HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 9/6/2007 Memorandum Subject: September 6, 2007 Gary Karp, Planner III Gary McKenney, P.E., Transportation Planning Engineer ZON2007-00030 Marcola Meadows Master Plan City of Springfield rn ~ @ ~, 0 \Y1 ~ ill SEP 6 20~ ~ ~ In, D~ U/YIII-~ Date: To: From: '-, Transportation Division comments on the submitted application materials are outlined below. SDC 37.030 Master Plan Submittal Requirements (J 0) The Director may require additional informatlOn necessary to evaluate the proposed development including but not lzmited to an ESEE analysis, geology, soils, stormwater, sanitary, tree preservation, historical, archaeological, and traffic impact All related maps except vicimty and detail maps shall be at the same scale (J 2) An overall schedule or description of phasmg; and the development to occur in each phase If phasing is contemplated, these alternatives should be des en bed COMMENTS 1) The Written Statement discusses sub-phases A-I, A-2 and A-3, and refers to Phasing Plan Sheet 8. The last paragraph on Page 9 discusses the general relationship between each increment of site development and infrastructure needed to accommodate added development "beyond Phase A." Plan Sheet 8 depicts only the boundaries of Phases A and B, and makes no reference to sub-phases. There is no exhibit showing anticipated land divisions and relationships of future parcel configurations to "Commercial Villages." 2) The TlA is the same document that was submitted with the earlier Plan Amendment/Zone-Change applications. It assumed site build-out in 2015 and makes no reference to development phasing. 3) A dimensioned plan is required that depicts proposed street rights of way, lane widths and typical cross sections. (13) Where offsite or other mfrastructure improvements are required, the applzcant shall specifY the timing and method of securing the improvement, including bond, letter of credit, Joint deposit or other security satisfactory for said improvement constructlOn (14) Designation of Responsibilzty for proVidmg infrastructure and services. COMMENTS 1) In response to these requirements the Written Statement says, "As conditioned in the previously approved Metro Plan amendments the applicant is required to provide on-site ZON2007-00030 Marcola ...cadows Master Plan September 6, 2007 Page 2 of 3 ~~@[OfVJfEfiII I,U SEP 6 20DE /UJi 8" ::::: and off-site infrastructure improvements to serve future development on-site."No specific timing or method of securing required improvements is specified in the application. 2) Submitted materials do not meet the requirements of criteria 12, 13 and 14 above. The follow items are needed: . Maps depicting existing and proposed subdivision of the property. . Consistency between the Written Statement and submitted plan drawings regarding development phasing. . Revised traffic analysis indentifying impacts and required facility improvements that would arise from each proposed development phase. . A description of the proposed timing and method of securing construction of required facility improvements. Plan Amendment/Zone-Change Conditions of Approval ConditIOn of Approval #9 Submittal of preliminary design plans with the Master Plan applicatIOn addressing the proposed mitigation of impacts discussed In the TIA The plans shall show the proposed traffic control changes allowing left-turns .from the eastbound ramp center lane at the eastbound ramps of the Mohawk Boulevard/Eugene-Springfield Highway intersectIOn The intent of thlS condition is to have the appllcant demonstrate to ODOT that the proposed mitigation is feasible .from an engineering perspective and will be constructed on a schedule that is acceptable to ODOr. Provided that constructIOn of the proposed mitigation is determined to be feasible, then during Master Plan review and approval a condition shall be applied requiring the mitigation to be accomplished prior to the temporary occupancy of any uses in Phase 1 of the development COMMENT - Submitted materials should be reviewed for completeness by ODOT. Condltion of Approval #10 Submlttal of a Master Plan appllcation that incorporates a "Development Phasing Plan" shall be required in order to comply with SDC Section 37.030(12) The intent of this condition is to a) Address the "internal tnp" issue by requiring a certain percentage of the resldentral portIOn of the site to be developed with a similar percentage of the commercial portion The specific percentages will be made part of the approved Master Plan, and b) Ensure that, for each type of land use, the amounts proposed do not exceed those shown in Table 4C of the TIA. COMMENT - Submitted materials do not contain a proposal to address Item a) above. ZON2007 -00030 Marcola ...dadows Master Plan September 6, 2007 Page 3 of 3 Condition of Approval #11 Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the entire length of the collector street from Marcola Road to V Street being constructed as part of Phase 1. COMMENT - Submitted materials do not contain a proposal to address Condition #11. Condition of Approval #12 Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows the construction of all streets serving the CC and MUC portions of the subject site being constructed shall be required as part of Phase 1. Condition of Approval #13 Submittal of a Master Plan application that shows proposed connectivity between the residential and commercial development areas Condition of Approval #14 The Master Plan shall be submltted within one year of the City CouncIl approval of these applications