HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Museum Advisory Committee Applicant Interviews AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/12/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Emily David/Library Staff Phone No: 541-726-2235 Estimated Time: 40 min S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPLICANT INTERVIEWS ACTION REQUESTED: Review applications for four candidates for positions on the Museum Advisory Committee. Interview candidates per requirement and make recommendation to appoint or not to appoint. ISSUE STATEMENT: With the transition of the Springfield Museum back to the oversight of the City, specifically within the Library Department, the Museum Board was dissolved and a decision was made to create a citizen committee to aid and support the Museum Curator and to bring citizen input and perspective to the Museum. The Museum Committee is responsible for making recommendations for Museum exhibits and programs; assisting with implementation of exhibits and special events; assisting with community outreach and publicity. The Committee is responsible to the Library Board. This is a new committee and these are the very first applicants. Although the official Museum Committee charge states that the terms are for three years, at the November 6, 2017 Regular Session Meeting the Council suggested that the first committee members have staggered appointments of two and three years so that all terms would not end simultaneously. If all the current applicants are found to be successful, Council will appoint two applicants to two year terms beginning April 1, 2018 and ending March 31, 2020 and two applicants to three year terms beginning April 1, 2018 and ending March 31, 2021. After these original appointments, future committee appointments will be for three year terms. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1: Springfield Museum Committee Charge ATT2: Springfield Museum Committee By-laws ATT3: Hornby Application ATT4: Howard Application ATT5: Phelps Application ATT6: Roth Application ATT7: Museum Committee interview questions DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: In response to a posting that closed January 12, 2018, three applications for the Museum Committee were received from Jenny Hornsby, Mary Beth Phelps, and Stacy Roth. The posting was opened again to allow for more applications and one additional application was received from Adam Howard prior to the closing date on March 2, 2018. The Museum Committee charge states that the committee must be majority Springfield residents. After review of the candidates application and completion of the interviews, if the Council finds all of the current applicants eligible and qualified for the committee, they will need to appoint two applicants to two year terms (April 1, 2018-March 31, 2020) and two applicants to three year terms (April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021) in order to stagger the committee appointments in the future. Attachment 1 MUSEUM COMMITTEE CHARGE The Springfield Museum Committee was formed to support the Springfield Museum Curator. It is responsible for making recommendations for Museum exhibits and programs; assisting with implementation of exhibits and special events; assisting with community outreach and publicity. The Committee is responsible to the Library Board. Source of existence: Council Bylaws: Yes Code: No Sunset Date: Determined by Council Membership Number: 4 In City: Majority Out of City: Minimal Terms (2 max): 3 Years Ward: No Qualifier: Skills, abilities, knowledge which foster the mission of the committee Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time: TBD Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Museum Curator Council Liaison: Mayor Lundberg Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 Springfield Museum Committee Committee By-laws Purpose and Objectives: The Springfield Museum Committee is responsible for making recommendations for Museum exhibits and programs; assisting with implementation of exhibits and special events; assisting with community outreach and publicity. The Committee is responsible to the Museum Curator as the representative of the Springfield Museum. Membership and Appointment: The Committee shall consist of four members appointed and confirmed by the Springfield City Council, and serve three year terms. All Museum Committee appointees serve at the pleasure of the City Council. A position shall be vacated by the Council when the appointee has two or more consecutive unexcused absences from the committee meetings in any twelve consecutive month period. A Committee member unable to attend the meeting is required to notify the Curator at the earliest possible date. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of three or more members. When there is a vacancy, interested parties will complete an application to the City Manager’s Office. The Council will interview all applicants and make the formal appointments. Officers: The one officer of the Committee shall be the chair. Their term of office shall be for one year coinciding with the calendar year. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms. They shall be elected at the last regular meeting in each calendar year and shall remain in office until their successors are elected and qualified. The secretary to the Committee shall be the Springfield Museum Curator. The Curator shall keep a true and accurate account of all proceedings of the Committee meetings, shall notify members of all regular meetings, and on the authorization of the chair, of all special meetings, shall have custody of the minutes and other records of the Committee and shall notify the appointing body of any vacancies on the Committee. Meetings: A meeting shall be held once a month, excepting a month to be decided by the Committee. The date and time will be established by the Committee. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the Curator or at the call of any two committee members at 48 hours in advance of the special meeting. No business may be transacted at a special meeting which is not specified in the call for the meeting. The order of business at all regular meetings of the Committee shall be as follows: Call to order Review of the minutes Report from the Museum Curator Unfinished business Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 New business Adjournment Meetings of the Committee, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws, are to be conducted according to procedures specified in the then most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. Amendments to By-laws: These by-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the membership and approval of the City Council. Adopted by City Council: _____________________________ ___________________________________ Museum Committee Chair ___________________________________ Mayor Attest: ___________________________________ Amy Sowa, City Recorder Attachment 3, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 3, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 4, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 4, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 5, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 5, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 6, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 6, Page 2 of 2 Springfield Museum Citizen Advisory Committee City Council Interview March 12, 2018 SCHEDULE/QUESTIONS Schedule (40 minutes) 5:30-5:35pm Council preparation of interview questions for Arts Commission interviews 5:35-5:42pm Interview of Jenny Hornsby 5:42-5:49pm Interview of Mary Beth Phelps 5:49-5:56pm Interview of Stacy Roth 5:56-6:03pm Interview of Adam Howard 6:03-6:10pm Council deliberation Questions 1. Please tell us why you are interested in serving on the Museum Committee? 2. Describe your professional and personal experience as it relates to your desire to become a Museum Committee member. 3. What do you see as the Museum’s role in the community? 4. The Springfield Museum has a rotating exhibit space. One of the roles of the committee is to make recommendations for exhibits and programs. Can you give us an example of an exhibit you might recommend for the Museum? 5. One of the roles of the Museum Committee is to assist with community outreach and publicity regarding Museum services. How do you see yourself fulfilling this role? 6. The Museum Committee will meet monthly, day and time to be determined. Given your other work & community commitments will you be able to actively serve on the Museum Committee as well? 7. Is there anything further you would like to tell us or do you have any questions that we might answer? Attachment 7