HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-2-14 .' .. RES'&T1AL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spp';~~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .lob r.cc.::tion: 'l cf) -..\:),[')\0\ fIf\ > . ~Jh 00 t ASOS'SON .'lap .. Subditr;sicn: Ta::: Lot # Ol.."er: 0n\\.\'1l. l'I\~,/ Md.-es., tl D{) '"-%\r\ f\~ ,(\L, PI-.an.: City:~ ~\15 rt (\)J0 ~0Xv\~ (Y\ 10 c> (l ~ "--.;).~ 6toue- . G' Vatu. ff"O CO n n fi n '/"".1 Additicn RemodeL ,'tob-:- z~ Hama r'at:e of .4pplica:ticn !.:ontractore f)4-r t C7\-.l cR q fJ4fJ r; Zip: De8Cf""~be fI'ar": Addr€S3 GeneraL PLumbing Elect'rical. Mschar.idl ~t{\\i\()() \"W"', \.-\". ()r\05l.l1 Con8e~~cti$n ~~~er ., \J /.', .'?cc.O"~' . r d''fH 0 \~ \:! \\ '\ \ , \ ~ Siqr:ed: Date: H)r.{\) \ _.Q h " -\4- ,p,,~~ i [,iac.# E=='ircs~ Phon~ i J j fe. to ehe responcibili:y of ehs permie holder to Bee that at! inDpect-io718 are .-::ade at :he propel' ti.'TI(;# that &leek ddzoess is l"'tlaiab:. from eJuJ strBee, and. that the pcrmi.t eard is 'lvcated at the front of the proper'tlf. t~ui!di:".g J'{:)'i.=io~ appr'ot:ed p'l.cn sr.c=z.l. remain on t~ Eu-:.tdi.1tf1 Si.t~ at all times. ?!?OCSDURS pon INsprCTION RSQU!ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} stat6 yOU1' City .:1esigr..::zted job nw;o:ber~ job ac.CJ"css~ type of ir.3pec-;i.c7I requesr;ed a;>;d when ifoU IJiH be ready for in.spccti.on~ Contractors or Ct....ne:-s r.c::ne c:r.d phone ~er. Requests l'flceived cefcl'lJ 7:00 ::: :..>il.lo be rr:ade ehe same d.c.y~ requests mc.de aft~ 7:00 a'l'J !Jizz. ba nrlde the next :.JOl"king day. B ?O'I \'1 ~p.~}irD1 T~~~b~t~r.~~ O ,""""~ ~'lS!)-""''''''''''l T' . ~.L':_ .:, ."::''-':'.11: ,0:;6 nrlCB ezcavat~cn, ~u; p~Cl' to se; forms. o aftC!l' up of UND=:~SL':'a PU1/.f3I.'lG. ?l.EC':'RIC,lL ~ ,~fECr:A,'lIC:"L-: TO:'6 mad~ bejor.a work is ,zovcrec. o E'COTD'G ~ ForHlD,1,T:C:l: To be ::cce after trenches are ~carJated and forms are arectad, but prior to pouring ccnc:"et.>. [] U.VD:l:RCRorJ,'?T) P:'UMBr-;G. S=:.I2R. ;';.1T=.~, DRAINAGE: :0 oe rr.a.1e prior ~o fi~- 'lir.g r;rer:cJ:ez. 0" UNDEHPLOOR !'T-U,'.SI,'JG ~ ,'.fr':.r:!ANICAL: ro be macie prior :;0 ::n.:j'taLl..;;zt~on of {2001' insuLaz:ior. or decking. P')ST AND 3EA,'-{: To be :r.adc pr-~or +- insta~~ticn of fLoor ir:s~La=ior. or deck';",. o o RO'.lCH ?[.(.r.~P'!'!G, .:?'!.EC'!'.'?!C:'r. ~ '.pc_,_ AfJIC,J.L: ;\"0 '.Jork. -~3 to be co:,'cl'ea'- ur.ti~ ;r.cs~ :r~=ec:-:.cr.s h=v~ beer. m..'7.:ie r.:r.d ,=?pr?:.Je.:: FI.~=PLACE: Prior:o plc.c-:.r.g feeing mcr;ariaZs ar.d b~fore fr~r~ inspec- tior.. o D F'RA"~I.'lt;: Must be t'eque:l1;ed af:el' appl'OV.:4Z of' t'ough ;;lwr.hing, aZeetr-;- eal. & ";,ec;..an~.1:z.. A'l! ~off.r.g braC":'r.q d chi:rrr.eys, at~. .':"l"'.lSC be . cOrTTPloe::cd. .'/0 ~I"~ is to be con~ "ceai~d ur.:il thi3 ir.soec:ion r~s . b.en mad.:: c:nd app~t:ed. Your City.De8igr~ted Job l~ber I3: any D INSULATION/VAPO.9. 2ARRIE.'? IHS?::CTICj'J: To be made after aU insul.:;ti..?n ar.d '. raq-.J.ired vapor ca::rriers are in ? lace but cefore c:n.y lath, gypsum beard or toXIl.'l covering is c:ppZied, :zr.d befo'l"e an:,! insulation is concealed. D2NOLITION OR ;~:Ov:::; EUILDI;X;S ~ Sarti tary 8e".Jer =ap?ed ::t p~?po::rt":i l.i~e =:J Septi~ tank p~,?.;:d and f-:.'lZ.ad :...'ith ;roC::Ul! :J Pinal - rrnen a.Xve -;,i;e:~s ~e cc:::o~~=ed and when i~l-:.tior. is c~piete 01' st~~~- ture ~oved ar~ pr~3es cLe~ed up. Nobi!.e h"c,-::es =:J 3lockir~ and Sat-~p =:J Plumbing connec=iona -- S~Q~ ar-d. ~ter ~ EZect]M;cal Ccnr:ec=~on . Bloocking, 86t-~? --.J an:i p~lImbing connections r.r..:st =e G?prouec be;orc l'equest~ng ~Zec:~cal ~ns~sc:io~ ::J :J Acces3C.,~' 3u.il.:iir.g Fin=l - After ;orchssJ etc. are c=-mple:~d. aki~t-;ng, d6C;~J o D.rl~.JAL!- ;:'JSP~C1'!ON: Tc be r.nee tIfter all ar-::/waU is in pZ.a.ce, bue prior to any taping. o ALL project conditions~ JUC~ cs :h~ {ns:;aZla~io71 of street =rJesJ ~~~!.a:-;~n ~f ;he required lantisccpir.g, etc., .-r.u.st be scz:isjicd. 00:;01'6 the 3UILDD'C F!::AL =an ~e raqu.ss:3d. O. . FI:JAL PLU,'.fEI,'/G [J. FINAL ;~fE:P.A.'IICAL O. FI:IAL E!.EC':.9.IC/.L i=:J o PINAL 3UILDI.VG: The Final Build-:.1".g !r:s?ecticn ,-:!.1St ot,J requ.e3tsd =:~:er :h2 ,='-;r..:::.l PZu:::bir.g Elec:rical., ani Necr.a.....ieci Ir.specticnG rtavc been :nace ar.d ~:;'Crouad.. o MASON.:'?!!: Steel. Location, b~.d beam::;, grou ting or uertiea Ls in ~cor~ce ~~:h V.3,C, Section 2 <. '"ALL NANHCLES AND CLEA.NCUTS ,'lUST 3E .4C:r:SSISr.S, AEJL'Sr:~~.~',!, :0 3S .~~'lliE' ::T ;':0 :.~:S7' TQ CI7"j I ~""~a ot' 2 After instalZation -;8 o CURB & At."'P.r?CACH .4PRQN: After' forms are ere~~ed but pr"':'or to pO"'.A.ring ""~rete. SIO!WAL:<. & ORT/V';AY: For alol con- crete paving wiz::hin.stl't3(lt right- of-I,,;c:~j, to be mc.:ie at:er alZ excc- vatina =omoZe=e & fo~ ~rk & ~ub- base ,~.cterial in ?Z.a.ce. o [gg: :/her.. co.-:rp lolite -- ?rovic.e gates or movab le aections through P.U.E. o ", - 'W7J NO. 83Cy11t SOLA'CESS JI""t Sq. Ft;. I ~ "I =:e ~.j1)eraq& ; ,J of :...or-~es ! Total Haight , I Tcpogra;;hy I,"",.f I.'fain I S~.F'!'C ,~~c~ ! C..u':''=l''t I. I ,,,c::esS;)!"J I I I IS.D.C. rOTA!. "fAUiE IVC!.Uo;) 1.5:: 2uildin9 Per:-t:"~t State SW'cn.:rrge ~o:aZ ~r.a.""ge3 II~2N I FL-:-.ores I NO. i I I I I I R€sidentiaZ (1 bath) Scr.it.:rr~-/ SetJ8r' I ilc:te..... I Pl;.qn1r~ng Perr.:i t State SW'cr,apge T.:tal Chc.rces II!'E.'1 I.q~s. Sa. ft:!. IN~/Ertend Circuits .'iO. Temporary Service Ele::tr1.cal Pe~t; S~te SW'::;..arae Total C"f/lU'C8a .t'I'E,'4 I ,"C. I ,,':":' F"-lrr..::ce ETU'S E:=hau.s t: Hoo.:. i I "I Vent Pan I I / I ":,oasto:J6 Permi t I3suaJ1C2 Me::r.an-:.c::l Fermi t State Surc:ha>ac TCJ~.~1. Ch.':!-'Jp.!1 -- Z:ICRCACH!.!E:.'!'!' -- .Ic '<0- P'l . I~e~dr-~..U ~2~3te Stor~qe l1a";ntencr~e I" " . crr.r!.... ~ pnal"'7cs i CUr.?C'..lt ! Si.dBO!a!< I ?en.::e I rZ.zc:rica l , ! ,\fobi La Hame Lc.b e l I TOTAr. ANOU.'JT DUE:. (;cC"..l:;an.c:J Gl'OU:7: WT tYPE Interior Corner Panhandle C"..ll-de-saa x Value Fr:: CP.ARGE :':'t' CHARGE I I, I I I I ,-C).OO I I rn 00 I i~.oO I I' .00 I I ),~:(pO " I I CHARGE I l.:s.CO P::qe 2 ~ L-COG~ I I I I I I I I I ' J REQ.- T;;pe/Cor.st: 3edr?oms: I ["ot Faces 6 I I P.:'. It/orth lEan South IWest I I E"nerou Sou.r~es I i Heat II II II II II TUrJ2 Setba~ks I House I Caraee I I I I I I I Access. I I I Water l!p.a~;H'I Ranqe Fireolace WooaG'to:;e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ic granted on the e=press condition that the sa'id. constru,cnion shall3 in all respects, confc~ to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the :it~ of Sprir.g,f:eZd, :ncl~:ng the Zon:ng C'rd:nance,. reg-.A.Zt::.til~g the CCr:Si;:>:ICt:Cr. ar~ use of ouildir.gS3 and m::y be3ucpe.,.~ed or revoked at cr.y ti~e ~;cr: vie- lation of ~y pr~visior.s of said Ordir~ces. I' ", I I I I, Pl.a.n Check Fee: Cate Paid: Rec~ipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit I I No pereon chell construct, ins~lZ3 aZter or change ~y r~ er e=isting plumbing or drainage 8Y8te~ in ~hole or in part3 unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plW1!cer's license, ~cept; that a pe:'son mrr;j do plumbing ~ork to proper~~ which is ow~ed, leased or opercted by the appLi- cant. ../ I , ' Electrica I Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electr;caL work be done by an Ele!::tncal Contracto~, the eLectricaL portion of this permit shaLL not be valid until the 1.abeL has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. .' . Mechanical Permit P i.an .::=a:n-z.nel' Llata I, I j I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAND1ED :,tuz complatad application tor permit, end de hereby certify that all info~ation hereon ~8 true ard correct, and I r..uo-;r..eI' cerot.ifF:I that any ar.d an !":ork perlo~ed ahal.l os done in ac~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieZd3 and th~ Zc..;a of tJ:~ Stata of Oreg~n p~r~ining to the work described herein, cr~ tha; NO OCCU- PANCY will ba rrr:z.:e of cm.y struat:aoa witho~t ?,zrmisaio,"t of th9 Euildir.g N- vision. I further ~ertif, t~~t o~ly acntra=tora ar~ ~l~ye€8 Wr~ are in ~pliance with CRS 701.05E will be used en this projzct (7 ~ (l~ 5iqr.3d . '/- c2-It/-~ Date