HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 8/9/2007 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Kate Gnesmann [kgnesma@uoregon edu] Thursday, August 09,200711 04 AM L1MBIRD Andrew Follow Up Questions Hl Mr. Llmblrd, ThlS lS Kate Grlesmann, Sprlngfleld News Bureau, I have a few follow up questlons from our lntervlew last week about the Justlce Center. I am avallable the rest of thls afternoon or most of Monday to talk- over the phone, or I can come back to Clty hall. Or, If It'S eaSler for you to Just send me an emall wlth your thoughts that lS flne. Whatever lS most convenlent for you. Thanks for your help' Can you tell me about the block length codes- what are the speclflcs, how are they followed, other cases where there have been modlflcatlons made to the code. How lS the Justlce Center gOlng to affect/be affected by these regulatlons? Scott Olson says he feels that the closure of B Street wlll vlolate these codes, any response to that? Olson also makes the argument that keeplng the street grld patterns and encouraglng a walkable downtown are very lmportant and that the closure of B Street wlll lnterrupt both of these thlngs, any response to that? I spoke wlth Carole Knapel and Jlm Polston yesterday and when I asked them about the "Plan B" optlons, I got an answer that dldn't cOlnclde wlth what I thought you sald. To my understandlng, you sald that even If B Street lS not bUllt upon, It wlll stlll be closed to trafflc, or lS that lncorrect? Do you feel llke the current plan to close B Street lS In llne wlth the broader plcture of the Land Use Management System? Has the Clty been held accountable to the same standards that a prlvate organlzatlon would have been? Agaln, we can talk about these on the phone, or face to face, or by emalll whatever works best for you. My phone number lS 828.713.7770 Thanks, Kate Grlesmann 1 Date Received: 1/'1/ ftJdJ Planner: AL