HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Springfield Arts Commission Bylaws_Charge Amendments AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/5/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session/Reg. Mtg Staff Contact/Dept.: Thea Hart, Library Staff Phone No: 541-726-2238 Estimated Time: 20 minutes/Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: SPRINGFIELD ARTS COMMISSION BYLAWS/CHARGE AMENDMENTS ACTION REQUESTED: Approve amended Springfield Arts Commission (SAC) Bylaws and SAC Charge ISSUE STATEMENT: The SAC reviewed two proposed amendments to Article III (Membership and Appointment) of their bylaws and unanimously voted to approve them at their meeting on February 13, 2017. The first proposed amendment changes the residency requirements to allow for individuals with arts expertise who reside outside of Springfield to serve on the SAC. The SAC would like to amend the Charge to match this proposed amendment to the bylaws. At the January 8, 2018 Work Session, the City Council expressed the desire to change the interview procedure for all City committees and boards so that all applicants to committees and boards would be interviewed by the City Council before Council makes formal appointments. The second proposed amendment to the bylaws reflects this interview procedural change. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1: Springfield Arts Commission Amended Bylaws ATT2: Springfield Arts Commission Amended Charge The amendments to the bylaws include the following passages: Article III – Membership and Appointment Section 1. Composition. e. Members appointed to the Springfield Arts Commission shall be residents, property owners, or business owners in Springfield, or specialists with expertise in the fields of visual, performance, literary, or multimedia art. No fewer than seven of the nine members must reside, own property, or own a business in Springfield (97477, 97478, or 97482). Section 3. Appointment. e. Commission members shall be interviewed and appointed by the City Council. The Springfield Arts Commission requests that the City Council approve the amended bylaws. The SAC requests that the charge be amended to be aligned with the proposed changes to the Article III, Section 1 (e) of the bylaws. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 4 ARTS COMMISSION BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. Establishment: The Arts Commission was established in June of 1986 (Resolution 86-26). ARTICLE II. Purpose and Objectives: Section 1. Purpose: To promote cultural richness and diversity and assist in the preservation of the cultural heritage of the community as expressed through artistic endeavors. Section 2. Objectives: a. To provide places and spaces for artistic creations, exhibits, performances, and events. b. To foster awareness, communication, education, and sharing of resources between local artists and arts groups. c. To function as a local coordinating agency between the Lane Arts Council and the community. d. To promote the arts as an element of Springfield’s economic diversification program, particularly in regard to tourism. ARTICLE III. Membership and Appointment: Section 1. Composition: a. The Commission shall consist of nine voting members, selected on an at-large basis. b. Commission members shall be 18 years of age or older. c. Commission members shall be registered to vote. d. Commission members shall have specific expertise or interest required to carry out the commission’s objectives. e. Commission members shall have either a residential or business Springfield address, encompassing zip codes 97477, 97478, or 97482. Members appointed to the Springfield Arts Commission shall be residents, property owners or business owners in Springfield, or specialists with expertise in the fields of visual, performance, literary, or multi-media art. No fewer than seven of the nine members must reside, own property, or own a business in Springfield (97477, 97478, or 97482). Attachment 1, Page 2 of 4 Section 2. Selection: a. Applicants for appointment shall submit a completed application form to the City Manager’s office. b. The selection process is to be open and well publicized. b. Prospective members shall attend a regular meeting before submitting an application for membership. Section 3. Appointment: a. Commission members shall be nominated by the Arts Commission interviewed and appointed by City Council. b. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments and the appointee shall fill the remainder of the unexpired term. Section 4. Terms of Service: a. A term of service shall be four years. b. Any member who has completed a four-year term may reapply for a second four-year term; no member shall serve more than two consecutive four-year terms. c. All members shall serve without compensation. d. Term expiration dates shall be staggered so that no more than three member terms will expire in any year. e. All Arts Commission appointees serve at the leisure of the City Council. A position shall be vacated by the Council when the appointee has two or more consecutive unexcused absences from the commission meetings in any twelve consecutive month period. (Section IX (5) 5.5) of the Council Operating Policies) f. The Chair, in consultation with City Staff, may also recommend to the Council a member be removed from the Committee if a member is found not to meet the Committee’s adopted Code of Conduct. ARTICLE IV. Voting: Section 1. Each voting member of the Commission shall be entitled to one vote on all Attachment 1, Page 3 of 4 issues presented at regular and special meetings at which the member is present, except that a member shall not vote or take part in discussion as a member when there is a conflict of interest, i.e. when action is to be taken which may confer a significant economic benefit or impose a significant loss on the individual member or an immediate family member. Section 2. Any time a member present at a meeting does not record his or her voice, it is automatically recorded as a vote with the majority. An abstention must be entered as such in the minutes, with the reasons recorded. Section 3. The Springfield City Manager and his/her designated representative shall be ex-officio members of the commission. Section 4. Proxy voting will not be allowed, as specified in the City Council’s operating procedures for Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Task Forces. ARTICLE V. Officers and Duties: Section 1. Officers shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Section 2. Duties of Officers: a. The Chair shall conduct meetings, appoint subcommittees, coordinate with staff to set the agenda, assist staff where possible, monitor projects, and represent the Commission to the public. b. The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. c. The Secretary shall take meeting notes. Section 3. A term of office is one year. Officers shall be nominated at least 30 days before election. Elections shall be during a regular meeting. No officer shall serve in excess of two consecutive one-year terms in the same position. ARTICLE VI. Meetings: Section 1. Regular Meetings: a. The Commission shall establish a regular meeting date and location for holding the meetings. b. Advance, written notice shall be mailed to all members. c. All meetings shall be open to the public. Section 2. Special Meetings: a. Special meetings may be called by the Chair. Attachment 1, Page 4 of 4 b. Minimum notice for calling a special meeting shall be 24 hours, and the meeting shall be in compliance with ORS Chapter 192. Section 3. Conduct of Meetings: a. Official action may be taken by a quorum of five members. b. An act of the majority of the voting members present shall constitute an act of the Commission. c. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised. ARTICLE VII. Amendments to By-laws: Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members and with City Council approval. Section 2. Written notice of such proposed amendments shall have been given to the members at least five days prior to the date of the meeting at which the proposed changes are to be considered. Adopted by City Council on ___________________ ____________________ Arts Commission Chairperson __________________________ Mayor Attest: ___________________________ City Recorder Attachment 2, Page 1 of 1 Arts Commission CHARGE The Springfield Arts Commission was created to promote the arts in Springfield. Assistance is given by the Commission to local artists in the form of grant sponsorship, networking, education, communication, and, occasionally, funding. The Commission may co-sponsor art events and exhibits. It works closely with the Lane Arts Council and the Oregon Arts Commission. Source of Existence: Council Bylaws: Yes Code: No Sunset Date: Council Membership Number: 9 In City: Majority Out of City: Minimal Terms (2 max): 4 Years Ward: No Qualifier: Area residents with a 97477, 97478 or 97482 zip code only are eligible. They may reside outside the city limits, but must have a qualifying zip code. Members appointed to the Springfield Arts Commission shall be residents, property owners or business owners in Springfield, or specialists with expertise in the fields of visual, performance, literary, or multi-media art. No fewer than seven of the nine members must reside, own property, or own a business in Springfield (97477, 97478, or 97482). Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time: Monthly - Second Tuesday - 6:30 p.m., City Hall Funding Source: General Fund and Room Tax Staff Liaison: Thea Hart, Adult Services Librarian 541-726-2238 Council Liaison: Councilor Leonard Stoehr Last Revised: 2/9/15