HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2007-1-31 (2) .J..... , , l"' "'" -, [nfoAon . / ,,~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulting . ~stIng DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: January 31, 2007 Report Number: 722-70018-9 Client: Chambers DevelDpment PrDject Name: Sports Way Business Park Ms. Silva Sullivan Phase II 2295 CDburg Rd. Ste. 200 Project LocatiDn: Springfield, OregDn Eugene, OR 97401 B.P. No.: 02-00818-01/C6-1357 Type of Inspection: SDils ObservatiDn Weather: Clear Field Observations and Comments As requested, met Dn site tD Dbserve foundatiDn fDDting excavatiDns fDr the prDpDsed building. UpDn arrival, we were infDrmed that all fDDtings including continuDus fDDtings wDuld be taken dDwn tD native sDils and the fDDting excavations would be backfilled with crushed rDck instead Df cDntrolled density fill (CDF). All excavatiDns were perfDrmed using the Hitachi 270LC excavatDr with a smDDth bladed bucket and all excavated sDils were hauled Dff site. The relatively undisturbed sDils expDsed at the base Df the excavatiDns appeared tD be native clayey siltslsandy silts as described in Dur Driginal geDtechnical repDrt dated September 25, 1998. Depths Df the excavations belDw finished rock grades are listed on the attached site plan. AlsD perfDrmed cDmpactiDn testing Dn the crushed rDck placed under the propDsed fDDtings. The results Df thDse tests will be repDrted under seperate CDver. TD the best Df Dur knDwledge, the wDrk inspected abDve was in accDrdance with the building department approved design drawings, specificatiDns and applicabe wDrkmanship prDvisiDns Df the InternatiDnal Building CDde. Inspector: Anthony Deluca If YDU have any questiDns regarding this repDrt, please feel free to cDntact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. Jennifer Tra Department Manager c: City Df Springfield Eric Hall Architects-- Eric Hall Endex Engineering-- Dave MDrris Chambers Construction-- Brian Erickson Attachment: Site Plan THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMA TlON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY, BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040A Shelley St.. Springfield, OR 974n. Phone 541f746.9649 ~ Fax 541(746.7163 ~.b-i .~ U N'of1d' NOU ....aNt1Od 5:) 1 I I l f0. I~ l __ _ n. _____ _ _no. _ _ _ ___ ___n___! .__ _ _________, n.- -~(~ i~~,[P'~ 1!1,'~1'. _-'Wi-~~ ~" I'~? l~:::> I ) 'S (') l1i' ~,~)-~ . ", -' -- _1:":1. --j-' --j - --I =l ~, I~. -i_ -- f: ~ - - mT ~ r--- --j<? I i ~' :lIJ-+--N~--Fl1l.- ---1~ r--tt---l~ <?r- --OJ ~"'r-nhl I r r '\11...__ -~! /-1 1 I 1 /j- I I ~ ~ l'~ I I : I (~ r\ I I :.0 I I 1G:>l1St- "- - - - t-- (~ ~ 'rt--l -+- +-- - - --r ---L - 7- -I -+ --.-- ~ r. ....cD , ,- I ~,i 1 i~' ~- Lm ,j,_~_-:'_~_.<1' rJ I Lnl__ i i L J~' i hl_J ~ I -, I ;~r~ :' I I I I I L-_ -- : Lr~........ '.-..' I _ I -- -- ~ I I I I I / " , , I I I' .." Vi I i....: I I I' , ] , ., J I . I ~ +- .. . ! ~l. -r- 0?'@Zi,!/--r4> l ~ :1 J 0\) 1 I I I I ,..+.. : I 1') I / ~ ~ 1 I r) I I I .rh -JaaL ~ 1.1 . " ,. , '~.J i' ~,' \ ~ffl. 'A ' ~, I L/(J ~J).. ::'\ ,.... , , ~ , T.,;L-m~; "~I I _ I :rT<----.ftJ ~.\(:.-; I I I'''' I ~~~----"~- So . , ' -~ i", _ J ; '-+-l~ ti ~ I ~ZD---~--~ ~I ~~.'I~ ~:.. ; r--t--,~ <?,-L-l __L_-l :.....L-~ ~ tl - ! lL- ~ _L, r--- - - ~l i I I ,_ ~ on: \ I Ii - ;~- ----- .~- Ll! I I ~ r I : r I 1 1- r- ----, I ~ , . ~ -~...,::J.-Jl ~~ -~:r I ;r~~:- J':)I=-'::':'.L-- -..----::-J~li\r - - IL -i\t -.!.r -! 'l '- :-- -=.::f$P-, r--<D ,r~ --r~ 1.~t~_T(-_~~. -c- --11-'@ --t~ :.-- Loor n ~~:;!-c;~), i ~? i I ~ I -' I ,~y I I \;1 ~,; ii I i.~~ 1 1~ - "~~=-'5I"= ;r ...1. ~=l' N ~i~ _ _ _ ~ ~~ _ _ ~ '~~__~~~~~__ ~) ~ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ~_ _ _b~ _:.- ;~ ~--. -~ -I o - ::::D .:v .-@) r " t / e 81 o 8 o . :::rnMJC\{~ '3', (.00'7 5po rh I:J<,\ '113o.!5I1J(.)jl' cvk -V.,a.:IOOi<'6 - --~- . , o ,. --- @ _ Oe.(l"" o~ exCAVCJlOrJ L- . tr($\':>V{.~1 ~(}"" ___,. -t'ltJi\he.A {tX.1:: ~(~'" / . . j ~ ';'l , i