HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 3/14/2007
City of Springfield
March j4, 2007
Lmda Pauly, pjanner II
Gary McKenney, P E , TransportatIOn pjanmng Engmeer
SUB2006-00066 - Benson, Dove Estates SubdIvIsIOn
The TransportatIOn DIvIsIOn has revIewed the matenajs provIded wIth the subject apphcatlOn
The recommended findmgs and condItIOns outjmed bejow are provIded for your use m prepanng
the land-use decIsIOn
Fmdmg Approvaj of thIs proposal would allow creatIOn ofa j4-jot resldenhaj subdIvIsIOn on a
2 ] -acre parcel located at the southeast corner of Centenmaj Boujevard and Anderson Lane (Map
17-03-33-11, Tax Lot j 0 I) An eXlstmg house on the sIte woujd be rejocated to remam on
Lot jO
TransportatIon System Impacts
Fmdmg The development sIte has approxImately 280 feet of frontage on Anderson Lane and
330 feet of frontage on Centennlaj Boujevard Centenmal Boulevard IS a five-lane mmor artenal
street The Centennlaj Boujevard sIte frontage IS fully Improved, and no subdIVISIOn access IS
proposed onto Centenmaj Anderson Lane IS a 36,foot wIde asphalt locaj street wlthm a 60-foot
nght of way, opposIte the subdIVISIon sIte the west sIde of Anderson Lane IS fully unproved WIth
curb/gutter, sldewajk and street hghtmg The apphcant proposes to construct full pubhc
Improvements on Anderson Lane southward from CentennJaj Boujevard ajong the sIte frontage
Fmdmg No proposed street hghts are depIcted m the submItted project pjans To proVIde for
safe pedestnan and vehlcujar access, street hghtmg IS needed that WIll adequately Illummate the
pubhc travel ways wlthm and adjacent to the development sIte The cIty's street hghtmg
standards, whIch are based on the Illummatmg Engmeenng SocIety (lES) Amencan NatlOnaj
Standard PractIce for Roadway Llghtmg RP-8, specIfy the hghtmg type and reqUIred hghtmg
levels for street and pedestnan areas
Fmdmg Based on jTE Land Use Code 2j 0 (Smgje-Fmmly Detached Housmg) tnp generatIOn
from devejopment on the property woujd be as follows
. Average Weekday = 13 dwellmg umts X 9 57 tnps per dwelhng umts = j24 tnps
. PM Peak Hour = 13 dwejhng umts X j OJ tnps per dwellmg umts = 13 tnps
jn addItIOn, the assumed development would generate pedestnan and bIcycle tnps Accordmg to
the "Househojd" survey done by LCOG m 1994, j2 6 percent ofhousehojd tnps are made by
bIcycle or walkmg and j 8 percent are by transIt bus These tnps may have theIr ongms or
destmatlOns at a vanety ofland uses, mcludmg thIS use Pedestnan and bIcycle tnps create the
need for sldewajks, pedestnan crossmg slgnajs, crosswalks, bIcycle parkmg and bIcycle janes
Date Received
Planner. Al
, f
SUB2006-00066 - Benson, Dove _~\a\es SubdivISion
March 14, 2007
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Recommended Condition Public Improvements Plans for Anderson Lane and Dove Lane
shall Include street lighting that meets adopted city street lighting standards
Fmdmg As condItIoned, eXlstmg and proposed transportatIOn faclhtIes woujd be adequate to
accommodate addltIonaj tnps generated by the proposed development m a safe and efficient
SubdivISion Access and CirculatIOn
FIndmg InstallatIon of dnveways on a street mcreases the number of traffic conflict pomts The
greater number of conflict pOInts mcreases the probablhty of traffic crashes EffectIve ways to
reduce the probablhty of traffic crashes mclude reducmg the number of dnveways, mcreasmg
dIstances between IntersectIOns and dnveways, and estabhshmg adequate VISIOn clearance where
dnveways Intersect streets Each of these techmques permits a longer, jess cluttered Sight
distance for the motonst, reduces the number and difficulty of deCISIOns dnvers must make, and
contnbutes to mcreased traffic safety SDC 32080(1) (a) stIpujates that each parcejls entItled to
"an approved access to i! pubhc street"
Fmdmg The applicant proposes to construct a new 28-foot wide cuj-de-sac jocaj street (Dove
Lane) extendIng eastward from Anderson Lane on a centerhne located 190 feet south of
Centennial Boujevard ThIS street would serve jots I through j 0 and woujd termInate In a
hammerhead-type turnaround A 90-degree turn In the street at the entrance to the turnaround
has a proposed centerline radlUs of 65 9 feet The Impacts on dnver Sight distance from the
narrow street WIdth and restncted turnIng radms reqUire that on-street parkIng be restncted In the
vlclmty of this turn jn additIOn, Spnngfiejd Fire and Life Safety Department typically reqUires
that parkIng on 28-foot Wide streets be hmlted to one SIde of the street, and prohibited WithIn
turnaround areas
Recommended Condition Public Improvements Plans for Dove Lane shall Include signs
and markings as necessary to prohibit on-street parking east of property line separating
Lots 13 and 14, and on the north Side of the street In the remaining section
FmdIng Lot jj woujd have approximately 70 feet of tangent frontage on Anderson Lane south
of the curb return at Centenmal Boujevard SDC Table 32-4 speCifies that resldentIaj dnveways
onto local streets shall be separated from the nearest IntersectIOn curb return by a mmllnum of 30
feet Traffic safety consideratIOns IncludIng traffic speeds on Centennial Boujevard and the
locatIOn of Lot jj In rejatlOn to the Centennlaj Boulevard/Anderson Lane IntersectIOn reqUire
that dnveway access to Lot jj be jocated as far from the IntersectIon as IS feaslbje
Recommended Condition Dnveway access to Lot 11 from Anderson Lane shall be
located at the southern boundary of the lot
" SUB2006-00066 - Benson, Dove Estates SubdivIsion
March 14, 2007
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Finding As condltlOned Ingress-egress pOints wIll be planned to faclhtate traffic and pedestnan
safety, aVOId congestIOn and to minImIZe curb cuts on pubhc streets as specIfied In SDC ArtIcles
31 and 32, apphcable zoning and or overlay dlstnct ArtIcles, and apphcable refinement plans
Please provide a copy of the draft Decl!>ion for my review prIOr to IssullIg the final deciSIOn.
Date t<8celvea 3j;';/2tJ177
Planner AL