HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 9/9/2007 SEP-09-2007 21:16 P. 01/02 SPRINGFlrlD U'I'ILlTY [lOARD \I \ I II: '11(1 I, r ,'I'\! 1'1 I~ 2tl7 '>outh 18th $lr,,,,l Sprin,;{i,.ld, OR 974/'I,'>;'4() 1"1 :;417)61.391'1 r-.IX 541.7477348 "v..w .",hllt,J a,ln ~[E @ ~ 0 \TI [Elm Ul1 SEP 9 200~ ~ OttL lo~ By ~ ~Ve> -= Gary Karp CIty of Springfield 225 N. 5th Strcct Sprmgfield, OR 91477 Dear Gmy: SUBJECT: PRE-APPLJCA TION REPORT #ZON2006-00030 SC SPFLD (Marcola Meadows) Tax Map 17-02-03-00, Tax Lot 1800 & Tax Map I 7-03-25-1 I, Tax Lot 2300 Marcola l<.oad and 3151 Street Listed below arc our comments for the above referenced developn1ent proposal: 1. The proposed devdopment lS wlthm the Spnngfield Cjty limIts and WIll receive water seIvice from the Springfield Ut111ty Board (SUB) The owner's representatives have been in talks with SUB about waterline and hydrant placement. 2 All new water system facilities dnd modificatIons to wakr system facll1tles both lns1de and adJacent to the proposed development s'lall be placed in street right-of-way dt a lOl.:atiun and depth of bury that meets the standards of the SUB Wat(..'T Division. 3. All water fac1hty matenals shall be to a standard that must meet SUB Water DIvision specifications. 4. All workmamhlp (;ha.ll be performed to meet or exceed SUB Water D1V1S10n construction standards. 5. SIze ofwatcrlinc and other facilitIes, mdudmg water meters, must meet the needs ofthe SUB Water Division dnd thl: long-range needs ofthe Oty These needs lnclude, but are not l1rnlted to, met('r location and accL;,...s, S1:r.e~ of water d1str1but1on and transmlss10n hnes, pumpmg facllltJe:-., and communication lim:b. 6. Please ask the developer to contact the SUB Water Division for det4iled information on the mate;"nals and construphon standards, detaIled costs for instnlhng SUB water faclhtles, and a ~cht:dule of constructlon, Constructjon expenses may be reduced With good planning of I'equlrcd w~tcr facilitks, good liming of facilities installation, and jomt trench opportunities. 7. All water meters WIll be placed m pubhc nght-of-way at a locatIon IdentIfied by the developer. Eaclllot or parcel must have Its own wilter semce. 8, Water servIce facilitIes will be installed upon collection of development charges. Development poliCies and charges identified in tlns letter are subject to change. Actual charges will be those III S,\SITEPLAN\MQrcola Ml)(LdOW$ Pre-Apphcallon 9-10-07.docx SEP-09-2007 21:17 P.02/02 effect at the time water service is rcqueste-d, 9, Springfield has several w<<.::11hcad protechDn areas. Nmety percent of Spnngfield's dnnkmg water comes from wdls. Tn every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/devclopers/ov.rners shall be rE'sponslble for the safe handling and stordgt: of chemJcals, petroleum products. ferhhzer~;~ and the preven1Jon of groundwater and stann watl,r runotI contamindtion. Special reqmrements may be necessdry f,jr groundwater protectlon at thIS development Contact Amy Chinit2 at Springfield Utility Board Water Division for details 4t 726-2396. 10. Backf10w prcV<.:ntion devlces wIll be reqlllred for thiS service. Please contact Chuck Davis at 726-2396 prior to installing water servIce Chuck can help In the selectIon ofthe most economicdl device and locat1On Water serVIce wIll not be provlded untIl a backflow plan has been submitted to SUB Water Engmeermg and approved for Installation. PLEASE NOTE: SUB development charges are paid dIrectly to SUB Water D1VISlon and SUB Electnc DW1slon. SlL-_ ~ Rebecca Templm, P.E. Ovil Engineer - Water DlvIslon RA T:mk cC; SC Sprmgfield, LLC, 5440 Louie Lane, Suite 102, Reno, Nevada 89511 Rick Scltre, Satre ASSOC1ates, P,C, 132 East Broadway, Suite 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401 ~~@[ED\TI[E~ Uu SEP 9 200J W By s,\srTEPLAN\MliTcola Mc:wiows Pre-Application 9-10-07jocx TOTRL P.02