HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1993-8-16 (2) ~,I,GN i:.i.:nlVllT API"L1CA'~ .....:.J J dlh .,)IH:I~t @ Sp,illUlicld, on 97477 ~ \.UMIlEII Inspection Line: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 q~~1[A1 1.~.~^~'~or'J ~f PROPOSED ryRK: __. 3. ~b t-nkltJ 1\...L..,OI1.. Mi\P:___l. U..jl~~d_. 5r. "':>01='-1/. ~ TAXLO~: ()( rf--1 ( y ) 4-84-- "10[30 PHONE: OWNEil: __~"}.""t: M'o /2.. 1/ ee ^DDnESS: I '2A-5 Pt3:;;tr2-.L $.,-, CITY _.____.__...cf:v~ ~~ IlU:;INE:;S NAME, FIflM ETC.: -r HE. MoS 5 r2-V<;f. Of!-, kJJ-r, 4Jv~S ZIP: 774---0<5 ST ^ TE: W"II _ Freestanding _ ProjectinQ .Roof. ""<.,, * gl.A/?t: <;I~N nl-&" DESCIIII'T10N Of' PflOPOSED SIGNIS): {please checl< and complete all appropriate' information} Sil.1UIC Face .K Double face Billboard X- Other . Squinc FootaUI~: 10. b Totol Heioht above Grade: V{:nictll Dimension of sigll or enclosure: :32" Horizontal Width of sion or enclosure: 4-f] .. l)illll:llsiUlI frulIl Gr~1l1(: I r .. III botlOITl 01 Sion: ( --0 Electrical Installation: _ Yes K No (If yes lldditional rmrrnil is required) VALUE: &JOV, 00 MallHi;11 SiUIl is eunst.rueted of: MOo (?Lt/c--voO , ,">n. -rl/f%;. S77"~ ~( I.ist ^LL'IJxislitlu SiUtl;IUC and attach a photogroph of each sign: (;1) TYI"; _h_'_ Sq. FtO. Ibl Type Sq. FtU. lei Typo: Sq. Flo.' Id) Type Sq. FtO. CONTI \ACTOI\/INSTMLER: E3u q W f.- S"'JN fZ.- AIA/H u.../c, PHONE: 4-{3~- i?'?"f-{. ^DOnESS: /2 to oA'~PA-rt:.-H fZ--r::> . CITY:. 'E:u~fZ STATE: CJZ.- . ZIP: q7 '-/0'5' . COI~~;TI\UCTION CONTf1ACTOnS f1EGISTRATION NUMBEn: (,2-"fo"l EXPtRES: /2- 2."-"73 CITY nUSINESS LICENSE NUMBEf1: ___'1'3-_t!..:r_"1.b EXPIRES: t;- 3 0 - "'''1- SiIJIIDi~lricl:~~ C'.t ./ Sinn Pellllit Fee: _.~.m Land Use: ... ~2{'i) Code Section: q -'I ~ l.:=s (6l. '\ Approved By: \J~.J~Q ( ) Ouad Arcn: l0 (\ )h) OFfiCE USE Zonint): DATE: CL~ RLq,S I1EOUIIIED INSPECTIONS: _._oo____ Site In Ilo 11l;lde prior \0 SIOIl.l)I~cemcnt. __~_ FootillU prior to placement of concrete ____._ ^ttaclUTlCllt aller fasteners arc installed/prior to cover 'Electrical prior to encrgi7ing )( Fillal C(t1;ction of sign installation Addilit.lllLl1 COIl11l11:nts aluJ/or Conditions: -. By siunaturc:, I sta((~ and agree, lhat I, have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all inform<ltioll herein IS Ir\Jt~ :ul\l ,corrccl, ilnd llur\her certify that allY and all work pcrlorllled shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances uf tile City 01 Sl'rillofidd, and tl10 Lclws 01 Ihe SWIC of Orcooll perwininu 10 the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors <Illd 1~lljflloy(:es who ;H(~ in compliance witll ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further <lUree to l:flSUrc that all required inspections me requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that tile perlllit card is 10CillCd at the frolll 01 the properly, and the npproved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation 01 tile sign(s). Siu,"'tule ~~ ~ fv"i~(. ~17.</ g... Az.,.vl....c, Date -;-2-3 -<7] Receipt Number: AI> ~b.7'2, qtjl,;<6 Date Paid: Received By: C;? ,110 -q~ \....~p, V;llidatillll: ^mount Received: ',1 . . . SIGN PEf1MITAPPLlCATION ' TIH: ilpplic,ILioll 011 the (c.:vtrse ,side needs lO Iw completed entirely. If you arc the sign contractor/instLlllcr, or it you <lre hiring a cuntractor, you need to make sure thLlt both thc. City 01 Springfield Business License Number and t!lC Registration NUlllbcr lronl the State of Oregon CO'llslruction Contractors Board arc 'Iisted 011111c 'application along with the expiration . -. ' j -.' . ",'" dtllc 01 0':1(:1"1.' I.' lithe sign you are proposing is illuminated, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either n supurvisillO electrician. lirnitcll siyn electricul COI1Wlctor, or If you oro the Uuslnoss ownor who also owns tho bulhJlnu In Wllich you a;e occupying, and you will be perloiming the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical :lpplicalion. If. there {Ire cxistinu wall andlor freestanding signs, a photograph(s) of each oxisting sign needs to bo attach~d to tho applicatioll. The size of each existing sion also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To subrnit lor;'] sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plall indicLllillg where tht..: proposed sign will be loc~Hed. If you arc instnl!ing il frccstnnding sign which exceeds 20 '[Ul:t in total tu:ight, the footing detail needs to be prepared and stamped by [I registered engineer. After' the plan review prtlcess is cOlllpleted, and, if your siUn(s) is <lpprovcd, one set will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need lu bc at tll(: site when all inspection is requested Jor the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS DepclldinU, on your siun{sl. you rn;JY be required to request aile or all of the following inspections during the insWllatioll . (II your si~lI: Site: To be requested Lilter indicatillU on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed for the installation of the sign. This inspection is' required if there is a question on the IOCc.ltion 01 the proposed sign; FOOlinu: Tu IHl requestcd alter excavation and the forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed in the footinU, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. ^11"c:llIn~nl: Tu be requested when all fasteners are installed but prior 10 cover. [[l~ctricnl: To bc requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prior to energizing. Fillal: Mter all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. The inspections that arc required for your specific siUn will be indicated on the application during the plan review process. Failure to request ANY of the required inspections cou!d result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work. To request an inspection, phone 726.3769. This is a 241lour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Oesiunalod Job Number, location of where the siUn is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, land when you will be wady for the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same wnrkino clay, all inspections phoncd in alter 7:00 a.m. will be mllde the following work day. If you have any questions regarding the llpplication, required plans or in.spections, please feel free to phone the Building S;i1cty Division..1l 72G.3759. Cit)' Ill' Sprin~lield . Bnildin~ Sal'ely Divisinn 225 Firth Streel Springfield. OR 97477 '. \ ,