HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2000-3-31 . .. I Job# 00-00498-01 I . Page 1 of 2 SPRINGFIBLD ~. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD~ OREGON INDUSTRIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services. Division Building Safety Job Number: 00-00498-01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 123 INTERNATIONAL Way Spr Assessors Map#: 17031500 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 03403 Subdivision: Owner: Sony Disc Manufacturing Address: 123 International Way Scope Of Work: Industrial PACKAGING FLOOR INFILL Phone Number: 541-988-7425 City/State/Zip: Springfield, OR 97477 Alteration Value: $7,785 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Slab Structural Welds. Structural Concrete Bolts installed in concrete Final Building Required Inspections I BuildinR I - To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping, and other equipment iter - To be done during construction by State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test re! -In excess of 2500 psi. To be done during construction by a State Certified Inspector. Provide r - To be done by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide inspection test reports to City Buildir - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Construction Types: . Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 ,Area (Sq. Feet) I Main: . Accessory: # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: . Fee Job# 00-00498-01 I Paid On Receipt# Plan Check 03/31/2000 0001111 . Page 2 of 2 Value/Quantity Fee Amount Industrial Plan Review Total Plan Check 7,785 $44.53 $44.53 Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building Grand Total By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times du~~~ctiOO. ~I ~)"3 J} tJ 0 Signature\j Date BuildinR 03/31/2000 0001111 03/31/2000 0001111 03/31/2000 0001111 7,785 $68.50 $4.80 $2.06 $75.36 $119.89 I I. . ~ . Job: 00-00498-01 Address: 123 INTERNATIONAL Way Owner: Sony Disc Manufacturing Fees Building Subtotal Building Permit Fees Building Permit ~dministrative Fee Building Administrative Fee . Building Administrative Fee Received: 3/31/00 Unit: BLDG: FEE DETAILS Value/Quantity 7,785.00 SubTotal SubTotal Surchar<le Building Surcharge State Surcharge For Building Permit SubTotal Total for Building Plan Check Subtotal Building Plan Check Fees Industrial Plan Review FLR: TRANS~:01-0001111 DATE:MAR 31 2000 AMT RECD:2 $ 119.88 1 $ 0.01 CHANGE: CASHIER:004 Amount Due . Amount Paid 68.50 68.50 4.80 4.80 75.36 0.00 2.06 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 SubTotal Total for Plan Check 7,785.00 44.53 44.53 0.00 44.53 0.00 119.89 0.00 Grand Total: Page 1 of 1 , , " . . " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 N. 5TH ST., SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION (541) 726-3759 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE: PROJECT: LOCATED AT: APPLICANT: MARCH 31, 2000 PACKAGING FLOOR OPENING INFILL 123 INTERNATIONAL WAY SONY DISC MANUFACTURING JOB #: 00-00498-01 Plans submitted for the proposed construction at the above project address have been reviewed for conformance with the City of Springfield Building Safety Codes. The following list of items require correction, clarification or additional detailing before they can be approved: 1. A special inspection agency shall be employed by the owner to provide inspection and testing services as required for the following: Structural concrete having a design strength in excess of 2500 PSI. Structural welds performed on the job site Epoxy bolting installations. We have attached a leaflet which explains the special inspection program, and a special inspection form which shall' be completed on both sides, signed by the appropriate persons, and returned to this office. ANY CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS made after the date of this review must be approved by the Building Official. PLANS REVIEWED BY: SIGNATURE~~~~_ ( ?!; - ~~-~ NAME LORNE PLEGER " ~ . ~ (AI, ~. , . .' . , ~----.f:\ G(i~ ,0 ~ o .@) 0), ([ I I]- I (el b€;C...l(.. ~P^t-l ~ '- . ;:;.. DE:CJL. ,.;) I 4-" c.00-1 c.. . \tlP?1 N L:r <..eiw'O'l'-IL ~ ' , I .~-th. .. o ' I ~I 1. &>1 D-I 15> - ~ '1 3 . r )(. 0 I~ -' ~r ~ r ~ ~I . 'ill I 1'oJ T'~j>. ~ C0 -r"'i p . \ G TYPICAL FLOOR INFILL AT OPENING sc.ALE, 1/2" = "-0" LE.) ...:::10')<.1 z... I I i ~ <;!J u. I~ ......, .h.. -'---'--' -"--- --, ..- -,'.-'_. . I, il I ~ i G ~.. '. .A.'~".. \..../'.' Ef'~".- ~. . . '. .\-.1 1- ''f:i"?-. . . ':! - . "'I ,.~ ..- ':t, -,. ....._.~ :.: ".' "\-~' ~ ~r.._-'._,;;;l ':. .,' _~. y~_ >- "'~.a.'iI""" - ...~ ~--_...~.. J I- I " " I -l- , i I I 1 1 , FOR , !I i ~'~ f ~ f'\~ I!.:. ,...f} )~. oJ.. \(~ r.,~r: e;'\ l'-.'~ .- <':- ':;."~ i"' J ,- ......./:\1 L'I'" '.!::;'!i I i~_.....,;;" ';I~' ~.": l~':~ I~ l ~ '{'i,!~.;" ~~: ~';~. I il;~;" ~. 'l'~ (<i ~ 't 1':0. .: ~ 1i'\'f<!&I t 'J, it1 '!l I . ~\jJI.O ii ~ tt; ~~!i 11 :~~ ;jJlf,~ ~[ : ........c.-....~ i bATE RECElV~_ 'J ~-.JOB...NO~"""'-~,' ZONE . OCCUPANCY GROUP - 'UNIT(S) c)C..s.UPANCY LOAD I _ TYQF CONSTRUCT'O~_ -ST0PIFS _" - ~~ LEGAL DESCRIPTI';~ e:>' 7 ~-~ ~~:ERSS ~~~:1(#~1 THE CONTENTS 'HERE ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED. WJTH ALTERATIONS INE:CAT~n_g~~~~O~~i:,~~:;~~A~~::slc5~ ~~o~~t-::~~E~~ ~~~~~E B~L.OW SHAL.L.. BE APPROVE[ BY THE BUIL..DING OFFICIAL. . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON .-4 ~ DATE~-=;'/'r&fiiFC:J APPROVF..r:) BY /" /" ~.tII'.. -. . - ... - . ~tyl". I --(0 G ~ >:J TYPC.IAL OF (4) '-......-/ :;'>TRUGruRAL GENERAL NOTES, ARC..HITEG ruRAL GENERAL NOTE'2.; I. PATC.H FLOORING MATERIAL TO MATC.H AD..JAc.ENT FLOOR FINISHES. ALI6N HITH EXIST. .JOINTS. VERIFY THE FOLLOHING, 12"XI2"xl/e." 6AcSE VINYL c.oMP05ITION TILE MEETIN6 FEDERAL SPEC.IFIC.ATlONS 55-T-312B(I), TYPE IV, c.oMP. I. ARMSTRONG STANDARD EXGELON VINYL TILE NO. 51'111 - "C.LA55IC. HHITE". INSTALL TILE IN AC.C.ORDANc.E HITH MANUF. REc.oMMENDATIONS. I. FG'=4000 psi, Fy=60.ooo pSI 2. D-I INDIC.ATES SPAN DIREC.TION OF 3" - 20 !SA. TYPE H DESK W 4" TOPPIN6. I^lELD W 1/2" DIA. PUDDLE HELD5 Cil 12" o.c.. Cil 5x3 ANGLE 4 BUTTON PtJNc.H SEAM HELD Cil 24" O.c.. 3. REFERENC-E SHEET A3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. (EXGERPTS OF ORI61NAL BUILDING S TRUe. ruRAL DQC.lJMENTS). 4. SEE 5H@51"100RSTRUe.ruRAL DETAILS B 4 C. i ! 2. VERIFY EXISTlN6 c.oNDITIONS AND NOTIFY THE OHNER OF ANY INc.ONSISTENC.IES. CONFIDENTIAL SONY DISC MANUfACllJRlNC SPRlNCFlBD <? L ~ B L ~ ~~~Y.D Ah'~ ~ 1049 /" ~RA 0:: J c ...."l:::... D . u>; Pall ,lIlEGON ~ ~ ~ l'<f OF \)~~ F G o 0) APPROXIMATE AREA OF HaRK ON 2ND FLOOR CJ Z - a: ...I :::J ...I I- u:: z <..) lJ c:( r::: z LL ?C"'" Z :::J ~ ~ LU c.. Z ~8 0 z c.:: c:( o~ :s 0 ~ ~o_ g ..:9 c.. ww ~ <..) !Z!S lJ (/) ::l~ z z .....: U lJ - ... C '" > < ~ . ~ z ~ :s ~ c.. c.:: 0 0 0 Ul ...I iu" ! Job No. 4121-03 DIll!: 03-14-2000 Relonnce: , Shoo!: A1 -1 , " " I "" . . . . '" \ . , :1 , ~?C)(, 'I 1:;)01..<::1 E:l- '::::. :tI~Q IS" o.c.... eA, wlrl ill ': , r I . ... Co = 4OC:::O f'-:' . cAi" ,'-..;' ) , \"-iF.> ' , -I - -0' b - - -=L.... - - - --;{i'.~ ~- ~-i ( 3" - 2-0 j"- T'i?<: u:> DE:fJ. . T'IPc=. D-I ~ 3> ~E::F. DE:.T. ([) eu=~) ~. . \.~/ --A n~ c. , , ': ,I' ~ :;;1- -'\ ~ _____I - -.:::0 . rn . ' -1r~ J- ,-t c. <,L1: . "tl:r-.-:t , ., ~rJ t1 ~) .~--t '\ ,,-I \.,' ,7 S'i-I ~.. .L~ - :r i; I , ( .; C!' z - c: :J I- 0, <( u. >~ . <.... ' :J ~~ : Z ~O_ ZU " <( O~,. ""'== ~O lIIIIII::: ZO' ilL.... o ~5' ,^ :::l~ . V" ,... g: ~ - Ul C ~ :z: o Ul . --- ....J, ....J, u: Z tJ Z Z w 0- ~o -< ~ t;:jO 00 ....J, OLL. ZtJ -<Z ZtJ ~ ~ O-u ....J,-< ~O- b :> ~ I- t!V) ! ~"- lE:.) l.A.:lF ~ ~ ,......- CON T 1-5....-::...-.5'/1<.. C>E::-lO'...l b - ~. <"€:o.':)....vp, ~i .-- -.. - --.. L5~~Sht, ')I: ,'- 10" CoNT: L5')<.::.~ s/I(; . IN} 'I z..... 9S tt1l- II ~ l(. r.::o.. T .n: ~ 12.." O. c.. . @.. E"1-\~T. I a..D FU".LT'E. ~ TiP . LS1f,.~ ~ -roLS"-:> / '/,+V o DETAIL AT INFILL 5c.ALE, 1/8" = 1'-0" (0 DETAIL AT INFILL 5c.ALE, 1/8" = 1'-0" CONFIDENTIAL SONY DISC MANUfACl\JRJNC Sl'lUNQIBD Job No. 4121-03 ~~~tD Ah>~ ~ 1049 Y 2;gRA 0:: 0- 03-14-2000 - Shoe!: . <.p. r , ~ />e> OF A2 . -' . (~ \. ,. , . GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES -. . CODE REClJIREMENTS' CONFORM TO THE UNtfORW BUl.DINC CODE. 1997 EDmON. AS.wENDED BY THE STATE Of OREGON. ~N<<; COP.fOlTlONS, AU EXl5T1NC CQHOInONS. DIMENSIONS AND ElEVATlQIlS ARE TO BE FIElD ~. fHt. t;UNIKACTOR SHALl. Nonn mE AROi1TECT OF ~y S1CNlFlCAHT DtSCREPANarS fROW ntAT SHOWN ON THE ORA'MHCS. DE~ ~ DESlQt WAS BASED ON THE STRENGTH AND DEflECT1Qrc CRITERIA OF THE 1991 UNI.. C CODE. IN ...aamON TO THE DEAD LOADS, THE F'OLlOV4NC LOADS AND AUOWASLES KR( USED FOR OESlCN, NTH U\'{ LOADS REDUCED PER USe: Raor 25 PSF" LL (SNOW ORIn' AS SHOWN QN PlANS) fl.OClRS, PROCESS MEZZANINE OfflCES CORRlOOOS, STAIRS SlAB ON GRA[)(: UNDER PROCESS WIoRDiOU5( AU.OWABlE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE '25 80 '00 PSf PSI'" LL + 20 PSI" PMnnQNS PSF LL 200 PSf STORACE RACK LOADS IN we. AREA 2:aoo PSF (PER SOILS REPORT BY GRl DATED NAROi 30. 1994) WIND 80 MPH - EXPOSURE C EARTHQUAKE DESlCH IS BASED UPON THE F'CUOV.mC: Z . 0.40, I .. 1.0, R. .. 8. 5-1.2 DESIGN AND DET~NG BASED ON CRITERIA FOR SElSWIC ZONE 4. !$MlnALkSHOP DRAWINGS SHAU. BE SUBMITTED TO n-u: AROilTECT PRIOR TO fABRICATION CONS T1Q1l FOR AU. STRUCTURAl lTEUS INQJJDING n([ FQ.LQWNC; CONCRETE MIX DESIGNS, CONCRETE AND MASONRY RElNf'ORCEwENT INa.UOlNG Mill lEST REPORT, [MSEDDED STEEl. ITEMS. STRUCTURAl STEEl INQ..UOlNC MILL TEXT REPORTS. STEEl. JOISTS. STEEl. DECK., AHD SlED. STUOS. CF' THE SHOP DRAWINGS 0lfFER FRa.t OR AOO TO niE OESlCiN OF TliE SlRUClVRAL ORA'MNcs. THEY SHALL BEAR THE SEAl. AND SIGNATURE OF A STRUCTURAl. ENaHttR, REGlSttRED IN nif STATE OF OREGON. NlY Q(ANG(S TO THE STRUCTURAL. DRAWINGS ARE sua..ECT TO REVIEw AND ACCEPTANCE Of' me: AR01lTECT. ' fl[LD ENGlNEERm DETAILS, DE'tUOPED BY THE CONTRACTOR. THAT 0IfFER fROW OR ADO TO THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS SHAU. BEAR THE stAl AND SIGNATURE rs: A STRUCTURAl. (NQNE[R REGISTERED IN THE STATE Of OREGON AND SHAU BE suaMITI[D TO THE ARCHTECT PRIOR TO CONSTRuCTION. INSPECTION. SPEOAl INSPEcnON. BY AN APPRO\fEO SPEOAL. INSPECTOR. SHALL BE PERFORMED fOR $QLS COWPAcnON, CONCRETE AND RElNfORONG PlACEMENT. PRECAST CON~TE PLACEMENT. S1E(L fABRlCAnDN AND ERECTlai, (wBEDOED ea.T P\..ACOIENT, EXPANSION AND EPOXY ANCHOR PlACEMENT. K1Q-1-STRENGTH BOL11NC. YlEL.DINC. STRUCTURAl. MASONRY PLACEMENT. SPRAY-APPUED FlREPROOFlNC AN[) CURTAlNWAU INSTAUATION. AlL SOlL-BEARlNG SURFAC!:S SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE SDlS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PlACEMENT Of RElNfORONG STEEL CONCRE:Jt. CONCRETE WORK SHAlL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 26 rs: THE UN!f()ItU BUILDlNC .COOE. COHCRE STRENGTHS SHAlL BE VERtFIEO BY STANDARD 28-0AY C'l'UNOER TESTS PER ASTV 09 AND SHAlL BE AS fOLLOWS: ABSOLuTE WATER-CEMENT RAllO BY ~IDlru5f. ~ 400D .NON AIR-ENTRAINED ... All USES UNLESS NOTED AIR -ENTRAINED .J> HIGHER WATER/CEMENT RAnos THAN SHO'" ABO\IE MAY BE USED If SUBSTANTIATED IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH AO J1B-B9. CHAPTER 5. MlH1MUM CEMENT CONTENT PER OJ8lC YARD SHALL BE AS fCl..LOWS: !Llf& 3000 400D MINIWM CEMEHT PER ~ YARn 470 LaS. 050 UlS. FlYASH CONFORMtNC TO vac STANDARD NO. 26-9. TYPE F OR TYPE C, MAY BE US[D TO REPL.Aa: UP TO 20% OF THE CDlENT CONTENT PROW)(() THAT THE MIX STREHGTH IS SUBSTANTIATED BY TEST DATA.. j THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBWIT CONCRETE MIX O(SlGNS, ALONG WITH TEST,OATA AS REOUIRED. A M1NIWUM rs TWO ~ PRIOR TO PLAONC CONCRETE.. . A WATER-REDUONC ADloIlXT\lRE CONFORMING TO ASTV C494. USED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUF'ACTURERS' RECOMMENDAllONS. SHALL BE w...._.V'_"'-'TEO IN CCHCRETE DESIGN MIXES. A H!Qi-RANCE WATER-REDUONC (HR'Mf) ADUIXTURE CONFORMING TO ASTW'C494. T'l'PE f OR G MAY BE USED IN CONCRETE MIXES PROVlOtNG THAT THE SlUMP DOES NOT EXCEED 10-. AN AIR EHTRAlHlNC AGENT. CONFORMINC TO ASTW C260. SHAlL BE USUl IN CONCRETE MIXES fOR EXT'ERtOR HORIZONTAl SURfACES EXPOSED TO Y1EATHER. THE AMOUNT Of' ENTRAINED AlRSHAU. BE 5~ 1~:t BY YCUJIoIE. StEE\fE5, OPEHlNcs, CClNOU1T AND OTHER EJ,IB(ODEO ITEMS NOT SHO'" ON THE STRUCTURAL DRA'MNGS SHALl. BE APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER BEFORE POURlNG. CONDUITS EUBEOOED IN SI..ABS SHAll BE NOT lARGER IN OUTSIDE 0lWENg()N THAN CI\lE THlRO rs: mE naOCNESS rs THE SlAB AND SHAll. BE SPACED NOT Q.OSER THAN THREE DlAME1[RS ON CENTER. PROVIDE 3/4- OiAWFtRS ON AU. EXPOSED CONCRETE EDGES UN..ESS NOTED OTHER'MSE. P5lNF'ORCINC STErr. REtNf"ORONG STEEL SI1AU. CONfOR" TO ASTW 0\615. INQ.UOING Sl. GRADE 60. OR OEFORUED BARS AND ASTW AI85 fOR SlfOOTH 'Ml.OED YttRE fASRSC (W'I\f'), UNLESS OTHER'II1SE NOTED. RONf'ORONC STtQ. TO BE wn.om 5HAU. CClNfCRW TO ASTU A 706. CQ.UMN SPUULS SHAU. BE PlAIN OR OEFORWED BARS ctlNf'ClRl.ltNc TO ASn.t 0\615. ~ADE &0. RL...."'^_... STEEl SHAlL BE SEOJRD. y nm IN Pl.ACE 'fITH 116 ANNEAlED IRON WIRE.. BARS IN BEAUS AHO Sl.ASS SHALL BE SUPPORTED ON vnL-CUREO CONCRETE BLOCKS OR APPRO\fEO METAl OWRS AS SPEOflED BY THE m51 MANUAL. Of STANDARD PRACTIct: MSP-l. REINFORClNC . STEEl. SHAlL 8[ OETAA.EO IN ACCClROANa: WITH THE -AO MANUAL CS STANDARD PRACTICE F'OR OETAlUNG o\o;.oo..."'^......:......- CONCRETE $lRUCTURES,- AD 315. SHCP QRAWlHGS ARE TO INQ.UOE El.[VAnONS rs AU. BEAUS AND CQ..UMHS SHO'fIHG BAR lOCATIONS. LAP.AU. RONfCRONG BARS VIITH A 'Q..ASS A' LAP SPlJCE. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE THE LAP SPUCESHAU. BE 18'" fOR ,3 AND ,. RElNFORQNG BARS AND 24'TOR 1$ BARS. MEOtAHICAl SPlICES NOTED ON THE PlANS SHAll ~ 125 PERCENT or THE SPtOf1ED YIU.O STRENGTH CS THE BARs IN TENSION AND COWPRESSON. I . " I RElNFClRONG STEEl.. SHAU. HA\IE PROTtCnoN AS FCUOWS: \IX. BEAM AND COLUMN BARS SlAB BARS WAU. BARS; INTERJQR FACES EXPOSED TO EARTH OR llEA THEA fOOTING BARS CONCRETE: WAll RElNfORONC ~UHl.ESS OTHEA'II1SE NOTED): = 1-1/2- (TO SllRRUPS OR TIES) ,. J/4~ 1-1/"r (15 AND SWAUER) 2- (16 AND lARGER) J" -:4.'1 n.nrx,.~ V[RnCA.I. R~ ~ ~nRI7t'WTA.l R~ &- '4 0 12- D.C. '4 0 12- O.C- 0 Q. rs: WALL 8" IS 0 15~ O.C. 15 0 15- o.C- 0 a. Of WALL 10- '4 0 16~ 0 C '4 0 16- O.C. 0 EACH rACE 12~ '4 012. D.C- '4 012- O.C- 0 EACH FACE AT OPEN!NGS PROWl( A MIHII.lUM OF TWO 15 BARS OVER, UNDER AND ,. T THE SlOES. rs: TH[ OPENlNCS. EXTEND THESE BARS LAP DISTANCE OR A MlNtMIJI,l Of 2.~ PAST THE OPENINC. PRO\1OE CNE 15 FOR SlNQ.E LA'f'ER RElNfORClNC AND TWO I!!J fOR 00UBt..E LAYER RElNfORONG, 4'-0- LONG, OlACClNALLY AT EACH CORNER Of AlL QP[NINC5. REFER TO T"l'PICAl. DETAILS fOR [xSPOSITION CS CORNER BAAS AND BARS IN S1.lALL WAlL SECTIONS. SLAB BARS SHALL BE HOOKED INTO WALLS OR HOOKED OOY6.S SHAlL BE PRO\o1()(() TO MATCH SlAB REINf'ORONG. PRO\1OE TWO ~. 4'-0. LONG [MAGONALLY AT EACH RE-ENTRANT CORNER IN SLABS. PROVIDE HOCIKEO OOYIRS FAa.. FoollNGS TO MATOt VERTICAl. WAlL RE....~"'^........ tnNCRF'TF' ,.ccr5!mRlF"~' HEADED SHEAR STUes SHAlL BE NElSON HEADED ANOlORS VI1TH flUX(() ENDS OR APPROVED. DEFORMED BAR ANOlORS (DBA) SHALL BE NELSON TVPE D2L OR APPROVED. STUDS AND DBA SHAU. BE AUTOWATICALLY END WELDED VI1TH DiE MANUfACTURER'S STANDARD EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS. EMBEDDED PlATES AND ANQ.ES PERMANENtlY EXPOSED SHALl. BE HOT-DIPPED CAt..VAN1ZED AFTER FABRICAllON. UNLESS DTHER'MSE NOTED. COIl INSERTS SHAU. BE BURKE'S STRAIGHT COIl LOOP INSERTS EW-t06 OR EOUAL. ( CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE. ,/800 0lA.. REINFORCEMENT. DRILLED AND EPOXIED WITH 500 MINIWUU EM8EOMENT AND 300 MINIMUM EOCE DISTANCE. Ee2n JiRQ4.T, EPOXY GROUT SHALl. BE A TWO COMPONENT UQUID EPOXY 'MTH NON-SAC CON~51t.N(;T AND A lONG POT UF[, MlN\UUW SlANT SHEAR STRENGTH SHALL BE 5000 PSI AND MINIMUM TENSIlE STRENGTH SHALl. BE 4000 PSI. HOlES FOR CROUTED RODS AND REBAR SHAlL BE 1/4. lARGER THAN THE BAR DIAMETER. INSTALlATX>>4 SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE Wl.TH THE MANUfACTURER'S RECClN.M[NDATIONS. STRUCruRA.l STFTI. STRUCTURAl. STEEL SHALl. BE ASN AJ6. OR ASTM ~72 GRADE 50 AS HOTED. TUBES SHAlL BE ASTW A500 GRADE B CF'y .. 46 KSI). PIPES SHAlL BE ASTN A:.Ol OR ASTV A5J. CRADE B. DESIGN. fABRICATION AND ERtcnON SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE .,.,TH THE -AlSC SPEOnCAnON fOR THE DESIGN, fABRICATION ANa ERECTION rs: STRUCTURAl. STEEL fOR BUIlDINGS.. BOLTS SHALL CONFCRW TO THE ASnl SPEOFICAnON fOR AJ25 HIQ-I STRENGTH BOLTS. WELOlNG SHAlL CONF'CRW TO THE AWS CODES FOR ARC AND GAS WELDING IN BUa..DlNG CONSTRUCTION. Vft1DS SHALL BE MACE USING E70XX ELECTRODES AND SHALL BE 3/16- tr.tlNIMUW UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ~NC SHALl. BE BY AWS CERT1F1ED WELDERS. PREQUAUflED WELOING PROCEDURES ARE TO BE USED UNLESS AWS OUAI.JFlCATION IS SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO fABRICATION. STF'f:'I Mac. STtEL fLOOR DECK SHALL BE A COMPOSITe: TYPE WITH RIBS AT 12- O.C.. Of THE SIZE AND CAG( SHO'Ml ON THE PlANs. SlED. ROOf DEQ( SHALL BE 1 1/2" T'l'PE B. STEEL DECK SHALL CONfORM TO ASTW ""46. GRADE A. THE CAt.. VANlZEO COATING SHALL CONfCRM TO ASTN A52:s. C6Q; A C90 YMERE lEFT PERMANENtly EXPOSED TO ~ THER. . G1i. ROOF' DECK GAG(S ARE SHQ'M\I ON 5/56-2 AND ARE BASED ON J-SPAN. UNSHOR(D CONDlnONS, MINIWUM PROPERTIES FOR FLOOR AND ROOf' DECK ARE AS fOl..LOWS~ A I FLOOR DEO<.: I (IN yrn S (IN yrn J~ -20 GAG( 0.B96 0.486 ROOF' DEO<.: 1 .1/2--20 CAGE 1 1/2~-18 GAG( 1 1/2~-16 CAGE 0.220 0.296 0.J79 0.235 0.322 0.412 F1 m nF'CK' SHAU. BE ATTAOtED TO SU~T AS Fa..LOWS: 1 2- OIAtolETER PUOOl.E WELDS AT 12- O.C- AT TRANSVERSE AND PERIMETER SUPPORTS 1/2- DIAMETER PUODI..E WELDS AT 16" O.c. AT lONGITUDINAL SUPPORTS BUTTON PUNCH OR 1-1/2- TOP OR SIDE SEAM WELD AT 36.. D.C. AT SlOE lAP __.....:._.......5 CONFIDENTIAL SONY DISC MANUFACTURlNC SPRJNalB.O ~~~t.D Ah'~ ~ 1lJ.49 Y f;;S RA A 0:::: . ~ 4 Pi> OF ....u. .... .. ....,. ARCHITECTS 209 s.w. Oak, #600 Portland, OR 97204 503-223-4886 CapyriWlt@ 200D 8Ml NdWtects ..J ..J u:: Z (.j Z Z w 0- o "'~ ~o 09 z..... ~~ ~ - W (.j ~ ~ (.ju ..J < < 0- ~ :J b :J ~ .... i'" ! ~ Z - a: ::) I- o < LL. >~ ~~ ::) ~z Z z8 < o~ lIIIIl:::: ~O lIIIII::: zo' o ~~ C/) s~ - 6; c I>t ~.. o Ul Job .... 4121-03 o.u.: . 03-14-2000 -- 'l5I-= A3 - COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 SPAINQfI'.BLD Wii:t1III '-JOB NUMBER~-Ai:lW~...~ / . . -- .- I INSPECTION LINE: 726.3769 OFFICE: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' Id-.. 7. \ IcfT F-'il..1oJ AT IDt-J A.L ASSESSORS MAP' )?~":f /~ ~1S - - - \A/ Po. 1.( TAX LOT' ~:;-r../6~ ,.. OWNER' -;; n I\) "-\ "" log ,.. _ N\ ~ N \A r' A.C-'\' IA IL.I N ~ ADDRESS: 1"1"'" , ~;-lO. p...Ntl...'T' f O-t..J-A.'\....... 'v...J c:. "" CITY: <...Or.? I ~G.t: 11== I..D STATF' 0 R.. PHONE: G\~~ - 1"'1.2.'" ZIP: q '74 II DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _I "-l ~ t=: ILL REMODEL J 1='0 /'{/l.... (6, J ::J.! 'f.. ~ I rLOOlL 'PVJ F:TRA"T'f VrJ<; DEMOLISH OTHER VALUE: 7,7 ~ <: ADDRESS ~()C\ ~W _ ()A.K- \\- "00 '\)62-TLAtJC> ()~ 97'lD4 CONST. CONTRACTOR' EXPIRES t,J. ~~A.IP E'..&~q?q02.. NEW ADDITION NAME ARCHITECT' ~ ML CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: . ['(\c.K..U\l '2-1 ~ ADDRESS ff)l'rIiY\.~Co5 PLUMBING: MECHANICAl' ELECTRlf'" . PLUMBING NO FEE CHJ\RGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg. (new fix. addtl\ Water Service Sanitary Sewer ft. ft. ft. Storm Sewer Backflow Device TOTAL PERMIT I I Nn I I I I I I I I I I I I PHONE (<;'01) '2."")..... - 4<:{, <? '" \ MECHANICAL Furnace/burner & vent < 100.000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent > 100.000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or floor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate stationary evap. cooler vent Fan/Single duct Vent System apart from AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct TOTAL PERMIT Permit Issuance - OFFICE USE - LAND USE: OUAD AREA: . OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: . OF UNIT'" CONSTR. TYP~' HEAT SOURCF' . OF STORIEf' Sa. FT. sa. FTG MAIN sa, FTG ACCESS SO, FTG OTHER X X x PLAN CHECK FF~ RCPT' I BUILDING PERMIT 15% State Surcharge [ MECHANICAL [5% State Surcharoe I PAVING PLUMBING 5% State Surcharge FENCE VALUE S SIDEWALK CURBCUT . S/SO. FT. DATF FT. FT. , HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD PLAIN' "I PHONE ,<I....-,7.Ct:L I I:~~ ('J..I6D(:lC' I I I I I .' I ' I I I I I I I I I I S10.00 I I ZONINC" LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER' VALUE TOTAL VALUE OF,PROJErT BY DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL PERMITS SYSTEMS , DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES I EXCLUDINGELECTRICA' I I ! --~- -;;- A' REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. . . ' ~ It Is th~ resp';';sfbITliy of the permit hZ to see that all.lnspectlons are made at the proper time. To request an Inspection, call '726.3769 (recorder), state your City designated Job number, job address, type of Inspection requested and when you will be ready for Inspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m, will be made the following work day. . SITE INSPECTION: To be ROUGH PLUMBING, made after excavation, but ELECTRICAL & prior to setup of forms. MECHANICAL: No work Is to ". be covered until these UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, Inspections have been made . ELECTRICAL & and approved. MECHANICAL: To be made before any work Is covered. PAVING: After gravel Is In place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. , ~ ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance Section 306 of the State Specialty Code a special Inspector shall be employed by the Owner' Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel In place, but prior to placing concrete. CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all Inslab building service equipment. conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillary equipment Items are I n place but before any concrete Is placed. FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing m!'terlals and before framing Inspection. FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are In . place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical are approved. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 2500 P.S.1. (306 a.1) STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the job. (2722 f) UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to Installation of floor Insulation, decking or floor sheathing. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all Insulation and required vapor barriers are In place but before any lath or gypsum board Interior wall covering Is applied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt Installation and tightening operations. (306 a.6) UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, electrical. gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage lines. To be made prior to covering or filling trenches. SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U.B.c. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork. (306 a.11 & Chapter 29) POST & BEAM: To be made prior to Installation of floor Insulation. decking or floor sheathing. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, Interior and exterior, Is In place but before any plastering Is applied or before gypsum board Joints and fasteners are taped and finished. GLU.LAM BEAMS: Inspection Certificate by an approved agency, furnished to the City's Building Division before beams are placed. (2501 U.B,C. STDS. 25-10,11). FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to Installation of decking or floor sheathing. STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a.7) MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals In accordance with UBC 2415. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub.base material In place. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to Installing any roof covering. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. 'In addition to the Inspec- tions specified, the Building Official may make or require other Inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. ------------------------------------------------------- FINAL PLUMBING SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days In advance of the date you wish Inspection. All project conditions such as landscaping, parking lot striping, etc. must be completed before requesting this Inspection, FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrical, mechanical and Fire Department Inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been Issued by the Building Division and posted on the premises. FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS- PLANS REVIEWED BY DAT~ By slgr:'a~ure.l state: an~ .agr~e, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify th~t all Information... herein Is true and correct, and I further certIfy that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY 'wllrbe made of any structure wlthourpermlsslon of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are In compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required Inspections are requestad at the proper time, that project address Is readable from the ~1;;,e::'dt~~~~h~o~~~'Z~~car~ I~~ated :t tQt of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain Oln the site at all ,,,....,, \ t Ov\"" 1<1_.. J ,." ,( 1-'1., '" VALIDATION: AMOUNT RECEIVFn. DATE PAID: RECEIPT #: RECEIVED BY' I