HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-4-27 ,_. ,../ \ . . "~'-'.'/ . \ I . ...:7' ',>/.. ." . . .{.. ;'~1,2:~~.L~,-J~~i.J~.\III,I~!!I~I! .'..~",..J~::..!,~I.uJJ~~:I~~.lfo' ["~,,~lL.l.lJ/!tI!""".ll.~I.l,,,UtlJ.M,.Jllhltoi~~!~'~1~~U~,tIU.iI'tia'l~i~:llIJJ.r ~- 3.8..25-.T'Mt-'O',....T'I~t-; nnaLr"'.""":"<t: I INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 I Job Address Ilegol Description Park Lots 5 & Subdivision 6 Commercial Owne, NTT c: UTTT'" Address 4n1 "'?9t: :!.0':l: Conltruction lender Addre" DESIGN TEAM . (nome) ...4 CITY OF SPRINGfiELD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT INFORMATION LINE 726-3753 Sq. FIg- Main .llJ - hZ ') Sq. fig. Aceon. S$o. Ftg. Other ANew_Add_Altor_Rep. _Fence_Demo_Chonge/Ule _Other .~ o R ENERGY SOURCES: Heat Fl p,...r-r; ,.. Water Heater Electr-i-e- Ron~e -NAf'4 Value of Work: 480.000 phone 686-8ZR? Building Permit Info: Oelcribe Work (i.e., Build Single Family Relidence With Attached Goraae\ TELEVIS:rON STllnTO ANn OFFTr.F BUILDING Phone (addrou) (lies. no.) (expirel) " - C:p.f.rl . ?20 5742 4.t-)., - C::.pLcl 11 ':I~0 [..t-).,_ "-r ~rl S32-,7 (lies. no.) (exoired (phone no.) Structural LUTES/SANETEL/ARCHTTFCTC:: - ~17 Nn John,Herrick- 1188 01ive~ Eugene Marauess En~ineerinq Co. -L~l Nn Primary Electrical ~"9/~/~ 342-7256 747-1?61 '7~7 12E (ohone no.~ CONTRACTORS ~,~""~'1P~~ ~~;"PP-r;~~ _11:\1 Nn (nama) (addreul NO. FEE . CHARGE NO. Relidenee of 15 Each sin~lf' fixture 0; or 7~ ro '-, ft. Relocated building New c:ircuih, alterations (new fix. additional) or extensions S.F. Residence (1 bath) SERVICES Duolex (1 bath) each Temporary Construction Additional bath 1 Amps. ROO t:.r\ Water service lr.C~ 26) Sewer 10/100 L.I= 30.0C 56! Storm Sewer 1 n 11 nnT t;".... r.;'I 'If' FEEDERS ? ~rnTm ~,:lol.J~-r 'r.!n ? 'LOD 2 Amps. 100 . 1 C::!:lI'1"; rary Sewe~~!.0.1)r;: 1 ,~oo AMP 1 Water TaD 5.00 Mechanical General Galo M ~obertg C-:-. PlumbinQ T" R", ~pl o,..rl::",..l flectrical To Be Se l.P" t- ",.if Mechanica'To Be Se1ect:erl PLUMBING 12 ~ Pzst: 11 t:h f,-';i;':':-.':' ~1l~_~?~1 ElECTRICAL MECHANICAL FEE CHARGE NO. FEE I CHARGE 2 ,,~ nl,J 1 furnace/burner to lTU's Appliance vent separate Stationary evop. cooler Vent fan with single duct V.nt syst.m aport from heating or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct 10) 6r!) ~. ~rl Wood "o...e/hoater " H.ot Pump Air handler to 10.000 CFM Air handler o....r 10,000 CFM ~ nn ':II', n) 0-111, ?n (.(I ?~ O( ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 1O.UJ TOTAL CHARGES 21 0 . 0 )TOTAL CHARGES 110. or TOTAL CHARGES 56.50 WHERE STATE LAW REQUIRES that the Elec:trical work be done by the Eledrical Contractor, the .Iedricol portion of ,hi, permit ,hall not be valid until a label has been signed by an Electrical Contractor and attached to the electrical panel. I HAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINEO tho completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information h.reon is true and corr.ct, and I further ~rtify tho' any and all work performed sholl be done in accordanc. with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. made of any structure without the p.rmission of the Building Di...ision. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect 0 s required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted heron, and that only subcontractors and employees who ore in compliance with ORS 70~S will be used on this project. Bo.i. /0' Build.,', ~exemPtion' ~ t:tf, ~ NAME (plme p,;nt) ()~.e{ W. }j,+vis . ~IGN~TURE _ It /I. Zon' C-4 Fire Zan.-H.......A Flood Plain Type/Canst. ~ - 1 HR Bedrooms C-tari-- 1 BUILDING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ._83~.2.<L__ 33.38 210.00 8.40 PLUMBING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ELECTRICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges 110.00 4.UO MECHANICAL PERMIT Ch:ug.s and Surcharges DATE~~7 ;f~~ , , FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Unih n~cy Load "ccy Group "'. Ft.. Moin 1062 ~ Sq. Ftg. tll.tal'n ~.,.; 't"'l.g Sq. Ftg. Other 00 x ~::~: ~~~B8-:-8B- gL" B-L x Vol... TOTAL VALUATION 480.000 '~~~77 4-13-82sy,tem, Development 7200.00 .05 c.k Charae fl.5%l Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65%/Blda Per fee Plan Ck. Ros 30%/ Blda Per F.e Fence Demo Total Comb. Permit 11QQ ? l' Sid'WQI~11?". 1?= 1Q p.~ Alc Pa...ino 1 1:\ 'i,nn nn= '1t:. tin 56.50 Cu,b Cut '--2.26-- $R~QQ ?R 2 x12.00= 24.00 TC"'T\I ...,..~~...........~,. -~ - . '~ ;.' . I .._'~ P .. ";'/ . ""';./ ~"'~" < \ 'I" c ._'~', '.' . \''',: ,.,.","'"'., ,.,."".. II"'",, J , 1111 ..111"I_lIHIL .11 I I 11111 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD " City Hell Springfield, Oregon Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( No. B 5894.6 ( , Oath. .A\>!\ . 2fL9 6~ (' Rec'd From K\'v\ tt. &t\~" (' c .Mdres~j)~ ~,\3\n~ 1.~L5 C R~celved For. :il- ?:J) 2:C(') " c ( c U\\Q \' ~ Go ,ff) cO. bXtJ (I , Ll9'n ( ( c ....." ( (' ~~_,'lJf2 ~'L---= '" ~~) 'Amount Received . ( ~"2" , ( " R" o .,U008 PtlINTIE"./UTHOGR"PHERS, EUGENE. ORIEGON ed Co ,~ sch.-: .,<" . lID ",'. ....... ',"'" -...... -.---., III. Applicont to sign ond dote. ' Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will . prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees ond Chorges '. . Pion check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the applicotion, ond no pions will be processed until these fees ore paid. All other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permit is issued.' . V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: \ d.I;'I'IJII~: F { { , ..~.., 1:'11 ~~l"-IIII". ;- . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hell Springfield, Oregon Depertment of Public Works (j OFFICIAL RECEIPT ..1,." On No. B 5894\; Dare V '\ 0 . (, (19 ~9 J Rec'd From K~\(( ~ . " AddresUl\) \:xW ~.~~ (I Recelved~R2Q~ ' l){l{ () ~~L\,~ ( . (\ LP/n <~'3.?:>'6 \ ~ tN\ D cD/nOr? ( U~n R.YU r} 0 ,,1' l\ \ I C5.o0 ( L\.LtO' -:~q 0L:l ( '(0.00 cDU,oO ( (I, ( ( . (I (t. U9h n\~\9~ 1 n G ,. A\0 .'\h 11. . t~ J U\J~ (' J.l tJ " I.,,\j ri' '"t" - -- ( :-:u~t Recelved~'. _;- ~:;). (IJJ 0 'JlJG . 1''' ). ( ) - i \..... -AuntORlZEDSs~NATURE \.. BalOGa PIUNTltU/UTHOGRAPHU8. !tUG.NIt. OIl,:ooN (, .,...-.: Permit CierI- -.' . . 1-PuhljJ~ Inprovements for commerical PR-rk Snhc!ivi"in':' Sh...ll hp "''''''",ptpr! by tne .. ./! city prior to occuoancv .. 'J>.' .,-; . 2-Permits . cannot be is'sued until lp.ttp.r f-rn11l count'v rp,.ph,,,,c! r"'~-'lrr!;ni t-h", 1 " . Ft. witho1dine strio & written O.K. ~ivp.n t'n n-rn,.ppr! ~' i-'Coordinate fire orotection reauirp.l'lp.nt" during Amnmma~P~~d-mkwmm~~ Dist. & City Fire Dept. . '. .' ~qjJ ..J;:!1lYl /1b~L~dt.: 4-M89- ...... '..'.' PLANS REVIEWED BY: nam"" Lorne P1eger . , , ~~:;'~t'T-ll,..~i n~ ":t,7/R~;T'IhnT..7 l.l~t-~,... .