HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ARC 7/20/2007 " "~ -\~,-- SATRE ASSOCIATES, P.C. Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists 132 East Broadway, SUIte 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401 F' ~- -r-'- ,--,) ~1r ) 465-4721 . Fax (541) 465-4722 . 1-800-662-7094 ~j ~/'f"/i~ www satrepc com - 1111!181 - SATRE lATE 11:) 1[j" C'" (I "T"Tl" D ~ I... !..~_L\ (~w\. -:l7iJ . ~UL ~ 0 Z:JD7 TRANSMITTAL TO: DATE: PROJECT: July 20, 2007 The Villages at Marcola Meadows Planning Division 225 FIfth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 A TTN: Gary Karp CLIENT PROJ #: SATRE PROJ #: 0609 In Separate Cover Other ~ For Reply TRANSMITTED: HereWIth DISPOSITION: For Your Approval For Your InformatlOn ~ ~1. ~m ;'1" TRANSMITTED: # Caples Item Dated No Pages (In additIOn to thiS cover page) 25 Pre-Application Report ApplicatIOn Package July 20, 2007 REMARKS: Gary, enclosed please find our Pre-ApplicatIqn Report applIcation submittal for The VIllages at Marcola Meadows, including the applicatIOn form, written statement, and assocIated exhIbits, attachments and plans. A detarled table of contents itemizes the submitted materials As the applIcant's representatIve, please do not hesitate to contact me should you require addItional information for the Pre-ApplicatIOn process. On behalf of the applicant, we look forward to hearIng from you. Let us know when the Pre-Application meetmg IS scheduled. . d - Date Receive : ~ e JUL 2 0 2007 COPIES TO: BY: FIle ~ Agency Consultant a Owner Other R~CElVE.o JUL 2 0 2007 B"':\;: ~ - SATRE ASSOCIATES THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS PRE-APPLICATION REPORT APPLICA TION Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00, Lot 1800 and Map 17-03-25-11, Lot 2300 Marcola Meadows Site and Vicinity Date Received: JUL 2 0 2007 SC Springfield, LLC 5440 Louie Lane, Suite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 Original SUtJl nlttai June 20, 2007 SATRE ASSOCIATES Satre Associates, P.C. 132 East Broadway SUite 536 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone 5414654721 Fax 5414654722 1 800 662 7094 www satrepc com July 20, 2007 CIty of Springfield Development Services department Planning DIvisIOn 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Gary Karp Re: The Villages at Marcola Meadows Pre-ApplicatIOn Report Application Dear Gary, Enclosed please find Pre-Application Report applicatIOn matenals for the proposed development, The Villages at Marcola Meadows Included are the applIcation, wntten statement and associated exhibits, attachments and plans. The Written Statement contams general project mformatIOn, a summary of the land use request, information about the site, existmg 'condItions and proposed use, as well as an outline expressing our understanding of the proJect's required land use approval process, applIcable plans and ordinances. The Villages at Marcola Meadows is an exciting proposal, offenng an enticing mIX of residential environments, commercial and specialty retarl shopping opportunitIes, eating and dinIng establishments, and medical and professIOnal offices centered around a Pacific Northwest theme threaded with meandering waterways, native plant communities and continuous open space As the ApplIcant's desIgnated contact, Satre Associates is available to answer questions or provide supplemental information as needed to facilItate the reVIew process. Thank you in advance for your consIderation of the applIcatIOn. We look forward to working with you on the project. Date Received: JUL 2 0 2007 . ;1 ~ ~ Original Submittal chard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI PreSIdent Satre Associates, P.c. Planners, Landscape Archltects and Envlronmental Speczalzsts Exhibits (Bound Herein) A. Alta Survey.......... ..... ................. ............... ...... ...... .................. ................ B. FIRM Map........................................................................ C. Local and National Wetlands Inventory Map ......................................... D. Wellhead Protection Areas Map . ............................................................ E. Preliminary Geotechnical Report .............. ...... ............ ..... ........... ...... ...... F. Metro Plan Designations ................................................... ..................... G. Zoning Classifications .......................... ............................. .... ............ ..... H. City Pre-Application Response .......... ....................... ............. ......:... ....... Attachments (11 x 17, Bound Separately) 1. Site Photos .........':......................................... ............... ............................ 6 2. Precedents .................................................. ......... .................................... 9 3. Design Guidelines .............. ............. ....... ....................... .......................... 3 4. Illustrative Booklet ....................... ......... .............................. ................... 18 5. Traffic Impact Analysis .......................................................................... 205_ 6. Wetland Delineation ..................... .......................................................... 88 7. Storm Water Detention Study................................................................. 16 8. Storm Water Quality Study.................................................................... 62 Plans (Bound Separately) ..................................... ........... .............. ..... ............ ..... One Sheet Each 1. Cover Sheet 2. Air Photo 3. Topographic Survey 4. City of Springfield GIS Data 5. Master Plan Illustration 6. Villages, Land Use and Area Tabulation 7. Conceptual Storm Drainage, Open Space aI;1d Circulation 8. Phasing Plan 9.0. Grading Plan, Commercial 9.1. Grading Plan, Residential 10. Utility Layout Master Plan 11. Street Sections & Details 12.1. Signal Plan, Marcola Road at Martin Boulevard 12.2. Detector Plan, Marcola Road at Martin Boulevard 12.3. Signal Plan, Marcola'Road at Lowe's Access 12.4. Detector Plan, Marcola Road at Lowe's Access 12.5. Legend for Signal and Detector Plans 12.6. Traffic Lane Modification, Mohawk Boulevard at ORE 126 EB Ramps THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS PRE-APPLICA TION REPORT APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter ...... .'..................... ....................................................... .................... 1 Table of Contents ........................... ............ ....................................................... 1 Application .................................... .............. ............................. ......................... 3 Written Statement ............................................. .............................. ..... ............. 11 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 18 Date Received: ! ~ . ! r JUL 2 0 2007 " ~ Original submittal City of Sprmgfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone, (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Pre-Application Report SPRINGFIELD Prospective Applicant Name SC Springfield, LLC Address 5440 Louie Lane, SUite 102 . @] Reno, Nevada 89511 ~ Property Owner Name SC Springfield, LLC Address ,5440 LOUIe Lane, Suite 1 02 ~ Reno, Nevada 89511 0 [TI Phone. 775-853-4714 0 ~ Phone: 775-853-4714 ~ Property Address na ~ Assessor's Map No. 17 -02-30-00 and 17-03-25-11 DE] Tax Lot No. 1800 and 2300 Size of Property 4,368,691 Square Feet or 1003 Acres EXIstmg Use of Property Vacant, underutilized agricultural field, one small industrial building DeSCription of Proposal Residential/Commercial/Office Mixed-Use Development See attached for additional information ! Date Received: f ~ JUL 1 0 2007 / , Original Submittal Apphcant SIgnature Date May 12, 2006 For Office Use Only: Received By: Tax Lot No Journal Number: Assessor's Map No. Date Accepted as Complete '- 1 I -~ SATRE ASSOCIATES, PoCo Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists 132 East Broadway, Smte 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 465-4721 0 Fax (541) 465-4722 0 1-800-662-7094 www satrepc com - ... - SATRE ASSOCIATES July 20, 2007 THE VILLAGES AT MARCOLA MEADOWS PRE-APPLICATION REPORT WRITTEN STATEMENT I. GENERAL INFORMATION 'Subiect Site The subject site consists of two properties identified as Tax Lot 1800 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 and Tax Lot 2300 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11. The area so defined will be referred to in this application as the subject site. The site is within the Springfield City Limits. Size " Approximately 100.3 acres (see Alta Survey, Exhibit A, and Topographic Survey, Plan Sheet 3). Owner! Applicant ~~"'" , The SC Springfield, LLC is the property owner and applicant (see application form). Application Team Owner/Applicant: SC Springfield, LLC 5440 Louie Lane, Suite 102 Reno, Nevada 89511 Attn: Jeff Belle (775) 853-4714 * (775) 853-4718 Project Developer: The Martin Company PO Box 1482 Albany, Oregon 97321 Attn: Bob Martin (541) 917-0071 * Fax (541) 917-0769 * bob@tmcdev.com Planner/Landscape Architect: Satre Associates, P.C. , Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists 132 East Broadway, Suite 536 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Richard M. Satre, ASLA, AICP (541) 465-4721 * Fax (541) 465-4722 * r.satre@satrepc.com Architect: 2fORM 225 West 5th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Richard Shugar, AlA (541) 342-5777 * Fax (541) 343-6128 * Richard@ws-architecture.com Civil Engineer/Surveyor: K & D Engineering, Inc. PO Box 725 Albany, Oregon 97321 Attn: Dan Watson, PE (541) 928-2583 * Fax (541) 967-3458 * dkwatson@callatg.com Date Rece\\led: JUL 2 0 2001 origina\ submitta\- Transportation Engineer: Access Engineering, LLC 134 East 13 th Avenue, Suite 2 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn: Mike Weishar, PE (541) 485-3215 * Fax (541) 485-3253 * mikew@accesseng.com II. LAND USE REQUEST The applicant, SC Springfield, LLC, hereby submits the required Pre-Application Report as the required prerequisite for approval of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan Application per SDC 37.020(2). Master Plan Approval is a Type III process per SDC 3.090 Property owners for the subject site are applicants for this submittal (SDC 37.015(1)), and the subject site is larger than five acres (SDC 37.015(3)); therefore, the proposal meets Master Plan applicability'requirements established in SDC 37.015. / The applicant first submitted a Pre-application Report in June,-2006 (ZON 2006-00030). At that time the application was considered incomplete and the applicant was asked submit an updated , application. Since that time the applicant has prepared, submitted and received approval for Plan Amendments and Zone Changes on the subject site [Ord. Nos. 6195 and 6196]. As noted in the following narrative and findings, this proposal meets all the applicable submittal requirements for a Master Plan, and is consistent with the approval criteria outlined in SDC 37.040. -J The VIllages at Marco\a Meadows - Pre-ApplicatlOn Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 2 of 11 III. SPECIFIC PROPOSAL SC Springfield, LLC proposes to develop The Villages at Marcola Meadows as a mixed-use development comprised of residential, office and retail villages. Referencing the dramatic wooded backdrop of the Coburg and Marcola hills to the north, and the large plane of valley floor meadow on site, Marcola Meadows shall blend in with this overall setting while creating a bridge and supportive transition in the scale and intensity of larger commercial uses to the south wIth quite residential neighborhoods to the north. Within Marcola Meadows a suite of seven villages will exist. Two residential villages comprised of single family homes and townhomes will occupy the northern extent of the site, buffering existing residential developments to the northwest, north, and northeast, one office village, consisting of professional offices, will occupy the next area. Four retail villages, general retail, neighborhood retail, main street retail, and commercial, will face 28th Street, a new collector boulevard street (Martin Drive) within the site and Marcola Road. The site will offer the _ potential for transit-oriented development, retain and enhance significant expanses of open space and ripari~n habitat, and provide a linkage to the park and school sites to the north. Each of the VIllages is envisioned to be unique, yet part of the whole. The overall Meadows theme will appear throughout, with the use of meandering waterways, native plans and generous open space. Within each Village, Pacific Northwest design aesthetic will prevail, supported with the generous use of stone, wood and steel. Marcola Meadows will not only be a great place to call home, but an exciting place to shop; with specialty retail shops and unique dining venues. Stores will have welcoming front doors, large windows and high ceilings, all with ~ative materials and muted colors. It will be easy to get around, and to do so on-foot. All streets will have wide sidewalks, any of them setback from vehicle traffic. The entire community will be connected with all-weather multi-use off street pathwtlys. It will be convenient, and safe, to wall from one Village to the next. It will be a great place to be outdoors, with meadow-flavored open spaces, native plant communities, lighting, bridges, seating, and overlooks to support walking and relaxing. It will be a healthy place; with ample use of oxygen-generating trees to cleanse the air, catch the wind and cool the temperature. - It will be an environmental place, utilizing a network of bioswales, shallow seasonal ponds, and a meandering drainageway to capture and cleanse stormwater. In all, The Villages at Marcola Meadows will not only be a great addition to the community but a wise use of land and smart approach to design. Date Received: JUl 2 0 2007 Original Submittal The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-ApphcatlOn Report - Written Statement July 20, 2007 Page 3 of 11 IV. SITE CONTEXT A. Location and Context Location: The subject site is located approximately one-quarter mile north of Highway 126 at the northwestern intersection of Marcola Road and North 28th Street. Lots Affected by the Proposed Master Plan. Metro Plan Amendments and Zone Changes: The subject site consists oftwo properties identified as Tax Lot 1800 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-02-30-00 and Tax Lot 2300 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-25-11. Tax Lot 2300 was platted in 1994 as Parcel 3 of land partition plat 94- P0491. A property line adjustment was recorded with Lane County in 1997 affecting the common boundary between parcels 2 and 3 of land partition plat 94-P0491 in so doing completing the current configuration of the subject site (City of Springfield file# 97-02-029). Plan Designation: The Metro Plan Diagram applies multiple plan designations to the subject site: Commercial, CommerciallNodal Development Overlay and Medium Density ResidentiallNodal Development Overlay. A current Metro Plan Diagram for the subject site is attached as Exhibit F. Zoning Districts: The Official Zoning Map applies multiple Zoning Districts to the subject site: Community Commercial, Mixed-Use Commercial and Medium Density Residential. A current Zoning Classification map for the subject site is attached as Exhibit G. B. Site Description and Existing Conditions Subiect Site: The subject site has previously been used for a variety of agricultural and industrial uses. Currently the site is vacant, except for a vacant machine shop building located near the southeast comer of the site. The subject site is entirely within the Springfield UGB and City Limits. The site abuts residential development to the east (across 31st Street), west, south (across Marcola Road); commercial development to the southwest; industrial development to the southeast (across North 28th Street and Marcola Road); and parks and open space to the north (across the EWEB corridor path). ~ A storm water drainage ditch (Pierce Ditch) bisects the 'subject site running from east to west (see Topographic Survey, Plan Sheet 3). The site is located outside of both the 100-year flood and 500-year flood areas (see Firm Map, Exhibit B). Date Rece\ved: JUL 2 0 2007 Origina\ subm\tta\- The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-Applicatron Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 4 of 11 ./ V. APPLICABLE CRITERIA , The following three sections enumerate the criteria that will be used for re,view of the anticipated Master Plan application. The purpose is to identify relevant standards and policies the application must address. Each section quotes or refers to the appropriate criteria and, in some cases, offers prelimmary responses to those criteria. A. Master Plan Criteria SDC 37.030 outlines the following elements that must be included in the Master Plan submittal. SDC 37.030 MASTER PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A Master Plan shall contain all of the elements prepared in a clear and legible manner necessary to demonstrate that the requlrements of this Code are bezng fulfilled and shall znclude but not be limited to the following (1) Existzng Metro Plan designation and zone classificatlOn Metro Plan designation: Springfield City COlmcil approved Metro Plan and amendments that designated 54.7 acres Medium-Density Residential and 45.6 acres Commercial (per Ord. No. 6195, June 18, 2007). In addition, all of the Medium-DensIty Residential and 26 acres of the Commercial received the Nodal Development Overlay. Zoning classifications: Springfield City Council approved Zoning classification amendments that designated 54.7 acres Medium-Density ResidentIal, 19.6 acres Community Commercial, and 26.0 acres Mixed-Use Commercial (per Ord. No. 6196, June 18,2007). Exhibits F and G are maps of the recently approved Metro Plan designations and Zoning classifications. A scaled vicinity map is included on the Cover Sheet (Sheet 1) JUL 2 0 2007 1 ~1l ,., (2) A vicinzty map drawn to scale on a street base map Date Received: (3) A legal descrzption of the property together with a map drawn Qrkqw~l Jfu.jJrl!N~ltfte !t:-5U! boundaries of the subject property A legal description of the subject site and a scaled map depicting the project legal boundaries is included on the Alta Survey, Exhibit A. (4) Topography map and narrative deplcting present uses of the land, existing structures, roads, significant vegetation, wetlands, draznage ways and other relevant natural and man-made features A map illustrating existing topographic contours at one-foot intervals, structures, wetland locations, prominent vegetation, FEMA floodplain and floodway boundaries, roads, driveways, and other existing human-built features is included on the Topographic Survey, Sheet 3. The Site Context, Section IV of this written statement, provides narrative describing current uses and features. The site has no significant topographic relief, with elevations ranging from approximately 462 to 469 above mean sea level. A drainage ditch (the Pierce ditch), flowing from the east to the west, The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-Apphcahon Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 5 of II roughly bisects the property. A Wetland Delineation Report was conducted by Satre Associates, PC and the filed study examined the entire subject site and the presence or absence of wetland indicators and wetland features with the subject site was documented. The field study identified four distinct wetlands within the subject site, totaling 1.58 acres, including a portion of the Pierce ditch below the Ordinary High Water Mark, all of which may have once been connected with a larger network of wetlands and drainageways, but now appear to be maintained by drainage from the fields on site (the Pierce ditch is not connected to the other three wetlands, the ditch drains offsite wetlands and stormwater). A Joint Permit Application has been filed with the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) and Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), however since the application is still in process DSL has not issued letters concurring with these wetland delineations. The draft JP A is included with this submittal as Attachment 6. The Pierce ditch is the only existing surface water drainage on-site, although a central swale drains the northern field during heavy precipitation events exiting through a culvert north ofthe property. There is one tree stand located on the east side of the site, and several trees within the area of the Pierce ditch, a tree felling permit will be required prior to future subdivision. A rare plant survey of the site has not been requested by the ACOE or DSL, however, during several site visits by Satre Associates, no rare, threatened or endangered species were documented on the property. A query performed by Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center documents no rare, threatened or endangered species specifically on the property. (5) A site plan showzng location and type of all land uses proposed, approximate acreage and approxzmate number of units or square footage of uses, adjacent property uses and relevant features The series of drawings submitted with this application meet the Master Plan submittal requirements outlined above. Sheet 5, Master Plan Illustration, represents the master site plan for future development and shows the areas considered for development through the year 2015 with conceptual building envelopes. The table within Sheet 6 shows square footages of the building envelopes depicted on the master plan diagram, and the number of parking spaces for uses on the non-residential portions of the site. Also included in the table are approxElate :Reee~: (depicted as villages) illustrated on the Master Plan to demonstrate the development shown can meet FAR requirements within the Mixed-Use Commercial areas. JUl 2 0 2007 The Master Plan identifies that 518 units are proposed within two villa~r'i~i~ftfa'iingle- famIly detached houses (271 units; 12.1 units per net acre) and attached townhouse units (247 units; 15.0 units per net acre). The single-family detached units are assumed to average 1,900 square feet (sq. ft.) per unit (and range from approximately 1,480 sq. ft. to approximately 2,100 sq. ft.). The townhouse units average approximately 1,700 sq. ft. The overall net density of the residential villages is 13.3 units per net acre in compliance with the Cluster Subdivision standards. The ,applicant notes that if developed to the maximum that the Code allows within the Medium-Density Residential Zone a total of778 units are possible; the limitation to development is a ,balance between the allowable residential and commercial development that is governed by the required trip cap (see TIA for more information). It should' be i noted that the Master Plan and accompanying submittals consider potential development on the site through the year 2015. This year is 8 years from the date of submittal, which is shorter than the longest duration for an approved master plan per SDC 37.060(3)(e). The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-ApphcatlOn Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 6 of II :: f Date RtBceived: JUL ? ~ 2~07 1 (6) The denslty or intenslty of proposed uses Proposed residenti~l densities fall within ranges allowed by Code. HousQ~9iMJ,i1ie~;IWithiIrtlre- site will be a function of the ultimate design types selected by future builders. However, the conceptI proposal illustrates the ability to develop residential housing densities within the range allowed for MDR and Clusfer Subdivision development. The concept includes a total of 247 two-story townhouses with parking to the rear of the units and within private drives/ alleys. In addition, a total of 271 detached single-family units are provided with some parking provided at the rear of the unit within public alleys. This concept illustrates the ability to develop as many units as considered in the included Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) while also meeting Springfield code housing requirements, including the density range for MDR housing in SDC 16.010(2). The cluster subdivision development standards would also be met, including the minimum of 12 residential units per net acre. The Alder Plaza Villages do not contain any residential units. The Alder Plaza Villages is divided into two zones, Mjxed-Use Commercial and Community Commercial. The Community Commercial portion of the site consists of the Alder Plaza General Retail Village and the Alder Plaza Community Retail. The Mixed-Use Commercial portion of the property contains three villages: Alder Plaza Professional Office, Alder Plaza Neighborhood Retail and Alder Plaza Main Street Retail. The recent Metro Plan Diagram and Zoning Classification amendments included the application of the Nodal Development .overlay (/ND) to the area zoned Mixed-Use Commercial. The recently approved Mixed-Use.Commercial Zoning Classification enacts a FAR of 0.30 in the area outside of the downtown mixed-use area. The proposed development within the site seeks to meet the minimum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.30 as required in SDC 40.110(1)( c). The Community Commercial portion shall meet code standards for Community Commercial development (Article 18). , ' " .' :,1.. (7) The maximum height and size of proposed structures ~ ( ~: 'I.; \j. ,"" The single-family residential units are proposed to have a maximum ridge height of 30'-0" (avg. 27'-3") and a maximum mid-roof height of24'-3" (avg. 20'-6"). The single-family detached units are assumed to average 1,900 square feet (sq. ft.) per unit (and range from approximately 1,480 'f sq.- ft. to approximately 2,100 sq. ft.). The townhouse units have a ridge height of 33'-0" and a mid-roof height of 30'-0". The townhouse units average approximately 1,700 sq. ft.' The proposed commercial buildings are single-story and range from 17' to 38' and average around 28'-30'..Design Guidelines and Conceptual residential and commercial designs are presented are further described within Attachments 3 and 4. (8) , A publzc facilities plan ~howmg existmg and proposed streets, utrl1~~ ~f#6tgfvi!Cf.er, ! natural and piped storm dramage system, water service, blk{! anap;/'destriarl'lVays and I transit locations f JUL 2 0 2007 ~~ .-~ Existing streets, easements, bus stops, drainages, utilities and other exis~in.g fe'!,tures ,and facilities 1 on-site are shown on the Topographic Surveys and City ofSpringfield?~pj~~g~ 3 EffiEl4. Planned future street improvements in the Marcola Meadows area are illustrated on Sheet 5. Future oI?--street bike lanes and off-street bicycle, pedestrian, and multi-use pathways are shown The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-ApplrcatlOll Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 7 of II '" ,\ 1 on Sheets 10 and 11. Proposed stormwater facilities and other utilities are shown on sheet 7 and 10. (9) Maps and narrative showing off-site publzc improvements necessary to serve the proposed development and/ or to mltlgate impacts to adjacent property or publzc facillties Sheets 12.1 through 12.6, illustrate the off-site transportation improvements required to serve the development and mitigate potential impacts from the development as required as a condition of the previously approved Metro Plan amendments. These projects are further described and accounted for in the Marcola Meadows Traffic Impact Analysis, which is submitted with this application as Attachment 5. Sheet 11 also illustrates the proposed public and private road network within Marcola Meadows (which are presumed to provide corresponding bicycle and pedestrian access). Sheet 7 illustrates the proposed stormwater facilities and other utilities required to serve the proposed development. Detailed information is also contained in separate documents, which are also submitted with this application as Attachments. ,Sheets 9.0 and 9.1, Grading Plan, Commercial and Residential, illustrates the generalized flow of surface water after generalized grading for the site. More detailed site grading plan will be developed as part of specific development proposals in Site Plan Review submittals. The Grading Plans illustrate the that future development and grading activities on the site will not significantly affect adjacent properties or public facilities, and future development will meet or exceed requirements of the SDC. -' (10) The Director may require addltional mformatlOn necessary to evaluate the propoed development including but not limited to an ESEE analysis, geology, sOlls, stormwater, sanitary, tree preservation, hlstoncal, archaeological, and traffic impact All related maps except vlcinity and detail maps shall be at the same scale Extensive information is provided with this submittal demonstrating the suitability of future development on the site as proposed in the Master Plan. This information includes a traffic impact analysis, preliminary geotechnical analysis, comprehensive stormwater drainage and utilities plans, investigation concerning the potential for rare plants and other threatened and endangered species and wetlands delineations. Given the depth, breadth and overlap of analysis conducted for the Master Plan and contained in the above-referenced reports there is an abundant level of assessment that provides more than enough information necessary to evaluate the proposed development. In addition to the required information, the applicant has submitted with this application an Illustrative Booklet (building renderings, photo simulations, etc.) and Design Guidelines. These reports and studies provide support that this represents a complete application meeting all the requirements of SDC Articles 37.030 and 3.050. Date Received: JUL 2 0 2007 Original submittal The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-Apphcahon Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 8 of 11 (11) ProvIsions, if any, for reservation, dedication, or use of land for publzc purposes, including rights of way, easements, parks, open spaces, and school sites Sheets 10 and 11 show the portions of the site proposed for future infrastructure improvements through easements and/ or rights-of-way. Shee~s 10 and 11 also show the generalized location and cross section of a future trail system including a ml.Jlti-use pathway along the Pierce Ditch. A future easement for public use of the open space area in the residential area will be negotiated with the City and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Furthermore, coordination with EWEB to determine if any easements are required in order to cross the EWEB Bike Path to access the 'future park will be negotiated with EWEB. \ There is a significant amount of open space' reserved on the site, including a large area that surround the Pierce Ditch and a park area just to the south of a proposed park within the jurisdiction of the Willamalane Park and Recreation District. None of these areas are now identified for dedication to the public as parklands, but the applicant, has had general conversations with Willamalane, and proposes continued collaboration to provide appropriate public access to open space areas on the site. There is no need to reserve space for a future school site on the property, since an existing school site is located just to' the north of the subject site. Discussions between the applicant and Springfield School District 19 have determined that there is adequate capacIty within the schools to accommodate future student populations from the site, so there is no need to dedicate additional land on-site as a future school site. At the time of submittal of the Master Plan application the applicant shall include a letter of concurrence signed by the School District 19 Superintendent. (12) An overall schedule or deSCriptIOn of phaSing, and the development to occur in each phase If phasing alternatives are contemplated, these alternatives should be described Phase A (Alder Plaza Retail Villages) is scheduled to begin construction in 2007 and completed by 2015. The applicant proposes a sequence of development that will provide all necessary infrastructure - extension of water, sanitary sewer and other other utilities and roads - to support the Home Improvement store within Phase A-I (see Phasing Plan, Sheet 8). This infrastructure may also accommodate future development elsewhere on the site. Construction of the Home Improvement store and parking facilities will be developed as Phase A-2. Construction of the remaining Alder Plaza sites will occur as Phases A-3 and beyond. Construction of the residential villages is scheduled to begin in 2008 as Phase B and beyond. The Phase A and Phase B development will occur with proportional impact in order to offset internal trip distribution and off-site traffic impacts (see TIA for more information). \ Construction of each increment of new development will be limited in scope by: the capacity of initially constructed on-site and off-site public improvements or roadways, intersections and other infrastructure needed to accommodate the added demand from development beyond Phase A; demonstrated compliance with the site's approved trip allocation plan; conformance with this Master Plan and any other required land use approvals (i.e., Site Plan Review). Each phase will comply with SDC Article 17 Drinking Water Protection Overlay Distrt9a~i~a' discussion under SDC Article 17 below for more information). . / JUL 2 0 2007 The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-Apphcahon Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Gr;' -I::' '"' Page 9 of 11 , ~ -..,. ,,.: For the Phase A of development, the center lane of the three-lane eastbound off-ramp of the Eugene-Springfield Highway interchange at Mohawk Boulevard must be changed from a through and right-turn lane to a left-turn, through, and right-turn lane. Condition of Approval #9 requires that the applicant demonstrate to ODOT that this mitigation measure is feasible and obtain their approval. Sheet 126 of the plans shows the proposed Traffic Lane Modification plan that will accomplish this mitigation. By the assumed year of completion of the development, two traffic signals are recommended mitigation measures for traffic conditions along Marcola Road at the two proposed accesses to the site; Martin Drive, and the Home Improvement store's driveway access. The exact timing of construction of these traffic signals should correspond to the time traffic levels reach the point where a signal warrant(s) is met. Preliminary signal warrants based on average daily traffic levels predicted for Phase A of the development indicate that traffic on Marcola Road will exceed the required volume for preliminary Warrant 1 B (Interruption of Continuous Traffic) and that when outbound traffic at each intersection reaches 950 daily trips, this preliminary warrant would be met. Since the trip generation for the proposed home improvement store is projected to be 5096 daily trips, 2548 trips would be outbound and the intersections could reach the required volumes at the completion of Phase A (see TIA, Attachment 5, for more information). Sheets 12.1 through 12.5 of the plans show the preliminary traffic signal designs for these intersections. It is recommended that the underground portion of the signals be constructed with Phase A-I and that the complete signal installations be completed when actual traffic volumes meet signal warrant lB. (13) Where off-site or other infra$tructure lmprovements are required, the applicant shall specify the timing and method of securing the improvement, mcluding bond, letter of credit, joint deposit or other security satisfactory for sazd lmprovement construction Appropriate methods of securing the improvements shall be made as required of future development consistent with provisions in SDC 31.110 and/ or SDC 35.100(1). (14) Designation of responslbllity for providing infrastructure and serVlces As conditioned in the previously approved Metro Plan amendments the applicant is required to provide on-site and off-site infrastructure improvements necessary to serve future development on-site. (15) A general schedule of annexation consistent wlth the phasmg plan if applicable The site is currently within the Springfield City Limits as such this criterion iusterR~ed: SDC Article 17: DWP Drinking Water Protection Overlay District JUl 2 0 2007 SDC 17.040 Time of Travel Zones. ' . . bl ittal The Wellhead Protection Area~ Contaminant Source Inventory Map for ~m~f\~tlPm~lcates that the property is identified as within the 0-1 Year, 1-2 Year and 2-5 Year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ). Development of the property will be subject to the provisions of Article 17. Each developer, whether during development of the entire parent parcel or during development of individual lots, must follow the requirements of SDC Article 17. The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-ApphcatlOn Report - Wntten Statement July 20, 2007 Page 10 of 11 \.' ) SDC 17.040(3)(c) stipulates that tax lots having parts lying within more than one TOTZ shall be governed by the standards of the more restrictIve TOTZ. At the time of Master Plan approval application, the application therefore applies uniformly to the entire parent parcel for the proposed business park, subject to the exception set forth in SDC 17.040(3)(c). After Plat recordation, individual lots within the business park encompassed by this Master Plan may be determmed to be outside the 0-1 year TOTZ and be determined instead to overlie other Time of Travel Zones. In that event, those lots would be subject to the requirements specific to the other I TOTZ. VI. CONCLUSION The Villages at Marcola Meadows is an exciting proposal, offering an enticing mix of residenti!ll environments, commercial and specialty retail shopping opportunities, eating and dining establishments, and professional offices designed to address the daily needs of nearby residents as well as the greater North Springfield neighborhood. The Villages will be centered around a Pacific Northwest theme, generous in the use of contemporary, yet timeless natural materials and high quality site furnishings and pedestrian amenities. The Villages, while each unique, will be held together with meandering waterways, native plant communities and continuous open space. The Villages at Marcola Meadows will be like no other place to live, work or shop in the Springfield Community. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to call Rick Satre, AICP, AS LA, at Satre Associates, P.C. (465-4721). Date Received: ( I f. JUL 2 0 2007 ~ l j -,1 ,I ~ 1 Ongmal Submittal The VIllages at Marcola Meadows - Pre-Apphcahon Report - Wntten Statement July 20,2007 Page II of 11 I . LEGAL OESCRIP110N - PER 11TLE REPORT PARCEL 1 - (SEE SHEET 3) BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH R1GHT...QF~WAY UNE OF MARCOLA ROAD, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89 5730 EAST 261160 FEET AND NORTH OO~02 OO~V\lEST 45 aD FEET FROM THE SQUTH\l\lEST CORNEROF THE FELIX SCOTT Jr 0 L C No 51 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 3 V'JEST OF THE \^JlLLAMETTE MERIDIAN THENCEALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF MARCOLAROAQSQUTH8gG57 30 \NEST 141922 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 1 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT No 94-P0491 THENCE LEAVING THE NORTH RJGKr-OF-WAY LINE OF MARCOLA ROAD AND RUNNING ALONG THE EASTBOUNDARYOF SAID PARCEll AND THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION THEREOF NORTH 0000200 '\.^JEST 51600 FEET TO A POINT ONTHE SOUTH BOUNDARYOF NICOLE PARK AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 74 SLIDES 30--33 OF THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID N[COLE PARKM NORTH 89"57 30n EAST 99 62 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NICOLE PARK", THENCE ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID NICOLE PARKM NORTH 00"0200" WEST 25982 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTCORNEROF SA[D NICOLE PARK', THENCE ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF SAID "NICOLE PARK SOUTH 89 5800 V\lEST 6 20 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTCORNEROF LOCH LaMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDlTIOW , AS PLATTED AND R6CORDED IN BOOK 46 PAGE 20 OF THE LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS THENCE ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID "LOCH LOMOND TERRACE FIRST ADDITION NORTH 00"0200' WEST 112 88 FEET TO THE SOUTHV\ESTCORNEROF "AUSTIN PARK SOUTH AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 74, SLIDES 132-134 OF THE LANE COUNTY PLAT RECORDS THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID 'AUSTIN PARK SOUTH NORTH 89"58'00 EAST 260 00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID AUSTIN PARK SOUTH" THENCE ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID "AUSTIN PARK SOUTH NORTH 00 0200 \NEST 909 69 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTCORNER OF SAID 'AUSTIN PARK SOUTH, SA[D POINT BEING ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED JULY 31 1941 IN BOOK 359, PAGE 285 OF LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS,THENCEALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID LAST DESCRIBED TRACT NORTH 79"41'54 EAST 1083 15 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTH UNE OF THE LAST DESCRIBED TRACT AND THE EAST UNE OF THATCERTAN TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO R H PIERCE AND ELIZABETH C PIERCE AND RECORDED IN BOOK 238 PAGE 464 OF THE LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LAST DESCR8ED TRACT SOUTH 00'02 00" EAST 199128 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ALL IN LANE COUNTY OREGON PARCEL 2 - (SEE SHEET 2) BEGINNING AT A PQl.NT IN THE CENTER OF COUNTY ROAD No 753 THAT IS 3470 24 FEET SOUTH AND 1319 9 FEET EAST OF THE NORTH\l\lEST CORNER OF THE FELIX SCOTT DONATION LAND CLAIM No 82 IN TOV\INSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 Vv'EST OF THE WLLAMETTE MERIDIAN, AND BEING 866 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY TO R D KERCHER BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 189 PAGE 268, LANE COUN1Y OREGON DEED RECORDS, THENCE WEST 1310 FEET TOA POINT 15 UNKS EAST OF THE \t\I'.t:ST LINE OFTHE FEUX SCOTTDONATKJN LAND CLAIM No 82 NOTIRCATlON No 3255 IN TOV\INSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE VJJLLAMETTE MERIDIAN AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL \^JITH AND 15 LINKS DISTANT FROM SAID WEST LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM A DISTANCE OF 2304 76 FEET TO A POINT 15 LINKS EAST OF THE SOUTH'v\IEST CORNER OF SAID DONATlON LAND CLAIM THENCE EAST FOLLOVv1NG ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD No 278 A DISTANCE OF 1310 FEET TO A POINT IN THE CENTER OF SAID COUNTY ROAD No 278 DUE SOUTH OF THE PLACE OF BEGINNING THENCE NORTH FOLLOVVlNG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD No 753 TO THE POINT OF BEG[NNING ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE EUGENE-WENDLING BRANCH OFTHE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF EUGENE RECORDED IN BOOK -359, PAGE 285, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS ALSO EXCEPT BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS 158947 FEET SOUTH AND 1327 33 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 19 TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 2 WEST W1LLAMETTE MERIDIAN LANE COUNTY OREGON SAID POINT ALSO BEING OPPOSITE AND 20 FEET EASTERLY FROM STATION 39+59 43 P 0 S T ,SAID STATION BEING IN THE CENTER LINE OFTHE OLD ROUTE OF COUNTY ROAD No 142 5 (FORMERLY #753) THENCE SOUTH 0'11 WEST 183 75 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION WTH THE NORTHERLY RAILROAD RIGI-IT -OF-WAY LINE, THENCE SOUTH 84"45 WEST 117 33 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 79030 \NEST 48 37 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE WITH THE SOUTI-lERL Y R[GKT-OF-WAY LINE OFTHE RELOCATED S.AlD COUNTY ROAD No 742.5, THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 316 48 FOOT RADIUS CURVE LEFT (THE CORD OFVVH1CH BEARS NORTH 39"03'35 EAST 261 83 FEET) A DISTANCE OF 26994 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY OREGON ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO LANE COUNTY RECORDED OCTOBER 19 1955 RECEPTION No 68852, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO LANE COUNTY RECORDED JANUARY 20 1986, RECEPTION No 8602217 LANE COUNTY OFRCIALRECORDS ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN THAT DEED TO WILLAMAl..Jl.NE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT RECORDED DECEMBER 4 1992 RECEPTION No 9268749 AND CORRECTION DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 9 1993 RECEPTION No 9308469 LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A OFTHAT DEED TO THE CITY OF SPR1NGRELD, RECORDED SEPT~MBER 22 1993 RECEPTION No 9360016 LANE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, ALSO EXCEPT MARCOLA ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 75 SUDES 897 898 AND 899 LANE COUNTY PLAT RECORDS LANE COUNTY, OREGON NOTES THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR TITLE INSURANCE PURPOSES 1 THIS ALTASURVEY AND MAP ARE BASED UPON CASCADE TITLE COMPPNY PRELIMINARY REPORT No 0244224 DATED AS OF FEBRUARY28, 2005 2 THE BOUNDARY DATA AND TITLE MATTERS AS SHOV\.N HEREON HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED FROM THE REFERENCED TITLE REPORT AND SURVEYS OF RECORD 3 THIS SURVEY SHOWS EASEMENTS SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED AS EXCEPTION IN THE ABOVE REFERENCEDTlTlE REPORT 4 THE FOLLOWING EASEMENTS MAY EFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BUT CANNOT BE LOCATED BYDESCRPTION A) EXCEPT[ON#7 A DITCH EASEMENTTO THE BENEF!T OF BENHAM IRRIGATION COMPANY PER BOOK 119, PAGE 560 THE EASEMENT WIDTH IS NOT DEFINED AND THE LOCATlDN CANNOT BE LOCATED BY DESCRIPTION (PARCEL 1) B) EXCEPTION#8 AN ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE UTILITY EASEMENTTO THE BENEFIT OFTHE CITY OF EUGENE PER BOOK 142, PAGE 450 THE EASEMENT WIDTH [S NOTDERNEDAND THE LOCATION CANNOT BE LOCATED BY DESCRIPTION (PARCEL 1) C ) EXCEPTION #15 A DITCH EASEMENT TO THE BENEFIT OF BENHAM IRRIGATION COMPANY PER BOOK 121, PAGE 66 THE EASEMENT WIDTH IS NOT DEF[NED AND THE LOCATION CANNOT BE LOCATED BY DESCRIPTION (PARCEL2) D) EXCEPTION #16 AND ELECTRICAL AND TELEPHONE UT[UTY EASEMENT TO THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF EUGENE PER BOOK 188 PAGE 452 THE EASEMENT WIDTH IS NOT DERNED AND THE LOCATION CANNOT BE LOCATED BY DESCRIPTION (PARCEL2) THE FOLLOWlNG COVENANTS CONDITIONS RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS EFFECT A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF THE SUB,ECTPROPERTY A) EXCEP110N#11 COVENANTS, CONDITIONS RESTRICTIONS AND EASEfvENTS PER REEL No 1563 RECEPTION No 891176 AND REEL No 1600 RECEPTION No 8949055 AND REEL No 1695 RECEPTION No 9121698 AND REEL No 2009 RECEPTlON No 94n951 THE ABOVE STATED DOCUMENTS EFFECT A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON SHEET 2 OF THIS SURVEY THE EFFECTED AREA IS APPROXlMATELY THE SOUTH 516 FEET OFTHE WEST 100 FEET OF PARCEL 1 AS SHO'v"IIN ON SHEET 3 NO OTHER ANALYSIS OR STATEMENT RELATED TO OTHER SECTIONS OF THE ABOVE STATEDDOCUtvENTSARE OFFERED OR INTENDED B) EXCEPTION#12 COVENANTS CONDITIONS, RESTRICT!ONS ANDEASE!v1::NTS PER REEL No 1695 RECEPTION No 9121696 AND REEL No 1883 RECEPTION No 9362649 AND REEL No 1886 RECEPTION No 9365168 THE ABOVE STATED DOCUMENTS EFFECT A PORTION OF PARCEL 1 OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHO\fIJN ON SHEET2 OF THIS SURVEY THE EFFECTED AREA IS APPRO;:tJMATELY THE SOUTH 516 FEET OF THE WEST 100 FEET OF PARCEL 1 AS SHO\^JN ON SHEET 2 NO OTHER ANALYSIS OR STATEMENT RELATED TO OTHER SECTIONS OF THE ABOVE STATED DOCUfvENTS ARE OFFERED OR INTENDED DRAINAGE SWALE THE SURFACE OF THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF PARCEL 1 HAS A GRADUAL SLOPE TO A DRAINAGE SWALE AS SHOVVN ON SHEET 3 THERE IS A DRAINAGE CULVERT UNDER THE EWE B CORRIDOR THAT PREVENTS ANY WATER FROM COLLECTING ON THE SrTE Date 3/2212006 Time 9 00 Scale 1=1DO(PS) File dwg\2005\05-89\89-ALTA dwg (Bnan E) Kn K & D ENGlNEEHlNG, Ine 770 rf'lt H'Ll...Jrv Street PC Box "'25 ",bliI'V 0r"i:tI' 9?J2 15111 9;:>6-2563 + -~~-- I N 0 100 200 400 FT ______--~;-;;-;;.;;;;;----------~--~~ ~;- w$' r-7~ ,.~ = _____--------------- ' f ---------===-~--=-~ I i ------,-, , I I \ \ \ 1 J /"-- ~/~<( , ~--l--~----' ~ 1~>CQtl (.~ LffiL.~~,~ . L~ -- -- /; ;,~ -li:lClNNI~LAN\:. r.......~ ----:rr-1 \ ~ - il--LJ------1 SURVEYOR'S CER11FlCATE TO F""tBank, a South Dakota bank THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MA.P AND THE SURVEY ON IM-lICH IT [S BP.SED WERE MADE IN ACCORDANCE Vv1TH MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR AL TAlACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS, JOINTLY ESTABLISHED ANDADOPTEDBY ALTA ACSM AND NsPS [N 1999 AND DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY ITEMS OF TABLE A THEREOF PURSUANT TO THEACCURACYSTANDARDSAS ADOPTED BY ALTI\ NSPS, ANa ACSMAND IN EFFECT ON THE DATE OF THIS CERTIFICATION UNDERSIGNED FURTHERCERTFIES THAT THE SURVEY MEASUREMENTS Vl.ERE MADE IN ACCOROANCE WTH THE "MINIMUM ANGLE, OISTANCE AND CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR SURVEY MEASUREMENTS VvHICH CONTROL LAND BOUNDARIES FOR AL TAlACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS DATE SIGNATURE OR PLS 58561 -- REGISTRATION No PARCEL 1 SEE SHEET 3 ~ $1 ~I ~ J " --~~ '-'....---~ '::'::\ II' " , \ r),1 :--fVlAK(;'!!-A I<:UALJ EXHIBIT A AL TA / ASCl'v1. LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR SPRINGFIELD LLC_ LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 SEC 25, T 17 S ,R 3 W , W M , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON JUNE 16, 2005 REVISED MARCH 7, 2006 REVISED MARCH 22, 2006 ~ITT- fl~~ I ~ , I p_J-1 ~ .: ~ " Iii V' I l" I / , // ;::____/~/ I //~, '- ~ /'// '<,--iO- ~,/~",., - /- ';-/----/--/ I ( " \ '- ",....~"'Ir:KLI: I-'A"'l\WAY PARCEL 2 SEE SHEET 2 ~ / Date Received~ 1 \ tJ JUL 2 0 2007 .-I ~_______.-- .------ Original ~uomlttai SHEET 1 OF 3 E :J-N-$S w o 100 200 FT r-___- SCAlE 1" = 100' f- UJ UJ a: f- 00 ~ -v ~-~ @ --V ----~,@.- EP T\,~'_ tF~crr -- UTILITY POLE IS ON PROPERTY LINE 31st STREET -----.E SOOD0205"E 1115 25 EXCEPTION No 17 10' WIDE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC UTILITY AND SIDEWALK EASEMENT ALONG THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 28th AND 31st STREETS PER RECEPTION No 9360016 _ THE EXISTING BURIED RAW WATER MAIN LINE, UTILITY POLES TRANSMISSION LINES AND ASPHALT PEDESTRIAN PATH WAY LOCATED IN THE EWES CORRIDOR DO NOT ENCROACH ONTO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 60'WIDEEWEB CORRIDOR PER BOOK 359 PAGE 2B5 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 3) K'n K & D ENGINEERING Ine 276 N II Hlch~t\ SVeet ? u BOl 725 I" bllr:.} Or...gor, (l7J21 ,54,j02J-.!5ll:! Date 3122!2006 Time 900 Scale 1=100(PS) File dWg\2005\05-89\89-AL TA dwg (Bnan E) + MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 3) c'C.l-~ "p..I" 0< Q~9\ 9~-" , ~,\'IO 31911 \'I "V' Csr ,1,10 ~~I'- "p..I"- tJ- , "l- . UJ : UJ ~ ; p..Cl"-~ ~ .SICO\'l - ~ I. ------ ~ - == -= -= -=.-=-- 75 OPEN STORM DITCH - PARCEL 2 2,071,516 S F 4756 ACRES \ \ G I , ( EAST LINE OF \_ PIERCE TRACT PER BOOK 23B, PAGE 454 ftJ ~ EXISTING 1B" CONCRETE STORM DRAIN LINE POSSIBLE LOCATION OF EXCEPTION No 15 SEE NOTE 4-C ON SHEET 1 S00002'QQ"E 1991 20' BASIS OF BEARINGS PER C S 31917 (SOO'02'00"E 1991 28') ) PARCEL 1 2,297,175 S F 5274 ACRES , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' " 0 " " " EVIDENCE OF ENCROACHMENTS [2] o UTILITY POLE ANCHOR IS 3 3S SOUTH OF PROPERTY LINE THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE MAY NOT BE COVERED BY AN EXISTING PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT NO EASEMENT JS DISCLOSED IN TITLE REPORT AL T A / ASCJ'V\ LAND TITLE SURVEY SPRINGFIELD LLC_ FOR LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 SEC 25, T 17 S, R 3 W , W M, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON JUNE 16, 2005 REVISED MARCH 7, 2006 NOTE: EASEMENTS SHONN ARE LABELED AS EXCEPTION NUMBERS" AS REFERRED TO IN THE TITLE REPORT MONUMENT REFERrNCE LIST. @) FD SIB' IR W~ STAMPED @ FD 5/B" IR W@STAMPED "LS 1301" FLUSH {GROUND "0 W BAKER PLS 197B FLUSH W@STAMPED W/GROUND @) FO S/8" IR @) 'D W BAKER PLS 197B" FLUSH FD 5/8 IR W~STAMPED W/GROUND "LS 1301 FLUS {GROUND @ FD SIB IR W€J;STAMPED @) FD PKNVASHER @PC o W BAKER PLS 1978 FLUSH STAMPED BAKER PLS 1978' WIG ROUND @ FD PKflNASHER .@t @ FD 5/8' IR W@STAMPED AND SHORT STAMPED '0 W BAKER PLS 1978" FLUSH W/GROUND BAKER PLS 1978 @ FD 5/B" IR B@ 010 BELOW @ FD PKlvVASHER @PT STAMPED BAKER PLS 1978 GROUND TIED SPIN HOLE FD PKlWASHER @t @ @ AND V STREET STAMPED @ FD PKlVVASHER 'BAKER PLS 197B STAMPED "BAKER PLS 1978 @ FD PKNVASHER @ @ FD 5/8"IR W@STAMPED STAMPED BAKER PLS 1978 OW BAKER PLS 1978 020 BELOW GROUND, P T @ 5/8' I R V@c ......28thAND @ FD 5/8" IR W@J:.STAMPED PIERCE STAMPED BAKER PLS 1978 OW BAKER PLS 1978 FLUSH @ FD 5/8 IR W1@STAMPED W/GROUND OW BAKER PLS 1978" FLUSH @ FD 5/8" IR W1@STAMPED WIGROUND OW BAKER PLS 1978 FLUSH W/GROUND , , r tJ , ,I- is I '::; '" o I- '" 'z ,~ o I CoV': '\o!Ip..~S,I"-lp..l- \\'IO~ p..I"-V: ~I a: ifl ~I ll.1 SURVEY REFERENCES EXISTING 12' - WATER LINE STUB o o CS 31917. PARTITION Pu\T94-P0491 CS 33731-ARIGKT"-OF-WAYSURVEY 0V': '\o!Ip..I"-~I"-lp..l- \"O~p..,?-I[:' , 'r I 18- 'is ,::; " '0 I- '''' I 1m , I g; 1'1 , , , EXISTING --'@) GAS LINE /"''' EXCEPTION No 17 ST~/, i I : 10' WIDE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ I PUBLIC UTILITY AND SIDEWALK II II f2\ ' " , EASEMENT ALONG THE _ ~, 0.- WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE liss':------ ,,':--.. '~ OF 28th AND 31st STREETS PER I ____ '-... ~ 67 RECEPTION No 9360016 I I SS~""- "- I I JBl~ "- @ i I I ~ :--''''''59 ss~-fr- f- 1",1 --...., I 1",1 J' , : : S21'00'50"W @{- \iJ@r@5 , I I 12220 j @, I I [S22"56'15"W ] SOD 0223"E I I 12217 5600 [ S01.5254 E ] I 5599' I I I I I 1",1 \"'11 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UTILITY POLE & CURB INLET EXCEPTION No 9 20' WIDE CIT'( OF SPRINGFIELD SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER RECEPTION No 50778 I ~ ::5 LllN 0 ! "" y- () ~~ 0::: ~N I ~ ~ 01/ PO B PARCEL 1 . II ---_, I '_ EXISTING CONCRETE / CULVERT ABANDONED POLE --\ \ \ 1,- EAST UNE OF PARCEL 1, ALSO BEING \MOST LINE OF PARCEL 2 " '. ' I , , ,____~OHP _-'-~ -Dc.:: GRA~~...___ , j/-GRAVEL / LOADING EXISTING ,\,~~ I DOCK BUILDING L I NE CORNER B B POWERS OLe No 64 LEGEND () RECORD DATA PER LEGAL DECRYPTION AND C S 31917 EXCEPT AS NOlED [] RECORD DATAPERC S 33731 EXCEPT AS NOTED @ CURVE REFERE!\CE- SEE CURVE TABLE 0 RECORD REFERS\lCE- see REFERENCE LIST UGP UNDERGROUND POVVER SO STORM DRAIN SS SANITARY SE\t\ER 0 CEN1ERLlNE W DOMESTIC \^Jl\TER UNE G GAS UNE FD FOUND IR IRON ROD EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT FOUND 5/8' IRON ROD WNPC MARKED BARKER PLS 536 SETSY C S 19801 OR C S 20040, UNLESS OTHER\.^JISE NOTED 0 CALCULATED BOUNDARY CORNER EXCEPT AS NOTED ~ ENCROACHMENT REFERENCE seE ENCROACHMENT LIST <> EXISTING FJRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER CONTROL VALVE ~~ EXISTING UTILlIY POLE @ EXISTING SO MANHOLE COVER (Q EXISTING SS MANHOLE COVER UJ EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ~ EXISTING POIfl.E.R PEDESTAL ...~ EXISTING WATER METER " EXISTING CURB INLET - -, EXlSTING LIGHT POLE " EXISTING GAS VALVE - EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE EXISTING CURB &. GUTTER EXISTING CURB GUTTER AND SIDEWA.LK EXISTING FENCE -SD- EXISTING STORM DRAIN LINE -SS - EXISTING SANITARY SEVvER LINE -OHP- EXISTING OVER HEAD POVlER LINE CURVE TABLE S45~04'29~W 4319' [546 5254"W ] 4315' CURVE LENGTH RADIUS CHORD DELTA 407 29 36500 S32004 07 W 386 49 6r56 04 1 [40B 43) [365 OOJ ~34 01 5<'W 3B7 45) ~4"05'451 368 80 490 00 S42030 33 W 360 16 4300726" 2 [36902] [49000] [S44030 46'W 360 36] [43.09'001 5222 505 00 S03~33 34 W 62 18 07"0333 3 [505 OOJ [S05'2< 35 W 62 16] [07"03241 [5220J SOD 02'3S"E 4526' f Date Received: ........., MATCH LINE I --- -- i j (SEE SHEET 3) 1 ! ,1 ACCESS TO JUL 2 0 2007 ~ t 1 PUBLIC STREET ! 1 Original Submittal SHEET 2 OF 3 E -=rN-$S w \/ -(\'@ , , , , \ 60'WIDE EW E B CORRIDOR PER BOOK 359, PAGE 285 1B~ BURIED CONCRETE DRAIN PIPE ~\ ~'?'\,; \ '" , " \o~ '~yJ \~g ~s;: \'i:n~ \~Z Date 312212006 SC<lle 1 =100(PS) File dWg\2005\05-89\89 AlTAdwg (Bnan E) Time 900 + o 100 r-___- SCALE 1" = 100' 200 FT MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) _--- THE EXISTING BURIED RAW WATER MAIN LINE, UTILITY POLES TRANSMISSION LINES AND ASPHALT PEDESTRIAN PATH WAY LOCATED IN THE EWEB CORRIDOR 00 NOT ENCROACH ONTO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY I I DRAINAGE SWALE (SEE NOTE 6 ON SHEET 1) ~ " " , , , , , , , , , \ , \ \ , , , \--------"\ , , , , , , \ \ , , L------\, \ , -- \ \ \ \ _---- ---I :" PARCEL 2 2,071,516 S F 47 56 ACRES \ o BASIS OF BEARINGS PER C.S. :.7.1,9.1'h -{ EAST LINE OF \ PIERCE TRACT PER BOOK 23B, PAGE 464 ) PARCEL 1 2,297,175 S F 52 74 ACRES cco.'-'" '?~~ 0'( aAg\ gA''? 1'0'\ '"'~ ~ "." ,,\\\\0,", ?~I' G '?~" (NOO 02'00'W 909 69') NOO'02 16"W 909 63' 6' WOOD , ~ 6' CYCLONE FENCE \ j FENCE -w :1 I, ", SOO'02'OO.E 1991 20' (SOO'02 OO'E 1991 28) EAST LINE OF PARCEL 1 ALSO BEING \^JEST LINE' OF PARCEL 2 \ MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) PO B PARCEL 1 ~ ~ r____-"'__OHP __- " " :1 : , I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 1",1 1"'1 I I I I I I , I 1 , I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 "" :"'1: I I I~} EXCEPTION No 9 lJi 20' WIOE CITY OF ~ SPRINGFIELD SANITARY ~ I SEWER EASEMENT PER ' RECEPTION No sona I I' I I I I ''''' j: 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I - EXCEPTION No 10 I VARIABLE WIDTH I SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL I OISTRICT No 19 SANITARY I I SEWER EASEMENT PER REEL I CJ} I "TRUST PROPERTY NOTE 1564 RECEPTION No 8911838 ilW! THAT THE EASTERLY 14260 IS I I NOWA PART OFTHE I I MARCOLA PROPERTY ;~~6~~~~I~~6cA~ EAST BOUNDARY OF ___.1 I -1 ACCESS EASEMENT PER PARCEL 2 OF PARTITION I I ' RECEPTION No 9429767 PLAT No 94-P0491 ~\ / NOoo02'23"W 515 88' iSo\ II ' ' :::::\., L ~ _ _ _/~ _ _ _(NOO'0200'W 516 00') 3 ! ~ OPEN STORM DITC; ~_- - - -- ~ ~ -=----=- ~ .: - - 56 '" ~ :"'(: - - ~ ~ ~ - - - " - o ________ ""- I PA F _ en ~ PARCEL 2 ~ 0 0~~ I 6' WOOD @k:. - ~ - I NOO'0216'W2460B' 'I !-'- - - - - - - ---l- I NOO'02'16'W 269 82' I I I (NOO.02 OO'W 269 90') (NOO 0200 W IS1600') 1 I I 0 1 I,?\.b' Cco.\.. \) \'?~~ -' ~, ~ ABANDONED POLE --<..' . /1 ____ "'-- EXISTING CONCRETE I I CULVERT '. I I , , 'I G I,t: o 'I:>; , '" '0 , f- , '" , ,Z I I ~ , ,0 , , , , o POSSIBLE LOCATION OF EXCEPTION No 7 SEE NOTE 4-A ON SHEET 1 I' ~-7 PUE _Y \\ I " \\ ' ;1 I ~" ~ /-~ \\ " ',/"'~ ',,- V~ 1\ I ..........__...~ s ~-r' / \\ I / \\ I I : I-l--~ I , " \ ~ \~--- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~",- W\ \ "'-, '2: \---------\ ",- 0:::.\ \ ''-"",/ 0, \ ' :I:\ I[ I ,0\ \ \ 01 _----\ //, .J r--- \ // \ \/,./ , , L-------------., \ \ __ 6' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALK / ENDS AT PROPERTY LINE @' {@I /'1 ,_ ,;/r 120 PUBLIC I' / l-l IHIGHT-DF-WAY ~......---......~ LOCH DRIVE - - iJ- - \ G=-,]J I \ 15 I: lil___'_' _ _ __ IE \~____ e I~ 01 I~ - ~ 23rPECT . , I , , ~ 'J: I 1 ~ 1'0 , :>; '" ',0 I I ~ 'm \ I@; " I ~:" I ,,- " , , ( S8905B'OO"W I 620' S8905B'OO~W 620' -, ,I 11 NO~010; ~~"W [, NOO 02'00'W ~ 112 BB' V' " I , , "'- I \ ,'-------' "'-' "-------- " '------------------ , , I:' 1: I, 13 r~ ~~~~;:- " ,- ~8~c;~SS~~EET , I JI LOADING EXISTING ------- " 1_ DOCK I I """" :j:: II - I L -~r~ II I --t~ '! _ "_I ,1 - -, I 110 II~ ':5 10 'l~ :1l~ " I: 'I -~ll I) I' ~;.. N" :~ ~~ ~ ~ " '" M M ~ ~ N N t ~ ~ ~ ~'" EXCEPTION No 12 SEE NOTE 5-8 ON SHEET 1 EXCEPTION No 11 SEE NOTE 5-A ON SHEET 1 ~ i SOl I . I -- SOO 023B"E ~ 45 00' 1 _-ACCESS TO I PUBLIC STREET ""', I v' -'] ," :1 13 -- I: AL TA / ASCl'vt LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR SPRINGFIELD LLC. LOCATED IN THE NE 1/4 SEC 25, T 17 S , R 3 W , W M , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON JUNE 16, 2005 REVISED MARCH 7, 2006 REVISED MARCH 22, 2006 EVIDENCE OF ENCROACHMENTS GJ A PORTION OF FENCE 116 29 IN LENGTH ENCROACHES ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS MUCH AS 084 ALONG THE EAST LINE OF' AUSTIN PARK SOUTH" SUBDIVISION 8ETVvEEN LOTS 8 AND 9 o A PORTiON OF FENCE 7 08 IN LENGTH ENCROACHES ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS MUCH AS 048' ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF I AUSTIN PARK SOUTH" SUBDIVISION NEAR THE SOUTHV\EST CORNER OF LOT 15 CD o o APORTION OF FENCE 1 55 IN LENGTH ENCROACHES AND IS ON THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY lI"lE NEAR THE SOUTH EAST CORNER "NICOLE PARK~ EXISTING 14" PVC STORM DRAIN PIPETHAT DRAJNSTO EXISTING DITCH THERE IS AN EXISTING ASPHALT PAAKING LOT, SHARED DRNE\IllO.Y AND LANDSCAPNG LOCATED ON A PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY THE PARKING LOT IS USED BYTHE V\.1LLAMETTE VALLEY CANCER CENTER o THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE MAY NOT BE COVERED BY AN EXISTING PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT NO EASEMENT IS DISCLOSED IN TITLE REPORT SURVEY REFERENCES o o @ @ C S 31917 - PARTITION PlAT94-P0491 C S 33731 - A RIGKT -OFJNAY SURVEY 'AUSTIN PARK SOUll-! SUBDIVISION- FILE 74 SLIDE 132 NICOLE PARK~ SUBDIVISION- FILE 74 SLIDE 31 LEGEND () RECORD DATA PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND C S 31917 EXC.EPT AS NOlED [I RECORD DATA PER C S 33731 EXCEPT AS NOlED @ ~~~~E~0~~~~~E- o ~~~~~~::~EC~~I~~- ~ ENCROACHMENT REFERENCE ~ SEE ENCROACHMENTUST UGP UNDERGROUND POI/vER SO STOqM DRAIN S8 SANITARY SEV\ER o CENTERLINE FD FOUND I R IRON ROD EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING CURB GUTTER AND SIDEWALK ~ < - EXISTING FENCE EXISTING STORM DRAIN LINE EXISTING SANITARY SE\fVi:R LINE EXISTING OVER HEAD POVl.ER LINE o FOUND 5/8 IRON ROD WNPC MARKED 'BARKER PLS 636 SETBYCS 19801 ORCS 20040 UNLESS OTHERV'v1SE NOTED CALCULATED BOUNDARY CORNER EXCEPT AS NOTED ' EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING WATER CONTROL VALVE EXISTING UTILITY POLE EXISTING SO MANHOLE COVER EXISTING SS MANHOLE COVER EXISTING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL EXISTING PO\f\..'CR PEDESTAL EXISTING WATER METER EXISTING CURB INLET Q ~ --J1- G (> ID " 'i~ " ~y EXISTING LIGHT POLE EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE f Date Received: 0' =_5 -SO- -8S- -OHP- 4 i j J -, ~ MONUMENT REFERENCE UST JUl 2 0 2007 €V Fo 5/8 ! R BOO 040 BELOW GROUND TIED SPIN HOLE @ FD 518"IR W@tST~JlI,\ FLUSHWIGROUNO '" 'l::IlIlc:ll Submittal @ FD 5/8 I R W@STAMPED OW BAKER PLS 1978 FLUSH W/GROUND @) FD 518 I R IN@NcRETEATFENCE CORNER WNPC CAP IS ILLEGIBLE @ SE CORNER PARCEL 1 OF PARTITION PLAT No 94-00491 FD PKfWASHER I@JNC STAMPED 'L8 1301' HELD @ FD PKlWASHER I@NC STAMPED LS 1301' HELD Fa 518' I R R@ENCECORNER 13' WEST OFTRUE CORNER WNPC STAMPED 'LS 1301 FLUSH WIGROUND 1 78' (E) OF FENCE @ FD 5/8~ I R ~C STAMPED 'L8 1301' FLUSH WIG ROUND @ FD 5/B' I R w.6'Rt STAMPED lS 1301" 0 80 BaOWGROUND 1 0' EAST OF FENCE @ @ FD 5/B" I R w.6'Rt STAMP EO 'lS 1301 FLUSH"1N/GROUND 1 10 EAST OF FENCE @) FD 5/8 I R N~P, BENT TIED SPIN HOLE 020 BELC5V'vGROUND @) FD 5/8~ I R vv@:;STAMPED"LS 1301 FLUSH WIG ROUND o FD 5/B I R N~P BENT TIED SPIN HOLE 010 BElC5vVGROUND 050 EAST OF FENCE @ FD 5/8 I R w.6'Rt ST AMPEO lS 1301' 030 B'trt.OWGROUND I - "CLINIC' PROPERTY SW CORNER yY FELIX SCOTT JR 0 LC NO 51 @ FD 5/8~1 R W..@::STAMPED"LS 1301" FLUSH WIGROUND EXCEPTION No 14 POB Kn K k D ENGINEERING, Ine .!~;; Nlf I-/cl'Qrv ~'r,,,l PC BoJl' 7G5 Alba.., C"!!!l"l.fi Q?121 5..I\S2S-Z5!lJ SHEET 3 OF 3 2 3 4 5 6 A B ILIVArlOH 11..."..el MAl.' IUIUNCt ILI'H.ltON M.... 1'111 "''''VDI OI'C'Ir"OH 0' LOCATION 1M3" ,... It '" CM2M HILL r.ll r.." .".. .1' 1.7 1..1..... ......" I. ,.. ....ta ,lot. "' '..1' 11.1. ..... 1"'1. II.. 17.2 tI..l....'." CU.I.'. 11'1'." '.1 ..III' ..., .1... M....,,,'. VI... ..... f.... II. I.'....ell... _I'" e.....1I ...... c I2J.'Olr "'-05"]7- 76 50 ,,"0 ~ smf.tl Iii ."-0]'45" 123"00'00" A,VEIoVE o E F G ./ 12~'OT~ .'-05']1" 66 13 18 ZONE X ZONE X 83 ~ LANE COUNTY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -n ZONE X """""""" '"'' ,,"0 ZONE X ~ ~ ;; lCMOND CITY OF SPRINGF1ELD 415592 COAPORATE UMrTS NOTE: MAP AREA SHOWN ON ll11S PANEL IS LOCAnD WITHIN TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WE:$T AND TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST. 59 H -lEGEND EXHIBIT :- ~ SPEOAL f\.OOO HoU.AAO ARlAS 1NlJNl),t, TW BY l00-YW FlOOD rom A ..__--.--. _,Ioood_........ "'-.....""I.J"""~_ ~.........- 61 ..........,.)....-....- .. - .... ..... .... ... =:-,":=...-...-.. zo....." r............-.,.._kr --~-- -,-.......,- ....... !.ONlY ~...............,...._ ---.. ... -............. ZO"'IVll -c-........_--,......*'"- ........-.....-.......... flDOOW"'~ ARf.As IN ZONE I-l OTHER FlOOD ^'-EAS ZONtX --__......_fJl-..,.. .,..-.......,..,.,fi..._ 1....._......._..._ :.=-- ~ ::: ,.-- .., niA~'f.~ CJ 0THf. ARiAS ZOHIlIl _........."'_......-.- -- . =...:...t..... ..... -- - UNOfVf:I.OP'ED co.o.sTAl. 8AAAtERS ~ f:" ,,1 QSl --- 1M) _ ~_ ~..::::-=................,_.__s- -- -- ""- ~.;;;~ '--'~SpoIiII""" _ z-. """ ...-,. ~ -.,~ c..... .... _ e..-.. :::Spodol1'ioool"'-- ... fIDocl ....... u.: e_lnf_s..",-_ ...-- --... ... fIDocl -..... III ~ -.. ~ _ z-. ......-..~-. --- -~ _c:....-....... ........ "'- 0..- "1U7~Z1I - -513- @----@ 1El.OR7J RM7X 91"07'JO"'.32-z2';,Q'" NOTES TIoIII_.__.--..........._""""'''--'''- ._--'"""....,...............--~..... .....--- - "'........................---- IMdol I'Ilooot ~ ...._ lloo -...., _ ---... _ be _1Il__..-.,_.. IFh .....101..., ""_.. =-.~."...."'_......_IoI_ .....-.. ...._""""""""""-cl_I~~_~'AL_ A3lI.NlIl4.-'Y.Y!_~ ;::-.:.:~Ao.l___..~. --.,...--.----.--- -.-.....___n.____... ""'"'*'__.....,r.....--...,.._ ~~~. ,,-.,....,....101______._...__ _,,",,",,-o...T__-"_.____ ~--__""'_"'OJlHGYD._-'" --"'-.....-.:----.......-..,. -_.........IorIM........__...._ --- ~ -. ___.. "'........ "'....... TIIe_ ________._r_ - - -.." ....... .. .. --- ., - - TNa...______.__"'c:-_ -...-'--u...........~__ __ ......c-ool........---.AcI.._IPl.1OH!IIl. F,..-..__.....,,...__........._ _IJI....ADIIII_~~ ,.,..........._I*'IoIt________...... -..,.. MAP REPOSmlRY flafBlO 1I~ Lbling on M.1I "'_ EFFECTh'E OJ.T1: OF COUNT'\'WIOE FlOOO t.lSUfIAHCE RATE MAP: .-L_ Date Received: EmCTlYE OATEl5tOF f\E\IISIONCSlTO THIS PANa.: ......_fUXlO~""n._EffS:1'M l)ItJ!_ WI.......... _ _____ ...,..ouuc-.. --...................--........ T._.... __................-..__. .-IN _...... _ "'- .lIOOle:M-aU1 JUL 2 0 2007 . APPf\QX]MA.T'E SCALE IN FEET '" , '" .. ,~. '..,..~..,... a1.~.._ ~ . Orlgm:.: ~i.i.."lli.-~._------ NATIONAL flDOO INSURANCE PROGRAM AREAS ~ ~ .M!!. MAP NUMBER 41039CI153 F EfFECTIVE OAlI: JUNE 2, 1999 . i..~.. jr~~ . ~- It _dl~'~: ~~_'l I I' ~- ~" _'- -;-=' '{j '-1.. ?~'~'. - 1 J_~ I ,--.:-f 1-1-. r-J-:., ~~ ~' 'L ~ l ....-:f'! L-.-\V ::: "-\4'J~--~-~~'~~'; 1....;;"7'. -~ r, ( ~ (. ';;;.~' ,- tJ' ~",",.',,~~'\ ".f.l'-' ,'":, , , 'A, 1 ] I ~~'- . ,#. / -/ A~ ...: . / \) r- J h . J.I/ ~.. ~ , " ~, i ",... ;r ~' Local and National Wetlands Invelltory Springfield, Oregon ~ !- ~ --I' ... , --'" .~ ~ '" \ .. r " l :! " l' f. , ~ I: ill .. .. ~. .~~ ~.A ~. r" "'} 1. "!". " , ~ ,r .-.. ~' ?' f ; , "\. , , , ~ ~ i .' , ,t :r: r", t.- ' It \ I' " .1" ~ ~..........., ---......_~~ --- ~.....~-~-~~~...~. ---~~~.:.. .........--..-.~-- ::.'==_____~~....~~____.....__~w __._................._____A...-_..__ ~....-......._c.......___.......-..~ _ lDcaI WslIancIs In-*"Y NalIan8I WelIands Il1VSllDry SprirVIeId CIly I..lmlIs Urb8n GllM1h BouncIBry + o D..S Milo 'l't " t : ~"_:'':':::. " f r,','-.- l' r. ~~..... l ~-!.':"':C:- n.c....Icr. 2ODS/ad> EXHIBIT C .~ "C Q) r- > c:::>> 'Q) c:::>> C"oI ~ 0 c:::>> Q) 0:: c-...a E -J J:l Q) :::J ::::J ..... -"I en CO "~ 0 0) 'C: 0 I The Villages at Marcola Meadows Index to Site Panoramas and Photos ATTACHMENT 1.A ~~-;.~~~' .. .. "0 CD ~ > Gi ~ m 0 c:::> +# CD :!:: tr C'-' E ....J .n (I) ~ :l ..... -, (1') m Ci 0 c '5> 'C 0 RF:r' ;"' I 'I '~D JUL J, 0 Z007 -Y: Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 IIiiJiIIi .. SATRE ASSOCIATES ATTACHMENT 1.8 . . -0 --(1) ~ .~ ~ Q) 'i o ~ :: Q) C'I Oe ~ :5 of S ...., CJ m C t "; '1 ( \ 1. View north from ditch 2. View south/southwest from northeast corner The Villages at Marcola Meadows Site Panoramas - #1 Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ~ rail SATRE ASSOCIATFS ,- I ATTACHMENT 1.C .- --~-,-~~...,....~ 3. View east from west property line, north of ditch 4. View west from 28th Street, north of ditch The Villages at Marcola Meadows Site Panoramas - #2 Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ... raw SATRE ASSOCIATES ...... c:;:) c:;:) C"">>J (ij c:::::>> ..- ..- C"'oI 'E --J .0 => :::J -, (J) (ij c '6> .C 0 ATTACHMENT 1.0 n '~'\:;~-6:~: ~... ...-- -- ...-- ~ "'C - ----. Q) ---- ... -.2:: --- - =~ Q) _...._~ ... - -- -~ 0 ",..,;'" Q) ~. 0:: IQ) +-' l~ r- c;:) c;:) c--.a c;:) c--.a -' => --. m ~ 'E .c ::J (/) m c '0, 'L: o ... ;~~ ,w.~~~ 5. View east into park from end of residential cul-de-sac 6. View west along north edge, south of residential area The Villages at Marcola Meadows Site Panoramas - #3 Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 IIIiJ!IlJi .. SATRE ASSOCIATES ... A TT ACHMENT-1-:-E~r' 7. Ditch through center of site r - ~- IlIIIIoo _ '~';.\;r..~; It. 9. East end of ditch at 28th Street 8. Possible wetland areas The Villages at Marcola Meadows Site Photos Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ~ rail SATRE ASSOCIATES s - 'E ..a j en m c 'en .t: o A TT ACHMENtf1':F-, 12. Northwest Residential 1 O~ West Commercial k ..- ~~ -.' "7'" . ;.:: ~;. . .. ,_:fIt ....:-~...... N.--r .... ...... 13. West Residential Connection 11. East Residential The Villages at Marcola Meadows Surrounding Context Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 "0 Q) .;:: Q) o Q) 0:: Q) - co Q r- ~ ~ C"'oo.I ~ C'I -J => -, (ij - ~ E ~ ;j en (ij c '0, .;:: o .........--'<'......--.;.;4 IIIIJJIIIJi .. SATRE ASSOCIATFS ATTACHMENT 2.A Bridgeport Village Tigard, Oregon Developer: Opus Northwest -c Q) > Q) o Q) a: Q) - co o r- ~ ~ C"ol ~ C"ol -J => ~ .J (J .,.J ~ E .0 "::] (j) (tJ c: 0) "C o 5th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 5th Avenue Eugene, Oregon "'\ "" The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Main Street Retail Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ~ .. SATRE ASSOCIATES ATTACHMENT 2.8 "'C Q) r- > c::;:) 'CD c::;:) C"'oJ 0 (\) = ..- (I) ~ 0: ~ E -' ..0 Q) :::J ::J .... --, en tV Cii C c .s, 'i:: ...~......'~......"'"-._:. 0 .;.,j>. '. " -,' Valley River Village Eugene, Oregon Seaside Architect: DPZ From The New Urbanism By Peter Katz t.,~'~~~~.5~ j Bridgeport Village Tigard, Oregon The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Streetscapes and Pedestrian Connections Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ~ rail SATRE ASSOCIATES ATTACHMENT 2.C Delta Oaks Eugene, Oregon Gateway Medical Center Springfield, Oregon .... __..1 ".n .-- - ~- - ~:~---- -'ViI.- l~l -:...- ~ ~~.... . . '-, '-- ~ v'u;:;l-- < "'...... ""1:ii ~-'!'.t. · ~:-. ~.. .~. ,..' .. . 1':.!... ". ~-..._ ,. ..t'k~""""" ~:, .,fh<"..,..-t........., ~~.~r.~f ". . . :~..: ~ .:..... ~ '. ,;~,Lt.~ i:';,...~,..~.~v?if~~:':l';.J.;,..". >:~,:.t \..-" t....3.....~:?:,.oo:.~~....~....~~\.t};;'n .~,. '\.:.. ';"',~~;J.~:A:\.. -;:; ~1rP :'li~' '.<;. ''','.f..~ ~ 2,...... - , . -'..>N""'r~I:,.i'>....;v.,......,...~ '-'~"'~"if".l';I.. .....~,.ot1 . #lo "'I''"' l.". <,.M!':(Y.;,-_\Ii.J . .. ".i;(~' I",t..n ';:J.<..~,~ ;~..*.'~;;.y:tfr~r:;, ,,; '<'~'i:.'" ~. ~.. 'l' .r'l......-~~ ' i::il.~U....~_ ~-!~,~~~~~;~_""-,,~, ~ ~l\._.. ------------- --- Pavilion Eugene, Oregon . Willamette Valley Cancer Center Eugene, Oregon The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Office IIIIJli .. SATRE ASSOCIATES Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 r- C) C) C"ol c:::l '" -l => -, -(5 .- .- "E .a ::] (/) co c "m _;:: I o Wal-Mart Springfield, Oregon Home Depot Eugene, Oregon Wal-Mart Springfield, Oregon The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: General Retail ATTACHMENT 2.0 --............, -0 Q) > Q) o Q) a:: Q) ..- n:J o ,....... ~ ~ ~ C=>> ~ -J ::J --, (ij .... ~ E .Q ::J (f) (ij c '0, "I:: o 1-- J Home Depot Eugene, Oregon Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 IIJ!Ilji III SATRE ASSOCIATES Project: Sheldon Village, Eugene, Oregon Architect: Bergsund Delaney Architecture and Planning Client: Lane County Housing and Community Services Agency The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Residential ATTACHMENT 2.E "0 <1> r-- 0> ~ <1> ~ as 0 c::) ::: <1> C"'ooI oE a::: ....J .0 <1> ~ :J ... ...., en co as 0 c: "5 oc 0 Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ~ .. SATRE ASSOCIATFS Landscape Architecture Magazine, 2002 - -- ------ The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Stormwater ATTACHMENT 2.F - ii ~~ ."r, ,-.. 'i, <" " . (1)0 ~~;:-",~" -, . ~~." ~ -..... ..-.....- (I) 0=: (I) ... co o ~ ...... c;:) <<:::) C'-I ~ C'.I --1 :::> --, - ~ Amazon Pool, Eugene, Oregon Project: Water Pollution Control Laboratory, Portland, Oregon Architect: Miller Hull Source: Miller Hall Architects of the Pacific Beaverton Clean Water Services Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 IIIiIIi .. SATRE ASSOCIATFS ~ ~. "'II - -----: -I ~ ATTACHMENT 2.G lr ---..-..;--...... . . "'0 CD > "0> o CD 0:: (J) ..... co o a; ..... ~ E ..0 ::J (f) a; c: '5> ";:: o _ 1--_ ---t "- t::) t::) C">>J ~ c-.I -J => -, .. -- ~ ---- ----- '''' . . . ' '"II - ";:-::::~ :;:: :... ----- .--..- ~ -- ~J ..- ., ....--;... ~ ~ - ~ -.. ""~ ~...::;.~~ - .. ....... - ".,.. ~p - -... ~...- ~'. ~,- ---. ~ - ~ - --- -. --"I. :..- ... .. -, l -=.::'-:': ....- ~ . iR- ~ - .- .J - ; "~ --=- '- '''Woo_-=, Pervious Pavements .1~ ,.~ .~, " '-. . s:..: --", .,- '"".~ -. ~ ,,_ -.... "'i, a , ..........,. ...... - . ~ .........r: '""- .. 1 ...... """"-' ,. ----............. ~ ""- ..... ./ 0........,.... ... "-' <: -C:: .... ~ ~....J -, .........I~ t! """ ~ _-<::~ '..... ..... ..,,~- ". ~ ........ ~ / -- ~. - ~ -'. --...... .. ~. --~ -- ..... ......... ....f ~ ~ ~l' ..... ~ ."~ . .... ""',..J " . ,./ ........., --)- .......~ ..........J " /' '- ..." ,..~Jo. ,_~" ~~ ...J.......jl"... I -- ...., <.:~ '- " · ' '411 " ";-. ~ ";-.. .. ..... '- r ... .. ....... k _"'- _ _~_ __ -... ""f>' 't .. I " I" ~..... I '.. .. Stamped and Stained Pavement /"'", t/ ".. -- The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Pavinq 4' ",r\ "'.......... '"'" ... .' ~ ~',.. .1..... '. .' ........ .r~ Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ~ .. SATRE ASSOCIATES ....--------- ----- .. ATTACHMENT 2.H L~ '? I fa e t I: Project: The Pavilion Architect: TBG Architects and Planners, Inc. Client: Alan Evans, Evans, Elder & Brown Project: Oakway Center Architect: TBG Architects and Planners, Inc. Client: McKay Investment Company The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Details #1 ..~ '. .~ - - - 0 1(1) a:: ..~ r- ~ ~ C'ol ~ C'I ....J :::J -, Cii .., :!:: E .a :J en (ij c: 0) 0;:: o ~ .. #. ~ ~ I - ; _L - " , Project: Delta Oaks Shopping Center Developer: Vik Construction Company Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 ... .. SATRE ASSOCIATES J ATTACHMENTS 2./ 'U r-" Q) r- > c:;:) , "0) ~ s ~--" 0 ~ Q) - 0::: C'oI 'E -J .Q S ::;:) ::J -, en m 10 - 0 .S OJ .C 0 Project: 5th Street Market Business: Marche Project: Oakway Center Project: The Pavilion Project: Oakway Center The Villages at Marcola Meadows Precedents: Details -~/;... Project: Oakway Center ...,~c Project: Oakway Center Pre-Application Report - 26 May 2006 IIJ1IIIi .. SATRE ASSOCIATES 4) I". , '.,"(f' ATTACHMENT 3 Mixed.Use Commercial Code and Guidelines Comparison Chart Existing Springfield Development Code The Villages at Marcola Meadows Master Plan Commercial Zone Mixed.Use Commercial District Nodal development Permitted Uses 18010 Permitted uses 40 020 Permitted Uses 41 020 Permitted Uses Similar but more restnctlve than Nodal Development SDR 41 020 Allowed Uses Parking lots & structures, business & prof offices & personal services, day car facilities, resldenllal uses on second floors above commercial uses 20% of Qround floor can be for eatlnQ & dnnklnQ establishments ' Lot Size 18 030 Lot size Same as SDC 18 030 except panhandle lots are not allowed Lot Coveraqe 18 040 Limited only by Lot CoveraQe 40 040 Lot Coveraqe per SDC Mixed-use 40 040 standards specified In SDC Articles 31 & 32 BUlldlnq DeslQn Standards 40 100 (1) BUlldlnq Deslqn GUidelines Per mixed-use SDC 40100 (1) In addition bUilding deSign standards applies to all elevations Within pedestnan view and bUildings need to be deSigned In a >- manner that IS contemporary and fits the paCifiC North-West In addition forms and elements that are clearly fake structural components are not allowed, the main bldg form Ideally express the true structural components Weather Protection Intent 40100 (3) Weather Protection Same as Mixed-Use SDC 40 100 (3) Setback Standards 18 050 BUlldlnq Onentatlon and MaXimum Setbacks BUlldlnQ Setbacks 41 040 (2) BUlldlnq Onentatlon and Setback Setbacks per Nodal development SDC 41040 (2) BUilding One~tatlon and connection and requirements for Internal sltewalks per Mixed-use 40100 (2) In Intent 40 100 (2) addition setbacks In need to be landscaped or developed as quality pedestnan space Bldgs are to be attached except where a pedestnan connection IS proposed between bUildings Setback alonQ Marcola Rd needs to contain a bloswale desiqned accordlnq to Marcola qUldelines ""-. HelQht Standards 18 060 HelQht Standards 40 060 HelQht Standards Per Mixed-use SDC 40 060 except Single story bUildings shall have a mln bldg height of 15 ft and Single story bldgs over 25,000 sq ft shall have a mln 2-story fat;:ade or 25ft facade , Off-Street Parklnq Commercial uses In Off-Street Parklnq 40070 Off-Street Parklnq SDC 41 040(3) Off-Street ParklnQ Per 18 070 and mixed-use SDC 40 070 In Addition Similar to Nodal Development 41 040(3) 'Parking etc IS not allowed between bldgs and streets Parking IS allowed SDC 18070 behind bUildings In addition Parking IS reqUired to be spatially configured to allow for shared parking Parking area shaJ~,be deSigned according to the gUidelines for Marcola Meadows Fence Standards 18100 Fence Standard 40 080 Fence Standards Per SDC 18 100 and Mixed-use SDC 40 080 except fences only allowed to screen garbage collection area.s and public utility faCilities or to surround play yards SpeCial Use Standards 18 110 SpeCial Use Standards 40 090 SpeCial Use Standard Per SDC 18 110 and Mixed-use 40 090 Landscape Standards 31 130-31 150 Landscaplnq 40 100 (4) Landscape Standards Per SDC 31/130-31150 except at the Villages at Marcola Meadows all setback areas shall be planted and/or developed as a quality pedestnan area as descnbed In these gUidelines The planting acceptable /1000 sq ft of reqUired planting area IS modified from SDC 31140 and shall be as follows As a minimUm, three trees not less than 6 feet In height and at least 2' cal and trees shall be chosen from the "Marcola Tree Itst" Included In these gUidelines, and, As a minimUm, ten shrubs, five gall or larger combined With at least ten native or ornamental grasses, one gal or larger chosen form the 'Marcola Grasses LiSt", Lawn and/or groundcover may be substituted for shrubbery, unless reqUired for screening In addition, lawn can only be substituted when the lawn area IS Intended and can reasonable be expected to be used for pick-nicks and other reposing activities Stormwater swales deSigned according to the descnptlon under 3 3 of these gUidelines for the Villages at Marcola Meadows, can be substituted for reqUired landscape areas , Parking lot plantlngs are modified from SDC 31140 (3) and shall Include one canopy tree at least 2" cal chosen from the" Marcola Tree list" Included In these gUidelines, and at least 4 shrubs, 5 gallons or larger, for each 100 sq ft of planting area Additional nallve or ornamental grasses chosen from the "Marcola Grasses list" are encouraged Shrubbery that abuts public ROW or that IS placed In the Intenor of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2 Y. feet In height at matunty Irnqallon Per SDC 31140 (4) Drouqht Tolerant plantlnq IS encouraqed per mixed-use code 40100 (4) Screenlnq Standards 31160 Screenlnq 40100 (4) Screenlnq Standards Per SDC 31 160 Except selected standards have been modified - Earthen Screening IS not allowed, Wherever a reqUired screen IS In the form of a fence It shall be non-metallic and of a subtle color to blend With surrounding vegetation -Any refuse container or disposal area which would otherwise be VISible from a street, walkway or parking area, any public faCility, adjacent property, or any reSidential area, shall be screened from view as speCified here With Vegetative Screening or Structural Screening In addition screenlnq shall be per mixed-use code 40 100 (4) (b) Llqhtlnq Standards 31 160 On site Llqhtlnq Per- SDC 31 160 except fixtures shall not exceed 12' In height and all lighting fixtures With In one shared parking area shall be the same deSign that IS contemporary and flttlna With the pedestnan scale of the area - Street Connectivity and Intemal Circulation Street connectivity and Internal Circulation Same as SDC 40100 (2) (d) and (5) 40100 (2) (d) and (5) Nelqhborhood Compatibility 40100 (6) Nelqhborhood Compatibility Per Intend descnbed In MIX Use Code 40100 (6) Slqn Standards SpeCific gUidelines developed for Marcola Meadows - r Pedestnan Amenllles 40 100 (7) Pedestrian Amenllles Same as Mixed-use SDC 40 100 (7) In addition pedestnan amenities need to be Integrated Into an overall deSign or pattern for the entire Village Benches, site lighting and other pedestnan amenities shall be contemporary In deSign and be of a Similar style Benches shall be wood slatted on a metalliC gray frame, site lighting shall be gray metalliC, and trash receptacles shall be arav metalliC With optional wood slatlnQ Except amenities do not need to be consistent With the character and scale of surroundlna developments Development Standards 40110 (c) Development Standards SDC 41 040(1), Development Standards ~ame as Mixed-use SDR 40110 (c) Except 100% of ground floor area shall be developed for commercial uses With other uses permitted on the second floor Parklnq Area Improvement Standards Parklnq Area Improvements Same as SDC 31 190, In addlllon drainage deSign descnbed elsewhere In gUidelines 31190 Bicycle ParklnQ Standards 31 210 Bicycle Parklnq Standards Per SDC 31 200 Minimum ReqUired Bicycle ParklnQ Spaces MInimum ReqUired Bicycle ParklnQ Spaces Per SDC 31 220 31 220 "'C CD ~ > C""" .~ ~ c-"-~ c.~_' CD c: ~'l. r:r ~ S :: '- - m - . C (~, (~l:. I Communitv Commercial Code and Guidelines Comoarison Chart ~ -- Existing Springfield Development Code The Villages at Marcola Meadows Master Plan > ~ "CD (.) - Commercial Zone 2 C"oS Permitted Uses 18010 Permitted Uses Per SDC 18010 . ..... =~ (I) - = Lot Size 18 030 Lot size Same as SDC 18 030 ~ Lot Coveraqe 18 040 Lot Coveraqe Limited only by standards specified In SDC Articles 31 & 32 -.-. BUlldlnq Deslqn GUidelines Per mixed-use SDC 40 100 (1) In addition bUilding deSign standards applies to all elevations within pedestnan view and bUildings need to be deSigned In a manner that IS contemporary and fits the pacific northwest In addllion forms and elements that are clearly fake structural components are not allowed, the main bldg form Ideally express the true structural components Weather Protection Same as Mixed-Use SDC 40 100 (3) Setback Standards 18 050 BUlldlnq Onentatlon and Setback Setbacks per Nodal development SDC 41 040 (2) BUilding Onentatlon and connection and requirements for Internal sltewalks per Mixed-use 40 100 (2) In addition setbacks In need to be landscaped or developed as quality pedestnan space Bldgs are to be attached except where a pedestnan connection IS proposed between bUildings Setback along Marcola Rd needs to contain a bloswale deslgn~d according to Marcola gUidelines , Helqht Standards 18 060 Helqht Standards Per Mixed-use SDC 40 060 except single story bUildings shall have a mln bldg height of 15 ft and single story bldgs over 25,000 sq ft shall have a mln 2-story fa9ade or 25ft fa9ade Off-Street Parklnq Commercial uses In SDC 18 070 Off-Street Parklnq Per 18 070 and mixed-use SDC 40 070 In Addition similar to Nodal Development 41 040(3) Parking etc IS not allowed between bldgs and public streets Parking IS a'lIo'{Ved behind bUildings In addition Parking IS required to be spatially configured to allow for shared parking Parking area shall be deSigned according to the gUidelines for Marcola Meadows " Fence Standards 18100 Fence Standards Per SDC 18 100 and Mixed-use SDC 40 080 except fences only allowed to screen garbage collection areas and public utility facilities or to surround play yards \ , ~ SpeCial Use Standards 18 110 SpeCial Use Standard Per SDC 18 110 and Mixed-use 40090, Landscape Standards 31130-31150 Landscape Standards Per SDC 31/130-31150 except at the Villages at Marcola Meadows all setback areas shall be planted and/or developed as a quality pedestnan area as descnbed In these gUidelines The planting acceptable /1000 sq ft of required planting area IS modified from SDC 31140 and shall be as follows As a minimUm, three trees not less than 6 feet In height and at least 2" cal and trees shall be chosen from the "Marcola Tree list" Included In these gUidelines, and, As a minimUm, ten shrubs, five gall or larger combined With at least ten native or ornamental grasses, one gal or larger chosen form the "Marcola Grasses LiSt", Lawn and/or groundcover may be subslituted for shrubbery, unless reqUired for screening In addition, lawn can only be substituted when the lawn area IS Intended and can reasonable be expected to be used for pick-nicks and other reposing actlvllies Stormwater swales deSigned according to the descnptlon under 3 3 of these gUidelines for the Villages at Marcola Meadows, can be substituted for required landscape areas Parking lot plantlngs are modified from SDC 31140 (3) and shall Include one canopy tree at least 2" cal chosen from the" Marcola Tree list" Included In these gUidelines, and at least 4 shrubs, 5 gallons or larger, for each 100 sq ft of planting area Additional native or ornamental grasses chosen from the "Marcola Grasses list" are encouraged Shrubbery that abuts public ROW or that IS placed In the Intenor of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2 % feet In height at matunty Imqatlon Per SDC 31140 (4) Drought Tolerant planting IS encouraqed per mixed-use code 40100 (4) Screenlnq Standards 31160 Screenlnq Standards Per SDC 31160 Except selected standards have been modified - Earthen Screening IS not allowed, Wherever a required screen IS In the form of a fence it shall be non-metallic and of a subtle color to blend With surrounding vegetation -Any refuse container or disposal area which would otherwise be VISible from a street, walkway or parking area, any public faCIlity, adjacent property, or any residential area, shall be screened from view as speCified here With Vegetative Screening or Structural Screening In addition screenlnq shall be per mixed-use code 40100 (4) (b) Llqhtlnq Standards 31 160 On site Llqhlinq Per- SDC 31 160 except fixtures shall not exceed 12' In height and allllghling fixtures With In one shared parking area shall be the same deSign that IS ~ontemporary and fitting With the pedestnan scale of the area Street connectivity and Internal Circulation Same as SDC 40100 (2) (d) and (5) Except one access dnveway IS reqUired from Marcola rd and one access dnveway IS reqUired from Belle Blvd S,qn Standards SpeCifiC gUidelines developed for Marcola Meadows Pedestnan Amenities Same as Mixed-use SDC 40100 (7) In addition pedestnan amenities need to be Integrated Into an overall deSign or pattern for the entire Village Benches, site lighting and other pedestnan amenities shall be contemporary In deSign and be of a Similar style Benches shall be wood slatted on a metalliC gray frame, site lighting shall be gray metalliC, trash receptacles shall be gray metallic With optional wood slating Except amenities do not need to be consistent With the character and scale of surrounding developments Development Standards Same as Mixed-use SDR 40110 (c) Except 100% of ground floor area shall be developed for commercial uses With other uses permitted on the second floor Parklno Area Imnrovement Standards 31190 Parklna Area Imorovements Same as SDC 31190, In addition dralnaae deslan descnbed In 1 5 Vlllaaes at Marcola Meadows aUldellnes Bicycle Parklnq Standards 31 210 Bicycle Parklnq Standards Per SDC 31 200 MInimum ReoUlred Blcvcle Parklna Spaces 31 220 Minimum ReaUlred Blcvcle Parkin a Spaces Per SDC 31 220 . . ~ 'E D :::J en m c "51 "t: o 2 CI / ' . \\ "'0 (I) .~ ,....". c:= <:::) ...~ =00:: Medium Densitv Residential Code and Guidelines Comoarison Chart ~ ~ Existing Springfield Development Code The Villages at Marcola Meadows Master Plan 0:: C"I (J) ~ Residential Zone Nodal Development .iU .., DenSity 16 010 Minimum DenSity 41 040(1) Minimum DenSity Per SDC 41 040(1), minimum net residential denSity shall be12 units per net acre L...IJ Permitted Uses 16 020 Permltted,Uses 41020 Permitted Uses Per Nodal Development SDR 41 020 Lot/Parcel Size 16 030 Lot size per SDC 16, except minimum lot size for single family detached dwellings 3,200 sf Lot/Parcel CoveraQe 16 040 Lot/Parcel CoveraQe per SDC 16040, coverage by all covered structures shall not exceed 45%, except for single family attached Setback Standards 16050 SUlldmQ Setbacks 41 040 (2) SUlldlnQ Onentatlon and Setback MInimum and maximum setbacks per residential SDC 16 050 and Nodal development SDC 41 040(2), except there shall be no required rear yard setback when single family attached dwellings abut an alley HelQht Standards 16 060 HelQht Standards Per SDC 16 060 Off-Street ParklnQ Uses In SDC 16 070 Off-Street ParklnQ SDC 41 040(3) Off-Street ParklnQ Per 16 070, Mixed-use SDC 40 070, and Multi-unit DeSign Standards 16 11 O(h), If applicable In addition, Similar to Nodal Development 41 040(3) Parking etc IS not allowed between bldgs and streets, except for single family detached without alley access Parking IS allowed behind bUildings Fence Standards 16090 Fence Standards Per SDC 16090 and Mull1-unlt DeSign Standards 16110(0, If applicable Fences shall be reqUired between dwellings and EWES comdor "- Special Use Standards 16100 Special Use Standard Per SDC 16100 Cluster Development 16100(3) Cluster Development Cluster Development standards apply to all development Within the residential villages at Marcola Meadows unless modified by other gUidelines herein SUlldlnQ onentatlon All Single family detached dwellings shall be onented toward frontage street, or alley for alley access lots, With a front door and pedestnan walk Single family attached dwellings With alley access for vehicles shall be onented toward street or toward aDen soace GaraQes All lots With alley access shall have garages or other off street parking accessible from the alley Multi-Unit DeslQn Standards 16110 Multi-Unit DeslQn Standards Apply for all multi-unit development Within the residential villages at Marcola Meadows, unless modified by other gUidelines herein BUlldlnQ DeslQn GUidelines As appropnate, bUilding deSign gUidelines for Cluster Development SDC 16100(3), Multi-Unit Development SDC 16110, or Mixed-use SDC 40100 (1) apply In addition bUilding deSign standards applies to all eleval10ns Within pedestnan view and bUildings need to be deSigned In a manner that IS contemporary and fits the paCifiC northwest In addition forms and elements that are clearly fake structural components are not allowed, the main bldg form Ideally express the true structural components Landscape Standards 31130-31150 Landscape Standards Except for Single family lots, Landscape Standards per SDC 31130-31150 apply In addition, at the Villages at Marcola Meadows all setback areas shall be planted and/or developed as a quality pedestnan area as descnbed In these gUidelines The planting acceptable /1000 sq ft of required planting area IS modified from SDC 31 140 and shall be as follows As a minimUm, three trees not less than 6 feet In height and at least 2" cal and trees shall be chosen from the "Marcola Tree list" Included In these gUidelines, and, As a minimUm, ten shrubs, five gall or larger combined With at least ten nalive or ornamental grasses, one gal or larger chosen form the "Marcola Grasses List", Lawn and/or groundcover may be substituted for shrubbery, unless reqUired for screening In addition, lawn can only be substituted when the lawn area IS Intended and can reasonable be expected to be used for pick-nicks and other reposing activities Stormwater swales deSigned according to the descnptlon under 3 3 of these gUidelines for the Villages at Marcola Meadows, can be substituted for reqUired landscape areas Parking lot plantlngs are modified from SDC 31140 (3) and shall Include one canopy tree at least 2" cal chosen from the" Marcola Tree list" Included In these gUidelines, and at least 4 shrubs, 5 gallons or larger, for each 100 sq ft of planting area Addllional native or ornamental grasses chosen from the "Marcola Grasses list" are encouraged Shrubbery that abuts public ROW or that IS placed In the mtenor of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2 % feet In height at matunty ImQatlon Per SDC 31140 (4) Drouaht Tolerant Dlantlna IS encouraaed oer mixed-use code 40100 (4) -' ScreenlnQ Standards 31160 ScreenlnQ Standards Per SDC 31 160 Except selected standards have been modified - Earthen Screening IS not allowed, Wherever a required screen IS In the form of a fence It shall be non-metallic and of a subtle color to blend With surrounding vegetalion -Any refuse container or disposal area which would otherwise be VISible from a street, walkway or parking area, any public faCility, adjacent property, or any reSidential area, shall be screened from view as speCified here With Vegetative Screening or Structural Screening In addll10n screenlnQ shall be per mixed-use code 40 100 (4) Ib) LIQhtlnQ Standards 31 160 On site LIQhtlnQ Per- SDC 31 160 except fixtures shall not exceed 12' In height and all lighting fixtures With In one shared parking area shall be the same deSign that IS contemporary and fitting With the pedestnan scale of the area NelQhborhood Compatibility Per Intent descnbed In MIX Use Code 40 100 (6) SIQn Standards SpeCific gUidelines developed for Marcola Meadows Pedestnan Amenities Same as Mixed-use SDC 40 100 (7) In addition pedestnan amenities In the reSidential Village need to be Integrated Into an overall deSign or pattern for the entire Village Benches, site lighting and other pedestnan amenll1es shall be contemporary m deSign and be of a Similar style Benches shall be wood slatted on a metalliC gray frame, site lighting shall be gray metalliC, trash receptacles shall be gray metalliC With optional wood slatlnQ Except amenities do not need to be consistent With the character and scale of surroundlnQ developments ParklnQ Area Improvement Standards ParklnQ Area Improvements Same as SDC 31 190, In addition drainage deSign shall be deSigned to strengthen the deSign of parking areas 31190 \ J .B .... "e .c ~ en a; c "0, ";:: o 3 .... i < " ",r"5i:' f'~r,"'It J "" ' r.~ f. .~''O , ~A' .~. ~.~~ .~ c +' -< '.,.: "'P,I ...._1Ii ''''.''[ '.' "T' _ " J. \ ~'! ',a '..",w ~~. . .. ~ .. 'u "" C > ..... .. . ,.... J .. , .' l",i" ' .-' t' . '. '~ r . . . F , - .., . -... ". ~., { .. . - ~ J ~I~--Kr~~ \ 4t~~~~< ,! ',Ii'~;i:~/I,~~ (;~ '~~f~' ;'~~" ,~ ,... '", ;,:, ....4 :~Ir (" >: };,.t, . ,~'. - - ......'- .., ",. c. If," """'. ",.' I' 'i; 1:: ' " ...: .?"'1."~ .. -it': - ./f. . " i:' . ~ . --" '< ,,', ::::.,'C ' ". "'" '" . "'i' "'" · · ," ~ ,,""'frf. J!S-1: " " :'. "~..' {- .~ _7 ~\ L ,.,~Q. :~ :1~~1~" ' .,,~ '.~ '.' . , l ,(.~ ' "r: 1"~ ;{"! . ..' of''''.'''''' ',. , =~\ ~i~Tri ~~'I J~'fI' ~.~.2 ; 'ii[(.;!~,~;:: ." ,,,.~. :?,~~. j .... ., .,>.."~; . .t.... Arl." 1~r',;t;}' 4", """/" ",'-1 i1;~': ' , ..t h' . ,"e...'" I'l""""";'" !:\ · " ".,.. ~ ' " · /I' ~ i,.I,: )Lr-.l f-~ -I, '1.2::1 Ii rL '. ~,~~t .~i"~ .....-. 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'j.~~' ".:Y.u..:~~' -.--,. ~-"',... r ,1 1<' WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS Contaminant Source Inventory Springfield. Oregon CONTAI\W.;Al\'T SOURCES 6.__ a ............... a.,... c .......J---.w_O-'- .. ~a-.pSilos .. ~Stanp~a....- b. ~s....,T-.b + ................-...... t... + 1____~..... IJrilII:t.rp F.iIiQo . T_'--' .s.lMI\\'_~ o n..n-u...n.k J..... TIME OF TR\ VEL -1,".T_.rT... -~l'_T_.n..... _ ST_T_""""" _ IDl"_T_.rr,.",. _ 31'._T_........ - .r-alc----.t'"JflOT) BOUNDARIES ._-~ca,-...... __ca,-...... _ ttrt..c--.o.-a.rr D.5 EXHIBIT D '.ld-o V ~ r..,'- -.I...... , '~ .~ .\. ZONING !iWlL~ "-"" mlin! ....... H1lJri PuNI&: laid ~f,' ......... B-- r-- _ ~&mc~ ED 1D37.OC~ ~S'1O-::arzoc~ -aa llS11a3l2OCo..M.f l I + ,- s.,...Jw. ::tXU uate Received: JUl 2 0 2007 Original Submittal ,~-. ~ @ ~ J. '"lli ~ Nil dlJ I I ST Q 3 I i' '0 . cr I (fl I -I I ~. . . ,-- o , \'l' ~.- . - -' <of<~ :0 , j -,\-Q'? . ~. ' ~\'l' ~ -, m" :' I ._ ~. j , "tJ t. , --.... ". 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J 0 : ! ~ 34TH ST . .s'v~ ~1- C)- 35TH S "35T I Leaend Miscellaneous Zoning District Boundaries Boundaries - High Density Residential - Community Commercial - Light Medium Industrial ------, Springfield : I ~-----' City Limits - Medium Density Residential 1/111111 Major Retail Commercial ~ Campus Industrial Existing L_ __J Parcels Low Density Residential - Mixed Use Commercial - Heavy Industrial D Subject - - - Site Mixed Use Residential Nieghborhood Commercial Public Land & Open Space Job# 0609 The Villages at Marcola Mead&r~eceived: IIIJJ!IlJi Date: 07/20/07 0 300 600 1,200 Drawn: MH ~ I - Checked: - Zoning Classifications Revised: - JUL 2 0 2007 Scale: 1" = 600' Feet SATRE ASSOClATL'I m X I OJ -i G) Original submittal- ,'- ~ EXHIBIT H ( . >C " ~ ~:~- DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~P~INCill'1llln"O ' ~~~ July 28, 2006 Date Received: 225 FIFTH STREE SPRINGFIELD, OR g747 PHONE (541)72o-37t FAX (541)726-35e www ci spnngf/81d or I. Mr Richard M Satre, President Satre ASSOCiates, P C 132 East Broadway, SUite 536 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Original Submittal Re Status of the Pre-Application Report ZON 2006-00030 for property formally known as the "Pierce Property" and now known as the Villages at Marcola Meadows JUL 2 0 2007 Dear Mr Satre, Your client, Bob Martin, The Martin Co , represents JBH International and IS seeking to obtain entitlements from the City for a mixed use development on approximately 100 acres which may be the last such "shovel ready" new development site of this size In the Eugene-Spnngfleld metropolitan area The expected outcome for development at Marcola Meadows IS an economically viable development with pedestnan and bUilding deSign elements utilizing the open drainage way as a major focal pOint Consequently, our Intent IS to prOVide suggestions from a highly regarded planning/design consultant to Increase the economic viability of Marcola Meadows Recently, the City received a number of Requests for Qualifications from firms deSiring to assist the City In gUiding the redevelopment of approximately 48 acres along the Glenwood Riverfront The City deSires the same quality of development at Marcola Meadows as IS proposed for Glenwood In order to obtain the required entitlements, at a minimUm, the following applications require City approval . Metro Plan diagram and Spnngfleld Zoning Map amendments, . A Master Plan containing with speCific development standards and phasing elements to gUide the proposed development due to ItS size and complexity, and .. Vanous Site Plan and SubdivIsion applications Staff has been working with Mr Martin and hiS deSign team for over a year A shortened history Includes . September 2005 - After several meetings with staff, Mr Martin submitted a Development Issues Meeting application proposing low denSity residential In the north and commercial In the south of the site There were no mixed use development elements and staff could not provide a positive recommendation to the Planning CommiSSion and City Council .. January 2006 - Five City staff and members of Mr Martin's deSign team, TBG Architects, toured a vanety of new and redevelopment sites that demonstrated "smart" development pnnclples staff deSired to see applied In Spnngfleld These developments Included how principles of pedestnan- onented deSign had been employed to make these sites attractive and economically successful, both long-term and short-term, and how stormwater Issues had been addressed The sites vIsited Included Falrvlew Village, Gresham Station, Eastport Plaza, RlverPlace and Tualltan Commons o March/April 2006 - Mr Martin hired your firm to replace TBG Staff Informed you of the history of the property under the Pierce Trust ownership and discussed development Issues including the economics of mixed use development uSing vertical Integration of commercial/residential outSide of Portland Staff's advice was to hire an economist or realtor to address this Issue If a honzontal mix of residential and commercial are proposed After our last meeting, staff suggested the submittal of a Pre-Application Report application This application typically IS required pnor to submittal of a Master Plan, but was allowed out of sequence In order to Incorporate comments from both City staff and other agencies with the purpose of proViding a Page 2 . . visual tool for the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map amendment public heanng process The plan submitted on May 26 stili did not address a number of the previously discussed Issues Therefore, staff could not support the use of this plan for ItS Intended purpose However, In o,rder to assist your work, and at no additional cost to Mr Martin, staff contracted with Crandall Arambula to conduct a peer review of the proposed development Crandall Arambula IS a planning/architectural firm that has created successful mixed use developments incorporating retail streets The successful Orenco Station In Hlllsboro IS an example of their work The staff/outside agency review of your Pre-ApplIcation Report application was placed on hold A meeting was held In the office of Crandall Arambula on July J'h Cynthia Pappas, Assistant City Manager, ColIn Stephens, Planning Supervisor and I represented the City Yo'u and members of your design team also attended That meeting resulted In a Final Recommendation Memo prepared by Crandall Arambula which IS an attachment to this letter (Attachment 1) Incorporating recommendations from Crandall Arambula will aid you and Mr Martin to obtain entitlements for the proposed Marcola Meadows development This letter should be seen as commentary pnmanly for use In the reVISion of the plan necessary for the publIc review process For this reason, staff will place the Pre-Application Report application on hold until a revised plan IS submitted for that applIcation Submittal of another application form and fee will not be required Resubmlttal of the Pre-ApplIcation Report applIcation and submittal of the Master Plan can occur dunng the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map amendment public heanng process At the time of resubmlttal, the accompanYing explanation of the Pre-Application Report should address the following Issues site access, sanitary sewer, stormwater, other utilIties including water and electnc, natural resources, time lInes for publIc Improvements and phasing You have submitted vanous photos, drawn renditIons and computer generated drawings of the proposed development which will be useful dunng the Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendment publIc review process Please be sure that these Items are representative of the vanous Spnngfleld Development Code standards that apply to the proposal An overview of these standards IS attached to this letter (Attachment 2) Another purpose of this letter IS to continue to provide you and Mr Martin information that will aid you In obtaining the entitlements necessary for Marcola Meadows Issues that must be addressed In the Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendment applIcations are also attached to this letter (Attachment 3) As you are aware, Mr Martin can submit the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map amendment applications at any time and there IS no requirement that a development plan must accompany these applications However, because of the history of denial of a big box development on this property including protests from neighbors and a competing business and the potential for appeals that may delay the approval process, we strongly encourage you to submit a revised plan pnor to the submittal of the Metro Plan diagram and ZOning Map amendment applIcatIons ~ I will be out of the office from July 31 until August 28 Dunng that time, If you or Mr Martin have any questions or need additional aSSistance, please contact ColIn Stephens at 541 726 3649 Sincerely, Gary M Karp Planner III Date Received: cc Cynthia Pappas, Assistant City Manager Bill Gnlle, Development Services Director ColIn Stephens, Planning Supervisor John Tamulonls, Economic Development Manager JUL 2 0 2007 Original Submlttal_ Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Crandall Arambula Final Recommendation Memo An Overview of Current Spnngfleld Development Code Design Standards Issues to be addressed In the Metro Plan Diagram and Zoning Map Amendment Applications " , . AN OVERVIEW OF CURRENT SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE DESIGN STANDARDS Given that Marcola Meadows requires substantial plan/zone adjustments from the eXisting Campus Industrial, staff has strongly suggested that incorporating the "quality of deSign" will minimiZe objections to the proposal Several sets of current Springfield deSign standards must be used to better achieve a deSirable development I o Multi-Unit Design Standards - Ref. SDC Section 16.110. The Intent of these standards IS to "promote the livability, neighborhood compatibility and public safety of multi-unit hOUSing In the City " These standards Include a) Building Orientation including the location of bUilding entrances and parking, b) BUilding Form Including maximum bUilding length, roof type and pitch, amount of window area, and special deSign features, such as offsets, balconies and window reveals and the screening of mechanical equipment, c) Storage faCilities including a speCifiC amount of enclosed storage separate from the liVing Unit, d) TranSition and Compatibility Between Multi-Unit and LDR development Including certain limitations up to 25 feet and from 25 to 50 feet from LDR development, e) Open Space requIring both public and pnvate and site amenities such as indoor or covered recreational space (e g , sWimming pools, sports courts, weight rooms, etc ), f) Landscaping requirements, g) Pedestrian Circulation requIring continuous internal sidewalks to connect to all abutting streets and to primary bUilding entrances, parking areas, bicycle parking, storage areas, recreational faCilities and common areas, abutting public sidewalks and pedestrian trails and within vehicular Circulation areas or parking aisles, h) Parking, Including the location of required vehicular and bicycling parking and speCific landscaping requirements for parking lots, and I) Vehicular Circulation including connecting the on-site Circulation system with public streets abutting the site, requIring shared dnveways to minimiZe cross turning movements on adjacent streets and accessing parking areas alleys when properties abut an alley . Cluster Development Standards - Ref. SDC 16.100(3). "Cluster Development IS a form of subdivIsion development that permits fleXibility in dimensional requirements by reducing lot Size, setback, street width and other developmental standards to allow more fleXible deSign than IS permissible under the conventional subdiVIsion process Cluster Development preserves open space and creates innovative reSidential deslqns that emphasize affordabJllty and home ownership These standards allow various dwelling types Including zero lot line construction" There are three primary elements of Cluster Development a) Neighborhood Compatibility with the goal of reducing the Impact of new development on established neighborhoods by Incorporating elements of nearby bUildings including bUilding details, proportions, and materials and bUilding setbacks and height tranSitions, b) SpeCific DeSign Standards which Include - bUilding orientation and connectivity to the fronting . street, garage door placement and deSign, a minimum fayade area for windows and doors, deSign variety where the applicant must state which required deSign features are to be utilized, roof pitch, eave overhang and utilization of at least two different types of building materials, at least one required architectural feature such as a bay window or porch, and at least one architectural detail such as exposed rafters or beam ends, eave brackets, grldded windows or windows with diVided lites, or pergolas/trellis work Integrated into building facades, and c) Open Space At least 20% of the development must be deSignated common open space Common open space can be wetlands, steep slopes, natural waterways or wooded areas Also, common open space can be created by plaCing on the land amenities for community actiVities for reSidents such as playgrounds, piCniC areas, gardens or sports features Setbacks and buffer areas do not count towards common open space The use of restrictive covenants, dedication and homeowners' aSSOCiation maintenance are assured through a homeowners' aSSOCiation . General and Specific Development Standards for Mixed-Use Districts - Ref. SDC 40.100 and ,40.110." The standards below Implement commonly accepted deSign principles whose goal IS to achieve more attractive, functional and pedestrian oriented deSign " Date Received: JUl 2 0 2007 O,'i0in~~1 Sl..lbmittaL / < . General Standards. ( a) BUilding Design Standards where new structures and Improvements to facades provide architectural relief and Interest, with emphasIs at bUilding entrances and along sidewalks, to promote and enhance a comfortable pedestrian scale and Orientation Blank walls must be avoided by Incorporating ground floor windows, bUilding offsets or breaks In roof elevation Where there IS more than one floor, provide differentiation between the ground floor and upper stories by uSing bays or balconies for upper levels, and awnings, canopies, or other similar treatments for lower levels Variation In bUilding materials, trim, paint, ornamentation, Windows, or other features such as publiC art, may also be used, b) BUilding Orientation and Maximum Setbacks where new bUildings In a mixed-use development are Oriented toward both exterior and Internal streets In a manner that accommodates pedestrian comfort convenience and safety BUildings may be set back from fronting public or private streets, but must be connected to those by a continuous Internal Sidewalk which Will connect customer entrances of bUildings on a development site With one another and With fronting publiC Sidewalks or rights-of-way and connect transit stops or station to bUildings on the development site to form a direct and convenient pedestrian connection With these transit faCilities, , c) Weather Protection to protect pedestrians from the weather and add to the architectural Interest of bUildings, d) Landscaping and Screening to compliment bUilt forms Within a development area, softening and proViding Visual relief and contrast to bUildings, Sidewalks and parking lots, e) Street Connectivity and Internal Circulation to make mixed-use developments part of a connected street system that serves vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles Public or private streets connect the development to adjacent neighborhoods and zOning districts Outparcel bUildings, such as those proposed along Marcola Road, should be connected to and served from the Internal streets of the primary development area of which they are a par, ' f) Neighborhood Compatibility to achieve a compatible tranSition between mixed-use and other zones of differing height, bulk and scale requirements to promote compatibility and complement or enhance the character of eXisting Single-family neighborhoods ThiS can be achieved by uSing Similar roof forms, Windows, trim, and materials, redUCing lighting Impacts, uSing site obSCUring landscaping or fenCing With shade trees, and screening mechanical equipment from View, and g) Pedestrian Amenities such as benches, ornamental paving, public art, etc to be Integrated Into an overall deSign scheme or pattern Specific Mixed Use Commercial Development Standards. a) Preservation of the Commercial Land Supply - 100 percent of a new mixed use bUilding footprint may be developed for commercial uses A minimum of 60 percent of the ground floor area Within a new bUilding In the MUC District must be dedicated to commercial uses to ensure that commercial land IS preserved for primarily commercial purposes Up to 100 percent of any bUilding may be developed for residential uses so long as 60 percent of the total ground floor area Within the development area IS devoted to commercial uses b) The commercial uses on an MUC site must be developed prior to or concurrently With other proposed uses Concurrency may be established by approval of a master plan that prOVides for a mix of uses that Includes commercial and other proposed uses c) MaXimum Footprint for Retail Uses The maximum bUilding footprint for a grocery store IS 70,000 square feet The maximum building footprint for other Single tenant wholesale or retail uses IS 50,000 square feet The maximum footprint for all other uses IS based upon lot coverage and bUilding setbacks d) Minimum Floor Area RatiO A minimum floor area ratio (FAR) of 30 IS required for new development on lots greater than 1 acre In the MUC district . Specific Mixed Use Residential Standards. a) Preservation of the ReSidential Land Supply - A minimum of 80 percent of the gross floor area Within a MUR district must be dedicated to multi-Unit residential uses to ensure that medium and high denSity land IS preserved for primarily reSidential purposes b) The reSidential uses on an MUR site must be developed prior to or concurrently With any other commercial or industrial uses Concurrency may be established by approval of a masteM"llan...tha:t . d' prOVides for a mix of uses that Includes multi-unit residential and other proposed uses l181e r(eCelVe . JUl 2 0 2007 Original Submittal "_,_ ..~_~~.,,_ " ..;; c) Minimum/Maximum Residential Densities for only residential development within an MUR district are 20 units per gross acre Minimum residential densities for developments that Include mixed uses are 12 units per gross acre d) Nonresidential Uses In the MUR District must not exceed 5,000 sq ft of ground floor area for each separate use and are limIted to a maximum of 20 percent of the total gross floor area In the development area Nonresidential uses developed as part of , a mixed use bUilding that Includes hOUSing must be developed to maintain a minimum denSity of 12 dwelling units per acre When a development site IS composed of two or more phases, each phase must also meet thiS standard The follOWing standards are discussed In thiS letter to Inform you and Mr Martin that since the proposed deSignation and zoning for the big box is Light-Medium Industrial, staff Will require that the Campus Industrial deSign standards for parking and bUildings to apply to the big box to be guaranteed through the Master Plan approval process . Campus Industrial Off Street Parking Standards - Ref. SDC 21.090. a) To the greatest practicable, parking must be located behind bUildings, Internal to development or to the Side of a bUilding b) An additional 5% of)mpermeable surface may be allowed In cases where all parking on a lot IS screened by earthen berms With an average height of 3 feet (measured from the finished grade of the edge of the parking lot), sunken below grade an average depth of 3 feet (measured from the finished grade of the edge of the parking lot to the finished grade of the adjacent berm or landscaped area), or both Note: ThiS standard applies to additional parking lot paving However, screening the parking lot was an Issue discussed at the meeting With Crandall Arambula and thiS screening standard Will be applied to the big box site and those commercial pads along the frontage of Marcola Road c) Truck parking for vehicles necessary for the operation of the faCility may be located either Within an enclosed bUilding, or outside of a bUilding If the follOWing standards are met Truck parking IS prohibited In all front and street-side yards, must meet the bUilding setback standards specified In SDC 21 070, and must be screened In accordance With SDC 21 120(3) o Campus Industrial On-Site Design Standards - Ref. SDC 21.120. These standards are Similar to the Mixed Use General Standards listed above and Will also apply to the proposed big box , development as memOrialized In the Master Plan Date Received: JUl 2 0 2007 , Onginal S~\bm;ttH; .. .....-......-..._.a__., _ '- Date Received: JUL 2 0 2007 ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS Original Submittai II Removal of the Campus Industrial Designation and Zoning Marcola Meadows IS one of only two Campus Industnal sites In the City The other site IS In the north Gateway area Obtaining a Metro Plan designation and Zoning Map amendment that would delete approximately 55 acres of Campus Industnal zoned and designated land and replace It with Light-Medium Industnal for a big box, Mixed Use Commercial and Multi-Family Residential IS a policy Issue that will ultimately be decided by the City Council Currently, there appears to be more demand for commercial than Industnal development, however, It'S the Council's responsibility to keep a short/long-term supply of developable Industnalland, regardless of current trends a) SDC 21 010(1) states "The CI Dlstnct IS Intended to fully Implement the Metro Plan Campus Industnal designation and any applicable refinement plans The CI Dlstnct provides opportunities for diversification of the local economy by offenng pnme sites In a campus enVIronment for large- scale light manufactunng firms and research and development complexes emphaSIZing modern technology and emplOYing skilled workers In family wage jobs The term 'campus' Includes Innovative bUilding deSigns, enhanced landscapes, large open spaces, and substantial pedestnan amenities" This IS an Important pOint because In 2001, the City Council denied the Metro Plan diagram amendment application (and therefore all the accompanYing applications) for Home Depot to convert less than 8 acres of the Campus Industnal portion of the property to Community Commercial pnmanly because of " ( The reduction of the Campus Industnalland use deSignation an,d the vanety of family wage jobs that might be lost as a result 2 The apparent inconsIstency of the proposal With the Intent of Policy 8 12 of the Economic Element of the Metro Plan, which states "Discourage future Metropolitan Area General Plan amendments that would change development ready lands (sites defined as short-term In the metropolitan Industnal Lands SpeCial Study, 1991) to non-Industnal designations" (page 111- 8-5) The HQme Depot site has such a definition (page 19, March 1991 Edition) There was nothing In the record that, In staff's OpiniOn, adequately reconCiled this poliCY With the proposed action 3 The Spnngfleld Commercial Lands Study conclUSions being used as a substantial Justification for the proposal The fact that there IS a shortage of vacant, developable commercial land In Spnngfleld IS not at question However, the proposal to Increase this supply, regardless of other relevant factors, was not sufficient reason to approve the proposal The Commercial Lands Study suggests that this shortage can be partially relieved by redeslgnatlons and rezoning, but the Study does not contemplate this strategy unfolding as discreet, property owner requests Independent of City Initiated study FollOWing the eVidence of a surplus of land In one land use category, rezoning or redeslgnatlons could occur Within the gUidelines of eXisting Metro Plan poliCies, based on an evaluation of eXisting Inventorres, an analYSIS of traffic and other Infrastructure limitations, and Within the parameters of adopted gUiding City documents b) Proposed plan deSignations and zoning are Medium DenSity Residential, Mixed Use Residential, Community Commercial, Mixed Use Commercial, and light-Medium Industnal The property IS shown on the TransPlan Potential Nodal Development Areas Map as site 7C The Metro Plan /Nodal Development Area and Spnngfleld's /Nodal Development Overlay Dlstnct apply to portions of this property and must be part of the Metro Plan deSignation/Zoning Map amendment package c) On July 18th, the Planning Commission voted to recognize a home Improyement center as a permitted use In the Light Medium Industnal (LMI) Heavy Industnal (HI) and SpeCial Heavy Industnal (SHI) zoning dlstncts This may be of assistance to your proposed big box d) To support your case, problems associated With the site Include air pollutants from surrounding heavy Industnal uses, overhead electncalllnes and nearby rail lines which cause problems for certain types of high technologlcallndustnes Several 'high tech' firms had considered the Pierce Property for a potential location, and all have found It unSUitable because of these problems In .. addition, no light manufactunng uses have been approved In the Gateway Campus Industnal site since Shorewood In 1997 Bill Kloos was previously on Mr Martin's team Staff strongly suggests that Mr Kloos or another land use attorney review your Metro Plan designation and ZOning Map amendment applications pnor to submittal . Integration of the proposed development with park land north of the EWEB Bike Path. The Pierce Trust dedicated 8 acres of land north of the EWEB bike path for park use In 1993 Thl~ park land remains undeveloped and IS listed In Willamalane's Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan as a proposed Neighborhood Park shown on Map 2, EXisting and Proposed Park and Recreation Resources On Page 40 of the Plan, Table 1 has two projects that relate to this proposed park Project 1.3 Yolanda/Briggs/Pierce School/Park - "Work with SD 19 to develop and Implement a school/park master plan for the Pierce Property and adjacent Bnggs and Yolanda School grounds that provides for coordinated development and optimizes outdoor recreation opportunities" Project 1.4 Pierce Property Expansion - "Investigate expansion of the park onto the vacant land to the south" Contact Wlllamalane about an exchange of park SDC's (ranging from $692 per multi-family apartment to $1,000 per single-family detached residence) for park development Also contact School Dlstnct 19 concerning park development and EWEB to obtain necessary easements to cross their 60 foot- wide utility COrridor The park Issue must be addressed when responding to State-wide Planning Goal 8, Recreational Needs that IS part of the cntena of approval for the Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendments The park land must be shown on any future development plan along With the proposed connections Note: If a portion of the EWEB nght-of-way can be enhanced and the Wlllamalane Park can be developed, consider facing the north tier of housing to these amenities . The irrigation ditch. The eXisting ditch crosses the property east to west slightly north of the middle of the property Hlstoncally, the ditch was constructed to carry Irrigation water from the McKenzie River to farm lands which were located near the Coburg Road area of Eugene It no longer serves as an Irrigation ditch as the water nghts have not been claimed In some time Its ongln IS at a slough near the east end of V Street After leaVing the Pierce property the ditch turns south and crosses Marcola Road where It eventually discharges Into the Q Street channel, which In turn empties Into the Wlllamette River The ditch carries water year around The drainage ditch IS Identified on the Spnngfleld Wetland Inventory Map as M32 and IS clasSified as Palustnne Emergent (PEM) The DIvISion of State lands concluded In 1993 that they do not have JUriSdiction over the ditch A letter from the Army Corps of Engineers was also received excluding the ditch from their junsdlctlon You Will need to contact these agencies to determine that these conditions have not changed This Issue Will need to be addressed as part of the response to State-wide Planning Goal 5, Open Spaces, Scenic and Hlstonc Areas, and Natural Resources Date Received: -\ , JUl 2 0 2007 Original Submittai-.-- j EXHIBIT I City of SpJringfielldl - The Vmages at Marcona Meadlows - Peer Review Memo Date: 7/24/06 To' Gary Karp. Plamler City of Springfield From' Don Arambula, Pnncipal Kristin Belz, Associate/Senior Urban Designer Crandall Arambula PC SUllbjed: Task 41 -Finan RecommeltJ1dlatioliJls Memo The City of Springfield has receIved a zoning change request and pre-application report for a proposed mixed use development, the Villages at Marcola Meadows. The city has requested that the contrac- tor (Crandall Arambula) review and analyze the plan proposal and make recommendations (wntten and graphic) of possible ways to enhance the project. The product, this recommendations memo, is intended to be a tool for the developer and his/her designer to help bring the Marcola Meadows project to a very high quality of desIgn and economic viability that WIll set a standard for excellence in future mixed-use development in Springfield. This Final Recommendations Memo encompasses Task 4 of the peer review, incorporating infonnation gained in earher tasks (Task 1- background; Task 2 - reVIew of plan documents; and Task 3 - speCIfic Criti- cism and recommendatIOns). Plan documents reviewed focused on the pre-application report submitted by the project desIgn team (Satre ASSOCIates). As a first step 111 preparing this memo, a meeting to Identify and discuss Issues was held at the office of Crandall Arambula on July 7, 2006, attended by Springfield city staff and the desIgn team. This Final Reconllilendations Memo identifies six major issues which require further design study to im- prove the quality of the Marcola Meadows development. The issues are summarized in the list on the next page and are accompal1led by a summary plan Illustrating a conceptual framework of practical, realistIC ways to address each of the six speCIfic issues. Further detarl describing each issue and the potentIal rec- ommendations follows in brief text (actions to be taken) and graphics (Simple diagrams). A conclUSIon and next steps follows on the last page of thIs memo. ' Date Received: JUL 2 0 lOOl Original Submittal_ [!] \ Villages at Marcola "Headoll's - RecommendatIOns M.f!I11O The six major issues to be addressed are sununarized in the list below. Fmiher detaIl describing the poten- tIal reconunendations follows in the next pages Summary of Issues: IsSlllle 1.) MaiJrn Street RetaH faHs to meet fllllll:n.dameJrntaB reqlllliremeJrnts for s1lllccessfuJ retail. ISSlllle 2.) Big Box store is not weliI imtegrated into pmject site and impacts existing Marcola Road residential to south. ISSlllle 3.) A public park is needed! as a focus and active recreation amell1lity for new residell1ltial development. Issue 4.) AlI1l off-street pedestrian and bicycle tran system ShOllllRdl provide safe and convenient ac- cess to "destin:n.ations" and "attractiollls" Oll1l and off the project site. Issue 5.) Residential street configuration is not pedestrian friendly. IssMe 6.) Residential bllllildilllgS need a transition between the public and private r~alm. ( Date Received: JUL 2 0 2007 Original Submittal RecommendatIons Jlfemo 11 ado1l's t l1m'cola 1 e hllages a 1 - .~...---~~i~j " -.-.-.-. ,,~; 'f~~lr ?1 ' --'-:;..~~.-- ~;:~~~~4-s-:~:~~1'~~_~~ ~ -~- ,- --A' ~<~.:'>..) - --\ ""''''''~::::?''i,[JS~ _ ~-, . k- ",', ~ ,.....~ ;;Y _'- ;e:,? 7"-'\:'"~ liAS ,---- . ;~~.". -- =3i\'fl;;y-~ \'\'112'''':>''',1__,~ . of"~ -=-:.~,W~- ~ ~ ~'::t~-.g;~ ~:'~:i'~~;':~j:;;, : -- :'J...wl;,,-~ ,..,:JO ~,,==- '-'-H',,,",,__ n'--CrJf" ,j'g ~<~ ~ ",il~ ",""",,, ,; =, ;';W"",;;. ?l& "", ill' 11 ' ';rl'>' ~ '"'~''''' '''', · '.~';"" '*,.1':,. ic" Wi' ';-'"" ''i\), " .<", ~~ ~;.;~\@;,\'li:~ \f",'}.e:,~ ~ ~. 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"';:;"0 "",' ' .' , .;.. ,,~, ,".' . -.,8101, I '111 ~ ;;,~ ~ : -il .;;~? ~ _"!;' ~ ~. '!t. ~ .....-; , "'"'''' , '--'~"~::;~~""~--,-" :;'-a,""'''A::<...,,;.;l . fii' f - -)~.?~-," '" - "": :.; ~ '" ,~"" ,--&'-:f--.."f _:10";"'" oooo-.,.;j,:::;. ~ ;~rltd;; J, "" ~ "} '" ;' IF'I. _; ~ /~ ,--, 7 '" ;. ,,1> '" ~,; , ~ . c f""\; _ ~. i,-;~" 'C " ',"9', "".:I':> 'i-D-~ [J -'- -~.o 6.)~"",.'",,,,,,,,,, _; 1";:6-::>~"'K"f~,,,, -"I ~M'_~ r ,', ':' ~\ A'1 ',.,:", ~~... -.. ------., 1 L" '~~~ = -",-_ , Figure W-t; -: ~ _. 1J"'t-~.,-<t",::- ___ ,-: ____- ____.. ---- ~ ~ Plan as Proposed Date ReceiveC' JUl 2 0 1.0UI Original but:Hr\lf1C!!. Plan RecommendatlOns I" j.&?fj? I'-~_" l~.: .., VIllages at l\1arco/a Meadollls - RecommendatIons j;feflJo Issue 1.) Main Street retail fails to meet fundamental requirements.for successful retail. (See Figure 3) Recommendations: A. Locate Main] Street retail in western portion of the site, at the intersection of proposed col- lector road and existing Marcola Road. Western location provides greater Main Street retail VIsibility and drive-by traffic by taking advantage of: . Natural flow of traffic to and from residential development on the site. . High traffic volumes on Marcola Road (existing 10,000 average daily trips). Trips generated by Big Box retail traveling past - and perhaps being intercepted by - Main Street retail uses. Date Received: JUl 2 0 2007 Ongina! S~Abm~U[,L_.__._ Figure 3 Mal11 Street RetaIl o Ensure that M1311iull Street retail area is compact. Main Street ground floor retail uses should: Extend north from Marcola intersection no more than one block (approximately 200') or two blocks (approximately 450'). Total ground floor retail of approximately 25,000 SF (one block) to 50,000 SF (two blocks). B. .. o , Vii lages at kfarcola jieadoll's - RecommendatIOns Jlemo C. Consider locating an anchor lUlse such as a small grocery store neal!" the intersection of Main Street and Marcola Road. Mam Street retar1 'wIll benefit from: .. Adjacent anchor use (i.e., small grocery store) providing a destinati<;m for hundreds of shoppel s dally, who in turn may provide "splllover" shoppers for Main Street retail businesses. D. Require that Main Street retail buildings be sited :mdl designed to ]pJrOvide a shopper-friendly environment along the street. Main Street retaIl buildings should have: .. Continuous facades WIth no gaps. .. Ground floor retail or restaurant uses side by side (no offices, banks or non-retail uses). .. Highly transparent storefronts (75% of ground floor fa9ade~. .. Low window SIlls (no higher than knee level). .. Front doors oriented to and opening onto Main Street. .. Zero setback. E. COlID.figlUllre Maill1l Street to be pedestrftan-friendl1y. Street should include: 60' ROW preferred, up to 70' ROW allowed at intersection with Marcola Road. .. Sidewalk width ranging frpm 12' (minimum) to 15' (maximum). .. On-street parking on both sides of the street for the entire length of each block. Prohibited truck loading,and pick-up zones on Main Street; locate these service areas on adjacent cross streets only. .. Single travel lane in each direction (with no turning lane unless warranted at Main/Marcola intersec- tion). IF. Provide slIDopper-frie1l1ldRy parkill1lg for retail Main Street lUlses. Convenient and adequate park- ing should include: .. 2.5 spaces for each 1000 SF of retail use. LocatIon behind Main Street buildings yet providmg direct visual and pedestnan access to store en- tries on street. It Separation apd screening from other uses, including prime Big Box parking areas. "- Date Received: JUL 2 0 2001 -\ Original Sl.Jb~t1!1t,,\., L ""~." ._~~ ."..- @] ., Villages at _Marcola Meadows - RecommendatIOns Memo Issue 2.) Big Box store is not well integrated into project site and impacts existing Marco/a Road residential uses to south. (See FIgure -I) Recommendations: A. Consider reorienting Big Box (building and parking lot) so that store entry faces west. .. Removes or minimizes batTler to neighborhoods by placing shortest side of bUll ding width adjacent to new neighborhoods and creates opportunities for visual and pedestrian/bike access benveen neighbor- hood development to north of BIg Box complex. .. Requires landscaping and walls as buffers between loading and storage uses and adjacent office uses to east. Date Received JUl 2 0 2007 Ongmal ~urJmirtat_ FIgure 4 BIg Box Store B. Locate Big Box parking Bot access points so that auto traffic to parking will benefit Main Street retail. Position a parking lot entry/exIt on Main Street/collector road, so traffic flows past Main Street store- fronts. .. C. Provide 40'-wide setback for aIR uses on north side of Marcola Road. .. Provide a combination of landscaping. parking lot screen walls and eaIthen benning within setback. ~7_~ ~:t~;. -'- Villages at J1arco!a l\feadoills - RecommendatIOns _'vfemo Issue 3.) A public park is needed as a focus and active recreation amenity for new residential develop- ment. (See Fzgure 5) Recommendations: A. o o o o o Fzgure 5 PublIc Park & Trmls System Issue 4.) An off-street pedestrian and bicycle trail system should provide safe and convenient access to "destinations" and "attractions." (See ,Figure 5) Recommendations: A. Create site trail system which includes: o Location within overaI140'-wlde green space for entire length of traIl. o Connections to Big Box store. Main Street retail block(s), and possible Main Street anchor small gro- cery store. o Connections to existing regional trail system. o COIU1ections to proposed park (adjacent to site at north). o Connections to adjacent neighborhoods. . Separation ofbi~e and ped.estria~l ~ac.iliti.es or mini~1Um16'.width if the two are cont)i~t@; Received: . Few crossl11gs WIth cars - I.e. mml1nIze Impacts at mtersectlons. o Comfortable recreational facilities such as benches and drinking fountains. . Meandering route rather than "straight-shot" conU1mter route. JUl 2 0 2001 E!1 ell ioill~; SuL...ittal_ ,~ Vdlages at l\1arcola Meadows - RecommendatIOns :vlemo Issue 5.) Residential street configuration is not pedestdanfriendly. (See Figure 6) Recommendations: A. SJrnortelllloJrD.g block lengths. o Residential blocks should be no longer than 300' in both east-west and north-south directions (versus currently proposed blocks that are up to 800' long). R Provide laRJldscape separation between sidewalk and street. o Include a landscaped strip with canopy street trees planted between sidewalk and street (rather than attachmg the SIdewalk directly adjacent to the curb) on all residential streets. Figw-e 6 Residentwl Street Configuration C. Provide Oll1le Hall1le of on-street parking for entire length of all residential blocks. Unmarked 8' lane should be available 011 either side of street as needed, in roadway with 30' curb-to- curb. D. Require froll1lt doors be oriented to the street in aU single-family (attached aUld detached) housing units. Provide landscaped cmrb extensions at all intersections. o Date Received: E. JUL 2 0 2001 ~ [~J Original SubmlttOit_.___._~--_.,. VII/ages at J,1arcala i11eadaws - RecammmdatlOl1S .\lema Issue 6.) Residential buildings need a transition between the public and private realm (See F;gure 7) Recommendations: A. Raise finished floor elevation of resndential units 2' to 3' above elevatiolll along street in adja- cent right-of-way through use of porches, terraces or gradlirng. o Windows should be above eye level of passersby. o Encourage location of ""public" rooms (living. kitchen) toward street, private (bedrooms, bathrooms) toward back or side of lot. 6;fTf?Nt. (0'(+) ~' ~i 'r' I , FoP. GteK ;Z~~ I 1r/?J!Jl/eT ~/PF;Wft~, 6LbV. ~' 't J$ r l>> /J..i? - TO - CU fZ-E> ~t/' f... o. W '5"'0 ' Flgure 7 T)'plcal ReSldentwl Street SectlOn Date Received: JUl 2 0 2007 OriginaJ ~;ub,~r .n~:) '" ~ ~~, o . \ Villages at MOl"Cola l\ll'adolllS - RecommendatIOns J1emo COl1c!USiOll & Next Steps To achieve the high quality of mixed use development intended for the Villages at Marcola Meadows by the developer team and the city of Springfield, the proposed plan should be revIsed to reflect the particular recommendations described in the six specific Issues outlined above. The outline of solutions can be used as a desIgn review checklist to evaluate whether and how well each of the problems is addressed. The Plan Recommendations graphic (see Figme 2, page 2) may be used as a tool or overlay to the pro- posed plan. It provides a conceptual development framework Identlfymg realistic design refinements to the proposed plan as presented in the pre-app report, synthesizing the elements illustrated in each of the separate diagrams. Together, the revisions winch would create economIC v13bIlity for the Main Street retail uses and enhance the livability and quality of development on the Marcola Meadows project site. Date Received: JUl 2 0 20U7 O.iginal SU~tlf'j;itc:.u_____ _., ( H I [1 1'1 1'1 f 14.0 -, 13.0 II l) iJ j f 'II 15.~ ~ . I ~ 190 too t I ~ : '1 II I fl 1'1 II !l N ~ ~ N [, vJ Ii ~7.0 ~ ~.O d ~ ~ 2501 '~~~r --'=''''', "-:-"ii~""""=~_~--'r-"""-lf~~-~y,c ;>;;T~~__~~_____~ 11 h ! I r f ~ ! (, f ~, II !J :1 ~J ~ 7.0 6.0 10.0 18.0 ....::t....~-..,.._-'-"" '-0' ~ '.Q ':) ;; f '-- C r ,..., = f'oo,.:I c::lo c:::: -.. 5.0 W 2.1 2.2 r * f f I, 4.0 3.0 11.0 o t\) ,....,. CD ;0 CD n ro <" <1> a.. 1.1 16.0 21.0 28.0 29.0 1.2 "* O 33.0 31.0 33: * 23.0* "" 30.0 36.0 .. C Son ~~ *: All C C N A EXHIBIT E l!fiSll Information ~"'If .10 Build On Engineering. Consulting · Testing --' May 10, 2006 Mr. Bob Martin The Martin Company Post Office Box 1482 Albany, OR 97321 Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report ' Proposed Development of 14.69 Acres of Land NE }:; Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West Springfield, Lane County, Oregon PSI Report No. 722-65027-01 Dear Mr. Martin: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit our Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation and Engineering Services Report for the above referenced site. The purpose of these services was to classjfy the subsurface SOlis in accordance with ASTM method D2487, Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes for the proposed construction and development of 14.69 acres of land. The development is based on the Lowes Tract parcel map for Springfield LLC labeled Exhibit "A" and "B" and a sIte plan by K & D Engineering Project 5-89-A dated 6/28/2005. Our services were performed in general accordance with our Agreement which was signed by Mr. Jeff Belle of SC Springfield, LLC a Deleware Corporation on May 4, 2006. On May 9, 2006 we conducted eleven (14) exploratory test prts placed randomly throughout the property to verify subsurface conditions (see attached Test Pit Location Map). At the time of investigation, the site was relatively level and at or near adjacent street grades With an eXisting drainage ditch north of the site. Based on those test pits, the soil profile under the proposed building lots generally consisted of: Test Pits (TP~1, TP~2, TP-3, TP-4, TP~5, TP~6, TP~7, TP-B, and TP~9) (see attached test pit location map): 18 to 26 inches of relatively dark organic silt with gravel topsoil. At about 2 feet to 5 feet wet brown silt With a trace of gravel was encountered. We received refulsal at approximately 5 feet of gravel well graded dense material into terminated depths us to 8 feet. Test Pit (TP~12, Tp-13 and TP~14) (see attached test pit location map): Approximately 2 to 3 feet of topsoil, dark brown, soft With a slight gravel fill material was encountered. Underlying the topSOil was what appeared to be silt, no gravel. We encountered the dense sandy gravel at 4 feet through our terminated depth of 10 feet. Date Received: JUt 2 0 2007 Original Submittal ProfeSSional Service Industries, Inc. .1040A Shelley 5t . Springfield, OR 97477' Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 [psi) l1ifonnation ~~/!J .10 Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing Upon completion, the test pits were loosely backfilled with the excavated soils. Please note that above soil descriptions are based on visual descriptions. More detailed classifications in accordanc~ with ASTM 024B7 will be available after laboratory work has been completed. Based on the information we obtained during our field investigation, the materials encountered appear to be consistent throughout, While we have not completed the laboratory work at the time of thiS letter, our field analysis Indicates that the matenal should be sUitable for building. Please note that the limits are not known at this time and will need to be verified by further laboratory analysis and detailed structuralrlnformation A more detailed report of our site investigation and recommendations will be provided In our final report which will be submItted by May 26, 2006. , If we can provide additional assistance, or observation and testing services during construction, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Tran at (541) 746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. (~ Jennifer P. Tran, EIT Engl neering Associate Charles Lane, PE Senior Geotechnical Engineer JPT: jpt ) - Date Received: JUL 2 0 2007 Original Submittal Professional Service Industnes, Inc, .1 040A Shelley St . Springfield, OR 97477 . Phone 541/746.9649 . Fax 541/746-7163 --- EXtf/8/ T 11311 LOWES TRACT ~ FOR SPRINGF1ELD LLC- N W'~E V S wC,A T!::P IN TH~ 'H~ 1/4 ~t, :2:;, J, 11 -;;", J<, '3 ~., hJ,n" t..IT"( Of ??RIH~rlE.L.I?, l.,A"Ne. tOlJHT'(, ORet.ON nA'( l. 200b ~\ C)~ /~ ~t>. '\ C?> <?\!~~V I'~ 't>SG / ' , \V 1 \:' ,/ L"':'f1:.0.02 I f\\f\ fa R""eDODO ~'f ~/Q i ~t"' "',I' , - - - - ._' - -. .-. gig ,! - - - . - .". . ..- ., '-II:, II' . ~l ...JiDl:: I L=Zl:ti:\7' ---+- ! 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