HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-10-31 INFOR/1ATION LlNt , 726-3753 Sq, Ftq, 1,Iain ~q. Ftg. Access. ~ Sq, Ftg, Other ~ Ilew Add Alter Rep, -Fence Demo Change/Use U\ ~Other~r. ~t.t " 7&1 Si~~ T~ 8"'litll!!1 , V Builciina Permit Info: DeSC~~be \~ork( Le., Build Single I 1\1\. Familv Residence With Attached Garaael \II _~.//A:> IN.srA~(, FLEt:.7.N/~~ ~/h~r~;e :2.5:'ATEC40'E- AJ//TE.N..N# UtSlliN HAr., (name) (address) . . (lics. no.) (exoires1 (ohane no. Primary 1lA3HIS ".-::"".JW'~~~~~. ;:?to. ~.,:>x /2~_ /Vi. ~ ~A'~. ~/r6"6"~ U#lS-)72V'~: Structural I INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 - . " CITY UF SPRINGFIElO COMBINATION APPlICATION/PERMIT ......_ EIIERGY SOURCES: _. Heat \~ater Heater Range ValuE of l'lork: legal :38Z~ 1J/7IERNAT/~~M~ Description 17.t?3.1S'.t?t>. 1!)//t!'9 Job Address r Owner .k'hf -r:p - T 1/ Address /?a~ 73~S" Construction lender Address Phone Electrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS I name I (address] General C;;"'<...E...-M. ,~--a- ~'I ~B.8 W //~, Pl umbi no Electrical Sco~1i?/r/ (;./.,ciH c.' ?O~dK-;;'fr..\-: ;-'[,r;e.,,(J, rr~ f1 ic!>. nn. \ , ~ (pxnirpc:;) (nhnnp no. \ E~~.,:>7f'. . .y'~ 1I2$'"':i' Is.F. Residence f1 bath\ IDuPlex (1 bath) each IAdditional bath I~Jater service I Sewer I Storm Sewer 1 I Install/alter/relocate nic:tl"ih. fppnprc: 1 / IOf '22.~ I ~1~2~ I 1 I 1 I SSUANCr OF PFRrII T TOTAl CHARGES TOTAl CHARGES 7~ -I TOTAl CHARGES WHERE STATE UI~ REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the electrical portion of this pem1t shall not be vali1 until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFULLY EXM1INED the completed apr1ication for permit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of OrelJon pertaining to the work described herein, and that rw OCCUPAIKY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 7Q1.055 will be u~ on ~ project. ~ IW1E(please printl(f)/c'..I-fEtJl T", R08E..J2...TS SIGrlATU~,,("/~, ~DATE/c/.3/~t FOr. OFFICE USE OHlY Sq. Ftg. Sq, Hg, Sq, rtg, ,,/C.-tori. ~lechanical PlUJIBING ElECTRICAl ......till..c. , FFF I r,HARGF NO 1-EEL'.CJIARliE ..lli' Each single fixture Residence of SQ, FT. Relocated building (new fix, additional) New circuits alts. ;..;x~n~""'E ~ IS:<<- SERVICES Temporary Construction Change in existing rps j dJ'JH~P multifamily. comm. or TndlJ"t.rial I I 1 1 I I .j ~,,). (S..... ~- Of amps.1 COMM,/IND, FEEDERS amps.1 Zone ~G Hain Access Othe~"'e<.T. Tyoe/Const. Bedrooms Stories Units Occy load Occ.y Group Fire Zone Flood Plain BUIlDING PWlIT Charges and Surcharges Plan Ck, Comm/lnd ____________l!?J:/~P_or f~" Plan Ck, Res 30%/Bldo Per Fee Fence /7.St::' Plur1BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges D/jl!1o 2t:)..e. I'Sidewalk --- -'i.-Sc;--I AIC Paving ElECTRICAl PERI\IT Cha rges and Surcharges MECHANICAl PERMIT Charges and Su rc ha rge s Curb Cut ~/Nt/P~ h3b-~t./a MECHANICAl It't:'t:' ru~ furnace/burner to BTU's Floor furnace and vent Recessed wall ~n~rp hp~tp~ ~nd vpnt Appliance vent s~oilrilt.p Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with sinol~ duct Vent system apart from I heatino or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hnnd and durt ,I 1 I Hood stove/heater x Value Value Value x G)Nt..f" TOTAl VAlUATION Systems Development Charoe (1.5%) , Total Comb. rermit /"2.8e ~c>. :3" I I TOTAl . ... COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnish A, 'Job Address B, 'Legal Description \, example- Tax Lot \00, Lane County Map Reference \! 03 43 2, examp1e- Lot \, Block 3, 2nd Addition to Spnngtield Estates . C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources . 1. example- heat/electrical ceiliriq/or forced air Qas 2. example- waterheaterjelectrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. \, exam~le- \250 sq, foot house, 500 sq, foot garage 2. example~if new project. check new - if addition,' 'cneCk add. etc. '. . . F. Building penna information: 1. examole - construct single family house with an attac'hed garage 2. examele - remodel existing garage into family room.. 3. exam~le - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H, DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS ' To avoid design or construction delays. Building ~ivision Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections,\etc. 1\, Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill.in only the No, Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed 'B, Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2, If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES 0, As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is .not authorized to sign the electrical label. --- 11\, Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be. used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV, Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: , . '. ., PERMIT VALIDATION f2-ti'0~ 7~~ ihl UJJ 'vJ~II;f/ Permi t C1 erk 1A4, . Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: --name ' (~NiE 7tE"~1Pf> Signature~~ r,- ' ~f~. I I I date 9-;zs-&y - e 11;ISPECTiOll LWE CiTY OF SPRiNGFIELD 726-3769 COIIBWATION APPLICATION/PERMIT Job Address 38 25 IIStt~<:f~\')l:::ll c:.T. ~t=Q.1 ~~;~r,y SOURCES: Legal Oe<cription 17-a?-,<;-~_ 1:'/1/69 I \Sater Heater i Ranqe Owne r K VfJT f2... Address r,O. Gox 03r;s Construction lender lflFORlIATlON Ul,i ,.Qt=Y5~ Sq, Ftg, 1,Iain ~q. ~t~. Access. Sq. Ftg, Other Ilew Add Alter Rep, Fence_Demo _Change/Use _Other I \X) ~ ~ DO Phone?4h ltlle Valu, of I-Iork: 17~Ob Builci'ina Pennit Info: Describe Work(;'.e., Familv nes;dence Hith Ji.ttached Garaae) Build Single Address Ut~ltir~ IEAr-1 fnameL ---- Primary 44AC<.Q \ ~ Phone (address) /ht5nu.'S ,7;..,-:::;, c::'L>_CH~re ,~/7~ ~~.r ra~ , 5#~'::::'-ITE ~.rCh'_.J' (lies. no.) fexnirfls) (ohane no.") R)~;(\'l.r:)9- \<:.ILt..()QLn-.(~':, ');;t6'2... \.\\L\'l '........ ~~III ,:---T-' M_ '3 <)5 ,')Z~ -:3 5"?0 4R-;:; -8383 . , Structural &.'n~ I }:;Tl \:N'(\ ~ Electrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS (name) {addressl (lir~_ nn.' (plCnirpc;.) (ohn.np l"I(l 1 48; - 1'26"3 Plumbina General CAl..t f(\. Q O"'S,~T.S (c) ?.~8 W 1\;1-t s"c.;..:'~ _ Electrical ~lechan;cal -1!9..:..1 Each single fixture PLUllBIrIG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL , FfF I..QjMr,F NO LEEL.JJ:JiAllG.l: .Jlll....: Residence of furnace/burner to SQ. FT. BTU's 'H~ 'r~1lRG..E. Relocated building (new fix. additional) I Additional bath !remporary Construction I Iwater service IChange in existing I rP'iid~J1cP I Sewer Imultifamily, comm. or I Innu<:.trial I Storm Sewer 10f amps.1 I I ICor~M,IINO, FEEOERS I I Ilnstall/alter/relocate I I I rli<:.trih f~pnprc I Of amps.1 I I I Tit) f.?E V_!fi,:L I I r~~....~ '...A- I I 1,8,.... ec~r~~. I ISSUANCE OF PFRl1lT TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE L.\l~ REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of- this pemit shall not be vali1 until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFUllY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and 1 further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. and that un OCCUPAI~CY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted her. on, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in comoliance wi,th OP.S 701,055 will be use~on t~r~ct~ 11AlIE(please print)}l/IIHF~LT, 62,O\')F.:.RTS SIr,rI^TURE~L/C:;7"71~.. ~ om ~k FOr. OFFICE USE or~L y ( Sq. Ftg. Hain ,x Value Sq, Ftg, Access x Value Sq. Ftg. Other x Value ,5:---.,. a' S.F. Residence (l bath I Ouplex (1 bath) Zone Fire Zone F1 ood Ph i n BUILOIllG PERNlT Charges anc Surcharges PLUI1BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges ELECTRIcn PERr:lT Charges and Surcharges tlECHANICAL PERMiT Charges and Surcharges New circuits alts. or extensions Floor furnace and vent SERVICES Recessed wa 11 Sn~rp hp~tp~ ~"rl vpnt each I App 1 i ance vent ~f"oa"ate I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan wi th sinole duct I'Vent system apart from I heatino m' A r I Mechanical exhaust I hood and durt I \'Iood stove/heater I I I I Tyoe/Const, Bedrooms Units Occy Load Occy Group Stories TOTAL VALUATION 7-, 00 Plan Ck, Conm/lnd .-J_ <, 65%/Bldo Ppr Fpp ----/.78-- ~6~~B~~~ ~:~ Fee Fence Systems Development CharQe (1,5~) , /6. -.... fI./I. Oemo I Sidewalk ------------ I A/e Paving ___________-' Curb Cut I ITotal Comb. Permit ""5~. =< ~ 1(7. .<& .1 I I I TOTAL e COMBINATION APPLlCATIOIIIPERt1IT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnish A, Job Address B. legal Description 1. examole- Tax Lot 100~ Lane County Map Reference 1/ OJ 43 2, examole- Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Addition to ~prlngtield Estates C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources . 1. examole:' heat/electrical ceilinq/or forced air Qa~ 2. examole- waterheater/electrlcal/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. ------ I, examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq, foot garage Z. example- if new project. check new - if addition, check add, etc, F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct single family house with an attached garage 2. examole - remodel existing garage into family room 3. example - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural SpeCialty Code H. DESIGN TEAl,' ANO COIITRACTORS To avoid design or construction'delays. Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design infonmation or job site corrections. etc. II, Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank-spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit fonm the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the fu 11 schedu 1 es C, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES 0, As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is.not authorized to sign the electrical label. --- III, Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees. and charges are due and' payable when the penmit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY .ii!TY OF SPRINGFIELD:, _, . City Hall Springfield, Oregon Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B 6324 bate FfII""fl /?, 19 8- 'f Rec'd ~rom G~L-~ 1"7. i?Pji'~~ Address =?is" ~ Lv 1/ 7!z- ~mE ( 'Recelved For. \, h~ ~.'10 /S-~C \ 1 ! ( ( ( 7B~? f-~ PG. "3:?~ ..-. ;.:2.8 16-~ ( e, - -rPr- q <7. .2. ~ CI (I C--~ #' 314S3' o d LJaw,~ Amount Receive -,,,, F~~~O~I:N?~I- .'UGOS PRINT~R./LlTHOGRAP~~R.. 'UO~N~. ORCOO" (~ Jl1.:.. , I Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: . Additional Project Information: ~/7/I7/T/P~A-c:.. ~.!!:-~/T .)fC<OG//;::;?e-i!::> / ~ ECh7?:;>/~ ~"~A-> -." 7C:. ~~ 8/3"./,.7;<Aie~ ,8 ~ 6:-~ 6-<::.,,-'" .--- )GJ,~ ~;0'9r-~.4-c:-~~ _ ~LANS REVIEWED BY: (" ./"? ' " -'- ~~me ~U~ #R"-€V:i"signature/ ~~ .,. j date '?--/5'-8' >". -- - ~~~r~ -~ / e , I Schaudt, Sftemm & Wild, Inc, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS AND PLANNERS 388 High Slreel 503/485.8383 Eugene, Oregon 974lJ1 July 17, 1984 Gale M. Roberts Co. 338 West 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Re: Antennae Foundations, KMTR-TV, Springfield, OR Gentlemen: In accordance with your request we have investigated alternatives for foundation support of the two antennae proposed. The initial alternative of piling to the bearing strata ,of bar-run gravel at the southeast corner'of the property was abandoned for the present location adjacent to the parking lot and cul-de-sac at the northwest ,corner of ,the property where the bearing strata was exposed at shallow depths. On July 13, we inspected 'the excavation to the bar-run strata to assure bearing capacity. The bar-run strata was exposed approxi- 'mately 24-30" depth below existing parking lot grade. The contractor requested approval to backfill to the subgrade at the base of the antennae foundation with compacted crushed rock. The surfa~e of the bar-run strata was compacted wi th vibratory compactor and crushed rock backfill was compacted ,in layers to the subgrade for the foundation. The drawings as prepared by Harris Antennae Oper. of Kilgore, Texas for the 3.0 and 6.1 meter antennae foundations specify a minimum soil bearing requirement of 2000 psf. The sub-grade as prepared and ,inspected ,today will support in excess of 2000 psf on the compacted crushed rock over the native bar-run gravel strata. Respectfully submitted, , SCHAUDT, STEMM & WILD, INC. EHS/cs ... ~ (fJ) WF \~ \ CONOUI \' S Wo IW",\ F=1 1......L, rTTl . 4 have a Z8-day min. compresslon strength of thOl'OU;tl1}' canso 1 idated by ei ther rodd ~ "9 or I shall be defonned intermediate grade new :,; tll 60.000 PSI min. yield strength in accor- ;;atiu.: for dcfonnation of deformed steel bars nent (A.S.T .I-I. A-615). ~dr"S sllal1 be securely wired to prevent shifting laced. fouudHion shill 1 consist of undisturbed (or 1 with a minimum bearing capacHy of 2.000 PSF. broQl:1 finish and be level to the horizon within ft. I,io. square area surrounding anchor bolt tho flat and level finish. e is beIOl-/ 17", the sub-soil base requires sidention to prevent heaving. 1 tJu i Iding codes and the requi red penn; ts are of o:hers. os sh~1I be located within ~ 1/8" of specified es: Concrete: 3 1/2 cu. yds. j Steel: 405 lbs. ::r-orIOp.l.\L 2." DIA.G-.;.;;.~),\ ~;J..':') ::0'..:. lie.~w.. t::H511-\ D~,c.l'..l6 ~""'e:'2 &. tE. SUPPU~O ~,,~ ~!J\'T TOP Of C'Ot-lc., <<-:'Upp~\eO ~~>.1"'''' O,sco""'\';c., '00)( 'EAKERS, ..', :~~ _~ ".,.:u....~ ~ " 3, , I 1 -;>)' .,,~,...., '1.,1[, ..,,::~::. ~';.~l' '. :+"." , " , 2 ..'.... . '. I lONE REVISIONS DESCRIPTION 11, , i All PVC conduit (or type conduit required by local codes) to be suppl ied by others. j I Conduit runs may exit foundation in the direction that is most convenient fo.r each site. , Grounding rod and grounding strap for control cabinet and antenna to be supplied by others. All conduit elbows to be "sweeps", 900 long elbows.' :.I7IRQ c. S H DA. TE A.PPROVED '0'\ \f62, .l~n..-r<L.. !/oy'eJ f2l rJ,7;, Sf/S/=.3 GPR Eo,)! :)113/35 GPP. LT" A Ra..JI'-o>E.D a~ \l.'SLD. B CfI/lIJbl!D ~IJOJ/T ~TtK3 - Up iA:AT~f. N~M.l1lM4WNSELI'.J.,-Ol.la O\l"LC... r 15((TI0l'J R-:BA-i-;WAS48"; (Llt\II~!~~"~iCP_lPE.LDlsr. j.I~1: TI ~i\lW,Jl VAhl J..~D~(.)1Vl rUN. LDGl REVISED PER HSCD r 12, -15 E 13, for 14, 15, USE .07 TEMPLATE TO LOCATE CONDLlIT STUB UPS, e !' - LI~ ) o I~ I I QUAlJT1H c.)fj~\(.L1~II()N OUT TU OUT 1)lr.\t:..NSI1),\'3 BAR I I I I I I~'o' I REI N FORel NG ~" Lf.NCI11-\ I 51;:E ~ 7' -lb" 41:. 51 9'-0" #5 '12.. I' - ," #' 4- :\~,~": .~' .~"'- 1dJ" / B'UtJl:. OWJlJB. #mlSU or. E9UI\I\l.EUT ^ '5'-0" LON& 1-1'5'; 1"" , ,.r", ..In.of'...t.H'~ 1~~~~~1'~ r:::"',l1""'~:.'~A,oy'~i"I" l~!'rt':"l,.,~.. 'U" I ' .. 1. ,"," ~ -.;"'~-.. ", ;~ ., ""~li,'~#i?tl" 'J: -, .~;;~~ :I':{< f!<, ...;:f' ~:', :~~I ',."1, '!" f : - ~ . '" . . - J" ;~. ~,:~ r'1 .. (' ;,,'1-1":~'~' . ~i'< ....:t: '- ' , ' '... r,z'" -' " - ,:, ' ~~:"~~\~.t;,,q"~,~'1 · ..~.. lhY " f! ,V I '€."~f'l.'c.o A.ii'!'l>I"'''' o\$Co,"...ec:'I: '00')( ;' EAKER5, ,.,.,;,.;~..,';,' 1," ....,r."~~'-~,.:..:.:.;... . .j;...,. ,_..~ ~~ .0 I'~C l~\MIJ ffilJER) AACHOh IN,:)1ALLI\IION DETAIL 1~ SCALE SC" 40 I'Ve (RF CAIJLE)Lili I I I I ' I I I (QI I I I /(" 4 12 II 10 O~ 08 07 010 05 04- 03 OE 01 x I QI\AJTlTY RE"'~\ 'ED I UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED! 'AAT TO liE FREE Of BURRS & SHAll' EDGES. COMMERCIAL TOLERANCES TO STOCK SIZU AJl'PLY, ITO CONVERT TO METRIC SYSTEM, MUL1"LY INCHES SHOWN ON QR...WING IY n 4 TO OIlYAIN MILLIMETERS. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES AND INCLUDE APPLIED FINISH TOLERANCES ~PLACE OIM. ~PLACE OIM. !ANGLES 00 NOT SCALE ORAWING TOLERANCE ON FRACTIONAL CXMENSlQNS: DETAILS tYa.~ ASSEMBUES 1 Y.;' D~l NEXT ASSV USED ON 1ST APPLICATION t:ON''''At:'~O. Il1'm 8V ZOJl.JL'd;:5 SaN' P-PN ~e\1:* <a;.NUFACTUR'NC ..... >,:. .",1.1.:'0- I #' 4- / 1.4 '/' B' WJE. OWJJJa #./3fZ,SU C>l1. EflU I\AEJJT )<, '5'-0" WN6 4':"@ e '''''''~<~r, ~"."-,.,: " SECTION I~.I~ y~ S::ALs.. DJ..SEDDEJ) ~uT 31305':) 31305'7 -03 T8vlPLATf. '0/';'''-2.6'' <3D" -02 PLAl'E 14" "WOO ^ eo" -05 11,,-7 UNe 1:6 WEX NUT -03 .<"NCHOR OO-T 114"4> ~ II'; ooLC, -- FU'IVUOO A30 GR,5 PC6 0(00)7 -01 ANiENNA FOUNDATION PART OR NOMENCLATURE OR IDENTIFYING NO. DESCRIPTION LIST OF MATERIALS OR PARTS liST I m ANTENNA OPERATIONS HARRIS p, 0, BOX 1277 C",:\5 I, KILGORE, TEXAS 75662 -'_r-..... 'TITLE Q:1~ I FOUNDATUON O[~i6N I ITEM NO, NOTES 3 MEiER DELTA GAIN Ku BAN D uPAO~Al.;7t~7~~.71 E~G'NE(A ~'O'L,~'oO~i}~',. _ ,H~rl A "l.'_ .. ....~ ,.- '. ." " -.- .' SIZE CODE INDENT NO, REV 5Cl2/,"1..~ E D ISCALE NOf[D I SHEET IOf I u:i . j\ '< o ~ .... (0 '-- c::;; <:sC::S ~~ -fl ~~ I;l~ .. '" ~ J if) ~I - . , I ~' , " < , .~. '" / ) / /, I . (7y- - L____________-=_ ' , , , .... , , , , , , , ~ . . 3" <6 #5 6AK5 G /0" o,e, TOP & 60TTUM i i I (Mf;Jl 2." 1 '^~':'"\~\'rl/~ ll-:\\"!~~~ l 1 3" ~ I -,- 3" MAI\l:U 5" FOUND/-\TIDN PLAN VIEW ~o SCALE :. f54\ ~ ~ i ~ 11111 1 (0" (CUNDUIT) 4-" !I\l\(HDIS) I- I . I . . I /1 . .~ /l (Gm,JJJ" Ruu G:.'OJlr) .-/- ~ SECTION j\ . J.\~ >>, S(^lC .'~:~j;;:...t'j, ~~~:i:Ai: ,):'~};., . >1 -'qJ '__--.1 CD '---............. '"""'-- ,6...'Ff\\...\~""tE. ~Opl '?ou..l"R PI$<0 'j\ wm,l ilREAKE' .... , , .... .... .... , , .... , , .... .... .... --!!J . ~'\'W~~\~/J~'<: I 1+") 1:111\ (MM< au 10" 15" '3#5BN,~e 10"0,C. TOf 3< 'lw\~"f.;t) lDl'&I:J1TT<J1I e,QrrOM .. ~ , .... 'L" ~c.u M ';IJC , ,1 , ' .... ,_ J'---- (o1_4C .... ",~I/(;-.W/'\" j, , .. I ", '-I ff I \5" - 3#'4-BAR<::. X I ~" LDN6. LOCATE AS 'Jl-IOVIN. T'1'P ('l-) f'LCS, FOUNDA1IDN HEADING 8 ~ .' ~ ~ ~ '-. ~ "-- C) <;j- . ~ '" '" 0 ~ so ~\ io ~ '" ~ ~ , ":? Q, ~ '" .' /(t)/ 1/ / /- /. / / 1/ / / II / I / ~ I ~ II I: : ~: ;\ /~. -.. ~ ~ \.. t/ -~-~ ~! -rQf " . ~ 4',0" - 7 B'-O" 6 , / , .' , . " , " , I t'/ " , . t ...... 0(... "', .: . ~.~ .'~-..t.F- }I)/ . ~i'..:. J , ...: ... __,.... i...o!'~. ~~"...t/' /. ," .... ,'t~ ...\,l;- I ~~__.:!..~~_I_~I~--!-_...~ .L____,:;;'-'~------~-. ....... '- + ; ....... i~)'..:c "" . --./.;-/' , .. , .. I" :,:1 " :'~l,./ :m:.ti~ 4J~~,iUt~..\-\a~ ~"'~'L..,.(. ;.(,~J' .......' . .. t07\ vY / , ' , , / , , / / . ,- ?. , ;r- \ '?:-.... -',..J, / --"":,-:..~.;,,'1 2. / f.....'..L::..(-:.-......:...-''- _) 4, 13 5, ., 6, I. S, 9, 10, 4 ".... ....1 ~--l 5 ~ !!,QTES:. !. All c:oncrete sh1l1l han <l 3.000 PSI. 3, Concrete shall be tho~9h vibrating. Reinforcement steel sr.ai 1 billet steel bars wlthfO. dance with spec if icaticr f concrete reinforcement (.:.. All reinforcement bars sha when concrete is place~. The base under the fOlJ~.':ldt compacted) material ....ith a Surface to have _f; ! liB". 2 ft. x rin pattern to be 511100 I flat When the frost-line is ~el special design considerati Compliance \"lith all b~Hdi the responsi.bllity of cth( Anchor bolt patterns s~'-l11 locations. Estimated Quantities: COI '.)f, ~IO..a.Ar.' ,b..~\!.J.J1\1A - (+'--- --- -- --- ~ /_~~ ~ to-rvILU';TE ~u '_ _~ ~. 1>.'"'0 c."""U\' """"-- ~Ff\\..\rto.,E. ~lJf , ~ou..ll'.ll. OI$C' WITH llREAKE .. .~. ~. ~..,. - .' ........ " , , . (f), . '~\ ~ , ':_'~.'.~;-' . ,,~:,,".,~~:. r: IZONE I ~R IB REVISIONS DESCRIPTION !<E.ARR1Jf'Jt.L.O ~rfZa.. ~.I: ~4VIT ~7.....s- Up,- SEE SHr. 2 . r i r , i DATE 6'HEB :.,1.1318:. APPROVED ~ GPk 012 I j) f) J.1 \JI~ t..1~ I'~ _I , ~ " llJJ '@ , I i2~~ .. rTOP 0,: '. / i Co",;c:, fl-- Q I ~ .:::J;;? 7 !:?c/lo..I/'o.eceMc.vT ,5Ae~ C("/TTI^.J~----~~- 8~.JQI1W6 /=>IAtP,eA~_= (.etJ~7H MA.I2J( LlL(.. DJtVI~"'-'~:OJ.;../~ Our /0 .. OTY, ~/Zc '- -~ -~-- ,;o~ ".5 /8.'0" :51 ~, "4 5~5~" 5? 84- "4 ';;:0" I 'I .i>1'- "<~ ::::1 '1'> ')'6 ~1" "< .~ 51? i~rl I l-/c..:O"J 5) '" 1~'.::l!A. ~ , I Ii () Ii, -I~---- rffi{ ~I"J ' , Lfr' i <\, ~ " --I_'i.~, _ =' @ \eJ j 0,;;> .51 / ;' -, I T I~ M I.. - (.5CAl.C: '/'.1) t:ohs: '. ALL c:or~C:R!TI! IHAI.;L HAVE A :l8-0AT MIN, C:OMPRESSI0N STRENGTH O~ 3,000 PSI. C:ONCRETE 5HAb.L BE THOROUGHLY C:ONSOLJDAH:O BY EITHER ROOD~NG OR VIBRATING. P.Eltj~ORCI!MENT STEEL SHALL BE DEFORMED INTERMEDIATE GoRADE iNEW BILL.ET STEEL BARS 'oIJTH 60,000 PSI MIN. YIELD STREflGTH W ACCORDANCE WITH SPECifiCATION ~OR DEFORMATION 01' OEPORMED STEEL. BARS ~OR CONCREH" REINFORCEMErH (A,S.T.M. A-61S). 1, l. ~. All REtN~ORCeHI!NT ~ARS SHALL BE SECURELY WIR~D TO ~REV!NT SHIFTING WHEN __C.ONCRET! 1~.'.I.AC~ .t',;f'.;;...~'''-~J.,w~__~"""""".JIo,..-''"I'''',,;,,'''__' _ ........._.__ S. THE BASE UNDER tHE FOUNDATION SHAll CONSIST OF urmrsTuRBED (OR COMPACTED) MATERIAL WITH A MINIMUM BEARING CAPACITY 0' 2,000 PS~. I &. SUP-fACE TO HAVE A BROOH I"ItIlSH ArID BE LEVEL TO THE HORIZON WITHJr~!.. l/S". ---"-7-- .....~.- -.--- - - T. wHftl THF !'"POST-lHlF. IS BFLOW 17", TIlE SUB-SOIL BASE P.E0UIPES SPF.CII\I OF- . " .. . '" "-~- ~ "'~""'" .'. "............"....",........ ..~ I., ~rl:.....r......... iVI., -'1' '~..ttWll ~~i:P.., .,: rlI-~"1l,!1.'t>"~~"""s.",If{~at",1,,-7" ..... '"OR OEPORMATtON 0,. DEP'ORMEO HEEl. BARS I'"OR CONCR!!Tr: R~IN"ORCEMENT .... :-, """+"t',\I.,"!!I"'ft~.f.JtF.,.\i"/f"~1z'l'ft(~J'~"~''''':t{v;>r 1 ;> !:f'.",!,'.'..'.. . . CA.S.T.H. A-61S). . . . . -, [":.~~~.S1....~,i. c~. 'v." .,.'" ":" .'- ". . ~. ALL RE lNI"ORtI:MI:Nt 8, ~RS.. SHAUBE ~ECUREI. Y. WIRED, "'!,O PREV!NT SHIFTING .WH, iN '. '.~ ., '}~~ :W,' .~, _CONCRETI:41.5Jf..~~~~~~~:....a"T...t-.~. ;..Ll'-:"'~~~t~~~-...:.z-~~.;,,1~ - "r)l.'~:'_ 5. THE BASf: UNDER tHE '-OUNDATlON SHALL CONSIST OF UNDISTURBED (OR- COMPACTED)' '" '0.;~~,~~~.!t~;~hoi~.,..tX_':':,,':f:'~~i~G:~;:~.-,' ,'-..~...-:-:-, MATERIAl. WITH A MINJMUM BfARING CAPACITY 01"' 2 000 PS,. .'j ~~ ". .1 ,.' ~r...:"'.(":,,~. /"'-'" - '.. ...,' " , . .,. ...... -'-" .... " i ~ 6. SURI"'ACE TO HAV~ A BROOM I"'INISH AND BE LEV~L TO THE HORIZON WITHIN.!. 1/8". 7. WHEN THE l"'ROST-LINE IS BELOW 17", THE SUB-SOIL BASE REQUIRES SP6CIAL DE- SIGN CONSIDERATION TO PREVENT HEAVING. B. COMPLIANC~ WITH ALL BUILDING CODES AND THE REQUIRED PERMITS ARE THE RE- SPONSIBILITY 01'" OTHERS. '~~i2' 1P4"- 7U0C_Z,:=j.n .'"7= X -'~~T" - GiZAD:= .5 : I ,; '~\~(o4=-.QI ,le"A//.'~L.(\:--= h?"~ I~-"~ ~\.. ,PL.'fA-lOOD I !..~,O_ ~&>OCX37' 4..31 T.:',vP"ATc -1{:',02';(/2" ?-'YvJOOD i I J~~_ f - ':ZI/'?LATc (~'>'/~uX, :....,. _.4-3~ ".5,-;;:'c_ I ~,L,~_ I -6';)~ T-=IV1PL~1.'c 7.{'A"_'::> .?:,~L"^'9?'::> i / : 7 I I ---'2t ,?LA .-'= {{:" ,(?.:.-''';t :.2'2" .....l~3~ -;5.-':::;,- r z ' tP -4/ i T~"^.,1,7L4i.= ~~"',~ ..:..->",1 ,,2" ,.;>'" 'r:r..,'~.::J [2';,,5 I t -40:P"AT.: Yd'A"!Z',"Z" ,./,~<O ~i':-=L ! /(0: ..4 I G::>G:>OO~7 ~OCo: -JA-I":I-,O<' BOLT ,'~!"'..:?/"'1..( ?-'o"~:b, i 1'-3'-r--' -.-- , I 2 i 1 1 I I l J II l 1~~~I'~~MI 1 QUANTITY REQUIRED 9. ANCHOR B~LT PATTERNS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN.!. 1/8" OF SPECIFIED LOCATIONS. \0. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: CONCRETE: 151:1 CU. YDS. STEEL: 1,460 LBS. II. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL ELECTRICAL CODES AND THE REQUIRED PERMITS ARE THE' RESPONSIBI~JTY OF OTHERS. 1:'. ALL PVC cmlOUIT (OR TYPE CONDUIT REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES) TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. lJ, CONDUIT RUNS MAY EXIT FOUNDATION IN THE DIRECTION THAT IS MOST CONVEN':' IE/IT FOR EACH SITE. I:.. ,~',AIN POWER DISCONNECT TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. QUIREa: 208 VAC, 39, 30 AMP; 120 VAC, 15 AMP. ELECTPICAL SERVICE RE- 1;. GRQUr:OlNG ROD AND GROUNDING STRAP FOR CONTROL CABINET AND ANTENNA TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. It.. ALL C(luDUIT ELBOWS TO BE "S....EEPS", 'JOU LOW; ELBO....S.. !1. OPTIONAL: DEICING PUWER TO BE SUPPLIED BY OT~ERS. ELECTRICAL SERVICE REQUIRED 208 VAC, 3~, 4 WIRE. 75 AMP S[RV;CE REQUIRED FOR FULL DISH DElcn:G; 1.Q. AMP SERVICE REQUIREDI""OR HA.LF DISH DEICHJG. UNLESS OTH(IlIWIU PECIFIED! '.UIf TO liE FRH OF BURRS & SH"'R' IDCIS COMMERCI...L TOLERANCES TO $fOCI( SIZIS "'''LY. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES AND INCLUDE APPLIED FINISH TOLERANCES ~ PLACE DIM. ~ PLACE DIM. ! ANGLES DO NOT SCALE ORAWING TOLERANCE ON FRACTIONAL DIMENSIONS DETAILS ~~- ASSEMBUES 1 ~,." TO CONVERT TO METRIC SYSTEM. MUlTl'lY INCHES SHOWN ON DR.....INC BY n.. TO OBTAIN MlllIMfTERS. I I 10.... ~I NEXT ASSV USEO ON 1ST APPLICATION .\~ : "'.'!" " , I 'I i e cAJGI.......~~:2,!...J'G <.=?O<,- 3'::::>O-ZD77 .:0./ M, ..:J GAIJ t.:,-''';''.:/o::Jr . ."-~A._:..DA TiOU Av4.... '(6/5 ,', I' '~- t;OHTR...t;T HO. ,.:J.....ir.=~.jv'A ,:O,-,JD,..:lTIOJ NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION MATERIALS OR PARTS LIST ANTENNA OPERATIONS HARRIS POBOX 1277 KILGORE. TEXAS 75662 WBC FOui0DeJ i /0\.1 Dc .51~/Y 0. / tl/I, on ,-:<:1 G.:.I/A.I ,<'ltJG,'?O:ST --~ . -- --- --- (IIO'AZI.'(!. 7Z4VCL, D.5~C., zQ ~D\./.f:-'3CK) '01 I I NOTES. PART OR IDENTIFYING NO. L ST OF m [)WN BY :j7247'M/CMKliy--- C.~OAO:-<.,.e~( ~.':J 3-:,'-B?;' (IIIGINU....'t>le' ~,' INUR 8,~ ' ' 'o'.O>\e6 .....NUF...CTUlUHC - TITLE ","ROV A~ ~ ~.C!'l J~~!!A l~GN tNCINU A ~~~o::V1;'Wt-rJf't s~ COO"NO'NINO, -'~::~~'.'''' SCA"""''''''-''_,' 15><EEl REV 5624C;0 I t; IOF 2 \21 ~I '!p': IQ:.~L.' _~Ag~ .( S:O' ~ ~ I '\. ' rQP5 130rTO,v! ,':A~:: !,' /, I ._!.----- .~. i I---~--j .~-. '<' --- : t> ,', q -;-;" . -~~~~.. i, ' -r-~ ------', Vv',r--<'v.. : '" /,;.., "',' i=~~ ~ ~ -;v;;/::(<:,-'-_:- I i -j- Y ~;/ ,-- - i - : .- 'n'~ -:,-- I _1_'_ I',!, 10- "'", 3"":> ,,' .s'D' ,- ~- --; -7___C=:J"::'_l_n- ,-::;::>7 =::X-.-9~j_.':AC~ '-.. /' . L .. --:?. Z ;;:>_,clC~:D' ------.. . ~.-~-- ~~~ ~ ~ .'''''''0'[ {,="-,, ""-c '-: ---------- ! rlV 3--==:J :: G:?/.::Jc --=---- ~I ~""- 1\0/1-"" 1 I~ . . , _ ~ i -' I /' -..1-1--1 , / -'f . ~ t y -- .-,--.- , -.:.... " , .-..- 8'3" .- '5 .5A<~@ .Z'O.c. ,MK'SI) , Jii, ' ~ 'J!..J ~ 1 , I ! ---L. , I' ") ~ r.. j <.s' p.')' t1 I,. Iu-'(o I>>L;\N V II~ \\' I:5CAi...=: ./20) r '4 ,54c5 IMI<':52) (LOCATe ",5 51-/0N,.,) ) i j ,I . . - S I~,(:. ;\ ~ ;\ (5CAl.= .- /20) , .' :'1 I I " ,;; -"::~';J~"il'-li1ii~}~I~'-otJ,.. " , " , " , ~. //'^,// ~Itz,/, ,2:',' 'y'.:....X ,,~,"v..(-. ' , ~, \\0 ;e., 'V}/ ,r . / * / 0/' >- 8:-3" ',5 3.1?5 ~ ..z'o.c,-\ ,M-' 51) I , I" \ 11 .----M ~ ,'_. " ") l. " ;, I, !, . ~ . 10, __L 11. !I. I!. 1 ~ . lS, !I \i. ~~ ..4.JM: ~ tj 7 b . /,,- . ',~ ~(:/. ./' s~. rf o,#" ~~AD/A-'G AuD r:-Ouvl:JA 1/oJ / ~ , "- ,,,-,~~ 17. '5 -"Ai?=>@ IZ"O,C. (Nt" :5/) TOP.r ~OTIOIV1 ,cLice .J' I I . ' ~ "1,\i , . . ' ," ~ 1 ___~- ""-,t3.A;:?~.rM. ~.?r /..... - - LOCAr:: ~5 .:>uo':!,J / ~ / I ","J /' :t ~ [r~ L_ 'I I : I ~~ .--: '~'.I>:+l I)' ~ e(), -~I ,. j;./ I '.7~1-t~- ,- -~l -4+- \t~,' t,-i-I.-\"I"l ;,7"1,/ ~ \-,., -'-1~. '?r-I'\' ,--I,~.-' ~ L:' 3~1 -I /'", .:I" L,-",I I \~~\.- II j ',-,- .'r.. " "'J" I .-" 'i..' ~1" If) Q - ;- '\ \:- -fl-, ..~, - -i I~ -I, -.- - 1"'':- - , -..:'lJ. _L ' ~ :-~-JV: _:_~'-~I_I/5~A~c.~ I !~+~',--L-~:_' ~,-'- .;_c-4,v 1~ / T1- ;T- -- , >, 8 -- ~'7 ~-- =- ,--- ~:~i:'/I ~-+=-~ -':" ~: I:e ~ / 1----;-" ' -/'._~ -'-- " " /0 - #L: "'''26;( 5:0".-c:::- - , ~'~i I I '.' , :' """" " , iOF-ij'-oorTo;:;';Ace ~'; /, j / -;.....:::&~.~~~.:..~ -~~("~.r;l":~"~i~"'\',~'" .~ -','\ ", __I - l_p_ _ /_'.:_~........ '''::. ,/ .-:r. ~.~'~~.;!.,Io'....) - " . .' , I . ","'-:.... "'11'".,,~.:;t_:. _..:~'.'~' -..J.:.t:. - -, . ,,- ._~ '.r"',t~'-t . .', ---- '1= , \S>. , I 6'-< ,i /~~-], ,,' /// . . I /... "I ./ . . __r. ~,-= :;;~l~:;':~:=L,~ ~,-"~~ir..tiA\~jlt.~~~Miln~1iit'~~J~I~Y:~~>,, >;/.,' ',- ~"" o , /' ,/ / ---r>- - / . . ~)I J.\ -..1, - -----+ I .~ I '~ I ,,\.. -it ~ ._~': L: ~ t:? /" ,~ 1. 2. l. " 50 6. I - SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRING.t"lliLD Department of Public Works August 1, 1984 Michael T. Roberts 338 West 11th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 .~ RE: KMTR Antenna Bases, City Job #840508 Dear Mike, I have received your letter dated July 27, 1984, the enclosed'letter and photographs from John Bredesen, ~ITR Engineer, and the copies of materials invoices for concrete and reinforcing steel. I have discussed the fact that,the concrete was poured on the job prior to inspection of the footing formwork and steel placement by a City Structural Inspector with both , Eugene Schaudt, project ,engineer and Dave Puent, Structural Inspector. It was our joint determination that submittal of any evidence you were able to produce relative to compliance with the approved construction documents would be considered in-lieu-of any further inspection or testing. Based on the evidence submitted, i.e., the photographs taken,prior to the pour, the materials invoices and John Bredesen's letter dated,July 23; 1984, we have ,concluded that, with your concurrence and that of your client, KMTR Television, we will not require any further evidence or testing to substantiate compliance with the approved construction documents. Our inspection records will show that the work progressed without the, required in- spection of the formwork and steel by the City's Structural Inspector. We do want to perform the remaining final electrical and final building inspections once the work is completed, and ask that you request these inspections as explained in the "Required Inspections" form attached to your approved construction documents. Questions regarding this project may be directed to me at 726-3669. Sincerely, ~~012P'~-? Lorne W. Pleger Senior Plans Examiner cc: Eugene Schaudt John A. Bredesen enclosures LlVP/lh 225 North 5th Street . Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726.3753 "., ........... d. ". _, , , ,. . .. ,"'~''- ',- :;':"":..".' -.T--'~: .~:~:;-'~;~"~~".-:--l; . .' - .~. .~! ,," , .~'.:-:~' .j:. " . "-~ . " ,', r: '",'j' '......0:. ~.." \,-,', 'r~_...-"'''V''''',,'''',:~',: "....~_.,~ July 23, 1984 Mr. Mike Roberts GALE ROBERTS COMPANY 338 West 11th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Good Morning! Enclosed are photocopies of the receipts for the rebar and concrete which was used by Royal Communications in constructing our two antenna pads. I've taken some snapshots of the two pads during the construction process. As you can see, all of the shots which were taken before the concrete was poured are of the small 8' x 8' pad. They show the two levels of the rebar mats as well as the electrical conduit instal- lation. While my P.E. isn't in structural engineering, I can attest to the fact that the reinforcing mats (of which there are two) in the 16' x 16' pad are similar in density and construction to that of the smaller one. I took some photos with the pour partially complete and I believe it shows well the spacing of the top mat. p>.ncelfely, " ~t1j)~ ~ln A. Bredesen, P.E. 'ehief Engineer JAB/meh encls. e . GALE M. ROBERTS CO. COM M a: A CIA L B u 1 L 0 I N 0 CON TR ACT 0 R S TELEF'"HONE 4BS-QALE 338 WEST 11TH A.VENUE EUGENE. OREGON 97401 July 27, 1984 CITY of SPRINGFIELD Department of Public,Works 225 North 5th Avenue Springfield, Oregon 97477 Att: Lorne Pleger Re: KMTR Antenna Bases Lorne: Enclosed herewith is a copy of John Bredesen's letter and pictures regarding his inspection of the work. Also enclosed are copies of the concrete and rebar invoices for the pads. If you 'require any additional information, please call me; I will help in any way I can to solve this unfortunate oversite. Thank you for your cooperation, understanding and hard work on this matter, it is really appreciated. Yours very truly, Michael T. Roberts General Manager MTR/els ~ - (~z C'. ///( CL c</(::; ;;' ~ !Ii - m""I':'I~~J;~~l2l:IiJI"~lrf~'''I'''''''I'lill EUGENE 686-2000 , I:I~I~~:~~~:'~:~'~~;~"~;~~ ~~:0~2~8~7:~~~~~11 SPECIAL BENDS " CONTROL COI;lE PHONE NO, CREDIT DATE ORDERED CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NO. ~, 1'//-/24 Joe NO: :,r . OUR ORDER NO. ~- '.: :) CASH BAJ.>>o"-OOJl. ,.111)151' , . " SHIP ZJ/G 's o L D T o ,',: ".~;,;~~,-<,::~~, <1i.:/ J!. .... .. ... :~> ....' 1.,./ i~ ~ .5 .t.H I P 'T' o r~ .j: :: -: ~f, ~ ;'" I l.t .;..:', ~:' Y:t?":' " , -r; ;' ;,':,: 71 ;'-'j/A I . '~,I, -: .: ...... '. ...'" ',I :: '::': .J'- '.: ~ '!' (f:,d'n1 s:.-;' " -: "~ .:~ ,. .,.. ~ ,: " ~.' . .......HIP;.I:D~' f...I,,:"" ;': . ;':': F':....i '"'~';.!.~:"rI"; DESCRIPTION JOB' /((" /r1" T'R" -f' /,', ',. , - , .: ,,:. d Co ;: .;, ." '" " ," .? ~. , '.' 3', ^ ' 'FABRICATED 'REINFORCING' STEEL 4 WIRE MESH , ~. .:-~ 5 I ~ I 'PER:J-ci.Pv I:' .~-2.'!~51<"'7i/..f I.' 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RECEIVED BY X " Tons ?~~~ -.::. -- Tons Tons , .,,,1: LEAV'E PLANT 'It)" ----;"nURN PLANT CODE .....-..,.:;.... ....:; THIS INVOICE DUE AND PAYABLE lO,h OF fOLLOWING MONTH i_f8Thill, ...... ... - . ~~in~il.~!~mm~~.wll ..~~~~.-"f':p, .- ~... -.'.~. ~ ..,.~ "":\ 'i.':':-",' ._ :~ .,,"j . ~.~, \",,~.~ ~~]-~{,: ',""",,, ,'~"\'I","" .. 2:..-:l;'..... . "', ,~~;,"~"" .- ,~ . .-ff.. ~ ":"'}t;} ;":'::.,, ,,< '$~,:!;~it ,.;;:~~~~:i~~ ~~~?:*{t>~i ~~,':~~.- .~,t.A""<<..~~ - --~~':~~~'("~:.(;,~~.(-~.:~:" .~ Iii, ...\",", ~ ...i-.. ~[@f~.'ii!~;;j!~;\j;j.;~1~i~ri!1r~~ "'~_~I~~~'~',',~r) "' ~;:i~?,~:", ". ' .,:;~'. :~~"':.>~f.c...-20 . ~~.,'1:..~~:~~~~t~~,' ;.-;1 'd ..,-.....~:.~.~.~..; ':," .f:::;j....-~. '.':'.,1 :.~- ~:' ""-, " '~l ,. ~ u .qui,';d Inspecens u , IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PER!lIT HOLDER TO SEE THAT ALL INSPECTIONS ARE NADE AT TEE THAT EACH ADDRESS IS READABLE FROH THE STREET. AND THAT THE PERl'llT CARD IS LOCATED AT THE PROPERTY, BUILDING DIVISION APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOB SITE AT ALL THIES, I PROPER TUlE, FRONT OF THE , I PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING INSPECTIONS: Call 726-3769 (recorder) state you CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUflBER. job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be reedy for the inspection. ~ontractors or o\~ers name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 8m;will be reade the same day, requests received after 7:00 am will be made the followinb work day. Your City Designated Job Numb~r IS:~ Sf .t)~o8 Job Address, ';i'S2S /NTJl!5eNA-7'/~.N.A~ C:~"T Owner,~Mr~- 7'1/ Phone, 7S1";-1';;~ contractor:~ e h1. .'Rtf}l!m'7:S tC4!>. Phone :.!L8~- 1,/2 S"~ ,- o FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel in place. but prior' to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND: Plumbing.."..t'ectr;'~<l'J' ....... ....." Gas, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, 0 W3ter and Drainage lines. To be made prior to covering or filling trenches. 0 o o o o ~ o o D o o [K] SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation. but prior to setup of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUlIBING, ELECTRICAL & ~IECHANICAL: To be made before any work ~s covered. CONCRETE Sw\B INSPECTION: To be m~de after all ins lab building service equipment, conduit. piping. accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concreto is poured. UNDERFLOOR: , Plumbing. Electrical, Mechanical. To be made prior to installation of floor insulation. decking or floor sheathing. POST & BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor ir.sulation, decking or floor sheating... FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to installation of decking or floor sheating. ~~SONRY: Steel location. bond beams grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o o o o o o ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS. FIREPLACE: Prior to placing materials and before framing inspection. facing I SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance with Section 3D6 of the Building Code a special inspector shall be employetl by the Owner/ Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy ofl the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. ~ :J :J STRUCTURAL CO~CRETE: P,S,!' (306.,1) In excess of 3000 ROOF SHEATI{I~G ~~D NAILING: Prior to installing any roofing. 0 ROUGH PLU~IBING("ELErTrIC~ MECflANCIAL: N'o \-"ork I ~'s' to be covered until these inspections have been made and approved. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath or gypsum board interior wall coverir.g is applied. FRAMING: To be made after the roof. all framing. fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and heating ~ires. pipes and ducts are approved. :J UTI-! AND/OR c'VPSIJM BOARD INSPECTION: :J To be made after all lathing and g)~sum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any .Plastering:J is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located & constructed according to plans. WQODSTOVES: completed: SIDEWALK f, DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right-of-way. to be made after all excavating complete & form work & sub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. After installation is STRUCTUR\L WELDS: Preformed on the job, (2722 f) I HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING': During all :. bolt installation andi tighting operations (306 0..5) I , SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: (U,B,C, Standards 43.8) SPECIAL GRADING. FILLING: During & Chapter 29) =:J EXCAVATION AND earthwork. (306 a.ll ! GLU-LAH BEMIS: Inspehtion Certificate, by an approved agency!, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams are placed. (2S01-U.8.C. STDS. 25-10,11), I I I I I *In addition to the i~spections specified hereon, thei Building Official may make or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain compliance with the Building, City or! Zoning Codes. ---i-- CITY'S SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD INSPECTION: ~rust be requested 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. All project conditions such as landscaping. parking lot striping etc. must b~ com~leted before requesting this inspection. ! I o FINAL PLUMBING ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL o FINAL HECHANICAL o PARKING LOT: After gravel is in place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. D FINAL !HJIUHNG: Must be requested after the final Plumbing, Electrical, ~Iechanical nod Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No Occupancy of the premises can be made until ",".4~;Z:;1:::;;;A;'"' ."."" *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS ~IUST BE .\CCESSIBLE, ADJUSTMENT TO BE ~1ADE AT ~O COST TO TIlE CITY. o FI~:AL FIRE DEPARntE~IT