HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 2/14/2008 (2) , pty of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Date Received: '1 1ii:~ I ! Land Division Plat Partition, Subdivision FEB 1 4 2008 Original SUbmlttal_W- A licant Name: V G: eN gE N 50 /v 'l N Phone: !..~8-8897 Fax: Address: (::ClAG6A1S 6 "174--02.. A Com an : 7SS"Ot- IC/C. :;, CA~t:J D t2-D 74-z4- Phone: /~ 7 - 07 ? 0 Fax: 7i 7-3f;CJ87 Address: Pro e Owner: l'1Vl-1E: AS, APt' Phone: Fax: Com an Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17- 0:; -:5:5-1/ TAX LOT NO S /0/ Pro e Address: 0$7 /!N.DE){..SON ?/II Size of Pro e Acres '" Pro osed Name of Subdivision: -V6IIE. t:?S"I4T =-.s Description of If you are fIlling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal description to thiS application 1+ LoT SIA€j)/I/, >./oN lI'>/ NJ4rJln'lc:rz.NFJ41:> P"'-!S.L1 c.. ~rtZG::r_ Pro osaJ: Associated A Iications: Pre-Sub Case No.:~2Qb' -6l).)l-fs Date: Case No.: Date: viewed b ~(? :~ A o TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 6 Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submIttal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre. Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent thiS appllcabon to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on thiS applicatIon at the Pre-Submittal MeetmQ, I affirm the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained wlthm the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: <-.~ Signature -- Date: -2-)4-1:) '( Print Date Received: FEB 1 4 2008 J/ Ongmal Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 20f6 225 FIfth Street Sprmgficld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone iii.:.~ CIty of Sprmgfield Officml ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT # 3200800000000000104 Date: 02/14/2008 2 58 51PM Job/Journal Number SUB2008-00010 SUB2008-000 I 0 Description CTY Subd >LDR Base +462 Lot + 5% Technology Fee PaId By BENSON DEVELOPMENT CO LLC Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How ReceIVed Amount Due 7,208 00 36040 $7,568 40 Payments Type of P Jyment Check Amount Paid tJ 5691 I n Person $7,56840 Payment Total $7,568 40 Date Received: FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal at- cRecemtl Page I of I 2114/2008 '- .. copy After Recordrng Please Return To Vem Benson 940 Hwy 99 North Eugene, OR 97402 SUBDIVISION PLAT CONSENT AFFIDAVIT Know all people by these presents that Dukes and Dukes ConstructIOn, Inc , and Oregon CorporatIOn, IS an mterest holder of the land descnbed as follows See ExhtbIt "ONE" Dukes and Dukes Construction, Inc , havrng acqUIred mterest through Memorandum of Land Sale Contract recorded on September 19, 2007, ReceptIOn No 2007-065389, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and does hereby consent and agree to the condlttons of, and the plattmg of Dove Estates ~.. ~- c ~_ .____ t: aVid E Dukes, PreSIdent - Dukes and Dukes ConstructIOn, Ine State of Oregon ) ss County of Lane ) On the I ;:t--\h day of NOv'f'IVl\cer. 2007, personally appeared before me the above named DaVid E Dukes as PreSident of Dukes and Dukes ConstructIOn, Inc , an Oregon CorporatIOn, who acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be ills voluntary act cJ\,~ Q",l'P-Z~ Notary Publtc for yeGCYl My commtSSJon explfes f? - Ie) - d-C::\ D . OFFICIAL SEAl TINA CROPPER NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO 408497 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUL 19. 2010 Date Received FEB 1 ~ 2008 Onglnal SUbmlttal~ ' - I ~ '., y ; &lu1lil~A~ lleginnlng at a polnt !laIng South 0 . 55' West 2634 72 f981 end SDuIII89 . 05" Em;! 102.32 reet from Ihe NOrlhWD8/ "'ffler of the RE Campbell ODnallonLand Clalm No, 59.InTll\<IIISh!p 17 SouIh, Range 3 WllllI Drlhe Wlffamelte Mendlan, 5ilId po"'l belfl9 tile southerly /1M of Cenfannlal BoulavaJ'(l, thance, aIo"llllllld Southerly II"e, South 8ll ' 05' Ew:l2S8 89 feer, thence fe8v1lllJ 88Id Soulharly line, South 1 . 04' West 280 DO feet; the"", North 89 . (]5' West 33D 4ll 'eel II> a poW g/l!he Easlarly lint> of AndSfSlln lane, '''''nee. aTong 8allI Easterty llr1e, NOrlh 0 . 65' e~ 207 58 fSBt; the""", along the arc of . 72.32 fool radius WIVe tfght (the chord of which bean; IIIorth 45 . 55' East 102.28 reel) a dll;1allc;Q of 113.80 fest /0 !he POIn! of Boglnnlng. In Lane County, Oregon Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 OnglOal SUbmlttal~-- . , . c-v t '/ Aller Recordmg Please Retwn To Vern Benson 940 Hwv 99 North Eugene OR 97402 SUBDMSION PLAT CONSENT AFFIDAVIT Know all people by these presents that Umpqua Bank IS an mterest holder of the land descnbed as follows See Exlnblt "A" Umpqua Bank haVIng acqUIred mterest through Lme of CredIt Deed of Trust recorded on August 24,2007, Reception No 2007-059804, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and does hereby consent and agree to the condItIOns of, and the plattmg of Dove Estates State of tJ ([ ) County of l.A"e )ss On the 2- qt~ day of 4'1,/,)j ,2007, personally appeared before me the above named ~J,"", (Z",/nJL who acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be theIr voluntary act v!~ Q., ()~ Notary Pubh6'for MJ; ~(f)~~ My commtsslOn exprres3/1 ION' . 0FfICtAI. SEAl $TAIIlA J AMIIIOIE , I NOTARY P\l8UC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 378582 tJr( COMMISSION EXPIRES MAR 15. 2008 Date Recelve:~' FEB 1 4 2003 Original Submltta' t?~_^_ , f' > ~ , EXHIBIT .ONE" The premises are m lane County and are descnbed as follows BegInning at a Pomt bemg South 0055' West 263472 feet and South 890 05' East 102.32 feet from the Northwest comer of the R. E. Campbell Donanon Land Claim No. 59. In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wdlamette Meridian. said pOInt bemg on the Southerly hne of Centennial Boulevard; thence, along said Southerly hne, South 890 05' Eest 258 89 feet, thence laavlng said Southerly hne, South 1004' West 280 00 feet, thence North 890 05' West 330 48 feet to a pOint on the Easterly hne of Anderson lane; thence, along said Easterly hne. North 00 55' East 207 68 feet, thence, along the arc of a 72.32 foot radIus curve nght (the chord of which bears North 450 55' East 102 28 feet) a dIstance of 113 60 feet to the POInt of Beginning, '" lane County, Oregon Date Receive- ' FEB 1 ~ 2003 Original SubmittaL fL_ e Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 W,lIometto, Surte 500' Eugene, OR 97401 15411683-5422' FAX (541) 683-5437 SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FOR THE PROPOSED PLAT OF 17-03-33-11-00101 ORDER NO 01-709480-46 FEE $20000 DATED January 24, 2008 FIdelity NatIonal Title Insurance Company GUARANTEES Any County or City within whIch the subdIvIsion or proposed subdivIsion IS located That the estate or Interest In the land which IS covered by thIs Guarantee IS A Fee According to the public records which Impart constructIve notice of matters affecting title to the premises descnbed on ExhIbit "One", we find that as of January 22, 2008, at 800 a m the last deed of record runs to Vern Benson We also find the followIng apparent encumbrances, which Include 'Blanket Encumbrances' as defined by ORS 92305(11, and also easements, restrictive covenants and nghts of way NOTE taxes as follows 1 Property taxes, and any assessments collected with taxes, for the fiscal year 2007-2008 Amount UnpaId Balance Account No Map No. Levy Code $5,825 84 $5,825 84 plus Interest, If any 1267614 1703331100101 19-00 Date Received 2. City liens In favor of the City of Spnngfleld, If any FEB 1 4 2008 Ongmal Submittal a/ Order No 01,709480-46 3 Rights of the publIC and governmental agencies In and to any portion of said land lYing wIthin the boundanes of streets, roads and highways 4 Matters contained In that certain document entitled "Annexation Agreement", dated October 25, 2006, by and between City of Spnngfleld and Vern Benson, recorded December 14,2006, Recorder's No 2006-089276 Reference IS made to said document for full particulars. 5 Line of credit Deed of Trust, to secure an Indebtedness as shown below and any other obligatIOn secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee Benefoclary Recorded Affects $775,00000 August 15, 2007 Vern W Benson First Amencan TItle Insurance Company Umpqua Bank August 24, 2007, Recorder's No 2007-059804 6 A land contract by and between the parties named below Dated Seller Buyer Disclosed by Recorded June 13, 2007 Vern Benson Dukes & Dukes ConstructIon, Inc , an Oregon corporation Memorandum of Land Sale Contract September 19, 2007, Recorder's No 2007-065389 The conSideratIOn for the above IS $1,610,00000 NOTES SubdlVlitlon iJuarll'ltee (GUAAG71 Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 Ongmal Submittal ItX- Page 2 Order No 01-709480-46 A. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SElECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THA T YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT Note Any documents being executed In conjunction wIth this transaction must be signed In the presence of an authonzed employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the Insured lender, or by uSing Bancserv or other approved third-party service If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number provided In this report We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and state and federal hens against the grantees named above and find This IS not a report Issued prehmlnary to the Issuance of a title Insurance pohcy Our search IS limited and ItS use IS Intended as an informational report only, to be used In conjunctIon with the development of real property Liability IS hmlted to an aggregate sum not to exceed $1,000 00 Fldehty National Title Insurance Company By Londa Minyard NOTE - ORS 92 305( 1) reads as follows "Blanket encumbrance" means a trust deed or mortgage or any other lien or encumbrance, mechamcs' lien or otherwise, secunng or eVidencing the payment of money and affecting more than one Interest In subdivided or senes partitioned land, or an agreement affactlng more than one such lot, parcel or Interest by which the subdivider, senes partltloner or developer holds such subdivIsion or senes partition undar an option, contract to sell or trust agreament Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal SUbmlttal.-d~ Subdlvilllcn Guatantoo IGUARGn Page 3 Order No 01-709480-46 EXHIBIT 'ONE" The premises are In Lane County and are descnbed as follows Beglnmng at a POint being South 00 55' West 2634 72 feet and South 89005' East 10232 feet from the Northwest corner of the R E Campbell Donation Land Claim No 59, In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, said POint being on the Southerly line of Centennial Boulevard, thence, along said Southerly line, South 890 05' East 258 89 feet, thence leaving said Southerly hne, South 1004' West 280 00 feet, thence North 890 05' West 330 48 feet to a pOint on the Easterly line of Anderson Lane, thence, along said Easterly line, North 00 55' East 207 68 feet. thence, along the arc of a 72 32 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 450 55' East 102 28 feet) a distance of 113 60 feet to the POint of Beglnmng, In Lane County, Oregon Date Received FEB I 4 2008 Ongmal SubmIttal t1 ~ SWdlVl5lOn G~'~_IGUARG7; Page 4 R.3 W.W.M. 17 03 33 11 28 4 r rr~. ~.zstUllI "'''1''".,)0 ,t'I(W'C_r ,f' ~ C_kJ>' 1 ' I Pil.::....... S~ I < ;I. . NAD 83/91 7 US rJu ~_......,. , f' ..., ...-; ,-~ ..-~ !.!=--_-:c::~-~ " ~~\.. .l~ ;./:.... 101 I~' ,; !r!f!r,..." ~ 28 27 ~ to ~ i -''''=-~3~4 - ~ I~:: 800 --"'~;;~ H__ - -4 ~l ' 0, ;a:J 1 '..............,...-.,t""'.) I , , l i ' ~ J ." f~rl spoJlJ...f / N.,/h /r,., 11 c.""'', pL~ N.S, CNiCEU.ED .00 70' 900 902 947 , , , . . 100 2:55 AC \ ~I I .' . . ~. ~ .".~- . I J*'O__ . 102 o ' 3025'" U' 15,_ -----.-.;-;-.._ OIl ,..,l... ~~~,.,.. I,;a~_ f*........ ~.....~.. ...".,.4' . l> q . I I LINE TABLE u ... ".r.II......., I " ... H4l'>"1I'IDl: " .., H44__ "" " ,.. Nd"IO'Cf'( " ,.. .'4_\1 U '" ".lMlI"Dil'"f '-" ..l}_ .., " .w un " ~ "'Y1..-. .. ~ ......_\1 N N . -, ~,u '" ... N ..,.... r t .5{)r'6~d'L - c"' ... ,...._\1 .. If. ,..,H i.. .., -, S 200 ..!i '" .~ SI""'" IJ .., ," ..'I I........... 0 , Ill' u, nw SlD_W "- ..; \ I '-II~ '" ~..\ S.._l _ _ _ __~IJ''' ~liIi.S.D~- :11 4 ~: ! I' c '- . FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY Tlus sketch above .s made solely for the PUIJlose of ass'sllng In locallng saId prem.ses and the company assumes no Itablhty for vanatlons, If any, In dunenslOns and locallon ascertamed by actual smvey Map # 170333 11 00101 000 Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal aot' e Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Wlllflmette, Suite 500. Eugelle, OR 97401 15411683-5422' FAX (541) 683-5437 SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE FOR THE PROPOSED PLAT OF 17-03-33-11-00101 Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 ~ Ongmal Submittal ORDER NO 01-709480-46 FEE $20000 DATED January 24, 2008 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company GUARANTEES Any County or City within whIch the subdivIsion or proposed subdivIsion IS located That the estate or Interest In the land which IS covered by this Guarantee IS A Fee According to the public records which Impart constructIve notice of matters affectmg title to the premIses descnbed on Exhibit "One", we fInd that as of January 22, 2008, at 8 00 II m the last deed of record runs to Vern Benson We also find the follOWing apPllrent encumbrances, which Include 'BllInketEncumbrances' as defined by ORS 92 305!ll, and also easements, restrictIve covenants and nghts of way NOTE taxes as follows 1. Property taxes, and any assessments collected With taxes, for the fiscal year 2007-2008 Amount Unpaid Balance Account No Map No Levy Code $5,825 84 $5,825 84 plus Interest, If any 1267614 17 03 33 11 00101 19-00 2. City hens In favor of the City of Spnngfleld, If any Order No 01-709480-46 3. Rights of the publIC and governmental agencies In and to any portion of saId land lYing within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways 4 Matters contained In that certain document entitled . Annexation Agreement", dated October 25, 2006, by and between City of Springfield and Vern Benson, recorded December 14,2006, Recorder's No 2006-089276 Reference IS made to said document for full particulars 5 Line of credit Deed of Trust, to secure an Indebtedness as shown below and any other obligation secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee BenefICiary Recorded Affects $775,00000 August 15, 2007 Vern W Benson First American Title Insurance Company Umpqua Bank August 24, 2007, Recorder's No 2007-059804 6 A land contract by and between the parties named below Dated Seller Buyer Disclosed by Recorded June 13, 2007 Vern Benson Dukes & Dukes ConstructIOn, Inc , an Oregon corporation Memorandum of Land Sale Contract September 19, 2007, Recorder's No 2007-065389 The conSideration for the above IS $1,610,00000 NOTES SUbcllVlMln Gl.QfWltee {GUARG71 Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal rJ/- Page 2 Order No 01-709480-46 A YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THA T YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT Note Any documents being executed In conjunction with thiS transaction must be signed In the presence of an authorized employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the Insured lender, or by uSing Bancserv or other approved third-party service If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number prOVided In thiS report We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and state and federal hens against the grantees named above and find ThiS IS not a report Issued preliminary to the Issuance of a title Insurance pohcy Our search IS limited and ItS use IS Intended as an informatIOnal report only, to be used In conjunction With the development of real property Liability IS hmlted to an aggregate sum not to exceed $ 1 ,000 00 Fldehty National Title Insurance Company By Londa Minyard NOTE - ORS 92 305( 1) reads as follows "Blanket encumbrance" means a trust deed or mortgage or any other hen or encumbrance, mechamcs' hen or otherWIse, securing or eVidenCing the payment of money and affecting more than one Interest In subdiVided or series partitioned land, or an agreement affecting more than one such lot, parcel or Interest by which the subdiVider, senes partltloner or developer holds such subdiVIsion or senes partition under an option, contract to sell or trust agreement Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal il.;2 Subdr...illlon OUlraf'ltoo IGUAR(7) Page 3 Order No 01-709480-46 EXHIBIT "ONE" The premIses are In Lane County and are descnbed as follows Beginning at a POInt being South 00 55' West 263472 feet and South 890 05' East 10232 feet from the Northwest corner of the R E Campbell Donation Land ClaIm No 59, In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, said pOint being on the Southerly line of CentennIal Boulevard, thence, along said Southerly line, South 890 05' East 258 89 feet, thence leaVing said Southerly line, South 1 0 04' West 280 00 feet, thence North 890 05' West 330 48 feet to a pOInt on the Easterly line of Anderson Lane, thence, along said Easterly line, North 00 55' East 207 68 feet, thence, along the arc of a 72 32 foot radIus curve fight (the chord of which bears North 450 55' East 102 28 feet) a distance of 11360 feet to the POint of Beginning, In Lane County, Oregon Date Received FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ SIbdIVISlO:m Guaram<<! IGUARG71 Page 4 R.3 W.W.M. 28 4 r fr..1'l>>?o4 U'2~~'" "~I".M'" ..F/fW'C_r .v~C:_kp I l P,l.::.......s~ I . l' 1 ~ oUi5 ..J.. J~~ _Dr :J..........E r~~;JJy~Y"'Y .~r-') 1 01 .M<>_~ I" ~ , '1<' y":---- -:--~ --- I' '\~ I _/ ~\'..I'~ I t!{f'r7.r"" ~: 1~;" .;.=~ :if,: -~-- 11~1:;' IZ.rR -- 0 t 800 ~ 100 """C. Ze.5 J.C :0, ;0::1 ~ I I . ~ J , 17 03 33 11 NAD 83/91 8" t'~rl Sp.J1J. of 1V"f'I1, Ir_ Jl('.,..,,~" plC II..S? , I , :1 , " , . _ _ Z;,?4 ....-.is..o~- l" :11 4 ~.' ~ " I I I '-~r ~.~~"~ .,. , '\ - ~IU " 5~"r/ud'L~_ ~J9. - ,...,"" I.. -, a 200 ..Ii . (11) '( 11 ~ Il~ , ~" Z~ ....,4....00 f 't ,*"'''- ::)[, 102 of" 3 025 '" U' . H ~ \ . - ,..... - ------..,;-... _ w ,........ .$,I>~~....._ 's.lI7.... ~....... ~......n... ~....II..~ . liNE " ". " ". " ". " ... " ... " ... " ow " ~ " ~ Il~ ..... _11.,4 ll~ .~ In ..'I w. n_ I'" "46\ CANCElLED .00 701 900 902 9.7 TABLE "''''_'111''''' ...::r-II"IU , ....-- , ...YIO'llll , .. .''''DII'' V N .""lrar l: (...u "''YID'III'''t 1l....~1Il , '" '" N4'YID'llr"f ".,--\1 ... ,.., S'~lIO , ,.., s""....... . 0 1 03:11'0' '" I"- 1 ""40'111rL FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY Th1s sketch above IS made solely for the purpose of asslstlOg m locatmg said premlses and the company assumes no Ilablhty for varJatlOnst Ifany, m dlffienslOns and location ascertamed by actual survey Map # 17033311 00101 000 Date Received FES 1 4 2008 OnglOal Submittal tlJL 10/10/2005 12 24 FAX 54]6832877 ~004/005 .", RECORDING REaUESTED Bv FIOEurv NATIONAL TmE COMPAJIV 01' 0nfG0N '0:.1...,... of ChJof -.iv CI..... ZOOSGI4 Lono_yDoodo....._. "1~II!lDI!!!t OZ 21~: RPR-DEED Cn\o1 SIn=!! CIl5llIEIl 04 .1D DO .U DO .ID DO , GRANTOR'S NAME RiCherd A Keflnar end Olgll Kellner GAANTEE'S NAME V.,n Benson SEND TAX STATEMtNTS To Vetn Benson 1057 Anderson lane Spnngfi81d. OR 97477 Date Received' APTER RZCOROlXG Rn'URN TO Vom Benson 1057 Anderson lme 5.......... DR 'n4n FEB 1 4 2008 I Submittal I ;t. On91 STATI1TORY WARRANTY DEED Rich_d A K.Gtler end Olga loPur GO' tenlntl by the a:ttiraty GrGnor, convOYS Ind vvarrBnta to . Sind.. Pers"" Vem Benson Granf.88 tho fOllowlIIg descflbad real propertY. free and cleat of eneumbl8nC8$ except it$: specifically m forth below 61tuated in the County of Lane State of Oregon SEE EXHIBIT ONE A1TACHEO HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF _lICIlD...._ Covenants COnditionS Re$triCfrons end Easements of Record THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCfUBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT JH VIOLATION OF APPlICABLE lAND US>: LAWS AND REGUlATIONS BEFORE SIGNiNG OR ACCEPTiNG THIS iNSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING Fl'E TITLE TO T\fE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WrrH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE AllY UMrrs ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DERNEO IN OAS 30 930 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERA nON FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS '500,000 IllIlSoe ORS 93 0301 AFlERRED(lRlllNG RI!1\lRNlO RllB/TY1tIffiIll'Al. mLE lNSUP.AI!CE ()OlIFOJtt 01' 0lIE00N POBOX .08U _BE. oR 874CD //'~Ja~~ ~'c{;J A Kellner /2-'......) . ~//41'a J Ol9a~er ~ DATED January 5 2005 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF EUNE NOTARY Ie f'OfI MY StON D:Pl'RES rOAD 31:1' IfflW 2~ STAilJTORVwA......r<oiOI'::H4 'I:? c:,D Date Received Planner. Al ,JIll/pol I I !~/10/2005 12 25 F~X > /. _.. .21.,......__. / ThIIoo.-.l.rlto 00'07549 / 5416832877 !i!I 005/005 EXHIBIT Of'.:e Beg "I~ ~~ ~ onl": ~~ S~..J1t' O. 55 W;;:;r 2634 72 '= and Scutt- 890 OS' East 102 32 feet ""0;;" tr'.e NOtthw$st cornar of the R E Cempbell DonlltlOf1 Lend O-.n No 59 ,n Townstnp 17 South, ~an... 3 WOtrt of tl'Ml Will.......t1. ~nch:n $etd pomt bel~9 en tht Southmy iino of ~ Boobvard thsnw. iiIong said Southerly lUte, South 89 ~ OS' East 258 89fnt thence INWlg HId Southec1v &ne. South '.04 West 280 00 fest. thence Nofth890 OS' Wes' 33048 taG:: to a point 0;; ;ba easm.-1;- tiooij ut ~ laoIG. tt'ivtM Cikmg 'aid Ea:s"l5f1y ltn9 ~tfi 00 55' Emt 20768 feet. thence dong the Ire of. 72 32 foot radius curve right {the chord at whEh beDf. North 45D 55' East 102 28 faet) e d:ttcnce of ! 13 60 fCd: to tho Pourt of ~nll'9 10 LanG County Oregon " r_ <>- " -s " , < '-' o .. ,\0 '-- ,. $&-/ ':; < .{..~S~ 3~ /07.. _ !> e,'l.~S . - - ., , (, (./\ q,'" . <U - , .... , , , ~ <,I -- '. , :. ~ ,,~ 'l '> .0- J > '" v F'J~ t-s" v.l 1" 4 1< I I I I I . I I ,Date Received I FEB 14 2008 Ong;nal Submittal 111- I i I , I I I i I I I I , i I I I I J I Date ReceIved Planner AL ;;.//rjpoj / 10/10/2005 12 24 FAX 5416832877 ~004/005 REq>RDlNG R!QUESTm BY FIDEUTY NATIONAL TI11.E CoM>AHY OF OREGON ~I 01v&01an D' ChJaf DauLv CJwk LAme c-.t.V _ ..... R...... GRANTOR'S NAME Ri:ehard A Keflner end Ofge Kellner zoos.oc6314 1I111l11Dllllllm $3100 1 01126/2005 OZ 27. OZ PI! _-ED Cntol 5\_ CA5I/IEIl 04 $10.00 '11.00 .&0 00 GRANTEE'S NAME Vern 8enson SEND TAX STATeMENTS To VetJ\ Benson 1057 AndarlOl1 Lane SpnngfieJd, OR 97477 AFTUl RECORDINO RETURN TO V...._ 1057 Andellon I.ilne Sprin_ OR 974n STATUTORY WARRANTY DEB> R5dtard A KAtaner and Olga KoPaer arI tenads by' the eadroty, GrGntOr c:onveya Ind WiU'rams 10 . S1ng1e per."" Vem Benson Grantee the followlI\g ductlbad reaf property, free and clear of entumblW1C8S except.1lS 5Pecsfi~1v nt forth below situated In the County of Lale State of Oregon SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHED HfRfTO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Subfect to and Ucepdnlf' CovenanlS, CondlbOns. Rutncdons and Easements of Record THIS INSTRUMENT WIll NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT eN VIOLATION OF APPlICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGUlA nONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIRING ftE mu TO T1fE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CrTY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON lAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES AS OERNfD IN ORS 30 930 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDEIlATlON FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS .500.000 CO ISss ORS 93 0301 DATED Januarv 6 2005 ~~Ja-l:{~ ~~~! A Keltner ~..-) . ~'/4//~ J Olge-~cr ~ AFTERf!EC(lAIlING _10 flO61TY tlA11OI6'L mLE\hlllJP.AHCE ()IJtII'IUItCfORfQON I'OBOJ(10827 BJClS'IE.OR9T400 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF ThIs ~ttumsnt was eeJma EL rone :11,3 ~oiW ZISCj .TATUTORYW......TYD'jOi"3-/4 'I.::? b~ , Date Received EB 14 2008 at Ongmal Submittal /1012005 12 25 FAX 5416832877 , I f , ,. . &erow No oz 107!.a.aa...t.G ./ Tldt 0nW No 00101549 I ~LfmIT Of'J5 !gj005/00'i Beg "'''='''; ::. -= Po". bC'o;; Soh Co 55 W.;:t 2634 72 f=t s.,d South Sgo OS East 102 32 f&at from tI-.e ,....Go~";..vaS" cornAr of the R E CaJ1'\pbell Do~n Land CIII'n No 59 n'l TOWMhlp 17 South, Rango 3 Wefl of tho WiUamotto Nbndl~, 5C1d pe:rt ccmg on the Southerty iine of ~ BouJ;;;;ard thence. iiong said Southerly Me. SoL'1h 69" OS' East 258 69fee1 tnonOD WilYNlg ufd SouthedvGne. South 1 It 04 West 280 001~t. thenco North 89D 05 We.,. JJO 48 teet to a jiUlnt on It'.e Easta.....y' :'06 of A~ l...a:i".e. thVO""M, iiklJ'ii iGild Eastert)' hilS' North 09 !is Wl" 20768 feee, thence along lhe.we of. 72 32 foot radul curve right Cthe chord of whdl bear. North 45lt 55' East 102 28 feet) " cStr..:l"ltO 01 113 50 tee!: to th~ Do:nt cf B;g::nnlng ~ lane: County Oregon Q 9ate Received I FEB 14 2008 i {N!! Onglllal Submittal I I I I I ! I I , I "J 'Q- -:; " ~ '..l '- " . "I" f-...... ~~ ~4 /<>;t _ .5 s..""e5 1'" .;;(r, "':' z -::8 ~1 '" . .." _.I J'- ~ 'i <lJ -,\ " '< 'cj"CC'S' ....J - ,. w, _ ,_ Surveying Approval F or Final Plat Submission/Transmittal f: Date ReCti}l\fed: I- I FEB 14 2008 Original submittal oJ Name of Plat: 00 v[ ES TATe. 5 I have checked through submltted documents, and the followmg have been submItted ~MYlar of plat (and bond copy for Plannmg) .( PO~TMOrJ. D€"r'o:iIT Fo(tv1 ~~L~;lf2~;n~~ AJ:'fAQAJIT (Z) D ( ) OnglI.:}!;:ll C1znp.r! ~~<;.;.pmp.nt ~lJjJJ{"V1ll"1l1 Agreement Current TItle Report o A copy of each of the prevIOus fOl Planmng These documents are the only ones the Survey DIvIsIOn reqUIres for the Fmal Plat submIssIOn and filmg sm'=IY2'~~JiV", Ji City InstructIOns Thl" form IS to accompany the plat and the supportmg documents to the Public Worls Department of the Crt) of Spnngfield at the time of final plat submJt1al The purpose IS pnmanly to notify the plannmg office that the Surve\ 109 DIVIsIOn has receIved all the documents It reqUIre,> for final plat submIttal Date, Received Planner AL z./;'1Atldf / / V \FORMS - PUBLIC WORKS\Engmeermg Dl\ ISlOn\SatlsfactJOn Survey \SURVEY SCCTlON\SUlveymg Appro\al Memo---temp doc CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00010 1057 Anderson Lane . --_.__.",~- ~ SITE Map 17-03-33-11 Tu. Lot 101 Date Received: FEB H 2008 Original submittal () ~ Date Received: J-/;1pol1t , I Planner: AL