HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6188 03/19/2007 ORDINANCE NO. 6188 (Special) AN ORDINANCE WITHDRAWING CERTAIN! REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS WILSON/REYNOLDS, LOCATED _ IN NORTHERN SPRINGFIELD, NORTH OF LOMOND STREET, EAST OF LOCH DRIVE AND WEST OF 23RD STREET INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 0.49 ACRE IDENTIFIED AS TAX LOTS 3400 AND 3500 T17S R03W S25 MAP 12; HERETOFORE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, certain real property described below was annexed to the City of Springfield by order of Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission under Boundary Commission Number File EC SP 06-67, effective 11/20/06, and further described in Exhibits A & B, and WHEREAS, the property to be withdrawn is located within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and first reading in the Springfield City Council Chambers on March 5, 2007, and a second reading and adoption on March 19, 2007, in accordance with ORS 222.524, for the purpose of hearing any objections to the withdrawal of the property from the public service district mentioned and there having been no objections raised. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that it is in the best interest of the City of Springfield to withdraw the real property described in Section 2 from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, insofar as the property is located therein. Section 2. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby determine that the following described real property within the boundaries of the Rainbow Water District is and shall be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District in Lane County, Oregon, said property being described as follows: T~x lots 3400 and 3500 T17S R03W S25 Map 12; as more particularly described in Exhibit A of this ordinance, Boundary Commission File Number EC SP 06-67. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of March 2007, by a vote of -2- for and -1L- against. ATTEST: ~~ City Re rder REl!!EWED & APPROVED ~TO FORM, \ ~,,~ -> ~~~ DATE:_~L~~[Q OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY 1 th day of March 2007. EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A Lot 1 and Lot 7, Block 5, Loch Lemond Terrace First Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 46, Page 20, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. LCBC:LCOG: L:\BCJ.EGAL\2fJOfMCSP0667 LGl..DOC Last Saved: February 21,2007 EC SP 06 - 67 (Revised 2/21/07) Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 6188 EXHIBIT B EXHIE IT B :: .. -.F~' :::':';100 - n. ,. iREEi . ~. ,~ i I ~-- !?~, 0110 . I ... V5)'@ ,.,. . '. i:! ~nOQ rR:\tJ?., !1~\'~":::''''\'1 (....,., .P,: '_ i.::l;. w.~l Q)~ 1'(-.' !: ,: ':.,'j:'...."...' .:.._.:; . !l ~. eaoo @JJ~.~ _, r C "I ~.'~'.;' .' --.'.", ~ 2700 :~~ . _; s.,.... ~. ,.-1. . .. 2400 . "\. . 24 ." _ . 1700' ~.f z> - _,- o SiREEi . - ...::" . .,' rz'~ -eRtvE- - \7 on~i [ 200 _ ;00" ANNEXATION AREA '~,~'.," %SOll' i ~ "f: j <of i:lOO , i SIlO and Kelly Wilson; and TL 3500 .~. . ., _ f ! I 1 ! \~~ owned by Alan and Gail Reynolds I,~a:;. ~. ~ . . J ! I 1 " t . 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'\r" " ~~~ b \ ~-:>\) 10- . . .,??oo I I . - '11~ 11300. ~~) \ '000( lto,oo . ~~ lot. T- \. I'~~- ~I- . - - ;("~:.1:"':~L'..'~."'f.!~.'f,....'::; -. ........ - .- ... -, . , .. n. ... :, :: :. . ;1 In ["1I~:"A L-o:: sEt IAN' " Q3 2< <~ HAy'Q.EN BRIDGF RD 1eoo N on ... .. c:l ~ ~ 4- ~ .~ EC SP 06 - 67 Page 1 of 1 . ORDINANCE NO. 6188 . SUBJECT SITE Springfield, OR It: C :r: o o ...J . I , ", " <,'. , ' " Springfield City Limits :.:. . Inside City Limits. Outside c;ity Limits August, 2006 There ore no warranties that accompcmy this product_ Use", assume all responsibility for any loss or danurge arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy of this product ORDINANCE NO. 6188 SUBJECT AREA o ~ H Z ~ CJ tr:l Z o l~'~\~ . ! t'{ 1'-<...... "\;eJ ~7~{.~~("i~~:.~-~...,.. :J-" ~~_. - --~_.~ ...~.......: ""'. 0\ I-' 00 00 n,ere'are 110 U'(Ul"Om;eS t!rat accompany tllis ptvduct. Lsets assume alllPspolIs;bilityfor any loss or damage arisil1g fi'om allY error, omission or positional inaccurac)' (}f this product o . .. Springfield. OR Urban Growth Boundary Springfield City Limits 0.5 Mile August. 2006