HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1999-2-5 SJG~ gERMIT APPLlCATIO. SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 700 International Way I' J( )i'$\':":l':'{,) .-:.: t(Ji SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: ~~ JOB .BER Inspection Line: 726,3769 Office: 726'Ci'9 ~ /2- Co f OWNER: ,,,'eral Exoress TAX LOT: ()(}:"'l( 1 ) . PHONE: JOf ~ ADDRESS: 700 International Way CITY: c:........-{T\t)'.fipl(l STATE: OR BUSINESS NAME, FIRM El'C.:" FpnpYRl Exoress ZIP: 97477 Wall DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGNIS): Iplease check and complete all appropriate information) L Freestanding ~ Double Face _ Projecting Single Face Billboard Square Footage: -f</(' c!) I Vertical Dimension 01 sign or enclosure: 3- Root Marquee Other i'~' Total Height above Grade: 7 Dimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: Electrical Installation: ~ _ No VALUE lit yes additional electrical permit is required) OF SIGN: Alum. / Lexan I Material Sign is constructed of: .. . l\lOdT ICE=h h ' I",~ /? List ALL eXisting slgnage an aUac a p otograph of each sign: ;Vv'" t::....- THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK laJ Type ^"TU1"\n'7,,=,Sq,.F,tg,r.~'''~ ~_~..._._ ..IbJrType ..- .-. ..__u Ul'lLl,- I ,....... I ....'IIVIII IIoJ I~U Ic} Type cow '"'!r.F$d)'F.tlj'; A8ANDONED F()8 Id) Type A~l' (..':f"\n CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: Martin Bros. Signs 204 Jefferson (P.O. Box 2069) ADDRESS: CITY: Eugene, STATE: OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: 64618 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: ,____, 0/1-03'6'( OFFICE USE Sign District~..ir11:i ~Land Use: ---,-~q Ouad Area: Zoning: ~ L Code Section: A. QI 0"'1- (2 ') Sign Permit Fee: 4f) ~ :t;:;proved By: ~\ m ~~'?JV c:<. {)'CJO ./ ATTENTION:Uregon law "'4U;'"'' yvv.~:' follOW rUles C1UU"'lt1~ ~y ~I..., 8:.:;z:,,: I_I~.II+Y Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- ~~o__-YciRme.l;ilobtain copies of the rules by call1ng.the center. (Note: the tel~~ho~e num"erl'ott\~i9 Ol:02nn I Itilitv Notification f"'on!." i~ 1-800-332-2344). ~ PHONE: (541) 342-1769 97402 ZIP: 3/9/99 6/30/99 EXPIRES: EXPIRES: IlOiu) DATE: lQ,B.~ REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site Footing Attachment ~ Electrical /" Final to be made prior prior to placement after fasteners are prior to energizing completion of sign to sign placement of concrete ~ _ If\~II~t (0 c~ver ~Ifc~\a. ~I in ~stal~r'on I\, N._ i~l tallilt\io: A l m, ~o ..f) "'dditional Comments and/or condition-;;;~ ~I A.l1l,,-4 I \ Jrt\\ ~rr\"" \ ..L' \, _ l) l V1)'~ "O.lQ..(jJ ,,~.i:::':~M~"" <0,"'''' ..om'..' 'M <om,,,,,, ""'<0"'"'"'' M"" "''''' '"" '" "'O;m."," """,. s true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield. and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and ,mployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street. th~H the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation )f the signlsl. ~ature ~ e::7 ~ / ~te .;2 -5"-77 $lJ.().--- :'l> -:t J Ci ::? Date Paid: Received By: validation: Amount Received: Receipt Number: ~ -~ - '1 <1 f!-V ;:;I~N...PERMIT APPLlCATlce SPRINGFIELD J.MBER Inspection Line: 726.3769 Office: 726'31~, (X)';1.{Y .J f: q~ll.co X' 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 JJa:tlp A- SITE ADDRESS: 700 ASSESSORS MAP: International Way /' 1O~\1:A. ")() TAX lOT: OWNER: --1:efJeral Exoress . PHDNE: ADDRESS: 700 International Way CITY: <:n-,..iTlofiplrl STATE: OR ZIP: 97477 BUSINESS NAME, FIRM EOC.:o' J'pnpr~l Exore~~ DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(SI: (please check and complete all appropriate informationl OW" :< 3 ~ / / FIr!- B L Wall Freestanding Projecting Roof _ Marquee ~ Single Fa;e Double Face Billboard Other Square Footage: 31 Total Height above Grade: ILl Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: / '911 Hori th of sign or enclosure: /trl Dimension from Grade I /I to bottom of Sign Enclosure: /,;?, .3 Electrical Installa tion: (If yes additional electr Alum. / Lexan VALUE OF SIGN: /C)oV / Material Sign is constructed of: List ALL existing signage and attach 8 photograph of each sign: NOTICE: lal Type -...- --....._.... LSQ. Ftg. I 11Il,J r ...nlY!l, onM L t:XP,HI: Ii I Mt: VVUHt\. Ie) Type AIITl-lrmm:n IIMnmQ:rf-~11) O':D"'T '<;' '~':'T ;J~ Yl e.. Ib) Type ---, 1-,.....so..felg0t1 ,~,.. '''qllirAs you to 1"\11l:.1"6livl'l;U 9 ,. follow rules ~~oFted by the Oregon Ulility NOllllcallon Cenier.IT; 'w~ ,..1~3 ::..~t forth . -- -'1 -Q'.r.~--.._hf"\6CQ,,?.o01. ~"Vl"\n""...,""-v,j ........... .....--.; 0090. You ~btai~~8f3i@!s ~f;\l1f>.ril1.~!?Y769 calling the cemer. (Note: \:w-U_.~h_~= number for the Oregon Utility Nollflcatlon Center is 1-80U.;j;j~-~Oj-). .STATE: OR ZIP: 97402 Idl Type "",H. .-,,," ...."...... ...-.........-..-- --- . ......~,......U...........I.....IJ I VII CONTRACTOR/INSTAllER:. Martin Bros. Signs 204 Jefferson (P.O. Box 2069) ADDRESS: CITY: Eugene, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: ".. . ~, 1603 &- / 64618 EXPIRES: 3/9/99 6/30/99 EXPIRES: I SignDistric~i.~iQV~t~ I ZonlOg: 0....I 4l ' ).00 Sign Permit Fee: OFFICE USE land Use: c:..~qq Quad Area: Code Section' R, Q l 04- (\)_ Approved By: \IN\<-'y\~~\ ;0 /' I I^)(J) DATE: \~.a% I REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: ! Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete ~Attachment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover ~ Electrical prior to energizing electrical installation ~nal completion of sign installation A.dditional Comments and/or Conditions: 3y signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein s true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and ,mployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable frolll the street. that ;he permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation )f the sign Is). ~ature ~ttP ~ Amount Received: dJ UC) , ~:ll "i ~ .D~ ..:< - 5"---7 '7 Receipt Number: Received By: ~-5-'9""t cf<J.,..U validation: Date Paid: 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 JIlL... t(1I JOB.BER q~12lo R Inspection Line: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 SlGf\j I?ERMIT APPLlCATIO. SPHINGFIELD ,. ., ." SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: 700 In~ernatJonal l'Il)':>~~~". Way OWNER: l'''~ral Exoress TAXLOT:-Uf )d.lJU PHONE: ,-0f'crC1/ ADDRESS: 700 International Way CITY: <::r....; n~f; p 1 n STATE: OR ZIP: 97477 BUSINESS NAME, FIRM EOC.;., l'prlpr~l Exoress DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN{SI: {please check and complete all appropriate informationl Jl'1:J. ;;. .3 - I~ R X Wall Freestanding _ Projecting Roof _ Marquee -1- Single Face Double Face Billboard Other Square Footage: 100 Total Height above Grade: i{ ;Z' Dimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: " I / €z.. L.jl (p/l /s' VALUE OF SIGN: / tJtJp /" Material Sign is constructed of: Alum. / Lexan ATTt:.N IIUI\l:UI~YUII ;a.vv ,....'1...;::-:: "j:'-',~"'" List ALL exis~6QcJl.i0~~lllsaI1IlopNl6lbli lhIllQgfll/>'i\naYU~W1tfign: ,N ~ y7 e.- Notification Center. Those rules are set 0 (al TYPli-..~.^.c> "".,_nn1_nn.lil.t~~.oAR 952-001- Ib) Type n090 You may obtain copies of the rUles oy Icl Type- ""il;">l :t.a aa~~:~ (IIAA-eflllp teleqho~e Id) Type __~ _ _ '^' .ho f),cnnn Utility Notification CONTRACTO~;I~~~ ~[&\\!er i~kipH;3~it~~ kigns NOTICE: ~, "" Dt:qN~q.8itli,LL EXPIRE IFTHE WORK A"U'T'-~~RIZ~s!) IFNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT ~ ~. -)R f'.""~H.~1=~!r.F [' OR IS ABANUUI~t:LJ r' A~I\ . 'lIiao :-:P-';6NE: (541) 342-1769 ADDRESS: 204 Jefferson (P.O. Box 2069) CITY: Eugene, STATE: OR ZIP: 97402 CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: .. v~'J 9603fr( 64618 EXPIRES: 3/9/99 6/30/99 EXPIRES: OFFICE USE Sign District:~;( ic\.\ &illp .~Land Use: ...OfJ..o..q Zoning: (\ ~ Code Section: R. 2 Sign per: Fee: ~S~ Approved By: \ \ ~\\M ) DATE: Jt:J - q~l( REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete V" Attachment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover Electrical prior to energizing electrical installation / Final completion of sign installation 4.dditional Comments and/or Conditions: 3y signature. I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein 5 true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and Jmployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. further agree to ensure that all required inspections arc requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that :he permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation If the signlsJ. ~nature ~ Validation: d:7~ / Amount Received: ~ r::; C; ~..1., "'i ':3 .~ ::;J.-S-~<JI<f Receipt Number: Received By: r:J.~- ct ~ -lGJ Date Paid: