HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 2/20/2008
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City of Springfield
February 20, 2008
Steve Hopkms, Urban Planner
Enc WaIter, CIvIl Engmeer
SUB2008-00005, R1ver Bend Manor PartItIOn
I have revIewed the matenals proVIded WIth the subject apphcatlOn The recommended
findmgs and condItIons outhned below are provIded for your use m prepanng the land-use
F/Ild/llg Sec!lon 4 3-105 A of the SDc reqUIres that sanitary sewers shall be mstalled to
serve each new development and to connect developments to eXlstmg maillS AddItIOnally,
mstallatIon of sanItary sewers shall proVIde suffiCIent access for mamtenance actIVItIes
FlIIdlllg The apphcant has proposed connectmg to the eXlstmg 6 mch wastewater lateral
located m Deadmond Ferry Road Two new 6 illch waste water hnes WIll connect to thIS
Ime and wIll be extended, WIthm a proposed Jomt access and utIhty easement, to serve
each of two tax lots Each tax lot mcludes two dwelhng umts so there WIll be an additIOnal
4 mch Ime branclung off and extended from mentIOned 6 mch Ime m order to serve the
additIOnal dwellmg urut There WIll be a total of four dwellmg UnIts, two on each tax lot
CondItIOn: Pnor to final plat, the apphcant shall obtam approval and necessary plumbmg
permIts and construct all pIpe work proposed on the pnvate property area In addItIOn,
pnor to final plat, an encroachment permIt WIll be reqUIred for connectmg to the eXlstmg 6
mch waste water lateral located wltlun the publIc nght-of-way and wlthm the 7' pubhc
utIhty easement
FlIIdlllg SectIOn 4 3-110 B of the SDC reqUIres that the Approval Authonty shall grant
development approval only where adequate publIc and/or pnvate storm water management
systems proVISIOns have been made as determmed by the Pubhc Works Dlfector,
consIstent WIth the Engllleer/llg DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM)
FlIIdlllg SectIOn 4 3-1 10 C of the SDC states that a stormwater management system shall
accommodate potent131 run-off from ItS entIre upstream dramage area, whether mSlde or
outSIde of the development
FlIIdlllg SectIOn 4 3-1 10 D of the SDC reqUIres that run-off from a development shall be
dIrected to an approved storm water management system WIth suffiCIent capacIty to accept
the dIscharge
FlIIdlllg SectIOn 4 3-110 E of the SDC reqUIres new developments to employ dramage
management practIces, which mmlmlze the amount and rate of surface water run-off mto
recelvmg streams, and wluch promote water quahty
FlIIdlllg To comply WIth SectIons 4 3-110 D & E, stormwater runoff from the sIte WIll be
dIrected mto a proposed water quahty swale located on the east sIde of property pnor to
dlschargmg mto the eXlstmg storm water dItch located on the west sIde of property where
tlus WIll then discharge to the pubhc system located m Deadmond Ferry Road Tlus
dramage ditch dIscharges to a 36" culvert that connects to an eXlstmg 36 mch pubhc storm
water pIpe system located m Deadmond Ferry Road
FlIIdlllg The sIte utlhty plan (plan sheet C6) does not appear to provide provIsIons for and
demonstrate how the roof run off will be dIscharged At t1Ille of development where plans
WIll be submItted for future apphcatIons, plans WIll need to be submItted showmg how the
new roof dram leaders and how roof dram pIpes will be directed to and dIscharged to an
approved storm system acceptable to the CIty ofSpnngfield Pubhc Works Department and
BUlldmg Department
ConditIOn. Pnor to Fmal Plat approval, the apphcant shall obtam necessary encroachment
permIt for all new storm pipe and np rap work located m the eXlstmg pubhc dramage dItch
located along the west SIde of property
FlIIdlllg Under Federal regulatIon of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered SpecIes
Act (ESA), and NatIonal Pollutant DIscharge EhmmatIon System (NPDES), the CIty of
Spnngfield has obtamed a Muruclpal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permIt A
provIsIOn of thIS permIt reqUIres the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollutIOn m
urban stormwater to the MaxImum Extent PractIcable (MEP)
F/Ildlllg Federal and Oregon Department of Envlfonmental Quahty (ODEQ) rules reqUIre
the CIty'S MS4 plan address SIX "Mmlmum Control Measures" Mmlmum Control
Measure 5, "Post-ConstructIOn Stormwater Management for New Development and
Redevelopment," apphes to the proposed development
FlIIdlllg Mlrumum Control Measure 5 reqUIres the City of Spnngfield to develop,
1Illplement and enforce a program to ensure the reductIOn of pollutants m stormwater
runoff to the MEP The CIty must also develop and Implement strategIes that mclude a
combmatIon of structural or non-structural Best Management PractIces (BMPs)
appropnated for the commumty
FlIIdlllg Mlmmum Control Measure 5 reqUIres the CIty of Spnngfield use an ordmance or
other regulatory mechamsm to address post constructIOn runoff from new and re-
development projects to the extent allowable under State law Regulatory mecharusms
used by the City mclude the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC), the CIty'S Engmeenng
DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future Stormwater FacilItIes
Master Plan (SFMP)
Fllldlllg As reqUired m SectIOn 4 3-110 E of the SDc, "a development shall be reqUired to
employ dramage management practIces approved by the Pubhc Works Director and
consIstent WIth Metro Plan policies and the Engllleerlllg DeSIgn Standards and Procedures
Fllldlllg SectIOn 3 02 of the CIty'S EDSPM states the Pubhc Works Department wIll
accept, as mtenm deSIgn standards for stormwater quahty, water quahty facllltIes deSIgned
pursuant to the pohcIes and procedures of eIther the CIty of Portland (BES), or the Clean
Water ServIces (cWS)
F/Ildlllg SectIOn 3033 B of the CIty's EDSPM states all pubhc and pnvate development
and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs
that m combmatlOn are deSIgned to acrueve at least a 70 percent reductIOn m the total
suspended sohds m the runoff generated by that development SectIOn 3 03 4 E of the
manual requues a mInImum of 50 percent of the non-bUlldmg rooftop ImpervIOus area on a
sIte shall be treated for stormwater quahty Improvement usmg vegetatIve methods
F/Ildlllg To meet the reqUirements ofthe CIty'S MS4 permIt, the Spnngfield Development
Code, and the CIty's EDSPM, the apphcant has proposed a pnvate water quahty swale
located along the east sIde of property An "erosIOn control" seed mIx does not appear to
be specIfied for proposed system and the seed mIx and apphcatlOns rates have not been
FlIIdlllg The vegetatIOn that wIll be proposed (has not been specIfied on plans) for use m
the swales wIll serve as the pnmary pollutant removalmechamsm for the stormwater
runoff, and wIll remove suspended sohds and pollutants through the processes of
sedimentatIOn and filtratIOn SatIsfactory pollutant removal WIll occur only when the
vegetatIOn has been fully estabhshed
ConditIOn: Pnor to Fmal Plat approval, the apphcant shall subrmt a proposed seed mIx for
the water quahty swale The seed rmx shall meet the requuements of the City'S mtenm
deSIgn standards as reqUired m SectIOn 302 of the EDSPM The City of Portland
storm water management manual may be referenced for deSIgn
ConditIOn: To ensure a fully functIOnIng water quahty system and meet objectIves of
Sprmgfield's MS4 perrnIt, the Spnngfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the
proposed pnvate vegetatIve water quahty swale shall be shall be fully vegetated WIth all
vegetatIOn specIes estabhshed pnor to approval of Fmal Plat AlternatIvely, If thIs
condItIOn cannot be met, the apphcant shall provide and mamtam addItIonal mtenm
erosIOn control/water quahty measures acceptable to the Pubhc Works Department that
WIll suffice untll such tIme as the swale vegetatIOn becomes fully estabhshed
F/Ild/llg SectIon 4 2-105 G 2 of the Spnngfield Development Code reqUIres that whenever
a proposed land dIVISIOn or development WIll mcrease traffic on the CIty street system and
that development has any Ulllmproved street frontage abuttmg a fully Improved street, that
street frontage shall be fully Improved to CIty specIficatIOns ExceptIOn (I) notes that m
cases of unImproved streets, an Improvement Agreement shall be reqUired as a condItIOn
of Development Approval postpomng nnprovements untIl such tIme that a CIty street
Improvement project IS mltIated Smce thIS development fronts Deadmond Ferry Road
winch IS already fully Improved, tlns code sectIOn has been satIsfied where no further
condItIons WIll be necessary for tlns partitIOn
FlIIdlllg The proposed development fronts Deadmond Ferry Road winch IS already fully
Improved where no street Improvements are bemg proposed or appear necessary There IS
one eXIstmg dnveway that IS proposed to be closed and one eXlstmg dnveway proposed for
mamtenance access proposed to remain A proposed dnveway to serve thIS development
IS bemg shown on plans where a drIveway perrnIt WIll be necessary
ConditIOn: Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the apphcant shall obtam approval and all
necessary Pubhc Works dnveway curb cut permIts for closmg eXlstmg dnveway and for
proposmg and constructmg the new dnveway as shown on plans winch WIll serve as the
pnmary access to tlns development
FlIIdlllg SectIOn 4 3-130 A of the Spnngfield Development Code reqUires each
development area to be proVIded WIth a water system havmg suffiCiently SIzed mams and
lesser Imes to furrush adequate supply to the development and suffiCIent access for
mamtenance Sprmgfield UtIhty Board coordmates the deSIgn of the water system Wlthm
SprIngfield cIty hmlts The current plans do show locatIOns and sIzes of proposed water
hnes The BUlldmg Department has made a note that the water Ime should be a mmlmum
I" Ime Plans are presently mdlcatmg only a %" Ime
FlIIdlllg The sIte plan submItted does not appear to mclude all eXlstmg easements located
on the property that mcludes an eXlstmg pubhc mamtenance easement referenced WIth
Lane County ReceptIOn No 2004-022213 Smce tins eXlstmg easement covers a large
percentage of the lot and where the proposed bUIldmgs WIll encroach mto thIS easement,
the proposed development WIth present bUIldmg layouts WIll be m VIOlation WIth code as
no structure or structure over-hang IS allowed to encroach mto pubhc easements
FlIIdlllg The apphcant has mdlcated an eXlstmg 7 ft pubhc utIhty easements along the
frontage of Deadmond Ferry Road whIch satisfies SectIOn 4 3-140 A of the SDC
AddItIOnally, a vanable WIdth pubhc dramage easement IS bemg shown on west SIde of
property that WIll need to be remam WIth proposed development for the eXlstmg pubhc
dramage channel dItch
FlIId/llg The apphcant has proposed a new vanable WIdth pnvate storm water dramage
easement for the new water quahty swale on the east SIde of property for the benefit of and
servmg both parcels I and 2 Also, a new 24 ft WIde Jomt use access and utIhty easement
IS bemg shown both satIsfymg the reqUirements for storm and utIhty requIrements of
proposed development
ConditIOn: Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the apphcant shall make provISIons for, obtam
CIty approval, and successfully secure necessary vacatIOns of eXlstmg pubhc mamtenance
access easement as needed for proposed development and obtam approval and record a new
pubhc mamtenance access easement acceptable to the CIty ofSpnngfield The eXlstmg
mamtenance access easement IS referenced as Lane County ReceptIOn No 2004-022213
The CIty of Spnngfie\d must approve a new mamtenance access easement pnor to allowmg
vacatmg of the eXlstmg pubhc mamtenance access easement The mlmmum WIdth of the
proposed mamtenance access easement shall be \4 ft and shall run adjacent to and the full
length of the eXlstmg dramage dItch top of bank located on the west sIde of property
ConditIOn: Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, the apphcant shall obtain CIty approval
through the CIty Surveyor and record necessary documents through Lane County for all
pnvate and pubhc easements bemg proposed as shown on plans and as outlmed m fmdmgs
F/Ildmg There does appear to be a portIOn of property located wlthm a FEMA floodplam
at the north / west comer of property
Condition: Pnor to approval of the Fmal Plat, If It IS deterrnIned that project IS subject to
FEMA floodplam reqUIrements, the apphcant shall obtam necessary approval and permIts
through the CIty of Sprmgfield Planmng Department where a floodplam permIt may be
Pay apphcable Systems Development Charges when bUlldmg permIts are Issued for
developments wlthm the CIty hmlts or wlthm the Sprmgfield Urban Grow1h Boundary
(The cost relates to the amount of mcrease m ImpervIOus surface area, transportatIOn tnp
rates, and plumbmg fixture unItS Some exceptIons apply to Spnngfield Urban Growth
areas) [Spnngfield Code Chapter II, ArtIcle \\]
Systems Development Charges (SDC's) WIll apply to the constructIOn ofbUlldmgs and sIte
Improvements wlthm the subject site The Charges WIll be based upon the rates m effect at
the tIme of permIt submIttal for bUlldmgs or sIte Improvements on each portIOn or phase of
the development
Pay a Samtary Sewer In-Lteu-of-Assessment charge m addItIon to the regular connectIOn
fees If the property or portIOns of the property bemg developed have not preVIOusly been
assessed or otherwIse partICIpated m the cost of a pubhc sanItary sewer Contact the
Engmeenng Dlv to determme IfIn-Lleu-of-Assessment charge IS apphcable [Ord 5584]
It IS the responslblhty of the pnvate developer to fund the pubhc mfrastructure
Encroachment PermIt or Sewer Hookup PermIt (workIng wltlun nght-of-way or pubhc
easements) example new tap to the pubhc storm or sarutary sewer, or adjustIng a
manhole [The current rate IS $135 for processmg plus apphcable fees and deposIts]
Land & Dramage AlteratIOn PermIts (LDAP) [Contact the Spnngfield Pubhc Works
Department@ 726-5849 for appropnate apphcatlOns/reqmrements]
. Metropohtan Wastewater Management CommIssIOn (Pump statIon, sanitary
sewers 24 Inches or larger)
. Lane County FaclhtJes PermIt (If the project IS wIthIn Lane County JunsdlCtlOn)
o RaIlroad (If the project crosses a raIlroad)
. Oregon Department of TransportatIOn (If the project IS wIthIn ODOT JunsdlctlOn)
. DIVISIOn of State Lands (Storm water dIscharge, wetlands)
o Oregon Department of EnVIronmental Quahty (EroSIOn control (5 acres or greater),
pump statIOn, storm water discharge, wetlands)
. US Army Corps of EngIneers (Storm water dIscharge, wetlands)