HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 2/4/2008 ,< ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVE' lENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE February 4,2008 TO ,/ ...L ..L ~ ~ ~ } --;:7' ~ ~ ~ "7' 7' ~ i:7' v ~ .........- ~ 7' ..K .....-- l7 Date Received Current Planning Staff G Karp, J Donovan, LIz Mill er Klttl Gale, L Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Limblrd, Dave Reesor Steve Hopkins ally Markanan FEB _ 4 2008 'Matt Stouder, Englneenng - Public Works Departmen 'Les Benoy, Engineer Group, En9lneenng/Publlc Works 'Chuck Gottfned, EnVIronmental Services Bnan Barnett, Traffic EnglneerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) Ongmal SubmIttal 'Gal)' McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Departmenl 'Gilbert Gordon, Depuly Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safely Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only 'Pat French, Planner, Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Dlstnct 'Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Utlllly Board (Electnc) 'Bart McKee, Spnngfield Uti Illy Board (Water) Jack Foster, Spnngfield Ulll1ly Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chlnltz, Spnngfield Utlllly Board (Dnnklng Water) Jim Henl)', Central Lane Communications 911 (SubdiVISions, Street name changes) Dave Whrte, U S P S (Growth Mgmt Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partlbons/Subdlvlslons) 'Cella Barry, Lane Counly Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Ulll1ly Dlstnct (EPUD) Jim Mann, Lane Counly Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane Counly Sanltanan [Urban Transrtlon Zone] (If applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Dlstnct(' only If In the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authonly (If applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenZie Fire Dlstnct (If applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable (If applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electnc) ('If In Glenwood) Dick HelgesoniMel Damewood, EWEB (water) ('If In Glenwood) Steve Mae, Glenwood Water Dlstnct ('If In Glenwood) Bill Gnle - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonls, EconomiC & Communlly Development Manager (agenda) Cindie Matt, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) 'Dave Puent, BUilding OffiCial (agenda) Lisa Hopper, BUilding Services Representative (agenda) , Greg Ferschweller, Keith Mlyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept (agenda) 'Craig Frtzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, EnVIronmental Works Dept , (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Englneenng ASSistant, Public Works Dept (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) *WIll Mueller, L TD Nann Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway D,v,s,on (agenda) Steve Barrett, Asst Supenn of Operations, Spnngfield School Dlstnct (agenda) William LeWIS, Financial Services, Spnngfield School District ( agenda) Jack Moran, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Spnngfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, Clly Attomey DenniS Emst, Clly Surveyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTH/JUSTICE CENTER/FIRE STATION ITEMS A request for land use action, as deSCribed on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office SpeCIfic concerns of your dlvlslonidepartmenVagency should be addressed If you have comments or requlremenls of thiS proposal, please send them In wnllng to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 If your wntten comments are not received by Fnday, February 15, 2008 speCific concerns of your dlvlslon/departmenVagency Will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on February 19, 2008 The Development ReView Committee holds staff review meellngs on Tuesday @ 800 -10 00 a m You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday If you have speCific concerns so that the Planning representative can diSCUSS them pnor to meeting With the applicant If the Planner feels It IS necessal)' for you to participate In the public meetings helshe will let you know on Tuesday , Will receive a full packet Date ReceIved FES - 4 2008 AGE N D A Orlgmal Submittal DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff ReVIew. February 19, 2008 @ 8 00 - 9.00 a.m 1 PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2008-00005 BERRY 8 - 9 a m Assessor's Map 17-03-15-40 TL 1500 Address 255 Deadmond Ferry Road EXlsling Use Residential Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot mto two duplex lots , Planner Steve Hopkms 2 SITE PLAN TENTATIVE #DRC2008-00008 IRISH GLEN/HAMMERlARAMARK 9-10 a.m Assessor's Map 17-02-30-44 TL 100, 200 Address 1230 40'h Street & Vacant lot EXisting Use Vacant Applicant submitted plans to construct a 25,000 square foot office/Industrial bUilding as the Aramark Dlstnbutlon Center Planner Steve Hopkins 1 JAN 2 8 2008 City 0 f S:Jnngfield Devel opnent Services Department 225 F jft~ Street SpnngfHld, OR 97477 Land I>ivision Tentative Plan PartItion, SubdivIsion Date Received Onglnal submittal FES - 4 2008 A hcant Name: Harold & Earlene Berr Phone: 541 968-0317 Com an : Address: Countr Manor No 3, LLC 462 S nn dale Ave, S nn field, OR 97477 j,~ , j , ~~ , Fax: " '\I ~~~" h A hcant's Re .. Pam Clark Phone: 541 302-9790 Com an : Olson & Morns Fax: 485-3253 Address: Y., ,"-' 380 Street, SUite 200, S nn field, OR 97477 ~~~~i ~~j ~ "" ~J \x , M Id" Countr Manor No 3, LLC Phone: Fax: \ ""'~ ~ 462 S nn dale Ave, S nn field, OR 97477 "'" ~ lJ.q 1 I~ 'It ~ " ~ -~ f' \ Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-4 255 Deadmond Fer Rd 15 184 Acres 0 S uare Feet [8J Pro osed Name of Subdivision: M9 ~\ " Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Pro osal: EXlstin Use: . -. -... Associated A hcations: ~~:/o08 -0000 (p SI ns: Pre-Sub Case No.: D09 -oc:ocls. Date: Reviewed b Case No.: ~vi@ '-OO~;O'S A !lcatlon Fee: $ L( 1--:3"1 , TOTAL FEES: $ S I '1--0 ,lIS ~""" Ll _Wi"fi'f.J}.K 4 .,,';;,.+fiw & Date: J' o'Y::> Technical Fee: $~j, (.. PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 10 Date ReceIved /' FEB - 4 2008 1- '\ Onglnal submittal 1- '\ 1- \. ~ ;::: .,... ....,..,. ,..,.. - ,"BllliifB:li;!lllllillll,'III"III'111 " ;DGI.'illl~~I;'II'IIGI. II 1'1 1;;I"Ii;I:i..i~li<1 i~ ;.i 'I!~I! !i~~I!:i:!i!!lil:!I~ :i :11 :!lle:~' ; lil!iU Uu i!~i!: II nlHI!' ~ . m '111 il&~II:. II I~! · {J) i RIO:VrSIONS J:' -.J2,QtTJ t'1 -1' OAm ...._ ..0JttT~ JIlU.....-- JAN 2 8 2008 I \ ..o~rll al Submittal I I~ I I Iii, I I ::1 -- "I I I I I, I I : ~ ~-- !till A I 1- "\ III' , , 1111 I . ~ . :rIll, .... G.!..~+.~i".. 1'111 1'111 11111111111111 1.llllllIIllllil lUll I I t III . . ~ -7!:r . ( , ""VIE>'"".y_ ""v",."".,_ ;~:'LIm>.'_ Tentative Partition Plan for Rwer Bend. No.nor ~'" LMMC_ """"' [ == 1; Olson& J Moms I ~ I ....... ,~... ...........""" Comulung __.,...,,,,,:!:::= Ehglneelll &Sll1Veyws ><~Ll:._K~ Date Rece",ed FEB - ~ 2008 Orlgloal subm1ttal- ~ Date ReceIved; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00005 255 Deadmond Ferry Road JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal I I D FERRY RD SITE Map 17-03-15-40 Tax Lot 1500, North ... Date Received FEB - 4 2008 Date Received Onglnal Submittal TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION FOR RIVER BEND MANOR JAN 2 8 2008 OnglOal Submittal Date January 24, 2008 lAND USE PlANNING AND CONSUlTlNG SERVlUS 370 Q STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 15411 3029830 FAX 1(541161 (} 1805 Property Owner/ApplIcant Country Manor No 3, LLC 2815 Wayside Lane Spnngfield, OR 97477 Project CoOrdlnatDr/ ApplIcant's Representative Olson & Morns c/o Pam Clark 380 Q Street, SUite 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9790 Plannmg Metro Plannmg, Inc c/o Robert Stevens, AlCP 370 Q Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9830 Assessor's Map/Tax Lot 17-03-15-40/TL 1500 Area of Request 15,190 Square Feet EXlstmg Zomng MDR (MedIUm-DensIty Residential) Number of Parcels Proposed 2 Area of Parcel I 6,108 Square Feet Area of Parcel 2 9,076 Square Feet Back2round This applIcatiOn IS for a tentative partitiOn at 255 Deadmond Ferry Road within the Spnngfield City lImIts The site was annexed Into the CIty of Springfield In 2005 ThIs property IS located wIthin an MDR (medIum-densIty resIdentIal) zone that has a mlOlmum denSity of 10 umts per acre and a maximum of20 uOlts per acre per SDC (Spnngfield Development Code) SectiOn 3 2-205 The proposed partitiOn Will create two parcels (one being a panhandle lot) out of one eXIsting lot There are no eXisting Improvements on the subject property Rtver Bend Manor Tentative PartitiOn January 24,2008 Page I Date ReceIVed FEB - 4 2006 ~ _ anginal Submittal Ongln'9l181.l!Pm1~~ posed partitIOn plan, the apphcant IS subm[ttmg a conceptual site plan (mcluded m the plan set) showmg how the development sltel could be developed m the future with multlple- faImly uOlts m comphance with the mlOlmum and maxImum density for an MDR zone This I conceptual plan, and the discussIOn m this wnttfn statement, IS not a formal development proposal for the two proposed parcels The actual development plan wIll be subm1tted m a subsequent bUlldmg permit apphcatlOn ~ Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 In 2005 there was an earher site plan review apphcatlOn submitted for the subject site that proposed a seven-plex mu\tlple-farmly development (see DRC2005-00031) That site reVIew I applicatIOn development proposal IS no longer bemg planned This partitIOn represents a change m the plans for the property All supplemental mformatlOn (I e stormwater scopmg sheet) IS mcluded m the submIttal package I along Wlth thiS wntten statement and the tentatIVe partitIOn draWlngs The cntena of approval per , Sprmgfield Development Code (SDC) 5 12-125 are addressed below as well I SDC 5.12-125 - Tentative Plan Criteria for ADDroval I (,4) The request conforms to the provISIOns of thIS Code pertammg to lot/parcel Size and dimensions. The proposed partitIOn complies With all reqUIrements ofthe Spnngfield Development Code I (SDC) pertammg to parcel size and dimensIOns as demonstrated below Parcel SIze and Street Frontage SDC 3 2-215 reqUIres that lots or parcels on east-west streets be a mIrumum of 4,500 square feet , m area and have 45 feet of frontage Deadmond Ferry Road IS an east-west street Parcell Wlll I have about 78 feet of frontage on Deadmond Ferry Road and be 6,108 square feet m area Parcel I 2 IS proposed as a panhandle lot Per the same code sectIOn reference above, a smgle panhandle lot must be at 4,500 square feet exclUSive of thelpanhandle and have 20 feet of frontage Parcel 2, exclUSive of the pole portIOn, Will be 9,076 square feet and have about 44 feet of frontage Based on these facts, both proposed parcels Wlll meet the parcel size and dimenSIOn standards of SDC 3 2-215 Setbacks SDC 3 2-215 reqUIres a 10 foot setback for front and rear yards ReqUIred mtenor yard setbacks I are 5 feet per the same code sectIOn These setback standards Will be evaluated durmg a future I bUlldmg permit apphcatlOn Given that there are no eXlstmg structures, the setback standards to the proposed property hnes cannot be evaluated 'at thiS time River Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24, 2008 Page 2 ~ Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 (B) The zonmg IS consIstent wIth the Metro Plan diagram and/or appllc~lillR~.fIa~Rmmahitll; diagram, Plan DIStTlet map, and Conceptual Development Plan The plan designatIOn for the subject site and adjacent properties m the Metro Plan [S medlUm- density residential In addition, the subject property IS zoned MDR (medIUm-denSity reSidential) ThiS zonmg designatIOn IS consistent with the Metro Plan Land Use Diagram In addition, the Metro Plan reqUires medIUm-density reSidential developments to be developed With a mlOlmum of 10 and a maximum of20 uOlts per acre To demonstrate that It IS feasible to develop the proposed parcels With enough uOlts to meet the dens1ty reqUirement, a conceptual sIte plan IS mcluded on the drawmgs ThiS IS not an actual development plan The subject site IS about 0 34 acres III area Below IS a table that shows the mllllmum/maxlmum number OfullltS that would be reqUired to meet density range Total Site Area o 34 Acres Density Calculation Units DIVided By Area 4 Units I 0 34 Acres = 12 MInimum Units (4) Units Per Acre 7 Units / 0 34 Acres = 20 Maximum Units (7) Units Per Acre Date Received' FEB - 4 2008 OnglOal submntl.\ The mllllmum number of uOlts needed to meet or exceed the m[lllmum 10 Ulllt per acre standard would be four (4) The conceptual site plan layout mcluded With thiS apphcatlon shows that two uOlts could be constructed on each parcel for a total of four UllltS that would prov1de a density of 12 uOlts per acre and be cons)stent WIth the SDC and Metro Plan ~-- The followmg discussIOn IS a review of the dIll1enslOnal standards (1 e setbacks) to demonstrate that conceptual uOlts would comply With the SDC and thus be feaSible SDC 3 2-215 reqUires a 10 foot setback for front and rear yards ReqUired mtenor yard setbacks are 5 feet per the same code sectIOn The closest uOlt to Deadmond Ferry Road on Parcell would have a front yard setback of 10 feet and an mtenor yard setback of 5 feet to the property lme between Parcel 1 and 2 The uOlts on Parcel 2 would have mtenor yard setbacks of 11 3 feet and 5 4 feet, as well as, a rear yard setback of 10 2 feet Based on these facts, the proposed uOlts would comply With the dimenSIOnal standards Regardmg other standards, SDC 4 6-125 would reqUire a mllllmum of two (2) parkmg spaces for each duplex uOlt The conceptual plan shows that there would be 12 parkmg spaces, which would be four more spaces than IS reqUired for four uOlts SDC 4 6- 150(A)(6) allows that bicycle parkmg for multiple-family developments may be proVided m md1vldual garages Each of the conceptual UllltS would have a garage that could proVide a secure area for bicycle storage In addition, the conceptual plan shows that there IS ample area for the reqUired landscapmg standards to be met Given the mformatlOn presented above, It IS feasible to develop the subject site With four uOlts and meet the mmlmum density of 10 uOlts per acre (C) Capacity reqUirements of public and pflvate facllllles, mcludmg but not limited to, water and electTlclty, sanItary sewer and storm water managementfacllltles; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public Improvements shall be aVailable Rtver Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24, 2008 Page 3 Date Received FEB - 4 2008 _..."" . OnOlnal Submittal . Ongmal SubTfllO_--*nc ...e at tlte tIme of development, unless otlterwlse provIded jor'TJy thlSToae aT'" otlter appltcable regulatIOns. Tlte Publtc Works DIrector or a utlltty provIder sltall determme capacity ISsues. ~ Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 The eXisting public Improvements and proposed pnvate facll111es have a very adequate capacity to accommodate multl-farOlly development andla possible four uOlts In the future based on the conceptual site plan The facts below and the attached plans demonstrate that the public and I pnvate facilities have an adequate capacity to handle the proposed development on this slte Wastewater There IS an eXIsting 10" wastewater line that runs east-west In the Deadmond Ferry Road nght- of-way There IS an eXisting 6" wastewater Imel to stubs to the subject site The proposed plans I prepared by the project engmeer demonstrate that there IS a large enough capacity In these , eXisting public lines to accommodate the type or development anticipated on thiS site There WIll be two new pnvate 6" lines extended onto the site to serve future development There would be I 4" pnvate servICe laterals to serve each future umt In additIOn, two c1eanouts (one along each new pnvate line) are proposed Water There IS one eXlstmg water meter located adjacent to the development site The eXlstmg 12" I water main IS located on the north SIde of Deadmond Ferry Road The additional water meters I necessary to serve at least four uOlts are shown on the attached plans The eXisting water main I adjacent to thiS proposed part1tlOn IS very adequate to accommodate between 3 and 6 additional I UIUtS that Will each have mdlv1dual water services The mdlVldual W' service lines are shown on the plan set Stormwater Dramage There IS an eXisting 21" storm line WIthin Deadmond Ferry Road ThiS 21" line has pretty of , capacity to handle runoff from between four and seven UIUts The roof dramage from both I parcels will be conveyed towards the eXlstmg public system via a proposed drain p1pe (as , mdICated on the attached storm drainage plan) !In additIOn, the locatIOn of a blO-swale to pre- I treat the ImpervIOus surface runoff IS shown on the site utIlity plan The project engineer has I prepared a storm dramage study to demonstrate that the proposed lines could handle runoff from certain storm events Traffic Capacity Per the Institute of TransportatIOn Engmeers (I~E) Trrp GeneratIOn (7th Edition), the average number of vehicle lr1ps per day per umt for smgle-fmmly detached hOUSing IS 9 57 (10% occurnng during any peak hour) While the cor!ceptual development plan would be for multiple I umts, the smgle-farmly tnp generatIOn number 'fould seem to be the most conservative to estimate potential tnps from thiS development site The total number ofumts In the conceptual R.Jver Bend Manor Tentative ParlltlOn January 24, 2008 Page 4 ~ Date Received JAN 2 8 2008_ OrJQlnal Submittal development plan is four This means that the average number of dally vehicle' tnps,tor tills , entire development would be 38 with only 4 occumng dunng any peak hour Th[s would be a m[nlmal amount of traffic entenng onto Deadmond Ferry Road There IS a mlOlmal amount of additional traffic that could be anticipated from thiS development site Deadmond Ferry Road IS paved with curbs/gutters and setback Sidewalks and can very safely accommodate the mlOlmal mcrease m traffic Easements To accommodate the proposed public and pnvate utilities and pnvate improvements (I e dnveway), there are several easements shown on the plan There are two eXlstmg easements, a public utility easement and public dramage easement Three easements are proposed (varlable- Width mamtenance access easement, 24 foot jomt aceess utility easement, variable-width pnvate stormwater dramage easement) (D) The proposed land dIVISIOn shall comply With all applicable public and private deSign and constructIOn standards contained m thIS Code and other applicable There are no proposed public Improvements With thiS land dlVlSlOn The applicant's project engmeer has carefully prepared the pnvate utility plans to ensure that all pnvate deSign and constructIOn standards can and Will be met In addition, dunng constructIOn all pnvate utlhtles Will be mstalled accordmg to all applicable City standards (E) PhYSical features, mcludmg, but not limited to. steep slopes With unstable soil or geologiC conditIOns, areas wah susceptibility offloodmg; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQL W Map and theIT associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppmgs; open spaces; and areas of hIStOriC and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified m SectIOn 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760,358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified m thiS Code or m State or Federal law. There IS a waterway located to the west of the subject development site The centerlme of the waterway/ditch IS shown on the plans The area on the subject property that could be susceptible to floodmg IS mcluded m an eXlstmg, vanable width pubhc dramage easement The public drainage easement IS delmeated on the attached plans No future development Will occur wlthm the easement area to ensure that the area around the creek IS not Impacted and thus protected There are no other phYSICal features located on the subject property, mcludmg steep slopes, slgrnficant clusters of trees or shrubs, wetlands, rock outcroppmgs, or hlstonc features By aVOidance of the dramage easement area, this cntenon IS met Date Received FEB - 4 2008 Onglnal submittal RIver Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24, 2008 Page 5 Date Received FEB - ~ 2008 -, Date Received.' JAN 2 8 2008 . "",I Onglnal SubmIttal Onglnal 'f/JpP}Jnrtng areas and Ingress-egress pOints have been designed to: facIlitate velllcular traffic, I bicycle and pedestnan safety to aVOid congestIOn; provide connectivity wlt/lln the I development area and to adjacent residentIal areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity I centers, and commercIal, industrIal and publIc areas, minimize curb cuts on arterIal and I collector streets as specified In thIS Code o~ other applIcable regulatIOns and comply with the ODOT access management standards for state highways. I There IS no specific development plans proposed with this applicatIOn, thus the parkmg areas I cannot be fully evaluated for compliance With this cntenon Such a review of the parkmg area I Will be conducted with a future bUlldmg permit applicatIOn However, the conceptual site , development plan shows that a parkmg area could be constructed that would allow easy site I circulatIOn for all vehicles Vehicles would be able to back up WIthout backmg mto the nght-of- I way Veh1cles also would have qUick and easy access to Deadmond Ferry Road via a proposed 24 foot dnveway (mgress-egress pomt) The mgress-egress location Will be established through thiS partitIon applicatIOn There Will only , be tills one mgress-egress pomt to mmlmlze curb cuts From the mgress-egress pomt, vehicles I and pedestnans/blcyclists Will have qUick and safe access to Deadmond Ferry Road Deadmond I Ferry Road provides street connectIOns With InternatIOnal Way and GarDe Farm Road GarDe I Farm Road then connects WIth Beltlme H[ghway and Martm Luther Kmg Jr Parkway These latter two artenals provide access to the Gateway, Eugene, and the City center of Spnngfield With easy access to these artenals from Deadmond Ferry Road there IS safe and conveOlent I access to nearby residential, commerCial, and mdustnal developments, as well as, transit stops This proposed partitIon will provide good street connectIOns for pedestnans, bicyclists, and veIucular traffic (G) Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplIShed in accordance with the provlllOns of thiS Code. I The property owner (Country Manor No 3, LLC) does not own any adjacent land Further, the entue area of the subject property Will be fully cteveloped as a result of this proposed partition, I thus there WIll be no remamder that could be further divided later I (H)AdJacent land can be developed or IS prOVided access that wIll allow ItS development in accordance with the provisIOns of this CodJ. I Accordmg to 2004 Aenal Photography from LCOG (Lane CounCil of Governments), there are I areas around the subject site that are not fully developed All development activity proposed I under thiS applicatIOn or any future site review applicatIOn Will occur on the subJ ect property Adjacent land can be further developed m accordance With all applicable SDC reqUirements I There w111 be no off-Site Impacts from development on the subject site that would hmder adjacent properties from bemg fully developed River Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24,2008 Page 6 . . Date Received- Date Received ~ FEB - 4 2008 j JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal Onglnal Submittal (I) When no concurrent annexatIOn appilcatlOn IS submitted with a ParttllOn Tentative Plan on property that IS outside of the City ilmlts but wlt/lIn the City's urbamzable area, the standards spectfied below shall also apply (a) The minimum area for the partltlOmng of land In the UF-10 Overlay District shall be to acres. (b) EXCEPTIONS. 1. Any proposed new parcel between 5 and 10 acres shall requtre a Future Development Plan as spectfied In SectIOn 29.070(I)(c) for ultimate development with urban densities as reqUired In tllis Code. 2. In addition to the standards of Subsection (9)(b)1, any proposed new parcel that IS less than 5 acres shall meet one of the following standards' a. The property to be partitIOned shall be owned or operated by a governmental agency or pubilc utlilty, or b. A majority of parcels located within 100 feet of the property to be partitIOned shall be smaller than five acres. 3. No more than three parcels shall be created wht/e the property remains within the UF-10 Overlay DIStrict, unless permitted by SectIOn 34.040(2). The subject property was annexed mto the City of Sprmgfield m 2005, thus this cntenon [s not applicable (J) Where the SubdivIsIOn of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park IS proposed, the following approval crlterta apply: 1. The park was approved before July 2, 2001 and is In compllance with the standards In SectIOn 3.2-235 or other land use regulatIOns In effect at the time the site was approved as a manufactured dwellmg park or mobt/e home park; or the park IS an approved non- conformmg use. In the latter case, a park IS m compilance if the City has not Issued a notice of noncompliance on or before July 2,2001. 2 The number of lots proposed shall be the same or less than the number of mobile home spaces prevIOusly approved or legally exlStmg m the park. 3. The external boundary or setbacks of the park shall not be changed. 4. The use of lots, as shown on the Tentative Plan, shall be I1mlted to the installatIOn of manufactured dwellmgs; l.e, "stick-bUilt" houses are prolllblted. 5 Any other area m the SubdivIsIOn other than the proposed lots shall be used as common property, unless park streets have prevIOusly been dedicated to the City or there are publ1c utt/lties m the park All common property shall be addressed In a Homeowner's ASSOCiatIOn Agreement. a. Areas that are usedfor velllcle ctrculatlOn (streets), drtveways that serve more than two lotslparcels or common parking areas, shall be shown In a Tract or easement on the Tentative Plan. b. All other services and utt/ltles that serve more than one lot shall be m a Tract or easement. Where a service or utlilty serves only one lot, but crosses another, that service or Utt/lty shall also be m an easement shown on the Tentative Plan. Sprmgfield Development Code, Chapter 5 Page 56 of 118 c. EXlstmg bUlldmgs m the park used for recreatIOnal, meetmgs or other purposes for the park residents shall be m a Tract shown on the Tentative Plan. River Bend Manor Tentat[ve PartitIOn January 24, 2008 Page 7 Date Recelve~. " JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal 6. Any publzc utllltles shall be wlthm a publIc utllzty easement. I 7. If publlc utilItIes or servIces are reqUlrea to serve the SubdIVIsIOn, the park owner shall I sIgn and execute a WQlver of the right to remonstrate agamst the formatIOn of a local Improvement dIStrict to provIde the publzc futilitIes or servIces. The subject a~PlicatlOn [S not for a SUbdlVlSloJOf a manufactured dwelling park, thus thIS cntenon IS not applicable If there are any questIOns about thiS wntten statement, please do not hesitate to contact me at I Metro Planmng vIa emarl (robert({iJ,metrop!annllll:( com) or phone (302-9830) For all other questIOns about the proposed partition, please clmtact Pam Clark (project coordmator) at Olson & Moms Respectfully, 1 I h! /1\ ' -I -...1--- {'1;l'-..j' --"'J~ Robert Stevens, AlCP Associate Planner Date Rece\\led FEB - 4 2008 On91Oal subm1t\a1- RIver Bend Manor Tentative Partlt[on January 24, 2008 Page 8