HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/30/2008 " ~ Date Received: ..., ( JAN 3 0 2008 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program TechniCian for the Planning DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program TechniCian, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of SUl32al8-000OS M d'u:t ~ - ~.:hd" ~ ~ (See attachment "A") on 30 2008 addressed to (see Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed In a U,S, mall box With postage fully prepaid thereon ~JA1_ dta ~-1~ KAR LaFLEUR STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Pr gram Tec IClan, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me ., OF~C~l~ , DEVETTE KE > Nr,TAkYPUBllc_J~lON COMMISSION NO 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 15,2011 btp- lVur My Commission E"Xplres 11 It 5 / II I I 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 WWW CI spnnqfield Of US 300-FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE PENDING PARTITION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION Date of Notice January 30, 2008 Case Number: SUB2008-00005 Aoolicant: Harold and Earlene Berry Nature of the AoohcatIOn: The appbcant IS proposmg to partItIOn one lot mto two parcels Location: The property mvolved m thIs request IS located at 255 Deadmond Ferry Road in Sprmgfield, Assessor's Map No 17-03-15-40, Tax Lot(s) 1500 Aoohcable CTtteTta: The CrIterIa of approval found at SectIon 5 12-125 of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) apply to tlus apphcatlOn The CrIterIa are aVaIlable at SprIngfield CIty Hall weekdays between 800 a m and 500 P m at the Development ServIces Department or on the CIty's webslte at www CI sPrIngfield or us under Sprmgfield Development Code Your RIght to ProvIde WTttten Comment' PrIor to the CIty makmg any decIsIOn on the apphcatIon, you are proVIded a fourteen (14) day perIod for the submISSIOn ofwntten comments Your wntten comments must be receIved by 5:00 p.m. on February 13,2008 Send comments to the attentIOn of the staff contact hsted below. You may revIew the record of thIs apphcatlOn at CIty Hall and purchase copIes at a reasonable cost Fatlure to RaIse Issue. Issues whIch may proVIde the basIs for an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raIsed m wntmg prIor to the eXpIratIOn of the comment perIod Issues shall be raised With suffiCIent speCIfiCIty to enable the deCISIOn maker to respond to the Issue Staff Contact Steve Hopkms CIty of SprIngfield Urban Plannmg DlVlslOn E-maIl shopkms@cl sprIngfield or us Phone (541) 726-3649 Date Received: JAN 3 0 2008 Ongmul ::'ubrnutal If you would ltke to meet dIrectly wIth the planner, please call and make an apPointment L 10 D .L33HS D ,'" r 11'1111 i r~ L~ ILl:! ::0- ~ g i 1ZI ~ rP~ & -=: '" . 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'" ~ (J) :z t"'-> .. <: .. 0- o ' >-l (J) ~ -~ Co 8' -'t' t"j "'- ~'" ~ , . ~ ~ ; ,~ 1703140001501 SCHCIBE JOSEPH E 192 DEADMOND FERRY RD SPRINGFICLD, OR 97477 1703154001101,1z..> PCACEIICAL TH 1231NTFRNATIONAL WAY SPRINGrICLD OR 97477 1703154001400 DENHAM MICHAEL & JEANETTE 227 DEADMOND FERRY RD SPRINGfiELD OR 97477 1703154001700 OLSCN J ' EY N 2172 AND WAY E ENE OR 97401 1703154001800 SMIIIlI ELAND H & HEIOEMARIE 3 1222 CROSSROADS LN CUGENC, OR 97408 I Game Farm Neighbors 'Bonme Ullmann '3350 Onole Street ,Spnngfield, OR 97477 ~ -- - - ---- - - , J{MOfd <t &U~~rt1 &~/'ItA..+ul't.1f 3 L1Lc- J..f'-2 ,'d.tLk, ~ SpY': ~ OR-~n't17 1703140001600,1..1 ZoO PEACEHCALTH PO BOX 1479 CUGENE OR 97440 1703154001200 PEACEIlEA 1231 NATIONAL WAY INGFIELD, OR 97477 1703154001500 COUNl R Y MANOR NO 3 LLC , 2815 W A YSIOE LN Iletol:!. f<If1~1I( SPRINGFICLD OR 97477 1703154001700 OLSEN KE 2172 AND WAY ENE, OR 97401 1703220000100 PEACCH H PO B 1479 GCNE, OR 97440 Counet/or ChrIstme Lundberg 127 Woodland Dnve , 'Spnngfield, OR 97477 '---- A*~"8" 1703140001700 BASILIUS PAMELA A 203 DEADMOND FERRY RD SPRINGrIELD OR 97477 1703154001300 CONANT JAMCS E & JOSEPHINE 209 DEADMOND FERRY RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703154001600 BECKETT TIMOTHY H &. JANICE L 261 DEADMOND FCRRY SPRINGrIELD OR 97477 1703154001700 OLSEN RONALD N & MARYJJdf..I<et(~ 2172 ROLAND WAY I EUGENE, OR 97401 p<U\'\ C1a.Yk.... DISDrl .... "Wtorl'"iS 380 CQ. 51;, 5-lc.. 200 ,3fr;~dl of<. Cf7'f77 Date Received. JAN 3 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal --rc;+a l 21 ; 1703140001501 Rt.sldlnt 192 DEADMOND fCRR Y RD Spnnglield, OR 97477 1703140001600 Resident 199 DEADMOND FERRY RD Spnngfield, OR 97477 1703140001700 Resident 203 DEADMOND fERRY RD Spnngfield OR 97477 1703154001200 Rt.~ldent 280 DEADMOND FERRY RD SpllOgticld, OR 97477 1703154001300 ResIdent 209 DEADMOND FERRY RD Spnnglield OR 97477 1703154001400 ResIdent 227 DCADMOND FERRY RD Spnng1ieid, OR 97477 1703154001500 ResIdent 255 DCADMOND FERRY RD Spllngfield, OR 97477 1703154001600 RC<;ident J 261 DEADMOND FERRY RD Spnnglield, OR 97477 1703154001700 Resident 273 DEADMOND FERRY RD Spnnglield, OR 97477 1703154001800 RC';idcot 287 DEADMOND FERRY RD Spnngfield OR 97477 Date Received: JAN 3 0 2008 Ongln.!1 Submittal SUB2008-0000!1 P tltlon Tentative 17-03-" ~-40 TL 1500 Berry Streets c.; Springfield Streets - Tooltlp IS Street Name Springfield Streets with Names Buffer layer Tax Lots. Tooltlp IS Maplot .- 1 Snrlngfleld City Limits - - !..~_IsPR "" J EI!.gene City LimIts L _iEUG Springfield UGB 1--1 SCALE 1 5,452 a:KJ-( _ -=L I ~- 200 0 200 400 600 FEET http IlspmtraneUmg_mwf/spr_marn_lIde_83 mwf -1._--~-<<:W : <( ....... ~<:), I Z I ......0' III 0:1 ^~- f-: I _v I 0:;(1, ~"'?' I Z~\l <:) - / D FERRY RD ffi:/" /\/ : r-"----- ~-'-,-. .:;.~"'\~ I I \ , iQ I I \ :L. , 1_____ \:,-__ . L , \,' ..-: I \, - \~ I I \_ ~,1 '1--~" I . I \ I \ I \ ,< /1 / I i ~~ N /~ Date Received" JM' 1 D i'JOB ~'Il;Ill'" bl.tl../lnll18L Tuesday, January 29, 2008 10 03 AM