HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/31/2008 . . . ~, ~Q' J. ~ .~ 1703 I SCf() () /.5r /") (- 3/-C?f( . I .. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT . SPRINGFIELD ~. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www c, spnngfieJd or us 300-FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE PENDING PARTITION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION Date of NotJce: January 30, 2008 Case Number: SOO2008-00005 ApplIcant: Harold and Earlene Berry Nature ofthe ApplIcatJon: The applIcant IS proposmg to partItIon one lot mto two parcels Location: The property mvolved m thts request IS located at 255 Deadmond Ferry Road in Spnngfield, Assessor's Map No 17-03-15-40, Tax Lot(s) 1500 ApplIcable Cnteria: The cntena of approval found at Section 5.12-125 of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) apply to thts applIcatIon The cntena are aVaIlable at Spnngfield CIty Hall weekdays between 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m at the Development ServIces Department or on the CIty'S webslte at www CI spnngfield or us under Sprmgfield Development Code Your Rie:ht to Provide Written Comment: Pnor to the CIty makmg any deCISIon on the applIcatIon, you are proVIded a fourteen (14) day penod for the SUblTIlSSIOn ofwntten comments Your wntten co=ents must be received by 5:00 p.m. on February 13,2008 Send comments to the attentIOn of the staff contact lIsted below. You may review the record of thts applIcatIon at CIty Hall and purchase copIes at a reasonable cost Failure to Raise Issue: Issues wInch may prOVIde the basIS for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raIsed ill wntmg pnor to the expuatIon of the comment penod Issues shall be raIsed WIth suffiCIent specIficIty to enable the deCISIOn maker to respond to the Issue Staff Contact: Steve Hopkms CIty of Spnngfield Urban Plannmg DIVISIon E-lIllIll shopkms@cl spnngfield or us Phone (541) 726-3649 If you would like to meet directly WIth the planner, I1lease call and make an al1l1ointment. 02-1?-08P03 02 RCVD .. J 'TO" "''' IiOI ~'" ... ." t:: ~i 1:: + 0> i! 0 > r.f.:l!:;...:l Z B ~= 0> ~ J:! =-.... !l: ~ E S :z .Q ~ " .. en a ;; c 8 Q "0 .. ~ ~ fi:~:gt' " Q" Q .. Z>Q~ ~...o!,"O =-.0= ooz~O ~tl~.g o;;'ooll ~ Q .... lI'l U ~ 02-12-08P03 00 RCVD ~ a ~__ ~ 'f h-:t, &--;"t /L-€~-L. --<~~, ~I ~--r ~~ ~--~~.~I-~~~ ~ ~ ~cty. .1~ ttM a.M /v1{.Q--<<k;v - wLq.? FA ~ "" :z: "" ~ .'" \ .'" ! I -- . - --- ---- -- ---. - ---- -- ---- -- ---- --- ----- . --- ... --- -I) ____ ~ -- I. ___ . --- . --- I. ___ W JJ i~ g ~ I ~ ! ~1.11 .. "'1 j J I .1..... L Rlitl.t,~p; ,,~--) "<c /.-..-- \.. . - -~ - __ _a --. t ==--:=-__. ------- . :.:.----.-- ~ :".:.:.':::=~-=- --..----- . r~':..":'.::.-..- l~ I) I) I L __..r___ ..-----.- -..Y-...--.. .. =::':':'==~_:a l . =::.~i..~-_.. tIll!!! . =.!~~':i::=- 0'1. I --.------ IL ===='1:-.:=."'::':.: ::-..:.-::.-: =: :.-:-.:=. --...------ ----- . ------- . w n../ 1,\ "'. I i~~~~ ,IA""d4,A_A_-# ~oIJ.e.P:L I~/~/~ I , CZ.;(5 S~ ,dtu.a - ,-- - - n__ - -Onglnal Submittal I ~ 0;< _97i/ 7_7 _ _ _ _ t2Ja,.9:1i /...7-tJ.3:l5,- S'0 _ _ _ _ _~ _ __ I _ ____ _____ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __7J;f..c1Jd j-5l2o_ __ - - Ir~-/~/d2~? ------ - - '- ---- - --. -- - - --~ -- - --- - - --- - -- ----- --- ~~ ~ -- - ___ :~ ~ ~ ~_ _ _ C!~]?(__~T~_:.sj)13~?-(J~a:>5 __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___________ _ _f~:./:I~'I-~B~ - - - -- tF?7UJ. ~~I --- -- - ---- -- - --- --- -- - ---- --- t~ ----~ __~Lm_t<.L~_~ ~ h_~_____ --- ______~-.1b-~-~~'~-~-n-- _ ___ ___ __hh ~?_~-a6-0:2S~-~~~-~---- -- n-1r~~~- ~-- ___H___ -~ - - - - -I'f $~ t2A-e._~ ~~~-~ --- --- ira.-~-~~/fl--glti . . ?tf-~--- _ _ --~ d2-u ~~_ _ I ..:b~__ - --- - - - _ ~/~-.~-~-eu-vJ- ____ - - IbL'I'c".<t--~-~TTL4/3a:JTa.:t. ------- __ __Jb ~_~_~_.~_~ ~=<-_,___ ____ -- -- t- _J~~~_~ ~~ acLb__ - -- - - - - 15E ~itf IL ~ /5C2Q)_~#d,/ ~ tiu_-s_w -_ --- r~-~-TL~/S~ ~r:Fc:<,_...JI...e..-~~____ ___ - - ___~Rv-~~~~ ::t~;;,~ -- --' -- I~ ~ + ~ ~ tU~~ - -- - - ---r!i-- ~ - - - -- - - - -- u _ __ _ ~__ _ _~-e- ,~J ~ ~ ~ ~___ __ _ __ ______ I . --~.-tiv-~.-'1kv------ _ -----I:ft'al~-~~~$-~~r- ,-- __ __~-,-TL#-/.30CJI-~~-~ ___ l!!,h,u....b..uLL . _ _ _ __. __ _ IW- -- '-12. ~(j -, -I - ~~~~~~-- ~~jL.~~~~ ~ ~~~~'~r' 111 . :~, ~or~$~ !il~ Y-~~2t #/1tJ315"-'!(){)/8(){) . Date Received' 02-12fi8>&:i! ~O~CVD