commercial development on 28th Street. Gary McKenny, Public Works -what was being proposed could be accommodated in a 60 foot right-of-way width but have yet to get to that level of detail. Regarding transit service and the potential of pull-outs, would need a three-way conversation with Rick's team, LTD, and Springfield's traffic operations and engineering staff before the City MARCOLA MEADOWS PREAPPLICATION MEETING-September 6, 2007 Page 1 could commit to any particular design. Brian Barnett or Kristi Krueger would make those decisions. Recommend applicant depict transit stops in place on the perimeter. Gary K. -- purpose of the meeting was to have as complete an application for master plan as possible. If the applicant proposed pull-outs, that should be on the submittal. Gary K. - next area for review regarded parks and EWEB bicycle paths. Note undeveloped park land, bicycle path, middle school and associated playground. Would refer the quest~on of future park development to Willamalane Parks and Recreation District staff. EWEB owns the land to the south of the path, which required crossing easements. Jurisdiction and condition of bicycle path are also concerns. Greg Hyde, Willamalane - Willamalane had some concerns. Regarding ownership and maintenance of bicycle path, the ownership is clear and maintenance was the only question. Land use jurisdiction was the City's. Willamalane had no jurisdiction or real property interest, but instead a mission interest in terms of cooperating with other agencies to ensure people had recreational facilities. Willamalane was interested in seeing improvements to the path - could the process lead to those improvements? Mark Oberle, EWEB - EWEB has revocable contract with Lane County for the bicycle path to allow the path on its property. EWEB recognized the path's benefit to the community and wanted it maintained - contract with EWEB calls for Lane County to have that responsibility. EWEB's only recourse was to cancel the contract, not a desirable outcome. Residential development anticipated could increase path use significantly. In the past Willamalane had indicated willingness to maintain the path if brought up to standard. Gary M. - City values path but has no legal source of money to use to maintain other than already committed General Funds. Gary K. - acknowledge that nothing likely to be resolved regarding issue today. Fact of additional residential use of path a valid point and a "foot in the door" to get the path improvements going. Gary M. - connecting the path to existing paved facilities required crossing EWEB property in a manner that no one currently had permission to do, which required EWEB to develop an agreement with some party, if it was willing to do so. The maintenance of the connectors to the path would be another issue to be resolved. Gary K. - maintenance of connectors could be the responsibility of property owners. Question is whether that would require easements or property dedication. Greg H. - the public needed to be able to access both the connector path and entire EWEB corridor because it extended future Pierce Park across the EWEB corridor to abut Marcola Meadows. MARCOLA MEADOWS PREAPPLICATION MEETING-September 6, 2007 Page 2 Mark O. - regarding connectors, EWEB had not turned down such requests in the past and was not likely to do so here-EWEB merely wanted to see an agreement about maintenance. Rick S. - note the two points of privately owned open space connecting to the corridor; the accesses would not be gated or fenced unless conditions changed. At minimum, would propose a paved pedestrian connection at the property line. Would consider what could do from expanded community perspective to reach master plan approval. Not interested in having responsibility for improving the public realm although could be a partner in that endeavor. Need a follow-up meeting to reach an agreement. Gary K. - too many unanswered questions to resolve now. The improvements to the bicycle path were raised because the development would have a certain level of impact to the facility, which made the bicycle path a valid subject for the review process. When the applicant prepared the master plan it would need to acknowledge the issue was discussed and what was proposed as an outcome, and the Planning Commission would make a final determination. Rick S. - does this rise to the level of an off-site public improvement? Do not think so. Gary K. - not sure either, best to deal with now as could also make an argument that it was. There was a brief discussion of whether the path met bicycle path standards and acknowledgement that the path was sufficiently wide but poorly maintained in certain locations and could benefit from sweeping. Greg H. - we might find there could be some improvements to the intersections of the paths and streets in terms of signage and bollards, etc. Lane County Public Works representative - Lane County does not maintain bicycle paths and County road funds could not be used for bicycle path maintenance. County would not object to another party assuming responsibility for path. Greg H. - may need more information in the master plan regarding the source of the water coming to the water detention pond at the north edge of the site, the amount, where the water went, how much was going across Willamalane property, and how that discharge would that be handled. Solution may be to have the swale close to the comer of the park piped and filled given the lack of space on Willamalane property. Greg H. - don't have enough information about the proposed private pedestrian paths to comment. Greg H. - Willamalane recommends gentle slopes for the sides of swales. MARCOLA MEADOWS PREAPPLICA nON MEETING-September 6, 2007 Page 3 , . Greg H. - need more clarity about the easement for Willamalane discussed for the proposed pocket park - appears to be easy enough for the public to use without such an easement. Willamalane prefers more clarity about ownership and control of its parks properties. If the property owners wanted Willamalane to own and operate the park, the district wanted to talk to them about different ways to configure it so it would serve as more of an expansion of Pierce Park. Greg H. - future development of park to the north identified as a priority for Willamalane, but was not sufficiently high in priority to be included on the five-year Capital Improvement Program due to a lack of dedicated funding. Systems development charge collected in this area were largely dedicated to citywide park investments as the area was already built up. Fire Department representative - 28 foot wide streets must have no parking signage on one side. The access shown looked good. No other issues. Matt, Engineering - Need hydraulic grade line calculations and hydraulic routing calculations for the detention facilities. Rick S. - target is at minimum no net increase in post-development runoff rates, and anticipate post-development runoff would be greatly diminished in comparison to pre- development runoff. Matt - would want to know what kind of volumes currently existed in the channel to evaluate whether a detention pond might have an impact on the residential area. Matt - developer may have the opportunity on the site to do some surface water infiltration not regulated by the Department of Environmental Quality. See no problem with in regard to rooftops. Matt - City interested in maintaining the functionality of Willow Creek and maintenance responsibility was proposed to be private. The City would need to see the agreements regarding maintenance. Gary K. - received nothing further from Springfield Utility Board in regard to the master plan and will need a statement that basic water and electric service could be provided to the development. Gary K. - recall section of ordinance calling for specific boundaries on the survey map of the Metro Plan areas and zoning areas. Note entry drive for Lowe's goes through MUC portion of property, but do not think applicant needs to do anything to address that. Gary K. - received a telephone call from Ralph Johnson and he indicated that the applicant needed to procure a permit from that agency. MARCOLA MEADOWS PREAPPLICA nON MEETING-September 6, 2007 Page 4 . . Gary K. - regarding the wetlands on the site, the applicant will want to explain how the wetlands would be incorporated into the drainage system. Gary K. - would like to see information from a high-up School District 19 administrator from to address the school overcrowding issue. Suggest Steve Barrett. Gary K. - suggest applicant include a category in the written statement entitled "responses to public testimony" to address testimony such as that submitted regarding wildlife-acknowledge the area is urban but the testimony should be responded to. Gary K. - was there any consideration as to the future use of such large box stores as the Lowe's store, and is there any plan to include green elements. Gary K. - in regard to the design standards for CC, do not want the CC zoned area to be a "dead zone" and propose the applicant use the mixed use commercial building and landscaping design standards. Do not have to worry about the floor area ratio issue. Regarding the Lowe's building design, consider the model of the Lowe's in Scottsdale viewed by Development Director Bill Grile. The meet~g adjourned. MARCOLA MEADOWS PREAPPLICATION MEETING-September 6,2007 Page 5