HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/28/2008 (2) JAN 2 8 2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan PartitIon, SubdIvisIon Date Received Ongmal submittal A Iicant Name: Harold & Earlene Berr Phone: 541 968-0317 Com an : countr Manor No 3, LLc 462 S nn dale Ave, S nn field, OR 97477 Fax: Address: A licant's Re .. Pam Clark Olson & Morns Phone: 541 302-9790 Fax: 541 485-3253 Address: 380 Street, SUite 200, S nn field, OR 97477 Owner: countr Manor No 3, LLc Phone: 541 968-0317 Fax: Address: 462 S nn dale Ave S ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-4 TAX LOT NO S : 1500 255 Deadmond Ferr Rd 15, 184 Acres D S uare Feet IZl Pro osed Name of SubdIVISIon: DescriptIon of If you are f,II109 10 th,s form by hand, please attach your proposal descnpt,on to this appl,cat,on Pro osal: EXlstin Use: residential dujacre nate box on the next . . - - Associated A hcations: f-~') 008 --0000 (p SI ns: / Pre-Sub Case No,: DOg~()Cx:;CJ..p Date: ReViewed b Case No.: ~ ~ODCO'5 A licatlon Fee: $ C( ]-'J "\ 5 11--0, If; Date: Technrcal Fee: $2.: c&-VVl 5 TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 10 Date Received, Owner Signatures JAN 2 8 2008 This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at bottP.l"~E!sElHl:\lI't~~ppli(Btlu" process An application without the Owner's original signature wIll not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned aCknowledges that the InformatIOn In thiS application 1$ correct and accurate for schedullng of the Pre- Subm,ttal Meeting Owner: Date: SIgnature Print Submittal I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent With the completeness check performed on thIS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identtfled by the City as necessary for processing the application IS proVided herein or the information will not be proVided If not otherwise contained Within the submittal, and the City may begin proceSSing the application With the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the reqUirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: I . J1 ~ . 'fit . J.. ~. ~~ Date: 1/28/2008 ~ture " ~ Harold Berry Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Date Received' Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist JAN 2 8 2008 NOTE Clr.IQ\nal SubmlltaJ . ALL of the following Items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submlttl'l ana -Suomlttal . If you feel an Item on the list below does not apply to your speCific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to thiS form IZJ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages IZJ Land Division Tentative Application Form IZJ NarratIve explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the eXisting use of the property, and any additional Information that may have a beanng In determining the action to be taken IZJ Copy of the Deed IZJ Copy of a Preliminary TItle Report Issued Within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances IZJ Copy of the Land DiviSIon Plan Reduced to 8'/2"x 11", which Will be mailed as part of the required nelghbonng property notification packet IZJ RIght-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) faCility IZJ Three (3) CopIes of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent With the Englneenng DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual IZJ Three (3) Copies of the TraffIC Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer In accordance With SDc 42-105 A 4 TraffiC Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffiC Impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system In terms of safety, traffiC operations, access and mobility, and Immediate and adjOining street systems A TIS must also address, If needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation poliCies and objectives IZJ Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the FollOWing Plan Sets for Submittal IZJ All of the follOWing plans must Include the scale appropnate to the area Involved and suffiCient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation IZJ All plan sets must be folded to 8V," by 11" and bound by rubber bands a, Site Assessment of Existing CondItIons IZJ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer IZJ VICinity Map Rev,sed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 10 [8J The name, location, and dimensions of all eXisting site features including bUildings, curb cuts, trees, and ImpervIous surface areas, clearly indicating what IS remaining and what IS being removed For eXisting structures to remain, also Indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines [8J The name, location, dimenSions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required npanan setback that are shown on the Water Quality limited Watercourse Map on file In the Development Services Department [8J The lOO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the Site, as specified In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map ReVISion [8J The Time of Travel Zones, as specified In SDC 3 3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department [8J PhYSical features Including, but not limited to trees 5" In diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, Significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcropplngs [8J SOil types and water table information as mapped and speCified In the SOils Survey of Lane County A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the SOils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable SOils and/or a high water table b, Land Division TentatIve Plan [8J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor [8J City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any speCial service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land diVISion [8J Location and Width of all eXisting and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land diVISion [8J Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land diVISion IS a part, as well as dimenSions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimenSions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale [8J Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of Illumination [8J Location, Widths, conditions, and names of all eXisting and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rlght-of-ways Within or adJacent to the proposed land diVISion Proposed streets should also Include approximate radiUS of curves and grades and relationship to any proJected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map [8J Location of eXisting and reqUired traffic control deVices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and Similar publiC faCilities [8J Location and dimenSions of eXisting and proposed dnveways [8J Location of eXisting and proposed transit faCilities [8J Location and Width of all eXisting and proposed Sidewalks, Sidewalk ramps, pedestnan access ways and bike trails t rR~ e..Recelved, [8J Location, size and type of plantlngs and street trees In any~req~~weef.stnp JJ~JN;_2:8r~~~8 Original Submittal Onglll....::1..' .... t -'-- S-ot1.0 Rev,sed 1/1/08 Molly Markanan [g] Location and size of eXisting and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site Including sanitary sewer mainS, stormwater management systems, water mainS, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV Indicate the proposed connection pOints [g] The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, With the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly mdlcated [g] Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as speCified In SDc 5 12-120 E Date Received' c, Stormwater Management Plan [g] Prepared by an Oregon licensed CIVil Engineer [g] Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape<A"~I'l~~tJ~l!~ 131uAts 3rc proposed as part of the stormwater management system [g] Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations [g] PervIous and ImpervIous area drainage patterns [g] The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to drain lines, catch baSins, dry wells and/or detention ponds, stormwater quality measures, and natural dralnageways to be retained [g] EXisting and proposed spot elevations and contours IlOes drawn at 1 foot IOtervals (for land With a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) [g] Amount of proposed cut and fill JAN 2 8 2008 [g] Additional MaterIals That May be ReqUIred IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: [g] Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's ASSOCiation Agreement [g] Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster SubdiVISion proposal as speCified In SDc 3 2-230 [g] Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located Within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or Within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW [g] A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable SOils and/or a high water table present [g] Where the development area IS y,ilthln an overlay diStriCt, address the additional standards of the overlay district [g] If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as speCified In SDc 5 19-100 [g] A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon DIVISion of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there IS a wetland on the property [g] Any reqUired federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review [g] Where any grading, filling or excavating IS proposed With the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted pnor to development ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 6 of 10 ~ Where applicable, "any Discretionary Use or Vanance as speCified In SDc 5 9-100 and 5 21-100 ~ An Annexation application, as speCified In SDC 5 7-100, where a development IS proposed outside of the city limits but Within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer ~ All publiC Improvements proposed to be Installed and to Include the approximate time of installation and method of finanCing Date Received' JAN 2 8 2008 Ongmal Submittal Rev'sed 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 7 of 10 y 380 Q Street, SUite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax pam(Ci1olsonandmorns com Olson & Morris A SubsIdiary of L BOlson & Associates, me Consulting Engineers & surveyorso t R d a e ecelve LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL JAN 2 8 2008 Date' January 28, 2008 Re 3953 Berry Original Submittal PRE2008-00006 TO City of Springfield Development Services Dept 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 I From: Pam Clark WE ARE SENDING YOU ( ) Originals ( ) Reports ( x ) Attached ( x ) Copies ( x ) Plans ( ) Under separate cover via ( ) Prints ( ) Dlskette(s) ( ) Specifications () QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Tentative Partition Application 1 Check In the amount of $5,120 45 by Earlene Berry 1 Written Statement 1 Title Report dated 12-28-07 With vesting deed 1 8 Y2 x 11 of Tentative Plan 4 Stormwater Management System Scope of Work 18 Tentative Plan ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & Filing ( x ) For review & comment ( ) As requested ( ) Returned for correction ( ) For your distribution ( ) Approved as submitted ( ) Approved as noted S'gnature ?CLtY\ ~OJ\ 'R Pam Clark, Survey Tech X \PROJECTS\3953 RIVER BeND MANOR\Correspondcnce\Trans Spnngfield Subnuttal Tent doc 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~t4j C of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt n".elopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #, 3200800000000000064 Date 01128/2008 3 00 IOPM Job/Journal Number 5UB2008-00005 5UB2008-00005 5UB2008-00005 Description CTY PartItIon TentatIve Plan Postage Fee Type II - $155 + 5% Technology Fee Payments Type of Payment Check Paid By HAROLD BERRY Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 4,729 00 15500 23645 $5,120 45 Amount PaId mem 572 In Person Payment Total $5,12045 $5,12045 Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 Original Submittal ,.eo. '\" cRecelOtl Page 1 of I 1/28/2008 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP SUB2008-00005 255 Deadmond Ferry Road Date ReceIved: JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal I i D FERRY RD , ;:~ ~ {Pr C-, tfrT!>w",',Ie,r SITE Map 17-03-15-40 Tax Lot 1500, North ... - "' 1";--,' JU/ /I~ , Date Received' ;- .- JAN 2 8 2008 T L. ,. ,\.... F.It I '~~ ~ 51 17 03 15 40 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR R 01500 After recordmg return to HEB Investments, LLC 2815 Wayside Lane Spnngfield, OR 97477 Until a change IS requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address HEB Investments, LLC 2815 Wayside Lane Sprungfield, OR 97477 I Divis.on of Ch.ef Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records ~~~1.~J~~~f \ 11111111111111111111111111" 1111I1I1 "" 111/" III $36.00 00914180200700384080030032 06/06/200702:30:19 PM RPR-DEEO Cnl=l Sln=4 CRSHIER 02 $15 00 $11 00 $10 00 File No None (CGF) Date June 01, 2007 lSTAM 7191-1047595 STATUTORY SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Summer Development, Inc, a Oregon Corporation, Grantor, conveys and specially warrants to HER Investment, LLC, an Oregon limited Liability CorporatIOn, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of liens and encumbrances created or suffered by the Grantor, except as specifically set forth herem ThiS property IS free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT' None 1 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements, If any, affectmg title, which may appear m the publ,c record, mcludmg those shown on any recorded plat or survey See legal DescrJptlon attached hereto as Exhibit A and by thiS reference Incorporated here,n BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THI5 INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TIlLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197352 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTI DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTI SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CflY OR COUNTI PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DffiRMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTI OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197 352 The true conSideration for thiS conveyance IS $250,000 00 paid to and by a Qualified Intermediary as part of an IRC 1031 Exchange, Page 1 of 3 r--' , I Date Received, \ JAN 2 8 2008 APN 0150597 Statutory Special Warranty Deed - conbnued ~l!Ql~lp.pJ3VJ~~~!GF) Date 06/01/2007 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILUAM M STEVENS DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 46, NOTIFICATION NO 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, 1l1ENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST UNE OF SAID ClAIM 200 FEET, 1l1ENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH UNE OF SAID ClAIM 191 FEET, THENCE NOR1l1 260 38' WEST 200 FEET TO THE NOR1l1 UNE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, THENCE EAST ALONG 1l1E NOR1l1 UNE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM, 191 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NOR1l1EAST CORNER OF THE WILUAM M STEVENS DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 46, NOTIFICATION NO 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, 1l1ENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST UNE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM 200 FEET, 1l1ENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO 1l1E NOR1l1LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM 109 50 FEET, 1l1ENCE NORTH 120 39' 35" WEST 183 23 FEET TO THE NOR1l1 LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM; 1l1ENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM 6000 FEET TO 1l1E PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Page 3 of 3 1 I \~ I \1 / 1\ 7/'1'1-11_&3-<- After R.ccotdmg Return To first Amencan Title POBox 10146 ,pvgd>oI<X< ~7J4:0 ~ ~4' .. ,~~1.0cm~ '\ 11/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31 00 00942642200700637880020021 09/13/2007 10 37 00 AM I Dhtlslon of eMe' Deput.v-Cl~rk Lane County Deeds and Recor s RPR-DEED Cnl=l Stn=8 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 CASHIER 01 Date ReceIVed, After recording return to JAN 2 8 2008 Country Manor No 3, L L C clo Harold and Earlene Berry 2815 Wayside Lane Springfield, OR 97477 Onglnal submIttaL Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the (ollowing address Country Manor No 3, L L C cio Harold and Earlene Berry 2815 Wayside Lane Sprmgfield, OR 97477 STATUTORY BARGAIN AND SALE DELD HED INVESTMENT, LLC, an Oregon limited hablllty company, Grantor, conveys to COUNTRY MANOR NO 3, L L C , an Oregon lImited habllIty company, Grantee, the folloWLng descnbed real property See Exhibit' A' attached TllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TllS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF AFPLlCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TllS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE AFPROPRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY AFPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACfICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 The true conslderatlOo for thiS conveyance IS PART OF A REVERSE 1031 EXCHANGE OF LIKE KIND PROPERTY Dated thiS 7th d..y of September, 2007 HEB INVESTMENT, LLC By Fltst Amen E sole member /. - STATE County of Oregon Multnomdh ) SS ) I certIty that I know or have satisfactory eVidence that loUise Hottel IS the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged thai be Signed thiS mstrument, on oath stated that he IS authorJzed to execute the Illstrument and acknowledge It .IS the SClllor Exchange Officer of Fust Amef'c::''1 Exch:mge Ccmpan), LLC to be the free and \'ulurl:lI}' :lct of" ~Jclt narty fer the uses and purposes mcntJoned m thiS lDstrument Dated September 7, 2007 ~ Notary Publtc ill d for the Stdle of Oregon Res,dmg at'D", \cwQ o\'L- My appollltment explfes OFFICIAL SEAl ANN J IV! BURTON NOTARY PUBUC-DAEGON COMMISSION NO 400600 MYCOMM'SS'ON EJ(p'RES DEC 30 2009 , .' ') APN 0150597 Statutory SpeoaJ Warranty Deed continued File No 7191-1047595 (CGF) Date 06/01/2007 Date Received' Dated this ..If' day of ~.i~ . 200'1 JAN 2 8 2008 Summer Development, Inc , an Oregon Corporation Original Submittal ~~ By Scott Leatham, President \JA~ - By Lisa Leatham, Secretary (g& STATE OF Oregon ) )ss County of lane ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on this ,fJ- day of by Scott Leatham, President, and Lisa Leatham as Secretary of Sum er the Corporation 200 evelopment, Inc , on behalf of - (Ill OFFICIAL SEAL t ~ MARll Y~J V Me KERN NOT I\RY I 'UBLle OREGON , , r;OI/MIS' 'ON NO 396458 M\ COMMJ5blON EAPIRES SEPT 28 200 ~,^~'l.~,~ Notary PubliC for on ' My commission expires Page 2 of 3 . . I Date Received' JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 46, NOTIFICATION NO 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMffiE MERIDIAN, THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID CLArM 200 FEET, THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID CLAIM 191 FEET, TI~ENCE NORTH 260 38' WEST 200 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, 191 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND 1 BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 46, NOTIFICATION NO 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMffiE MERIDIAN, THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 200 FEET, THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 109 50 FEET, THENCE NORTH 120 39' 35" WEST 183 23 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 6000 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON . , '.d. I Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No 7199-1159913 Page 1 of 3 I First American FIrst Amf:!rIc~n TItle Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484 2900 Fax - (541)484 7321 Date Received SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE JAN 2 8 2008 For the Proposed Plat of Orlgmal Submittal Country Manor No 3, L L C GUARANTEE NO 7199-1159913 FEE $ 200 00 YOUR REF First American TItle Insurance Company of Oregon reports to The Oregon Real Estate Comm,sslon, and any County or City w,th,n which said subdivIsion or proposed subdlvls,on IS located That, accord,ng to the public records which Impart constructive not,ce or matters affect,ng title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find That the last deed of record runs to Country Manor No 3, L L C , an Oregon limited liability company We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which Ineludes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92 305 (1), and also easements, restrrct,ve covenants and rrghts of way prror to the effect,ve date hereof 1 The rrghts of the public In and to that portion of the prem,ses herein descrrbed lYing w,thln the Iim,ts of streets, roads and highways 2 Easement, 'neludlng terms and prov,slons contained therein Recording Information December 05, 2005, Recept,on No 2005-096563 In Favor of City of Sprrngfield For publ,c ma,ntenance access easement 3 Easement, Including terms and prov,slons contained therein Recording Information December 05, 2005, Reception No 2005-096564 In Favor of City of Sprrngfleld For publIC ma,ntenance access easement FIrst Amertcan TItle " , "I ,. I Subdivision Guarantee Guarantee No 7199~1159913 Page 3 of 3 Date Received Exhibit "A" JAN 2 8 2008 Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows Original Submittal BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 46, NOTIFICATION NO 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID CLAIM 200 FEET, THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID CLAIM 191 FEET, THENCE NORTH 260 38' WEST 200 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, 191 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON SAVE AND EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND BEGINNING AT A POINT 195 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM M STEVENS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 46, NOTIFICATION NO 3224, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, THENCE SOUTH 260 38' EAST PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 200 FEET, THENCE WEST AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 10950 FEET, THENCE NORTH 12039' 35" WEST 183 23 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM, THENCE EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM 6000 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, ALL IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION WAS CREATED PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 2008 Tax Parcel Number 150597 First Amencan TItle - ...=- , - I ,) ,J G 0 0 c c '-, D , "c ~ u '",~y '" " I~ "0 Q) > iii o Q) e::: Q) - cu o '" 5039 N 07 27'00 1,/ '" o ~ OJ ? a ~ 1 Fi :::;: \l) <, o l.o') ~l ~ b z I I;""" (1 I 'II ,j,' I 1.__-' II '! ;:~~ J' '~; '"---lr 24 AC S o 115.00 ) S 89-59 00' V 1 Na9 59 E O~ ,,00 ~Nn .- o 35':13 S ~5.13 30' IJ I I C) <;i:} <7' ,~\. 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Conoulting EnJineen """""" lAND USE PlANNfNG AffO WN5ULTlNGSfRVlCE5 370 Q STREET SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 15411 3029830 FAX 1(5411610-1805 Date Received TENTATIVE PARTITION APPLICATION FOR RIVER BEND MANOR JAN 2 8 2008 Original Submittal Date January 24, 2008 Property Owner/ApplIcant Country Manor No 3, LLC 2815 WaYSide Lane Spnngfield, OR 97477 Project Coordmator/ ApplIcant's Representative Olson & Morns c/o Pam Clark 380 Q Street, SUite 200 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9790 Planmng Metro Planmng, Inc c/o Robert Stevens, AICP 370 Q Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9830 Assessor's Map/Tax Lot 17-03-15-40/ TL 1500 Area of Request 15,190 Square Feet EXlstmg Zomng MDR (MedIUm-Density ResidentIal) Number of Parcels Proposed 2 Area of Parcel I 6,108 Square Feet Area of Parcel 2 9,076 Square Feet Backl!:round ThIS applIcatIOn IS for a tentative partition at 255 Deadmond Ferry Road wlthm the Spnngfield City IInuts The site was annexed mto the City of Spnngfield m 2005 ThiS property IS located wlthm an MDR (medlUm,denslty residentIal) zone that has a mlmmum denSity of 10 umts per acre and a maximum of20 umts per acre per SDC (Spnngfield Development Code) SectIOn 3 2-205 The proposed partitIon Will create two parcels (one bemg a panhandle lot) out of one eXlstmg lot There are no eXlstmg Improvements on the subject property River Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24, 2008 Page 1 Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 Original Submittal With thIs proposed parll110n plan, the apphcant IS submlttmg a conceptual sIte plan (mcluded m the plan set) showmg how the development sIte could be developed m the futUle with mull1ple- family umts m comphance With the mmmmm and maxImum density for an MDR zone ThiS conceptual plan, and the dISCUSSion m thiS wntten statement, IS not a formal development proposal for the two proposed parcel~ The actual development plan wtll be submItted m a subsequent bUlldmg permit applIcallon In 2005 there was an earlIer sIte plan revIew applIcatIOn submitted for the subject sIte that proposed a seven-pie x mull1ple-famlly development (see DRC2005-00031) That sIte revIew applIcatIOn development proposal IS no longer bemg planned ThiS parlltlOn represents a change m the plans for the property All supplemental mformallon (I e stormwater scopmg sheet) IS mcluded m the submIttal package along WIth thIS wntten statement and the tentallve parlltlOn drawmgs The cntena of approval per Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 5 12-125 are addressed below as well SDC 5 12-125 - TentatIve Plan Criteria for Approval (A) The request conforms to the prOVISIOns of tillS Code pertammg to lot/parcel size and dimensions, The proposed partitIOn complIes WIth all reqUlrements of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) pertammg to parcel size and dImenSIOns as demonstrated below Parcel SIze and Street Frontage SDC 3 2-215 reqUlres that lots or parcels on east-west streets be a mlmmum of 4,500 square feet m area and have 45 feet of frontage Deadmond Ferry Road IS an east-west street Parcell WIll have about 78 feet of frontage on Deadmond Ferry Road and be 6,108 square feet m area Parcel 2 IS proposed as a panhandle lot Per the same code sectIOn reference above, a smgle panhandle lot must be at 4,500 square feet exclUSIve of the panhandle and have 20 feet of frontage Parcel 2, exclUSIve of the pole portIOn, WIll be 9,076 square feet and have about 44 feet of frontage Based on these facts, both proposed parcels wtllmeet the parcel sIze and dimenSIOn standards of SDC 3 2-215 Setbacks SDC 3 2-215 reqUlres a 10 foot setback for front and rear yards ReqUlred mtenor yard setbacks are 5 feet per the same code sectIOn These setback standards wtll be evaluated dunng a future bUlldmg permIt apphcatlOn GIven that there are no eXlstmg structures, the setback standards to the proposed property lInes cannot be evaluated at thIS lime RIver Bend Manor Tentallve PartitIOn January 24,2008 Page 2 Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 (B) The zonlllg IS consistent with the Metro Plan dIagram and/or applIcfJnliJ'R~Jlill~RmJ1W>ttln dIagram, Plan DlftrIct map, and Conceptual Development Plan The plan designatIOn for the subject site and adjacent propertIes In the Metro Plan IS medlUm- density residentIal In addition, the subject property IS zoned MDR (medIUm-denSity reSidentIal) This zomng designatIOn IS consIslent With the Metro Plan Land Use Diagram In additIon, the Metro Plan requIfes medllun-denslty reSidential developments to be developed with a mlmmum of 10 and a maximum ot 20 umts per acre To demonstrate that It IS feasible to develop the proposed parcels with enough umts to meet the denSity reqUirement, a conceptual site plan IS mcluded on the draWIngs ThIS IS not an actual development plan The subject site IS about 0 34 acres m area Below IS a table that shows the mlmmum/maxlmum number ofumts that would be reqUired to meet denSity range Total Site Area 034 Acres DenSity Calculation Units DIVided By Area 4 Umts I 034 Acres = 12 Mlmmum Units (4) Umts Per Acre 7 Umts I 0 34 Acres = 20 MaXimum Umts (7) Units Per Acre The mlmmum number of umts needed to meet or exceed the mInimum 10 umt per acre standard would be four (4) The conceptual site plan layout Included with thiS applIcatIOn shows that two umts could be constructed on each parcel for a total oftaur umts that would proVide a denSity of 12 umts per acre and be consistent with the SDC and Metro Plan The follOWIng diSCUSSIOn IS a review of the dimensional standards (1 e setbacks) to demonstrate that conceptual umts would comply with the SDC and thus be feasible SDC 32-215 reqUires a 10 foot setback for front and rear yards ReqUired Intenor yard setbacks are 5 feet per the same code sectIon The closest umt to Deadmond Ferry Road on Parcel 1 would have a front yard setback of 10 feet and an Intenor yard setback of 5 feet to the property lIne between Parcel I and 2 The umts on Parcel 2 would have mtenor yard setbacks of 11 3 feet and 5 4 feet, as well as, a rear yard setback of 10 2 feet Based on these facts, the proposed umts would comply with the dimensIOnal standards RegardIng other standards, SDC 4 6-125 would reqUire a mlmmum of two (2) parkIng spaces for each duplex umt The conceptual plan shows that there would be 12 parkIng spaces, which would be four more spaces than IS reqUired for four umts SDC 4 6- 150(A)(6) allows that bicycle parkIng for multIple-famIly developments may be proVided In IndiVidual garages Each of the conceptual umts would have a garage that could proVide a secure area for bicycle storage In additIon, the conceptual plan shows that there IS ample area for the reqUired landscapIng standards to be met Given the mformatlon presented above, It IS feaSible to develop the subject site with four umts and meet the mmllnum denSity of 10 umts per acre (C) Capacity requirements of public and prIvatefacIlltles, IIlcludlllg but not limited to, water and electriCity; samtary sewer and storm water management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public Improvements shall be available River Bend Manor Tentative Pm11tIon January 24, 2008 Page 3 Date Received' JAN 2 8 2008 Oncmal Submittal to serve the site at the time of development, unle~~ otherwise provldedjor'tJy 1I1lsTO(le alld other applicable regulatlOlls. The Public Works Director or a utility proVider shall determme capacity Issue~. The eXlstmg pubhc Improvements and plOposed pnvate facIlltles have a very adequate capacIty to accommodate multI-famIly development and a possIble four umts m the future based on the conceptual sIte plan The facts below and the attached plans demonstrate that the pubhc and pnvate faclhtIes have an adequate capacIty to handle the propo,ed development on thIs sIte Wa~tewater There IS an eXlstmg 10" wastewater Ime that runs east-west m the Deadmond Ferry Road nght- of-way There IS an eXlstmg 6" wastewater lme to stubs to the subject sIte The proposed plans prepared by the project engmeer demonstrate that there IS a large enough capacIty m these eXIstmg pubhc hnes to accommodate the type of development anticIpated on thIs sIte There will be two new pnvate 6" hnes extended onto the site to serve future development There would be 4" pnvate servIce laterals to serve each future umt In addItion, two cleanouts (one along each new pnvate lme) are proposed Water There IS one eXlstmg water meter located adjacent to the development site The eXlstmg 12" water mam IS located on the north SIde of Deadmond Ferry Road The additIonal water meters necessary to serve at least four umts are shown on the attached plans The eXlstmg water mam adjacent to this proposed partItIOn IS very adequate to accommodate between 3 and 6 addItIOnal umts that WIll each have mdlVldual water services The mdlVldual y." servIce lInes are shown on the plan set Stormwater Dralllage There IS an eXlstmg 2 I" storm Ime wlthm Deadmond Ferry Road This 21" Ime has pretty of capacity to handle runoff from between four and seven umts The roof dramage from both parcels Will be conveyed towards the eXlstmg publIc system VIa a proposed dram pipe (as mdICated on the attached storm dramage plan) In addition, the locatIOn of a blO-swale to pre- treat the ImpervIOus surface runoff IS shown on the sIte utilIty plan The project engmeer has prepared a storm drmnage study to demonstrate that the proposed lInes could handle runoff from certam storm events Traffic Capauty Per the Institute of TransportatIOn Engmeers (ITE) Tnp GeneratIOn (7th EdItIOn), the average number of vehicle tnps per day per Uillt [or smgle-famIly detached housmg IS 9 57 (10% occurrIng dunng any peak hour) While the conceptual development plan would be for multIple umts, the smgle-family tnp generatIOn number would seem to be the most conservative to estImate potential tnps from thIS development sIte The total number of umts m the conceptual RIver Bend Manor TentatIve PartitIOn January 24,2008 Page 4 Date Received. JAN 2 8 2008 OrJamal Submittal development plan IS four This means that the average number of dally Veh[Cle-tnps tor thiS entire development would be 38 with only 4 occurnng dunng any peak hour ThiS would be a minimal amount of traffic entenng onto Deadmond Ferry Road There IS a mm[mal amount of add[tlonal traffic that could be anticipated from thiS development site Deadmond Ferry Road [S paved with curbs/gutters and setback s[dewalks and can very safely accommodate the minimal mcrease m traffic Easements To accommodate the proposed publIc and pnvate utilIties and pnvate Improvements (1 e dnveway), there are several easements shown on the plan There are two eXlstmg easements, a publIc ulility easement and publIc dramage easement Three easements are proposed (vanable- Width maintenance access easement, 24 foot Jomt access utilIty easement, vanable-wldth pnvate stormwater dramage easement) (D) The proposed land diVISIOn ~hall comply with all appltcable publtc and prtvate deSign and constructIOn standards contamed m tillS Code and other appllwble There are no proposed publIc Improvements with thiS land diVISIOn The applIcant's project engineer has carefully prepared the pnvate ulilIty plans to ensure that all pnvate deSign and constructIOn standards can and will be met In addllion, dunng constructIOn all pnvate uhlItles will be Installed according to all applIcable City standards (E) Physlcalfeatures, mcladmg, but not Itmlted to, steep slopes With unstable SOil or geologiC conditIOns; areas With susceptibility of floodmg; significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their assocwted riparian areas, wetlands; rock outcroppmgs; open spaces; and areas of Imtorlc and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified m SectIOn 3.3-900 or ORS 97,740-760,358,905-955 and 390,235-240, shall be protected as specified m tillS Code or m State or F ederallaw There IS a waterway located to the west of the subject development site The centerline of the waterway/ditch [S shown on the plans The area on the subject property that could be susceptible to flooding [S Included In an eXisting, variable width publIc dramage easement The publIc dramage easement IS delIneated on the attached pldns No future development Will occur wlthm the easement area to ensure that the area around the creek IS not Impacted and thus protected There are no other phYSical features located on the subject property, including steep slopes, Significant clusters of trees or shrubs, wetlands, rock outclOppmgs, or hlstonc features By aVOidance of the drainage easement area, thiS cntenon IS met River Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24,2008 Page 5 Date Received: JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal (F) Parkmg areas and mgress-egress pomts have been dellgned to facilitate velllcular traffic, bicycle and pedestrwn safety to avolll congestIOn, provide connectivity wltllln the development area and to atljacent resldentwl areas, transit stops, neighborhood actiVity centers, and commercwl, IIldustnal and public areas; mUlImlze curb cuts on arterwl and collector streets as specified III tIllS Code or other applicable regulatIOns amI comply with the ODOT access management standardsfor state Illghways, There IS no specific development plans proposed with thiS apphcatlOn, thus the parkmg areas cannot be fully evaluated for comphance with thiS cntenon Such a review of the parkmg area Will be conducted with a future buildmg permit apphcatlOn However, the conceptual site development plan shows that a parkmg area could be constructed that would allow easy site circulatIOn for all vehicle:, Velucles would be able to back up without backmg mto the nght-of- way Vehicles also would have qUick and easy access to Deadmond Ferry Road via a proposed 24 foot dnveway (mgress-egress pomt) The Ingress-egress locatIOn Will be estabhshed through thiS partitIOn applicatIOn There Will only be thiS one mgress-egress pomt to mmlmlze curb cuts From the mgress-egress pomt, vehicles and pedestnanslblcychsts will have qUick and sate access to Deadmond Ferry Road Deadmond Ferry Road proVIdes street connechons with InternatIOnal Way and Game Fann Road Game Farm Road then connects wIth Beltlme Highway and Martin Luther Kmg Ir Parkway These latter two artenals provide access to the Gateway, Eugene, and the city center of Sprmgfield With easy access to these artenals from Deadmond Ferry Road there IS safe and convement access to nearby resIdenhal, commerCial, and mdustnal developments, as well as, transit stops ThiS proposed partitIOn Will proVide good street connectIOns for pedestnans, bICyclists, and vehicular traffic (G) Development of any remamder of the property under the same ownerslllP can be accomplIShed m accordance with the provislOm of tIlls Code, The property owner (Country Manor No 3, LLC) does not own any adjacent land Further, the entire area of the subject property Will be fully developed as a result of thiS proposed partition, thus there will be no remamder that could be further divIded later (H)Adjacent land can be developed or IS provided access that Will allow Its development m accordance With the provIsIOns of tIllS Code Accordmg to 2004 Aenal Photography from LCOG (Lane CouncIl ot Governments), there are areas around the subject site that are not fully developed All development actlVlty proposed under thiS applicatIOn or any future site review apphcatlOn will occur on the subject property Adjacent land can be further developed m accordance With all dPphcable SDC reqUirements There will be no off-Site Impacts from development on the subject SIte that would hll1der adjacent properties from bemg fully developed RIver Bend Manor Tentahve PartIhon January 24, 2008 Page 6 Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 OnglOal Submittal (I) When no concurrent annexatIOn appltcatlOn IS submitted Ii"th a PartitIOn Tentative Plan on property that I~ outsllle of the city Itmlts but wltllln the City's urblllllzable area, the standards specified below shall also apply (a) Tile minimum areafor the partltlOnlllg of land III the UF-IO Overlay District shall be to acres, (b) EXCEPTIONS: I. Any proposed new parcel between 5 and to acres shall require a Future Development Planas specified III SectIOn 29 OlO(I)(c) for ultimate development With urban den5ltles as reqUired III tlllS Code 2. InaddtllOn to the standards of SubsectIOn (9)(b)I, any proposed new parcel that IS less than 5 acres shall meet one of the followlllg standards, a The property to be partitIOned shall be owned or operated by a governmental agency or pubitc Utt/lty, or b, A majority of parcels located With III 100 feet of the property to be partitIOned shall be smaller than five acres, 3, No more than three parcels shall be created while the property remalllS With III the UF-IO Overlay Dlstnct, unless permitted by SectIOn 34,040(2) The subject property was annexed mto the CIty of Sprmgfield m 2005, thus thIS cntenon IS not applIcable (J) Where the SubdiVIsIOn of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile llOme park IS proposed, the following approval cnterlll apply' 1. The park was approved before July 2,2001 and IS In compllllnce With the standards III SectIOn 3 2-235 or other land use regulatIOns In effect at the time the site was approved as a manufactured dwelling park or mobt/e IlOme park, or the park IS an approved non- conforming use, In the latter case, a park IS In compllllnce if the City has not Issued a notice ofnoncompllllnce on or before July 2,2001 2, The number of lots proposed shall be the same or less than the number of mobt/e home spaces prevIOusly approved or legally e.X1Stlllg In the park. 3, The external boundary or setbacks of the park shall not be changed, 4. The use of lots, as shown on the Tentative Plan, shall be itmlted to the installatIOn of manufactured dwellings; I.e, "stick-bUilt" houses are prolllblted. 5, Any other area In the SubdiVISIon other than the proposed lots shall be used as common property, unless park streets have prevIOusly been dedicated to the City or there are pubitc utt/ltles In the park All common property shall be addressed In a Homeowner's AssocllltlOn Agreement, a. Areas that are used for velllde circulatIOn (streets), driveways that serve more than two lots/parcels or common parklllg areas, shall be shown III a Tract or easement on the Tentative Plan b, All other services and utt/ltles that serve more than one lot shall be m a Tract or easement, Where a service or Utt/lty serves only one lot, but crosses another, that service or Utt/lty shall also be In an easement shown on the Tentative Plan. Sprlllgjield Development Code,- Chapter 5 Page 56 of 118 c EXlstmg bUildings III the park used for recreatIOnal, meetings or other purposes for the park reSidents shall be III a Tract shown on the Tentative Plan River Bend Manor Tentative PartitIOn January 24, 2008 Page 7 Date Received JAN 2 8 2008 Onglnal Submittal 6, Any publIc utilIties shall be wltlun a publIc utlltty ea~ement 7, If public utt/ltles or services are required to serve the SubdlvlSlon, the park owner shall sign and execute a waiver of the right to remonstrate agalllst the formatton of a local Improvement district to provide the publIc utilIties or services The subject apphcatIOn IS not for a subdlvlSlon of a manufactured dwelhng park, thus thIS cntenon IS not apphcable If there are any questIOns about thIS wntten statement, please do not heSItate to contact me at Metro Plannmg VIa emml (tObert((/)metrop!ann1l1Q com) or phone (302-9830) For al! other questIons about the proposed partItIOn, please contact Pam Clark (project coordmator) at Olson & Morns Respectfully, , f \ i /!1 - -1".1-_ I t4-, { ",' A vlv-t-"^-- Robert Stevens, AICP ASSOCIate Planner RIver Bend Manor TentatIve PartItIon Janumy 24, 2008 Page 8 01/17/2008 17 29 F,~ 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW LJC:U.v 1''''--''' - --- 4tJQ.0}__ JAN 2 8 2008 - : PUBLIC WORKS DEP ARTlv.!ENT t Engmeenng DlY1SJOO Phone (541) 726-3753 Fax (541) 736-102] " , :4 ,,, " . , 'thi' it '"t 'J ' " -"", I" , , ' - . - ".."- " - (. rea be4JlfJ $ nefile 'OUI 6y'Appucant) '~.' '. ", ,,"': . .' _ -~, f '::::::r;:; ri'J<tu.,e --"dUm to Matt Stouder@ City of SprUlgffeld /'Ubllc Works Atr!;lfJeeriiig, 'Fru)/I 736-10i'1. Pho;'e /I 736-1035,) ... '''~I'' ,..,-,~,- -~... - - - ~ .... ~ _ ~ ri , Project Name: 'R\VER U+.:>D MFI.vClR Applicant: H~RDL.D J: S~ !.X:,uE:. ReRf<<t Assessors Parcel jf.' l'1-o3-\S.<./ Tl- ~.'5Do Date: 1-/1-0'8' Land Vse(s); MOR. Phone #; .3001-'17'10 ("LSo,", t I"\DRKIS) Project SIZe (Acres): 6"35 o..c... Fax #: 485 '3;;>."'~ Approx. Impemous Area: O,I~ 0."- EmaU: wo.de. ~ C'>1:500;o..\)d ['<"\orn.s (LO fY) ~~~~t"'I';,I1!II!1IJJM~'J~~'I""'JL' "'''"l ."1 !':.~' , , , - , --' ~1r \" '\IJ,I~I' ~I/'~~~,,(",,~ ",,",~~ ~1?1,,,IIo:J _ Project Description (Include a copy or Assessor's mllp). ~D.0:STRL~C T Ol. DUPU=:-,( Bu. I LD I ;..}i9,..5 6i:> P~"PcR,~ Dnli~age Proposal (pubhc connectJon(s), dIscharge locatlOn(s), etc Attach add,tIonal sheet(s) IfnecesslU)', " Q..D,.)31RLLC. T BID.5WAL.S A-L 00<&. E:A.sTe::RL~ B6U N D All;{ DRPtl.uPJ~ !+Lo ,<.l~ Sbu-rI1ER? G'r:>D t0RI\Ppl~G, ARDU J-ID 'rb DRAl.<.\A-6.C: D IrC-H Proposed Stormwatex- Best Managemeut Practices ~ , ,... I ~ ~ . '" I I 'I I~ - _. -- - (Area be/ow thlS1me filled olll bv the CdV anti Returned tinlre,Auol,caJl/) !~i,l "J,' ,","-:.": _~~~_~ -, ,},,"i..i;, ["]1,, , " .0: ~,~II!",m,"-,,!; a1/ eO!"" cJ:~f!ced by the C!tv!,.?,thri"fro7tt "hi1 bIi& rffthJs,Met.sh'dIlbti :frlh+1/t,eii,' -';"" .,; -1' "' Jl.":; ...f ,,'~: 'j&~ dJI "ap,fli<::~'twn to be comptfINfor. ,s~~tiriI ,although other reqUIrements may be neQt!Ss<11V') Drarnalte Stu:dV Tvpe (EDSPM Section 4.03..2): (Note. VR ll1av be s~b~ti.tuted for Rational Method) ~ . Small Site Study - (UllO RatIonal Melhod for calculatIOns) 0 MId-Level Development Study - (use UnIt Hydrogroph Method for calculatIons) 0 Full Dramage Development Study - (use Umt Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considcratillm; NIt>.. Ili Wellhead Zone' L- S ti:Jl <- ~ Hillside Development : WetlancllRJpanan N/Jlr FloodwaylFloodplain. r.:>SS,- i.I c SOlI Type, ~ - ifI/<tlq /"ot) fiJ Other Jurisdictions 'tJ1f.. Downstrellm Analvsis: W- Nt A 0 Flow line for starting water surface eleval:1on 0 D,,",Slgn HGL to use for starting water surface elevation' 0 Manhole/Junction to take analysis to Return to Mlllt Stouder au City ofSnnnl!field, emaIl: mstoudertaJcl sl>rlneIield.or.lls. F.AX: (541) 736-1021 STORMWATER MANAGElvfBNT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK R<VlSed 11/2012006 Brenda Jones 01/li/2008 Ii 29 FAX 541 i36 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW 4i'J003 "eJv....... , - COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS ! Fo,~?filcj~l1fr~o;,IY --M~:;' .-- '.j " Based upon rhe tnformatlon proVIded on rhe from ofrllis sheer, Ihe following represents 4 m,mmum ofwhar IS "eeded/or an apphCalJOn Lo be comp/e:te for submittal wIth 'respect to drt1m.kg~~ however, lIu'J 1131 Jhou/d not b~ Hsed In lieu of the Springfield Dlfwdopment Code (SnC) or the Clty'S Engmt3iD"lng Descgn Manual C.Dmp/lanC~ wllJ., thesa 1 eqUlremrmts does nol consllfute Stte approval, Addlt/onal ,,'e specific i'1formatlOn may be requIred Note Upon scopmg sheet suhm,lIa! e"-'''re compleledlorm has been s'gned m lite space provIded below Jnterlm Design StandardslWater Quality (EOSPM Cbapter 3) Jl.eq'd NIA W 0 Allllon-bwldmg rooftop (NBR) llllpervlOus s\lIta~s shall b. pre-tr.ated (e,!:, roult<-chamb.red catchbasln 11'/0]1 flltradon media) for stormwater qualJty Addltiooally, a mInimum of SO% ofth. NBR InlP'1'Y10US surface shall be treated by vegetated methods ~ 0 Where required, veg.tallve stormwater design sball be consIstent with Intenm deSIgn 5tandanis (EDSPM Sechon 3 02), s.t forth by the Bureau ofEovlronmental Sel'Vlces (BES) or CI'an Water Service. (CWS) .. 0 For new NBR unpemous area less than 15,000 square fi,e~ a sltt\pblied deSlgll apptoach may be followed as spec1f:ied by the BES for veg_t,ve treatment SI 0 Ira stonnwater treatment ,wale IS proposed, subm,t calculllt1ons/specltlcatlOns for sJ"'ng, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed n1lx consistent With elther BES or CWS r.9u'rements Ii D Water quality calo\llalions as reqUlred III Sernon 3 03 1 I;>fthe EDSPM o Iii All blllldmg rooftop mounted eqmpment, or other flUld eontainlllg oqUlpmetlt located outside of the buUdmg. shall be proV'lded mth secondaT}" contalhment Q(" weather rtSls11mt encloa'Ure -- Genernl Study Requirements (EDSPM Secl10n 4 03) .iI' 0 Dnlmege study prepar.d by . ProfeSSIOnal CIVIl Engrneer Ilc,,"sed 111 the state of Oregon o Ii A eomplete dl1unage study, as requited m EDSPM' Section 4 03 I, lncludwg a hydrologleal study roap, IB D Caleulanons showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effect" of a 25.year storm eV"lI! .fjj 0 The tune of concentratlOT,\ (Te) shall be detennmed usmg a 10 "'Inute stare Ilme for developed basms ReView of Downstream System (EDSPM. Section 4 03 4.C) o ~ A downstream dramage anal)'Sls as described In EDSPM SOCllOD 4,03 4 C On-sne dralllage shall be govemed by the Oregon Plumbmg Speelolty COde (OPSe) o .. Elevations of Iho HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable DeSIgn of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4,04) Iiti D Flow JiMs, slopes, rim elovaDoos, pifle type and SlZes e!early mdlCated on the plan set lit 0 Mll1unum p.pe covel shaU b. 18 mehes for reInforced p'pe and 36 Inches for plaIn ccnorete and plastiC p'pe matorials, or prop.r englneerll1g calculatIons shall be proV1ded when less The el;>ver shall be SuffiC"'Dt 10 SUpport an 80,000 lb load Without fallute of the pIpe strucTIll'e, o Ii Mannmg's "n" values for pipes shall be ConsIStent WIth Table 4-1 of the EDS? All Stann pIpeS shaJJ be deSIgned to aChlove 0 mmimum velOCIty oftbree (3) feet per second at 0 5 pIpe full based on Table 4-1 as well Olber/MlSe JaI D EXlstmg and proposed contoun<, located at one foor Interval Include spot elevatlOllS .nd Site grades showlOg how s,te drains W 0 Pnvate stormwater easemollts sh.ll be clearly depicted on plans when pflvate stonnweter flows from on. property to another o . Drywells shall not rece,ve runoff from any surface w/o being treated by ono or more BMPs, Wlth the eKccpl10n of reSldentlel bUlldlOg roof. (EDSP SeeMo 3 03 4 A) Add,tlO,",] provisiollS apply to thIS as required by the DEQ Refer to the website v.tWW dea ~tatt Or uS/WO/2TOUOdwaluichome hem for more m.fQ11Dabon o . Detenlion ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-dev.lopment rates for the 2 mrl;>ugh 25-year sturm evenl!l 'Thi. fl,rm shall be included as an attachment, Insrde the fiT",! cover, of the storm",ater study ;- _~-'_O"./;~ .,-;-":-;;'- -"- J.-JMpbRtAJ,j:r.._ENfiiNEE!,R.P.L~.sE":iiEJD!Jrt1JOWAiv)JsrGN':- -- "'_ A. the engineer of r~ord, I h by celtIlY the above reqUIred ,tem. are oomplere and mcluded Wlth the submltted slormwater study and plan get / d if Stgnature' ~-\/~~ ' Date 1-.28 08 Ro."ed 11/412006 Ilrenda JoneS