HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-3-5 JOJ.-P.ES~TION, ,1000 sq,ft. or less $106,00 'l-Ne.77J ()uJlf1e 71J #6W..M&5S" Each additio.naJ 500 ,.'>~: 1fA/f) IJ K;'e'J< . . [U"UI, lall' lel~q"ft'or,portlOn "";. ' . , . ..1 I IVI\l.U u~ U'I' .......,\' PermIts are non.t ansferable and expIre d ted by the ltl)~rEof1 tlllY .' _ $ 19,00 --.::. if~vork IS not'started \~'i(hin !80I,ilaYf,Ules a op Those rul&i!c.!!r~~miI'd'Home or .,J.',:, .,' of ISSuance 0: If work IS suspended'for~~ cen~er. 0 th~Oug\ly!99~1~g!?;\'e]hng :.';/: ~: ',., .,;,:, 180 days.;' In OAR 95~-001 001 ,Servlc~orFeeder _';j',,, ',': ,.. $ 50,00 ,~.. :'.., " 090 youmayobtaincoplesu"" ,u.u_., .:fr,~'<:.Ii.,~.".;..j'.., ~ ,.',,,. . U . 'N" .,' p.te!p-hone ,,~r.'" . ,..,,.. . .'':' 2, CONTRACTOR INSTALLAl'IOl;'ONlly.enter.B. Isf,'vi~Cs.o.r F~eders'n .:i'';'>~;'l~, :j,~t:'\;"l ,F. .......... ~ urr"\I f'\lf'llllt,;C1U.... . ~~'.7'1t~"... '~~i'l"\ -', ... "";0' . :.::\ n' .."h"l' for the Oregon (IInstallation, Allcratl~~ro~". ,,', :",\";"'"(,j':: . ~.,.- . I'C"'" : L. R. Brabham I .Inc',-v ."12R"n,".l1.\.. "v~ ;J;?.,\;.':t''i~. ;).,. \b~'.~".lo" ~ ",'" " EleclncD onJrdclor .'J I <'~Il2.t \.. . ,,',I', - C ocatlOn l;~.'~'''J:{j_~~''!;' ~!..1'~~;'~ll'::. .';',' ':>.:..~"" --' . ~. r... ;.T._;!l. ..,....:'...0., ,~;" _ l'I',,~. { .'. .~(l^.l'. '-"!:f;\ ~.... .!....... '''''J'';;",:;)~''''l''~M'' "~""'~'IJ ~,~.':^.i.~,~..,~,..'."'",.,;,:,,?,:: Address ,\~',ffwe~J~:.uQ" Street:~1~)\~ 200 amps or tess'J!~: ::l~;,:~~~~A',q~ /~6~.f ~"- ~, ,~~~~.'. :t;~ti'/~.,1.f?S:r~~~~t~~, 20] amps to 490:amps~' ~(\~~~'.~(;rf~tf$J",OO . ','.r~'.:.1l~ , .... Cit)'Sprl-:n9,t,1~1,c:l''!phone 71..l~~9.~g;'~l?;'$l;';'i':~?t'~~,. 401 amps tOj!06a~lp?i~ '~';:jftj,1;;.i'~;,:Ji~5;<\O, ~:!:;;,'il .., hii.' ",,'-'" , - ,', :::.-. ...j ",-;,;,'tfi.',;..--'l_:e.: -,..'-?t.\ "." ,rl.":l~._'...,. . ..- -,.,,,,.~, "..' 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'property I 0\\'0 whichis'not intended -Each installation :,.... " for sale. lease or rerit'"'' NOnCE: Pinnp'orirrigation ",' " THIS PERMIT SHALL E Si,gnlOutlme Lighting XPIRErJlinTrMEBt\\GB~es AUTHORIZED U,,!DEIi THIS PERMJell fS1~~TC01l1m -. ~ .:-, ", . ~', .. .~. . ..... ., .,,.'-, .:~:.:.- ,,' ,';:. ~ ~ .' " . .".....,., , '.,')25FIFTII STREET ',:..'c ;;',-": .i... ~gu' ~ ~~; ..' E,A,,'CAL PERMIT APPLICATION ~ \~"'SPRIl'.jGFfELDJ OREGON 97477 r1? :-;,;:] f;/ ~"~:i.~~{ ~~:. ../-.... -; ~~.....:~~~:{~!~.;.l .:' .:(~': ':~'( .~;:;~.. ';1,'. : ;" INSPECTIO~REQU?S1::72(37~~:~~ ~~~ i~.: ~i ,~CityJoh Nu,!,hcr}@.p'WJt;~-";(5ttPs::;.", . . s \" 'OFFI~,E:.:726-)759,~}: ~'. ~:;; i(.."rlJi' ~WorPPgP"roJ...c, as ~ubmitted has the fqllb~;'ri~',~.f,~:!'f.', ,"'.::~::~;, ~' . ,:. ,'. ,,' ':.:Y"., c'. .' ,,/-;>, ".. 2-' ""nonl~g. '!.~51doeSjnmmiFE""SalmDULEBELO\V'>';;;'I',':" '. ~ /': ..!:-" ,.... . .;:.., t. '.;:..; ~ ,appn;):VaI;"i?:.-:;:;'.' _~ .',;".. J ~ . ___:, I- .-'..,. ... '~';.f;~;~ ,/ '. '. , .: ,:' ":: I LOCATION OFINSTALLAT,IPt.'1 ~~_ !:2:;~'&:f;!:')i:' '", F:" !..,. '>')'i;c;:;:'c">';\'i,,",.,$t,'\.:~,F.""" " " '> 5&J rAln::i(/)~/JAt:. 111/11-11'; i' o~,",~""u"......I:S;"b:~ ~:.~~.:,.;i"":"" __:',) t..' "'. ' :5tNPIfEtA//JdD ~/f6/Af!jfe - ....0:._-" ~t;_"omiIY por dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Autnorized Signature 1-V e 'ice Included: Items Cost . ,~.~ -:";{- ...",.. ....',':./ . ...~; . , .~:~~.;: ...;;.V~~ t..~ . . ,.,.... U::,l .':~.~': ..::. .t~. . Sum" ;'_1:' .. .':...... '".., " Owners Signature:; $50,00 $50.00 $25,00 $45.00 " .. . ~ . . City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00055 2/27/2003 2/27/2003 812712003 SITE ADDRESS: 500 INTERNATIONAL WAY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1703154000600 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Addition TYPE OF USE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Power to new press and Dryer OWNER! APPLICANT: SHOREWOOD PACKAGING COR 500 INTERNATIONAL WAY SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ,ELECTRICAL CONTRACfOR: lR BRABHAM 541-747-6638 68 WEST Q STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 CCB # 8699 Expiration Date: 12/18/2004 Descriotion Amount Paid Date Paid Receiot Number + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Add. Alter. Extend Circ Ea Add Penn Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less 13,20 9,24 6,00 126,00 02/27/2003 02127/2003 02127/2003 02/27/2003 2200200000000000529 2200200000000000529 2200200000000000529 2200200000000000529 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7;00 am. will be made the S1me working day, inspections requested after 7;00 a.m. will be made the following working day, Reouired InsDections: 1 Electric Service: Approval required prior to utility company energizing service. 2 Rough Electric: Prior to Cover 3 Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete, By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify tbat all information hereon is Irue and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shaIl be done in accordance wilh the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify thai only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested althe proper time, that each address is readable from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, will remain on the sile at all times during construction. ~~ ~f~r GlWner or Contractor.; Signature () NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR is ABANDONED FOR AI~Y 180 DAY PERiOD, d? -;},7- "'3 Date .',1 :~' "v' ,....",,<j......,dv;'eqUlresyouto tallow rule~ doopted by the Oregon Utility '\lotiticalion Centel. Those rules are set fort, In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001 u090. You may obtain copies of the rules b) calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification ('''''11'1' if.1-A!1r.-~~;>-2344). I of I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Line Items: Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00055 ELE2003-00055 ELE2003-00055 ELE2003-00055 Payments: TWe of Payment Check Paid By Receipt #: 2200200000000000529 Date: 02/27/2003 Description Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Received By Check Number Confirm No L.R. BRABHAM 28941 lkw Page I ofl 2/27/200ii 9:00:13AM City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt . Amount Paid 126.00 6.00 13.20 9.24 Line Item Total: $154.44 How Received Amount Paid In Person . Paymenl Tolal: 154.44 $154.44 cRecdpt.rpt