HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Housing Code 1986-5-14 CITY OF SPRINGFIEL~ Departll!.en't of PlannhTg-anll Development -Bu'flding Safety Division . 225 N~rth 5th Street Springfield; Oregon 97477 726-3753 (Bus,) 726-3769 (Insp,) - . .HOUSING INSPECTION APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD ~. DATE: 5-(~~ t3G =Ff=- f&D33(P APPLICANT: en fa c?n l.- c:. (q Y\~ 1 Fo N ^ w\ ~ !L\ \ OWNERS ADDRESS:?O Q,C-Ho rJ I A- c~.-\--R-e'€..-+ , c.J^-O v---\P-S ~ r1 "s + ( APPLICANTS ADDRESS: ~ ~ (0 N \ A. 5 r~t-' \' FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY--PLEASE INCLUDE TELEPHONE NUMBER: '( lfro - '3 '2'( () ~~ , ~Q~ADDRESS ; OWNER: A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIHE OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM HUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. '\i I A/t! /\ ,~ h ~((~ SI~~~~E~~ PRO~ERTY O~ER / FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE OF INSPECTION: S/;b/gt.... RECEIPT NUHBER: e ro rot/V 7 DATE OF REPORT: ,~/Iib /8,'0 DATE PAID: 5 -Jc.f- ~G DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COHPLIANCE:,L~b~Cf~ COMMENTS: bt-0<:..~ ~ ---..c., " ~ -. "- r.= ~\'"t '; ~'---<-~ r~ ; J?A W _~, ~ u 'le.....,=> \:" ",' \ \ +- \ ",,7<<t - ,R" . Li , L. ^ ".~ ,r1.<>}.. I "'- <= .-cl", r +0 ~"'"""-'~t\:1 u-:>" ~ I=l\~ A 1=', No'r"-'C'........:J6 ~-,::._n\h~F ",,=.-.j,"'--.~ ~ $27 ::;..---c <--" .USIVE EMPLOYMENT CONTRA. RESIDENTIAl-LAND-COMMERCIAl C~.ELLIS REALTY INC. 846' Nth f.- STREET .~, S~NG)tELD. OR 97477 PHONE 746-3270 FOR VALUE RECEIVED you or your agents are hereby employed to sell the property described below, and by the agreement you are authorized to sell at the price and terms specified herein (or with my consent tor a lesser sum or on other terms), which price includes all encumbrances. I hereby authorize you and your customers to enter any part ot said property at any reasonable time to inspect same. The term "sale" shall be deemed to include any exchange or trade to which I consent In the event of an exchange or trade, you are permitted to represent and receive compensation from both parties. I understand that you are a member of the Eugene-Springfield Multiple Usting Service Inc., which is not a party to this agreement, and its sole 'responSibility is to refer It to its other members in accordance with the rules of said service. It is agreed that said members shall act as sub-agents. The owner authorizes the broker to install a key box and sign on the premises, which box may be opened by a master key held by all members 0' the Eugene.Springfield Multiple Listing Service Inc., and their salesmen, and in said box one key to the premises will be kept and allow Broker or Eugene. Springfield Multiple Listing Service Inc., members to show said property at any reasonable time. The Brokers are not responsible for vandalism, theft, or damage of any nature whatsoever to the property. II, during said listing period, the property is s'old by me or by any other person, firm, or corporation; or if you or your sub.agent prOduces a purchaser ready Bnd willing tCl purChase the property; or if within six months atter the expir;ation of said listing period a sale is made to any person to whom the property has , been shown by you or your sub-agents I agree to pay you a fee of ~., % of the sale price at closing. ' Ilurther allow you a reasonable time after termination of this agreement to close any deal on which earnest money is tlien deposited. In case of suit or action on this contract I hereby agree to pay such additional sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees in said suit or action. The ven'ue of any action on this agreementshalllia in Lane County, Oregon. In the event a suit or action is filed against the Broker, based upon the owner's failure to disclose all known defects orthe owner's providing inaccur~te, incomplete, or untrue information concerning the above property, owner agrees to defend the Broker and his Bgents and to pay all costs of defense and to pay any Judgment entered against the Broker or his agents and to hold Broker hBrm~~s~,~herefrom. In the event of forfeiture of E.M. for any transaction relating to this listing agreement, the E.M. shall be disbursed as follows: Seller \, _J" ; '% Broker -;. % to the extent of Broker's fee with balance to Seller. The addendum attached to this contracl Is made a part of this agreement. The foregoing terms and conditions are made a part of this agreement, and the additional information submitted is true to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have received a copy of this contract Approved smoke detector to be installed prior to closing. . Brok., CHARLES ELLIS REALTY INC. :::'d= L~ (.~ Q... I..:; r ;1 I\. d Bk,. Add,... 846 Nth A STREET SPFG. OR 97477 :y~~~'l:'.:~:(;!~~~{~~2~{,~B::k.r~. 32#~ i:~:~4:-3270 _..-::.,r' 2 - (t.L~ '.9,'" Broker Initials \ -'\. '- DatA -'. -"\. \. / Eugene 77001 3 NCR Rev. 6/85 01985 Eugene-Springfield Multiple listing Service, Inc. ASSM QOVA CONV CaNT 2ND b~~sumPtion o Oregon Depl. at VA o Conventional o Contract .0 2nd Note AGE (Enter Yrs. Old. q Only) u:L PAVED ST/WALKS Iv Up To 2) WLKS ~Walks PVST ~Pavej Street CTY BUS BLOCKS TO BUS yo Yes o No WTRFNT I, One) FRN 0 Frontage ACS 0 Access WATER" One) CTY ~CI\Y AV 0 AvaIlable WELL 0 well ESMlS # t=rJ (Y\ A- ~_rJJ,( ~~/J.L) . (Owner 1- (SEAL) - Owner ARM NATO FNMA OLlP OT - -.....-..... o Adjustable Rate. Mortgage o Note And Trust Deed o FNMA o Oregon Low Inc Prog o Other DINING ROOM n ,X n , DINING TYPE (v" One) SEMI 0 Semi FORM 0 Format COM~CombO AREA 0 Area KITCHEN ' LL9rx , \ , IJ EATING AREA hi Up To 2) yo Yes BB 0 Break.fast Bar ~o FAMILY RM (V One) YO Yes ~o FMLY RM SZ *SO FT (ApK) LIVING ROOM il,n:.vu 1\I~Xltl~ 0' LOT SIZE (ApK) ,X, ACRES (ApK) , . , VIEW (, Up To 3) T 0 TerraIn W 0 Water M 0 Mountain SEWER (V Up To 3) CTV):LCity AV 0 Available CON 0 Connected SEP 0 SepllC I' ,X, FIREPLACE (y' Up To 2) LR 'S.livlng Rm HR 0 Hearth Raised FR '0 Family Rm AK 0 ROCk BR 0 Brick. WS 0 Wood Slave CIR 0 Circulallng OT 0 Other REASON SELLING Iv Up To 3) PERS 0 Personal POP 0 PurChase Other Property INV 0 Investment LA 0, LeaVing Area TRN 0 Transler EXCLUSIONS UTILITY (V Up To 2) CL 0 Closet GAR 0 Garage SP 0 Separate aT 0 Other GARAGE hi Up To 3) 1 0 1 Car ,OS 0 OVIHslzed 2.,a:.2 Car CP 0 Carport 3 0 3 Car AVP 0 Rcc Vehicle Pkg *HEAT hi Up To 3) BB 0 Base Board HP 0 Heat Pump eN 0 Central OIL 0 0.1 ELEl9..Electric SLR 0 Solar EC 0 Elec Ceiling WO 0 WOOd FA l}tJ:orced Air OT 0 Other GAS b Gas CONSTRUCTION (v One) BR 0 BriCk MFG 0 Manufactured FR~rame aT 0 Other INCLUSIONS Iv Up To 6) RO ~ange Oven WC 0 WindOw Cov oW"1a.. Oishwasner PL 0 Pool TCtl::lTrash Comp FY 0 Fenced Yard GO 0 GDrbage Disp SH, 0 ShOP MW 0 Microwave BASEMENT (.j Up To 2j FN 0 Finished CM 0 Complete OA 0 Daylight PT 0 Partial OT 0 Other '-~ ""..\-",\"'1 ,~S.() b', f'~-+, ?-,-,C'\U " A.-:... '~<"';" lkl,'.+h D~":" i'"", \?G ~'c'r\ , (' \,'-- ,0 c (,-:::: \ \ ....?-\-, n k- (:2 ,.."'" pn \"-<:'~ + c' r; \:> Df),r\ ,.I rv< A n f?\-oC~T +\ N.c' ,,-', ,~\~\-..-"\.\"\~.lr::Y:. f'-'\f;:f;l-l"..-'~t'c{ \", ': +1...... '-.\ <;-h"'1 (~I"'"I;-~ .<;-cv- 1 REMARKS 2 REMARKS *BKR NM Ll\".c~1 ;''11 Ir-'f'~l *SALEAGT,c-'~"<lIf-',\ 1("""" *OWNER NAME , Fi IN 1'\,1\ n-, PICTURE IJ, One) Y ri Y:s N 0 No Photo B 0 Broker Supplied TOUR DATE i"'" 1'C7i-t "'11 .-l-d~l-I ~~Ivj IOl-JAN-85) I~\~ l A,. ~r;...:ol-KJ~l1U>H L:L~l/"'o_l<I~ /U , Gr- \ \ ~ -1., "-L.J PH ,-, OWNER ADDRESS ("(Fl" 'LLi(G'1 *HOW SHOW l.j Up To 3) o 0 Ownef APPT 0 ApPOintment CF 0 Call FIrst ~nant LOCK BOX Y~'r..:; o No ~acant CLOp-CallllstlOY au Ice '- -"-!.BKR 101';"1 '?J l:;-' I *101 r ( 1't12, ~ (A".) *102 J 'I I PH! ,-, ,-, " SIGN y t:- "'" U N" . -) <;'". *CO-OP -) -t", *EMFS \ (r., *B 7..:r,;; POSSESSION l.j Up To 2) COE 0 Close Of Escrow T~enant Rights NEd 0 Negotiable IMEO 0 Immediately OT 0 Other Dale.:<-//-?f; ~- -- ~~Bkr '\- ~ *Owner Signature "/'V"~ Informa Ion Deemed Reliab;e But Not Guaranteed' ~ - 11..1- 6~ *Owner Signature