HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 6/29/2007 Notice of DecIsion - Site Plan Modification, Type II SPRINOP'.ELD PrOject Name Thurston High School Athletic Fields Sports Complex PrOject Proposal Proposes to construct Phase 3 of the Thurston High School Athletic Fields Sports Complex a new grandstand to accommodate 1000-1500 people and a fire access lane Case Number DRC2007-00035 PrOject LocatIon The subject property IS located at 338 58'" Street (east of 58"' and north of A Street), Assessor's Map 17-02-34-32 TL 100 Zonmg. Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Overlay DIstricts NA Applicable Refinement Plan and DeSIgnatIon: NA Metro Plan DeSIgnatIon. Public Land and Open Space Pre-Submittal Meetmg Date' May 8, 2007 ApplicatIon Submitted Date May 18, 2007 Dec'slon Issued Date June 29, 2007 RecommendatIon' Approval Appeal Deadline Date, July 16, 2007 ASSOCIated ApplicatIons Jo No 2002-09-0290 (Discretionary Use Site Plan) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Planner 3 Land Use Planning Linda Pauly 726-4608 Transportation Planning Engineer TransportatIon Gary McKenney 726-4585 Publ,c Works Englneenng Sanitary & Storm Sewer, Matt Stouder 736-1035 UtilitieS & Easements Deputy Fire Marshall Fire and L,fe Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Community Services Manager BUilding Dave Puent 726-3668 APPLICANT PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Spnngfield School DIStrict 19 Spnngi,eld School DlStnct Randy NIShimura, AlA 189042" Street 19 Robertson Sherwood Architects Spnngfield, OR 97477 525 Mill Street PC Spnngfield, OR 97477 132 E Broadway Eugene OR 9740 I SIte Plan ModIficatIOn DRe 2007-00035 DECISION TentatIve SIte Plan ModIficatIon Approval, wIth condItIons, as of the date of this letter Th,s IS a limited land use decIsion made according to city code and state statute Unless appealed, the decIsion IS final Please read this document carefully The standards of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) applicable to each critenon of Site Plan Modification Approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance Final S,te Plans must be ,n conformance with the tentative site plan as cond,tloned Buildln~ plans and Site development must conform to the Final S,te Plan Approved Final Site Plans (lncludln~ Landscape Plans) shall not be substantively changed dunng Buildln~ Permit Review without an approved Site Plan Mod,ficatlon DecIsion All conditions of D,scretlonary Use S,te Plan Jo No 2002-09.0290 shall be applied to the proposed use MAP OTHER USES THAT MAY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION None The proposed use was previously approved as a Discretionary Use In accordance with the Spnngfield Development Code and Discretionary Use permit (Planning Journal Number 2002-09-0290) No other uses are authonzed by thiS decls,on Final Site Plan and Building Plans must conform to thiS decIsion REVIEW PROCESS, ThiS application IS reViewed under Type II (administrative) procedures listed ,n Spnngfield Development Code Section 3 080 and the site plan cntena of approval SDC 3 I 060 Th,s application was accepted as complete upon submittal, May 18, 2007 Th,s dec,s,on IS ISsued on the 40th day of the 120 day rev,ew penod mandated by the state (ORS 227 178) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAUBACKGROUND The applicant proposes to construct the third phase of ,mprovements to the h,gh school's sports complex facilities Improvements Site Pion ModificatIOn DRe 2007-00035 2 ,nclude a 1000-1500 seat grandstand, paved fire/emergency access lane with turn-around and hydrant, and mod,ficatlons to a fence The proposed use was previously reviewed and approved as a Discretionary Use under Planning Journal Number 2002-09-0290 The prevIous decls,on was conditioned to reqUire Site Plan approval for each phase of development The proposed mod,ficat,ons Will allow construction of Improvements which were shown In the eXisting site plan SITE INFORMATION The property IS zoned and deSignated PLO according to the City ZOning Map and Metro Plan The s,te abuts 58" Street along Its western boundary and A Street along ItS southern boundary Land to the north, east and west of the sublect property IS zoned Low DenSity Residential (LDR), and land to the south 's zoned Community Commercial (CC), General Office (GO), Medium DenSity Residential (MDR) and Low DenSity Resldent,al (LDR) The subject property IS currently developed with Thurston High School and assoCiated athletic fields WRITTEN COMMENTS Applications for Limited Land Use DecIsions reqUire the not,ficatlon of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allOWing for a 14 day comment period on the application (SDC Sections 3 080 and 14030) The applicant and parties submitting written comments dUring the notice period have appeal rights and are mailed a copy of thiS deCISion for conSideration (see Appeals at the end of th,s dec,slon ) In accordance with SDC 3 OBO and 14030, notice was sent to owner/occupants w,thln 300 feet of the sublect site on May 22, 2007 The follOWing comments were received In response to the Notice Mr Ken Clough, mailing address 5729 MaIO Street, Sprmgfield 97478 resides at 204 60" Place next to the eXisting pedestrian access to the school property at the end of 60" Place Mr Clough stated that he supports the high school activIties but was concerned about the lack of controlled access to the site from 60'" Place He stated that the fence was old and ,n disrepair and that he has observed motorcycles and b,cycles accessing the school property through the opening In the fence Staff Response Planning and T ranspoCtatlon staff VISited the site to ascertain whether fence repair, closure and/or Installat,on of a bollard would be appropriate In thiS location The fence appeared to be In satisfactory condition and does limit access to a narrow pedestrian scale opening Staff found that the eXisting access across the field allows students to get to school without uSing Main Street and thus closure of thiS access would comprom,se the public safety of young people, teachers and employees walking to school Illegal activities such as off-road motorcycle use can be reported to the Police Department Mr George Moms, mailing address 6112 MaIO Street, #4, Sprmgfield 97478 reSides across the fence from the south end of the school fields He stated that he IS In favor of the proposed grandstand (bleachers) but does not want A Street extended He noted that nOIsy activity has occurred after 1230 am that brought the police and that the lights had been left on all n,ght He stated that the public should not be responsible for nOise control that late at night and for the expense of lighting left on all night Staff Response The Springfield Planning CommiSSion reViewed the proposed Discretionary Use at a public hearing held January 7, 2003 Staff reViewed the meeting minutes, wh,ch Include a summary of the d,scusslon of nOise and lighting ,ssues Approval of the use was cond,tloned to limit light levels near reSidential property lines and the cessation of field lighting one hour after Site Plan Mod/ficatJOn DRC 2007-00035 3 the game or event In their deliberations, Comm,ssloners noted that hours of events vaned to the extent that specific lighting "curfews" would not be practical and could comprom,se public safety The proposed development does not Include extension of A Street, nor does th,s dec,slon reqUire It A future extenSion of A Street from the northern terminus of 60'" Place proceeding eastward IS shown on the City of Spnngfield Conceptual Street Plan At this time, the City has no programmed project or Immediate plan to extend the street BUild-out of the applicant's proposal will Increase levels of act,v,ty at the site as more games and events are held on-SIte Increased act,vlty may deter unauthonzed actiVIties at the s,te However, staff finds that given the nature of a high school as an Important meeting place for community youth, It can be expected that from time to time excesses will occur that require the type of police act,on Identified by Mr MOrris Site Plan Modifications - Cntena of Approval SDC 31 100, SDC 31 100 (4), SDC 31060 SDC 3 I 100 (I) states The SIte Plan Modlficat,on process establishes procedures to allow certain adjustments to an approved SIte Plan, eIther after Prehmlnary Approval or after Final Approval ThIs process shall assure that any proposed Site Plan ModIficatIon continues to comply w,th SectIon 31 060 of thIs ArtIcle SDC 31 100 (3)(b) states A Malor SIte Plan ModIficatIOn applicatIon shall be evaluated under the Type II revIew process The applicatIon shall be revIewed based on a part,cular standard as spec,fied In SectIon 31.060 of th,s ArtIcle, e g a modIficatIon In the stormwater management plan, a substantIal Increase In the s,ze of the bUIlding or when commercIal or industrial development abuts property zoned res,dent.al The Site Plan Modification process establishes procedures to allow certain adjustments to an approved Site Plan, e'ther after Preliminary Approval or after Final Approval as specified In Section 31 090 of this Article This process shall assure that any proposed Site Plan Modification continues to comply with Section 31 060 of this Article Finding The prevIous Discretionary Use dec,slon (Planning Journal Number 2002-09-0290) was cond,t,oned to requ,re Site Plan approval for each phase of development SDC 3 I 100 (4) states The criteria of approval for a S,te Plan ModificatIon application shall be In compliance wIth the applicable standard and/or criteria of approval speCIfied In SectIon 3 I 160 of this ArtIcle SDC 3 I 060 CRITERIA OF SITE PLAN APPROVAL states The Director shall approve, or approve w,th condItions, a Type II SIte Plan RevIew ApplicatIon upon determining that Criteria (I) through (5) of thIs SectIon have been satIsfied If conditIons cannot be attached to satIsfy the crIteria, the Director shall deny the applicatIon Conformance with the Eugene-Sprmgfield Metro Areo General Plan, Sprmgfteld Development Code Article 31- Site Plan Review Standards, Article 32- Public and PrIVate Improvements, Art,cle 23- SIte Plan ModlficQtlon DRe 2007-00035 4 ) Public Land and Open Space District were required for approval of the applicant's Site Plan Mod,ficat,on Finding, On June 5, 2007, the City'S Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed plans and supporting information City staff's review comments have been Incorporated In findings and cond,t,ons contained herein The S,te Plan Modification application as submitted complies With the code standards listed under each Cntenon of Approval unless otherw,se noted With speCific findings and conclUSions Cntenon I -SDC 31 060 (I) The zonmg IS consIstent WIth the Metro Plan dIagram, andlor the applIcable Refinement Plan dIagram, Plan DIstrict map, and Conceptual Development Plan Finding The Public Land and Open Space zoning 's consistent With the Metro Plan d,agram ConclUSIon The proposal satIsfies SIte Plan Criterion I Cntenon 2 - SDC 3 I 060 (2) CapacIty requirements of public Improvements, meludmg but not limIted to water and electriCIty, sanitary sewer and stormwater management faCIlitIes, and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public Improvements shall be avaIlable to serve the sIte at the tIme of development, unless otherwIse prOVIded for by th,s Code and other applicable regulatIons The PublIC Works Director or a utIlIty prOVIder shall determme capacIty Issues I Cntenon 3 - SDC 3 I 060 (3) The proposed development sholl comply WIth all applicable public and private deSIgn and constructIon standards contamed m thIS Code and other applicable regulatIons Finding Cntena 2 and 3 require the proposed development to be prOVided With public and private Improvements which are des'gned In conformance With all applicable Development Code requirements and the current Engmeermg DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual The applicant's Civil engineer shall also be reqUired to prOVide construction inspection services Flndmg The ,ntent of Cntenon 2 IS to ensure that publiC Improvements are Installed and serve development In accordance With the Metro Plan The Metro Plan indicates that new urban development must be served by at least the minimum level of key urban services at the time development IS completed (Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Area General Plan, III-G-I) Site Plans are development In accordance With ORS 227215 The City Interprets Cntenon 2 to mean that on-s,te and off-SIte public Improvements not only have capac,ty but are also extended to the developable area for connection Therefore, In order to ensure the development compiles w,th Cnterlon 2 for the provls,on of public ,nfrastructure the required public Improvements must be Installed and approved before final site plan approval or occupancy of the site Finding' The Development ReView Committee and the Public Works Director's representatives have reViewed the proposed s,te plan and the surrounding publiC services The site plan appl,catlon as submitted complies w,th the applicable code standards listed under each Site Plan Modl(1catlon DRe 2007-00035 5 sub-element unless otherwise noted with specific findings and conclusions The elements, sub- elements and code standards of Cnterlon 2 and Cnterlon 3 Include but are not Iim,ted to PublIC and Private Improvements In accordance wIth SDC 31 and 32 . Public Street and Related Improvements - SDC 32020,32090 . Sanitary Sewer Improvements, SDC 32 100 . Storm Water Management and Quality, SDC 32 110 and SDC 31 240 . Utilities - SDC 32 120 (I) and (2) . Fire and Life Safety Improvements - SDC 32 120(3) . Public and Private Easements, SDC 32 120( I) and (5) 2 Conformance WIth standards ofSDC ArtIcle 31, S.te Plan ReVIew, and ArtIcle 23, Public Land and Open Space DIstrict . Permitted Uses - SDC 23 020 . Lot SIZe and Setback Standards - SDC 23 030, 23 050 . Lot Coverage Standards - SDC 23 040 . Height Standards, SDC 23 060 . Off-Street Parking Standards - SDC 23 070 and SDC 3 I 170,230 . Fence Standards - SDC 23 090 . Landscaping Standards - SDC 3 I 130- I 50 . Screening and Lighting - SDC 31 160 3 Applicable Overlay D,striCts and Refinement Plan ReqUIrements . None are applicable to thiS development Finding All public and private site Improvements are reqUired to be deSigned In conformance With City codes, thiS deCISion, and the current Engineering DeSign Standards Manual The applicant's Civil engineer shall also be reqUired to prOVide construction inspection services Finding' The Public Works Director's representatives have reviewed the proposed site plan City staffs review comments have been Incorporated In findings and conditions contained herein Public and Pnvate Improvements In Accordance With SDC 31 and 32 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SDC 32 110 SDC 32 110 (2) states The Approval AuthOrity shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provIsions have been made as determined by the Public Works D,rector, consistent WIth the Engineering Des.gn Standards and Procedures Manual SDC 32 110 (3) requires a stormwater management system to accommodate potential run-off from ItS entire upstream drainage area, whether Ins,de or outSide of the development SDC 32 110 (4) reqUires that run-off from a development shall be d,rected to an approved stormwater management -system With suffiCient capacity to accept the d,scharge Site Pion ModlficQtJon DRC 2007-00035 6 Finding' Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CW A), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant D,scharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Spnngfield IS reqUIred to obtain, and has applied for, a Mun,clpal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit A provls,on of thiS permit reqUIres the City demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollutIon In urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) Finding Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules requ,re the City's MS4 plan address SIX "Minimum Control Measures" Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post- Construct,on Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment," applies to the proposed development. Finding Minimum Control Measure 5 reqUIres the City of Spnngfield to develop, Implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants In stormwater runoff to the MEP The City must also develop and ,mplement strategies that Include a comb, natIon of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropnated for the community Finding' Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Spnngfield use an ord,nance or other regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff from new and re-development projects to the extent allowable under State law Regulatory mechanisms used by the City Include the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC), the City'S Engineering DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) and the future Stormwater FaCilities Master Plan (SFMP) Finding As reqUired In Section 31 050 (5) of the SDC, "a development shall be reqUIred to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with Metro Plan poliCies and the Engineering DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual" Finding Section 3 02 of the City's EDSPM states the PubiC Works Department will accept, as Intenm deSign standards for stormwater quality, water quality faCilities des,gned pursuant to the poliCies and procedures of e,ther the City of Portland (BES), or the Clean Water ServIces (CWS) Finding Section 3 03 3 B of the City's EDSPM states all public and pnvate development and redevelopment proJects shall employ a system of one or more post-developed BMPs that In combination are deSigned to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction In the total suspended solids ,n the runoff generated by that development Section 3 03 4 E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non-building rooftop Impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality Improvement uSing vegetative methods Finding The applicant proposes to use double chambered catch baSinS to provide pre- treatment for the stormwater runoff from the new fire lane Finding' The applicant proposes to drain the slab underneath the bleachers w,th catch bas,ns The catch baSin type and connecting p'pe Size are not specified Double chambered catch baSinS are reqUired for pre-treatment of stormwater runoff The downstream connectIon pOint of the under-slab stormwater collection system IS not specified Cond,t,on I Pnor to final s,te plan approval, the applicant shall specify the type of catch baSin, the size of connecting pipe to be used In the under-slab stormwater collectIon system, and the downstream connection pOint for the under-slab stormwater collection system Srte Plan ModlficQtion DRe 2007-00035 7 CondItIon 2 Pnor to Final S,te Plan approval, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term ma,ntenance and operation of the proposed Gibson Double Chamber Catch Basin or equivalent, consistent With maintenance crltena required by Gibson Steel or equivalent The plan shall designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and shall be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the s,te , Frndrng' As conditioned, the proposed site plan modification sat,sfies thiS sub-element of the criterion Conformance With Standards of SDC Article 3 1- Site Plan ReVIew and ArtIcle 23 Public Land and Open Space Dlstnct Frndrng The proposed use was previously approved as a Discretionary Use In ac<:ordance With the Spnngfield Development Code and Discretionary Use Site Plan (Planning Journal Number 2002,09-0290) as allowed under SDC 23 020 (2)(m) Sports Complexes and Stad,ums Unless otherwise noted, the Site Plan Modification 's consistent With the previously approved Discretionary Use Site Plan and meets all applicable PubliC land and Open Space Zoning District Standards SPECIAL USE STANDARDS SDC 23 100 (2) - NOISE SDC 23 100 (2) states StadIums, sWlmmrng pools and other maJor nOIse generators shall be located a mInimum of 30 feet from reSIdentIal property hnes and shall be screened by a nOIse attenuatrng barrrer Frndrng According to Finding 14 of the staff deCISion for the eXisting D,scretlonary Use S,te Plan Journal Number 2002-09-0290, "A nOise attenuating bamer IS not proposed, however a nOise analYSIS IS proposed" The Notice of DeCISion for Journal Number 2002-09,0290 Condition 5 reads The applIcant shall buffer nOISe from the SIte for all sportmg events to meet the followmg standards OAR-340-3S-03S Table 9 Frndlng. Table 9 's attached to th,s deCISion (Attachment I) Frndrng, Sheet A3 of the subject application depiCts the applicant's proposal to Install nOise control panels at the south end of the grandstand The appl,cat,on also Included an appl,cat,on narrative written by Mr Steve Barrett, Deputy Supenntendent for Spnngfield Public Schools On page 2 Mr Barrett states 'The bleachers/grandstand deSign contained Within the Site Plan application Includes a descrrptlon of nOise contral panels to be mounted to the south end of the bleachers However, the District Wishes to not Incur the conSiderable expense af installing these panels If not reqUired by the City Note that the nOise level at the south property line (adjOining reSidential propenres) would be 5dBA In excess of the OAR 340-35-035 standard as calculated by Alben G Dubie, P E, the acoustical consultant retained as pan of the applICant's deSign team .. Mr Barrett c,tes the exemption for crowd nOise under OAR 340.35-035 (see below) Frndrng. The applicant's plans and submittal narrative are inconsistent On June 11,2007, staff rece,ved a telephone call from the applicant's representative Randy Nishimura, Robertson Sherwood Architects, which speCifically requested that staff review the school district's proposal Without the nOise control panels Mr N,sh,muralthe school d,stnct based thiS request on the fact that OAR 340-35-035 Section I C 5(1), page 16 speCifically exempts crowd nOise at sporting S,te Plan Modification ORC 2007-00035 B events and the sound of marching bands from the DEQ standard referenced by of OAR 340-35- 035 "(5) Exemptions Except os otherwIse provIded m subparagraph (l)(b)(B)(II) of thIs rule, the rules In sectIon (I) of thIs rule shall not apply to (f) Sounds not electrOnically amplIfied whIch are created by or generated at sporting, amusement, and entertamment events, except those sounds whIch are regulated under other nOIse standards An event IS a noteworthy happenmg and does not Include mformal, frequent, or ongomg actIvItIes such as, but not lImIted to, those whIch normally occur at bowlmg alleys or amusement parks operatmg In one locatIon for a sIgnificant per/ad of tIme" ' Fmdmg, Although crowd nOise IS exempt under OAR 340-35,035 Section I C 5(1), page 16, 5DC 23 100 (2) speCifically reqUires mitigation of nOise from "major nOise generators" such as "stad,ums, sWimming pools and other maJor nOise generators" ,n the Public Land and Open Space ZOning D,strlct The local ordinance reqUires nOise to be screened by an "attenuating barner" for such uses Staff finds that the proposed use IS a malor nOise generator as desCribed under SDC 23 100 (2) The prevIous decIsion by the Planning Commission to allow the discretionary use Uournal Number 2002-09-0290) recognIZed thiS fact and condlt,oned the Discretionary Use approval With Condition 5 Condition 5 speCifically reqUired adherence to a clear and obJective standard to be met by the applicant the DEQ Table 9 standards for allowable statistical nOise levels The Planning Commission acknowledged that Table 9 prov,des a reasonable standard With which to measure and evaluate nOise levels from the proposed land use for cons,stency With the nOise attenuation reqUirement of SDC 23 100 (2) Fmdmg The applicant did not subm,t a nOise analYSIS With thiS application Fmdlng. The applicant's proposal w,thout the nOise control panels does not prov,de buffering of nOise from the site for all sporting events to meet the standards of OAR-340-35-035 Table 9, thus the proposal IS not consistent With Journal Number 2002-09-0290 Condition 5 The proposal does not provide the nOise attenuating barner reqUired by SDC 23 100 (2) Condition 3 Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall prOVide a nOise analYSIS which demonstrates that the nOise levels from the proposed use will meet the standards of OAR-340. 35-035 Table 9 or that the nOise will be buffered to meet the standards of OAR-340-35-035 Table 9 Or~gon >\dnllIllstntl e Rules Chapler 340 DIH,lon 35 Dt>partlOenl of Em 1ronmental Qwbl\ TABLE 9 (340 35-035) Industrial and Commercial NOise Source Standards for Quiet Areas Allowable StatistIcal NOise Levels In Any One HOllr 7 am 100m 100m 7am L 0- 50dBA L,o - 55 dBA l, -60dBA l...ll-45 dBA L, - 50 dBA II - 55 dBA The Final Site Plan shall Include details of the nOise attenuating barner Site Plan ModtfJcatJon DRe 2007-00035 9 ConclusIon' As conditioned, the proposed Site plan mod,ficatlon satisfies this sub-element of the criterion Conformance with Overlay Dlstncts and ApPlicable Refinement Plan ReqUirements ConclusIon The proposed site plan modification sat,sfies this sub-element of the criterion ConclusIon As cond,t,oned, the proposal satIsfies SIte Plan CrIterIa of Approval 2 and 3 Criterion 4 - SDC 31 060 (4) Parking areas and Ingress-egress POints have been desIgned to facIlitate vehIcular traffic, bIcycle and pedestrian safety to avoId congestIon, provIde connectIvIty WIthin the development area and to ad/a cent resIdentIal areas, transIt stops, neIghborhood actIvIty centers, and commercIal, industrial and publIC areas, minImIze curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specIfied In ArtIcle 31, 32, the appropriate refinement plan, and comply WIth the OOOT access management standards for state hIghways Finding. The proposed site plan modification does not propose mod,ficat,ons to the eXisting parking areas and Ingress-egress pOints Ingress-egress to the s,te will occur from the three eXisting entrances along 58th Street No change In traffic Impact IS expected to occur ConclUSIon The proposal satIsfies CrIterIon 4 Criterion 5 - SDC 3 I 060 (5) PhYSIcal features, mcludmg but not lImIted to slgOlficant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their assocIated riparian areas, wetlands, rock outc!oppmgs and hIstOriC features have been evaluated and protected as reqUired by thIS Code Finding, The Natural Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, the Water Quality Limited Waterways Map, applicable refinement plans, the Wellhead Protect,on Overlay District Map and the list of H,storlc Landmark Sites have been consulted The proposed site plan modification does not affect any phYSical features on the subject property which require evaluat,on or protection ConclUSIon' The proposal satIsfies Criterion S. CONCLUSION The Site Plan as subm,tted IS In conformance With the applicable Criteria 1-5 of SDC 3 I 060 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL All conditions of Discretionary Use Site Plan Jo No 2002-09-0290 shall be applied to the proposed use Cond,tlon I Prior to final s,te plan approval, the applicant shall speCIfy the type of catch baSin, the size of connecting pipe to be used In the under-slab stormwater collection system, and the downstream connection pOint for the under-slab stormwater collection system Site PIon ModlficatlOn DRC 2007-00035 10 Condlt,on 2 Pnor to Final S,te Plan approval, the applicant shall provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for rev,ew to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed Gibson Double Chamber Catch Basin or equivalent, consistent with maintenance cntena required by Gibson Steel or equivalent The plan shall designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system, and shall be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site Condlt,on 3' Pnor to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant shall prOVide a nOise analys,s wh,ch demonstrates that the nOise levels from the proposed use will meet the standards of OAR-340- 35-035 Table 9 or that the nOise w,lI be buffered to meet the standards of OAR-340-35-035 Table 9 Olegoll .o\dn JI1I~tntl\ e Rules C lnpt('r ~-W Dn lSolon :; ~ De01fTme-ut of Em 1'"0 LUetH1} Ql111lt\ TABLE 9 (340-35-035) Industnal and Commercial NOise Source Standards for QUIet Areas Allowable Statistical NOise levels In Any One Hour 7 om 10 pm 10 Dm 7 om L 0- 50 dBA L. -4Sd9A L :l - 55 dBA L1 ~ 60 dBA L\ - 50 dBA L\ - 55 dBA The Final S,te Plan shall Include details of the nOise attenuating barrier WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE BY THE APPLICANT TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL' FINAL SITE PLAN, A Final Site Plan Application, the Final Site Plan Fee, five cop,es of a Final Site Plan and any add,tlonal required plans, documents or information are required to be submitted to the Planning D,v,s,on WIthin 90 days of the date of thIS letter ThIS deCISIon IS based on the submItted TentatIve S,te Plan The Final SIte Plan must show conformIty WIth the TentatIve SIte Plan, complIance w,th SDC ArtIcle 3 I Criteria of Approval 1-5, and the condItIons of approval The Final Site Plan shall become null and VOid If construction has not begun Within two years of Final Site Plan approval, I e the s'gnlng of a Development Agreement A Single one-year extension may be granted by the Director upon rece'pt of a wntten request by the applicant including an explanation of the delay Work under progress shall not be subJect to Development Approval exp,rat,on DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement IS reqUired to ensure that the terms and conditions of site plan review are binding upon both the applicant and the City Th,s agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the Final S,te Plan and must be Signed by the property owner pnor to the Issuance of a building permit A Building Permit shall be Issued by the Building OffiCial only after the Development Agreement has been Signed by the applicant and the Director No bUilding or structure shall be Site Plan Mod/(icQtJOn DRe 2007-00035 II occupied until all,mprovements are made m accordance with this Article, except as specified m Section 31 I 10, Security and Assurances Upon sat,sfactory completion of site development, as determmed by a Fmal Site Inspect,on (prior to the final buildmg mspectlon), the City shall authorize the provls,on of public facilities and services and Issue a Certificate of Occupancy NOTES . An encroachment permit and a Land Dramage and Alteration Permit may be reqUired for this development The applicant shall not commence any construction activities on the site without an approved Land Dramage and Alteration Perm,t approved by City Public Works Department . Signs are regulated by the Springfield MUnicipal Code Article 9, Chapter 7 The number and placement of signs must be coord mated w,th the Community Services D,vls,on (726-3664) The location of s'gns shown m a site plan does not constitute approval from the Community Services D,vls,on A separate sign permit IS required AdditIonal Information The application, all documents, and eVidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free mspectlon and copies are available at a cost of $0 75 for the first page and $0 50 for each addlt,onal page at the Development Services Department, 225 F,fth Street, Springfield, Oregon Appeals If you wish to appeal th,s Tentative Site Plan Approval, a Type II Limited Land Use decIsion, your application must comply With SDC Art,c1e 15, APPEALS Appeals must be submitted on a City form and a fee of $250 00 must be paid to the City at the t<me of submittal The fee will be returned to the appellant If the Plannmg Commission approves the appeal application In accordance With SDC 15020 which provides for a 15 day appeal period, the appeal period for thiS deCISion expires at 5 00 p m on July 16, 2007 Ouestlons' Please contact Lmda Pauly at the City of Springfield Urban Plannmg D,V'SIOn If you have questions regard,ng th,s process Prepared by' Lmda Pauly Pianner 3, 726-4608 Site Plan Modr(1cotJOn DRe 2007-00035 12 Attachment I Oregon -\dtrunt,:>rrau\e Rules Cb.apter 3+0 Dl,1';IOn)':; Department ofEuurouruental Quabr S,te Plan ModlfJcatlOn TABLE 9 (340-35-035) Industnnland Commercial NOise Source Standards for QUIet Areas Allowable Statistical NOIse levels III Any One Hour 7 illll -10 pm L.o - 50 dBA L , - 55 dBA L, - 60 dBA 10 pm - 7 am L.o - -15 dBA L,-50dBA L, - 55 dBA DRe 2007-00035 /3