HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/2018 Regular City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 2018 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers,225 Fifth Street, Springfield,Oregon,on Monday February 5,2018 at 7:00 p.m.,with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie,Moore, Stoehr,Woodrow and Pishioneri. Also present were Acting City Manager Niel Laudati,City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAI CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. January 8, 2018—Work Session 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances a. RESOLUTION NO.2018-02—A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P31033- LAURA STREET IMPROVEMENTS-ODOT DISTRICT OFFICE. b. RESOLUTION NO.2018-03—A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21 118• 42ND AND JASPER ROUNDABOUT WMTETOPPING. c. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-04—A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROTECT P211.02- DOWNTOWN STREET LIGHTING—PHASE 2. d, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-05—A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CITY PROJECT P21 I3 3 2017 SANITARY SEWER REHAB—B. 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approval of the Liquor License Application for Planet Verde,Located at 156 S 20th Street, Unit A, Springfield,Oregon. b, Approval of the Liquor License Application for Bartolotti's,Located at 330 Main Street, Suite B, Springfield,Oregon. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 5,2018 Page 2 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS-Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. 1. Enterprise Zone Authorization. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-06—A RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENTS WITH LANE COUNTY AND THE UNITED STATED BAKERY DIBIA FRANZ FAMILY BAKERIES TO APPROVE A THREE-YEAR ENTERPRISE ZONE PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION AND TO EXTEND THE ENTERPRISE ZONE PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION AN ADDITIONAL TWO YEARS FOR A TOTAL OF FIVE YEARS FOR AN INVESTMENT AT ITS MANUFACTURING FACILITY IN SPRINGFIELD OREGON. Courtney Griesel,Community Development Manager,presented the staff report on this item. As co-sponsor of the Springfield Community Enterprise Zone with Lane County,consider approving the resolution to extend property tax abatement to United States Bakery d/b/a Franz Family Bakers (Franz Bakery)under the State Enterprise Zone Program,with a request for an additional two(2)year exemption over the state statutory three(3)year-program,totaling five years. Franz Bakery is proposing a$20 million plant expansion, including$10 million in additional building expansion and $10 'Million in equipment purchase and installation at the existing Springfield, Oregon site.No equipment will be removed or decommissioned as part of this expansion. Franz Bakery has requested that both sponsors of the Springfield Community Enterprise Zone(City of Springfield and Lane County)approve two-years of extended enterprise zone benefits in addition to the program standard three years. In addition to the$20 million estimated capital investment,the facility is also planning to create, at minimum,45 additional new full-time positions. Currently,the site employs 214 full-time employees,earning over two times the average wage in Lane County. These positions will remain, bringing the total employment onsite to 259 or more once the investment is complete. The anticipated capital investment would expand the plant footprint by 43,700 square feet,adding new food processing machinery for an additional breadline and to create capacity to manufacture in-house certain products which are currently outsourced.This equipment is in addition to existing machinery and equipment. The expansion project is part of a long-term growth strategy for the Glenwood site and company.The investment will increase the facility's capacity and reflects the company's decision to maintain a strong footprint as a Springfield employer.The EZ benefits will influence where Franz Bakery chooses to make future major investments and has been key to securing this potential expansion in jobs, manufacturing capabilities, and property values. 1. Ron Ostrom,2000 Nugget Way, Eu ene OR. Mr.Ostrom is the plant manager from US Bakery. He commended the City of Springfield for being a great partner over the years since Franz built their current facility.Franz Bakery has done business locally for over 100 years, and employs 214 employees at the Glenwood bakery. They are very proud of their employees and the products made locally that are sold across the country. They are looking to stay relevant in a highly competitive business by making a$20M investment in Springfield,and adding a minimum of 45 full time positions to start. They are requesting the City and County agree to a two year extension of the EZ agreement in conjunction with their expansion. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 5,2018 Page 3 Councilor Stoehr recused himself from this discussion since he represents some of the workers at Franz Bakery. Mayor Lundberg opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Lundberg closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.2018-06. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(I ABSTENTION—STOEHR). BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Curtis Stutzman,Springfield,OR Mr. Stutzman said he owned real estate in Springfield and has had some issues with code enforcement.He would like someone from the City to check into this for him.Trina Dotson was also here to speak on the same issues. Mayor Lundberg offered to have staff speak to them about their concerns. Community Development Manager Tom Boyatt met with Mr. Stutzman and Ms.Dotson. 2. Lqv:y Abel,Eugene,OR... Mr. Abel said he serves on the Board of Directors of Community Lending Works,an affiliate of NEDCO, and has served since its inception in 2011.He provided his background in financing and how he started with Community Lending Works. He provided information on the number of loans they have provided through this organization to help people and businesses in our community,many in Springfield. He commended Lynn Meyer,Director of Lending,for doing an amazing job. 3. Emily Reiman. Executive Director of NEDCO and Communi1y Lending Works,Springfield,OR. Ms.Reiman said Community Lending Works loans funds to low income residents and business owners. She described some of the loans they provide. Since 2011,they have provided 139 loans to low income Springfield residents,totaling$350,000. They have also made 64 business loans to Springfield-based businesses totaling over$1M.With the new product they offer,they have done 12 downpayment assistance loans for low income first-time homebuyers in the City of Springfield. They have also funded a number of businesses who will be moving into the downtown core, Community Lending Works has grown rapidly since 2011,and is on track to continue to grow. Mayor Lundberg thanked Mr.Abel and Ms. Reiman. It is important that it is from the community that we start and grow our businesses, and get people into homeownership. She thanked them for their work and for staying in downtown Springfield. Councilor Pisbioneri thanked Mr.Abel and Ms.Reiman for the updates. Ms.Reiman said she would email the infon-nation to the Council. 4. Carrol Crawford,Ewizene,.OR Ms.Crawford owns a business in Springfield called TinySpace4u, where she designs and builds small affordable homes. She is not able to move forward until the code amendments are passed,but she appreciates the Council's time in trying to explore the many City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 5,2018 Page 4 options. She is pleased to hear the minimum size was removed, but there are still issues.The main focus is to keep housing affordable. She asked if the pavement for a driveway could just be for the tracks of the car,and also if a minimal foundation could be an option. She would like to remove the word 'relative' in terms of who can rent the ADU. Her mission is to be in Springfield,the place in the state of Oregon that is far above others. 5. Dennis Covert, Springfield,OR Mr.Covert thanked the Council for their work and how they are problem solving.He works on ADU projects currently underway in Springfield. He heard the Mayor say it is important for business to prosper and he considers ADU as a business.He is currently developing a tiny duplex on some property he owns.He would like to see SDCs(system development charges)waived on those types of projects as well to help increase affordable housing. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS BIDS ORDINANCES I. Amend the Springfield Development Code to Make it Easier to Add an Accessory Dwelling Unit, Journal# 9 11-17-00005 7-TYP4. ORDINANCE NO. I —AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT EASIER TO ADD AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT BY AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS 3.2-210,3.2-215,3.3-235,3.3-915,AND 3.3-940 TO ALLOW ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN THE MDR AND HDR ZONING DISTRICTS AS WELL AS THE HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT• AMENDING PROVISIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS IN SECTION 5.5-105 THROUGH 5.5-145• AMENDING DEFINITIONS IN SECTION b.1-110• ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE• AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE—DATE. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR VANGORDON WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI TO EXTEND REVIEW OF THE RECOMMENDED CODE AMENDMENTS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. Councilor Wylie asked if Ms. Belson could look into the comments and suggestions brought forward by Ms.Crawford. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL L Mayor Lundberg said she visited the tiny house Ms. Crawford built. She provided documentation from that visit to the rest of the Council. Mayor Lundberg suggested each Councilor look at their ward to think about what they might want to get accomplished during the coming year. She would love to hear their ideas. Mayor Lundberg noted that Fire Chief Zaludek was on the front of a flyer for Harvard Kennedy School,which be attended for leadership training. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 5,2018 Page 5 2. Councilor Stoehr said he attended the Planning Commission regarding the Transportation System Plan and there were over 200 attendees,and several with very strong opinions about the plan.There will be another hearing on February 6. 3. Councilor Moore said she attended the University of Oregon Law Store talk by Claude Steel regarding diversity in our communities.The word he came up with was trust;how do we develop trust and comfort with one another. She appreciates what the City's Diversity Committee is doing to build trust. Councilor Moore said she and Mayor Lundberg attended the Thurston Hills Natural Area trail opening which was great. 4. Councilor Wylie said she was sick during the whole month of January and missed all of the Council meetings. She missed being here and active. 5. Councilor Moore said she also toured the tiny home of Ms. Crawford. 6. Mayor Lundberg said they need to continue with the Thurston trail,and add mountain biking to that area. She noted the group Disciples in Dirt who are looking for another urban trail system outside of Portland and would be willing to help. She would like to be supportive of bringing that recognition to our community. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY Ms. Smith noted that Assistant City Attorney Kristina K-raaz had her baby boy last Monday,and she and the baby are doing well. Ms. Smith also noted that Joe Leahy has started his third term being a professor at the University of Oregon Law School in government law,so there may be times when students from his class attend the Council meeting. A group was present this evening. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 7:35 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: City RecorV