HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/05/2018 Work Session City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY FEBRUARY 5, 2018 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room,225 Fifth Street, Springfield,Oregon,on Monday February 5, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.,with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie(6:18pm),Moore, Stoehr,Woodrow and Pishioneri.Also present were Acting City Manager Niel Laudati, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Enterprise Zone Authorization. Courtney Griesel, Community Development Manager,presented the staff report on this item. Franz Bakery has requested that both sponsors of the Springfield Community Enterprise Zone(City of Springfield and Lane County)approve two-years of extended enterprise zone benefits in addition to the program standard three years. In addition to the$20 million estimated capital investment,the facility is also planning to create, at minimum,45 additional new full-time positions.Currently,the site employs 214 full-time employees, earning over two times the average wage in Lane County. These positions will remain, bringing the total employment onsite to 259 or more once the investment is complete.The anticipated capital investment would expand the plant footprint by 43,700 square feet,adding new food processing machinery for an additional breadline and to create capacity to manufacture in-house certain products which are currently outsourced.This equipment is in addition to existing machinery and equipment. The expansion project is part of a long-term growth strategy for the Glenwood site and company. The investment will increase the facility's capacity and reflects the company's decision to maintain a strong footprint as a Springfield employer. The EZ benefits will influence where Franz Bakery chooses to make future major investments and has been key to securing this potential expansion in jobs,manufacturing capabilities, and property values. Ms. Griesel reviewed the iDforination in the packet about the impact of allowing the extension of the EZ. Once the bakery comes back on the tax rolls,it is estimated their property tax will increase by about$200,000. Councilor Pishioneri asked if they would be guaranteeing 45 additional staff. Ms.Griesel said they would not guarantee that many, but would guarantee the minimum required of 110%(about 21). Councilor Pishioneri said with that increase in employees, nearly$IM will be going into our community. He supports this extension and is happy with how they have come through on their past EZ. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 5,2018 Page 2 Councilor Moore confirmed they were only requesting the taxes on the addition be deferred for two years. Ms.Griesel said that was correct. She explained further the way the taxes are calculated.They will be paying permit fees,but have taken advantage of the system development charge(SDC)waiver from the urban renewal district.No other improvements are needed by the City in regards to streets and infrastructure.The City does have the ability to administer the program by taking payments over time in lieu of taxes.That compensation is currently written into the resolution. Councilor Moore said she is excited they are willing to expand,but would prefer to have those additional tax dollars sooner than later. Ms.Griesel said the tax deferral helped Springfield to be competitive in securing the expansion here rather than another community. Council was pleased Franz wanted to expand in Springfield as it would benefit our community. Mayor Lundberg said the five-year extension will benefit the community. She would like Franz to do whatever possible to encourage Springfield residents to apply and work for Franz. 2. Amend the Springfield Development Code to Make it Easier to Add an,Accessory Dwelling Unit, Journal# 811-17-000057-TYP4. Sandy Belson,Comprehensive Planning Manager, presented the staff report on this item. The proposed code amendments were first developed based on Council direction,staff input,and public comments. The Planning Commission then held a public hearing on the proposed amendments and forwarded its Order and Recommendation. The City Council held a public hearing on December 4 to hear comments regarding the Planning Commission's recommendation, The Council left the record open for written comments through December 18,2017. The Council began review of these comments in work session on January 16, 2018. Council will continue to review these comments in work session. During regular session,the Council will conduct a third reading of the ordinance and deliberate toward a decision on the Ordinance. The City Council may adopt, amend or extend review of the recommended code amendments. Ms.Belson said the next topic to review and discuss was paving of driveway requirements. She reviewed the options before the Council which included the Planning Commission recommendation. Councilor Moore asked about permeable surfaces. Ms. Belson said there is a provision city-wide allowing permeable surfaces. Councilor Woodrow asked which option would be clearer for someone wanting to build an ADU now. Ms. Belson said Option 1,the Planning Commission recommendation. Councilor Woodrow said she would support Option 1. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 5,2018 Page 3 Councilor Pishioneri thought the rewording as recommended by the staff on the Planning Commission's recommendation was clear.He would like to minimize the complexity.He asked if there would be a conflict once the Transportation System Plan carne forward with amendments. Ms.Belson said there would not be a conflict. Parking can be an impediment to building an ADU,but these changes reduce that burden and are less costly. Councilor Pishioneri said he supports Option 1. Mayor Lundberg asked about gravel driveways where there were no sidewalks,and if this requirement would apply. Ms. Belson said if a gravel driveway goes onto a gravel street,there is no need to bring the driveway up to standards. If there is a gravel driveway that leads to a paved driveway,the property owner would need to bring the driveway up to compliance with city code.There could be some circumstances that would preclude that to address easements. Mayor Lundberg said she wants to make sure we are aware and cautious so this doesn't cause a problem in certain areas. Councilor Stoehr said the additional staff language makes it more permissive so be is supportive. Council approved of Option 1. Ms. Belson said the next topic to review was entry location for a detached ADU. Staff would recommend deleting this requirement as it would be difficult to enforce. Council supported deleting this requirement. Ms. Belson said the next topic was design standards. Council could approve those design standards as recommended by the Planning Commission.The other options included allowing for conversion of permitted structures into ADUs under a Type I procedure and without having to comply with the design standards; or eliminating any of the clear and objective design standards that Council does not think are necessary and thereby make it easier for a property owner to convert an existing structure into an ADU or construct a new ADU. Councilor Stoehr said he is in favor of the Planning Commission recommendation. Councilor VanGordon said he was fine exempting existing buildings from the design standards. Councilor Moore asked about converting an attached garage. Ms. Belson said there are three categories: converting part of an existing structure into an ADU, converting an existing structure detached from the house into an ADU, and building a new structure detached from the house as an ADU. Councilor Moore said she is comfortable allowing existing buildings to be exempt from design standards. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 5,2018 Page 4 Councilor Pishioneri said he would agree. He wants to make sure if an existing building is converted, it will continue to be required to meet building standards. Mr. Bowlsby said this language uses the term `grandfathered', but the building codes would need to be met whether they were met in the existing building or not. The goal is to get to 'yes'. Councilor Woodrow said she looked at the design standards separate from the building code. She supports grandfathering design standards on existing structures. Councilor Stoehr asked what the minimum pitch for a roof was in our building codes. Mr. Bowlsby said there is no minimum,but different materials are used for flat roofs. Councilor Stoehr said he supports grandfathering the design standards. Discussion was held regarding when the grandfather provision goes into effect. Ms.Belson and Mr. Boyatt said they would clarify the language. Mayor Lundberg said she would like to work towards providing clear information on the first visit so people don't have to keep coming back to get more clarification. Ms. Belson said the next topic is ADUs in the Washbume Historic District. Council supported allowing ADUs in the Washburne Historic District. Ms.Belson said the next topic was regarding the maximum size of an ADU in the Wasbburne Historic District. Council supported making the maximum size 800 square feet as it was throughout the rest of the City. Ms. Belson said the next topic was the homeownership requirement. The Planning Commission recommended allowing ADUs without the home ownership requirement,and the Historic Commission recommended the home Ownership requirement. The third option was to have the homeowner or relative of the property owner to live in the house when it is first built only. Councilor Moore said as Council liaison to the Historic Commission, she has heard how passionate those living in the district are about having a home ownership requirement. Councilor Woodrow asked about Option 2 regarding property ownership for businesses in the Washburne District. She is fine making a provision for the Washburne District to require something similar. Councilor Pishioneri said this will not pre-empt the design standards already in the Washburne District.He doesn't agree with a requirement that the property owner lives in one of the units,and doesn't consider a small house or rental as a business. The design standards would maintain the look of the neighborhood. The purpose is to increase housing in Springfield. Councilor VanGordon said he wants to make sure they take the concerns from the Washburne neighbors about maintaining the historic character of the neighborhood into account.He feels the City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 5,2018 Page 5 design standards do protect the look and feet of the neighborhood.He does not feel the home owner should be required to live on the property. The goal is to get people into housing. Councilor'Alylie said she understands both sides,but agrees we need more housing. Council supported not requiring homeownership occupancy in the Washbume District. Mayor Lundberg asked to bring this back for another work session to finish discussion on the remaining topics. Mayor Lundberg said perhaps the Historic Commission can take up the question of how to address the homeownership concern and maintaining the neighborhood quality.They could bring options back to the Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Minutes Recorder—Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: Amy Sowo City Recorder