HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 3/22/2007
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I. Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows
1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning DIvIsion of the
Development Services Department, City of Spnngfleld, Oregon
2 I state that In my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be
mailed copies of 5lJe,zoo"-ooo6~ A..<.k ~- ~ ~ 1'J.p.(!.L'., ---.J
(See attachment "A") on 3/OJ.~ ,2007 addressed to (see ~
Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box wIth
postage fully prepaid thereon
STATE OF OREGON, County of lane
~ ~ ,2007 Personally appeared the above named Karen laFleur,
Program Technlcla~, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be theIr voluntary act
Before me
My CommIssIon Expires ~ n :JozJ r
Date Received
Planner AL
I /
Notice of DeCISIon - SubdivIsion Tentative Plan
ProJect Name: Dove Estates SubdivIsion
ProJect Proposal The applicant proposes to develop a 14-lot residential subdivIsion on 2 I
acres with associated public Improvements
Case Number: SUB2006-00066
PrOject locatIon. 1057 Anderson Lane, Springfield, 17-03-33-11 TL 101
Zonmg: UF-IO/LDR at time of application submittal (Note Annexation was approved by the
Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission on February I, 2007)
Metro Plan/Refinement Plan DesIgnatIon' LDR, no Refinement Plan
Proposed Density. 7 du/acre
Overlay DIstricts None
Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg Date: January 24, 2006
ApplicatIon SubmItted Date: November IS, 2006
DeCISIon Issued Date March 22, 2007
RecommendatIon: Approval With Conditions
Appeal Deadline Date. Apnl 8, 2007
AssocIated ApplicatIons' PRE 2006-00007, LRP 2005-00040
Planner II Land Use Planning Linda Pauly 726-4608
Transportation Planning Engineer TransportatIon Gary McKenney 726-4585
Public Works Englneenng Utilities & Easements Matt Stouder 736-1035
Public Works Englneenng Sanitary & Storm Sewer Matt Stouder 736-1035
Deputy Fire Marshall Fire and Life Safety Gtlbert Gordon 726-2293
Community Services Manager Butldlng Dave Puent 726-3668
Vern Benson Weber Elliott Engineers, PC Dave Collier
949 Hwy 99 N POBox 10145 PaCific SurveYing
Eugene, OR 9740 I Eugene, OR 97440 75506 Blue Mountain Road
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
SubdIVISIon T entatNe Pion
Date Received.
Planner AL
/ J
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1057 Anderson Lane
2. f acres
Decision: Tentative Plan approval with :conditions, as of the date of this letter. The
standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each criterion of
Subdivision Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes unless
specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance. All improvements are
required to be installed as shown on the aODroved plan or as conditioned. Anv oroposed
chan~es to the tentative olan must be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to '
installation. Public Improvement Plans and die SubC:ivision Final Plat must conform to the
submitted plans as conditioned herein, This is J limited land use decision made according to city
code and state statutes. Unless appealed, the deci.ion is final. Please read this document
carefully, I
Other Uses That May Be Authorize!! By The Decision: None. The proposed Subdivision
as conditioned is in accordance with SDC Article 35, Future development will be in accordance
with the provisions of the SDC. filed ea~eme~ts and agreements, and all applicable local, state
and federal regulations. 1
Review Process: This application is reviewed under Type II procedures listed in SDC 3.080
and the subdivision criteria of approval, SDC 35.050. A complete application was accepted by
the Director prior to the review of the request as specified in Section 3.050, Application
Submittal and contained all information required to begin the review process in accordance with
SDC Articles 3 and 35, This application was accepted as complete on November 15, 2006.
Upon review of the application, the Development Review Committee determined that the
application as submitted could not be approved. The applicant was notified in a letter dated
December 5, 2006. On December 12. 2006 the applicant submitted a request to extend the
120-day review period to allow submittal of a r~vised application which would address the six
specific deficiencies which had been identified by staff. The review period was extended to June
23, 2007, The revised application was received on February 23, 2007.
Subdivision Tentative Pian
DescriptIon of Proposal The owner of the subJect property proposes to develop a
residential subdivIsion on 2 I acres The subdivIsion will Include 14 lots and all necessary
Infrastructure to support the development The property was recently annexed to allow the
proposed residential use and denSity In conformance with SDC 160 I 0 (I)
SIte InformatIon: The property IS located at 1057 Anderson Lane, at the southeast corner of
Centennial Boulevard and Anderson Lane The property IS currently developed with one
residence According to the SOil Survey of Lane County, the mapped soil senes are 76 -
Malabon Urban Land Complex (depth to water table >6 feet) The site IS relatively level
Comments ReceIved. Applications for Limited Land Use DecIsions require the notification
of property owners/occupants wIthin 300 feet of the proposed development and allow for a 14-
day comment penod pnor to the staff decIsion [SDC 3 080 and 14 030] The applicant and
parties submitting wntten comments dunng the notice penod have appeal nghts and are mailed
a copy of this deCISion for conSideration In accordance with SDC 3080 and 14030, notice was
sent to owner/occupants within 300 feet of the subJect site on November 17, 2006 No
comments were received In response to the notice
SDC 35050 Tentative Plan - Criteria of Approval
The Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 35050 states The DIrector shall approve,
approve wIth condItions a SubdIvIsIon Tentative Plan upon determmmg that all
applicable crIteria of approval have been satIsfied If conditIons cannot be attached
to satIsfy the crIterIa, the DIrector shall deny the applicatIon,
SubdiVISion T entotlve Plan
Date Received
Planner AL
B /n./2fJCf7
Criterion (I).
The request as condItIoned fully conforms to the requIrements of thIS Code pertaining to
lot sIze and dImenSIons I
Finding' The proposed lots will take access from a new street to be constructed by the
applicant The proposed street alignment extends west to east from Anderson Lane, then
curves north and terminates In a hammerhead ThiS street IS primarily east-west, with one
north-south segment Proposed lots I, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14 meetthe 4,500 sq ft
minimum lot size and street frontage requirements established by 5DC 16030 (I) Proposed
lots 5, 6 and II meet the 5,000 sq ft minimum lot size and street frontage requirements
established by SDC 16030 (2) Proposed lot 4 IS a panhandle lot which meets the standards of
SDC 16030 (6) Proposed lot 5 meets the 6,000 sq ft mInimum lot size and street frontage
requirements of SDC 16030 (3)
Conclusion: The proposed lot sizes and dimenSions are m full conformance With SDC 16 030
The proposal satisfies Criterion I
Criterion (2)
The zoning IS consIstent WIth the Metro Plan dIagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan
dIagram, Plan DIstrict map, and Conceptual Development Plan
Finding: The property IS zoned Low DenSity ReSidential (LDR) The Metro Plan deSignatIon IS
LDR The zoning IS consistent With the Metro Plan diagram There IS no adopted refinement
ConclUSIon. The proposal satisfies Criterion 2
Criterion (3)
CapacIty requIrements of publIC Improvements, including but not lImIted to water and
electriCIty, sanitary sewer and storm water management faCIlitIes, and streets and traffic
safety controls shall not be exceeded, and the publIC Improvements shall be ava"able to
serve the sIte at the tIme of development, unless otherwIse prOVIded for by thIS Code and
other applIcable regulations The Public Works D,rector or a utIlity prOVIder shall
determine capacIty Issues.
Criterion (4)
The proposed development shall comply WIth all applIcable publIC and prIVate deSIgn and
constructIon standards contained In thIS Code and other applIcable regulatIons
Finding The Public Works Director's representatives have reviewed the proposed subdiVISion
City staffs review comments have been mcorporated m findmgs and conditions contained herem
Flndmg: Criterion 3 and 4 contain different elements WIth sub-elements and applicable code
standards The subdiVISion application as submitted complies With the applicable code standards
listed under each sub-element unless otherwise noted With speCific findings and conclUSions The
elements, sub-elements and code standards of Criterion 3 and 4 mclude but are not limited to
SubdiVISIon T entatJve Plan
Public and Private Improvements In Accordance with SDC 31 and 32
. Public Streets and Related Improvements [SDC 32020-32 090J
. Sanitary Sewer Improvements [SDC 32 100J
. Storm Water Management [SDC 32 110, 31 240J
. Water and Electric Improvements [SDC 32 120( I)J
. Fire and Life Safety Improvements [SDC 32 120(3)]
o Public and Private Easements [SDC 32 120( I) and (5)J
Conformance with standards of SDC 3 I, Site Plan Review, and Article 16, Residential Zoning
. Lot Dimensions, Block and Panhandle Lot Standards [SDC 35030J
. Lot Coverage and Setbacks [SDC 16 040 - 16 050J
. Height Standards [SDC 16 060J
. Off-Street Parking Standards [SDC 16070 and 31 170-230J
. Fence Standards [SDC 16 090J
. Landscaping Standards [SDC 31 130- 150J
o Screening and lighting [SDC 3 I 160J
Conformance with Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan Requirements
. No Overlay D,stncts are applicable and there IS no Refinement Plan
Public and Private Improvements In Accordance with SDC 31 and 32
Finding The Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed subdiVISion and the
surrounding public services Except for the following, the public Improvements are sufficient to
serve the proposed parcels
Finding Based on ITE Land Use Code 210 (Single-Family Detached Housing) new trip
generation from thiS subdivIsion IS estimated to be as follows
. Average Weekday = 13 dwelling Units x 9 57 tripS per dwelling units = 124 tripS
. PM Peak Hour = 13 dwelling Units x I 01 tripS per dwelling Units = 13 tripS
In addition, the assumed development would generate pedestrian and bicycle tripS According
to the "Household" survey done by LCOG In 1994, 126 percent of household tnps are made
by bicycle or walking and I 8 percent are by transit bus These tripS may have their origins or
destinations at a variety of land uses, including thiS use Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the
need for sidewalks, pedestnan crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes
Finding. The development site has approximately 280 feet of frontage on Anderson Lane and
330 feet of frontage on Centennial Boulevard Centennial Boulevard IS a five-lane minor arterial
street The Centennial Boulevard site frontage IS fully Improved, and no subdivIsion access IS
proposed onto Centennial Anderson Lane IS a 36-foot wide asphalt local street Within a 60-
foot nght of way The westerly portion of Anderson Lane IS fully Improved With curb, gutter,
sidewalk and street lighting The applicant proposes to construct full public Improvements on
Anderson Lane southward from Centennial Boulevard along the site frontage and to construct a
public street east of Anderson Lane to serve the development
SubdIVISIon T entatJve Plan
Date Received,
Planner AL
. .
Finding' To provide for safe pedestrian and v'Thlcular access, street Iightmg IS needed that will
adequately Illuminate the public travel ways wlthm and adjacent to the development site The
City'S street lighting standards, which are based Ion the IIlummatmg Englneermg SOCiety (IES)
American National Standard Practice for Roadway Llghtmg RP-8, specify the Iightmg type and
required Iightmg levels for street and pedestrian areas
Finding' No street lights are proposed by the applicant
Condition I. The Public Improvements Plans for Anderson Lane and the mternal street
servmg the subdiVISion shall mclude street lighting that meets adopted city street Iightmg
Finding The applicant proposes to construct a new 28-foot Wide cul-de-sac local street (Dove
Lane) extendmg eastward from Anderson Lane on a centerline located 190 feet south of
Centennral Boulevard ThiS street would serve lots I through 10 and would termmate m a
hammerhead-type turnaround A 90-degree turn m the street at the entrance to the
turnaround has a proposed centerlme radiUS of 65 9 feet The Impacts on driver Sight distance
from the narrow street Width and restricted turnmg radiUS require that on-street parkmg be
restricted m the vlcmlty of thiS turn In addition, Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department
typically requires that parkmg on 28-foot Wide streets be limited to one Side of the street, and
prohibited wlthm turnaround areas In order to function effectively for public and emergency
access, the hammerhead turn-around area at the end of the street must be unobstructed at all
Condition 2: Public Improvements Plans for Dove Lane shall mclude signs and markmgs as
necessary to prohibit on-street parkmg east of property Ime separatmg Lots 13 and 14, and on
the north Side of the street m the remalnrng section "No Parkmg-Flre lane" signs shall be
posted on the north Side of the street and around the hammerhead turnaround per 2004
Springfield Fire Code 503 2 I , SFC 503 3 and SFC AppendiX D I 03 I Signs shall be mstalled
prior to Plat approval
Finding Street names are subject to Spnngfield Munrclpal Code 3 240-3 248 Street Naming and
Addressmg PoliCies Proposed street names are also are reviewed by the Lane County Road
Name AdVISOry Committee to check for duplication
Finding: The applicant proposes to name the new street "Dove Lane" The proposed street
name was reviewed by the LCOG Road Name AdVISOry Committee and service agencies
(mcludmg Lane 911 and USPS) The street name "Dove Lane" IS already muse m the City of
Eugene and cannot be duplicated
Condition 3: Prior to Plat application submittal, the applicant shall receive approval of an
alternate street name To facilitate thiS task, please send an email to Ipauly(cj)cl sPringfield or us
or Andy Llmblrd at alimblrd<1Vcl springfield or us With several alternate street names
Finding' As conditioned, eXlstmg and proposed transportation faCilities would be adequate to
accommodate additional tripS generated by the proposed development m a safe and effiCient
SubdIVISIon T entatJve Plan
Fmdmg, The applicant's plans do not Include a street tree proposal Street trees are reqUired
for this development Proposed lots I, II and 12 have frontage on Anderson Lane Proposed
lots 1,2, 3,4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have frontage on the new street serving the subdivIsion
(referred to as "Dove Lane" In the plans) Proposed lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and II have frontage on
Centennial Boulevard
Fmdmg A "Welcome to Spnngfield" sign IS located In the nght of way abutting proposed lot
11 at the southeast corner of Centennial Boulevard and Anderson Lane This sign marks the
gateway Into Spnngfield from the west
Fmdmg. The property's Centennial Boulevard frontage IS fully developed but there are no
street trees In the nght of way The northern property line of the subject property abuts the
curbside Sidewalk and does not prOVide space within the nght of way for the required street
Fmdmg The site contains numerous trees and no tree felling application has been submitted
A Tree Felling application IS reqUired for this development A minimum of ten trees Will be
removed to construct the street and Sidewalks and additional trees will be removed to develop
the homes and utilities on the lots Some of the eXisting trees may be good candidates for
retention as street andlor yard trees
-CondItion 4' Pnor to PIP approval, the follOWing eXisting trees located along Anderson Lane
and adjacent CO the proposed street serving the subdivIsion shall be evaluated for retention to
meet the Spnngfield Development Code, as stated In the DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual
6 02 1 EXisting Trees
36" dbh oak Lot I I Anderson Lane frontage
36" dbh oak lot II Anderson lane frontage
36" dbh oak Lot 12 Anderson Lane frontage
(2) 6.12" dbh holly Lot I Anderson Lane frontage
14" and 6" apple Lot I New street frontage
30" dbh oak Lot 5 New street frontage
24" dbh oak lot 5 New street frontage
48" dbh spruce Lot 6 New street frontage
38" dbh oak Lot 7 New street frontage
6" dbh frUit Lot 8 New street frontage
5DC 32050 (I) states New street trees shall be at least 2 mches m cahper. New
street trees shall be selected from the CIty Street Tree lIst and mstalled as
speCIfied m the City'S Engmeermg DeSign Standards Manual. The Pubhc Works
Director shall determme which species are permitted or prohibIted as street trees.
Fmdmg' Engineering DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual 6 02 states "When conSidering a
street tree deSign, eXisting trees, deSirable tree species, tree locations, planting procedures, and
plant establishment shall be taken Into account The goal IS to have street trees that are planted
approximately 30 feet apart, but not planted In sites that Will cause trees to a nUisance or
Interfere with nelghbonng utilities or eXisting vegetation"
The City'S street tree standards and the list of approved street trees species are found In the
Engineering DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual, chapter 6 6 0 1 states "The purpose of
SubdiVISion T entatJve Plan
Date Received
Planner AL
( / 7
creating desIgn standards for street trees IS to ensure that City streets are hned with healthy,
vigorous trees chosen for their aesthetics according to type and SpeCieS, and planted In
appropnate locations sUitable to VISiOn clearance and overhead obstructions, while minimizing
root damage to utlhtles, curbs, and sidewalks A well-designed street tree layout will promote a
pleasing Image of the City and appreciate the value of the neighborhood"
Engineering DesIgn Standards and Procedures Manual 6 02 2 states "Where curbsIde sidewalks
eXist or are proposed, street trees shall be planted at least five feet back of sidewalk, but not
more than I 0 feet"
Condition 5: The Public Improvement Plans shall Include a street tree proposal which
provides street trees that are planted approximately 30 feet apart EXisting trees which have
been evaluated pursuant to COnditiOn 5 and found to be acceptable by the Pubhc Works
Director's authonzed representative shall be counted as street trees and shall be protected
dunng construction In accordance with best management practices and Engineering DesIgn
Standards and Procedures Manual 6 02 I The required 2" caliper size street trees shall be
Installed 5-10 feet behind the sidewalk, In accordance with the Englneenng DesIgn Standards and
Procedures Manual Additional street trees may be required at building permit reView, when
dnveway locations are proposed All trees shall be large canopy species trees selected from the
"Planter Stnps 8-12 feet" hst In the Englneenng DesIgn Standards and Procedures Manual, chapter
6 Trees shall be Installed pnor to Plat approval or bonded Installation shall be as speCified In
the City'S Engineering DesIgn Standards Manual
Fmdmg. As conditioned, the applicant's plans Will provide street trees 10 accordance wIth SDC
32050 and the Englneenng Design Standards and Procedures Manual, chapter 6
SDC 32 100 (I) states Sanitary sewers shall be mstalled to serve each new
development and to connect the developments to eXisting mains. Installation of
sanitary sewers shall prOVide suffiCient access for maintenance actiVities and shall
comply With the provIsions of thiS Code, With the Public Works Standard
Construction SpeCifications, the City'S Engmeermg Design Standards and Procedures
Manual, the Springfield MUnicipal Code, 1997 and Department of Environmental
Quality regulations.
SDC 32100 (2) states The City Engineer shall approve all sanitary sewer plans and
proposed systems prIor to development approval
SDC 35030 (3) states Panhandle lots shall comply With the standards speCified m
Section 16.030 (6) In the case of multiple panhandles m subdiVIsions, construction
of necessary utilities to serve all approved panhandle lots shall occur prior to
recording the SubdiVISion Plat
Finding' The applicant proposes to extend the eXisting 8-lnch pubhc wastewater line 10
Anderson Lane (located south of the development) to serve the subdiVISion via Dove Lane The
8-mch Ime will then extend up Dove Lane wlth:servlce laterals to serve all lots Within the
SubdIVISIon T entatlve Plan
SDC 32 110 (2) states The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only
where adequate pubhc and/or private stormwater management systems provIsions
have been made as determined by the Pubhc Works Director, consistent with the
Engmeermg Design Standards and Procedures Manual
SDC 32 110 (3) states that a stormwater management system shall accommodate potential run-
off from Its entire upstream drainage area, whether inSide or outside of the development
SDC 32 110 (4) reqUires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved
stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge
Finding The application proposes a stormwater management system to control site drainage
and treat stormwater runoff Stormwater runoff from the Site will be directed Into a series of
newly constructed curb Inlets and stormwater pipes The applicant proposes extension of the
public stormwater pipe located In Anderson lane
Finding The applicant has not proposed any water quality treatment measures With the plan
submittal, and thus has not met the reqUirements of the City'S MS4 permit, the Springfield
Development Code, and the City's EDSPM
Condition 6: Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plans, the applicant shall provide
water quality control measures for the subdiVISion which meet the reqUirements set forth In
Section 303 3 B of the City's Engineering DeSIgn Standards & Procedures Manual ThiS can occur
dUring the deSign phase of the Public Improvement Plans
SDC 32 120 (I )(a) and (b) state All utlhty providers will be responsible for coordinating
utlhty installations With the City and the developer, and the developer shall be
responSible for the deSign, installation, and cost of utlhty hnes and faclhtles to the
satisfaction of the utlhty prOVider,
SDC 32120 (2) states Whenever pOSSible, all utlhty hnes shall be placed
underground. Installation of new overhead power IS allowed only for facilities listed under
SDC 32 120 (29(a)-(h)
Finding: Underground electriC service Will be prOVided by SUB In hiS letter dated 3/1/07,
Guenter Matyszak from SUB ElectriC stated that two options are available to extend electriC
service to the Site, however Option I would require new overhead lines across Centennial
Boulevard, which IS inconsistent With City policy Thus service shall be prOVided as deSCribed In
Option 2 from pole 94083 A street cut will be reqUired for thiS service and Will reqUire a
facilities permit from Lane County Contact Guenter Matyszak at SUB ElectriC Department
736-3296 for additional information
Finding. The applicant proposes to extend a public water line to serve all lots Within the
development from the eXisting 8-Inch water line In Anderson Lane
SDC 32 120 (5)(a) states "An apphcant proposing a development shall make
arrangements With the City and each utlhty prOVider for the dedication of utlhty
SubdIVISIOn Tentative Plan
Date Received
Planner AL
, /
easements necessary to fully service the ~evelopment or land beyond the
development area. The mInimum Width for public utility easements adjacent to
street rights of way shall be 7 feet The minimum Width for all other public utility
easements shall be 14 feet."
Finding, The applicant has proposed 7 foot public utility easements along the frontage of all
lots Additionally, the applicant has proposed a 10 foot public utility easement located between
lots 12 and 13 to accommodate sewer and wat~r line extenSion to lots 10 and II
Finding: SUB ElectriC reViewed the proposed subdiVISion and has requested the followmg
additional easements to provide electric service to the lots
location Width
I Centered on the property Ime I 0 feet
between lots II and 12
2 Centered on the property line I 0 feet
between lots 10 and 13
3 Centered on the property Ime I 0 feet
between lots 2 and 3
Finding The applicant proposes to locate a private sewer lateral (to serve lots 10 and II)
wlthm a public utility easement City policy prohibits the location of private mfrastructure
wlthm public utility easements
CondItion 7: Prior to Fmal Plat approval, the applicant shall locate the private sewer lateral
extension for lots 10 and II wlthm a private utility easement
Condition 8 The proposed public and private utility easements, the followmg public utility
easements requested by SUB Electrlcand any additional public and/or private easements which
may be necessary to prOVide storm, sanitary or utilities to the lots shall be shown on the Plat.
location Width
I Centered on the property line I 0 feet
between lots II and 12
2 Centered on the property line I 0 feet
between lots 10 and 13
3 Centered on the property Ime I 0 feet
between lots 2 and 3
Conformance With standards of SDC Article 3 I, Site Plan ReView, and
Article 16, ReSidential Zoning
ConclUSion: The applicant's proposal IS m accordance With the applicable standards of SDC 3 I
and Article 16 Lot coverage standards (SDC 16040], setbacks [SDC 16050 (I )-(4)], solar
setback requirements [SDC 16050 (5)], and buildmg heights [SDC 16060], street tree
placement and other lot-specific standards are reViewed upon submittal of building permits
SubdiVISion T entatJve Plan
Conformance with Overlay Districts and Applicable Refinement Plan
Fmdmg There are no applicable Overlay Districts and there IS no Refinement Plan
ConclUSion' As conditioned, the proposal satisfies Criterion 3 and 4
Criterion (5)
Parking areas and Ingress-egress pOints have been desIgned to faCIlItate vehIcular traffic,
bIcycle and pedestrran safety to aVOId congestIon, provIde connectIvIty WIthin the
development area and to adJacent resIdentIal areas, tranSIt stops, neIghborhood actIvIty
centers, and commercIal, Industrral and publIC areas, minImIZe curb cuts on arterral and
collector streets as specIfied In ArtIcle 31, 32, the approprrate refinement plan, and
comply WIth the OOOT access management standards for state hIghways
Finding: Installation of driveways on a street Increases the number of traffic conflict pOints
The greater number of conflict pOints Increases the probability of traffic crashes Effective ways
to reduce the probability of traffic crashes Include redUCing the number of driveways, increasing
distances between intersections and driveways, and establishing adequate VISion clearance where
driveways Intersect streets Each of these techniques permits a longer, less cluttered Sight
distance for the motOrist, reduces the number and difficulty of deCISions drivers must make, and
contributes to Increased traffic safety SDC 32 OBO( I) (a) stipulates that each parcellS entitled
to "an approved access to a public street"
Finding' lot II would have approximately 70 feet of tangent frontage on Anderson Lane south
of the curb return at Centennial Boulevard SDC Table 32-4 speCifies that reSidential driveways
onto local streets shall be separated from the nearest intersection curb return by a minimum of
30 feet Traffic safety conSiderations including traffic speeds on Centennial Boulevard and the
location of Lot II In relation to the Centennial Boulevard/Anderson Lane intersection require
that driveway access to lot II be located as far from the intersection as IS feaSible
Condition 9: Driveway access to Lot 11 from Anderson Lane shall be located near the
southern boundary of the lot, as far from the Intersection as IS feaSible In no case shall the
driveway be located less than 30 feet from the Centennial Boulevard/Anderson Lane
Finding: As conditioned, Ingress-egress pOints have been planned to faCIlitate traffic and
pedestrian safety, aVOid congestion and to minimiZe curb cuts on public streets as speCified In
SDC Articles 31 and 32, applicable zoning and or overlay dIStrict Articles, and applicable
refinement plans
ConclUSion As conditioned, the proposal satisfies Criterion 5
Criterion (6):
PhYSIcal features, including but not limIted to SIgnificant clusters of trees and shrubs,
watercourses shown on the WQlW Map and theIr assocIated rrparran areas, wetlands,
rock outcropplngs and hlStorrc features have been evaluated and protected as reqUIred
by thIS Code.
Date Received
Planner AL
, /
SubdIVISIon Tentative Plan
Finding: The Metro Area General Plan, vyater Quality Limited Watercourse Map, State
DesIgnated Wetlands Map, Hydnc SOils Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Maps and
the list of H,stonc Landmark sites have been :consulted and with the exceptIon noted below,
there are no features needing to be protectea or preserved on this site If any artifacts are
found dunng construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97740, ORS 358905,
ORS 390235 If human remains are discovered dunng construction, It IS a Class "c" felony to
proceed under ORS 97 740
Finding: The site containS numerous trees and no tree felling application has been submItted
A Tree Felling application IS required for this development A minimum of ten trees will be
removed to construct the street and sidewalks and additional trees will be removed to develop
the homes and utilities on the lots Some of the eXisting trees may be good candidates for
retention as street and/or yard trees
Finding: Crltenon 6 IS not met Physical features (trees) have not been evaluated and
protected as reqUired by SDC Article 38
Finding' Additional trees and/or vegetation may be required through Tree Felling Conditions
of Approval to mitigate tree felling on the subject property as necessary to meet SDC 38 040(S)
Upon review of the reqUired Tree Felling application, replacement (mitigation) trees may be
reqUired to be placed Within the rear yard setbacks (5-10 feet south of property/fence lines) for
proposed lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and II along Centennial Boulevard, and retention of eXisting trees
and/or replacement (mitigation) trees may be reqUired to be placed as a backdrop to the
"Welcome to Springfield" sIgn The condItIon of the eXIsting trees shall be considered and
evaluated as part of the Tree Felling permit process All tree felling and revegetation shall be
pursuant to the Notice of DecIsion - Tree Felling for the subject property and thIs deCISion
ConditIon 10 Pnor to submittal of public Improvement plans and LDAP approval, the
applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Tree Felling application for the subJect property
Any conditions of approval (e g replacement trees) required In the Tree Felling Notice of
DeCISion shall be met pnor to Plat approval
ConclUSion As conditioned, the physICal and h,stonc features of the subject property features
have been evaluated and protected as reqUired by this Code The proposal satIsfies Cntenon 6
Criterion (7)
Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownershIp can be
accomplIshed In accordance WIth the prOVISIons of thIS Code
Finding: There IS no other adjOining property under the same ownership that can be further
ConclUSIon: The proposal satIsfies Cnterlon 7
Criterion (8)
AdJacent land can be developed or IS prOVIded access that wIll allow Its development In
accordance WIth the prOVISIOns of thIS Code
SubdiVISIon T entatJVe Plan
Finding: The subdivIsion Improvements will provide a new cul-de-sac street, including a
hammerhead turnaround for Fire and Life Safety vehicles Approval of the proposed subdiVISion
will not Impede development of adjacent land
ConclUSIon: The proposaJ satisfies Criterion 8
CONCLUSION The Tentative SubdiVISion, as submitted and condItIoned,
complies With CrIteria 1-8 of SDC 35 050 No portions of the proposal approved as
submItted may be substantively changed during the public Improvement or platting
processes as stated In SDC 35 100.
CondItions of Approval
Condition I The Public Improvements Plans for Anderson Lane and the Internal street
serving the subdivIsion shall Include street lighting that meets adopted City street lighting
Condition 2: Public Improvements Plans for Dove Lane shall Include signs and markings as
necessary to prohibit on-street parking east of property line separating lots /3 and /4, and on
the north Side of the street In the remaining section "No Parking-Fire Lane" signs shall be
posted on the north Side of the street and around the hammerhead turnaround per 2004
Springfield Fire Code 503 2 1 , SFC 503 3 and SFC AppendiX D I 03 I Signs shall be Installed
prior to Plat approval
CondItIon 3. Prior to Plat application submittal, the applicant shall receive approval of an
alternate street name To faCilitate thiS task, please send an email to Ipaulyla)cl springfield or us
or Andy Llmblrd at alimblrd{alCl sPringfield or us With several alternate street names
Condition 4. Prior to PIP approval, the follOWing eXisting trees located along Anderson Lane
and adjacent to the proposed street serving the subdiVISion shall be evaluated for retention to
meet the Springfield Development Code, as stated In the DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual
6 02 / EXisting Trees
36" dbh oak Lot II Anderson Lane frontage
36" dbh oak Lot II Anderson Lane frontage
36" dbh oak Lot 12 Anderson Lane frontage
(2) 6-12" dbh holly Lot I Anderson Lane frontage
14" and 6" apple Lot I New street frontage
30" dbh oak lot 5 New street frontage
24" dbh oak lot 5 New street frontage
48" dbh spruce Lot 6 New street frontage
38" dbh oak Lot 7 New street frontage
6" dbh frUit Lot 8 New street frontage
Condition 5: The Public Improvement Plans shall Include a street tree proposal which
prOVides street trees that are planted approximately 30 feet apart EXisting trees which have
been evaluated pursuant to Condition 5 and found to be acceptable by the Public Works
Director's authOrized representative shall be counted as street trees and shall be protected
during construction In accordance With best management practices and Engmeermg DeSign
Standards and Procedures Manual 6 02 I The required 2" caliper size street trees shall be
Installed 5-10 feet behind the Sidewalk, In accordance With the Engmeermg DeSign Standards and
Date ReceIved 1/:J-2- hoe?
Planner AL I /
SubdIVISIon Tenta"v. Plan SUB2006-00066 13
Procedures Manual AddItIonal street trees may be reqUIred at building permIt reVIew, when
driveway locatIons are proposed All trees shal,1 be large canopy specIes trees selected from the
"Planter StripS 8-12 feet" list In the Engmeermg DesIgn Standards and Procedures Manual, chapter
6 Trees shall be Installed prior to Plat approval or bonded InstallatIon shall be as specIfied In
the CIty'S Engineering DesIgn Standards Manual I
Condition 6: Prior to approval of the Public Irryprovement Plans, the applicant shall provIde
water quality control measures for the subdIVISIon whIch meet the reqUIrements set forth In
Sectfon 303 3 B of the CIty'S Engmeerlng Design Standards & Procedures Manual ThIs can occur
dUring the desIgn phase of the Public Improvement Plans
Condition 7: Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall locate the private sewer lateral
extensIon for lots 10 and II WIthin a private utIlity easement
ConditIon 8, The proposed public and Private utIlity easements, the follOWing public utilIty
easements requested by SUB Electrfcand any addlt10nal public and/or private easementS which
may be necessary to provIde storm, sanftary or utIlitIes to the lots shall be shown on the Plat.
locatIon W,dth
4 Centered on the property line , I 0 feet
between lots I I and 12
S Centered on the property line I 0 feet
between lots 10 and 13
6 Centered on the property line I 0 feet
between lots 2 and 3
Condition 9: Driveway access to Lot II from Anderson Lane shall be located near the
southern boundary of the lot, as far from the Intersectfon as IS feaSIble In no case shall the
driveway be located less than 30 feet from the Centennfal Boulevard/Anderson Lane
CondItIon 10. Prior to submIttal of public Improvement plans and LDAP approval, the
applicant shall submIt and receIve approval of a Tree Felling appllcatfon for the subject property
Any condItIons of approval (e g replacement trees) reqUired In the Tree Felling NotIce of
DeCISIon shall be met prior to Plat approval
What Needs To Be Done?
The SubdIVISion pre-submIttal meetmg shall be held wlthm two years of the date of
Tentative Plan approval. The mylars and applicatIon fee shall be submitted wlthm
180 days of the Pre-submIttal meetmg. If the applicant has not submitted the
SubdIVISIon Plat wlthm these tImes, TentatIve Plan approval shall become null and
VOId and re-submlttal ofthe Tentative Plan shall be reqUIred.
A Final Plat applicatIon IS charged upon submIttal of the complete applicatIon and all reqUired
documents, and after all condItIons of approval are met, including the constructIon of public and
private Improvements and extenSIon of utIlitIes' reqUIred through thIS deCISIon THE PUBLIC
sIgnature by the CIty Surveyor and the Planning Manager, the Plat mylar may be submItted to
Lane County for recordatIon No mdlvlduallots may be transferred until the Plat IS
recorded and the mylar copy of the filed partItIon .s returned to the City Surveyor.
SubdiVISIon T entatJve Plan
and five (5) copies of the filed subdivIsion are returned to the Develooment ServIces
Department by the applicant.
Additional Information The application, all documents, and eVidence relied upon by the
applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are
available at a cost of $0 75 for the first page and $050 for each additional page at the
Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon
Appeals: If you Wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use - SubdiVISion deCISion, your
application must comply With SDC Article 15, APPEALS Appeals must be submitted on a City
form and a fee of $250 00 must be paid to the City at the time of submittal The fee Will be
returned to the appellant If the Planning CommiSSion approves the appeal application
In accordance With SDC 15020 (2) which prOVides for a 15 day appeal period and Oregon Rules
of Civil Procedures, Rule' O(c) for service of notice by mall, the appeal period for this decIsion
expires at 5:00 p.m. on April 8, 2007.
QuestIOns' Please call Linda Pauly In the Planning D,v,s,on of the Development ServICes
Department at (541) 726-4608 If you have any questions regarding this process
Prepared by.
Linda Pauly
Planner II
Date Received
Planner AL
I /
SubdIVISIon T entatJve Plan
225 5th ST
Vern Benson
949 Hwy 99 N
Eugene, OR 97401
225 5th ST
Weber Elllott Englneers, PC
PO Box 10145
Eugene, OR 97440
225 5th ST I
Dave Colller
Paclflc SurveYlng
75506 Blue Mountaln Road
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Date f{ecelved 3/),) /:J.ofTJ
Planner AL '/
Cl:ttQ ~ _b