HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 3/5/2007 PAULY Lrnda From Sent To Cc Subject BAJRACHARYA Shashl [Shashl BAJRACHARYA@co lane or us] Monday, March 05, 2007 1209 PM PAULY Linda PETSCH John S, LEMHOUSE Brad RE TP File #8927, Dove Estates, Anderson Ln RE TP file # 8927, Dave Collier SubdivIsion Name Dove Estates 1057 Anderson Ln 17-03-33-11, TL00101 Comments from Lane County Transportation Planning (3/5/2007) The comments made on November 29, 2006 are stili applicable to thiS referral and are reproduced hereWith With an emphaSIS on the Lane Stormwater Policy Lane Manual 15 515 - Drainage I RoadSIde dItches and other drainage faCIlitIes shall be desIgned solely to promote drainage of the County Road WIthout interfering WIth natural waterways Whenever a road crosses a natural channel or waterway, culverts shall be Installed to maintain the natural water flow Such natural waterway shall be IdentIfIed by survey of the topography and/ or aerial photography of surrounding terrain II Water shall not be dIverted from a natural channel or otherwIse from private property down a County or publIC roadSIde dItch Pursuant to LM 15515, the proposal to drain the lot stormwater onto the street and then to the Lane County Stormwater system IS unacceptable Lane County requests the followmg conditions of approval as part of the tentatIve partItion approval. County faCility permits are reqUired to review the pnvate road approach, storm drainage works and Sidewalks The follOWing requirements shall be met as part of the facility permit process (a) All requirements of the faCility permits shall be met, constructed, Inspected, and approved as specified In the Issued faCility permit FaCility permit requirements are In LC 15 200-210 (b) Pursuant to LC15 138(2), the applicable driveway spacing standards shall be met (e) Per LC 15 138(6), the faCility permit application shall Include a copy of site plans for new development shOWing the location and Width of access serving the property at the intersection of the property and road right-of-way, including all dnveway and road approaches to be retained, relocated, added or closed on the subject property, and adjacent properties as necessary to assure conformance With spacing standards (d) Standards for private approaches on County Roads, as specified In LC 15 139, shall be met In the Issued faCility permit (e) Per LC 15 070(1)(C}(I}(ff), the minimum right-of-way of Anderson Ln IS 60 feet for development setback purposes City setbacks for new development shall be taken from thiS nght-of-way Width (f) Pursuant to LC 15095(3), a minimum visual clear zone of 15 feet along both roads shall be maintained No visual obstrucllons such as plantlngs, walls, fences, signs, or other structures or vegetation, either temporary or permanent In nature, between two and one-half and 15 feet In height above the road surface are permitted In thiS area (g) The subdIVISIon shall handle stormwater on-sIte No lots stormwater shall be dIverted to the LC Stonnwater system Please contact 682-6902 or VISit http I/www lanecolJnty org/RlghtOfWay for information about faCility permits and assOCiated fees 1 Date Recelvea -! / 'tl2.oo7 Planner AL /- ---- , Comments from Lane Countv Transportation Planning (11/29/2006) The subject property IS a 2 10-acres lot located at the corner of Anderson Ln and Centennial Blvd The proposal IS to relocate the eXisting structure and create a 14-lot subdivIsion In two phases Access to the newly created lots will be provided by a pnvate road that accesses Anderson Ln Anderson Ln IS an Urban Local road, 29 It wide travel way and paved, has a 60' nght-of-way at this localion according to the tax assessor's map Centennial Blvd IS a 4-lane , 62 It wide road, functionally classified as an Urban Minor Arterial Both roads are In county maintenance The applicant proposes to provide a 28-foot wide pnvate access road with a hammer-head turn around at the end Stormwater on this street will be collected and drained to a LC manhole south of the property on Anderson Ln with a 222' long pipe The property's frontage on Anderson Ln will be provided with sidewalks, Inlets, and ADA ramps Pursuant to LC 15704(1 )(d), such Improvements on urban local roads within a UGB shall comply with the respective city's deSign standard Drainage Pursuant to Lane Manual 15 515(2), drainage waler from a private property shall not be diverted down a roadside ditch or right-of-way Anderson Ln has the city's stormwater system as well as county's stormwater pipes The LC storm pipe consists of a manhole, a 27"-dla pipe running west to a ditch, outfall The applicant proposes to hook the private street stormwater Into the eXisting LC manhole Per LC maintenance planning, the proposed connection may be permitted A separate facility permit will have to be applied for thiS Facility Permits Pursuant to LC 15205, placement of facilities and development within the nght-of-way of a country Road and alteration of such facilities and developments shall be authorized only through faCIlity permits Facilities and development Include, but not limited to, road Improvements, sidewalks, new or reconstructed dnveway or roadway or road approach intersectIOns, utility placements, excavation, clearing, grading, culvert placement or replacement, stormwater facility, or any other facility, thing or appurtenance Road Improvement Standard Pursuant to Lane Code 15 704(1)(d) applicable to Lane County urban local roads, the applicable deSign standards of the respective city shall apply Spacing Standard Pursuant to LC 15 138(6)(b), offset Intersections With spacing less than the standards In LC15 138(2) should be avoided A minimum offset of 150 feet should be maintained Pursuant to LC 15 138(2) , the spacing standard for driveway or road approaches on an urban County Local Road IS set at 20 feet for use of a property for a single family or manufactured dwelling, duplex, or tnplex, and 100 feet for other uses The proposal meets the spacing standard Lane County requests the follOWing condlllons of approval as part of the tentallve partItion approval. County facility permits are reqUired to review the pnvate road approach, storm drainage works and Sidewalks The follOWing requirements shall be met as part of the facility permit process (a) All requirements of the facility permits shall be met, constructed, Inspected, and approved as speCified In the Issued facility permit Facility permit requirements are In LC 15200-210 (b) Pursuant to LC15 138(2), the applicable driveway spacing standards shall be met (c) Per LC 15 138(6), the facility permit application shall Include a copy of site plans for new development shOWing the location and Width of access serving the property at the Intersection of the property and road right-of-way, including all dnveway and road approaches to be retained, relocated, added or closed on the subject property, and adjacent properties as necessary to assure conformance With spacing standards I (d) Standards for private approaches on County Roads, as speCified In LC 15 139, shall be met In the Issued facility permit I (e) Per LC 15070(1 )(c)(I)(ff), the minimum right-at-way of Anderson Ln IS 60 feet for development setback purposes City , setbacks for new development shall be taken from thiS nght-of-way Width (f) Pursuant to LC 15095(3), a minimum Visual clear zone of 15 feet along both roads shall be maintained No Visual 2 obstrucllons such as plantlngs, w~ _, fences, signs, or other structures or vegeL un, either temporary or permanent In nature, between two and one-half and 15 feet In height above the road surface are permitted In this area Please contact 682-6902 or VISit http /Iwww lanecounty orglRlghtOfWay for information about facility permits and associated fees Sbasb~ Ba]racbarya, P.E. Sr Engrneenng ASSOCiate Transportation Planmng Engineering DIV Lane County PWD 3040 North Delta H.ghway Eugene OR 97408 (541) 682 6932 Date Received _ i ~07 3 Planner AL