HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlat, Subdivisionl APPLICANT 5/20/2008 ... PLAT DOCUMENT # DivISIon of Chief Deputy Cler-k 200H16284 Lane County Deeds and Recor-ds G"V III~III UlIlllllllmllUlllllllIlllllllllllll1 $186,00 00984696200800162840010018 03/24/2008 10:26:07 AM RPR-5UBD Cnt=l Stn=4 CASHIER 02 $5.00 $160.00 $10 00 $11 00 ~ This document is a SUBDIVISION DOVE ESTATES Owner: Vem Benson Dedicatee: City of Springfield Twn. 17S Rng. 3W Sec.~ LANE COUNTY DEEDS & RECORDS 14 -Lois -----1- - Sl1ckers --.1..... - Res Numbers Final Submittal tI/ 05-2 . ~ 05-20-08Al1 10 RCVD ,\Vy -{)~' AFrER RECORDING RETURN TO Lane County Surveyor's Office Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 I ;/ ~--- ... D,v,sion of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records After Recordmg Please Return To Vom Benson 940 Hwy 99 Nor1h Eugene, OR 97402 ~Wlf~Wl~1~~WIU1['11~/'III III III RPR-CNST Cnt=1 Stn=4 cAfJ{~~~J8 10:26:07 AA $10 00 $10 00 $11.00 2008-016286 $31. 00 I I SUBDIVISION PLAT CONSENT AFFIDAVIT Know all people by these presents that Dukes and Dukes Constructlon, Inc., and Oregon CorporatIon, IS an interest holder of the land descnbed as follows See Exlnbit "ONE" Dukes and Dukes ConstIuction, Ine , havmg acqUired interest through Memorandum of Land Sale Contract recorded on September 19, 2007, Reception No 2007-065389, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and does hereby consent and agree to the conmtJOns of; and the plattmg of Dove Estates ~~~ aVId E Dukes, PreSident Dukes and Dukes Constructlon, Ine State of Ore"on ) ., ss County of Lane ) On the '::l-l~ day of NOv'PrV\.)a>r; 2007, personally appeared before me the above named DaVId E Dukes as President of Dukes and Dukes Constructlon, Ine , an Oregon CorporatiOn, who acknowledged the foregomg instrument to be Ins voluntary act ,-JIM Q~~ Notary Pubhc for y'e~Yl My conumsSlon expires - ICJ - d-C::t 'D . OfFICIAL SEAL TINA CROPPER NOTARY PU8llC . OREGON COMMISSION NO. 408497 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUlI9. 2010 Date Received Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 FInal Submittal tJrX. FEB f 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal / ~ ~~ \.. EXHIBIT .ONE" The premises are in lane County and are described as follows: Beginning at e Point being South 00 65' West 2634.72 feet and South 890 05' Eest 102.32 feet from the Northwest comer of the R. E. Campbell DonatIOn Land Claim No. 69, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, said pOint being on the Southerly line of Cantennial Boulevard; thence. along said Southerly line, South 890 05' Eest 258.89 feet; thence leaving said Southerly line, South 1004' West 280.00 feet; thence North 890 05' West 330.48 feet to e pomt on the Easterly line of Anderson Lane; thence, along said Easterly line, North 00 55' East 207.68 feet, thence, along the arc of a 72.32 foot radius curve nght (the chord of which beers North 450 55' East 102.28feet1 a distance of 113.60 feet to the Point of Beglnnln9, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: MAY 2 0 2008 FlOal Submittal !f't;t After Reoordwg Please Retwn To VemBenson 940 Hwy 99 North Eugene. OR 91402 "un.nm Q' I'''' ""pU"Y \o.erK 2008-n162Sl: Lane Counly ueeds and Records -V V 111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1li111111 $31,00 00984699280800162850il20029 R 03/24/2008 10:26:07 AM PR-CNST enl=1 Sln=4 CASHIER 02 $10.00 $10 00 $11 00 SUBDIVISION PLAT CONSENT AFFIDAVIT Know all people by these presents that Umpqua Bank IS an mterest holder of the land descnbed as follows See Exlublt U A" Umpqua Bank havmg acqmrec:i mterest through Lme ofCred1t Deed of Trust recorded on August 24, 2007, ReceptJon No 2007-059804, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and does hereby consent and agree to the condJtions of, and the plattmg of Dove Estates 1~.~;~ p,~tl State of t1 (l ) ss Countyof lA"e ) On the 2- "It:- day of /J-fJ<I) I , 2007, personally appeared before me the above named J.,..... fZ.,j "'-a l who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act V!~_~ ()~ Notary Pu?h or, Jtf~;; g:6J~4r- My col11lll1SS1on exprres 31 { / of" . 0FfICIAlSEAI. ITAIllA J AMIIOSE NOTARY P\.lIlllCOREGON COMMl5SION NO 378582 , M'fCOMMlSSION EXPIRES MAR 15. 2lI08 Date Received: MAY 20 2008 Fi1::" -: '''7f\7\'''...,f t7c7C-_ " ~' EXHIBIT .ONE" The premIses are in Lane County and are described as follows: Beginning at a Point bemg South 00 55' West 2634.72 feet and South 890 05' East 102.32 feet from the Northwest corner of the R. E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59, In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wdlamette Meridtan. said pOlOt being on the Southerly line of Centennial Boulevard. thence. along said Southerly line. South 890 05' East 258.89 feet; thence leavIOg saId Southerly hne, South 1004' West 280.00 feet; thence North 890 05' West 330.48 feet to a pOint on the Easterly hne of Anderson lane; thence, along said Easterly hne, North 00 55' East 20768 feet; thence, along the arc of a 72.32 foot radius curve right (the chord of which baars North 45. 55' East 102.28 feet) a dlstence of 113.60 feat to the POint of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon Date Receive:! MAY 2 C ::~03 Final :,r.tt.lt'r,'.' '. t!b.. ___