HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PWS 5/13/2008
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L1MBIRD Andrew
Sent Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2 51 PM
To L1MBIRD Andrew
Subject RE Dove Estates
Sorry Andy I knew I should have verified with you before sendmg that emall I will let him know I thmk
the chances are good he will be wrltmg me back with some kmd of questions or excuses before brlngmg In the
Chns Moorhead, PLS
Surveyor, CIty of Spnngfield PublIC Wo'*s
225 Atth Stree~ Spnngfleld, Oregon 97477
Tel 541-736-1011
Fax 541-726-3781
anoorhead{iiJa sRrmgfield or us
From: 11MBIRD Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2 48 PM
Subject. RE Dove Estates
Actually Chris, we need 5 paper copies of the plat plus 3 copies of any recorded documents These final
submittal reqUirements are outlined m the land diVISion application forms (m case the question gets asked)
From: MOORHEAD Chris
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2 46 PM
To: Dave Collier (paclficsurvey@fastmall fm)
Cc: 11MBIRD Andrew
Subject: Dove Estates
Just wanted to touch bases With you about Dove Estates In order to have the Planmng folks assign addresses
for the lots and close out our files for the planmng and plattmg phase we need to have 2 copies of the plat and
recorded documents delivered to Planmng m Public Works SE (City Hall) We would appreciate It If you could
deliver those or let the developer know that needs to be done
Please let me know If you have any questions
Thanks, Chns
Chns Moorhead, PLS
Surveyor, CIty of Spnngfield PublIC Wo'*s
225 Atth Stree~ Spnngfield, Oregon 97477
Tel 541-736-1011
Fax 541-726-3781
cmoorhead@a spnnQfield or us
Date Received
Planner. AL
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