HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-8-7 .. RESIDArIAL" APPLICATION/PERl1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .lob Location: 111i;}' 1.~r1W;\ ~ 1- \l-1)~ ,zA--ZJ Ta:z: wt # O(\~ \7) A8DeBoor~ Nap # Subdivision: Q.mer: (:, E I')lJ &, F W I A) IiJJ 11 1M /:I A .LI Address: Iftl,1 I5L/lNtJ n , City: S flJ!.ltflt:: F (Er 0 rV'(,.er:;(JJ) ~~, n Additicn n RenodeZ n .'~obile Homa Phone: 7.;lC, - 5"/(;;L.. Zip: 97IL77 Describe ll'ork: w~d~~ (\~J10(iJ.u G != is thE. resr;oncibititu of the permit holder' to see ~Pom the s'tl'cct. and that the pcYmit ctll'd is located ~au.i!di~~ DilJi::io~ approved plan sr~ZZ re~ain 0:-; tha ~/,- r)~ Data of AppZicaticn i..:Onl:;rc.~:;ors Genera Z Plumbing ZZc~trical Value Acii......csz iAA^Ir.~~O~ f.!e~;..ar:ic,:Z Const~~ction -Lender that all in~pections are made at the !POnt of the propert'd. Building Sit= a:: all times. . , - ---' geee,,,< (IJ lo~ . I I ~rj) :/cLJ D I c...-- Siar.ed: Date: (!.,) c;:,~I-?)b L-:"3C.i1 E:rrn.rcs i-.-:or:.: at the proper tim~, that &=~h =dares:; is re~:~ : ?'.'C~::!Y:PE FOR nlSP2(;TIOTl RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcC!orderJ state your City desigr..:1-=:ed ,70:; nur.:ber, job c.iircss, t~;;e o.t ir.:;pec-;icr. ~~au~s=ca a~d u~en you ~iZi bc ready for ir.sp~ction, Con~ac~ers or Vwne~s nome cr.i ~~~r.e r.~~cr. Rc~~cs== r=~ei~ei be:cre 7:92 ~ "_'iZ; De made tn(; same day, reauests maae eft.::!' 7:DO t:n wiU ix:: ",.ade the n.=xt :.JOrkir.:; c.::.:,', ' Your City Deoigr.ated Job Numba Io: . i ~ . 5(>m":"'r~ T"I".<;r"(""':~:r.,,..<'I ] EI72 I;'lS?2':':'::X,': To be maae after e.rcavation, but prior tc Set up of forms. ] V!lDESSLAB PU':,'.f3IlIC. ELECTRIC,'!L & 1.:ECi-U:,'IC:.L: ~o be made before any I work is cov~red. IJ FaOTn,c !J FOUND,1TICN: To be m:u1e afte~ trencnes are excavated and fernm a:re erected, but prior "to pou~;r~ ccncret~. ] U!,'DERG.90U:.1D P:'W.fEIllG, DRAIlII..G~: 7'0 oe TOO.de "lir.g trencnes. SEfrc:P. f,7.1TE.~ prior ~o fit.- ] ] I] VNDERFLOOF/ PLW.~ING & NECHANICAL: To bo made prier to instaLLation of j100~ insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM.' To be made priop to instalLaticn of floor ins~Zation or deeking . RO~_IG!/ PUP'.fBI:.'G. ELECT.'?!CA!. 8 !.fECH- Ai/leAL: No :.7Ork is to bc cOL'ered u.r.tiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve':. FI.1:?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tio!':. FR~'!INC: Muct be requested after approv~l of rough pLWT.bing, electri- caL & mechanical. AU roofing bracing t: ehirrmcys, at.::. nr..wt be . completed. .'/0 LJ:}rk is to be C011- ~ cealed until thia inspection has 'b~~n made and approved. ] ] o n:sr..'LATIONIV."POR P.4.:?RIEa I!.1S?!XTIC;',!: 1'0 De tr.ade aJ.;.'ter aLL insuZ.::ti.:m C'.d required vapor carriers are in place but cefore any 'lath, gypsum bca:rd or U2tZ. coverina is cmDZied" and beior>e any ir..suZat~n is concealed. .. DF?yr~'ALL DISPECTIQ./',': Tc be made after aU drywaLZ. is in place, but prior to any taping. I :JE::::JLITIO;',I t~.=! ,~:.::W~.: B:-'I:'!J:::~5 I Sanita:r;j sC'.Jer ::apped ::t p:oop.:rt",:/ Zi~e ! ---' - I , ---, Septic tank ~~~~d ~~ f~ZZed uith ~~~~Z I ~ " I , I PinaZ - r,lfter. ciJcve ite.'7/s are ccmoZeti:.i ~ ar.d when d~oZitior. is ca~Ze:e or st~~~- tu.Me moved ani pr~3es ::le.::nei up. o O 1!ASONRY: S:~el Deams, arou...1...na accoracmce with 241&. WOODSrm'E: After instaZlation is ccmpleted. location, bond or verticals in V.B.C. Section [0 o CURB & APPROACH AP.90N.' After- forms a:re {Jre~ted but prior to pOuring >!on..:!rete. SIDEW.4LK_.I1_VnIt'Er.:..y: For aU oon- cret~ paving within.street right- Of-LXZY, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & sub~ base m:;.teriaZ in pla::e. MODi le Hcrnes :::J Blocking and Set-dP :::J Plumbi~ connections 6~er ar~ ~cter :::J Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blockir~, set-u? and plwnbing c071r.ections rr.-..:.st 1;c ap?r:::n;~.i before request~ng eZectri~al inspec=io~ ~ Ac~es::01'".d BuilC.ing :J Fina.Z - After porches" etc. are campleted. skirting, decks, D D ~r:"ENCE: f1.lfter. co:1lpz.~te :.- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U,E. D All project conditions, such as the instaZlation of street trees, a~~letion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FI!!AL can be requested. ,J FIlIAL PLWBIIIG j FIII~L 1.fE~HAIIICAL j FINAL ELECTHICAL o FINAL BUILDING.' The"Final Bui1.ding Inspection ~t be requeatcd after the Pin:zl Plwr.bir-a ELectrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectionn have been made and approved. ] o -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS lWST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJVS"l"."!E:/'!.' TO BE !.!.1DE I'.T /.'0 [,~ST' TO CI:'Y I Pa~e ! of 2 JOB No,COldb40J SOLAR AC I Qccur:anctl G:rou. L-COG~ '!cmc: Lot Sq. Ftg. : ~f Lat Caverag~ ?! of Stories ~"otaZ Height Topography ~"'!'E.'.! I SQ. FTC :.fain ~Qce C'ar=Cl't p~j~r~ , S.D.C. TOTAL VAWE IVc;:./.UC.) 1,5 = ." Euild.ing Permit State Surcharge Total Cha....ges _..:';', 1:.'0. I ,::'i==--..aoes ~esiCzr:tial (1 bath) 3=r.-:.t:zr>:-' SeweY' ':cte!' PZu.:-::b:.r:? Perr::i t Sta:=e_ Surcr"apge T::t=! C'r::::~ccs -:" j::.... i 'e8. S::. f-:t::, :;:,JIE=zer.:i Cir=".l:' ts -~~l'CTY Service I 'Elc~tl'icaZ Pe~it St=te Sur~r.a:rae Tota l Cr..a:rces 7'7" I ::C. I I I :a"r..:u:!e ETU' S :::r.aust Hood "cnt Fan ;Joasto:;e Perrit Issuance: Me.=har.ic::.l Permit State Su:rchcroc Total Cr.I1rc(','; D.'CROACH/.rE,'!T ~C'".J.ritu Der:c:;it ~oraae :::1'1 tenar.~c :~t Tata l C'nc.raCE 1J'bC".lt ~de'.J.:1Zk ''1.=e .ectl"ical Label 'bi le Home .'7A~ A....fOW..T DUE:" , Be::.roor.:s: T,pe/Cor.st: LOT TYPE Lot Faces - ~n.ernu So:.a"c€?s T,J';l(, Interior I Setbacks I I ,/.ieat I P.L, I Ho"~e I Caraae I /;ccesa. , I Watp.T' .4rcat,.... Cornel' INorth I I Hanpc Panhandle lEast I I I I FiT'cviace ISOl'th I I I I I Wcoaatove CUl-de-sac IWest I I I II I Fep.s x I I I I I I j n~ob l.~ '_ -- --' i"" I I u'l. IPlan Cheok Fec: IVate Paid: IRecdpt #: ISig"ed: I/aluc Building Value Pe r m i t & This permit is granted on the ~ress condition that the s~id_conGtruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the censtructicn and uae of buildings, and may be suapended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie. lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. \?,6D . -- --~..,"-~- , i'EE CHARC= Plumbing Permit No pereon ahall construct, instalZ, aLter or change any neu cr c=istir.g plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, ur.less sucn person is the Zegal posse3sor of a valid plumDe~'s license, except tr~t a pc~son ma~ de pl~Ding work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the a~pZi- cant. ~.-;-~---'-'- j I I I I j I ). .vnere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical wor~ be done ~y an EZectric=Z C071tl'::zc:;cr, the electrical.- PO!>ti01: ofthi;;; penni.t shcn 7:e<; =e :J::Zi.:i /.<1::iZ tne LabeL has b~en Dignec =y the Elccrrical ~on=rc~;o~. Electrical Perm it I ! i I I i I '.. I I I j I Mechanical Permit I~C>O .~nl 16~O I. I 'PLan i::xam7..17.er LJQr-e , . I j j I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED thE completed application for permit, end de hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true ar~ correc;, and I fUl'ther certify that any ar.d all lJork pel'fo1"71cd shall be done "",l"I n(!~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th= ~~s of tr.~ State of Oregon p=rt~ining to the work described hel'e~n, and t;~t NO OCCV. Pl-liCY wiZl be made of any structure without pa~is3io~ of the BuiZding Di- vision.. I further certif'ii that o'tlly contra::!tors a;~d c'1fployecs lJho are in c~pl~ance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this proj~ct I I . XJqA-7A/7,~/4/ ol) b 0 I. Sign2d~' .^~:1~ -/ 9""/7/.s;z: fute