HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-4-1 .. RESlrtNTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job L..ocation: 7 ~ ~ ..J.oj r-:-f H. \1 O?J "04 rz... n4000 v " W~ Cu-trc~{I:.,,~- , ~", ~- 1- 'I 3, Va,"e lit ()() AS3BSCOrz .\!ap .Ii Suhdi:;";sicn: C'","71el': R~ D CJ:J~ 7~ t. J)~~ 2t . .J., IC> U,}. v , .J.dd.."'esz: Ci.ty: / (:;r:c-.J n n n Additicn RemoceZ .'fobi 1.2 .:;oma Date of Appliea::icn ContractorS - O-<.-u-A. O.A General Plumbing Etectricc.t. Nschcr.:i.c:;l Const~~ctian L~~el' ,~. Tc::: Lot II PI-.one: 1l/7- '(:II~ Uo: 9 7 'I 77 Desap'~be ffork: Addres3 . Rcce:::J; ,;J. K LOD Co (pC; lJ,.ro',,~~ qi IS. 0-0 .'0 - IS. (,,0 Si{lr.ed: J..c... Date: '1'1- '? "7;, l.isc.l! E=:-ircs Phone [~'i.8 the l'esponaibiZity of ths permit hotder to see that at.! il1DpectiOn8 are ~ade at the prOp21' t~~~~ tr~t ~cch =ddrsss is l'e~:a from ths street. and that: the pCl'm'it a:J:rd is l..xated at t.he front of the property. -!Jui!di!'".g ~:ri.=io!': ap;:rot:ed pLan sr.:::LZ. r~.ain on t;;...e Buitding ~its at aU times. P.'?OCEDU,~e .t'Ol? [,'/SPECTIDll R!'a~ST:CALrz.726-3769>1'ccorder) state you.:r City .iesiqr.:lted job nur.:be1', JOO add:rcss, type of ir.S?8c=icn l'eC{lAested a:-:d when you win be ;oeady for l.nspcct"";::m, Contractors 01' Q..'ns:os r.cme c:r.d phone rtw:1bcr. Rsqussts recsi:"'ed cefere 7:00.:::-: ....:iU be made th~ same day, requests made afta' 7:00 a'1'I lJiZZ be rode the nc:t '..XJrkinq day. f?lur.J.ir"d 'ns"pcticYlS O SIT!' Itl~PEC":':aN: ~o be made excavat!.on, .7U-:; pM.or t:; set forms. o after up of UNDERsr..:.a ?!.U!.f3I.'lG. ZLE::-::=lI1:,1[. ;. ,~!EC({A,'/IC""[,: To be made be;ore work. is ~ovc!'ed. o FOOTI:IG :f FOUNDAT:C:l: To be ,mae after Cr9ncnes are exccrJated and ferms are erected, but prior to pourir.g ccncretc:. D U"D~G~I""D :::~I:"nT."G . ., ...{1 ..'.1<1.. . ...UcI';..' . ~ . DRAINAGE: fo oe ma=.e "lir.g ~rer.cr.e:z. SE'.IF.~" ::J;tT.:.'T, pr-:.o!' ::0 fi~- o UNDE.9PLQO:~ P!.U,',,'BI.'IG 1 N::CH.4NICAL: 1'0 ce mace prier :0 -::n3<:al.wtion of f!oor insutccion or decking. POST AND 3EAU: To be :r:ade pr-;or to instan~ticn of floor ir.s~Zaticn or deckins. o o Ro~rGH ?Llr.'EDG. :',=:!:TP!f':J!:. .~ ,'.fEr:.9.- ANIeA!.: :'/0 '..iOri-:~.3 ::0 :,C COi:er€C- ur.:~l ;heS4 ~r~=ec~ior.s have ~eer. f!lCLde c::r.d -=?PI'?:Je.::!. t'I.~:;P!.ACE: Prior to ?lc.~i,..g f=.cing mcterials ar.d b~fare lrar.tir.g inspec- tion. o o PP.A.I~I.'lIJ: Must ~e :"et;u.ested after approv,;,L of rough ;;Lur..biru;. eZectri- caL $ :r:ecr.ani.:al. Al.! !'Oo]":,".g bracing & ch.i:r.ncys, at.::. ,':j..:sr be ,conwZe:cd. ,'10 -.;:;rk is to be CO?1- "cec'-led until this insoec;icn r.as . been made end approved. Your City. Deaigr.atcd Job Number 10: u iNSUlATION/VAPO.9. 2ARRIER IHSpr:;CT[Otl: To be made after aU insuL;:;,ti:;n cr'.d rC'f.J.ired vapor barriers are in plaae but before any lath, gypsum beard or !.XIU coveI'ing is cppUed, er.d oefor6 any in3UZation is concealed. )(,<..IF,S7 D2.'-lOLITIOH OR gOV:;; E!/ILDI;:C;S :=J Sanita:1"J S8".Jer ::apped :::t p:"OP~!';-:i =:J Septi:: tank ;r"'ged and f.:...z.z~d :.n:;h line :;r::::;e;, any DRJWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be l:--.ace ~fter aU d:rywaU is in place, but prior to any taping. O HASON.?Y: Steet location, bond beamo, grcu ting or vezoticc Ls in acco~~ce ~;th u.a.c. Section ~41C ,iCODSTOVE/ Aftar installation -::8 cc'':'Ipletea. D D CURB & APPROACH .4P.o/JN: A[te't' forms c:re ere.:!ted but Pl...;or to pC".J.ring ::on.:!rete. 5IDEWALX & DRnTfIA1: For all CC11- cre~e ?aVing within street right- of-I.JX:.Y, to be mde a;-'ter all e::ca- vatina aomvleta & ;O~ ~rk ~ =ub~ base ,~terial -::n pl.a:;e. :J Final - [!hen abctle i;e:~s are ac:...z~l.a;ed ar.d when ::er.let:.eior. is compla:o or st:-:.~- tu.~e ~oved ar~ pr~JBS ~leaned ~? .~!cbila F.c:~es o D fENCS: Wher. co.";'tVl.;te -- ?rotlice qacas or ,~vabZe' 3Bc:ions through P.U.E. :=J Blocking and Sat-~p :=J ?Z~~in; connec:~cr.s S~Qr ar~ ~:er ---, Elcctriccl Ccnr.ect:.on - alockina, set-up --.J and plumbing com:ectians r.r~st ba czpp!'ct:sd beforc requesting ~!aa~~cal inspec;io~ ., 'c-.s~"" .," ~,~'7R'':r.a I" - ~~.~ ~"w~__ _ :J Fin.::l - ,1.t~t.c!' ;crcr.fls, etc. are c~pZ.a:~d. akirting, aec;'-.s, o o ALL project conditions, $UC~ as ~r~ {ns:alZa~ion of street :raes. :c,~!a:~Qn of :~ required landscc:pir..g, eta.. must oe satisf-::a:i b.:tore the 3UILDI::G F[.':t4[. ~an be raCjUss:.zd. D. FnlAL PLU;'.fB[.'lG D. FnlAl. ,:fE~HA.:1IC.1.L D. PINAL Z!.EC':RIC:'L o o PINAL BUILDING: The F-::nal 'auilding Inspection ,,":",,:S: be r9:qu.aseed ::./:e1' :r.e .:Oir~l Pl~!;iT'.g Electrica!, and Necr~~iccZ. Insp€ctioncr have ~een ~ade ar~ ~?prcv~d. .AU, MAl/HeLES AND Cl.,EANOUTS ;'lUST BE AC~ESSIB~2) ADJUS'j7,'!.~~T ':'0 32 .~:ADE ::1' !:O ::~sr T'J CI':'J 1'_-. . of 2 I JOB NO,<631SSi I i:cr:a: I Lot Sq. !'!;g. , ~ ;Jf lo: C:werago: ,':I a[ Stol"'i.es lTo:al HeiGnt I . I Topogra;hy I II?'!.'.f 1I'lain 1~".::C2 i I C..uo==l": I. I ...c::eS30r'".J I I 'lOTA!. ;'ALUE IS,D.C. ( l)c.~...C) 1.5::: Eui l.ding ?erJr."~ t State Surcharge ':'o:aL [;r.a..-ge3 I r:::M I Fi..",=,es I ResUtential fl bath) I Scn{.t.:::r:J Sewer I....c~e... I Pl~bing Pe~t State Surcr.a.rge T~tal (.hc.:-:aes 1 II'E,~1 I.~es. So. rta. IN~/EXtend Circuits I Temccraru Se1"7.JiCB Ele::tricaZ Pe~t Stete Sur::harce TotaL C'rU1rces lITEM I ~.:Ice =TU'S I E::haust Hood l Vent Pan I ' I iloodsto:.;e Per7'!:it I3suance .'1ed".anica l 2em t State Surchcrae '!'atr.l_ rJ,.arrrP.tJ E:lC.~CACEN:::l': 1- '. D . I .}8C'.ln.:;OJ 2:7031. t I Stor~qe I ,'1ain.tencr~2 Pcrr.rit Total C't/C.r~as I Cu1'.:u;....l: Side!JJa.L~ :en::e I EZ02c:l"ica Z ; ! .'.fobi Za H;;;me !c1;QZ TOTA.!. ANOU,YT DUE.." SQ.FTG i 'VO'I I I I I I I IIIC'I I SOLAR .ESS CCC".l::;ancu Crou~: [,OT t'!?E Ir:teriol* COnter Panhandle C<,;,Z-de-saa x ;talue ,'to. CHARGE CHARGE p' CHARGE ,<;.00 .(;0 /5. C; 0 Ie;. & 0 ?::.ae 2 . L-COC'l.' REQ,- T.~'rJe/Cor.8t : Bedr'Jor.:s: I Lot Fa.ces - I Setbacks I P. :"1 '=:0:":38 I CaPaqe "INorth IFr.e I IS""th I IWest I I I Enerau SO:tl'!Zes I I Heat Access. i I ;.{a.tl:Jr'::P.rz"';~'" I I Ranga I I Fi't'eolace I I Wood.:;to".;e II T:.rce Fees -- , Building Value & P-ermit This pel"mit iG g1"anted on the e::pres8 condi.tion that the sa'id. aonst:l"'...ation shall, in aZt respects, confor.m to the 01"dinance adopted by the City of Spl"';r.gf'ieZd, irtatuding the Zoning Cl'dir..ar!ce, req-...l,ctir:g the ccnstr:.tcti.;n ar.d UGe of buildings, and m::.y b~ .suspended or revoked at cr.y t~;.':7e :i?~r. uio-, Zation of :I1'!y pr:Jvisior.s of said Ordir"ances. ! I , . I I I I. I Plan Chea k leata Paid: IReazipt #: IStg,:ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall oonstruct, instat!... attar or change any r.ew 01' existing plumbing :11' drainage SY8t~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a vaLid plumber's license, e=cept trAt a pe~son ma~ do plumbing :.ior.lc to property which is OI.17".ed, leassd or operated by the appli- cant. .I I I. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires trAt the electrical tJOrk be done by em Ele~t1"ical Con~ctor, the electrical portior. of this permit shall ~~t be valid until the 'label has been. signed by the Electrical :ontractor, . Mechanical Permit P/,.an i::::c:mner L.iar;a I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."1INtD the aomplated =P?lication for permit, end do hereby certify that aLl ir:.lorr.ra.tion hereon is tl"Ue ar.d cOr!'cct, and I Tn:her certij":j that any ar.d all. ~ol'k perfor:r:ed shaLl. be ao:1e i:: ac:::or- dance :.lith the Ordi.nances of the City of Springficl.d., and th;; Lc:.;a of th3 .. State of Orec:Jn. DZl't.:::inina to the work descr"';bcd herein, ar.d the: NO OCC'!J- Pt.NCY ~lZ b~ rrade of an.y~ atructurB without ?emissio.'t of the :suil.dir.g tr;- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o:1ly :::cntractol'S and ~l~yees wh~ are in ~pliance with CRS 701.05E will. be used cn this projsct rb_~.dL~:J Sign3d \ ;:i..tji~ Date .