HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 8/27/2007 '" ,. ~r.~~ -- Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avenue I Post Office Box 10148 Eugene, Oregon 97440-2148 541-484-2411 Fax 541-484-3762 EWEB Gary M Karp, Senior Planner City of Spnngflleld 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 I } '-~ C _~_~ ~_~_~ : 111 /0.- ;k-'l-dr1-- ~ I J '__U__ d' ,~ eW6h By D/Z.C- ~~ August27,2007 Re Pre-Application Report, The Villages at Marcola Meadows Dear Mr Karp, I Wish to submit the follOWing comments Into the public record regarding the above referenced development These comments are not as the serving utility, Springfield Utility Board Will be serving the development, but as an adjoining property owner The Eugene Water & Electnc Board (EWES) owns the SIXty foot Wide utility COrridor north of and adjacent to The Villages at Marcola Meadows This utility COrridor contains two large water mains, an overhead electnc transmission line, commUnication lines and a bike path Lane County obtained a revocable license from EWES in the 1970s to bUild the path on EWES property The path IS used heaVily by the surrounding neighborhoods and is deemed an asset to the community The Villages at Marcola Meadows IS proposing over five hundred liVing Units In addition to profeSSional offices and retail uses ThiS Will Increase the traffiC on the path significantly People liVing In the development and from the eXisting neighborhood Will most likely use the path to get to school, for recreation, and to get to the commercial center In the new development. AntiCipating thiS, the development IS proposing three connections to the eXisting path The path IS In need of maintenance/resurfacing EWES does not object to the three proposed path connections on ItS property but does suggest that the development seek permiSSion from the County to provide an asphalt overlay to the eXisting path from 31st Street to 19th Street ThiS work could be done when-the-other-asphalt-work Is-pleformed Within the development I wanted to submit thiS ahead of the Development ReView Committee meeting on September 6th In case I am unable to attend Please contact me at (541) 341-1851 If you have any questions about thiS suggestion Sincerely, ??/d ~ Mark Oberle EWES Property Manager c Lane County Public Works