HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-12 03/19/2007 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 07-12 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GeneraI, Street, SpeciaI Revenue, Community DeveIopment, RiverBend Development, Fire LocaI Option Levy, Drainage CapitaI Projects, DeveIopment Projects, Police BuiIding Bond CapitaI, Street Capital, SDC Local Storm Improvement, SDC Transportation Improvement, Local Wastewater Operations, Regional Wastewater, Ambulance, Drainage Operating, Booth-Kelly, Regional Fiber Consortium, Insurance, Vehicle & Equipment, and SDC Administration. WHEREAS, the 2006-2007 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 06-28 dated June I9, 2006; and, WHEREAS, at yarious times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned actiyities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, A Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: Section 2. Supplemental Budget No.1 for the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year amending Resolution 06-28 is hereby adjusted as follows: GENERAL - FUND 100 Estimated Revenues AIJ1Jro/Jriations PAL Program Grant $ 1,420 Departmental Operating: Franchise Fees 162,000 City Manager's Office $ 67,000 Postage Fees 5,200 Development Services 6,620 State Conflagration Funds 62,242 Fire and Life Safety 64,242 Misc. Revenue $ 2,000 Police 20.000 Total Departmental Operating $ 157,862 Non Departmental Reserves $ (87,000) Transfers 162,000 Total Non-DepartmentaI $ 75,000 Total General Fund $ 232.862 Total General Fund $ 232.862 Attachment B - Page 1 of 6 SPECIAL REVENUE - FUND 204 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Refund $ 6,679 Departmental Operating: SHPO Revenue 3,000 Development Services $ 9,339 Transfer from Comm. Devel. Fund 6,339 Fire and Life Safety 6,679 Total Departmental Operating $ 16,018 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 16,018 Total Special Revenue Fund $ 16,018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - FUND 210 Estimated Revenues Appropriations CDBG Federal Grants $ 182,123 Departmental Operating: Development Services $ 57,158 Non Departmental Reserves $ 118,626 Transfers 6,339 Total Non-Departmental $ 124,965 Total Community Development Fur $ 182,123 Total Community Development Fur $ 182,123 RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT - FUND 222 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Planning Fees $ 326,843 Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety $ 56,843 Non Departmental Reserves $ 270,000 Total RiverBend Devel. Fund $ 326,843 Total RiverBend Devel. Fundi $ 326,843 Estimated Revenues State Conflagration Funds FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY - FUND 235 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety $ 2,511 $ 2,511 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 2,511 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ 2,511 DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - FUND 420 Estimated Revenues Transfer from General Fund $ 162,000 Approoriations Capital Projects $ 162,000 Total SDC Transportation Improve $ 162,000 Total SDC Transportation Improve $ 162,000 Attachment B - Page 2 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 07-12 Estimated Revenues POLICE BUILDING BOND CAPITAL PROJECT - FUND 428 Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: Public Works $ 310,000 Capital Projects $ (310,000) Total Police Building Bond Capital $ Total Police Building Bond Capital $ STREET CAPITAL - FUND 434 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Transfer from Local Storm SDC $ 200,000 Capital Projects $ 506,695 Non Departmental Reserves $ (306,695) Total Street Capital Fund $ 200,000 Total Street Capital Fund $ 200,000 Estimated Revenues SDC LOCAL STORM IMPROVEMENT - FUND 440 Appropriations Non Departmental Reserves Transfers Total Non-Departmental $ $ (200,000) 200,000 $ Total SDC Local Storm Improveme $ Total SDC Local Storm Improveme $ Estimated Revenues SDC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT - FUND 447 Appropriations Capital Projects $ $ 25,782 Non Departmental Reserves $ (25,782) Total SDC Transportation Improve $ Total SDC Transportation Improve $ Attachment B - Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 07-12 Estimated Revenues Total Local Wastewater Operation! $ Estimated Revenues Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ Estimated Revenues Firemed Admin. Reimbursement State Conflagration Funds Total Ambulance Fund Estimated Revenues Total Drainage Operating Fund LOCAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS - FUND 611 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ Non Departmental Reserves Total Local Wastewater Operation! $ REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER - FUND 612 Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: Public Works Capital Projects Non Departmental Reserves Total Regional Wastewater Fund $ $ AMBULANCE - FUND 615 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety 243,537 2,418 Non Departmental Reserves $ 245,955 Total Ambulance Fund DRAINAGE OPERATING - FUND 617 Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: Public Works Non Departmental Reserves $ Total Drainage Operating Fund Attachment B - Page 4 of 6 $ 20,000 $ (20,000) $ 150,000 $ 46,800 $ (196,800) $ 270,305 $ (24,350) $ 245,955 $ 20,000 $ (20,000) $ RESOLUTION NO. 07-12 ./ $ BOOTH - KELLY - FUND 618 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Development Services Public Works Total Departmental Operating $ (8,200) 8,200 Estimated Revenues $ Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ Total Booth-Kelly Fund $ Estimated Revenues REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM - FUND 629 Departmental Operating: $ Public Works $ 5,000 Non Departmental Reserves $ (5,000) Total Regional Fiber Consortium F $ Total Regional Fiber Consortium F $ INSURANCE FUND - FUND 707 Estimated Revenues Appropriations Vendor Donations $ 380 Departmental Operating: Human Resources $ 380 Total Insurance Fund $ 380 Total Insurance Fund $ 380 Estimated Revenues VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT - FUND 713 Appropriations $ Departmental Operating: Fire and Life Safety Information Technology Police Public Works Total Departmental Operating $ 187,296 18,000 70,000 1,561 276,857 $ Non Departmental Reserves $ (276,857) Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund $ Attachment B - Page 5 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 07-12 Estimated Revenues SDC ADMINISTRATION FUND - FUND 719 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Public Works $ $ 15,872 Non Departmental Reserves $ (15,872) Total SDC Administration Fund $ Total SDC Administration Fund $ Estimated Revenues Total Supplemental Budget . $ 1,368,692 Appropriations Total Supplemental Budget $ 1,368,692 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of March, 2007, by a vote of against. for and 0 ATTEST: c~,~~ R\E~'EWE[) & ~PPRO\lED A~ORM \ ~~ DATE" ~).0j \:l'_ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Attachment B - Page 6 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 07-12